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The Florida Senate

SB 998: Concealed Weapons or Firearms

GENERAL BILL by Negron ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Norman ; Evers

Concealed Weapons or Firearms; Providing for otherwise qualified members and veterans of the United States Armed Forces to be issued a concealed weapon or firearm license regardless of age or United States residency in certain circumstances; providing additional methods for the taking of fingerprints from such license applicants; providing for members and veterans of the United States Armed Forces to be granted reciprocity regardless of age, etc.

Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Action: 3/1/2012 Senate - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 463 (Ch. 2012-108) -SJ 734
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Military Affairs, Space, and Domestic Security (MS)
  2. Criminal Justice (CJ)
  3. Budget Subcommittee on General Government Appropriations (BGA)
  4. Budget (BC)

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