Bill No. CS/HB 7129
Amendment No. 774419
Senate House

1Representative Workman offered the following:
3     Amendment
4     Remove lines 1262-1291 and insert:
5     b.  The projected permanent and seasonal population of the
7     c.  The character of undeveloped land.;
8     d.  The availability of water supplies, public facilities,
9and services.;
10     e.  The need for redevelopment, including the renewal of
11blighted areas and the elimination of nonconforming uses which
12are inconsistent with the character of the community.;
13     f.  The compatibility of uses on lands adjacent to or
14closely proximate to military installations.;
15     g.  The compatibility of uses on lands adjacent to an
16airport as defined in s. 330.35 and consistent with s. 333.02.;
17     h.  The discouragement of urban sprawl.; energy-efficient
18land use patterns accounting for existing and future electric
19power generation and transmission systems; greenhouse gas
20reduction strategies; and, in rural communities,
21     i.  The need for job creation, capital investment, and
22economic development that will strengthen and diversify the
23community's economy.
24     j.  The need to modify land uses and development patterns
25within antiquated subdivisions. The future land use plan may
26designate areas for future planned development use involving
27combinations of types of uses for which special regulations may
28be necessary to ensure development in accord with the principles
29and standards of the comprehensive plan and this act.
30     3.  The future land use plan element shall include
31principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies criteria to be
32used to:
33     a.  Achieve the compatibility of lands adjacent or closely
34proximate to military installations., considering factors
35identified in s. 163.3175(5), and

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.