GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2500                                                  ATD              44

Senator(s) Montford moved the following LATE FILED amendment:

Section: 06              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 303             Clarifies the proviso related to the Affordable 
                         Housing catalyst may be any entity that meets 
Spec App: 2226           statutory requirements.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Community Development
        Florida Housing Finance Corporation  40300600

        In Section 06  On Page 303
2226    Special Categories  105045
        Grants And Aids - Housing Finance                
        Corporation (Hfc) - State Housing 
        Initiatives Partnership (Ship) Program  IOED


From  the  funds  in  Specific Appropriation 2226, each local government
must use a minimum of 20 percent of its allocation to serve persons with
special  needs  as defined in section 420.0004, Florida Statutes. Before
this  portion  of  the  allocation  is  released  by the Florida Housing
Finance Corporation (FHFC), a local government must certify that it will
meet  this requirement through existing approved strategies in the local
assistance  plan  or submit a new local housing assistance plan strategy
for  this purpose to the FHFC for approval to ensure that it meets these
specifications.  The first priority of these special needs funds must be
to  serve  persons with developmental disabilities as defined in section
393.063,  Florida  Statutes,  with  an  emphasis  on home modifications,
including  technological  enhancements  and  devices,  which  will allow
homeowners  to  remain independent in their own homes and maintain their

From  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  2226, $5,200,000 shall be

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used  to  provide  services  to homeless persons. Of the funds provided,
$5,000,000  shall  be  transferred  to  the  Department  of Children and
Families  to  implement  the  provisions  of  section  420.622,  Florida
Statutes,  and  $200,000  shall  be  used  by the Department of Economic
Opportunity  to  provide  training  and  technical  assistance regarding
affordable  housing  to  designated lead agencies of homeless assistance
continuums of care.

From  the  funds  in  Specific Appropriation 2226, local governments may
create  regional  partnerships  across jurisdictional boundaries through
the  pooling  of  appropriated  funds  to address homeless housing needs
identified in local housing assistance plans.

From  the  funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2226, $500,000 shall
be  used  for  training  and  technical  assistance  provided through an
Affordable  Housing Catalyst Program created by section 420.531, Florida
Statutes.   The  Florida  Housing  Finance  Corporation  shall  directly
contract  with  the entity that meets all of the requirements of section
420.531,  Florida  Statutes,  to  provide  the  training  and  technical

From  the  nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2226, $75,000 is
allocated  to Florida Supportive Housing Coalition to provide supportive
housing   training   to   organizations   responsible  for  implementing
supportive  housing  to  persons with special needs or who are homeless.
Training  must  be  provided  by persons experienced in the development,
management,  and  delivery of the housing support services and includes,
but  is  not  limited  to, identifying community resources to affordable
housing,  assessing  resident  needs,  coordinating care across multiple
care  systems,  developing and managing supportive housing and measuring


From  the  funds  in  Specific Appropriation 2226, each local government
must use a minimum of 20 percent of its allocation to serve persons with
special  needs  as defined in section 420.0004, Florida Statutes. Before
this  portion  of  the  allocation  is  released  by the Florida Housing
Finance Corporation (FHFC), a local government must certify that it will
meet  this requirement through existing approved strategies in the local
assistance  plan  or submit a new local housing assistance plan strategy
for  this purpose to the FHFC for approval to ensure that it meets these
specifications.  The first priority of these special needs funds must be
to  serve  persons with developmental disabilities as defined in section
393.063,  Florida  Statutes,  with  an  emphasis  on home modifications,
including  technological  enhancements  and  devices,  which  will allow
homeowners  to  remain independent in their own homes and maintain their

From  the  funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  2226, $5,200,000 shall be

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used  to  provide  services  to homeless persons. Of the funds provided,
$5,000,000  shall  be  transferred  to  the  Department  of Children and
Families  to  implement  the  provisions  of  section  420.622,  Florida
Statutes,  and  $200,000  shall  be  used  by the Department of Economic
Opportunity  to  provide  training  and  technical  assistance regarding
affordable  housing  to  designated lead agencies of homeless assistance
continuums of care.

From  the  funds  in  Specific Appropriation 2226, local governments may
create  regional  partnerships  across jurisdictional boundaries through
the  pooling  of  appropriated  funds  to address homeless housing needs
identified in local housing assistance plans.

From  the  funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2226, $500,000 shall
be  used  for  training  and  technical  assistance  provided through an
Affordable  Housing Catalyst Program created by section 420.531, Florida
Statutes.   The  Florida  Housing  Finance  Corporation  shall  directly
contract  with  an entity that meets all of the requirements of section
420.531,  Florida  Statutes,  to  provide  the  training  and  technical

From  the  nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2226, $75,000 is
allocated  to Florida Supportive Housing Coalition to provide supportive
housing   training   to   organizations   responsible  for  implementing
supportive  housing  to  persons with special needs or who are homeless.
Training  must  be  provided  by persons experienced in the development,
management,  and  delivery of the housing support services and includes,
but  is  not  limited  to, identifying community resources to affordable
housing,  assessing  resident  needs,  coordinating care across multiple
care  systems,  developing and managing supportive housing and measuring

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