2015 Legislature SB 332
2 An act relating to nursing home facility pneumococcal
3 vaccination requirements; amending s. 400.141, F.S.;
4 requiring a resident of a licensed facility to be
5 assessed for eligibility for pneumococcal vaccination
6 or revaccination by a specified date and, if
7 indicated, to be vaccinated or revaccinated by a
8 specified date; deleting obsolete provisions; making
9 technical changes; providing an effective date.
11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13 Section 1. Paragraph (t) of subsection (1) of section
14 400.141, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
15 400.141 Administration and management of nursing home
16 facilities.—
17 (1) Every licensed facility shall comply with all
18 applicable standards and rules of the agency and shall:
19 (t) Assess each resident within 5 business days after
20 admission all residents for eligibility for pneumococcal
21 polysaccharide vaccination or revaccination. If indicated, the
22 resident shall be vaccinated or revaccinated (PPV) and vaccinate
23 residents when indicated within 60 days after admission the
24 effective date of this act in accordance with the
25 recommendations of the United States Centers for Disease Control
26 and Prevention, subject to exemptions for medical
27 contraindications and religious or personal beliefs. Residents
28 admitted after the effective date of this act shall be assessed
29 within 5 working days of admission and, when indicated,
30 vaccinated within 60 days in accordance with the recommendations
31 of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
32 subject to exemptions for medical contraindications and
33 religious or personal beliefs. Immunization may shall not be
34 provided to a any resident who provides documentation that he or
35 she has been immunized as required by this paragraph. This
36 paragraph does not prohibit A resident may elect to receive from
37 receiving the immunization from his or her personal physician
38 and, if such election is made, the if he or she so chooses. A
39 resident who chooses to receive the immunization from his or her
40 personal physician shall provide proof of the immunization to
41 the facility. The agency may adopt and enforce any rules
42 necessary to comply with or implement this paragraph.
43 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2015.