Florida Senate - 2018                                Committee       Amendment
SPB2500                                                 AED              6

The Committee on Appropriations (Bracy) recommended the following 

Section: 02              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 029             Provides $50,000 from nonrecurring general revenue 
                         funds for the Central Florida Arts Initiative 
Spec App:  111           (Senate Form 2426) from the After School Grants 

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Public Schools, Division Of
        Program: State Grants/K-12 Program - Non 
        FEFP  48250400

        In Section 02  On Page 029
111     Special Categories  104052
        Grants And Aids - School And                
        Instructional Enhancements  IOEB

   1000   General Revenue Fund                    17,211,482     17,261,482
       CA 50,000  FSI1NR 50,000  

Following Specific Appropriation 111, INSERT:

Central Florida Arts Initiative(Senate Form 2426)...........     50,000

108     Special Categories  104026
        Grants And Aids - Strategic Statewide                
        Initiatives  IOEB

   1000   General Revenue Fund                     6,321,768      6,271,768
       CA -50,000  FSI1NR -50,000  

 995000  Log:0011  JMA/JMA           01/29/18 07:35:36 PM  Senate  Page: 1
Following Specific Appropriation 108, DELETE:

After School Grants Program.................................   4,286,000


After School Grants Program.................................   4,236,000

 995000  Log:0011  JMA/JMA           01/29/18 07:35:36 PM  Senate  Page: 2