990011                                                            No.   2

                               CHAMBER ACTION
           SENATE                     .                    HOUSE
                                                   ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW


Representative(s): Richardson
offered the following amendment:

In Section: 06 On Page: 295 Specific Appropriation: 2233A
Transfers $250,000 from the Poinciana Industrial Park Intermodal Logistics 
Center to the City of Miami Beach - North Beach Business Incubator
                                             |   DELETE   |   INSERT   |

        Program: Strategic Business Development
        Strategic Business Development

        In Section 06  On Page 295
2233A   Special Categories
        Economic Development Projects

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 2233A, DELETE:

The  nonrecurring  funds  provided  in Specific Appropriation 2233A from
the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows:

Florida-Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA) (HB 2427)........     750,000
Technology Foundation of the Americas - eMerge Conference
  (HB 2763).................................................     500,000
Poinciana Industrial Park Intermodal Logistics Center
  (HB 2767).................................................   2,000,000
BRIDG (ICAMR) Purchase and Install Tools-Sensor Project
  (HB 4069).................................................   1,000,000

The  Department  of  Economic  Opportunity  shall directly contract with
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entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2233A. Immediately following Specific Appropriation 2233A, INSERT: The nonrecurring funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2233A from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: Florida-Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA) (HB 2427)........ 750,000 Technology Foundation of the Americas - eMerge Conference (HB 2763)................................................. 500,000 Poinciana Industrial Park Intermodal Logistics Center (HB 2767)................................................. 1,750,000 BRIDG (ICAMR) Purchase and Install Tools-Sensor Project (HB 4069)................................................. 1,000,000 City of Miami Beach - North Beach Business Incubator (HB 2535) 250,000 The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2233A.
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.

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