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The Florida Senate

HB 5001 — General Appropriations Act

by Appropriations Committee and Rep. Corcoran (SB 2500 by Appropriations Committee)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Appropriations Committee (AP)

The General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 provides for a total budget of $82.3 billion, including:

  • General revenue (GR): $30.3 billion
  • Trust funds (TF): $52.1 billion
  • Full time equivalent positions (FTE): 113,416.32


Total: $3 billion

  • Working Capital Fund - $1.0 billion
  • Budget Stabilization Fund - $1.4 billion
  • Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund - $568 million

Major Issues

Education Capital Outlay

  • Total: $693.5 million [$678.5 million PECO TF; $15 million GR]
    • Public School Repairs and Maintenance - $75 million
    • Charter School Repairs and Maintenance - $75 million
    • Developmental Research Schools - $5.3 million
    • Public School Special Facilities - $75.4 million
    • Florida College System Repairs and Maintenance - $36.2 million
    • Florida College System Projects - $176 million
    • State University System Repairs and Maintenance - $61.8 million
    • State University System Projects - $168.5 million
    • School for the Deaf and Blind Critical Repairs and Maintenance - $9.1 million
    • Public Broadcasting - Health and Safety Issues - $3.1 million
    • Vocational-Technical Colleges - 3.8 million
    • Osceola County Schools - $4 million
    • Division of Blind Services - $310,000
  • In addition: $35 million in authorization for SUS Capital Improvement Student Fee Projects

Florida Retirement System

  • FRS Normal Costs, Unfunded Actuarial Liability, and an Administrative and Educational Fee Adjustment - Total $52.4 million [$46.6 million GR; $5.8 million TF]
    • State Agencies - $4.1 million GR; $5.8 million TF
    • School Boards K-12 - $34.6 million GR
    • State Universities - $4.9 million GR
    • Community Colleges - $3.0 million GR
  • State Group Health Insurance - Total $95.1 million [$55.5 million GR; $39.6 million TF]
  • Pay Issues - Total $6.5 million [$2.5 million GR; $4.0 million TF]
    • Department of Agriculture Firefighter Salary Increase - $2.4 million GR
    • Crime Lab Salary Adjustments - $3.96 million TF
    • Military Affairs Pay Adjustments - $0.11 million GR

Information Technology

            Total - $12.4 million [$9.4 million GR; $3.0 million TF]

Domestic Security

            Total - $30.8 million TF

State Match for Federally Declared Disasters

            Total - $23.1 million GR

Education Appropriations

Total Appropriations:  $19.8 billion [$15.5 billion GR; $4.3 billion TF][1]

Total Funding - Including Local Revenues:  $31.8 billion [$19.8 billion state funds; $12 billion local][2]

Major Issues

Early Learning Services

Total: $1.05 billion [$557.7 million GR; $477.1 million TF]

  • Voluntary Prekindergarten Program - $395.2 million GR; including additional $5.9 million for 2,223 students and BSA funding maintained 
  • School Readiness Program  - $570.8 million [$137.1 million GR; $433.7 million TF]

Public Schools/K12 FEFP

Total Funding: $20.2 billion [$11.3 billion state funds; $8.9 billion local]

  • FEFP Total Funds Increase is $458 million or 2.33%
  • FEFP Increase in Total Funds per Student is $71, a 1.00% increase
  • Enrollment Workload Increase of $143 million state funds for additional 35,494 students
  • Property Tax Millage Reduction of .29 mills [Property Tax Relief of $428 million]
  • Federally Connected Student Supplement - $12.1 million
  • ESE Guaranteed Allocation - additional $96 million to return to pre-recession funding level
  • Supplemental Academic Instruction for Extended Day Program for Intensive Reading for 300 Elementary Schools and Workload - additional $61 million
  • Digital Classrooms increase of $20 million for a total of $80 million

Public Schools/K12 Non-FEFP

  • Mentoring Programs - $15.2 million GR
  • Educator Professional Liability Insurance [$2 million coverage] - $1.2 million GR
  • Teacher and Administrator Professional Development programs - $9.3 million GR
  • Best and Brightest Teacher Scholarship Program - $49 million GR
  • School District Matching Grants for school district foundations - $4.5 million GR
  • Exceptional Education Program funds - $6.7 million [$4.3 million GR; $2.3 million TF]
  • Florida School for the Deaf & Blind - $50.2 million [$45.7 million GR; $4.5 million TF]

District Workforce

Total: $535.3 million [$286.4 million GR; $202.2 million TF; $46.7 million tuition/fees]

  • Workforce Development - $365 million [$276.5 million GR, $88.5 million TF]
  • CAPE Incentive Funds for Industry Certifications in Targeted Occupational Areas, including Health Science and Information Technology - $4.5 million GR

Florida College System

Total: $2.4 billion [$966.2 million GR; $273.8 million TF; $1.2 billion tuition/fees]

  • Designation of Distinguished Colleges $2 million GR
  • Performance Based Funding  - $60 million GR
    • $30 million State Investment [GR]
    • $30 million Institutional Investment
      • Reprioritization from the base of each institution
  • CAPE Incentive Funds for Industry Certifications in Targeted Occupational Areas, including Health Science and Information Technology - $10 million GR
  • Funding Model Equity - additional funds - $10 million
  • Compression Funding - additional funds - $12.5 million

State University System

Total: $4.7 billion [$2.5 billion GR; $322.7 million TF; $2.0 billion tuition/fees]

  • Performance Based Funding  - $500 million
    • $225 million State Investment [GR]
    • $275 million Institutional Investment
      • Reprioritized from the base of each institution
  • Johnson Matching Gift Program  - $1.2 million GR ($465,000 Increase)
  • Additional Funds for Preeminent and Emerging Preeminent State Universities - $36.9 million GR

Private Colleges

Total: $156.8 million GR

  • Florida Resident Access Grant - Maintains current student award amount of $3,000
  • ABLE Grant - Maintains current student award amount of $1,500
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities Funding Increase  [$800,000 GR]

Student Financial Aid

Total: $408 million [$109.4 million GR, $298.6 million TF]

  • Bright Futures - Workload Decrease - $22.5 million TF
  • Florida National Merit Scholar Incentive Program - Workload Increase - $4.5 million
  • Children/Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans Workload Increase - $1.7 million
  • Need-based educational benefits to pay living expenses during semester breaks for active duty and honorably discharged members of the Armed Forces - $1 million

Vocational Rehabilitation

Total: $216.6 million [$49 million GR, $167.6 million TF]

  • Adults with Disabilities funding - $5.4 million 

Health and Human Services Appropriations

Total Budget: $34,313.9 million [$9,490.8 million GR; $24,823 million TF]; 31,772.57 positions

Major Issues

Agency for Health Care Administration

  • Total: $26,599.7 million [$6,545 million GR; $20,054.7 million TF]; 1,546 positions
  • Hospital Rate Adjustors: Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) - $67.7 million GR; $105.9 million TF
  • Florida KidCare Coverage for Lawfully Residing Children - $28.8 million TF
  • Medicaid Charter School Reimbursement - $4.0 million GR; $6.3 million TF
  • Medicaid Homeless Mental Health Transitional Housing - $4.0 million GR; $6.3 million TF
  • Medicaid Long Term Care Waiver Wait List (will serve approximately 570 individuals) -
    $3.2 million GR; $5.0 million TF
  • Physician Supplemental Payments - $204.0 million TF
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU/ Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) - $3.0 million GR; $4.7 million TF
  • Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled (ICF/DD) Rate Increase -
    $4.0 million GR; $6.3 million TF
  • Rate Increase for Private Duty Nursing Services - $3.0 million GR; $4.7 million TF
  • Funding for Children’s Specialty Hospitals - $7.3 million GR
  • Florida Medicaid Management Information System - $8.7 million TF
  • Legal Representation - $3.2 million TF
  • Advanced Data Analytics and Detection Services - $3.0 million TF
  • Rural Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement Adjustment - $.9 million GR; $1.5 million TF
  • Reductions Based on Historical Reversions - ($2.2) million TF
  • Contract Savings - ($.3) million GR; ($1.8) million TF
  • Management Efficiencies - ($.5) million TF; (19) positions

Agency for Persons with Disabilities

Total: $1,310.1 million [$550.0 million GR; $760.2 million TF]; 2,711.50 positions

  • Service Provider Rate Increases - $24.08 million GR, $37.7 million TF:
    • Service Provider Rate Increase to Address Federal Fair Labor Standards Act - $14.4 million GR; $22.5 million TF
    • Residential Habilitation Provider Rate Increase - $4.2 million GR; $6.6 million TF
    • Adult Day Training Provider Rate Increase - $2.7 million GR; $4.3 million TF
    • Personal Supports Provider Rate Increase - $2.7 million GR; $4.2 million TF
  • Transition Waitlist Individuals to the iBudget Waiver (will serve approximately 1,350 individuals) -$14.2 million GR; $22.2 million TF
  • Transition Waitlist Individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome - $1 million GR; $1.6 million TF
  • Rish Park and Developmental Disability Centers Fixed Capital Repairs - $2.8 million GR
  • Additional Funding for 30 Staff at Regional Offices - $1.3 million GR; $1.3 million TF
  • Client Data Management System - $1.9 million TF
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Rule Implementation - $.4 million GR; $.5 million TF
  • Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review and Utilization Review - $.2 million GR; $.4 million TF
  • Support for Behavioral Analysis Services - $.5 million GR, $.5 million TF
  • Supported Employment Services for Waitlist Individuals - $.5 million GR

Department of Children and Families

Total: $3,090.4 million [$1,715.3 million GR; $1,375.1 million TF]; 11,909.5 positions

  • CBC Core Services Funding - $7.5 million GR; $15.4 million TF
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - $20.5 million TF
  • Grant Program for Central Receiving Systems - $10 million GR
  • Community Teams Providing Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - $9.8 million GR
  • Maintenance Adoption Subsidies - $.3 million GR; $6.4 million TF
  • Expansion of the Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program - $6 million GR
  • CBC Risk Pool - $5 million GR
  • Additional Staff at the State Mental Health Facilities - $1.4 million GR; $3.1 million TF
  • State Mental Health Facilities Additional Forensic Beds - $3.8 million GR
  • Community Forensic Beds - $3.5 million GR
  • Transition Vouchers for Individuals With Behavioral Health Conditions - $3.5 million GR
  • Child Welfare Training - $3.1 million TF
  • State Employee and CBC Adoption Incentive Awards - $3 million GR
  • Healthy Families Expansion - $.5 million GR; $1.5 million TF
  • Challenge Grant Program for Homeless Assistance - $1.2 million TF
  • Homeless Coalitions - $1 million GR
  • Maintenance and Repair of State Facilities - $2 million TF
  • Surveillance System for State Mental Health Facilities - $1.6 million GR
  • Automated Medication Dispensing System for State Mental Health Facilities - $1.5 million TF
  • Enhancements to FSFN application - $2.1 million GR; $4.6 million TF

Department of Elder Affairs

Total: $311.3 million [$134.7 million GR; $176.6 million TF]; 433.5 positions

  • Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Expansion  - $4.2 million GR;
    $6.5 million TF; 394 additional slots
  • Serve Additional Clients in the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) Program (will serve approximately 324 individuals) - $2.0 million GR
  • Alzheimer's Disease Initiative - Frail Elders Waiting for Services (will serve approximately 133 individuals) - $1.6 million GR
  • Aging Resource Centers - $.7 million GR; $.7 million TF
  • Information and Registration Tracking System - $.1 million GR; $.1 TF

Department of Health

Total: $ 2,896.8 million [$536.1 million GR; $2,360.7 million TF]; 14,065.57 positions

  • Child Nutrition Program - $34.3 million TF
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers - $18.3 million GR
  • Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Program - $13.4 million TF
  • Continuing Disability Review - $12.1 million TF
  • Free and Charitable Clinics - $10.0 million GR
  • Disability Determination - $9.8 million TF
  • County Health Departments and State Laboratories Fixed Capital Repairs - $7.9 million TF
  • Sanford-Burnham Research Institute - $1.1 million GR; $4.5 million TF
  • Funding for Safety Net Program - Children’s Medical Services Network - $5.0 million GR
  • Poison Control Centers - $3.7 million GR
  • Pharmaceuticals for the Department of Corrections - $3.2 million TF
  • Information Technology - Addressing Security Risks and Disaster Recovery Services -
    $2.3 million GR
  • Funding for Alzheimer’s Research - $2.0 million GR
  • Pregnancy Support Services - Wellness Services - $2 million GR
  • HIV/AIDS Research at NIH-Designated Centers - $1.0 million GR
  • Reduce Waitlist for Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program Medicaid Waiver  - $.4 million GR; $.6 million TF
  • Cancer Registry Enhancements - $.7 million GR
  • Nurse-Family Partnership Implementation - $.7 million GR
  • Epilepsy Services Program - $.6 million GR
  • Statewide Marketing Campaign for the Developmental Disabilities Information Clearinghouse - Bright Expectations - $.3 million GR
  • Management & Efficiency - ($.5) million GR; ($15.0) million TF; (517.0) positions

Department of Veterans Affairs

Total: $105.6 million [$9.8 million GR; $95.8 million TF]; 1,106.5 positions

  • Continue Construction of the Seventh State Veterans’ Nursing Home - $6.8 million TF
  • Maintenance and Repair for State Veterans’ Nursing Homes - $2 million TF
  • Florida is For Veterans Training Grants - $1.5 million GR
  • Replacement of Office and Medical Equipment in State Veteran Nursing Homes - $1.1 million TF

Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations

Total Budget:  $4.974.6 billion [$4.084.1 billion GR; $890.5 million TF]; 45,608.50 FTE

Major Issues

  • Department of Corrections redirection of funds to address operational deficiencies - $50.2 million
  • State Court Revenue Trust Fund revenue shortfall - $8.5 million in recurring GR
  • Construction of the Third and Fourth District Court of Appeal (DCA) courthouses - $14.0 million

Attorney General/ Legal Affairs

Total: $308.6 million [$53.3 million GR; $255.3 million TF]; 1,390.50 FTE

  • Criminal appeals workload - $.6 million GR
  • Agency information governance for E-Discovery - $.5 million GR
  • Medicaid Fraud Control Unit - Civil Enforcement - $4.0 million TF
  • Implement the Federal Victims Assistance and Compensation (VOCA) Grants - $95.2 million TF
  • Statewide Network of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Program - The Children’s Campaign - $.5 million GR / $2.6 million TF

Department of Corrections

Total: $2.40 billion [$2.33 billion GR; $71.8 million TF]; 24,107.00 FTE

  • Reduce overtime and fill vacant positions - $12.2 million GR
  • Health Services funding for increased costs - $15 million GR
  • Motor vehicles - $3.3 million GR
  • Reentry programs - $5.3 million GR
  • Residential substance abuse treatment services - $.9 million GR
  • Fixed capital outlay for repair and maintenance of DOC facilities - $17.0 million GR

Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)

Total: $293.1 million [$114.4 million GR; $178.7 million TF]; 1,830.00 FTE

  • Forensic Services enhancements - $3.8 million TF
  • Increase investigative staffing for officer involved shooting and use of force investigations - $1.7 million
  • Fixed capital outlay for new Pensacola Regional Operations Center - $3 million GR
  • Replacement of crime scene vans - $.7 million TF
  • Sexual assault kit backlog reduction plan - $2.3 million GR
  • Increase Domestic Security Grants Trust Fund authority - $3.9 million TF
  • Increase Grants and Trust Fund authority - $2.6 million TF
  • Capitol security upgrades - $.2 million TF
  • Critical information systems upgrades - $1.7 million TF
  • Computerized Criminal History (CCH) system replacement - $3.2 million TF
  • Libra System Software/CCH system upgrade - $1.6 million TF
  • Automated Training Management System update - $1.5 million TF

Department of Juvenile Justice

Total:  $545.8 million [$395.7 million GR; $150.1 million TF]; 3,269.50 FTE

  • PACE Centers for Girls - $2.4 million GR
  • Children-In-Need-of-Services/Family-In-Need-of-Services (CINS/FINS) - $1.5 million GR
  • Fixed capital outlay for repair and maintenance of department-owned facilities - $6.2 million GR
  • Staff to youth ratio increase in contracted residential programs - $1.9 million GR
  • Information technology infrastructure replacement - $.7 million GR

Supreme Court

Total:  $34.1 million [$18.1 million GR; $16.0 million TF]; 287.50 FTE

  • Operational support for the Supreme Court - 6 FTE and $.7 million GR
  • Interior space refurbishing - $.2 million GR

District Courts of Appeal

Total:  $60.8 million [$46.8 million GR; $14.0 million TF]; 445.00 FTE

  • Construction of the 4th DCA courthouse - $7.5 million GR
  • Completion of construction of the 3rd DCA courthouse - $6.5 million GR

Trial Courts

Total:  $425.5 million [$365.0 million GR; $60.5 million TF]; 3,598.00 FTE

  • Address revenue shortfalls in the State Court Revenue Trust Fund - $8.5 million GR
  • Naltrexone injections to treat opioid- and alcohol-addicted offenders - $2.0 million GR

Justice Administrative Commission

Total:  $107.9 million [$106.6 million GR; $1.3 million TF]; 99.00 FTE

  • Increase flat fee rates for court-appointed attorneys - $2.9 million GR
  • Increased due process funding for court-appointed attorneys - $3.4 million GR

Guardian ad Litem

Total:  $46.4 million [$46.1 million GR; $0.3 million TF]; 740.00 FTE

  • Increase staffing to represent children in in-home care - 25.5 FTE and $1.4 million GR
  • Increase staffing to represent children in out-of-home care - 19 FTE and $1.1 million GR

State Attorneys

Total:  $442.3 million [$341.2 million GR; $101.1 million TF]; 6,131.50 FTE

  • State Attorney workload - 42.25 FTEs and $2.3 million GR / $889K in TF

Public Defenders

Total:  $222.9 million [$182.8 million GR; $40.1 million TF]; 2,863.50 FTE

  • Public Defender workload - 56.5 FTEs and $3.6 million GR / $2.4 million in TF

Capital Collateral Regional Counsels

Total:  $10.4 million [$9.8 million GR; $0.6 million TF]; 92.00 FTE

  • Capital Collateral Regional Counsel (CCRC) - North Office workload - 4 FTEs and $.4 million GR

Regional Conflict Counsel

Total:  $43.1 million [$42.6 million GR; $0.6 million TF]; 431.00 FTE

  • Regional Conflict Counsel workload - 6 FTE and $.5 million GR

Clerks of the Court

  • Address clerk revenue deficits - $12.9 million nonrecurring GR for CFY 2015-16 and $11.7 million in recurring GR to compensate clerks for juror costs

Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations

Total Budget:  $12.9 billion [$180.4 million GR; $12.7 billion TF]; 13,351.5 positions

Major Issues

  • Transportation Work Program - $9.8 billion TF
  • Affordable Housing Programs - $200.1 million TF
  • Economic Development Incentive Programs, Projects and Initiatives - $52.4 million (TF & GR)
  • Economic Development Partners - $129.2 million TF
  • Library Grants and Initiatives - $27.3 million GR
  • Cultural and Museum Grants and Initiatives - $47.1 million (TF & GR)
  • Historic Preservation Grants and Initiatives - $19.4 million (TF & GR)
  • Motorist Modernization Project and Enterprise Data Infrastructure - $15.3 million TF
  • National Guard Tuition Assistance - $3.5 million GR

Department of Economic Opportunity

Total:  $1.11 billion [$33.4 million GR; $1.08 billion TF]; 1,537.5 positions

  • Economic Development Incentive Programs, Projects and Initiatives - $52.4 million
    [$12.7 million GR; $39.7 million TF] includes:
    • Economic Development Toolkit Payments - $18 million TF
  • Economic Development Partners - $129.2 million [$9 million GR; $120.2 million TF] includes:
    • Enterprise Florida (EFI) - $23.5 million [$2.5 million GR; $21 million TF]
    • VISIT Florida - $76 million [$2 million GR; $74 million TF]
    • Florida Sports Foundation - $4.7 million TF
    • Space Florida - $19.5 million TF [$12.5 million recurring; $7 million nonrecurring]
    • Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research - $5.5 million [$4.5 million GR; $1 million TF]
  • Workforce Development Programs, Projects, and Initiatives - $19 million [$1 million GR; $18 million TF] includes:
    • Quick Response Training Program - $12.1 million TF
    • Workforce Development Projects and Initiatives - $6.9 million [$1 million GR; $5.9 million TF]
  • Affordable Housing Programs - $200.1 million TF:
    • SHIP - $135.5 million TF (allocated to local governments), includes:
      • More flexibility in the SHIP program regarding rent subsidies and rental assistance
      • $5.2 million allocated for homeless Challenge Grants
    • State Housing Programs - $64.6 million TF includes:
      • At least 50 percent for the SAIL Program
      • $10 million for competitive grant program for housing developments designed for  persons with developmental disabilities
      • $20 million for workforce housing to serve low-income persons and certain households in the Florida Keys
  • Housing and Community Development Programs, Projects, and Initiatives - $33.2 million [$10.3 million GR; $22.9 million TF] includes:
    • Housing and Community Development Projects and Initiatives - $31.9 million [$10.3 million GR; $21.6 million TF]
    • Technical and Planning Assistance and Competitive Florida Partnership Program - $1.3 million TF

Department of State

Total:  $150.1 million [$113.0 million GR; $37.1 million TF]; 411 positions

  • State Aid to Libraries - $22.3 million GR
  • Libraries - $5 million GR
    • Library Construction Grant Ranked List - $2 million (fully funds list - 4 projects)
    • Library Construction Projects - $1 million
    • Library Cooperatives - $2 million recurring
  • Cultural & Museum Program Support Grants - $22.6 million [$18.6 million GR; $4 million TF]
    • Ranked List - $19 million (funds distributed proportionally to 413 projects)
    • Cultural and Museum Projects - $3.6 million
  • Cultural Facilities Grants - $22.3 million GR
    • Ranked List - $11.9 million (fully funds list - 37 projects)
    • Cultural Facilities Projects - $10.4 million  
  • Culture Builds Florida Grants - $1.7 million GR (fully funds list - 80 projects)
  • Cultural Endowment Grants - $.5 million GR (fully funds list - 2 projects)
  • Historic Small Matching Grants - $1.8 million [TF and GR] (fully funds list - 54 projects)
  • Historic Facilities Grants - $17.6 million
    • Ranked List - $10.8 million TF (funds 37 of 50 projects on list)
    • Historic Preservation Projects - $6.8 million GR
  • County Elections Assistance - $3 million TF

Department of Transportation

Total:  $10.8 billion [$2.7 million GR; $10.8 billion TF]; 6,379 positions

  • Transportation Work Program - $9.8 billion TF:
    • Highway and Bridge Construction - $5.1 billion
    • Resurfacing and Maintenance - $1.1 billion
    • Design and Engineering - $782.8 million
    • Right of Way Land Acquisition - $602 million
    • Public Transit Development Grants - $546.3 million
    • Rail Development Grants - $304.2 million
    • County Transportation Programs:
      • Small County Road Assistance Program (SCRAP) - $43.3 million
      • Small County Outreach Program (SCOP) - $68.1 million (includes $9 million for Small Cities)
      • Other County Transportation Programs - $48.8 million
    • Aviation Development Grants - $250.6 million [TF and GR]
    • Seaport and Intermodal Development Grants - $216.8 million
    • Economic Development Transportation (“Road Fund”) Projects - $42.5 million [TF and GR]
    • Shared-Use Non-Motorized Trail Network - $25 million
  • Transportation Disadvantaged Program Grants - $55.2 million

Department of Military Affairs

Total:  $71.9 million [$27.8 million GR; $44.1 million TF; 453 positions]

  • Armories - funds provided for:
    • West Palm Beach Armory Revitalization - $3 million GR
    • Maintenance and repair - $1.7 million GR
  • Community Outreach Programs (Forward March and About Face) - $2 million recurring GR
  • Secure and Harden State Readiness Centers - $2 million GR
  • Tuition Assistance for Florida National Guard - $3.5 million GR

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Total:  $467.3 million TF; 4,414 positions

  • Florida Highway Patrol:
    • Pursuit Vehicles - $11.4 million TF [$10 million recurring; $1.4 million nonrecurring] to replace 366 vehicles
    • FHP Academy Driving Range - $2.8 million TF
  • Motorist Modernization Project - Phase I - $8.7 million TF
  • Enterprise Data Infrastructure - $6.6 million TF
  • Maintenance and Repairs of Facilities - $5.1 million TF

Division of Emergency Management

Total:  $334.4 million [$3.5 million GR, $330.9 million TF]; 157 positions

  • Federally Declared Disaster Funding, including state match - $251.3 million:
    • Communities - $238.8 million
    • State Operations - $12.5 million
  • Statewide Notification and Alert System - $3.5 million TF
  • Residential Construction Mitigation - $3.4 million TF
  • Emergency Management Facilities - $3.5 million nonrecurring GR

General Government Appropriations

Total Budget:  $5.9 billion [$699.1 million GR; $893.5 million LATF; $4.3 billion Other TFs]; 20,082 positions

Major Issues

Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services 

Total: $1.8 billion [$159.9 million GR; $122.4 million LATF; $1.5 billion TF]; 3,634 positions

  • Land Management Improvements - $18.8 million [$1.3 million GR; $14.5 million LATF;
    $3 million TF]
    • Wildfire Suppression Equipment - $4.3 million [$1.3 million GR and $3 million TF]
    • Reforest Florida Cost Share Incentive Program - $5 million LATF
    • Forestry Roads and Bridges Maintenance - $5.8 million LATF
  • Florida Forever/Rural and Family Lands Conservation Easements - $35 million TF
  • Lake Okeechobee Restoration Agricultural Projects - $11.1 million LATF
  • Agricultural Nonpoint Sources Best Management Practices - $19.3 million [$10.4 million GR; $7.5 million LATF; $1.4 million TF]
    • Hybrid Wetland Treatment Systems - $8.9 million GR
    • Water Supply Planning and Conservation Program - $1.5 million GR
  • Citrus Greening Research - $8 million TF
  • Florida Agriculture Promotion Campaign - $5.9 million GR
  • Farm Share and Food Banks - $4 million GR
  • Water & Land Conservation/Budget Restructure - $3.1 million LATF
  • Passive Dispersed Water - $4 million LATF
  • Water Policy Workload - $1.1 million [$.2 million GR and $.9 million LATF];
    10 positions
  • Agriculture Education and Promotion Facilities - $6.8 million GR
  • Apiary Research and Extension Laboratory - $2 million GR
  • Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory - $7.4 million GR
  • Licensing Regulatory Management System and Concealed Weapons License
    Renewal Workload - $5 million TF; 12 positions
  • Citrus Health Response Program - $14.7 million [$6 million GR; $8.6 million TF]
  • State Farmers Markets Facility Improvements - $1 million TF
  • Critical Building Repairs and Maintenance - $2.4 million GR
  • African Snail Eradication Program - $2.3 million TF
  • Child Nutrition Program Grants - $107.1 million TF
  • Energy Grants - $17.3 million TF

Department of Business & Professional Regulation

Total: $154.1 million [$2.4 million GR; $151.7 million TF]; 1,618 positions

  • Florida State Boxing Commission - $.3 million GR
  • Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics Program - $.7 million GR; $.3 million TF
  • Electronic Data Submission System - $1.2 million TF
  • Unlicensed Activity Programs - $.6 million TF
  • Compulsive and Addictive Gambling Prevention - $.3 million TF
  • Visit Florida - $2.5 million TF

Department of Citrus

Total: $49.1 million [$41.4 million TF; $7.7 million GR]; 48 positions

  • Consumer Awareness Campaigns - $7 million GR
  • New Varieties Development - $.7 million GR

Department of Environmental Protection

Total: $1.7 billion [$186.6 million GR; $664.8 million LATF; $889.8 million TF]; 2,933.5 positions

  • Everglades Restoration - $132 million LATF (includes $32 million for the Restoration Strategies Regional Water Quality Plan)
  • Northern Everglades & Estuaries Protection - $56.8 million [$55.1 million LATF; $1.7 million GR]
  • Land Acquisition - $56.9 million [$48.2 million LATF; $6.9 million GR; $1.8 million TF]
    • Florida Forever/Conservation Lands - $15.1 million
    • Florida Forever/Florida Communities Trust, Recreational Access for All - $10 million
    • Everglades Restoration - $27.7 million
    • Howell Branch Preserve - $2 million
    • Helena Run Preserve - $.6 million
    • Heritage Lake Estates Conservation Easement - $1.5 million
  • Springs Restoration - $50 million LATF
  • Water Projects - $81.8 million GR
  • Beach Projects - $32.6 million [$21.2 million LATF; $11.4 million GR]
  • Water & Land Conservation/Budget Restructure - $2.9 million LATF
  • Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) - $10.4 million [$10 million GR; $.4 million LATF]
    • Recreational Enhancements and Opportunities for Individuals with Unique Abilities - $3 million
    • $6.6 million for small development projects and $.8 million for large development projects
  • Land Management Operational Increase and Infrastructure Improvements - $39.1 million
    [$4.4 million GR; $27.8 million LATF; $6.9 million TF]
    • State Parks Maintenance and Repairs $26.9 million
  • Petroleum Tanks Cleanup Program - $118 million TF
  • Information Technology for Conservation Lands & Water Shed/Waterbody (CS/CS/SB 552) - $1.1 million TF; 2 positions
  • Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) - $8.9 million [$7.4m GR; $1.5m LATF]
  • Drinking Water & Wastewater Revolving Loan Programs - $15.9 million GR;
    $118.7 million TF
  • Small County Solid Waste Management Grants - $3 million TF
  • Small County Wastewater Treatment Grants - $21 million TF
  • Lake Apopka - $7.1 million [$5.1 million LATF; $2 million TF]
  • Water Management Districts’ Operational Support - $8 million GR
  • Nonmandatory Land Reclamation - $3.2 million TF

Department of Financial Services

Total: $343.9 million [$26 million GR; $317.9 million TF]; 2,596 positions

  • FLAIR Replacement - $5.9 million TF
  • Florida Accounting & Information Resource (FLAIR) Staff Augmentation - $2 million  [$1.9 million GR & $.1 million TF]
  • Fire College and Arson Lab Repairs and Maintenance - $.4 million TF
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fraud - $.2 million TF; 3 positions
  • Public Assistance Fraud - $.3 million TF; 5 positions
  • Risk Management - $9.1 million TF
  • Office of Financial Regulation Regulatory & Licensing System - $8.8 million TF

Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission

Total: $379.6 million [$34.7 million GR; $106.3 million LATF; $238.5 million TF]; 2,118 positions

  • Land Management Operational Increase - $16.7 million LATF [$16.7m LATF & $.5m TF]
  • Water & Land Conservation/Budget Restructure - $2.5 million LATF
  • Boating Infrastructure and Improvement Program - $6.5 million [$.8 million GR; $5.7 million TF]
  • Artificial Fishing Reef Construction - $.6 million [$.3m GR & other TF]
  • Derelict Vessel Removal - $1.4 million GR
  • Python Management - $.5 million GR
  • Black Bear Conflict Reduction - $.5 million TF
  • Lionfish Management - $.3 million GR
  • Lowery Park Zoo Manatee Hospital - $1 million GR

Department of the Lottery

Total: $167.1 million TF; 420 positions

  • Information Technology Infrastructure Replacement - $.9 million TF

Department of Management Services

Total Budget: $603.1 million [$67.1 million GR; $536 million TF]; 832 positions

  • Florida Facilities Pool - $29 million GR; $16.8 million TF
  • Florida Historic Capitol - $.3 million GR
  • Government Facilities Infrastructure Assessment/Study - $.1 million GR; $.6 million TF
  • Florida Interoperability Network and Mutual Aid - $2.5 million GR
  • Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System (SLERS) Staff Augmentation - $1.1 million TF
  • MyFloridaNet Staff Augmentation - $.3 million TF
  • Fleet Management Information System - $1.8 million GR
  • Statewide Law Enforcement Radio Equipment Replacement - $7 million GR

Division of Administrative Hearings

Total Budget: $25.8 million TF; 241 positions

Agency for State Technology

Total: $71.5 million [$3.6 million GR; $67.9 million TF]; 231 positions

  • Infrastructure Replacement and License Compliance - $1.9 million TF
  • Security Management and Training - $1 million TF

Public Service Commission

Total: $25 million [$.2 million GR; $24.8 million TF]; 277 positions

Department of Revenue

Total: $575 million [$211 million GR; $364 million TF]; 5,132 positions

  • Fiscally Constrained Counties - $25.2 million GR
  • Aerial Photography - $.3 million GR

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect on July 1, 2016, except where otherwise expressly provided.


[1] Excludes appropriated university tuition/fees.
[2] Local revenues include required and discretionary local effort for public schools and tuition/fees for district workforce, colleges, and universities.


Vote: Senate 40-0; House 119-1