Florida Senate - 2005                      COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
    Bill No. PCS for SB 940 (941384)
                        Barcode 302670
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  The Committee on Health Care (Peaden) recommended the
12  following substitute for amendment to amendment (453418):
14         Senate Amendment 
15         On page 3, lines 4-18, delete those lines
17  and insert:  
18         (2)  For purposes of implementing s. 26, Art. X of the
19  State Constitution, the board may not license or continue to
20  license a medical doctor found to have committed repeated
21  medical malpractice. When reviewing the final judgment of a
22  court of law in order to find repeated medical malpractice to
23  determine whether a license must be denied or revoked under
24  this section, the board must determine by clear and convincing
25  evidence that a final judgment of a court of law has been
26  entered against a medical doctor. If any of the incidents
27  occurred outside this state, they may not be considered as
28  incidents of medical malpractice unless the board determines
29  by clear and convincing evidence that the incidents would have
30  been considered medical malpractice if committed in this
31  state.
    1:20 PM   03/31/05                              s0940.he02.02a