CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
  1                                .
  2                                .
  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________

  5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW





10  ______________________________________________________________

11  Representative(s) Albright offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove from the bill:  Everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert in lieu thereof:

17         Section 1.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and

18  paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 206.9935, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         206.9935  Taxes imposed.--

21         (2)  TAX FOR WATER QUALITY.--

22         (a)1.  There is hereby levied an excise tax for the

23  privilege of producing in, importing into, or causing to be

24  imported into this state pollutants for sale, use, or

25  otherwise.

26         2.  The tax shall be imposed only once on each barrel

27  or other unit of pollutant, other than petroleum products,

28  when first produced in or imported into this state. The tax on

29  pollutants first imported into or produced in this state shall

30  be imposed when the product is first sold or first removed

31  from storage.  The tax shall be paid and remitted by any


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  person who is licensed by the department to engage in the

  2  production or importation of motor fuel, diesel fuel, aviation

  3  fuel, or other pollutants.

  4         3.  The tax shall be imposed on petroleum products and

  5  remitted to the department in the same manner as the motor

  6  fuel tax imposed pursuant to s. 206.41.

  7         (b)  The excise tax shall be the applicable rate as

  8  specified in subparagraph 1. per barrel or per unit of

  9  pollutant, or equivalent measure as established by the

10  department, produced in or imported into the state.  If the

11  unobligated balance of the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund

12  is or falls below $3 million, the tax shall be increased to

13  the applicable rates specified in subparagraph 2. and shall

14  remain at said rates until the unobligated balance in the fund

15  exceeds $5 million, at which time the tax shall be imposed at

16  the rates specified in subparagraph 1. If the unobligated

17  balance of the fund exceeds $12 million, the levy of the tax

18  shall be discontinued until the unobligated balance of the

19  fund falls below $5 million, at which time the tax shall be

20  imposed at the rates specified in subparagraph 1.  Changes in

21  the tax rates pursuant to this paragraph shall take effect on

22  the first day of the month after 30 days' notification to the

23  Department of Revenue when the unobligated balance of the fund

24  falls below or exceeds a limit set pursuant to this paragraph.

25  The unobligated balance of the Water Quality Assurance Trust

26  Fund as it relates to determination of the applicable excise

27  tax rate shall exclude the unobligated balances of funds of

28  the Dry Cleaning, Operator Certification, and nonagricultural

29  nonpoint source programs, and other required reservations of

30  fund balance.  The unobligated balance in the Water Quality

31  Assurance Trust Fund is based upon the current unreserved fund


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  balance, projected revenues, authorized legislative

  2  appropriations, and funding for the department's base budget

  3  for the subsequent fiscal year.  Determination of the

  4  unobligated balance of the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund

  5  shall be performed annually subsequent to the annual

  6  legislative appropriations becoming law.

  7         1.  As provided in this paragraph, the tax shall be

  8  2.36 cents per gallon of solvents, 1 cent per gallon of motor

  9  oil or other lubricants, and 2 cents per barrel of petroleum

10  products, pesticides, ammonia, and chlorine.

11         2.  As provided in this paragraph, the tax shall be 5.9

12  cents per gallon of solvents, 2.5 cents per gallon of motor

13  oil or other lubricants, 2 cents per barrel of ammonia, and 5

14  cents per barrel of petroleum products, pesticides, and

15  chlorine. ingestion.

16         (3)  TAX FOR INLAND PROTECTION.--

17         (a)1.  There is hereby levied an excise tax for the

18  privilege of producing in, importing into, or causing to be

19  imported into this state pollutants for sale, use, or

20  otherwise.

21         2.  The tax shall be imposed only once on each barrel

22  of pollutant produced in or imported into this state in the

23  same manner as the motor fuel tax imposed pursuant to s.

24  206.41.  The tax shall be paid or remitted by any person who

25  is licensed by the department to engage in the production or

26  importation of motor fuel, diesel fuel, aviation fuel, or

27  other pollutants.

28         (b)1.  The excise tax per barrel of pollutant, or

29  equivalent measure as established by the department, produced

30  in or imported into this state shall be:

31         a.  Thirty cents if the unobligated balance of the fund


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                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  is between $100 million and $150 million.

  2         b.  Sixty cents if the unobligated balance of the fund

  3  is above $50 million, but below $100 million.

  4         c.  Eighty cents if the unobligated balance of the fund

  5  is $50 million or less.

  6         2.  Any change in the tax rate shall be effective for a

  7  minimum of 6 months, unless the unobligated balance of the

  8  fund requires that a higher rate be levied.

  9         3.  If the unobligated balance of the fund exceeds $150

10  million, the tax shall be discontinued until such time as the

11  unobligated balance of the fund reaches $100 million.

12         4.  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

13  immediately notify the Department of Revenue when the

14  unobligated balance of the fund falls below or exceeds an

15  amount set herein. Changes in the tax rates pursuant to this

16  subsection shall take effect on the first day of the month

17  after 30 days' notification to the Department of Revenue by

18  the Secretary of Environmental Protection when the unobligated

19  balance of the fund falls below or exceeds a limit set

20  pursuant to this subsection. The unobligated balance of the

21  Inland Protection Trust Fund as it relates to determination of

22  the applicable excise tax rate shall exclude any required

23  reservations of fund balance.  The unobligated balance of the

24  Inland Protection Trust Fund is based upon the current

25  unreserved fund balance, projected revenues, authorized

26  legislative appropriations, and funding for the department's

27  base budget for the subsequent fiscal year.  Determination of

28  the unobligated balance of the Inland Protection Trust Fund

29  shall be performed annually subsequent to the annual

30  legislative appropriations becoming law.

31         (c)  This subsection shall be reviewed by the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  Legislature during the 1998 regular legislative session.

  2         Section 2.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (6) of section

  3  212.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  4         212.20  Funds collected, disposition; additional powers

  5  of department; operational expense; refund of taxes

  6  adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.--

  7         (6)  Distribution of all proceeds under this chapter

  8  shall be as follows:

  9         (f)  The proceeds of all other taxes and fees imposed

10  pursuant to this chapter shall be distributed as follows:

11         1.  In any fiscal year, the greater of $500 million,

12  minus an amount equal to 4.6 percent of the proceeds of the

13  taxes collected pursuant to chapter 201, or 5 percent of all

14  other taxes and fees imposed pursuant to this chapter shall be

15  deposited in monthly installments into the General Revenue

16  Fund.

17         2.  Two-tenths of one percent shall be transferred to

18  the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund.

19         3.  After the distribution under subparagraphs 1. and

20  2., 9.653 percent of the amount remitted by a sales tax dealer

21  located within a participating county pursuant to s. 218.61

22  shall be transferred into the Local Government Half-cent Sales

23  Tax Clearing Trust Fund.

24         4.  After the distribution under subparagraphs 1., 2.,

25  and 3., 0.054 percent shall be transferred to the Local

26  Government Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund and

27  distributed pursuant to s. 218.65.

28         5.  Of the remaining proceeds:

29         a.  Beginning July 1, 1992, $166,667 shall be

30  distributed monthly by the department to each applicant that

31  has been certified as a "facility for a new professional


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  sports franchise" or a "facility for a retained professional

  2  sports franchise" pursuant to s. 288.1162 and $41,667 shall be

  3  distributed monthly by the department to each applicant that

  4  has been certified as a "new spring training franchise

  5  facility" pursuant to s. 288.1162. Distributions shall begin

  6  60 days following such certification and shall continue for 30

  7  years. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to allow an

  8  applicant certified pursuant to s. 288.1162 to receive more in

  9  distributions than actually expended by the applicant for the

10  public purposes provided for in s. 288.1162(7). However, a

11  certified applicant shall receive distributions up to the

12  maximum amount allowable and undistributed under this section

13  for additional renovations and improvements to the facility

14  for the franchise without additional certification.

15         b.  Beginning 30 days after notice by the Office of

16  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to the Department of

17  Revenue that an applicant has been certified as the

18  professional golf hall of fame pursuant to s. 288.1168 and is

19  open to the public, $166,667 shall be distributed monthly, for

20  up to 300 months, to the applicant.

21         c.  Beginning 30 days after notice by the Department of

22  Commerce to the Department of Revenue that the applicant has

23  been certified as the International Game Fish Association

24  World Center facility pursuant to s. 288.1169, and the

25  facility is open to the public, $83,333 shall be distributed

26  monthly, for up to 180 months, to the applicant.  This

27  distribution is subject to reduction pursuant to s. 288.1169.

28         d.  Beginning 30 days after notice by the Office of

29  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to the Department of

30  Revenue that an applicant has been certified as a business

31  located and operated in an enterprise zone or designated


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  brownfield area pursuant to s. 376.80, an amount equal to the

  2  tax rebate calculated pursuant to s. 290.007(9) shall be

  3  distributed, on a monthly basis and within a 12 month period,

  4  to the certified business by the Department of Revenue.

  5         6.  All other proceeds shall remain with the General

  6  Revenue Fund.

  7         Section 3.  Subsections (4) and (7) of section 252.87,

  8  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  9         252.87  Supplemental state reporting requirements.--

10         (4)  Each employer that owns or operates a facility in

11  this state at which hazardous materials are present in

12  quantities at or above the thresholds established under ss.

13  311(b) and 312(b) of EPCRA shall comply with the reporting

14  requirements of ss. 311 and 312 of EPCRA.  Such employer shall

15  also be responsible for notifying the department, the local

16  emergency planning committee and the local fire department in

17  writing within 30 days if there is a discontinuance or

18  abandonment of the employer's business activities that could

19  affect any stored hazardous materials.

20         (7)  The department shall avoid duplicative reporting

21  requirements by utilizing the reporting requirements of other

22  state agencies that regulate hazardous materials to the extent

23  feasible and shall only request the necessary information

24  authorized required under EPCRA or required to implement the

25  fee provisions of this part. With the advice and consent of

26  the State Emergency Response Commission for Hazardous

27  Materials, the department may require by rule that the maximum

28  daily amount entry on the chemical inventory report required

29  under s. 312 of EPCRA provide for reporting in estimated

30  actual amounts.  The department may also require by rule an

31  entry for the Federal Employer Identification Number on this


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  report.  To the extent feasible, the department shall

  2  encourage and accept required information in a form initiated

  3  through electronic data interchange and shall describe by rule

  4  the format, manner of execution, and method of electronic

  5  transmission necessary for using such form. To the extent

  6  feasible, the Department of Insurance, the Department of

  7  Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Department of

  8  Environmental Protection, the Public Service Commission, the

  9  Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor and Employment

10  Security, and other state agencies which regulate hazardous

11  materials shall coordinate with the department in order to

12  avoid duplicative requirements contained in each agency's

13  respective reporting or registration forms. The other state

14  agencies that inspect facilities storing hazardous materials

15  and suppliers and distributors of covered substances shall

16  assist the department in informing the facility owner or

17  operator of the requirements of this part. The department

18  shall provide the other state agencies with the necessary

19  information and materials to inform the owners and operators

20  of the requirements of this part to ensure that the budgets of

21  these agencies are not adversely affected.

22         Section 4.  Subsection (5) of section 288.047, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         288.047  Quick-response training for economic

25  development.--

26         (5)  For the first 6 months of each fiscal year,

27  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall set aside 30 percent of the

28  amount appropriated for the Quick-Response Training Program by

29  the Legislature to fund instructional programs for businesses

30  located in an enterprise zone or brownfield area to instruct

31  residents of an enterprise zone. Any unencumbered funds


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  remaining undisbursed from this set-aside at the end of the

  2  6-month period may be used to provide funding for any program

  3  qualifying for funding pursuant to this section.

  4         Section 5.  Section 288.107, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         288.107  Brownfield redevelopment bonus refunds.--

  7         (1)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

  8         (a)  "Account" means the Economic Development

  9  Incentives Account as authorized in s. 288.095.

10         (b)  "Brownfield sites" means sites that are generally

11  abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial

12  properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by

13  actual or perceived environmental contamination.

14         (c)  "Brownfield area" means a contiguous area of one

15  or more brownfield sites, some of which may not be

16  contaminated, and which has been designated by a local

17  government by resolution. Such areas may include all or

18  portions of community redevelopment areas, enterprise zones,

19  empowerment zones, other such designated economically deprived

20  communities and areas, and

21  Environmental-Protection-Agency-designated brownfield pilot

22  projects.

23         (d)  "Director" means the director of the Office of

24  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development.

25         (e)  "Eligible business" means a qualified target

26  industry business as defined in s. 288.106(2)(o) or other

27  business that can demonstrate a fixed capital investment of at

28  least $2 million in mixed-use business activities, including

29  multiunit housing, commercial, retail, and industrial in

30  brownfield areas and which pays wages that are at least 80

31  percent of the average of all private sector wages in the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  county in which the business is located.

  2         (f)  "Jobs" means full-time equivalent positions,

  3  consistent with the use of such terms by the Department of

  4  Labor and Employment Security for the purpose of unemployment

  5  compensation tax, resulting directly from a project in this

  6  state.  This number does not include temporary construction

  7  jobs involved with the construction of facilities for the

  8  project and which are not associated with the implementation

  9  of the site rehabilitation as provided in s. 376.80.

10         (g)  "Office" means the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

11  Economic Development.

12         (h)  "Project" means the creation of a new business or

13  the expansion of an existing business as defined in s.

14  288.106.


16  shall be allowed from the account a bonus refund of $2,500 to

17  any qualified target industry business or other eligible

18  business as defined in paragraph (1)(e) for each new Florida

19  job created in a brownfield which is claimed on the qualified

20  target industry business's annual refund claim authorized in

21  s. 288.106(6) or other similar annual claim procedure for

22  other eligible business as defined in paragraph (1)(e) and

23  approved by the office as specified in the final order issued

24  by the director.

25         (3)  CRITERIA.--The minimum criteria for participation

26  in the brownfield redevelopment bonus refund are:

27         (a)  The creation of at least 10 new full-time

28  permanent jobs.  Such jobs shall not include construction or

29  site rehabilitation jobs associated with the implementation of

30  a brownfield site agreement as described in s. 376.80(5).

31         (b)  The completion of a fixed capital investment of at


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  least $2 million in mixed-use business activities, including

  2  multiunit housing, commercial, retail, and industrial in

  3  brownfield areas and which pay wages that are at least 80

  4  percent of the average of all private sector wages in the

  5  county in which the business is located.

  6         (c)(b)  That the designation as a brownfield will

  7  diversify and strengthen the economy of the area surrounding

  8  the site.

  9         (d)(c)  That the designation as a brownfield will

10  promote capital investment in the area beyond that

11  contemplated for the rehabilitation of the site.


13  REFUNDS.--

14         (a)  To be eligible to receive a bonus refund for new

15  Florida jobs created in a brownfield, a business must have

16  been certified as a qualified target industry business under

17  s. 288.106 or eligible business as defined in paragraph (1)(e)

18  and must have indicated on the qualified target industry tax

19  refund application form submitted in accordance with s.

20  288.106(4) or other similar agreement for other eligible

21  business as defined in paragraph (1)(e) that the project for

22  which the application is submitted is or will be located in a

23  brownfield and that the business is applying for certification

24  as a qualified brownfield business under this section, and

25  must have signed a qualified target industry tax refund

26  agreement with the office which indicates that the business

27  has been certified as a qualified target industry business

28  located in a brownfield and specifies the schedule of

29  brownfield redevelopment bonus refunds that the business may

30  be eligible to receive in each fiscal year.

31         (b)  To be considered to receive an eligible brownfield


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  redevelopment bonus refund payment, the business meeting the

  2  requirements of paragraph (a) must submit a claim once each

  3  fiscal year on a claim form approved by the office which

  4  indicates the location of the brownfield, the address of the

  5  business facility's brownfield location, the name of the

  6  brownfield in which it is located, the number of jobs created,

  7  and the average wage of the jobs created by the business

  8  within the brownfield as defined in s. 288.106 or other

  9  eligible business as defined in paragraph (1)(e) and the

10  administrative rules and policies for that section.

11         (c)  The bonus refunds shall be available on the same

12  schedule as the qualified target industry tax refund payments

13  scheduled in the qualified target industry tax refund

14  agreement authorized in s. 288.106 or other similar agreement

15  for other eligible businesses as defined in paragraph (1)(e).

16         (d)  After entering into a tax refund agreement as

17  provided in s. 288.106 or other similar agreement for other

18  eligible businesses as defined in paragraph (1)(e), an

19  eligible business may receive brownfield redevelopment bonus

20  refunds from the account pursuant to s. 288.106(3)(c).

21         (e)  An eligible business that fraudulently claims a

22  refund under this section:

23         1.  Is liable for repayment of the amount of the refund

24  to the account, plus a mandatory penalty in the amount of 200

25  percent of the tax refund, which shall be deposited into the

26  General Revenue Fund.

27         2.  Commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as

28  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

29         (f)  The office shall review all applications submitted

30  under s. 288.106 or other similar application forms for other

31  eligible businesses as defined in paragraph (1)(e) which


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                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

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  1  indicate that the proposed project will be located in a

  2  brownfield and determine, with the assistance of the

  3  Department of Environmental Protection, that the project

  4  location is within a brownfield as provided in this act.

  5         (g)  The office shall approve all claims for a

  6  brownfield redevelopment bonus refund payment that are found

  7  to meet the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (d).

  8         (h)  The director, with such assistance as may be

  9  required from the office and the Department of Environmental

10  Protection, shall specify by written final order the amount of

11  the brownfield redevelopment bonus refund that is authorized

12  for the qualified target industry business for the fiscal year

13  within 30 days after the date that the claim for the annual

14  tax refund is received by the office.

15         (i)  The total amount of the bonus refunds approved by

16  the director under this section in any fiscal year must not

17  exceed the total amount appropriated to the Economic

18  Development Incentives Account for this purpose for the fiscal

19  year.  In the event that the Legislature does not appropriate

20  an amount sufficient to satisfy projections by the office for

21  brownfield redevelopment bonus refunds under this section in a

22  fiscal year, the office shall, not later than July 15 of such

23  year, determine the proportion of each brownfield

24  redevelopment bonus refund claim which shall be paid by

25  dividing the amount appropriated for tax refunds for the

26  fiscal year by the projected total of brownfield redevelopment

27  bonus refund claims for the fiscal year. The amount of each

28  claim for a brownfield redevelopment bonus tax refund shall be

29  multiplied by the resulting quotient.  If, after the payment

30  of all such refund claims, funds remain in the Economic

31  Development Incentives Account for brownfield redevelopment


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  1  tax refunds, the office shall recalculate the proportion for

  2  each refund claim and adjust the amount of each claim

  3  accordingly.

  4         (j)  Upon approval of the brownfield redevelopment

  5  bonus refund, payment shall be made for the amount specified

  6  in the final order.  If the final order is appealed, payment

  7  may not be made for a refund to the qualified target industry

  8  business until the conclusion of all appeals of that order.

  9         (5)  ADMINISTRATION.--

10         (a)  The office is authorized to verify information

11  provided in any claim submitted for tax credits under this

12  section with regard to employment and wage levels or the

13  payment of the taxes to the appropriate agency or authority,

14  including the Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor

15  and Employment Security, or any local government or authority.

16         (b)  To facilitate the process of monitoring and

17  auditing applications made under this program, the office may

18  provide a list of qualified target industry businesses to the

19  Department of Revenue, to the Department of Labor and

20  Employment Security, to the Department of Environmental

21  Protection, or to any local government authority.  The office

22  may request the assistance of those entities with respect to

23  monitoring the payment of the taxes listed in s. 288.106(3).

24         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section

25  288.905, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         288.905  Duties of the board of directors of Enterprise

27  Florida, Inc.--

28         (3)

29         (b)1.  The strategic plan required under this section

30  shall include specific provisions for the stimulation of

31  economic development and job creation in rural areas and


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    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  midsize cities and counties of the state.

  2         2.  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall involve local

  3  governments, local and regional economic development

  4  organizations, and other local, state, and federal economic,

  5  international, and workforce development entities, both public

  6  and private, in developing and carrying out policies,

  7  strategies, and programs, seeking to partner and collaborate

  8  to produce enhanced public benefit at a lesser cost.

  9         3.  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall involve rural,

10  urban, small-business, and minority-business development

11  agencies and organizations, both public and private, in

12  developing and carrying out policies, strategies, and

13  programs.

14         4.  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall develop a

15  comprehensive marketing plan for redevelopment of brownfield

16  areas designated pursuant to s. 376.80. The plan must include,

17  but is not limited to, strategies to distribute information

18  about current designated brownfield areas and the available

19  economic incentives for redevelopment of brownfield areas.

20  Such strategies are to be used in the promotion of business

21  formation, expansion, recruitment, retention, and workforce

22  development programs.

23         Section 7.  Subsection (9) of section 290.007, Florida

24  Statutes, is added to said section to read:

25         290.007  State incentives available in enterprise

26  zones.--The following incentives are provided by the state to

27  encourage the revitalization of enterprise zones:

28         (9)  The tax rebate pursuant to s. 212.20 for a person

29  or entity who establishes a new business or expands an

30  existing business in an enterprise zone or designated

31  brownfield area as provided in this subsection.


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  1         (a)  As used in this section, the term:

  2         1.  "New business" means a business entity as defined

  3  in s. 220.03(1)(e) authorized to do business in this state

  4  operating a professional sports franchise that exists within

  5  the National League or American League of Major League

  6  Baseball or the National Football League in a county having a

  7  population of at least 1.5 million people which generates

  8  taxes imposed under chapter 212 from the use and operation of

  9  the business and which commences operations from property

10  located in an enterprise zone or brownfield area after it is

11  designated as such.

12         2.  "Expanded business" means any business entity as

13  defined in s. 220.03(1)(e) authorized to do business in this

14  state operating a professional sports franchise that exists

15  within the National League or American League of Major League

16  Baseball or the National Football League in a county having a

17  population of at least 1.5 million people which generates

18  taxes imposed under chapter 212 from the use and operation of

19  the business and which expands by or through additions to real

20  and personal property within an enterprise zone or brownfield

21  area after it is designated as such.

22         (b)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

23  Development is responsible for certifying an applicant as a

24  new business or expanded business in an enterprise zone or

25  designated brownfield area. Each applicant shall file an

26  application with the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

27  Development on a form prescribed by the Office of Tourism,

28  Trade, and Economic Development which provides:

29         1.  Evidence that the new or expanded business is

30  located in an enterprise zone or designated brownfield area;

31         2.  An economic analysis showing that the amount of the


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  1  revenues generated or to be generated by the taxes imposed

  2  under chapter 212 from the use and operation of the business

  3  will equal or exceed $1 million annually;

  4         3.  In the case of an expanded business, evidence

  5  indicating the amount of taxes imposed under chapter 212 with

  6  respect to the use and operation of the business during the 12

  7  consecutive months before the commencement of expansion; and

  8         4.  A sworn statement, under the penalty of perjury,

  9  from the applicant or, if applicable, the applicant's general

10  contractor licensed in this state to make the improvements

11  necessary to accomplish the construction, reconstruction,

12  renovation, expansion, or rehabilitation of property where a

13  new or expanded business is located and operated, which states

14  the actual cost of the construction, reconstruction,

15  renovation, expansion, or rehabilitation of the property and

16  of the applicant's share of cleanup costs if in a brownfield

17  area.

18         (c)  The Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic

19  Development shall certify an applicant within 90 days of its

20  submission of a complete application. The Office of Tourism,

21  Trade, and Economic Development may adopt rules pursuant to

22  ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to administer this section.

23         (d)  An applicant certified as a new or expanded

24  business in an enterprise zone or designated brownfield area

25  may use funds provided pursuant to s. 212.20(6)(f)5.d. only

26  for the public purpose of paying for the construction,

27  reconstruction, renovation, expansion, or rehabilitation of

28  the premises from which the business is located and operated

29  or for the reimbursement of such costs and for the cleanup

30  costs incurred in a brownfield area which have not otherwise

31  been reimbursed to the applicant, directly or indirectly, by


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  1  operation of another provision of law.

  2         (e)  The amount of the tax rebate under s. 212.20 to be

  3  provided to a business certified pursuant to this section

  4  shall be computed annually as follows:

  5         1.  In the case of a new business in an enterprise zone

  6  or designated brownfield area, an amount equal to 75 percent

  7  of the taxes imposed under chapter 212 generated each year

  8  from the business; and

  9         2.  In the case of an expanded business in an

10  enterprise zone or designated brownfield area, an amount equal

11  to 75 percent of the additional taxes imposed under chapter

12  212 generated each year from the business in excess of the

13  taxes imposed under chapter 212 generated from the business

14  during the 12 months before the commencement of expansion of

15  the business.


17  In no event shall the total amount of the tax rebate provided

18  under s. 212.20(6)(f)5.d. to a business certified hereunder

19  exceed 75 percent of the cost of construction, reconstruction,

20  renovation, expansion, or rehabilitation of the property where

21  the business is located and operated and the cost of cleanup

22  of contamination of property in a brownfield area, as set

23  forth in the application submitted to the Office of Tourism,

24  Trade, and Economic Development pursuant to this section.

25         Section 8.  Subsection (6) of section 376.051, Florida

26  Statutes, is added to said section to read:

27         376.051  Powers and duties of the Department of

28  Environmental Protection.--

29         (6)  The department is specifically authorized to

30  utilize risk-based cleanup criteria as described in ss.

31  376.3071, 376.3078, and 376.81 in conducting cleanups on lands


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  1  owned by the state university system.

  2         Section 9.  Section 376.301, Florida Statutes, is

  3  amended to read:

  4         376.301  Definitions of terms used in ss.

  5  376.30-376.319, 376.70, and 376.75.--When used in ss.

  6  376.30-376.319, 376.70, and 376.75, unless the context clearly

  7  requires otherwise, the term:

  8         (1)  "Aboveground hazardous substance tank" means any

  9  stationary aboveground storage tank and onsite integral piping

10  that contains hazardous substances which are liquid at

11  standard temperature and pressure and has an individual

12  storage capacity greater than 110 gallons.

13         (2)  "Additive effects" means a scientific principle

14  that the toxicity that occurs as a result of exposure is the

15  sum of the toxicities of the individual chemicals to which the

16  individual is exposed.

17         (3)  "Antagonistic effects" means a scientific

18  principle that the toxicity that occurs as a result of

19  exposure is less than the sum of the toxicities of the

20  individual chemicals to which the individual is exposed.

21         (4)  "Backlog" means reimbursement obligations incurred

22  pursuant to s. 376.3071(12), prior to March 29, 1995, or

23  authorized for reimbursement under the provisions of s.

24  376.3071(12), pursuant to chapter 95-2, Laws of Florida.

25  Claims within the backlog are subject to adjustment, where

26  appropriate.

27         (5)  "Barrel" means 42 U.S. gallons at 60 degrees

28  Fahrenheit.

29         (6)  "Bulk product facility" means a waterfront

30  location with at least one aboveground tank with a capacity

31  greater than 30,000 gallons which is used for the storage of


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  1  pollutants.

  2         (7)  "Cattle-dipping vat" means any structure,

  3  excavation, or other facility constructed by any person, or

  4  the site where such structure, excavation, or other facility

  5  once existed, for the purpose of treating cattle or other

  6  livestock with a chemical solution pursuant to or in

  7  compliance with any local, state, or federal governmental

  8  program for the prevention, suppression, control, or

  9  eradication of any dangerous, contagious, or infectious

10  diseases.

11         (8)  "Compression vessel" means any stationary

12  container, tank, or onsite integral piping system, or

13  combination thereof, which has a capacity of greater than 110

14  gallons, that is primarily used to store pollutants or

15  hazardous substances above atmospheric pressure or at a

16  reduced temperature in order to lower the vapor pressure of

17  the contents. Manifold compression vessels that function as a

18  single vessel shall be considered as one vessel.

19         (9)  "Contaminant" means any physical, chemical,

20  biological, or radiological substance present in any medium

21  which may result in adverse effects to human health or the

22  environment or which creates an adverse nuisance,

23  organoleptic, or aesthetic condition in groundwater.

24         (10)  "Contaminated site" means any contiguous land,

25  sediment, surface water, or groundwater areas that contain

26  contaminants that may be harmful to human health or the

27  environment.

28         (11)  "Department" means the Department of

29  Environmental Protection.

30         (12)  "Discharge" includes, but is not limited to, any

31  spilling, leaking, seeping, pouring, misapplying, emitting,


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  1  emptying, releasing, or dumping of any pollutant or hazardous

  2  substance which occurs and which affects lands and the surface

  3  and ground waters of the state not regulated by ss.

  4  376.011-376.21.

  5         (13)  "Drycleaning facility" means a commercial

  6  establishment that operates or has at some time in the past

  7  operated for the primary purpose of drycleaning clothing and

  8  other fabrics utilizing a process that involves any use of

  9  drycleaning solvents. The term "drycleaning facility" includes

10  laundry facilities that use drycleaning solvents as part of

11  their cleaning process. The term does not include a facility

12  that operates or has at some time in the past operated as a

13  uniform rental company or a linen supply company regardless of

14  whether the facility operates as or was previously operated as

15  a drycleaning facility.

16         (14)  "Drycleaning solvents" means any and all

17  nonaqueous solvents used in the cleaning of clothing and other

18  fabrics and includes perchloroethylene (also known as

19  tetrachloroethylene) and petroleum-based solvents, and their

20  breakdown products. For purposes of this definition,

21  "drycleaning solvents" only includes those drycleaning

22  solvents originating from use at a drycleaning facility or by

23  a wholesale supply facility.

24         (15)  "Dry drop-off facility" means any commercial

25  retail store that receives from customers clothing and other

26  fabrics for drycleaning or laundering at an offsite

27  drycleaning facility and that does not clean the clothing or

28  fabrics at the store utilizing drycleaning solvents.

29         (16)  "Engineering controls" means modifications to a

30  site to reduce or eliminate the potential for exposure to

31  petroleum products' chemicals of concern, drycleaning


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  1  solvents, or other contaminants.  Such modifications may

  2  include, but are not limited to, physical or hydraulic control

  3  measures, capping, point of use treatments, or slurry walls.

  4         (17)  "Wholesale supply facility" means a commercial

  5  establishment that supplies drycleaning solvents to

  6  drycleaning facilities.

  7         (18)  "Facility" means a nonresidential location

  8  containing, or which contained, any underground stationary

  9  tank or tanks which contain hazardous substances or pollutants

10  and have individual storage capacities greater than 110

11  gallons, or any aboveground stationary tank or tanks which

12  contain pollutants which are liquids at standard ambient

13  temperature and pressure and have individual storage

14  capacities greater than 550 gallons. This subsection shall not

15  apply to facilities covered by chapter 377, or containers

16  storing solid or gaseous pollutants, and agricultural tanks

17  having storage capacities of less than 550 gallons.

18         (19)  "Flow-through process tank" means an aboveground

19  tank that contains hazardous substances or specified mineral

20  acids as defined in s. 376.321 and that forms an integral part

21  of a production process through which there is a steady,

22  variable, recurring, or intermittent flow of materials during

23  the operation of the process.  Flow-through process tanks

24  include, but are not limited to, seal tanks, vapor recovery

25  units, surge tanks, blend tanks, feed tanks, check and delay

26  tanks, batch tanks, oil-water separators, or tanks in which

27  mechanical, physical, or chemical change of a material is

28  accomplished.

29         (20)  "Hazardous substances" means those substances

30  defined as hazardous substances in the Comprehensive

31  Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of


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  1  1980, Pub. L. No. 96-510, 94 Stat. 2767, as amended by the

  2  Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986.

  3         (21)  "Institutional controls" means the restriction on

  4  use or access to a site to eliminate or minimize exposure to

  5  petroleum products' chemicals of concern, drycleaning

  6  solvents, or other contaminants.  Such restrictions may

  7  include, but are not limited to, deed restrictions,

  8  restrictive covenants, or conservation easements use

  9  restrictions, or restrictive zoning.

10         (22)  "Laundering on a wash, dry, and fold basis" means

11  the service provided by the owner or operator of a

12  coin-operated laundry to its customers whereby an employee of

13  the laundry washes, dries, and folds laundry for its

14  customers.

15         (23)  "Marine fueling facility" means a commercial or

16  recreational coastal facility, excluding a bulk product

17  facility, providing fuel to vessels.

18         (24)  "Natural attenuation" means a verifiable an

19  approach to site rehabilitation that allows natural processes

20  to contain the spread of contamination and reduce the

21  concentrations of contaminants in contaminated groundwater and

22  soil. Natural attenuation processes may include the following:

23  sorption, biodegradation, chemical reactions with subsurface

24  materials, diffusion, dispersion, and volatilization.

25         (25)  "Operator" means any person operating a facility,

26  whether by lease, contract, or other form of agreement.

27         (26)  "Owner" means any person owning a facility.

28         (27)  "Person" means any individual, partner, joint

29  venture, or corporation; any group of the foregoing, organized

30  or united for a business purpose; or any governmental entity.

31         (28)  "Person in charge" means the person on the scene


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  1  who is in direct, responsible charge of a facility from which

  2  pollutants are discharged, when the discharge occurs.

  3         (29)  "Person responsible for conducting site

  4  rehabilitation" means the site owner, operator, or the person

  5  designated by the site owner or operator on the reimbursement

  6  application.  Mortgage holders and trust holders may be

  7  eligible to participate in the reimbursement program pursuant

  8  to s. 376.3071(12).

  9         (30)  "Petroleum" includes:

10         (a)  Oil, including crude petroleum oil and other

11  hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, which are produced at the

12  well in liquid form by ordinary methods and which are not the

13  result of condensation of gas after it leaves the reservoir;

14  and

15         (b)  All natural gas, including casinghead gas, and all

16  other hydrocarbons not defined as oil in paragraph (a).

17         (31)  "Petroleum product" means any liquid fuel

18  commodity made from petroleum, including, but not limited to,

19  all forms of fuel known or sold as diesel fuel, kerosene, all

20  forms of fuel known or sold as gasoline, and fuels containing

21  a mixture of gasoline and other products, excluding liquefied

22  petroleum gas and American Society for Testing and Materials

23  (ASTM) grades no. 5 and no. 6 residual oils, bunker C residual

24  oils, intermediate fuel oils (IFO) used for marine bunkering

25  with a viscosity of 30 and higher, asphalt oils, and

26  petrochemical feedstocks.

27         (32)  "Petroleum products' chemicals of concern" means

28  the constituents of petroleum products, including, but not

29  limited to, xylene, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,

30  naphthalene, and similar chemicals, and constituents in

31  petroleum products, including, but not limited to, methyl


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  1  tert-butyl ether (MTBE), lead, and similar chemicals found in

  2  additives, provided the chemicals of concern are present as a

  3  result of a discharge of petroleum products.

  4         (33)  "Petroleum storage system" means a stationary

  5  tank not covered under the provisions of chapter 377, together

  6  with any onsite integral piping or dispensing system

  7  associated therewith, which is used, or intended to be used,

  8  for the storage or supply of any petroleum product. Petroleum

  9  storage systems may also include oil/water separators, and

10  other pollution control devices installed at petroleum product

11  terminals as defined in this chapter and bulk product

12  facilities pursuant to, or required by, permits or best

13  management practices in an effort to control surface discharge

14  of pollutants.  Nothing herein shall be construed to allow a

15  continuing discharge in violation of department rules.

16         (34)  "Pollutants" includes any "product" as defined in

17  s. 377.19(11), pesticides, ammonia, chlorine, and derivatives

18  thereof, excluding liquefied petroleum gas.

19         (35)  "Pollution" means the presence on the land or in

20  the waters of the state of pollutants in quantities which are

21  or may be potentially harmful or injurious to human health or

22  welfare, animal or plant life, or property or which may

23  unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property,

24  including outdoor recreation.

25         (36)  "Real property owner" means the individual or

26  entity that is vested with ownership, dominion, or legal or

27  rightful title to the real property, or which has a ground

28  lease interest in the real property, on which a drycleaning

29  facility or wholesale supply facility is or has ever been

30  located.

31         (37)  "Response action" means any activity, including


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  1  evaluation, planning, design, engineering, construction, and

  2  ancillary services, which is carried out in response to any

  3  discharge, release, or threatened release of a hazardous

  4  substance, pollutant, or other contaminant from a facility or

  5  site identified by the department under the provisions of ss.

  6  376.30-376.319.

  7         (38)  "Response action contractor" means a person who

  8  is carrying out any response action, including a person

  9  retained or hired by such person to provide services relating

10  to a response action.

11         (39)  "Risk reduction" means the lowering or

12  elimination of the level of risk posed to human health or the

13  environment through interim remedial actions, remedial action,

14  or institutional and, if appropriate, engineering controls.

15         (40)(39)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of

16  Environmental Protection.

17         (41)(40)  "Site rehabilitation" means the assessment of

18  site contamination and the remediation activities that reduce

19  the levels of contaminants at a site through accepted

20  treatment methods to meet the cleanup target levels

21  established for that site. For purposes of sites subject to

22  the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, the

23  term includes removal, decontamination, and corrective action

24  of releases of hazardous substances.

25         (42)(41)  "Source removal" means the removal of free

26  product, or the removal of contaminants from soil or sediment

27  that has been contaminated to the extent that leaching to

28  groundwater or surface water has occurred or is occurring.

29         (43)(42)  "Storage system" means a stationary tank not

30  covered under the provisions of chapter 377, together with any

31  onsite integral piping or dispensing system associated


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  1  therewith, which is or has been used for the storage or supply

  2  of any petroleum product, pollutant, or hazardous substance as

  3  defined herein, and which is registered with the Department of

  4  Environmental Protection under this chapter or any rule

  5  adopted pursuant hereto.

  6         (44)(43)  "Synergistic effects" means a scientific

  7  principle that the toxicity that occurs as a result of

  8  exposure is more than the sum of the toxicities of the

  9  individual chemicals to which the individual is exposed.

10         (45)(44)  "Terminal facility" means any structure,

11  group of structures, motor vehicle, rolling stock, pipeline,

12  equipment, or related appurtenances which are used or capable

13  of being used for one or more of the following purposes:

14  pumping, refining, drilling for, producing, storing, handling,

15  transferring, or processing pollutants, provided such

16  pollutants are transferred over, under, or across any water,

17  estuaries, tidal flats, beaches, or waterfront lands,

18  including, but not limited to, any such facility and related

19  appurtenances owned or operated by a public utility or a

20  governmental or quasi-governmental body. In the event of a

21  ship-to-ship transfer of pollutants, the vessel going to or

22  coming from the place of transfer and a terminal facility

23  shall also be considered a terminal facility. For the purposes

24  of ss. 376.30-376.319, the term "terminal facility" shall not

25  be construed to include spill response vessels engaged in

26  response activities related to removal of pollutants, or

27  temporary storage facilities created to temporarily store

28  recovered pollutants and matter, or waterfront facilities

29  owned and operated by governmental entities acting as agents

30  of public convenience for persons engaged in the drilling for

31  or pumping, storing, handling, transferring, processing, or


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  1  refining of pollutants. However, each person engaged in the

  2  drilling for or pumping, storing, handling, transferring,

  3  processing, or refining of pollutants through a waterfront

  4  facility owned and operated by such a governmental entity

  5  shall be construed as a terminal facility.

  6         (46)(45)  "Transfer" or "transferred" includes

  7  onloading, offloading, fueling, bunkering, lightering, removal

  8  of waste pollutants, or other similar transfers, between

  9  terminal facility and vessel or vessel and vessel.

10         Section 10.  Subsections (5) and (6) of section

11  376.303, Florida Statutes, are added to read:

12         (5)  MAPPING.--If an institutional control is

13  implemented at any contaminated site in a brownfield area

14  designated pursuant to s. 376.80, the property owner must

15  provide information regarding the institutional control to the

16  local government for mapping purposes. The local government

17  must then note the existence of the institutional control on

18  any relevant local land use and zoning maps with a cross

19  reference to the department's site registry developed pursuant

20  to subsection (6). If the type of institutional control used

21  requires recording with the local government, then the map

22  notation shall also provide a cross reference to the book and

23  page number where recorded. When a local government is

24  provided with evidence that the department has subsequently

25  issued a no further action order without institutional

26  controls for a site currently noted on such maps, the local

27  government shall remove the notation.

28         (6)  REGISTRY.--The department shall prepare and

29  maintain a registry of all contaminated sites located in a

30  brownfield area designated pursuant to s. 376.80, which are

31  subject to institutional and engineering controls, in order to


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  1  provide a mechanism for the public and local governments to

  2  monitor the status of these controls, monitor the department's

  3  short-term and long-term protection of human health and the

  4  environment in relation to these sites, and evaluate economic

  5  revitalization efforts in these areas. At a minimum, the

  6  registry shall include the type of institutional or

  7  engineering controls employed at a particular site, types of

  8  contaminants and affected media, land use limitations, and the

  9  county in which the site is located. Sites listed on the

10  registry at which the department has subsequently issued a no

11  further action order without institutional controls shall be

12  removed from the registry. The department shall make the

13  registry available to the public and local governments within

14  1 year after the effective date of this act. The department

15  shall provide local governments with actual notice when the

16  registry becomes available. Local zoning and planning offices

17  shall post information on how to access the registry in public

18  view.

19         Section 11.  Paragraph (i) of subsection (4) and

20  paragraph (a) of subsection (9) of section 376.3078, Florida

21  Statutes, are amended, to read:

22         376.3078  Drycleaning facility restoration; funds;

23  uses; liability; recovery of expenditures.--

24         (4)  REHABILITATION CRITERIA.--It is the intent of the

25  Legislature to protect the health of all people under actual

26  circumstances of exposure.  By July 1, 1999, the secretary of

27  the department shall establish criteria by rule for the

28  purpose of determining, on a site-specific basis, the

29  rehabilitation program tasks that comprise a site

30  rehabilitation program, including a voluntary site

31  rehabilitation program, and the level at which a


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  1  rehabilitation program task and a site rehabilitation program

  2  may be deemed completed.  In establishing the rule, the

  3  department shall incorporate, to the maximum extent feasible,

  4  risk-based corrective action principles to achieve protection

  5  of human health and safety and the environment in a

  6  cost-effective manner as provided in this subsection.  The

  7  rule shall also include protocols for the use of natural

  8  attenuation and the issuance of "no further action" letters.

  9  The criteria for determining what constitutes a rehabilitation

10  program task or completion of a site rehabilitation program

11  task or site rehabilitation program, including a voluntary

12  site rehabilitation program, must:

13         (i)  Establish appropriate cleanup target levels for

14  soils.

15         1.  In establishing soil cleanup target levels for

16  human exposure to each contaminant found in soils from the

17  land surface to 2 feet below land surface, the department

18  shall consider the following, as appropriate: calculations

19  using a lifetime cancer risk level of 1.0E-6; a hazard index

20  of 1 or less; the best achievable detection limit; or the

21  naturally occurring background concentration. Institutional

22  controls or other methods shall be used to prevent human

23  exposure to contaminated soils more than 2 feet below the land

24  surface.  Any removal of such institutional controls shall

25  require such contaminated soils to be remediated.

26         2.  Leachability-based soil target levels shall be

27  based on protection of the groundwater cleanup target levels

28  or the alternate cleanup target levels for groundwater

29  established pursuant to this paragraph, as appropriate. Source

30  removal and other cost-effective alternatives that are

31  technologically feasible shall be considered in achieving the


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  1  leachability soil target levels established by the department.

  2  The leachability goals shall not be applicable if the

  3  department determines, based upon individual site

  4  characteristics, that contaminants will not leach into the

  5  groundwater at levels which pose a threat to human health,

  6  public safety, and the environment.

  7         3.  Using risk-based corrective action principles, the

  8  department shall approve may set alternative cleanup target

  9  levels based upon the person responsible for site

10  rehabilitation demonstrating, using site-specific modeling and

11  risk assessment studies, that human health, public safety, and

12  the environment are protected.


14  The department shall require source removal, as a risk

15  reduction measure, if warranted and cost-effective.  Once

16  source removal at a site is complete, the department shall

17  reevaluate the site to determine the degree of active cleanup

18  needed to continue.  Further, the department shall determine

19  if the reevaluated site qualifies for monitoring only or if no

20  further action is required to rehabilitate the site.  If

21  additional site rehabilitation is necessary to reach "no

22  further action" status, the department is encouraged to

23  utilize natural attenuation and monitoring where site

24  conditions warrant.


26  intent of the Legislature that the following drycleaning

27  solvent containment shall be required of the owners or

28  operators of drycleaning facilities, as follows:

29         (a)  Owners or operators of drycleaning facilities

30  shall by January 1, 1997, install dikes or other containment

31  structures around each machine or item of equipment in which


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  1  drycleaning solvents are used and around any area in which

  2  solvents or waste-containing solvents are stored.  Such dikes

  3  or containment structures shall be capable of containing 110

  4  percent of the capacity of each such machine and each such

  5  storage area.  To the extent practicable, each owner or

  6  operator of a drycleaning facility shall seal or otherwise

  7  render impervious those portions of all dikes' floor surfaces

  8  upon which any drycleaning solvents may leak, spill, or

  9  otherwise be released. A drycleaning facility that commenced

10  operating before January 1, 1996, and applied to the program

11  by December 30, 1997, is considered to have had secondary

12  containment timely installed for the purpose of determining

13  eligibility for state-funded site rehabilitation under this

14  section if the drycleaning facility meets the following

15  criteria:

16         1.  Reported in the completed application that the

17  facility was not in compliance with paragraph (a) of this

18  subsection, and entered into a consent order with the

19  department to install secondary containment and installed the

20  required containment by April 15, 1999; or

21         2.  Reported in the completed application that the

22  facility had installed secondary containment but stated in the

23  application that the date the facility installed secondary

24  containment was not known, and was requested by the department

25  subsequent to April 30, 1997, to apply for program eligibility

26  and did so apply within 90 days of the request, and installed

27  secondary containment by February 28, 1998.


29  The department shall reconsider the applications of facilities

30  that meet the criteria set forth in this paragraph and that

31  were previously determined to be ineligible due to failure to


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  1  comply with secondary containment requirements. The facilities

  2  must meet all other eligibility requirements. 

  3         Section 12.  Section 376.79, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         376.79  Definitions.--As used in ss. 376.77-376.85, the

  6  term:

  7         (1)  "Additive effects" means a scientific principle

  8  that the toxicity that occurs as a result of exposure is the

  9  sum of the toxicities of the individual chemicals to which the

10  individual is exposed.

11         (2)  "Antagonistic effects" means a scientific

12  principle that the toxicity that occurs as a result of

13  exposure is less than the sum of the toxicities of the

14  individual chemicals to which the individual is exposed.

15         (3)  "Brownfield sites" means sites that are generally

16  abandoned, idled, or underused industrial and commercial

17  properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by

18  actual or perceived environmental contamination.

19         (4)  "Brownfield area" means a contiguous area of one

20  or more brownfield sites, some of which may not be

21  contaminated, and which has been designated by a local

22  government by resolution. Such areas may include all or

23  portions of community redevelopment areas, enterprise zones,

24  empowerment zones, other such designated economically deprived

25  communities and areas, and Environmental Protection

26  Agency-designated brownfield pilot projects.

27         (5)  "Contaminant" means any physical, chemical,

28  biological, or radiological substance present in any medium

29  which may result in adverse effects to human health or the

30  environment or which creates an adverse nuisance,

31  organoleptic, or aesthetic condition in groundwater.


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  1         (6)(5)  "Contaminated site" means any contiguous land,

  2  surface water, or groundwater areas that contain contaminants

  3  that may be harmful to human health or the environment.

  4         (7)(6)  "Department" means the Department of

  5  Environmental Protection.

  6         (8)(7)  "Engineering controls" means modifications to a

  7  site to reduce or eliminate the potential for exposure to

  8  contaminants.  Such modifications may include, but are not

  9  limited to, physical or hydraulic control measures, capping,

10  point of use treatments, or slurry walls.

11         (9)(8)  "Environmental justice" means the fair

12  treatment of all people of all races, cultures, and incomes

13  with respect to the development, implementation, and

14  enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.

15         (10)(9)  "Institutional controls" means the restriction

16  on use of or access to a site to eliminate or minimize

17  exposure to contaminants.  Such restrictions may include, but

18  are not limited to, deed restrictions, restrictive covenants,

19  or conservation easements use restrictions, or restrictive

20  zoning.

21         (11)(10)  "Local pollution control program" means a

22  local pollution control program that has received delegated

23  authority from the Department of Environmental Protection

24  under ss. 376.80(11) and 403.182.

25         (12)(11)  "Natural attenuation" means a verifiable

26  approach to site rehabilitation which allows natural processes

27  to contain the spread of contamination and reduce the

28  concentrations of contaminants in contaminated groundwater and

29  soil. Natural attenuation processes may include sorption,

30  biodegradation, chemical reactions with subsurface materials,

31  diffusion, dispersion, and volatilization. the verifiable


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  1  reduction of contaminants through natural processes, which may

  2  include diffusion, dispersion, adsorption, and biodegradation.

  3         (13)(12)  "Person responsible for brownfield site

  4  rehabilitation" means the individual or entity that is

  5  designated by the local government to enter into the

  6  brownfield site rehabilitation agreement with the department

  7  or an approved local pollution control program and enters into

  8  an agreement with the local government for redevelopment of

  9  the site.

10         (14)(13)  "Person" means any individual, partner, joint

11  venture, or corporation; any group of the foregoing, organized

12  or united for a business purpose; or any governmental entity.

13         (15)  "Risk reduction" means the lowering or

14  elimination of the level of risk posed to human health or the

15  environment through interim remedial actions, remedial action,

16  or institutional, and if appropriate, engineering controls.

17         (16)(14)  "Secretary" means the secretary of the

18  Department of Environmental Protection.

19         (17)(15)  "Site rehabilitation" means the assessment of

20  site contamination and the remediation activities that reduce

21  the levels of contaminants at a site through accepted

22  treatment methods to meet the cleanup target levels

23  established for that site.

24         (18)(16)  "Source removal" means the removal of free

25  product, or the removal of contaminants from soil or sediment

26  that has been contaminated to the extent that leaching to

27  groundwater or surface water has occurred or is occurring.

28         (19)(17)  "Synergistic effects" means a scientific

29  principle that the toxicity that occurs as a result of

30  exposure is more than the sum of the toxicities of the

31  individual chemicals to which the individual is exposed.


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  1         Section 13.  Subsections (4) and (5) and paragraph (c)

  2  of subsection (7) of section 376.80, Florida Statutes, are

  3  amended to read:

  4         376.80  Brownfield program administration process.--

  5         (4)  Local governments or persons responsible for

  6  rehabilitation and redevelopment of brownfield areas must

  7  establish an advisory committee or use an existing advisory

  8  committee that has formally expressed its intent to address

  9  redevelopment of the specific brownfield area for the purpose

10  of improving public participation and receiving public

11  comments on rehabilitation and redevelopment of the brownfield

12  area, future land use, local employment opportunities,

13  community safety, and environmental justice. Such advisory

14  committee should include residents within or adjacent to the

15  brownfield area, businesses operating within the brownfield

16  area, and others deemed appropriate. The person responsible

17  for brownfield site rehabilitation must notify the advisory

18  committee of the intent to rehabilitate and redevelop the site

19  before executing the brownfield site rehabilitation agreement,

20  and provide the committee with a copy of the draft plan for

21  site rehabilitation which addresses elements required by

22  subsection (5). This includes disclosing potential reuse of

23  the property as well as site rehabilitation activities, if

24  any, to be performed. The advisory committee shall review the

25  proposed redevelopment agreement required pursuant to

26  paragraph (5)(i) and provide comments, if appropriate, to the

27  board of the local government with jurisdiction over the

28  brownfield area. The advisory committee must receive a copy of

29  the executed brownfield site rehabilitation agreement. When

30  the person responsible for brownfield site rehabilitation

31  submits a site assessment report or the technical document


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  1  containing the proposed course of action following site

  2  assessment to the department or the local pollution control

  3  program for review, the person responsible for brownfield site

  4  rehabilitation must hold a meeting or attend a regularly

  5  scheduled meeting to inform the advisory committee of the

  6  findings and recommendations in the site assessment report or

  7  the technical document containing the proposed course of

  8  action following site assessment.  The advisory committee must

  9  review and provide recommendations to the board of the local

10  government with jurisdiction on the proposed site

11  rehabilitation agreement provided in subsection (5).

12         (5)  The person responsible for brownfield site

13  rehabilitation must enter into a brownfield site

14  rehabilitation agreement with the department or an approved

15  local pollution control program if actual contamination exists

16  at the brownfield site. The brownfield site rehabilitation

17  agreement must include:

18         (a)  A brownfield site rehabilitation schedule,

19  including milestones for completion of site rehabilitation

20  tasks and submittal of technical reports and rehabilitation

21  plans as agreed upon by the parties to the agreement;

22         (b)  A commitment to conduct site rehabilitation

23  activities under the observation of professional engineers or

24  geologists who are registered in accordance with the

25  requirements of chapter 471 or chapter 492, respectively.

26  Submittals provided by the person responsible for brownfield

27  site rehabilitation must be signed and sealed by a

28  professional engineer registered under chapter 471, or a

29  professional geologist registered under chapter 492,

30  certifying that the submittal and associated work comply with

31  the law and rules of the department and those governing the


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  1  profession.  In addition, upon completion of the approved

  2  remedial action, the department shall require a professional

  3  engineer registered under chapter 471 or a professional

  4  geologist registered under chapter 492 to certify that the

  5  corrective action was, to the best of his or her knowledge,

  6  completed in substantial conformance with the plans and

  7  specifications approved by the department;

  8         (c)  A commitment to conduct site rehabilitation in

  9  accordance with an approved comprehensive quality assurance

10  plan under department rules;

11         (d)  A commitment to conduct site rehabilitation

12  consistent with state, federal, and local laws and consistent

13  with the brownfield site contamination cleanup criteria in s.

14  376.81, including any applicable requirements for risk-based

15  corrective action;

16         (e)  Timeframes for the department's review of

17  technical reports and plans submitted in accordance with the

18  agreement.  The department shall make every effort to adhere

19  to established agency goals for reasonable timeframes for

20  review of such documents;

21         (f)  A commitment to secure site access for the

22  department or approved local pollution control program to all

23  brownfield sites within the eligible brownfield area for

24  activities associated with site rehabilitation;

25         (g)  Other provisions that the person responsible for

26  brownfield site rehabilitation and the department agree upon,

27  that are consistent with ss. 376.77-376.85, and that will

28  improve or enhance the brownfield site rehabilitation process;

29         (h)  A commitment to consider appropriate pollution

30  prevention measures and to implement those that the person

31  responsible for brownfield site rehabilitation determines are


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  1  reasonable and cost-effective, taking into account the

  2  ultimate use or uses of the brownfield site.  Such measures

  3  may include improved inventory or production controls and

  4  procedures for preventing loss, spills, and leaks of hazardous

  5  waste and materials, and include goals for the reduction of

  6  releases of toxic materials; and

  7         (i)  Certification that an agreement exists between the

  8  person responsible for brownfield site rehabilitation and the

  9  local government with jurisdiction over the brownfield area.

10  Such agreement shall contain terms for the redevelopment of

11  the brownfield area.

12         (7)  The contractor must certify to the department that

13  the contractor:

14         (c)  Maintains comprehensive general liability and

15  comprehensive automobile liability insurance with minimum

16  limits of at least $1 million per claim occurrence and $1

17  million annual aggregate, sufficient to protect it from claims

18  for damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as

19  well as claims for property damage which may arise from

20  performance of work under the program, designating the state

21  as an additional insured party.

22         Section 14.  Section 376.81, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         376.81  Brownfield site and brownfield areas

25  contamination cleanup criteria.--

26         (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to protect the

27  health of all people under actual circumstances of exposure.

28  By July 1, 2001 1998, the secretary of the department shall

29  establish criteria by rule for the purpose of determining, on

30  a site-specific basis, the rehabilitation program tasks that

31  comprise a site rehabilitation program and the level at which


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  1  a rehabilitation program task and a site rehabilitation

  2  program may be deemed completed.  In establishing the rule,

  3  the department shall apply incorporate, to the maximum extent

  4  feasible, a risk-based corrective action process principles to

  5  achieve protection of human health and safety and the

  6  environment in a cost-effective manner based on the principles

  7  set forth as provided in this subsection. The rule must

  8  prescribe a phased risk-based corrective action process that

  9  is iterative and that tailors site rehabilitation tasks to

10  site-specific conditions and risks. The department and the

11  person responsible for brownfield site rehabilitation are

12  encouraged to establish decision points at which risk

13  management decisions will be made. The department shall

14  provide an early decision, when requested, regarding

15  applicable exposure factors and a risk management approach

16  based on the current and future land use at the site. The rule

17  shall also include protocols for the use of natural

18  attenuation, the use of institutional and engineering

19  controls, and the issuance of "no further action" letters. The

20  criteria for determining what constitutes a rehabilitation

21  program task or completion of a site rehabilitation program

22  task or site rehabilitation program must:

23         (a)  Consider the current exposure and potential risk

24  of exposure to humans and the environment, including multiple

25  pathways of exposure.  The physical, chemical, and biological

26  characteristics of each contaminant must be considered in

27  order to determine the feasibility of risk-based corrective

28  action assessment.

29         (b)  Establish the point of compliance at the source of

30  the contamination.  However, the department is authorized to

31  temporarily move the point of compliance to the boundary of


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  1  the property, or to the edge of the plume when the plume is

  2  within the property boundary, while cleanup, including cleanup

  3  through natural attenuation processes in conjunction with

  4  appropriate monitoring, is proceeding.  The department also is

  5  authorized, pursuant to criteria provided for in this section,

  6  to temporarily extend the point of compliance beyond the

  7  property boundary with appropriate monitoring, if such

  8  extension is needed to facilitate natural attenuation or to

  9  address the current conditions of the plume, provided human

10  health, public safety, and the environment are protected.

11  When temporarily extending the point of compliance beyond the

12  property boundary, it cannot be extended further than the

13  lateral extent of the plume at the time of execution of the

14  brownfield site rehabilitation agreement, if known, or the

15  lateral extent of the plume as defined at the time of site

16  assessment. Temporary extension of the point of compliance

17  beyond the property boundary, as provided in this paragraph,

18  must include actual notice by the person responsible for

19  brownfield site rehabilitation to local governments and the

20  owners of any property into which the point of compliance is

21  allowed to extend and constructive notice to residents and

22  business tenants of the property into which the point of

23  compliance is allowed to extend. Persons receiving notice

24  pursuant to this paragraph shall have the opportunity to

25  comment within 30 days of receipt of the notice.

26         (c)  Ensure that the site-specific cleanup goal is that

27  all contaminated brownfield sites and brownfield areas

28  ultimately achieve the applicable cleanup target levels

29  provided in this section. In the circumstances provided below,

30  and after constructive notice and opportunity to comment

31  within 30 days from receipt of the notice to local government,


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  1  to owners of any property into which the point of compliance

  2  is allowed to extend, and to residents on any property into

  3  which the point of compliance is allowed to extend, the

  4  department may allow concentrations of contaminants to

  5  temporarily exceed the applicable cleanup target levels while

  6  cleanup, including cleanup through natural attenuation

  7  processes in conjunction with appropriate monitoring, is

  8  proceeding, if human health, public safety, and the

  9  environment are protected.

10         (d)  Allow brownfield site and brownfield area

11  rehabilitation programs to include the use of institutional or

12  engineering controls, where appropriate, to eliminate or

13  control the potential exposure to contaminants of humans or

14  the environment. The use of controls must be preapproved by

15  the department and only after constructive notice and

16  opportunity to comment within 30 days from receipt of notice

17  is provided to local governments, to owners of any property

18  into which the point of compliance is allowed to extend, and

19  to residents on any property into which the point of

20  compliance is allowed to extend. When institutional or

21  engineering controls are implemented to control exposure, the

22  removal of the controls must have prior department approval

23  and must be accompanied by the resumption of active cleanup,

24  or other approved controls, unless cleanup target levels under

25  this section have been achieved.

26         (e)  Consider the additive effects of contaminants.

27  The synergistic and antagonistic effects shall also be

28  considered when the scientific data become available.

29         (f)  Take into consideration individual site

30  characteristics, which shall include, but not be limited to,

31  the current and projected use of the affected groundwater and


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  1  surface water in the vicinity of the site, current and

  2  projected land uses of the area affected by the contamination,

  3  the exposed population, the degree and extent of

  4  contamination, the rate of contaminant migration, the apparent

  5  or potential rate of contaminant degradation through natural

  6  attenuation processes, the location of the plume, and the

  7  potential for further migration in relation to site property

  8  boundaries.

  9         (g)  Apply state water quality standards as follows:

10         1.  Cleanup target levels for each contaminant found in

11  groundwater shall be the applicable state water quality

12  standards.  Where such standards do not exist, the cleanup

13  target levels for groundwater shall be based on the minimum

14  criteria specified in department rule.  The department shall

15  apply consider the following, as appropriate, in establishing

16  the applicable cleanup target levels minimum criteria:

17  calculations using a lifetime cancer risk level of 1.0E-6; a

18  hazard index of 1 or less; the best achievable detection

19  limit; and the naturally occurring background concentration;

20  or nuisance, organoleptic, and aesthetic considerations.

21  However, the department shall not require site rehabilitation

22  to achieve a cleanup target level for any individual

23  contaminant which is more stringent than the site-specific,

24  naturally occurring background concentration for that

25  contaminant.

26         2.  Where surface waters are exposed to contaminated

27  groundwater, the cleanup target levels for the contaminants

28  shall be based on the more protective of the groundwater or

29  surface water standards as established by department rule.

30  The point of measuring compliance with the surface water

31  standards shall be in the groundwater immediately adjacent to


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  1  the surface water body.

  2         3.  Using risk-based corrective action principles, the

  3  department shall approve may set alternative cleanup target

  4  levels in conjunction with institutional and engineering

  5  controls, if needed, based upon an applicant's demonstration,

  6  using site-specific data, modeling results, and risk

  7  assessment studies, risk reduction techniques, or a

  8  combination thereof, that human health, public safety, and the

  9  environment are protected to the same degree as provided in

10  subparagraphs 1. and 2. Where a state water quality standard

11  is applicable, a deviation may not result in the application

12  of cleanup target levels more stringent than the standard.  In

13  determining whether it is appropriate to establish alternative

14  cleanup target levels at a site, the department must consider

15  the effectiveness of source removal, if any, which that has

16  been completed at the site and the practical likelihood of the

17  use of low yield or poor quality groundwater, the use of

18  groundwater near marine surface water bodies, the current and

19  projected use of the affected groundwater in the vicinity of

20  the site, or the use of groundwater in the immediate vicinity

21  of the contaminated area, where it has been demonstrated that

22  the groundwater contamination is not migrating away from such

23  localized source, provided human health, public safety, and

24  the environment are protected. When using alternative cleanup

25  target levels at a brownfield site, institutional controls

26  shall not be required if:

27         a.  The only cleanup target levels exceeded are the

28  groundwater cleanup target levels derived from nuisance,

29  organoleptic, or aesthetic considerations;

30         b.  Concentrations of all contaminants meet the state

31  water quality standards or minimum criteria, based on


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  1  protection of human health, provided in subparagraph 1.;

  2         c.  All of the groundwater cleanup target levels

  3  established pursuant to subparagraph 1. are met at the

  4  property boundary;

  5         d.  The person responsible for brownfield site

  6  rehabilitation has demonstrated that the contaminants will not

  7  migrate beyond the property boundary at concentrations

  8  exceeding the groundwater cleanup target levels established

  9  pursuant to subparagraph 1.;

10         e.  The property has access to and is using an offsite

11  water supply and no unplugged private wells are used for

12  domestic purposes; and

13         f.  The real property owner provides written acceptance

14  of the "no further action" proposal to the department or the

15  local pollution control program.

16         (h)  Provide for the department to issue a "no further

17  action order," with conditions, including, but not limited to,

18  the use of institutional or engineering controls where

19  appropriate, when alternative cleanup target levels

20  established pursuant to subparagraph (g)3. have been achieved,

21  or when the person responsible for brownfield site

22  rehabilitation can demonstrate that the cleanup target level

23  is unachievable within available technologies.  Prior to

24  issuing such an order, the department shall consider the

25  feasibility of an alternative site rehabilitation technology

26  in the brownfield area.

27         (i)  Establish appropriate cleanup target levels for

28  soils.

29         1.  In establishing soil cleanup target levels for

30  human exposure to each contaminant found in soils from the

31  land surface to 2 feet below land surface, the department


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  1  shall apply consider the following, as appropriate:

  2  calculations using a lifetime cancer risk level of 1.0E-6; a

  3  hazard index of 1 or less; and the best achievable detection

  4  limit; or the naturally occurring background concentration.

  5  However, the department shall not require site rehabilitation

  6  to achieve a cleanup target level for an individual

  7  contaminant which is more stringent than the site-specific,

  8  naturally occurring background concentration for that

  9  contaminant. Institutional controls or other methods shall be

10  used to prevent human exposure to contaminated soils more than

11  2 feet below the land surface.  Any removal of such

12  institutional controls shall require such contaminated soils

13  to be remediated.

14         2.  Leachability-based soil target levels shall be

15  based on protection of the groundwater cleanup target levels

16  or the alternate cleanup target levels for groundwater

17  established pursuant to this paragraph, as appropriate. Source

18  removal and other cost-effective alternatives that are

19  technologically feasible shall be considered in achieving the

20  leachability soil target levels established by the department.

21  The leachability goals shall not be applicable if the

22  department determines, based upon individual site

23  characteristics, and in conjunction with institutional and

24  engineering controls, if needed, that contaminants will not

25  leach into the groundwater at levels that which pose a threat

26  to human health, public safety, and the environment.

27         3.  Using risk-based corrective action principles, the

28  department shall approve may set alternative cleanup target

29  levels in conjunction with institutional and engineering

30  controls, if needed, based upon an applicant's demonstration,

31  using site-specific data, modeling results, and risk


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  1  assessment studies, risk reduction techniques, or a

  2  combination thereof, that human health, public safety, and the

  3  environment are protected to the same degree as provided in

  4  subparagraphs 1. and 2.

  5         (2)  The department shall require source removal, as a

  6  risk reduction measure, if warranted and cost-effective.  Once

  7  source removal at a site is complete, the department shall

  8  reevaluate the site to determine the degree of active cleanup

  9  needed to continue.  Further, the department shall determine

10  if the reevaluated site qualifies for monitoring only or if no

11  further action is required to rehabilitate the site.  If

12  additional site rehabilitation is necessary to reach "no

13  further action" status, the department is encouraged to

14  utilize natural attenuation and monitoring where site

15  conditions warrant.

16         (3)  The cleanup criteria described in this section

17  govern only site rehabilitation activities occurring at the

18  contaminated site. Removal of contaminated media from a site

19  for offsite relocation or treatment must be in accordance with

20  all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

21         Section 15.  Paragraph (k) is added to subsection (2)

22  of section 376.82, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         376.82  Eligibility criteria and liability

24  protection.--

25         (2)  LIABILITY PROTECTION.--

26         (k)  A person whose property becomes contaminated due

27  to geophysical or hydrologic reasons, including the migration

28  of contaminants onto their property from the operation of

29  facilities and activities on a nearby designated brownfield

30  area, and whose property has never been occupied by a business

31  that utilized or stored the contaminants or similar


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  1  constituents is not subject to administrative or judicial

  2  action brought by or on behalf of another to compel the

  3  rehabilitation of or the payment of the costs for the

  4  rehabilitation of sites contaminated by materials that

  5  migrated onto the property from the designated brownfield

  6  area, if the person:

  7         1.  Does not own and has never held an ownership

  8  interest in, or shared in the profits of, activities in the

  9  designated brownfield area operated at the source location;

10         2.  Did not participate in the operation or management

11  of the activities in the designated brownfield area operated

12  at the source location; and

13         3.  Did not cause, contribute to, or exacerbate the

14  release or threat of release of any hazardous substance

15  through any act or omission.

16         Section 16.  Section 376.84, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         376.84  Brownfield redevelopment economic

19  incentives.--It is the intent of the Legislature that

20  brownfield redevelopment activities be viewed as opportunities

21  to significantly improve the utilization, general condition,

22  and appearance of these sites. Alternative Different standards

23  than those in place for new development, as allowed under

24  current state and local laws, should be used to the fullest

25  extent to encourage the redevelopment of a brownfield. State

26  and local governments are encouraged to offer redevelopment

27  incentives for this purpose, as an ongoing public investment

28  in infrastructure and services, to help eliminate the public

29  health and environmental hazards, and to promote the creation

30  of jobs in these areas. These Such incentives may include

31  financial, regulatory, and technical assistance to persons and


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  1  businesses involved in the redevelopment of the brownfield

  2  pursuant to this act.

  3         (1)  Financial incentives and local incentives for

  4  redevelopment may include, but not be limited to:

  5         (a)  Tax increment financing through community

  6  redevelopment agencies, pursuant to part III of chapter 163,

  7  or any other entities approved by the local government for the

  8  purpose of redeveloping brownfield areas.

  9         (b)  Enterprise zone tax exemptions for businesses

10  pursuant to chapters 196 and 290.

11         (c)  Safe neighborhood improvement districts as

12  provided in ss. 163.501-163.523.

13         (d)  Waiver, reduction, or limitation by line of

14  business with respect to occupational license taxes pursuant

15  to chapter 205.

16         (e)  Tax exemption for historic properties as provided

17  in s. 196.1997.

18         (f)  Residential electricity exemption of up to the

19  first 500 kilowatts of use may be exempted from the municipal

20  public service tax pursuant to s. 166.231.

21         (g)  Minority business enterprise programs as provided

22  in s. 287.0943.

23         (h)  Electric and gas tax exemption as provided in s.

24  166.231(6).

25         (i)  Economic development tax abatement as provided in

26  s. 196.1995.

27         (j)  Grants, including community development block

28  grants.

29         (k)  Pledging of revenues to secure bonds.

30         (l)  Low-interest revolving loans and zero-interest

31  loan pools.


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  1         (m)  Local grant programs for facade, storefront,

  2  signage, and other business improvements.

  3         (n)  Governmental coordination of loan programs with

  4  lenders, such as microloans, business reserve fund loans,

  5  letter of credit enhancements, gap financing, land lease and

  6  sublease loans, and private equity.

  7         (o)  Payment schedules over time for payment of fees,

  8  within criteria, and marginal cost pricing.

  9         (p)  The tax rebate established for certified

10  businesses located and operated in a designated brownfield

11  area under s. 290.007(9).

12         (2)  Regulatory incentives may include, but not be

13  limited to:

14         (a)  Cities' absorption of developers' concurrency

15  needs.

16         (b)  Developers' performance of certain analyses.

17         (c)  Exemptions and lessening of state and local review

18  requirements.

19         (d)  Water and sewer regulatory incentives.

20         (e)  Waiver of transportation impact fees and permit

21  fees.

22         (f)  Zoning incentives to reduce review requirements

23  for redevelopment changes in use and occupancy; establishment

24  of code criteria for specific uses; and institution of credits

25  for previous use within the area.

26         (g)  Flexibility in parking standards and buffer zone

27  standards.

28         (h)  Environmental management through specific code

29  criteria and conditions allowed by current law.

30         (i)  Maintenance standards and activities by ordinance

31  and otherwise, and increased security and crime prevention


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  1  measures available through special assessments.

  2         (j)  Traffic-calming measures.

  3         (k)  Historic preservation ordinances, loan programs,

  4  and review and permitting procedures.

  5         (l)  One-stop permitting and streamlined development

  6  and permitting process.

  7         (3)  Technical assistance incentives may include, but

  8  not be limited to:

  9         (a)  Expedited development applications.

10         (b)  Formal and informal information on business

11  incentives and financial programs.

12         (c)  Site design assistance.

13         (d)  Marketing and promotion of projects or areas.

14         (4)  A local government having a designated brownfield

15  area under s. 376.80 and a brownfield site rehabilitation

16  agreement under subsection (5) of that section may issue

17  revenue bonds under s. 163.385 and employ tax increment

18  financing under s. 163.387 for the purpose of financing the

19  implementation of the brownfield site rehabilitation agreement

20  and the local government's approved plan for revitalizing the

21  brownfield area, except that in a charter county such

22  incentive shall be employed consistent with the provisions of

23  s. 163.410.

24         (5)  A local government having a designated brownfield

25  area as described in subsection (4) may also exercise the

26  powers granted under s. 163.514 for community redevelopment

27  improvement districts, including the authority to levy special

28  assessments when such mechanisms will assist in revitalizing

29  the brownfield area.

30         Section 17.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (3)

31  of section 403.973, Florida Statutes, to read:


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  1         403.973  Expedited permitting; comprehensive plan

  2  amendments.--

  3         (3)

  4         (d)  Projects located in a designated brownfield area

  5  are eligible for the expedited permitting process.

  6         Section 18.  Subsection (1) of section 190.012, Florida

  7  Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         190.012  Special powers; public improvements and

  9  community facilities.--The district shall have, and the board

10  may exercise, subject to the regulatory jurisdiction and

11  permitting authority of all applicable governmental bodies,

12  agencies, and special districts having authority with respect

13  to any area included therein, any or all of the following

14  special powers relating to public improvements and community

15  facilities authorized by this act:

16         (1)  To finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire,

17  construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate,

18  and maintain systems, facilities, and basic infrastructures

19  for the following:

20         (a)  Water management and control for the lands within

21  the district and to connect some or any of such facilities

22  with roads and bridges.

23         (b)  Water supply, sewer, and wastewater management,

24  reclamation, and reuse or any combination thereof, and to

25  construct and operate connecting intercepting or outlet sewers

26  and sewer mains and pipes and water mains, conduits, or

27  pipelines in, along, and under any street, alley, highway, or

28  other public place or ways, and to dispose of any effluent,

29  residue, or other byproducts of such system or sewer system.

30         (c)  Bridges or culverts that may be needed across any

31  drain, ditch, canal, floodway, holding basin, excavation,


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  1  public highway, tract, grade, fill, or cut and roadways over

  2  levees and embankments, and to construct any and all of such

  3  works and improvements across, through, or over any public

  4  right-of-way, highway, grade, fill, or cut.

  5         (d)1.  District roads equal to or exceeding the

  6  specifications of the county in which such district roads are

  7  located, and street lights.

  8         2.  Buses, trolleys, transit shelters, ridesharing

  9  facilities and services, parking improvements, and related

10  signage.

11         (e)  Investigation and remediation costs associated

12  with the cleanup of actual or perceived environmental

13  contamination within the district under the supervision or

14  direction of a competent governmental authority unless the

15  covered costs benefit any person who is a landowner within the

16  district and who caused or contributed to the contamination.

17         (f)(e)  Conservation areas, mitigation areas, and

18  wildlife habitat, including the maintenance of any plant or

19  animal species, and any related interest in real or personal

20  property.

21         (g)(f)  Any other project within or without the

22  boundaries of a district when a local government issued a

23  development order pursuant to s. 380.06 or s. 380.061

24  approving or expressly requiring the construction or funding

25  of the project by the district, or when the project is the

26  subject of an agreement between the district and a

27  governmental entity and is consistent with the local

28  government comprehensive plan of the local government within

29  which the project is to be located.

30         Section 19.  Section 712.01, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         712.01  Definitions.--As used in this law:

  2         (1)  The term "person" as used herein denotes singular

  3  or plural, natural or corporate, private or governmental,

  4  including the state and any political subdivision or agency

  5  thereof as the context for the use thereof requires or denotes

  6  and including any homeowners' association.

  7         (2)  "Root of title" means any title transaction

  8  purporting to create or transfer the estate claimed by any

  9  person and which is the last title transaction to have been

10  recorded at least 30 years prior to the time when

11  marketability is being determined.  The effective date of the

12  root of title is the date on which it was recorded.

13         (3)  "Title transaction" means any recorded instrument

14  or court proceeding which affects title to any estate or

15  interest in land and which describes the land sufficiently to

16  identify its location and boundaries.

17         (4)  The term "homeowners' association" means a

18  homeowners' association as defined in s. 617.301(7), or an

19  association of parcel owners which is authorized to enforce

20  use restrictions that are imposed on the parcels.

21         (5)  The term "parcel" means real property which is

22  used for residential purposes that is subject to exclusive

23  ownership and which is subject to any covenant or restriction

24  of a homeowners' association.

25         (6)  The term "covenant or restriction" means any

26  agreement or limitation contained in a document recorded in

27  the public records of the county in which a parcel is located

28  which subjects the parcel to any use restriction which may be

29  enforced by a homeowners' association or which authorizes a

30  homeowners' association to impose a charge or assessment

31  against the parcel or the owner of the parcel or which may be


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  1  enforced by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection

  2  pursuant to chapter 376 or chapter 403.

  3         Section 20.  Section 712.03, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         712.03  Exceptions to marketability.--Such marketable

  6  record title shall not affect or extinguish the following

  7  rights:

  8         (1)  Estates or interests, easements and use

  9  restrictions disclosed by and defects inherent in the

10  muniments of title on which said estate is based beginning

11  with the root of title; provided, however, that a general

12  reference in any of such muniments to easements, use

13  restrictions or other interests created prior to the root of

14  title shall not be sufficient to preserve them unless specific

15  identification by reference to book and page of record or by

16  name of recorded plat be made therein to a recorded title

17  transaction which imposed, transferred or continued such

18  easement, use restrictions or other interests; subject,

19  however, to the provisions of subsection (5).

20         (2)  Estates, interests, claims, or charges, or any

21  covenant or restriction, preserved by the filing of a proper

22  notice in accordance with the provisions hereof.

23         (3)  Rights of any person in possession of the lands,

24  so long as such person is in such possession.

25         (4)  Estates, interests, claims, or charges arising out

26  of a title transaction which has been recorded subsequent to

27  the effective date of the root of title.

28         (5)  Recorded or unrecorded easements or rights,

29  interest or servitude in the nature of easements,

30  rights-of-way and terminal facilities, including those of a

31  public utility or of a governmental agency, so long as the


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  1  same are used and the use of any part thereof shall except

  2  from the operation hereof the right to the entire use thereof.

  3  No notice need be filed in order to preserve the lien of any

  4  mortgage or deed of trust or any supplement thereto

  5  encumbering any such recorded or unrecorded easements, or

  6  rights, interest, or servitude in the nature of easements,

  7  rights-of-way, and terminal facilities.  However, nothing

  8  herein shall be construed as preserving to the mortgagee or

  9  grantee of any such mortgage or deed of trust or any

10  supplement thereto any greater rights than the rights of the

11  mortgagor or grantor.

12         (6)  Rights of any person in whose name the land is

13  assessed on the county tax rolls for such period of time as

14  the land is so assessed and which rights are preserved for a

15  period of 3 years after the land is last assessed in such

16  person's name.

17         (7)  State title to lands beneath navigable waters

18  acquired by virtue of sovereignty.

19         (8)  A restriction or covenant recorded pursuant to

20  chapter 376 or chapter 403.

21         Section 21.  Paragraph (j) of subsection (3) of section

22  163.2517, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         163.2517  Designation of urban infill and redevelopment

24  area.--

25         (3)  A local government seeking to designate a

26  geographic area within its jurisdiction as an urban infill and

27  redevelopment area shall prepare a plan that describes the

28  infill and redevelopment objectives of the local government

29  within the proposed area. In lieu of preparing a new plan, the

30  local government may demonstrate that an existing plan or

31  combination of plans associated with a community redevelopment


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  1  area, Florida Main Street program, Front Porch Florida

  2  Community, sustainable community, enterprise zone, or

  3  neighborhood improvement district includes the factors listed

  4  in paragraphs (a)-(n), including a collaborative and holistic

  5  community participation process, or amend such existing plans

  6  to include these factors. The plan shall demonstrate the local

  7  government and community's commitment to comprehensively

  8  address the urban problems within the urban infill and

  9  redevelopment area and identify activities and programs to

10  accomplish locally identified goals such as code enforcement;

11  improved educational opportunities; reduction in crime;

12  neighborhood revitalization and preservation; provision of

13  infrastructure needs, including mass transit and multimodal

14  linkages; and mixed-use planning to promote multifunctional

15  redevelopment to improve both the residential and commercial

16  quality of life in the area. The plan shall also:

17         (j)  Identify and adopt a package of financial and

18  local government incentives which the local government will

19  offer for new development, expansion of existing development,

20  and redevelopment within the urban infill and redevelopment

21  area. Examples of such incentives include:

22         1.  Waiver of license and permit fees.

23         2.  Exemption of sales made in the urban infill and

24  redevelopment area from Waiver of local option sales surtaxes

25  imposed pursuant to s. 212.054 taxes.

26         3.  Waiver of delinquent local taxes or fees to promote

27  the return of property to productive use.

28         4.  Expedited permitting.

29         5.  Lower transportation impact fees for development

30  which encourages more use of public transit, pedestrian, and

31  bicycle modes of transportation.


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  1         6.  Prioritization of infrastructure spending within

  2  the urban infill and redevelopment area.

  3         7.  Local government absorption of developers'

  4  concurrency costs.


  6  In order to be authorized to recognize the exemption from

  7  local option sales surtaxes pursuant to subparagraph 2., the

  8  owner, lessee, or lessor of the new development, expanding

  9  existing development, or redevelopment within the urban infill

10  and redevelopment area must file an application under oath

11  with the governing body having jurisdiction over the urban

12  infill and redevelopment area where the business is located.

13  The application must include the name and address of the

14  business claiming the exclusion from collecting local option

15  surtaxes; an address and assessment roll parcel number of the

16  urban infill and redevelopment area for which the exemption is

17  being sought; a description of the improvements made to

18  accomplish the new development, expanding development, or

19  redevelopment of the real property; a copy of the building

20  permit application or the building permit issued for the

21  development of the real property; a new application for a

22  certificate of registration with the Department of Revenue

23  with the address of the new development, expanding

24  development, or redevelopment; and the location of the

25  property. The local government must review and approve the

26  application and submit the completed application and

27  documentation along with a copy of the ordinance adopted

28  pursuant to subsection (5) to the Department of Revenue in

29  order for the business to become eligible to make sales exempt

30  from local option sales surtaxes in the urban infill and

31  redevelopment area.


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  1         Section 22.  Subsection (13) of section 212.08, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         212.08  Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution,

  4  and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail,

  5  the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and

  6  the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the

  7  following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed

  8  by this chapter.

  9         (13)  No transactions shall be exempt from the tax

10  imposed by this chapter except those expressly exempted

11  herein. All laws granting tax exemptions, to the extent they

12  may be inconsistent or in conflict with this chapter,

13  including, but not limited to, the following designated laws,

14  shall yield to and be superseded by the provisions of this

15  subsection:  ss. 125.019, 153.76, 154.2331, 159.15, 159.31,

16  159.50, 159.708, 163.385, 163.395, 215.76, 243.33, 258.14,

17  315.11, 348.65, 348.762, 349.13, 403.1834, 616.07, and 623.09,

18  and the following Laws of Florida, acts of the year indicated:

19  s. 31, chapter 30843, 1955; s. 19, chapter 30845, 1955; s. 12,

20  chapter 30927, 1955; s. 8, chapter 31179, 1955; s. 15, chapter

21  31263, 1955; s. 13, chapter 31343, 1955; s. 16, chapter

22  59-1653; s. 13, chapter 59-1356; s. 12, chapter 61-2261; s.

23  19, chapter 61-2754; s. 10, chapter 61-2686; s. 11, chapter

24  63-1643; s. 11, chapter 65-1274; s. 16, chapter 67-1446; and

25  s. 10, chapter 67-1681. This subsection does not supersede the

26  authority of a local government to adopt financial and local

27  government incentives pursuant to s. 163.2517.

28         Section 23.  Section 163.2523, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         163.2523  Grant program.--An Urban Infill and

31  Redevelopment Assistance Grant Program is created for local


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  1  governments. A local government may allocate grant money to

  2  special districts, including community redevelopment agencies,

  3  and nonprofit community development organizations to implement

  4  projects consistent with an adopted urban infill and

  5  redevelopment plan or plan employed in lieu thereof. Thirty

  6  percent of the general revenue appropriated for this program

  7  shall be available for planning grants to be used by local

  8  governments for the development of an urban infill and

  9  redevelopment plan, including community participation

10  processes for the plan. Sixty percent of the general revenue

11  appropriated for this program shall be available for

12  fifty/fifty matching grants for implementing urban infill and

13  redevelopment projects that further the objectives set forth

14  in the local government's adopted urban infill and

15  redevelopment plan or plan employed in lieu thereof. The

16  remaining 10 percent of the revenue must be used for outright

17  grants for implementing projects requiring an expenditure of

18  under $50,000. If the volume of fundable applications under

19  any of the allocations specified in this section does not

20  fully obligate the amount of the allocation, the Department of

21  Community Affairs may transfer the unused balance to the

22  category having the highest dollar value of applications

23  eligible but unfunded. However, in no event may the percentage

24  of dollars allocated to outright grants for implementing

25  projects exceed 20 percent in any given fiscal year. Projects

26  that provide employment opportunities to clients of the WAGES

27  program and projects within urban infill and redevelopment

28  areas that include a community redevelopment area, Florida

29  Main Street program, Front Porch Florida Community,

30  sustainable community, enterprise zone, federal enterprise

31  zone, enterprise community, or neighborhood improvement


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  district must be given an elevated priority in the scoring of

  2  competing grant applications. The Division of Housing and

  3  Community Development of the Department of Community Affairs

  4  shall administer the grant program. The Department of

  5  Community Affairs shall adopt rules establishing grant review

  6  criteria consistent with this section.

  7         Section 24.  Section 258.16, Florida Statutes, is

  8  created to read:

  9         258.16  Rodman Reservoir Recreation Area designated.--

10         (1)  There is designated and established a state

11  recreation area to be known as Rodman Reservoir Recreation

12  Area, in Marion and Putman Counties, which shall include all

13  state-owned lands within the floodplain of the Oklawaha River

14  and those hereafter acquired by the state from Eureka Dam in

15  Marion County to Buckman Lock in Putnam County. Such lands

16  shall be deemed and held to be a state recreation area, under

17  the supervision of the Division of Recreation and Parks of the

18  Department of Environmental Protection, and the division is

19  charged with the duty of providing for the development of

20  multipurpose recreational opportunities at this recreation

21  area and the care, upkeep, maintenance, and beautification of

22  the Rodman Reservoir Recreation Area, including all those

23  dams, locks, and other structures transferred by the Federal

24  Government to the state. Such structures may be permanently

25  closed and filled with suitable materials if their continued

26  maintenance and operation is determined by the department not

27  to be cost-effective due to the overall condition of the

28  structures when they were transferred by the Federal

29  Government. The Department shall not adopt any rules or

30  regulations, nor utilize any existing rules or regulations,

31  prohibiting recreational opportunities, including, but not


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  limited to hunting and fishing, in the Rodman Reservoir

  2  Recreational Area. Any proposed action that would

  3  substantially alter the recreation area as it existed on

  4  January 1, 2000, shall be approved by the Legislature prior to

  5  implementation.

  6         (2)  The Division of State Lands may acquire in the

  7  name of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

  8  Trust Fund any additional property adjacent or contiguous to

  9  the Rodman Reservoir Recreation Area, from private owners or

10  from the United States Government, for improved management and

11  recreational opportunities.

12         (3)  The Division of State Lands is directed to

13  identify, contact, and inform all property owners who entered

14  into easements located within the taking line of the Rodman

15  Reservoir of the designation of this area as a state

16  recreation area.

17         (4)  By January 1, 2001, the Division of State Lands is

18  directed to submit a report to the Executive Office of the

19  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

20  House of Representatives that:

21         (a)  Identifies each entity that has an easement within

22  the taking line of the reservoir.

23         (b)  Indicates whether the holder of the easement is

24  willing to sell the easement.

25         (c)  Estimates the cost of acquiring the easements.

26         (d)  Identifies any additional issues resulting from

27  this designation.

28         Section 25.  Section 376.3195, Florida Statutes, is

29  repealed.

30         Section 26.  Subsection (9) of section 211.3103,

31  Florida Statutes, is repealed.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         Section 27.  In fiscal year 2000-2001, any unencumbered

  2  funds remaining undisbursed on June 30, 2001, from the

  3  Quick-Response Training Program, Brownfield Redevelopment

  4  Bonus Refunds, and funds appropriated in the General

  5  Appropriations Act for cleanup of state-owned lands, shall be

  6  used for grants to fund assessment and remediation at

  7  brownfield sites or areas designated pursuant to s. 376.80,

  8  Florida Statues, prior to April 1, 2000, that are United

  9  States Environmental Protection Agency brownfield pilot

10  projects designated prior to July 1, 1997, at which site

11  assessment has been initiated as of April 1, 2000.  Grants

12  shall be distributed to eligible pilot projects under this

13  part on a pro-rata basis in an amount not to exceed $500,000

14  per pilot project.

15         Section 28.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2000.



18  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

19  And the title is amended as follows:

20         On page 1, line 2 through page 6, line 4

21  remove from the title of the bill:  all of said lines


23  and insert in lieu thereof:

24         An act relating to state regulation of lands;

25         amending s. 206.9935, F.S.; providing

26         requirements for determination of the rate;

27         amending s. 212.20, F.S.; providing for

28         distribution of funds; amending s. 252.87,

29         F.S.; revising reporting requirements under the

30         Hazardous Materials Emergency Response and

31         Community Right-to-Know Act; amending s.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         288.047, F.S.; requiring Enterprise Florida,

  2         Inc., to set aside each fiscal year a certain

  3         amount of the appropriation for the Quick

  4         Response Training Program for businesses

  5         located in a brownfield area; amending s.

  6         288.107, F.S.; redefining the term "eligible

  7         business"; providing for bonus refunds for

  8         businesses that can demonstrate a fixed capital

  9         investment in certain mixed use activities in

10         the brownfield area; amending s. 288.905, F.S.;

11         requiring Enterprise Florida, Inc., to develop

12         comprehensive marketing strategies for

13         redevelopment of brownfield areas; amending s.

14         290.007, F.S.; providing for state incentives

15         in designated brownfield areas; amending s.

16         376.051, F.S.; providing for the use of

17         risk-based cleanup criteria on state university

18         lands; amending s. 376.301, F.S.; redefining

19         the terms "antagonistic effects," "discharge,"

20         "institutional controls," "natural

21         attenuation," and "site rehabilitation" and

22         defining the term "risk reduction"; amending s.

23         376.303, F.S.; providing authority for mapping

24         and registering contamination within

25         brownfields; amending s. 376.3078, F.S.;

26         providing conditions with respect to

27         determination of eligibility of specified

28         drycleaning facilities for state-funded site

29         rehabilitation; providing for rehabilitation

30         criteria; amending s. 376.79, F.S.; defining

31         the terms "contaminant" and "risk reduction";


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         redefining the terms "natural attenuation,"

  2         "institutional control," and "source removal";

  3         amending s. 376.80, F.S.; allowing local

  4         governments or persons responsible for

  5         brownfield area rehabilitation and

  6         redevelopment to use an existing advisory

  7         committee; deleting the requirement that the

  8         advisory committee must review and provide

  9         recommendations to the local government with

10         jurisdiction on the proposed brownfield site

11         rehabilitation agreement; providing that the

12         person responsible for site rehabilitation must

13         notify the advisory committee of the intent to

14         rehabilitate and redevelop the site before

15         executing the brownfield site rehabilitation

16         agreement; requiring the person responsible for

17         site rehabilitation to hold a meeting or attend

18         a regularly scheduled meeting of the advisory

19         committee to inform the advisory committee of

20         the outcome of the environmental assessment;

21         requiring the person responsible for site

22         rehabilitation to enter into a brownfield site

23         rehabilitation agreement only if actual

24         contamination exists; clarifying provisions

25         relating to the required comprehensive general

26         liability and comprehensive automobile

27         liability insurance; amending s. 376.81, F.S.;

28         providing direction regarding the risk-based

29         corrective action rule; requiring the

30         department to establish alternative cleanup

31         levels under certain circumstances; amending s.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         376.82, F.S.; providing immunity for liability

  2         regarding contaminated site remediation under

  3         certain circumstances; amending s. 376.84,

  4         F.S.; authorizing entities approved by the

  5         local government for the purpose of

  6         redeveloping brownfield areas to use tax

  7         increment financing; amending s. 403.973, F.S.;

  8         providing that projects located in a designated

  9         brownfield area are eligible for the expedited

10         permitting process; amending s. 190.012, F.S.;

11         authorizing community development districts to

12         fund certain environmental costs under certain

13         circumstances; amending ss. 712.01, 712.03,

14         F.S.; prohibiting subsequent property owners

15         from removing certain deed restrictions under

16         other provisions of the Marketable Record Title

17         Act; amending s. 163.2517, F.S.; revising the

18         financial incentives which a local government

19         may offer in an urban infill and redevelopment

20         area which relate to exemption from local

21         option sales surtaxes and waiver of delinquent

22         taxes or fees; providing that, in order to be

23         eligible for the exemption from collecting

24         local option sales surtaxes, a business must

25         submit an application under oath to the local

26         government, which must be approved and

27         submitted to the Department of Revenue;

28         amending s. 212.08, F.S.; specifying that the

29         authority of a local government to adopt

30         financial and local government incentives under

31         s. 163.2517, F.S., is not superseded by certain


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                   Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 1406, 2nd Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         provisions relating to sales tax exemptions;

  2         amending s. 163.2523, F.S.; authorizing

  3         transfer of unused funds between grant

  4         categories under the Urban Infill and

  5         Redevelopment Assistance Grant Program;

  6         creating s. 258.16, F.S.; designating and

  7         establishing a state recreation area; providing

  8         duties of the Division of Recreation and Parks

  9         of the Department of Environmental Protection;

10         providing for closure of certain structures;

11         providing for approval by the Legislature of

12         actions which would substantially alter the

13         recreation area; authorizing the Division of

14         State Lands of the department to acquire

15         contiguous property; requiring the Division of

16         State Lands to notify certain easement holders

17         of the state recreation area designation;

18         requiring a report to the Governor and

19         Legislature; repealing s. 376.3195, F.S.;

20         providing for distribution of certain unspent

21         appropriations; providing an effective date.












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