Florida Senate - 2013 SB 516 By Senator Thompson 12-00948-13 2013516__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to residential tenancies; creating s. 3 83.675, F.S.; requiring the owner of a residential 4 property that is in foreclosure proceedings or for 5 which mortgage payments are in arrears for a specified 6 period to provide notice to tenants within a specified 7 period; providing criminal penalties; providing that 8 for properties with multiple dwelling units, a failure 9 to comply with requirements as to each separate unit 10 constitutes a separate offense; prohibiting a person 11 from knowingly leasing such residential property 12 unless the tenant signs a notarized statement 13 containing certain waivers; providing for the contents 14 and form of the statement; requiring the landlord to 15 provide a copy of the statement to the mortgage 16 holder; providing that leases which violate the notice 17 requirements are presumed fraudulent and voidable 18 within a specified period; providing requirements for 19 a landlord to overcome such presumption; providing an 20 effective date. 21 22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 23 24 Section 1. Section 83.675, Florida Statutes, is created to 25 read: 26 83.675 Landlord’s default or foreclosure; notice to 27 tenant.— 28 (1)(a) The owner of the premises for which foreclosure 29 proceedings have begun under chapter 702 or for which the 30 mortgage payments by the owner are more than 60 days in arrears 31 shall, within 5 business days after commencement of the 32 foreclosure proceedings or the 60th day of arrearage, send to 33 each dwelling unit of the property by certified mail an 34 affidavit notifying the tenants of that unit of the commencement 35 of the foreclosure proceedings or the arrearage. 36 (b) A person who knowingly violates this subsection commits 37 a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable by a fine not to 38 exceed $5,000. For properties with multiple dwelling units, a 39 violation of this subsection as to each dwelling unit 40 constitutes a separate offense. 41 (2)(a) A person may not knowingly lease a dwelling unit or 42 premises for which foreclosure proceedings have begun under 43 chapter 702 or for which the mortgage payments by the owner are 44 more than 60 days in arrears unless each prospective tenant of 45 that unit or premises signs a notarized statement stating that 46 he or she is aware of the circumstances and waives any claim 47 against the lessor due to those circumstances. The landlord must 48 provide a copy of the notarized statement to the mortgage 49 holder. The statement must be in substantially the following 50 form: 51 52 You are hereby notified that the premises ...(address 53 of leased premises, including county)..., Florida, 54 that you are now seeking to occupy is (CHECK THOSE 55 THAT APPLY): 56 ____In foreclosure proceedings under chapter 702, 57 Florida Statutes. 58 ____More than 60 days in arrears in its mortgage 59 payments as of this date, the .... day of ...., 60 ...(year).... 61 62 ...(landlord’s name, address, and phone number)... 63 64 I (WE) UNDERSTAND THAT I (WE) ACKNOWLEDGE THE ABOVE 65 NOTICE CONCERNING THE PREMISES AT...(address of leased 66 premises, including county)..., Florida, AND I (WE) 67 LEASE THE PREMISES WITH KNOWLEDGE THEREOF AND HEREBY 68 WAIVE ANY CLAIM THAT I (WE) MAY HAVE AGAINST THE 69 LANDLORD OR OWNER FOR DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE 70 CIRCUMSTANCES DISCLOSED THEREIN. 71 72 ...(Signatures)... 73 74 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 75 .... day of ...(month)..., ...(year)..., by ...(name 76 of person making statement)... 77 78 ...(Signature of Notary Public-State of Florida)... 79 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 80 Public)... 81 82 Personally Known OR Produced Identification 83 84 (b) A lease transaction that violates paragraph (a) is 85 presumed to be fraudulent and voidable at the option of the 86 lessee within 1 year after the lease date. The landlord may 87 overcome the presumption of fraud by showing by clear and 88 convincing evidence that the tenant had knowledge of the 89 information required to be disclosed under this subsection even 90 though the requirements of this subsection for a written 91 statement were not complied with. 92 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2013.