DEPARTMENT PAGE SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 AGENCY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 ELDER AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 FLORIDA COMMISSION ON OFFENDER REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 JUVENILE JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 LEGAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, AND ATTORNEY GENERAL . . . . . . . . . 214 SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF, AND COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTERED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . 305 CITRUS, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 GOVERNOR, EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 DEPARTMENT PAGE HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . 368 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 LOTTERY, DEPARTMENT OF THE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 MANAGEMENT SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 STATE, DEPARTMENT OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH STATE COURT SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 ITEMIZATION OF EXPENDITURE TOTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 SUMMARY BY SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 SUMMARY FOR ALL SECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 SUMMARY BY SECTION BY DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460 SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION ______________________________________________________________________________ A bill to be entitled An act making appropriations; providing moneys for the annual period beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023, and supplemental appropriations for the period ending June 30, 2022,to pay salaries, and other expenses, capital outlay - buildings, and other improvements, and for other specified purposes of the various agencies of state government; providing effective dates. Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the state agency indicated, as the amounts to be used to pay the salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay of the named agencies, and are in lieu of all moneys appropriated for these purposes in other sections of the Florida Statutes. SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT "LOTTERY" TRUST FUND The moneys contained herein is appropriated from the Education Enhancement "Lottery" Trust Fund to the state agencies indicated. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF Funds provided in sections 1 and 2 of this act as Grants and Aids-Special Categories or as Grants and Aids-Aid to Local Governments may be advanced quarterly throughout the fiscal year based on projects, grants, contracts, and allocation conference documents. Of the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 58,59 through 61, 63 through 70, and 155, 60 percent of general revenue shall be released at the beginning of the first quarter and the balance at the beginning of the third quarter. PROGRAM: EDUCATION - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE - CLASS SIZE REDUCTION LOTTERY CAPITAL OUTLAY PROGRAM FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127,915,436 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1 shall be transferred using nonoperating budget authority into the Lottery Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund, pursuant to section 1013.71, Florida Statutes, for the payment of debt service. There is appropriated from the Lottery Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund, an amount sufficient to enable the payment of debt service resulting from these transfers. Funds in Specific Appropriation 1 are for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service on all bonds authorized pursuant to section 1013.737, Florida Statutes, for class size reduction, including any other continuing payments necessary or incidental to the repayment of the bonds. These funds may be used to refinance any or all bond series if it is in the best interest of the state as determined by the Division of Bond Finance. 2 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,647,049 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2 for educational facilities are provided for debt service requirements associated with bond proceeds from the Lottery Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund included in Specific Appropriations 17 and 17A of chapter 2012-118, Laws of Florida, authorized pursuant to section 1013.737, Florida Statutes. Funds in Specific Appropriation 2 shall be transferred, using nonoperating budget authority, to the Lottery Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund. There is hereby appropriated from the Lottery Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund an amount sufficient to enable the payment of debt service resulting from these transfers. TOTAL: PROGRAM: EDUCATION - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 134,562,485 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 134,562,485 OFFICE OF STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM - STATE 3 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA'S BRIGHT FUTURES SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620,881,057 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3, the Bright Futures Scholarship awards for the 2022-2023 academic year shall be as follows: Academic Scholars shall receive an award equal to the amount necessary to pay 100 percent of tuition and applicable fees for fall, spring, and summer terms. Medallion Scholars shall receive an award equal to the amount necessary to pay 75 percent of tuition and applicable fees for fall, spring, and summer terms. A Medallion Scholar who is enrolled in an associate degree program at a Florida College System institution shall receive an award equal to the amount necessary to pay 100 percent of the tuition and applicable fees. For Gold Seal Vocational Scholars and Gold Seal CAPE Scholars, the award per credit hour or credit hour equivalent shall be as follows: Gold Seal Vocational Scholars and Gold Seal CAPE Scholars Career Certificate Program.....................$ 39 Applied Technology Diploma Program.............$ 39 Technical Degree Education Program.............$ 48 Gold Seal CAPE Scholars Bachelor of Science Program with Statewide Articulation Agreement......................$ 48 Florida College System Bachelor of Applied Science Program.............................$ 48 The additional stipend for Top Scholars shall be $44 per credit hour. 4 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS STUDENT FINANCIAL AID FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,492,701 Funds in Specific Appropriation 4 are allocated in Specific Appropriation 66. These funds are provided for Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) public full-time and part-time programs. TOTAL: PROGRAM: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM - STATE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 724,373,758 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 724,373,758 PUBLIC SCHOOLS, DIVISION OF PROGRAM: STATE GRANTS/K-12 PROGRAM - FEFP The calculations of the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) for the 2022-2023 fiscal year are incorporated by reference in SPB 2502. The calculations are the basis for the appropriations in the General Appropriations Act in Specific Appropriations 5, 6, 86, and 87. 5 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL FINANCE PROGRAM FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867,665,839 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 5 are allocated in Specific Appropriation 86. 6 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - CLASS SIZE REDUCTION FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,776,356 Funds in Specific Appropriations 6 and 87 are provided to implement the requirements of sections 1003.03 and 1011.685, Florida Statutes. The class size reduction allocation factor for grades prekindergarten to grade 3 shall be $951.44, for grades 4 to 8 shall be $908.43, and for grades 9 to 12 shall be $910.62. The class size reduction allocation shall be recalculated based on enrollment through the October 2022 FTE survey except as provided in section 1003.03(4), Florida Statutes. If the total class size reduction allocation is greater than the appropriation in Specific Appropriations 6 and 87, funds shall be prorated to the level of the appropriation based on each district's calculated amount. The Commissioner of Education may withhold disbursement of these funds until a district is in compliance with reporting information required for class size reduction implementation. TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE GRANTS/K-12 PROGRAM - FEFP FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 971,442,195 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 971,442,195 PROGRAM: WORKFORCE EDUCATION 7 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,507,256 Funds in Specific Appropriation 7 are allocated in Specific Appropriation 118. These funds are provided for school district workforce education programs as defined in section 1004.02(25), Florida Statutes. FLORIDA COLLEGES, DIVISION OF PROGRAM: FLORIDA COLLEGES 8 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA COLLEGE SYSTEM PROGRAM FUND FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240,982,604 The funds in Specific Appropriation 8 shall be allocated as follows: Eastern Florida State College............................. 9,012,111 Broward College........................................... 18,061,799 College of Central Florida................................ 5,159,428 Chipola College........................................... 2,837,892 Daytona State College..................................... 10,843,888 Florida SouthWestern State College........................ 6,909,047 Florida State College at Jacksonville..................... 16,235,011 The College of the Florida Keys........................... 1,462,858 Gulf Coast State College.................................. 4,625,762 Hillsborough Community College............................ 12,266,869 Indian River State College................................ 9,941,113 Florida Gateway College................................... 2,894,280 Lake-Sumter State College................................. 2,843,909 State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota................ 4,791,952 Miami Dade College........................................ 36,629,438 North Florida College..................................... 1,541,928 Northwest Florida State College........................... 4,074,354 Palm Beach State College.................................. 12,285,532 Pasco-Hernando State College.............................. 5,931,856 Pensacola State College................................... 7,356,570 Polk State College........................................ 6,030,014 Saint Johns River State College........................... 4,113,436 Saint Petersburg College.................................. 14,743,060 Santa Fe College.......................................... 7,484,787 Seminole State College of Florida......................... 8,063,557 South Florida State College............................... 3,461,595 Tallahassee Community College............................. 6,733,218 Valencia College.......................................... 14,647,340 UNIVERSITIES, DIVISION OF PROGRAM: EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES Funds in Specific Appropriations 9 through 13 shall be expended in accordance with operating budgets which must be approved by each university's board of trustees. 9 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - EDUCATION AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577,044,661 Funds in Specific Appropriation 9 shall be allocated as follows: University of Florida..................................... 106,087,175 Florida State University.................................. 88,575,744 Florida A&M University.................................... 33,427,132 University of South Florida............................... 78,914,561 University of South Florida, St. Petersburg............... 3,495,657 University of South Florida, Sarasota/Manatee............. 3,016,031 Florida Atlantic University............................... 47,070,460 University of West Florida................................ 17,781,190 University of Central Florida............................. 81,192,901 Florida International University.......................... 69,486,920 University of North Florida............................... 28,894,106 Florida Gulf Coast University............................. 16,104,822 New College of Florida.................................... 2,354,311 Florida Polytechnic University............................ 643,651 10 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - IFAS (INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE) FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,079,571 11 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA MEDICAL CENTER FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,740,542 12 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA HEALTH CENTER FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,898,617 13 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL FROM EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824,574 TOTAL: PROGRAM: EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 615,587,965 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 615,587,965 TOTAL OF SECTION 1 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,817,456,263 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,817,456,263 SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds to the Department of Education as the amounts to be used to pay salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay. EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: EDUCATION - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY The Legislature hereby finds and determines that the items and sums designated in Specific Appropriations 15 through 17A, and 21 through 22A from the Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund constitute authorized capital outlay projects within the meaning and as required by Article XII, section 9(a)(2) of the Florida Constitution, as amended, and any other law. In accordance therewith, the moneys in the following items are authorized to be expended for the enumerated authorized capital outlay projects. The sum designated for each project is the maximum sum to be expended for each specified phase of the project from funds accruing under Article XII, section 9(a)(2) of the Florida Constitution. The scope of each project shall be planned so that the amounts specified shall not be exceeded, or any excess in costs shall be funded by sources other than this appropriation. Such excess costs may be funded from the Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund only as a result of fund transfers pursuant to section 216.292(4)(c), Florida Statutes. Each project shall be constructed on the site specified. If existing facilities and acquisition of new sites are a part of these projects, each such building and site must be certified to be free of contamination, asbestos, and other hazardous materials before the facility or site may be acquired. The provisions of section 216.301(2), Florida Statutes, shall apply to all capital outlay funds appropriated from the Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 in Specific Appropriations 15 through 17A, and 21 through 22A. The Governor's Office of Policy and Budget shall establish Fixed Capital Outlay budget authority within appropriate accounts to enable expenditure of funds appropriated for the state universities, the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, public school districts, public broadcasting stations, and Florida colleges. 14 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE PROJECTS FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,700,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 14 shall be allocated by the Board of Governors to the universities on a pro rata distribution basis in accordance with the Board of Governors Legislative Budget Request for funding from the Capital Improvements Fee Trust Fund, as approved on September 1, 2021. Each board of trustees shall report to the Board of Governors the funding allocated to each specific project. 15 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, RENOVATION, AND REMODELING FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 195,768,743 Funds in Specific Appropriation 15 are provided to charter schools and shall be distributed in accordance with section 1013.62, Florida Statutes. 16 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SURVEY RECOMMENDED NEEDS - PUBLIC SCHOOLS FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 8,128,636 Funds in Specific Appropriation 16 shall be distributed among developmental research (laboratory) schools approved pursuant to section 1002.32, Florida Statutes, based upon full-time equivalent student membership. 17 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA COLLEGE SYSTEM PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,750,000 FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 37,848,986 Nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 17 shall be allocated as follows: COLLEGE OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Health Science Technology Education Center - Ocala........ 13,646,963 COLLEGE OF THE FLORIDA KEYS CFK Academy Classroom Facility and EOC.................... 250,000 DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE Law Enforcement Firearms Training Center at DSC DeLand Campus (Senate Form 1748)............................... 500,000 Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility and Equipment for Database and Cybersecurity Programs (Senate Form 2081)...................................... 412,130 GULF COAST STATE COLLEGE Conversion of Existing Building to use as a Full-Scale Nursing/Hospital Simulation Lab Complex (Senate Form 2220)................................................... 1,000,000 LAKE SUMTER STATE COLLEGE Emerging Media and Fine Arts Center Implementation and Renovation (Senate Form 1861)........................... 2,058,874 MIAMI DADE COLLEGE Freedom Tower Restoration (Senate Form 1671).............. 5,000,000 PASCO HERNANDO STATE COLLEGE Fire Academy Burn Center and Classrooms (Senate Form 2175) 5,000,000 PENSACOLA STATE COLLEGE Asphalt Improvement All Campuses (Senate Form 2101)....... 750,000 POLK STATE COLLEGE Northeast Ridge Phase 1 (Senate Form 1457)................ 13,800,000 Remodel/Renovate Building 3 (Senate Form 1458)............ 1,000,000 SEMINOLE STATE COLLEGE Building D Renovation (Senate Form 1055).................. 1,181,019 17A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 225,000,000 FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 156,860,017 Nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 17A shall be allocated as follows: FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL UNIVERSITY Campus-Wide Utility Infrastructure (Senate Form 2799)..... 1,000,000 FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Critical Electrical Infrastructure at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Senate Form 2466)............ 8,310,017 Health Tallahassee Center (Senate Form 2599).............. 125,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Nursing Building (Senate Form 2146)....................... 29,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Architecture Building Renovation/Remodeling and DCP Collaboratory........................................... 25,000,000 Dental Sciences Building - Remodel and Renovation (Senate Form 2755).............................................. 58,300,000 IFAS West FL Research & Extension Student Dorms (Senate Form 2099).............................................. 250,000 New Music Building (Senate Form 2079)..................... 2,000,000 West Palm Beach Global Center for Technology and Innovation (GCTI) (Senate Form 2715).................... 100,000,000 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA Nursing Expansion (Senate Form 2540)...................... 33,000,000 18 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SPECIAL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 64,445,244 Nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 18 are provided to offset higher construction costs for Special Facility Construction projects that previously received state appropriations but are not yet complete. Funds shall be allocated in accordance with section 1013.64(2), Florida Statutes, as follows: Baker..................................................... 2,721,401 Bradford.................................................. 16,657,226 Calhoun................................................... 11,161,015 Jackson................................................... 16,798,745 Levy...................................................... 1,496,994 Okeechobee................................................ 15,609,863 19 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,045,411 FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 793,745,880 FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . 14,673,415 Funds in Specific Appropriation 19 from the School District and Community College District Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund are for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service on bonds authorized pursuant to the School Capital Outlay Amendment, Article XII, section 9(d) of the Florida Constitution, and any other continuing payments necessary or incidental to the repayment of the bonds. These funds may be used to refinance any or all series if it is in the best interest of the state as determined by the Division of Bond Finance. If the debt service appropriated for this program in Specific Appropriation 19 is insufficient due to interest rate changes, issuance timing, or other circumstances, the amount of the insufficiency is appropriated from the School District and Community College District Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund. 20 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE FROM SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . 112,000,000 21 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND - CAPITAL PROJECTS FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 6,673,210 Nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 21 shall be allocated as follows: FLORIDA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND Kramer Hall Renovation (Senate Form 1537)................. 3,477,865 Maintenance Projects...................................... 3,195,345 22 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC BROADCASTING PROJECTS FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 5,020,408 Funds in Specific Appropriation 22 are provided for the following projects to correct health and safety issues, correct building deficiencies, and complete renovations at public broadcasting stations: WDNA-FM, Miami - Replace Leaking HVAC Air Handler......... 13,294 WEDU-TV, Tampa/St. Petersburg - Replace Mildewed and Unhealthy Ceiling Tiles................................. 307,559 WEFS-TV, Cocoa - Reinforce Unsafe Tower Guide Cables and Cable Anchors Phase 2................................... 130,450 WEFS-TV, Cocoa - Upgrade Corroded Electrical Grounding Connections Phase 2..................................... 49,000 WEFS-TV, Cocoa - Replace Inefficient HVAC System.......... 110,000 WGCU-TV/FM, Ft. Myers/Naples - Replace Obsolete Backup Generator............................................... 60,212 WJCT-TV/FM, Jacksonville - Resurface Damaged Studio Floor. 166,311 WKGC-FM, Panama City - Replace Failing Main Generator, Transfer Switch, and Fuel Tank.......................... 187,000 WKGC-FM, Panama City - Replace Failing Generator and Transfer Switch at Auxiliary Transmission Site.......... 50,000 WMFE-FM, Orlando - Repair and Refurbish Failing Lift (Sanitation) Station Phase 2............................ 449,827 WMNF-FM, Tampa/St. Petersburg - Replace End-of-Life HVAC System Phase 2.......................................... 741,830 WQCS-FM, Ft. Pierce - Replace Lift (Sanitation) Station and Repair Damaged Restrooms............................ 183,725 WUCF-TV, Orlando - Purchase and Install Emergency Backup Transmitter............................................. 500,000 WUFT-TV/FM, Gainesville/Ocala - Update FPREN Storm Center Infrastructure Phase 4.................................. 1,242,000 WUSF-FM, Tampa - Repair and Modernize Unreliable Passenger Elevator...................................... 40,000 WUSF-FM, Tampa/St. Petersburg - Overhaul Obsolete Electrical Systems at FM Transmitter Site............... 314,200 WUWF-FM, Pensacola - Replace Obsolete Backup Generator and Transfer Switch..................................... 475,000 22A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL FACILITIES FROM PUBLIC EDUCATION CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE TRUST FUND 4,500,000 Nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 22A shall be allocated as follows: BAY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Tom P. Haney Technical Center - Learning to Earning Health Sciences/Business Building Construction (Senate Form 2224).............................................. 1,000,000 HERNANDO COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Hernando Career and Technical Education Center (Senate Form 2159).............................................. 2,500,000 MANATEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Aviation Maintenance Technician School at SRQ Airport (Senate Form 2063)...................................... 1,000,000 TOTAL: PROGRAM: EDUCATION - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 296,195,244 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,391,964,706 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,688,159,950 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION For funds in Specific Appropriations 23 through 36 for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, the Department of Education is the designated state agency for purposes of compliance with the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. If the department identifies additional resources that may be used to maximize federal matching funds for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, the department shall submit a budget amendment prior to the expenditure of the funds, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. APPROVED SALARY RATE 37,287,755 23 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 884.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,188,984 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 240,795 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,941,345 24 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,548,750 25 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,686 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,708,851 26 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES FUNDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,102,438 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 26, recurring funds are provided for the following base appropriations projects: Adults with Disabilities - Helping People Succeed......... 109,006 Broward County Public Schools Adults with Disabilities.... 800,000 Daytona State College Adults with Disabilities Program.... 70,000 Flagler Adults with Disabilities Program.................. 535,892 Gadsden Adults with Disabilities Program.................. 100,000 Gulf Adults with Disabilities Program..................... 35,000 Inclusive Transition and Employment Management Program (ITEM).................................................. 1,150,000 Jackson Adults with Disabilities Program.................. 1,019,247 Leon Adults with Disabilities Program..................... 225,000 Miami-Dade Adults with Disabilities Program............... 1,125,208 Palm Beach Habilitation Center............................ 225,000 Sumter Adults with Disabilities Program................... 42,500 Tallahassee Community College Adults with Disabilities Program................................................. 25,000 Taylor Adults with Disabilities Program................... 42,500 Wakulla Adults with Disabilities Program.................. 42,500 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 26, nonrecurring funds are provided for the following appropriations projects: Able Inclusion Florida 2025 (Senate Form 2289)............ 250,000 Brevard Adults with Disabilities (Senate Form 1018)....... 250,000 Endeavor Forward, Inc. NextStep at Endeavor Academy - Autism Vocation Transition (Senate Form 2233)........... 250,000 Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology General Revenue Recurring Increase (Senate Form 1191)... 305,585 Jacksonville School for Autism Supportive Transition & Employment Placement (STEP) (Senate Form 1294).......... 250,000 North Florida School of Special Education- Community Integrated Employment (Senate Form 2016)................ 250,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 26 for the Inclusive Transition and Employment Management Program (ITEM) shall be used to provide young adults with disabilities who are between the ages of 16 and 28 with transitional skills, education, and on-the-job experience to allow them to acquire and retain permanent employment. 27 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,986 28 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,167,838 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,608,886 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 28, $549,823 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated for the High School High Tech Program. 29 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,482,004 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,087,789 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 29 shall be allocated to the Centers for Independent Living and shall be distributed according to the formula in the most recently approved State Plan for Independent Living. From the Federal Rehabilitation Trust Fund allocation, $3,472,193 shall be funded from Social Security reimbursements (program income) provided that the Social Security reimbursements are available. The State Plan for Independent Living may include provisions related to financial needs testing and financial participation of consumers, as agreed upon by all signatories to the plan. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 29, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds are provided for Community Transition Services for Adults with Disabilities (Senate Form 1711). 30 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASED CLIENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,226,986 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,287,217 31 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437,666 32 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97,655 33 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 57,424 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 883 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,357 34 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 154,316 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515,762 35 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237,692 36 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278,290 TOTAL: VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 52,386,676 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 187,783,924 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 884.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 240,170,600 BLIND SERVICES, DIVISION OF APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,073,303 37 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 289.75 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,951,260 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 394,150 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,995,439 38 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 155,916 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313,584 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,710 39 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 415,191 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 40,774 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,473,307 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,395 40 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY REHABILITATION FACILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 847,347 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,100,913 41 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 54,294 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235,198 42 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 43 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 44 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CLIENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,252,902 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,481,496 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252,746 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 44, recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following base appropriations projects: Blind Babies Successful Transition from Preschool to School.................................................. 2,438,004 Blind Children's Program.................................. 200,000 Florida Association of Agencies Serving the Blind......... 500,000 Lighthouse for the Blind - Miami.......................... 150,000 Lighthouse for the Blind - Pasco/Hernando................. 50,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 44, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following appropriations projects: Florida Association of Agencies Serving The Blind (Senate Form 2631).............................................. 400,000 Maintaining Independence for the Blind (Senate Form 1098). 90,000 45 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 56,140 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875,000 46 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 47 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 70,768 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,878 48 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LIBRARY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 89,735 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 48, $50,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Braille & Talking Book Library (base appropriations project). 49 SPECIAL CATEGORIES VENDING STANDS - EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,177,345 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595,000 50 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,158 51 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,316 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,577 FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,591 52 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686,842 53 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235,032 54 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM FEDERAL REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320,398 TOTAL: BLIND SERVICES, DIVISION OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 16,896,869 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,961,533 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 289.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 57,858,402 PROGRAM: PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Prior to the disbursement of funds from Specific Appropriations 55, 56, and 57, each institution shall submit a proposed expenditure plan to the Department of Education pursuant to the requirements of section 1011.521, Florida Statutes. Institutions receiving funds from Specific Appropriation 56 must submit an annual report to the Department of Education detailing the following metrics for Florida resident students: entrance requirements for the year; percentage of students receiving Pell Grants, Bright Futures, and other academic aid; graduation rates; retention rates; job placement rates; and job placement rates in-field up to 120 days past graduation. The report shall also include information for each institution on the total federal loan amounts disbursed and the total number of students who received federal loans. The report must be submitted by September 1, 2022, and reflect prior academic year statistics. 55 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MEDICAL TRAINING AND SIMULATION LABORATORY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 55, $3,500,000 in recurring funds and $500,000 in nonrecurring funds are appropriated for a base appropriations project for the University of Miami Medical Training and Simulation Laboratory (Senate Form 1169). 56 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HISTORICALLY BLACK PRIVATE COLLEGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,528,685 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 56, $30,421,685 is provided for the following institutions, which shall only be expended for student access and retention, or direct instructional purposes: Bethune-Cookman University................................ 16,960,111 Edward Waters College..................................... 6,429,526 Florida Memorial University............................... 7,032,048 In addition, $1,000,000 is provided for the Edward Waters College - Institute on Criminal Justice (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 56, $107,000 in nonrecurring funds is provided for the following appropriations projects: Bethune-Cookman University Mary McLeod Bethune Center (Senate Form 2082)............. 50,000 Florida Memorial University Legal Scholars Pipeline Project at Florida Memorial University (Senate Form 1766)........................... 57,000 57 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,323,983 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 57, $5,000,000 in recurring funds is provided for the following base appropriations projects: Embry-Riddle - Aerospace Academy.......................... 3,000,000 Jacksonville University - EPIC............................ 2,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 57, $3,323,983 in nonrecurring funds is provided for the following appropriations projects: Barry University Nursing and Health Professional simulation program (Senate Form 2167)...................................... 276,483 Beacon College Tuition scholarships for students with learning and attention issues (Senate Form 1710)..................... 500,000 Flagler College Institute for Classical Education (Senate Form 1548)...... 1,000,000 Florida Technical College Biomedical Aerospace Manufacturing (BAM) (Senate Form 1019)................................................... 1,000,000 Nova Southeastern University Enhanced Funding to Support Individuals with Autism/DD (Senate Form 1646)...................................... 300,000 Saint Leo University Robotics Engineering Degree and Microcredentials Program (Senate Form 1828)...................................... 247,500 58 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EFFECTIVE ACCESS TO STUDENT EDUCATION GRANT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 113,115,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 58 are provided to support 37,705 qualified Florida resident students at $3,000 per student for tuition assistance pursuant to section 1009.89, Florida Statutes. The Office of Student Financial Assistance may prorate the award in the second term and provide a lesser amount if the funds appropriated are insufficient to provide a full award to all eligible students. The Office of Student Financial Assistance may also reallocate funds between institutions if an eligible institution fails to reach its fiscal year 2022-2023 enrollment. 58A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITY REPAIRS MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 41,830,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 58A, the following projects are funded with nonrecurring funds that shall be allocated as follows: Bethune-Cookman University Mary McLeod Bethune Center (Senate Form 2082)............. 80,000 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Center for Aerospace Technologies (Senate Form 2593)...... 25,000,000 Herzing University Nursing Simulation Centers (Senate Form 1877)............. 250,000 Palm Beach Atlantic University Business School Building (Senate Form 2514)............... 500,000 Saint Leo University Multipurpose Arena Complex (Senate Form 2504)............. 15,000,000 Robotics Engineering Degree and Microcredentials Program (Senate Form 1828)...................................... 1,000,000 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 198,797,668 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 198,797,668 OFFICE OF STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM - STATE 59 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - BENACQUISTO SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 36,412,615 60 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FIRST GENERATION IN COLLEGE MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,617,326 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 60, $2,654,332 shall be allocated to First Generation in College Matching Grant Programs at Florida colleges for need-based financial assistance as provided in section 1009.701, Florida Statutes. If required matching funds are not raised by participating Florida colleges or state universities by December 1, 2022, the remaining funds shall be reallocated to First Generation in College Matching Grant Programs at Florida colleges or state universities that have remaining unmatched private contributions. 61 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PREPAID TUITION SCHOLARSHIPS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,000,000 62 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ABLE, INCORPORATED FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,770,000 63 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MINORITY TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 64 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AID - NURSING STUDENT LOAN REIMBURSEMENT/ SCHOLARSHIPS FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,233,006 65 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE SCHOLARSHIP FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 160,500 FROM STATE STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 160,500 66 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS STUDENT FINANCIAL AID FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 182,819,011 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 4 and 66, the sum of $284,981,712 is provided pursuant to the following guidelines: Florida Student Assistance Grant - Public Full & Part Time 236,044,017 Florida Student Assistance Grant - Private................ 23,612,502 Florida Student Assistance Grant - Postsecondary.......... 6,430,443 Florida Student Assistance Grant - Career Education....... 3,309,050 Children/Spouses of Deceased/Disabled Veterans............ 13,486,880 Florida Work Experience................................... 1,569,922 Rosewood Family Scholarships.............................. 256,747 Florida Farmworker Scholarships........................... 272,151 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 66, $1,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Honorably Discharged Graduate Assistance Program, which is a recurring base appropriations project. Such funds are provided for supplemental need-based veteran educational benefits and shall be used to assist in the payment of living expenses during holiday and semester breaks for active duty and honorably discharged members of the Armed Forces who served on or after September 11, 2001. To ensure students in both public and private institutions have an opportunity to receive funding, allocations to institutions shall be prorated based on the number of total eligible students at eligible institutions. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 66, $305,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Randolph Bracy Ocoee Scholarship Program. The program shall provide up to 50 scholarships to eligible students annually, in an amount up to $6,100, not to exceed the amount of the student's tuition and registration fees. To be eligible for an award, a student must: be a direct descendant of victims of the Ocoee Election Day Riots of November 1920 or a current African-American resident of Ocoee; meet the general eligibility requirements for student eligibility as provided in section 1009.40 Florida Statutes; file an application within the established time limits; and enrolled as a degree-seeking or certificate-seeking student at a state university, Florida college system institution, or a career center authorized by law. The department shall rank eligible initial applicants for the purpose of awarding scholarships based on need, as determined by the department. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 4 and 66, the maximum grant to any student from the Florida Public, Private, Career Education, and Postsecondary Assistance Grant Programs shall be $3,260. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 66, $25,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Miami Gardens Higher Education Initiative Scholarship Program (Senate Form 1901). The program shall be administered by the City of Miami Gardens and provide up to 25 scholarships in an amount of $1,000 each to eligible students who are residents of the City of Miami Gardens. Institutions that received state funds in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for student scholarships or grants administered by the Office of Student Financial Assistance shall submit the following two reports in a format prescribed by the Department of Education; both due by December 1, 2022. A report of the following information by institution: 1) federal loan information, including the total federal loan amounts disbursed and total number of students who received federal loans; and 2) student level data for all grants, scholarships, and awards to students who applied for and/or received state-funded tuition assistance and aid. 68 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS JOSE MARTI SCHOLARSHIP CHALLENGE GRANT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,000 FROM STATE STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 74,000 69 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - DUAL ENROLLMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,684,756 The funds in Specific Appropriation 69 are provided to support public postsecondary institutions in providing dual enrollment pursuant to section 1009.30, Florida Statutes. 70 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS TRANSFER TO THE FLORIDA EDUCATION FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,500,000 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM - STATE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 266,514,208 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,467,506 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 267,981,714 PROGRAM: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM - FEDERAL 71 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS STUDENT FINANCIAL AID FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 72 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS TRANSFER DEFAULT FEES TO THE STUDENT LOAN GUARANTY RESERVE TRUST FUND FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STUDENT FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM - FEDERAL FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 EARLY LEARNING PROGRAM: EARLY LEARNING SERVICES From the funds in Specific Appropriations 73 through 85, any expenditure from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant must be expended in accordance with the requirements and limitations of Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act, as amended, or any other applicable federal requirement or limitation. Before any funds are released by the Department of Children and Families, each provider shall identify the number of clients to be served and certify their eligibility under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act. Funds may not be released for services to any clients except those so identified and certified. The agency head or a designee shall certify that controls are in place to ensure that such funds are expended in accordance with the requirements and limitations of federal law and that reporting requirements of federal law are met. It shall be the responsibility of any entity to which such funds are appropriated to obtain the required certification prior to any expenditure of funds. APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,909,878 73 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 98.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,675,456 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 3,843,506 74 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 114,887 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 210,711 75 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 455,745 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 658,048 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 265,163 76 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 15,000 77 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,150,211 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,962,885 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,225,000 78 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PARTNERSHIP FOR SCHOOL READINESS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,598,957 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 82,935,762 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 3,900,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 78, the following projects are funded with nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund that shall be allocated as follows: Brain Bag Early Literacy program (Senate Form 2049)....... 115,000 Family Program Support Network (Senate Form 2255)......... 450,000 Preschool Emergency Alert Response Learning System (PEARLS) (Senate Form 2291)............................. 225,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $3,000,000 in recurring funds and $7,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund are provided for the Teacher Education and Compensation Helps Program (T.E.A.C.H.) as provided in section 1002.95, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $1,400,000 in recurring funds and $2,500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Welfare Transition Trust Fund is provided for the Home Instruction Program for Pre-School Youngsters (HIPPY) (Senate Form 1989) to deliver high quality school readiness curriculum directly to parents so they may strengthen the cognitive and early literacy skills of at risk children. Early learning coalitions will work with HIPPY program staff to identify participant families based on poverty, parents' limited education, and willingness to actively participate in all aspects of the HIPPY program (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $3,500,000 in recurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund are provided to the Division of Early Learning for purposes of implementing the provisions of section 1002.82(2)(o), Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $1,808,957 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the Children's Forum to continue the Help Me Grow Florida Network (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $3,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund is provided to the Division of Early Learning to competitively procure for the early learning coalitions established pursuant to section 1002.83, Florida Statutes, a system of professional development that significantly improves child care instructor quality. For purposes of developing the competitive procurement, the department shall consult with the early learning coalitions. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $36,435,762 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund is provided to the Division of Early Learning to provide direct instructional support for at-risk School Readiness eligible 4-year-olds. This initiative is intended to provide individual or small group direct instructional supports, in the area of emergent literacy, to identified at-risk School Readiness eligible 4-year-olds. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 78, $30,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund is provided to the Division of Early Learning to implement the Early Literacy Micro-credential incentives established pursuant to the provisions of SPB 2524 and is contingent upon the bill or similar legislation becoming law. 79 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL READINESS SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 144,555,335 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 693,709,466 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 500,000 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 94,112,427 For the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, expenditures for Gold Seal Quality Expenditure payments shall be reported as direct services. The Division of Early Learning shall have the authority to reclassify Gold Seal Quality Expenditure payments by the early learning coalitions and statewide contractors to meet targeted federal requirements for improving the quality of infant and toddler child care to the extent allowable in the state's approved Child Care and Development Fund Plan. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, $789,927,228 is provided for the School Readiness Program and is allocated to early learning coalitions as follows: Alachua................................................... 12,715,595 Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Franklin, Washington, Holmes, Jackson. 14,068,163 Brevard................................................... 23,603,252 Broward................................................... 56,934,143 Charlotte, DeSoto, Highlands, Hardee...................... 10,446,693 Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Union, Suwannee............ 8,561,750 Dade, Monroe.............................................. 134,451,468 Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Citrus, Sumter.................... 9,831,021 Duval..................................................... 44,222,470 Escambia.................................................. 16,708,174 Hendry, Glades, Collier, Lee.............................. 26,207,188 Hillsborough.............................................. 60,451,276 Lake...................................................... 10,600,350 Leon, Gadsden, Jefferson, Liberty, Madison, Wakulla, Taylor.................................................. 22,575,929 Manatee................................................... 12,168,435 Marion.................................................... 12,542,196 Martin, Okeechobee, Indian River.......................... 11,287,058 Okaloosa, Walton.......................................... 9,417,524 Orange.................................................... 52,682,848 Osceola................................................... 9,393,433 Palm Beach................................................ 58,475,635 Pasco, Hernando........................................... 20,591,429 Pinellas.................................................. 37,800,313 Polk...................................................... 25,383,892 St. Johns, Putnam, Clay, Nassau, Baker, Bradford.......... 20,985,731 St. Lucie................................................. 12,199,355 Santa Rosa................................................ 4,647,799 Sarasota.................................................. 6,358,454 Seminole.................................................. 11,415,570 Volusia, Flagler.......................................... 19,423,056 Redlands Christian Migrant Association.................... 13,777,028 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, provided for the School Readiness Program and allocated to the early learning coalitions, the Division of Early Learning shall have the ability to reallocate funds between early learning coalitions if an early learning coalition does not have eligible children on its waiting list and has met its expenditure cap pursuant to section 1002.89(5), Florida Statutes. At least 14 days prior to reallocating any funds, the department shall submit written notification to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget and the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee which includes the total amount of school readiness funds being reallocated and the early learning coalitions involved in the reallocation. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, $950,000 in recurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund shall be used to allocate School Readiness Fraud Restitution payments collected in the prior year. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, $23,277,090 in recurring funds and $16,722,910 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund are provided to the Division of Early Learning for purposes of implementing the pay differential program pursuant to section 1002.82(2)(o), Florida Statutes. The department shall have the authority to reallocate any unexpended portion of the funds provided for the pay differential program to the early learning coalitions to provide school readiness services. At least 14 days prior to reallocating any funds, the department shall submit written notification to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget and the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee that includes the total amount of funds being reallocated and the early learning coalitions involved in the reallocation. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, $30,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund is provided to expand the provision of services to low income families at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level as long as the income does not exceed 85 percent of the state median income. Local matching funds can be derived from local governments, employers, charitable foundations, and other sources so that Florida communities can create local partnerships focused on using the state and local funds for direct services and expanding the number of school readiness slots. To be eligible for funding, an early learning coalition must match its portion of the state funds with a dollar-for-dollar match of local funds. The Division of Early Learning shall establish procedures for the match program that shall include giving priority to early learning coalitions whose local match complies with federal Child Care and Development Block Grant matching requirements. The Division of Early Learning shall provide a report to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by December 1, 2022, that includes the following information about the department's allocation of the $30,000,000 in local matching funds provided in Specific Appropriation 83 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida: (1) the amount of funds allocated to each early learning coalition and a breakdown, by coalition, of the amount of funds expended by the coalition on direct services and the amount expended by the coalition on expanding school readiness slots, and (2) the total number of school readiness slots funded by each early learning coalition with the local matching funds. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 79, $72,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund is provided to expand school readiness services to families currently on a school readiness wait list. To be eligible for funding, an early learning coalition must have a school readiness wait list on July 1, 2022, that complies with the provisions of rule 6M-4.300 of the Florida Administrative Code. The Division of Early Learning shall work with each early learning coalition to verify the number of children on each early learning coalition's school readiness wait list. The department shall develop an allocation plan for purposes of distributing the funds to eligible early learning coalitions and shall submit the plan to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget and the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by October 1, 2022. If the total amount of the allocation is greater than the amount provided in this specific appropriation, the allocation shall be prorated to the level provided to support the appropriation, based on each early learning coalition's proportionate share of the total school readiness wait list. 80 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS- EARLY LEARNING STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTABILITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,629,791 Funds in Specific Appropriation 80 are provided to the Division of Early Learning to implement Voluntary Prekindergarten accountability standards, as required by section 1002.67, Florida Statutes, including the maintenance of the website. These funds shall also be distributed to Voluntary Prekindergarten providers, early learning coalitions and school districts to support the continued implementation of the Voluntary Prekindergarten Progress Monitoring Assessment developed by the Department of Education in collaboration with the Florida Center for Reading Research and for professional development opportunities and online training for Voluntary Prekindergarten providers with a focus on emergent literacy and mathematical thinking. 81 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,860 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 17,374 82 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - VOLUNTARY PREKINDERGARTEN PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 402,137,694 Funds in Specific Appropriation 82 are provided for the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program as provided in sections 1002.51 through 1002.79, Florida Statutes, and shall be initially allocated to early learning coalitions as indicated below. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1002.71(3)(a), Florida Statutes, for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, the base student allocation per full-time equivalent student for the school year program shall be $2,486, and the base student allocation for the summer program shall be $2,122. The allocation includes four percent in addition to the base student allocation to fund administrative and other program costs of the early learning coalitions related to the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program. The funds in Specific Appropriation 82 shall be allocated as follows: Alachua................................................... 4,132,746 Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Franklin, Washington, Holmes, Jackson. 3,870,594 Brevard................................................... 11,658,659 Broward................................................... 39,000,338 Charlotte, DeSoto, Highlands, Hardee...................... 4,619,532 Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Union, Suwannee............ 2,823,518 Dade, Monroe.............................................. 53,989,868 Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Citrus, Sumter.................... 4,650,551 Duval..................................................... 23,845,561 Escambia.................................................. 4,679,504 Hendry, Glades, Collier, Lee.............................. 19,941,677 Hillsborough.............................................. 30,199,247 Lake...................................................... 6,444,770 Leon, Gadsden, Jefferson, Liberty, Madison, Wakulla, Taylor.................................................. 6,416,271 Manatee................................................... 6,812,399 Marion.................................................... 5,404,501 Martin, Okeechobee, Indian River.......................... 6,146,442 Okaloosa, Walton.......................................... 5,589,673 Orange.................................................... 32,715,005 Osceola................................................... 9,357,810 Palm Beach................................................ 30,078,489 Pasco, Hernando........................................... 14,056,724 Pinellas.................................................. 14,461,235 Polk...................................................... 11,457,806 St. Johns, Putnam, Clay, Nassau, Baker, Bradford.......... 14,849,209 St. Lucie................................................. 6,163,320 Santa Rosa................................................ 2,707,636 Sarasota.................................................. 4,793,644 Seminole.................................................. 10,805,778 Volusia, Flagler.......................................... 10,465,187 82A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - VOLUNTARY PREKINDERGARTEN PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 44,972,309 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 257,195,199 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 82A, the recurring sum of $44,972,309 from the General Revenue Fund and $257,195,199 from the Child Care and Development Block Grant Trust Fund are provided for supplemental payments to eligible private prekindergarten providers and public schools that participate in the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program as provided in sections 1002.51 through 1002.79, Florida Statutes. Such supplemental payments are in addition to the base student allocation per full-time equivalent student and shall be, for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, $808 per full-time equivalent student for the school year program and $690 per full-time equivalent student for the summer program. To be eligible, the provider or public school must elect to amend its statewide provider contract with the Division of Early Learning. The contract amendment must require the provider or public school to attest under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, that by December 31, 2022, all VPK instructional personnel employed by the provider will receive wages of at least $15.00 per hour. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a VPK provider under contract with the Division of Early Learning to receive supplemental payments pursuant to this section of proviso who is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her employer and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 83 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,417 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 7,478 84 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,174,329 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 2,175,003 85 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 211,952 FROM CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 281,949 TOTAL: PROGRAM: EARLY LEARNING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 603,709,943 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,157,014,971 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 98.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,760,724,914 PUBLIC SCHOOLS, DIVISION OF PROGRAM: STATE GRANTS/K-12 PROGRAM - FEFP The calculations of the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) for the 2022-2023 fiscal year are incorporated by reference in SPB 2502. The calculations are the basis for the appropriations in the General Appropriations Act in Specific Appropriations 5, 6, 86, and 87. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5, 6, 86, and 87, each school district must pay each employee at least $15.00 per hour by October 1, 2022. By October 1, 2022, each superintendent must submit an attestation to the Department of Education subject to the penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, which includes a statement that every school district employee's hourly rate is at least $15.00 per hour. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a school district wh0 is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the school district and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 86 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL FINANCE PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,378,928,624 FROM STATE SCHOOL TRUST FUND . . . . 246,903,902 Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86 shall be allocated using a base student allocation of $4,612.70 for the FEFP. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $600,000,000 is provided for the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation, pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. Eighty percent of the total allocation is provided for school districts to increase the minimum base salary for full-time classroom teachers as defined in section 1012.01(2)(a), Florida Statutes, plus certified prekindergarten teachers funded in the Florida Education Finance Program, but not including substitute teachers, to at least $47,500, or to the maximum amount achievable based on the school district's allocation. No eligible full-time classroom teacher shall receive a base salary less than the minimum base salary as adjusted by the school district's allocation. Twenty percent of the total allocation, plus any remaining funds from the district's share of the eighty percent allocation, shall be used by school districts as specified in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86 for the supplemental allocation for juvenile justice education programs shall be allocated pursuant to the formula provided in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. The allocation factor shall be $1,250.96. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, juvenile justice education programs shall receive funds as provided in section 1003.52(13), Florida Statutes. Up to $341 per student may be used for high school equivalency examination fees for juvenile justice students who pass the high school equivalency exam in full, or in part, while in a juvenile justice education program and may be used for students in juvenile justice education programs to support equipment, specially designed curricula, and industry credentialing testing fees, for students enrolled in career and technical education (CTE) courses that lead to industry recognized certifications. The district cost differential (DCD) for each district shall be calculated pursuant to the provisions of section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $61,574,862 is provided for the Sparsity Supplement as defined in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes, for school districts of 30,000 and fewer FTE in the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Total Required Local Effort for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 shall be $8,845,088,645. The total amount shall include adjustments made for the calculation required in section 1011.62(4)(a) through (c), Florida Statutes. The maximum nonvoted discretionary millage which may be levied pursuant to the provisions of section 1011.71(1), Florida Statutes, by district school boards in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 shall be 0.748 mills. This millage shall be used to calculate the discretionary millage compression supplement as provided in section 1011.62(5), Florida Statutes. To be eligible for the supplement, a district must levy the maximum. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86 are based upon program cost factors for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 as follows: 1. Basic Programs A. K-3 Basic................................................1.126 B. 4-8 Basic................................................1.000 C. 9-12 Basic...............................................0.999 2. Programs for Exceptional Students A. Support Level 4..........................................3.674 B. Support Level 5..........................................5.401 3. English for Speakers of Other Languages ....................1.206 4. Programs for Grades 9-12 Career Education...................0.999 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $1,090,276,858 is provided to school districts as an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Guaranteed Allocation as authorized by law to provide educational programs and services for exceptional students. The ESE Guaranteed Allocation funds are provided in addition to the funds for each exceptional student in the per FTE student calculation. School districts that provided educational services in the 2021-2022 fiscal year for exceptional students who are residents of other districts shall not discontinue providing such services without the prior approval of the Department of Education. Expenditure requirements for the ESE Guaranteed Allocation shall be as prescribed in section 1010.20(3), Florida Statutes, for programs for exceptional students. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, the value of 43.35 weighted FTE students is provided to supplement the funding for severely handicapped students served in ESE programs 254 and 255 when a school district has less than 10,000 FTE student enrollment and less than three FTE eligible students per program. The Commissioner of Education shall allocate the value of the supplemental FTE based on documented evidence of the difference in the cost of the service and the amount of funds received in the district's FEFP allocations for the students being served. The supplemental value shall not exceed three FTE. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $210,000,000 is provided for Safe Schools activities and shall be allocated as follows: $250,000 shall be distributed to each district, and the remaining balance shall be allocated pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $728,051,238 is for Supplemental Academic Instruction to be provided pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $24,383,050 is provided pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes, for a Turnaround School Supplemental Services Allocation at a per FTE funding amount for eligible schools of $500. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $170,000,000 is provided for a K-12 comprehensive, district-wide system of research-based reading instruction pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. The amount of $115,000 shall be allocated to each district and the remaining balance shall be allocated pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $245,615,270 is provided for Instructional Materials including $12,969,813 for Library Media Materials, $3,545,082 for the purchase of science lab materials and supplies, $10,995,258 for dual enrollment instructional materials, and $3,315,757 for the purchase of digital instructional materials for students with disabilities. The growth allocation per FTE shall be $323.26 for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. School districts shall pay for instructional materials used for the instruction of public high school students who are earning credit toward high school graduation under the dual enrollment program as provided in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. The funds provided for Instructional Materials may also be used by school districts to purchase electronic devices and technology equipment and infrastructure that comply with the eligible expenditures authorized pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. Prior to release of the funds by the department to a school district for the purchase of electronic devices or technology equipment or infrastructure, the district must: (1) certify that it has the instructional materials necessary to provide instruction aligned to the adopted statewide benchmarks and standards, and (2) include an expenditure plan for the purchase of electronic devices and technology equipment, and infrastructure that demonstrates its compliance with section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. The department shall provide a report to the Legislature on or before March 1, 2023, that details the district expenditures for these funds to demonstrate compliance with the amount made available for such purchases. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $515,009,084 is provided for Student Transportation as provided in section 1011.68, Florida Statutes. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $54,143,375 is provided for the Teachers Classroom Supply Assistance Program and shall be given to teachers pursuant to section 1012.71, Florida Statutes. The allocation shall not be recalculated during the school year. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86 for the Federally Connected Student Supplement shall be allocated pursuant to the formula provided in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. Districts may charge a fee for grades K-12 voluntary, non-credit summer school enrollment in basic program courses. The amount of any student's fee shall be based on the student's ability to pay and the student's financial need as determined by district school board policy. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $140,000,000 is provided for the Mental Health Assistance Allocation as provided pursuant to section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $8,000,000 is provided for the Digital Classrooms allocation as provided in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. The minimum amount to be allocated to each district is $100,000. Twenty percent of the funds provided may be used for professional development, including in-state conference attendance or online coursework, to enhance the use of technology for digital instructional strategies. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 5 and 86, $84,267,807 is provided for the Funding Compression and Hold Harmless allocation to be allocated based on the formula provided in section 1011.62, Florida Statutes. For the funding compression, 25 percent of the difference between the district's prior year funds per FTE and the state average shall be used to determine the allocation. A district's allocation shall not be greater than $100 per FTE. For the hold harmless, the index factor shall be 2.0. 87 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - CLASS SIZE REDUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,647,806,672 FROM STATE SCHOOL TRUST FUND . . . . 86,161,098 Funds in Specific Appropriations 6 and 87 are provided to implement the requirements of sections 1003.03 and 1011.685, Florida Statutes. The class size reduction allocation factor for grades prekindergarten to grade 3 shall be $951.44, for grades 4 to 8 shall be $908.43, and for grades 9 to 12 shall be $910.62. The class size reduction allocation shall be recalculated based on enrollment through the October 2022 FTE survey except as provided in section 1003.03(4), Florida Statutes. If the total class size reduction allocation is greater than the appropriation in Specific Appropriations 6 and 87, funds shall be prorated to the level of the appropriation based on each district's calculated amount. The Commissioner of Education may withhold disbursement of these funds until a district is in compliance with reporting information required for class size reduction implementation. TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE GRANTS/K-12 PROGRAM - FEFP FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,026,735,296 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 333,065,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,359,800,296 PROGRAM: STATE GRANTS/K-12 PROGRAM - NON FEFP Of the funds provided for school district matching grants and regional education consortium programs in Specific Appropriations 94 and 99, 60 percent shall be released to the Department of Education at the beginning of the first quarter and the balance at the beginning of the third quarter. The Department of Education shall disburse the funds to eligible entities within 30 days of release. The funds provided for Educator Professional Liability Insurance in Specific Appropriation 95 shall be 100 percent released to the Department of Education at the beginning of the first quarter. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 88 through 109 shall be used to serve Florida students. 88 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - THE COACH AARON FEIS GUARDIAN PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 88 shall be used to certify and train school guardians as provided in section 30.15, Florida Statutes. 89 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - ASSISTANCE TO LOW PERFORMING SCHOOLS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 89 may be used to contract for the operation of the Florida Partnership for Minority and Underrepresented Student Achievement and to achieve the partnership's mission as provided in section 1007.35, Florida Statutes. The funds shall be expended for professional development for Advanced Placement classroom teachers. 90 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,125,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 90 are provided for the Take Stock in Children program (recurring base appropriations project). 91 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MENTORING/STUDENT ASSISTANCE INITIATIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,747,988 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 91, the following projects are funded with recurring funds that shall be allocated as follows: Best Buddies (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)...... 700,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................................ 2,980,248 Florida Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................. 3,652,768 Teen Trendsetters (Recurring Base Appropriations Project). 300,000 YMCA State Alliance/YMCA Reads (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................. 764,972 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 91, the following projects are funded with nonrecurring funds that shall be allocated as follows: Best Buddies Mentoring & Student Assistance Initiative (Senate Form 1157)...................................... 350,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters Bigs Inspiring Scholastic Success (BISS) Project (Senate Form 1499)............... 500,000 Florida Youth Leadership, Mentoring and Character Education Pilot Program (Senate Form 2115).............. 500,000 Mentoring, Career Training & Workforce Development for At-Risk Women & Girls (Senate Form 1168)................ 250,000 Mentoring Tomorrow's Leaders- Broward County Public Schools (Senate Form 1976).............................. 500,000 Tallahassee Lighthouse At-Risk Mentorship Program (Senate Form 2187).............................................. 250,000 92 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COLLEGE REACH OUT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 93 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA DIAGNOSTIC AND LEARNING RESOURCES CENTERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,700,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 93 shall be allocated to the Multidisciplinary Educational Services Centers as provided in section 1006.03, Florida Statutes, as follows: University of Florida..................................... 450,000 University of Miami....................................... 450,000 Florida State University.................................. 450,000 University of South Florida............................... 450,000 University of Florida Health Science Center at Jacksonville............................................ 450,000 Keiser University......................................... 450,000 Each center shall provide a report to the Department of Education by September 1, 2022, for the prior fiscal year that shall include the following: (1) the number of children served, (2) the number of parents served, (3) the number of persons participating in in-service education activities, (4) the number of districts served, and (5) specific services provided. 94 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL DISTRICT EDUCATION FOUNDATION MATCHING GRANTS PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 94 are provided as challenge grants to public school district education foundations for programs that serve low-performing students, technical career education, literacy initiatives, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Education initiatives, increased teacher quality and/or increased graduation rates as provided in section 1011.765, Florida Statutes. The amount of each grant shall be equal to the private contribution made to a qualifying public school district education foundation. In-kind contributions shall not be considered for matching purposes. Administrative costs for the program shall not exceed five percent. Prior to any funds provided in Specific Appropriation 94 being disbursed to any public school district education foundation, the public school district foundation must certify to the Commissioner of Education that the private cash has actually been received by the public school education foundation seeking matching funds. The Consortium of Florida Education Foundations shall be the fiscal agent for this program. 95 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EDUCATOR PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,021,560 96 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TEACHER AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR DEATH BENEFITS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 36,321 97 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 398,592 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 44,556 98 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - AUTISM PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,400,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 98 are for Autism Centers as provided in section 1004.55, Florida Statutes, and shall be allocated as follows: Florida Atlantic University............................... 1,056,776 Florida State University (College of Medicine)............ 1,224,008 University of Central Florida............................. 1,721,639 University of Florida (College of Medicine)............... 1,077,893 University of Florida (Jacksonville)...................... 1,072,732 University of Miami (Department of Psychology) including $391,650 for activities in Broward County through Nova Southeastern University................................. 1,802,195 University of South Florida/Florida Mental Health Institute............................................... 1,444,757 Autism Centers shall provide appropriate nutritional information to parents of children served through funds provided in Specific Appropriation 98. Summaries of outcomes for the prior fiscal year shall be submitted to the Department of Education by September 1, 2022. 99 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - REGIONAL EDUCATION CONSORTIUM SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,750,000 100 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,419,426 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 100, the following shall be allocated from recurring funds: Computer Science Certification and Teacher Bonuses as provided in section 1007.2616, Florida Statutes......... 10,000,000 Mental Health Awareness and Assistance Training as provided in section 1012.584, Florida Statutes.......... 5,500,000 Principal of the Year as provided in section 1012.986, Florida Statutes........................................ 29,426 School Related Personnel of the Year as provided in section 1012.21, Florida Statutes....................... 370,000 Teacher of the Year as provided in section 1012.77, Florida Statutes........................................ 770,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 100 for the Teacher of the Year Program, $770,000 is provided for financial awards, in conjunction with any private donations, resulting in district participants receiving a minimum total award amount of $10,000; the selected finalists receiving a minimum total award of $15,000; and the Teacher of the Year receiving a minimum total award amount of $20,000. Funds in Specific Appropriation 100 for the School Related Personnel of the Year Program are provided for financial awards of up to $5,000 for participants of the program; the selected finalists receiving a total award of up to $6,500; and the School Related Personnel of the Year receiving a total award amount of up to $10,000. Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 100 for Principal, Teacher, or School Related Personnel of the Year may be disbursed to districts, schools, or individuals. Funds in Specific Appropriation 100 for Computer Science Certification and Teachers Bonuses are provided to the Department of Education and shall be allocated to school districts pursuant to section 1007.2616, Florida Statutes. The department shall submit a report to the Legislature by June 30, 2023, that details how the funds were allocated by school district. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 100, $750,000 in recurring funds are provided for Florida Association of District School Superintendents Training as provided in section 1001.47, Florida Statutes. 101 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STRATEGIC STATEWIDE INITIATIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,695,125 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 101, $6,000,000 in recurring funds and $3,545,125 in nonrecurring funds is provided for the School District Intensive Reading Initiative Pilot. These funds are provided to Collier, Escambia, Gulf, Highlands, Lafayette, Indian River, Pasco, St. Johns, Santa Rosa, and Sarasota school districts to improve reading intervention opportunities to students in kindergarten through grade 5 who are enrolled in a public school and who have been determined to be below grade level and in need of reading intervention. Each school district shall receive $300,000 plus a pro rata share of the balance of the appropriation based on the district's fiscal year 2021-2022 K-5 student FTE. Disbursements of funds to school districts shall begin no later than September 1, 2022. School districts may use the funds for: (a) salaries and stipends for reading coaches, specialists, interventionists, and tutors to provide reading interventions during the school day, outside the school day, or through a summer program; (b) salaries or stipends for local reading coordinators to facilitate a district-managed reading intervention response to improve student reading outcomes; (c) professional development in intervention strategies that have been proven to show results in improving reading outcomes; or (d) curriculum, resources, and materials necessary to implement explicit and systematic instructional strategies based on the science of reading. Each participating school district shall report to the Department of Education no later than June 30, 2023, on the following: (a) program expenditures by category; (b) numbers of students served by the pilot program by grade level; (c) student outcomes as evidenced by progress monitoring results; and (d) best practices and lessons learned during implementation which may benefit expansion of the pilot to the statewide level. The department must provide a summary report of the pilot program based on the individual district reports to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives by August 1, 2023. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 101, $640,000 in recurring funds is provided to the Department of Education for use of the Florida Safe Schools Assessment Tool at all public school sites, pursuant to section 1006.1493, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 101, $1,510,000 in recurring funds and $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds are provided to the Department of Education for the Behavioral Threat Assessment Database. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments for the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release of funds is contingent upon approval of a detailed operational work plan, and a project spend plan reflecting estimated and actual costs. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone and contract deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 101, $3,000,000 in recurring funds is provided to the Department of Education to implement the provisions as provided in section 1001.212(6), Florida Statutes. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 101, $5,000,000 in nonrecurring funds is allocated to support the operational transition of the Jefferson County Schools to the Jefferson County School Board; of which, $4,000,000 shall be placed in reserve. The Department of Education shall submit budget amendments, on behalf of Jefferson County School District, requesting quarterly release of funds, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release of these funds is contingent upon submission and approval of a detailed spend plan that documents how Jefferson County School District will use the funds to help it transition into a fully autonomous, highly effective school district. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports, on behalf of Jefferson County School District, to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 102A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOLS OF HOPE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 102A, $35,000,000 in funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for Schools of Hope as provided in section 1002.333, Florida Statutes. 103 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY SCHOOL GRANT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,180,571 The funds in Specific Appropriation 103 are provided to the Department of Education to support the planning and implementation of community school programs pursuant to section 1003.64, Florida Statutes. 104 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL AND INSTRUCTIONAL ENHANCEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 34,245,744 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 104, the following appropriation projects are funded with recurring funds that shall be allocated as follows: African American Task Force (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................. 100,000 AMI Kids (Recurring Base Appropriations Project).......... 1,100,000 Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Pilot Program as provided in section 1003.481, Florida Statutes....... 400,000 Florida Holocaust Museum (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................................ 600,000 Girl Scouts of Florida (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................................ 267,635 Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................. 66,501 Holocaust Task Force (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................................ 100,000 State Science Fair (Recurring Base Appropriations Project) 72,032 YMCA Youth in Government (Recurring Base Appropriations Project)................................................ 100,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 104, nonrecurring funds are provided for the following: Academy at the Farm, Pasco (Senate Form 2174)............. 160,000 African American Cemetery Education Tampa Bay (Senate Form 1469).............................................. 750,000 All Pro Dad's Fatherhood Involvement in Literacy and Family Engagement (Senate Form 1849).................... 1,200,000 AMIkids Recovery of Education Disparities (Senate Form 1524)................................................... 500,000 AmSkills Youth Career Discovery Camps (Senate Form 1300).. 140,000 Aviate Lake (Senate Form 1724)............................ 350,000 Breakthrough Miami (Senate Form 1262)..................... 250,000 Canes Construction Academy, Citrus High School (Senate Form 1705).............................................. 162,200 Children in Action "Literacy and Science Enrichment Routines" (Senate Form 1167)............................ 250,000 Covenant House Workforce Readiness Program (Senate Form 1649)................................................... 250,000 Crockett Explorers (Senate Form 1936)..................... 350,000 D.U.S.T. (Developing Urban Sophisticated Technocrats) (Senate Form 1232)...................................... 250,000 Dreams in Action for Young Adults: Value Leadership to Build Successful Stories (Senate Form 2189)............. 120,000 Florida Children's Initiative Academic support and Job training Program (Senate Form 1241)..................... 500,000 Florida Debate Initiative, Inc. (Senate Form 1257)........ 500,000 Florida Rural Digital Literacy Program (FRDLP) (Senate Form 2005).............................................. 250,000 Florida Trade Academy (Pre-Apprenticeship Program) (Senate Form 1979)...................................... 453,788 General Daniel Chappie James Flight Academy New facility equipment and furnishings (Senate Form 2319)............ 130,000 Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach (Senate Form 1753)......... 333,499 In School Music Program (Senate Form 1647)................ 12,000 Junior Achievement of South Florida Youth Workforce Program (Senate Form 1476).............................. 499,731 Lil Abner Foundation #1 & Expansion into a second location (Senate Form 1009)............................. 447,090 Magic of Orange County Conservation and STEM Environmental Outdoor Learning for K-12 and Beyond (Senate Form 1345)...................................... 162,000 Moffitt Cancer Center Partnership School (Senate Form 1185)................................................... 115,181 Muzology (Senate Form 1441)............................... 250,000 National Flight Academy (Senate Form 2201)................ 421,495 Near Peer Coaching for Postsecondary Success (Senate Form 1310)................................................... 500,000 New World School of the Arts (Senate Form 2280)........... 500,000 Northeast Florida 21st Century Workforce Development (Senate Form 1295)...................................... 500,000 Nutrition Education for School Health and Wellness (Senate Form 1006)...................................... 333,000 Overtown Youth Center (Senate Form 1925).................. 500,000 Panhandle Holocaust Education & Teacher Training Center (Senate Form 1891)...................................... 300,000 Paxton School - Academy of Agritechnology (Senate Form 2441)................................................... 500,000 Pinellas County Schools - Summer Career Acceleration Internship Program (Senate Form 1100)................... 500,000 Putnam County Schools Construction Academy (Senate Form 1473)................................................... 323,000 READ USA Book Choice and Ownership Program (Senate Form 2484)................................................... 255,000 Safer, Smarter Schools (Senate Form 2097)................. 500,000 Security Funding in Jewish Day Schools (Senate Form 1195). 3,500,000 SLPS: Growing Teachers From Within (Senate Form 1102)..... 500,000 State Academic Tournament (Senate Form 1553).............. 150,000 STEAM Education Programs (Senate Form 1278)............... 50,000 STEM Education Program at the Grand Avenue Center (Senate Form 2677).............................................. 417,000 Stop the Violence & Embrace Afterschool Program (Senate Form 1494).............................................. 103,000 The Ben Franklin Project (Senate Form 2656)............... 500,000 The Greatest Save Teen PSA Program (Senate Form 2243)..... 260,000 Walkabouts Kinesthetic Learning Program Pilot (Senate Form 1730).............................................. 450,000 Youth At Risk Program (Senate Form 1171).................. 275,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 104, $11,716,592 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the SEED School of Miami as provided in section 1002.3305, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 104, the SEED School of Miami as provided in section 1002.3305, Florida Statutes, must pay each employee at least $15.00 per hour. By October 1, 2022, the Head of the School of the SEED School of Miami must submit an attestation to the Department of Education subject to the penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, which includes a statement that every school employee's hourly rate is at least $15.00 per hour. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of the SEED School of Miami who is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the school and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 105 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,069,462 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,333,354 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 105, the following recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: Auditory-Oral Education Grant Funding (recurring base appropriations project)................................. 750,000 Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System Associate Centers as provided in section 1006.03, Florida Statutes........................................ 577,758 Learning Through Listening (recurring base appropriations project)................................................ 1,141,704 Special Olympics (recurring base appropriations project).. 250,000 The Family Cafe (recurring base appropriations project)... 350,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 105 for The Family Cafe are supplemental and shall not be used to replace or supplant current funds awarded for The Family Cafe project. Funds in Specific Appropriation 105 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund shall be allocated as follows: Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired as provided in section 1003.55, Florida Statutes................................................ 270,987 Multi-Agency Service Network for Students with Severe Emotional/Behavioral Disturbance as provided in section 1006.04, Florida Statutes............................... 750,322 Portal to Exceptional Education Resources as provided in section 1003.576, Florida Statutes...................... 786,217 Resource Materials Technology Center for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing as provided in section 1003.55, Florida Statutes........................................ 191,828 Very Special Arts (recurring base appropriations project). 334,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 105 for Auditory-Oral Education Grants shall only be awarded to Florida public or private nonprofit school programs serving deaf children in multiple counties, from birth to age seven, including rural and underserved areas. These schools must solely offer auditory-oral education programs, as defined in section 1002.391, Florida Statutes, and have a supervisor and faculty members who are credentialed as Certified Listening and Spoken Language Specialists. The amount of the grants shall be based on the specific needs of each eligible student. Each eligible school that has insufficient public funds to provide the educational and related services specified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) of eligible students aged birth to seven years may submit grant applications to the Department of Education. Applications must include an itemized list of total costs, the amount of public funds available for those students without the grant, and the additional amount needed for the services identified in each students' respective IEP or IFSP. The department shall develop an appropriate application, provide instructions and administer this grant program to ensure minimum delay in providing the IEP or IFSP services for all eligible students. Each school shall be accountable for assuring that the public funds received are expended only for services for the eligible student as described in the application and shall provide a report documenting expenditures for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to the department by September 30, 2023. 106 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND THE BLIND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 53,130,401 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,201,740 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,626,339 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 106, the school shall contract for health, medical, pharmaceutical and dental screening services for students. The school shall develop a collaborative service agreement for medical services and shall maximize the recovery of all legally available funds from Medicaid and private insurance coverage. The school shall report to the Legislature by June 30, 2023, information describing the agreement, services provided, budget and expenditures, including the amounts and sources of all funding used for the collaborative medical program and any other student health services during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 106, $273,476 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided in lieu of funding authorized by section 1011.62, Florida Statutes, and provided in Specific Appropriation 86 to participate in the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation. 107 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 188,416 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 37,183 108 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SPECIAL PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 63,781,300 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 108, the following projects are funded with nonrecurring funds that shall be allocated as follows: Academy at the Farm, Pasco (Senate Form 2174)............. 11,695,000 Canes Construction Academy, Citrus High School (Senate Form 1705).............................................. 91,300 Firefighting Program at Palm Bay Magnet High School (Senate Form 1366)...................................... 680,000 Hosford School/Tolar School Intercom Upgrades (Senate Form 1813).............................................. 92,000 Indiantown Workforce Charter High School (Senate Form 2143)................................................... 1,000,000 Jackson County Hope School Center Renovations (Senate Form 2232).............................................. 500,000 Lafayette District Schools Safe and Secure Schools Electronic Access Control Key System (Senate Form 2646). 400,000 Liberty County School District School Bus Replacement (Senate Form 1812)...................................... 123,000 Moffitt Cancer Center Partnership School (Senate Form 1185)................................................... 7,000,000 Putnam County Schools Construction Academy (Senate Form 1473)................................................... 200,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 108, $42,000,000 in nonrecurring funds is provided for the School Hardening Grant program to improve the physical security of school buildings based on the security risk assessment required by section 1006.1493, Florida Statutes. By December 31, 2022, school districts and charter schools receiving School Hardening Grant program funds shall report to the Department of Education, in a format prescribed by the department, the total estimated costs of their unmet school campus hardening needs as identified by the Florida Safe Schools Assessment Tool (FSSAT) conducted pursuant to Section 1006.1493, Florida Statutes. The report should include a prioritized list of school hardening project needs by each school district or charter school and an expected timeframe for implementing those projects. In accordance with Sections 119.071(3)(a) and 281.301, Florida Statutes, data and information related to security risk assessments administered pursuant to section 1006.1493 are confidential and exempt from public records requirements. Funds may only be used for capital purchases. Funds shall be allocated initially based on each district's capital outlay FTE and charter school FTE. No district shall be allocated less than $42,000. Funds shall be provided based on district application, which must be submitted to the Department of Education by February 1, 2023. 109 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITY REPAIRS MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,550,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 109, the following projects are funded with nonrecurring funds that shall be allocated as follows: City of Hialeah Educational Academy (COHEA) Expansion (Senate Form 1664)...................................... 750,000 City of Hialeah Gardens Education and Youth Activities Center (Senate Form 1791)............................... 250,000 Florida Trade Academy (Pre-Apprenticeship Program) (Senate Form 1979)...................................... 50,000 Learning Independence for Tomorrow, Inc. (LiFT) Campus (Senate Form 1188)...................................... 250,000 Mote Marine STEM Education Facilities (Senate Form 1951).. 750,000 Security Funding in Jewish Day Schools (Senate Form 1195). 500,000 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE GRANTS/K-12 PROGRAM - NON FEFP FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 286,939,906 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,248,172 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 294,188,078 PROGRAM: FEDERAL GRANTS K/12 PROGRAM 110 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - PROJECTS, CONTRACTS AND GRANTS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,999,420 111 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FEDERAL GRANTS AND AIDS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 353,962 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,286,470,556 112 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DOMESTIC SECURITY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,409,971 TOTAL: PROGRAM: FEDERAL GRANTS K/12 PROGRAM FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,296,233,909 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,296,233,909 PROGRAM: EDUCATIONAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 113 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CAPITOL TECHNICAL CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 715,945 114 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PUBLIC BROADCASTING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,714,053 The funds provided in Specific Appropriation 114 shall be allocated as follows: Florida Channel Closed Captioning......................... 390,862 Florida Channel Satellite Transponder Operations.......... 800,000 Florida Channel Statewide Governmental and Cultural Affairs Programming..................................... 497,522 Florida Channel Year Round Coverage....................... 2,714,588 Florida Public Radio Emergency Network Storm Center....... 166,270 Public Radio Stations (recurring base appropriations project)................................................ 1,300,000 Public Television Stations................................ 3,844,811 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 114, "Governmental Affairs for Public Television" shall be produced by the same contractor selected by the Legislature to produce "The Florida Channel". From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 114 for Public Television Stations, $320,400 shall be allocated to each public television station recommended by the Commissioner of Education. Public Radio Stations shall be allocated $100,000 per station. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 114 for the Florida Channel Satellite Transponder Operations, the Florida Channel shall contract for the leasing, management and operation of the state transponder with the same public broadcasting station that produces the Florida Channel. TOTAL: PROGRAM: EDUCATIONAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,429,998 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,429,998 PROGRAM: WORKFORCE EDUCATION 115 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS PERFORMANCE BASED INCENTIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 115 shall be provided by the Department of Education to district workforce education programs for students who earned industry certifications during the 2021-2022 academic year. Funding shall be based on students who earned industry certifications with a school district postsecondary funding designation on the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List. These performance funds shall not be awarded for certifications earned through continuing workforce education programs. School districts shall maintain documentation for student attainment of industry certifications that are eligible for performance funding. The Auditor General shall verify compliance with this requirement during scheduled operational audits of the school districts. If a district is unable to comply, the district shall refund the performance funding to the state. 116 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - ADULT BASIC EDUCATION FEDERAL FLOW-THROUGH FUNDS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 49,301,709 118 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 241,849,635 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 7 from the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund and Specific Appropriation 118 from the General Revenue Fund, $372,356,891 is provided for school district workforce education programs as defined in section 1004.02(25), Florida Statutes, and is allocated as follows: Alachua................................................... 528,397 Baker..................................................... 166,406 Bay....................................................... 2,854,566 Bradford.................................................. 966,583 Brevard................................................... 3,478,404 Broward................................................... 77,776,734 Charlotte................................................. 2,482,056 Citrus.................................................... 2,064,261 Clay...................................................... 614,456 Collier................................................... 10,017,505 Columbia.................................................. 280,199 Miami-Dade................................................ 80,670,340 DeSoto.................................................... 607,940 Dixie..................................................... 69,289 Escambia.................................................. 3,857,918 Flagler................................................... 988,787 Franklin.................................................. 75,902 Gadsden................................................... 407,392 Glades.................................................... 79,216 Gulf...................................................... 79,816 Hamilton.................................................. 73,672 Hardee.................................................... 182,126 Hendry.................................................... 658,781 Hernando.................................................. 573,537 Hillsborough.............................................. 29,587,098 Indian River.............................................. 1,007,631 Jackson................................................... 185,164 Jefferson................................................. 82,209 Lafayette................................................. 73,271 Lake...................................................... 4,755,613 Lee....................................................... 9,947,091 Leon...................................................... 6,386,855 Liberty................................................... 123,311 Madison................................................... 73,087 Manatee................................................... 9,465,433 Marion.................................................... 3,964,712 Martin.................................................... 1,109,196 Monroe.................................................... 582,898 Nassau.................................................... 703,133 Okaloosa.................................................. 2,223,670 Orange.................................................... 31,942,536 Osceola................................................... 6,731,307 Palm Beach................................................ 16,616,120 Pasco..................................................... 3,111,881 Pinellas.................................................. 25,958,745 Polk...................................................... 7,590,670 Saint Johns............................................... 4,039,530 Santa Rosa................................................ 2,201,116 Sarasota.................................................. 8,276,099 Sumter.................................................... 184,581 Suwannee.................................................. 1,007,296 Taylor.................................................... 1,168,522 Union..................................................... 78,680 Wakulla................................................... 89,546 Walton.................................................... 1,129,182 Washington................................................ 2,406,425 For programs leading to a career certificate or an applied technology diploma, and for adult general education programs, tuition and fees shall be assessed in accordance with section 1009.22, Florida Statutes. Funds collected from standard tuition and out-of-state fees shall be used to support school district workforce education programs as defined in section 1004.02(25), Florida Statutes, and shall not be used to support K-12 programs or district K-12 administrative indirect costs. The funds provided in Specific Appropriations 7, 115, and 118 shall not be used to support K-12 programs or district K-12 administrative indirect costs. The Auditor General shall verify compliance with this requirement during scheduled audits of these institutions. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1009.26(1), Florida Statutes, school districts may grant fee waivers for programs funded through Workforce Development Education appropriations for up to eight percent of the fee revenues that would otherwise be collected. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 7 and 118, each school district shall report enrollment for adult general education programs identified in section 1004.02, Florida Statutes, in accordance with the Department of Education instructional hours reporting procedures. The Auditor General shall verify compliance with this requirement during scheduled operational audits of the school districts. District superintendents shall certify that workforce education enrollment and performance data used for funding allocations to districts is accurate and complete in accordance with reporting timelines established by the Department of Education. If the district's workforce education programs are operated through a charter technical career center as provided by section 1002.34, Florida Statutes, the director appointed by the charter board may certify the enrollment and performance data. Upon certification, the district data shall be considered final for purposes of use in state funding formulas. After the final certification, the department may request a supplemental file in the event that a district has reported a higher level of enrollment or performance than was actually achieved by the district. 119 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - PATHWAYS TO CAREER OPPORTUNITIES GRANT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,000,000 The recurring general revenue funds in Specific Appropriation 119 are provided for the Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant Program. The Department of Education shall administer the competitive grant program, determine eligibility, and distribute grants. Grantees include high schools, career centers, charter technical career centers, Florida College System institutions, and other entities authorized to sponsor an apprenticeship or preapprenticeship program, as defined in section 446.021, Florida Statutes. The funds may be used to establish new apprenticeship or preapprenticeship programs, or expand existing programs. Applicants must provide projected enrollment and projected costs for the new or expanded apprenticeship program. The department shall give priority to apprenticeship programs with demonstrated regional demand. Grant funds may be used for instructional equipment, supplies, personnel, student services, and other expenses associated with the creation or expansion of an apprenticeship program. Grant funds may not be used for recurring instructional costs or for indirect costs. Grant recipients must submit quarterly reports in a format prescribed by the department. 120 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - VOCATIONAL FORMULA FUNDS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 73,997,159 121 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STRATEGIC STATEWIDE INITIATIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 121 are provided to the Department of Education for reimbursement of workers' compensation insurance premiums pursuant to section 446.54, Florida Statutes. 122 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL AND INSTRUCTIONAL ENHANCEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,875,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 122, $100,000 in recurring funds and $200,000 in nonrecurring funds are provided for a base appropriations project for the Lotus House Education and Employment Program (Senate Form 1127). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 122, $1,575,000 in nonrecurring funds is provided for the following appropriations projects: Adult Literacy League - Improving the lives of Central Floridians through Literacy and Education (Senate Form 2190)................................................... 25,000 Career Online Adult High School Program for the State of Florida Library System (Senate Form 2502)............... 500,000 CKNTech Boot Camp (Senate Form 2300)...................... 500,000 Dade Institute Coding Certification Program (Senate Form 2567)................................................... 250,000 Leon Works Expo and Junior Apprenticeship (Senate Form 1965)................................................... 50,000 The Bridges Competitive Small Business Initiative (Senate Form 2147).............................................. 250,000 122A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SPECIAL PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 122A are provided for the Transportation Training and Innovation Center (Lake Technical College and City of Tavares) (Senate Form 1685). 122B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITY REPAIRS MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 750,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 122B are provided for the iBuild Academy (Senate Form 1487). TOTAL: PROGRAM: WORKFORCE EDUCATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 263,974,635 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 123,298,868 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 387,273,503 FLORIDA COLLEGES, DIVISION OF PROGRAM: FLORIDA COLLEGES 123 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS PERFORMANCE BASED INCENTIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 123 are provided to colleges for students who earn industry certifications during the 2022-2023 academic year. Funding shall be based on students who earn industry certifications with a college postsecondary funding designation on the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List. The Department of Education shall distribute the awards by June 1, 2023, and establish procedures and timelines for colleges to report earned certifications for funding. The department may allocate any funds not obligated by June 1, 2023, to schools who have earned awards, based on the percentage of earned certifications. These performance funds shall not be awarded for certifications earned through continuing workforce education programs. Industry certifications earned by students enrolled in the 2021-2022 academic year which were eligible to be included in the funding allocation for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and were not included in the final disbursement due to the early data reporting deadline may be reported by colleges and included in the allocation of funds for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Colleges shall maintain documentation for student attainment of industry certifications that are eligible for performance funding. The Auditor General shall verify compliance with this requirement during scheduled operational audits of the colleges. If a college is unable to comply, the college shall refund the performance funding to the state. 124 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS STUDENT SUCCESS INCENTIVE FUNDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 124, $15,000,000 is provided for the 2+2 Student Success Incentive Fund to support college efforts to improve the success of students enrolled in associate of arts degree programs in completing critical college credit courses, graduating with associate of arts degrees, and transferring to baccalaureate degree programs. These funds shall be allocated as follows: Eastern Florida State College............................. 363,516 Broward College........................................... 1,372,244 College of Central Florida................................ 248,697 Chipola College........................................... 80,657 Daytona State College..................................... 342,246 Florida SouthWestern State College........................ 423,281 Florida State College at Jacksonville..................... 374,032 The College of the Florida Keys........................... 14,311 Gulf Coast State College.................................. 112,024 Hillsborough Community College............................ 711,864 Indian River State College................................ 492,205 Florida Gateway College................................... 66,474 Lake-Sumter State College................................. 240,500 State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota................ 280,613 Miami Dade College........................................ 2,763,224 North Florida College..................................... 31,869 Northwest Florida State College........................... 121,148 Palm Beach State College.................................. 788,949 Pasco-Hernando State College.............................. 438,748 Pensacola State College................................... 224,678 Polk State College........................................ 208,714 Saint Johns River State College........................... 167,162 Saint Petersburg College.................................. 809,545 Santa Fe College.......................................... 693,575 Seminole State College of Florida......................... 629,227 South Florida State College............................... 59,135 Tallahassee Community College............................. 660,293 Valencia College.......................................... 2,281,069 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 124, $10,000,000 is provided for the Work Florida Student Success Incentive Fund to support college strategies and initiatives to align career education programs with statewide and regional workforce demands and high paying job opportunities. These funds shall be allocated as follows: Eastern Florida State College............................. 263,513 Broward College........................................... 1,089,148 College of Central Florida................................ 252,169 Chipola College........................................... 76,260 Daytona State College..................................... 280,684 Florida SouthWestern State College........................ 286,103 Florida State College at Jacksonville..................... 455,247 The College of the Florida Keys........................... 43,524 Gulf Coast State College.................................. 128,359 Hillsborough Community College............................ 329,206 Indian River State College................................ 337,540 Florida Gateway College................................... 141,761 Lake-Sumter State College................................. 41,846 State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota................ 149,691 Miami Dade College........................................ 1,602,430 North Florida College..................................... 46,598 Northwest Florida State College........................... 80,572 Palm Beach State College.................................. 535,783 Pasco-Hernando State College.............................. 156,192 Pensacola State College................................... 178,403 Polk State College........................................ 190,817 Saint Johns River State College........................... 92,376 Saint Petersburg College.................................. 520,023 Santa Fe College.......................................... 181,588 Seminole State College of Florida......................... 732,871 South Florida State College............................... 80,901 Tallahassee Community College............................. 190,418 Valencia College.......................................... 1,535,977 125 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA COLLEGE SYSTEM PROGRAM FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,052,618,742 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 125 are provided for operating funds and approved baccalaureate programs and shall be allocated as follows: Eastern Florida State College............................. 36,880,463 Broward College........................................... 74,083,721 College of Central Florida................................ 24,125,556 Chipola College........................................... 9,715,189 Daytona State College..................................... 41,920,010 Florida SouthWestern State College........................ 30,012,431 Florida State College at Jacksonville..................... 62,641,675 The College of the Florida Keys........................... 7,011,999 Gulf Coast State College.................................. 19,889,786 Hillsborough Community College............................ 59,161,696 Indian River State College................................ 41,481,858 Florida Gateway College................................... 11,846,153 Lake-Sumter State College................................. 12,545,346 State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota................ 21,222,707 Miami Dade College........................................ 142,276,509 North Florida College..................................... 6,639,687 Northwest Florida State College........................... 16,450,735 Palm Beach State College.................................. 55,680,979 Pasco-Hernando State College.............................. 31,641,515 Pensacola State College................................... 30,852,557 Polk State College........................................ 32,637,078 Saint Johns River State College........................... 20,900,084 Saint Petersburg College.................................. 62,883,823 Santa Fe College.......................................... 36,967,815 Seminole State College of Florida......................... 38,757,377 South Florida State College............................... 15,775,194 Tallahassee Community College............................. 27,562,776 Valencia College.......................................... 81,054,023 Included within the total appropriations for Florida College System institutions in Specific Appropriation 125, recurring funds are provided for the following base appropriations projects: Chipola College Civil and Industrial Engineering Program.................. 200,000 Daytona State College Advanced Technology Center................................ 500,000 Hillsborough Community College Regional Transportation Training Center................... 2,500,000 Pasco-Hernando State College STEM Stackable............................................ 2,306,271 Included within the total appropriations for Florida College System institutions in Specific Appropriation 125, nonrecurring funds are provided for the following appropriations projects: Daytona State College Advanced Manufacturing/FAME Program Equipment (Senate Form 1821).............................................. 315,500 Pharmacy Technician Vocational Program (Senate Form 1822). 447,123 Eastern Florida State College Aerospace Center of Excellence (ACE) (Senate Form 1653)... 500,000 Pasco-Hernando State College Fire Academy Burn Center and Classrooms (Senate Form 2175) 400,000 Seminole State College of Florida Construction Trades Program Equipment (Senate Form 1056).. 500,000 Valencia College July in November - The Story of the 1920 Election Day Riots (Senate Form 2686)................................ 500,000 Prior to the disbursement of funds in Specific Appropriations 8 and 125, colleges shall submit an operating budget for the expenditure of these funds as provided in section 1011.30, Florida Statutes. The operating budget shall clearly identify planned expenditures for baccalaureate programs and shall include the sources of funds. For advanced and professional, postsecondary vocational, developmental education, educator preparation institute programs, and baccalaureate degree programs, tuition and fees shall be assessed in accordance with section 1009.23, Florida Statutes. For programs leading to a career certificate or an applied technology diploma, and for adult general education programs, tuition and fees shall be assessed in accordance with section 1009.22, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the provisions of section 1009.26(1), Florida Statutes, Florida colleges may grant fee waivers for programs funded through Workforce Development Education appropriations for up to eight percent of the fee revenues that would otherwise be collected. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 8 and 125, each Florida college shall report enrollment for adult general education programs identified in section 1004.02, Florida Statutes, in accordance with the Department of Education instructional hours reporting procedures. The Auditor General shall verify compliance with this requirement during scheduled operational audits of the Florida colleges. Each Florida college board of trustees is given flexibility to make necessary adjustments to its operating budget. If any board reduces individual programs or projects within the Florida college by more than 10 percent during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, written notification shall be made to the Governor, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Department of Education. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 8 and 125, the Florida College System presidents, in consultation with the Department of Education, shall develop an equity based per student funding model that accounts for differences in institutional fixed operating costs, and variable operating costs based on educational program offerings. The Florida College System presidents shall provide the proposed new funding model to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by September 30, 2022. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 125, Miami Dade College (MDC) shall provide detailed quarterly reports on the Status of Fixed Capital Outlay and Partially Funded Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) Projects, including planned, in-progress, and completed projects. The reports shall include the following: MDC priority number; Department of Education priority number; project name; first fiscal year funded; total all previous state funding; amount spent/contractually obligated; total state funding needed for project; total local funds; total state and local funds; total state funds remaining; and project status. Additionally, the college shall provide the same detail for expenditures utilizing funds transferred between Fund 1 (current funds unrestricted) and Fund 7 (unexpended plant and renewals/replacement) for all other eligible acquisition, construction, major repair, renovation and/or replacement of institutional properties. The quarterly reports shall be submitted to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. The first quarterly report shall be submitted on October 30, 2022, for the period of July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022, and quarterly thereafter. 127 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA POSTSECONDARY ACADEMIC LIBRARY NETWORK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,076,322 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 127, $1,267,808 shall be released to the Florida Postsecondary Academic Library Network at the host entity at the beginning of the first quarter, and $2,158,700 shall be released at the beginning of the second quarter in addition to the normal releases. The additional releases are provided to maximize cost savings through centralized purchases of subscription-based electronic resources and low-cost, no-cost, or open-access electronic textbooks. Administrative costs shall not exceed five percent. 128 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMMISSION ON COMMUNITY SERVICE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 983,182 TOTAL: PROGRAM: FLORIDA COLLEGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,101,678,246 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,101,678,246 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 129 through 142, the Commissioner of Education shall prepare and provide to the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor on or before October 1, 2022, a report containing the following: the federal indirect cost rate(s) approved to be used for the 12 month period of the 2022-2023 fiscal year and the data on which the rate(s) was established; the estimated amount of funds the approved rate(s) will generate; the proposed expenditure plan for the amount generated; and the June 30, 2022, balance of all unexpended federal indirect cost funds. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 129 through 142, the Department of Education shall publish on the Florida Department of Education website by December 31, 2022, from each school district's Annual Financial Report, expenditures on a per FTE basis for the following fund types: General Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Project Fund and a Total. Fiduciary funds, enterprise funds, and internal service funds shall not be included. This funding information shall also be published in the same format on each school district's website by December 31, 2022. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 129 through 142 from the Working Capital Trust Fund shall be cost-recovered from funds used to pay data processing services provided in accordance with section 216.272, Florida Statutes. APPROVED SALARY RATE 51,389,813 129 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 934.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,247,532 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,656,638 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 5,567,951 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,162,153 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,956,986 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,914,663 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,398,978 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 79,449 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 313,047 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 426,330 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 5,991,139 130 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 249,218 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 144,095 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 96,779 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 42,691 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 547,110 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 227,470 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,625 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,134 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 59,213 131 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,319,136 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,456,375 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 1,009,523 FROM EDUCATIONAL MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 133,426 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 898,664 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,188,663 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,433 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 540,776 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800,556 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 39,050 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 295,667 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 135,350 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 706,077 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 131, $45,187 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Education to pay the state's dues to the Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 131, $1,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Just Read, Florida Office for the development and delivery of a literacy-focused online professional development system for Florida teachers as provided in section 1001.215, Florida Statutes. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 131, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Just Read, Florida Office for the development and delivery of the micro-credential provisions of SPB 2524 and is contingent upon the bill or similar legislation becoming law. 132 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,970 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 144,428 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 7,440 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 241,756 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,375 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,960 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,000 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 3,150 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 47,921 133 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 42,437,747 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,315,367 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 40,153,877 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 13,783,900 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 133, $15,500,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of Education to implement the VPK-8 progress monitoring program. 134 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 275,564 135 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,090,599 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 739,054 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 1,402,736 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 488,200 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,876,770 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 405,405 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,115,208 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 19,893 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 374,193 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 4,242,250 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 943,604 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 135, $6,400,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Education to implement the provisions of section 1006.07(4), Florida Statutes. 136 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 200,000 137 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 113,482 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 55,079 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 32,310 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,474 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 94,291 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,106 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,585 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 418 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,154 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,735 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 27,045 138 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 110,591 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 19,102 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 15,882 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,380 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 65,448 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,148 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,287 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 270 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,551 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,590 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 23,534 141 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,563,218 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,742,521 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 1,189,918 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 342,950 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,856,858 FROM INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 320,380 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,123,210 FROM NURSING STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 16,894 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 95,264 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 70,426 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 1,251,008 142 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,940,999 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 10,293 FROM EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION AND SERVICE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 72,085 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,265 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 28,264 FROM STUDENT LOAN OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822,208 FROM TEACHER CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 42,045 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 4,384,980 TOTAL: STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 92,394,056 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 155,406,456 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 934.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 247,800,512 UNIVERSITIES, DIVISION OF PROGRAM: EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES Funds in Specific Appropriations 9 through 13 and 143 through 158 are provided as grants and aids to support the operation of state university entities. Funds provided to each university entity are contingent upon that university entity following the provisions of chapters 1000 through 1013, Florida Statutes, which relate to state universities. Any withholding of funds pursuant to this provision shall be subject to the approval of the Legislative Budget Commission. 143 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - MOFFITT CANCER CENTER AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,576,930 The funds in Specific Appropriation 143 shall be transferred to the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute to support the operations of this state university system entity. Funds in Specific Appropriation 143 may be transferred to the Agency for Health Care Administration and used as state matching funds for the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute to adjust the Medicaid inpatient reimbursement and outpatient trend adjustments applied to the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute and other Medicaid reductions to its reimbursements up to the actual Medicaid inpatient and outpatient costs. In the event that enhanced Medicaid funding is not implemented by the Agency for Health Care Administration, these funds shall remain appropriated to the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute to continue the original purpose of providing research and education related to cancer. 145 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - EDUCATION AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,185,423,087 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,791,677,200 FROM PHOSPHATE RESEARCH TRUST FUND . 5,234,908 The funds provided in Specific Appropriations 145 through 154 from the Education and General Student and Other Fees Trust Fund are the only budget authority provided in this act for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to the named university entities to expend tuition and fees that are collected during the 2022-2023 fiscal year and carried forward from the prior fiscal year and that are appropriated into local accounts pursuant to section 1011.4106, Florida Statutes. The expenditure of tuition and fee revenues from local accounts by each university entity shall not exceed the authority provided by these specific appropriations, unless approved pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Funds from the General Revenue Fund provided in Specific Appropriations 145 through 154 to each of the named university entities are contingent upon each university entity complying with the tuition and fee policies established in Part II of chapter 1009, Florida Statutes. However, the funds appropriated to a specific university entity shall not be affected by the failure of another university entity to comply with this provision. Funds in Specific Appropriations 9 through 13 and 145 through 158 shall be expended in accordance with operating budgets that must be approved by each university's board of trustees. Funds in Specific Appropriation 145 from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: University of Florida..................................... 342,837,992 Florida State University.................................. 301,580,965 Florida A&M University.................................... 61,493,944 University of South Florida............................... 155,805,309 University of South Florida, St. Petersburg............... 25,716,376 University of South Florida, Sarasota/Manatee............. 14,913,960 Florida Atlantic University............................... 106,178,344 University of West Florida................................ 50,005,199 University of Central Florida............................. 178,233,593 Florida International University.......................... 168,998,538 University of North Florida............................... 67,769,986 Florida Gulf Coast University............................. 70,067,034 New College of Florida.................................... 25,019,381 Florida Polytechnic University............................ 31,524,966 State University Performance Based Incentives............. 560,000,000 Incentives for Programs of Strategic Emphasis............. 25,000,000 Johnson Matching Grant.................................... 277,500 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 145, as listed above, include recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund for the following base appropriations projects: Florida A&M University Crestview Education Center................................ 1,500,000 Florida Atlantic University Max Planck Scientific Fellowship Program.................. 889,101 Florida International University FIUnique.................................................. 3,900,000 Florida State University Student Veterans Center................................... 500,000 University of North Florida Advanced Manufacturing & Materials Innovation............. 855,000 University of South Florida Florida Cybersecurity Initiative.......................... 6,450,000 University of West Florida Office of Economic Development & Engagement............... 1,187,500 Physician Assistance Program.............................. 1,000,000 School of Mechanical Engineering.......................... 1,000,000 Veteran & Military Student Support........................ 250,000 Included within the total appropriations for state universities in Specific Appropriation 145, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following appropriations projects: Florida Atlantic University Max Planck Florida Scientific Fellows Program (MPFSFP) (Senate Form 1024)...................................... 500,000 Florida International University The Washington Center Scholarships (Senate Form 1004)..... 250,000 University of Florida I-STREET (Senate Form 1635)............................... 1,000,000 National Ranking Operating Support: UF Law School (Senate Form 2497).............................................. 3,200,000 Northwest Florida Estuary Water Quality Protection and Restoration (Senate Form 2645).......................... 250,000 The Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education (Senate Form 2665)...................................... 250,000 University of South Florida St. Petersburg Citizen Scholar Partnership (Senate Form 2532)............ 306,176 Funds in Specific Appropriation 145 from the Education and General Student and Other Fees Trust Fund shall be allocated as follows: University of Florida..................................... 342,653,152 Florida State University.................................. 229,310,768 Florida A&M University.................................... 67,801,614 University of South Florida............................... 187,739,487 University of South Florida, St. Petersburg............... 24,946,995 University of South Florida, Sarasota/Manatee............. 12,020,425 Florida Atlantic University............................... 136,401,331 University of West Florida................................ 53,000,000 University of Central Florida............................. 318,133,474 Florida International University.......................... 262,330,676 University of North Florida............................... 77,333,530 Florida Gulf Coast University............................. 69,089,932 New College of Florida.................................... 6,807,778 Florida Polytechnic University............................ 4,108,038 Undergraduate tuition shall be assessed in accordance with section 1009.24, Florida Statutes. Tuition for graduate and professional programs and out-of-state fees for all programs shall be established pursuant to section 1009.24, Florida Statutes. No state university may receive general revenue funding associated with the enrollment of out-of-state students. Each university board of trustees is given flexibility to make necessary adjustments to its operating budget. If any board reduces individual programs or projects within the university by more than 10 percent during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, written notification shall be made to the Executive Office of the Governor, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Board of Governors. Funds in Specific Appropriation 145 from the Phosphate Research Trust Fund are provided for the Florida Polytechnic University. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 145, $560,000,000 is provided for State University System Performance Based Incentives. The funds available for allocation to the universities based on the performance funding model shall consist of the state's investment of $265,000,000 in nonrecurring funds, plus an institutional investment of $295,000,000 in recurring funds to be redistributed from the base funding of the State University System. The Board of Governors shall allocate all appropriated funds for State University System Performance Based Incentives based on the requirements in section 1001.92, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 145, the Board of Governors Foundation shall distribute $262,500 in recurring funds and $15,000 in nonrecurring funds to state universities for Johnson Scholarships in accordance with section 1009.74, Florida Statutes. Sixty percent of such funds shall be released at the beginning of the first quarter and the balance at the beginning of the third quarter. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 145, $10,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Florida Institute for Child Welfare at Florida State University pursuant to section 1004.615, Florida Statutes. The Institute shall provide quarterly implementation status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee; the chair of the House Appropriations Committee; the chair of the Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; and the chair of the House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 145, $25,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided as Incentives for Programs of Strategic Emphasis during the 2022-2023 academic year pursuant to section 1009.26(18), Florida Statutes. Universities are eligible to receive funds based on the number of waivers provided in the eight Programs of Strategic Emphasis in science, technology, engineering, or math identified by the Board of Governors. The following two-digit CIP codes, as reported by the National Center for Education Statistics, are not eligible for Incentives for Program of Strategic Emphasis in STEM: 09, 19, 25, 31,35, 36, 42, 45, 50, and may not be included in any revision to the Programs of Strategic Emphasis unless it meets the criteria established by the Credentials Review Committee. The Board of Governors shall distribute no more than $12,500,000 for waivers provided during the fall 2022 academic term. Remaining funds shall be distributed based on waivers provided during the spring 2023 academic term. The Board of Governors shall establish procedures and timelines for universities to report the number and value of waivers in order to receive incentive funds. 146 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA POSTSECONDARY ACADEMIC LIBRARY NETWORK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,836,500 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 146, $1,267,808 shall be released to the Florida Postsecondary Academic Library Network at the host entity at the beginning of the first quarter, and $2,158,700 shall be released at the beginning of the second quarter in addition to the normal releases. The additional releases are provided to maximize cost savings through centralized purchases of subscription-based electronic resources and low-cost, no-cost, or open-access electronic textbooks. Administrative costs shall not exceed five percent. 147 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL UNIVERSITY AND FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,636,475 148 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - IFAS (INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 164,809,356 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 148, recurring funds are provided for the following base appropriations projects: Animal Agriculture Industry Science & Technology.......... 2,240,000 Cervidae Disease Research................................. 2,000,000 Florida Shellfish Aquaculture............................. 250,000 Forestry Education........................................ 1,110,825 Statewide Water Budget Data Analytics Pilot Project w/ DEP 1,381,200 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 148, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds is provided for the UF/IFAS Quantifying Ecosystems Services with Artificial Intelligence (Senate Form 2252). 149 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA MEDICAL CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 70,023,318 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 65,542,305 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 149, recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following base appropriations projects: Center for Neuromusculoskeletal Research.................. 300,000 Veteran PTSD Study........................................ 125,000 Veteran PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury Study............... 250,000 Veteran Service Center.................................... 175,000 150 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA HEALTH CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 109,596,162 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 37,517,537 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 150, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following appropriations projects: College of Veterinary Medicine (Senate Form 2365)......... 3,000,000 Alzheimer's and Dementia Research (Senate Form 1555)...... 500,000 Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship (Senate Form 1101)...... 300,000 151 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,359,083 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,898,434 152 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA MEDICAL SCHOOL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,781,275 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,346,940 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 152, $337,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Crohn's and Colitis Research (base appropriations project). 153 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,153,594 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,787,129 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 153, $1,500,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Neuroscience Centers of Florida Foundation (base appropriations project). 154 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,747,039 FROM EDUCATION AND GENERAL STUDENT AND OTHER FEES TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,717,381 155 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,140,378 A minimum of 75 percent of the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 155 shall be allocated for need-based financial aid. Funds in Specific Appropriation 155 shall be allocated as follows: University of Florida..................................... 1,737,381 Florida State University.................................. 1,467,667 Florida A&M University.................................... 624,417 University of South Florida............................... 801,368 Florida Atlantic University............................... 399,658 University of West Florida................................ 157,766 University of Central Florida............................. 858,405 Florida International University.......................... 540,666 University of North Florida............................... 200,570 Florida Gulf Coast University............................. 98,073 New College of Florida.................................... 204,407 Florida Polytechnic University............................ 50,000 156 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA POSTSECONDARY COMPREHENSIVE TRANSITION PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,984,565 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 156, a maximum of $1,500,000 may be used by the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities to administer the Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program (FPCTP). These funds are for costs solely associated with the center serving as the statewide coordinating center for the program. The remaining funds in Specific Appropriation 156 are provided for FPCTP grants pursuant to section 1004.6495(5)(b)5., Florida Statutes, and for FPCTP Scholarships for students who are enrolled in eligible programs. The maximum annual grant award shall be $500,000 per institution. The maximum annual amount of the scholarship shall be $7,000 for students who meet the eligibility requirements of subsection 1004.6495(7), Florida Statutes. 157 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN AND MACHINE COGNITION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,039,184 The funds in Specific Appropriation 157 shall be transferred to the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition to support the operations of this state university system entity. 158 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,836,850 FROM PHOSPHATE RESEARCH TRUST FUND . 1,955 TOTAL: PROGRAM: EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL ACTIVITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,736,943,796 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,962,723,789 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,699,667,585 BOARD OF GOVERNORS APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,558,229 159 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 69.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,892,458 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 843,214 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 159, the state- funded portion of salaries for each employee of the Board of Governors shall not exceed $200,000. 160 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 52,633 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,990 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,329 161 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 736,982 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 144,799 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 162 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,782 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,950 163 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 784,903 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 70,000 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 164 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,287 165 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,901 FROM DIVISION OF UNIVERSITIES FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,967 165A SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES IN POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 165A are provided for Research University Alzheimer's Research Using Exablate Neuro focused Ultrasound (Senate Form 1017). 166 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 349,859 TOTAL: BOARD OF GOVERNORS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,353,805 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,104,249 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 69.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,458,054 TOTAL OF SECTION 2 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,962,950,346 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,658,378,083 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,274.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 25,621,328,429 TOTAL: EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF (SECTIONS 1 AND 2) EDUCATION/EARLY LEARNING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 603,709,943 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,157,014,971 EDUCATION/PUBLIC SCHOOLS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,588,079,835 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,861,795,400 EDUCATION/FL COLLEGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,101,678,246 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 240,982,604 EDUCATION/UNIVERSITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,736,943,796 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,578,311,754 EDUCATION/OTHER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 932,538,526 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,637,729,617 EDUCATION RECAP FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,962,950,346 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,475,834,346 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,274.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,438,784,692 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 111,218,978 SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds to the Agency for Health Care Administration, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Children and Families, Department of Elder Affairs, Department of Health, and Department of Veterans' Affairs as the amounts to be used to pay the salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay of the named agencies. AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,636,593 167 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 255.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,183,409 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 16,082,193 168 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 741,344 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,346,208 169 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 302,216 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,537,172 170 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 226,539 171 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 108,789 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,282,799 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 171, $900,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to maintain, support, and enhance the agency's financial system. 172 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,077 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 131,883 173 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,346 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 193,232 174 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,643 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 60,134 175A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,333,312 TOTAL: PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,393,824 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,193,472 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 255.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 32,587,296 PROGRAM: HEALTH CARE SERVICES CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE 176 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA HEALTHY KIDS CORPORATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 60,515,481 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 156,967,549 Funds in Specific Appropriations 176 and 179 are provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to contract with the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation to provide comprehensive health insurance coverage, including dental services, to Title XXI children eligible under the Florida KidCare Program and pursuant to section 624.91, Florida Statutes. The corporation shall use local funds to serve non-Title XXI children that are eligible for the program pursuant to section 624.91(3)(b), Florida Statutes. The corporation shall return unspent local funds collected in Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to provide premium assistance for non-Title XXI eligible children based on a formula developed by the corporation. 177 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 719,985 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608,251 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 1,870,494 178 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES - FLORIDA HEALTHY KIDS ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,465,323 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 8,988,585 179 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA HEALTHY KIDS CORPORATION DENTAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,204,714 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 18,688,064 Funds in Specific Appropriation 179 are provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for Florida Healthy Kids dental services to be paid a monthly premium of no more than $15.51 per member per month for the period July 1 through June 30. 180 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDIKIDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,673,360 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,406,588 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 35,399,628 181 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CHILDREN'S MEDICAL SERVICES NETWORK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,423,191 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,581,581 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 120,436,199 TOTAL: CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 132,002,054 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 362,946,939 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 494,948,993 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 30,630,625 182 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 621.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,940,797 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 42,073,965 183 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 140,965 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 3,394,760 184 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 914,357 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 6,647,872 185 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,391 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 221,266 186 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PHARMACEUTICAL EXPENSE ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,000 187 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,339 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 35,339 188 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT NURSING HOME AUDIT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 827,653 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 1,129,095 189 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,128,078 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,070,535 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 74,927,432 In order to preserve the limits of Specific Appropriation 189, no funds shall be used for the FX project to replace the Florida Medicaid Management Information System and Medicaid fiscal agent. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 189, $1,000,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $1,000,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided for the Agency for Health Care Administration to contract with the Florida Medical Schools Quality Network created under section 409.975(2), Florida Statutes, to develop quality metrics for Medicaid eligible persons, which are Application Programming Interface (API) compatible with the agency and Medicaid managed care organizations and quality initiatives pursuant to section 409.975, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 189, $200,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for contract management of additional Enterprise Data Warehouse services. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 189, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from General Revenue Fund is provided for a Medicaid Provider Health Information Exchange Security Investment (Senate Form 1149). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 189, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Encore Healthcare Medicaid Respiratory Disease Management Pilot Program (Senate Form 2258). 190 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CANADIAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG IMPORTATION PROGRAM FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 190, $15,000,000 in recurring funds from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the administration of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 190, the Agency for Health Care Administration is authorized to expend funds from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund to purchase prescription drugs pursuant to the parameters of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program as authorized by section 381.02035, Florida Statutes, for use in state programs outlined in section 381.02035(3), Florida Statutes. Funds expended by the agency for prescriptions utilized by clients of those state programs will be reimbursed to the agency by the appropriate state program office. Upon federal approval, the agency is authorized to submit a budget amendment pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 191 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA HEALTH CARE CONNECTION (FX) FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 87,218,461 Funds in Specific Appropriation 191 are provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the modular replacement of the Florida Medicaid Management Information System and fiscal agent that complies with all applicable federal and state laws and requirements, including, but not limited to, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Interoperability and Patient Access Rule CMS-9115. These funds shall be held in reserve and are contingent upon Senate Proposed Bill 2502 becoming a law. Upon submission of a comprehensive operational work plan identifying all project work and a monthly spend plan detailing estimated and actual costs, the agency is authorized to submit quarterly budget amendments to request release of funds being held in reserve pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the agency's planned quarterly expenditures. The agency shall submit monthly project status reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each status report must include copies of each task order and the progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, and task order, planned and actual deliverable completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any project issues and risks. The agency shall consult with the Executive Office of the Governor's working group for interagency information technology integration for the development of competitive solicitations that provide for data interoperability and shared information technology services across the state's health and human services agencies. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 191, the following maximum amounts are appropriated solely and exclusively for these project components authorized for competitive procurement: Implementation of an Enterprise Data Warehouse and Data Governance.............................................. 16,460,735 Operations and Maintenance of an Integration Platform and Integration Services for Existing Systems and New Modules................................................. 29,454,480 Strategic Planning, Program Management, and Project Management Activities................................... 139,924 Independent Verification and Validation Services.......... 3,230,996 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 191, the following maximum amounts are appropriated solely and exclusively for these project components authorized for competitive procurement for fixed price deliverables based contracts, for which the agency shall issue Invitations to Negotiate pursuant to chapter 287, Florida Statutes: Core Fiscal Agent Procurement and Implementation.......... 22,945,610 Provider Module Procurement and Implementation............ 6,482,202 Unified Operations Center................................. 8,065,234 Pharmacy Benefits Management.............................. 439,280 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 191, $3,230,996 is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to competitively procure a private sector provider with experience in conducting independent verification and validation services of public sector information technology projects to provide independent verification and validation services for all agency staff and vendor work needed to implement the initiative. The contracted provider shall be made readily available to provide all project related data to the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center in support of their project oversight responsibilities pursuant to section 282.0051, Florida Statutes. The contract shall require that all deliverables be simultaneously provided to the agency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 192 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDICAID FISCAL CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,172,571 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 53,677,531 193 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDICAID PEER REVIEW FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,093,903 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 4,403,348 194 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 200,825 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 256,200 195 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,165 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 180,663 196 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 72,648 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 138,775 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 40,648,692 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 293,375,242 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 621.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 334,023,934 MEDICAID SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS From the funds in Specific Appropriations 197 through 224, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall provide a quarterly reconciliation report of all Medicaid service appropriation expenditures and fund sources. The reconciliation shall compare actual expenditures paid through each specific appropriation category by fund either through the Florida Medicaid Management Information System (FMMIS) or the Agency for Health Care Administration to expenditure estimates forecasted through the Social Services Estimating Conference Medicaid services forecasting model, as directed in section 216.136(6), Florida Statutes. The comparison shall include fund source detail for each comparison. For any category where a variance is identified, the agency shall submit a written corrective action plan to address each variance by category and fund source. The reconciliation shall be submitted to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than 30 days after the close of each quarter. The agency may submit budget amendments to the Legislative Budget Commission to realign appropriation categories based on the reconciliation pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 197 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CASE MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,211 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 76,267 198 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 366,432,610 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 563,632,359 199 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEVELOPMENTAL EVALUATION AND INTERVENTION/ PART C FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 34,856 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 52,942 200 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SHANDS TEACHING HOSPITAL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,173,569 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 200, the recurring sums of $8,673,569 from the General Revenue Fund and $1,000,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, and the nonrecurring sum of $500,000 from the General Revenue Fund (Senate Form 2681), shall be primarily designated for transfer to the Agency for Health Care Administration's Grants and Donations Trust Fund for use in the Medicaid program. Should the agency be unable to use the full amount of these designated funds as Medicaid match, the remaining funds may be used secondarily for payments to Shands Teaching Hospital to continue the original purpose of providing health care services to indigent patients through Shands Healthcare System (recurring base appropriation project). 201 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HEALTHY START SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,056,679 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 38,058,383 202 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,628,100 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,154,746 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 175,861,603 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 202, $38,628,100 from the General Revenue Fund, $39,700,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, and $118,971,900 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to fund the Statewide Medicaid Residency Program and the Graduate Medical Education Startup Bonus Program. Of these funds, $97,300,000 shall be used to fund the Statewide Medicaid Residency Program in accordance with section 409.909(3), Florida Statutes. Of these funds, $42,262,976 shall be distributed to the two hospitals with the largest number of graduate medical residents in statewide supply/demand deficit. The remaining funds shall be used to fund the Graduate Medical Education Startup Bonus Program in accordance with section 409.909(5), Florida Statutes, and are provided for the following physician specialties and subspecialties, both adult and pediatric, that are in statewide supply/demand deficit: allergy or immunology; anesthesiology; cardiology; colon and rectal surgery, emergency medicine; endocrinology; family medicine; gastroenterology; general internal medicine; geriatric medicine; hematology; oncology; infectious diseases; neonatology; nephrology; neurological surgery; obstetrics/gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; physical medicine and rehabilitation; plastic surgery/reconstructive surgery; psychiatry; pulmonary/critical care; radiation oncology; rheumatology; thoracic surgery; urology; and vascular surgery. Funding for the Graduate Medical Education Startup Bonus Program is contingent on the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donation Trust Fund. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 202, $5,796,200 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $8,803,800 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to fund FTEs in primary care as defined in section 409.909, Florida Statutes, and training in Medicaid regions with traditional primary care demand greater than supply by 85 percent or more as documented in the IHS Markit Florida Statewide and Regional Physician Workforce Analysis: 2019 to 2035, 2021 Update to Projections of Supply and Demand: Exhibit 23 Physician Gap divided by Supply Specialty and Medicaid Region, 2035. Of these funds, $3,600,000 is provided to fund up to $100,000 per newly approved internal medicine residency slot effective as of September 2021. The second distribution of these funds in the amount of $4,500,000 shall be distributed proportionally per-FTE to hospitals with greater than or equal to 14 percent Medicaid utilization, based on the 2020 Florida Hospital Uniform Reporting System data as of November 1, 2021. The remaining funds shall be distributed proportionally per the filled State Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Medicaid approved Graduate Medical Education FTEs. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon approval of the nonfederal share provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 202, $26,202,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $39,798,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to statutory teaching hospitals as defined in section 408.07(45), Florida Statutes, which provide charity care greater than $15 million in charity costs as calculated by the 2021-2022 fiscal year Florida Medicaid Low Income Pool Program and also provide highly specialized tertiary care including: comprehensive stroke and Level 2 adult cardiovascular services; NICU II and III; and adult open heart; shall be designated as a High Tertiary Statutory Teaching Hospital and eligible for funding calculated on a per GME resident-FTE proportional allocation that shall be in addition to any other GME funding. Of these funds, $27,000,000 shall be first distributed to hospitals with greater than 500 unweighted 2021-2022 fiscal year FTEs. The remaining funds shall be distributed proportionally based on the total unweighted 2021-2022 fiscal year FTEs. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 202, $3,176,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $4,824,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to fund up to $150,000 per-FTE in primary care as defined in section 409.909, Florida Statutes, and training in Medicaid Region 1. Payments are distributed proportionally per the filled State Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Medicaid approved Graduate Medical Education FTEs. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 202, $1,746,800 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $2,653,200 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to fund up to $200,000 per filled Fiscal Year 2021-2022 unweighted FTE resident, fellow or intern position in an accredited program who rotates through mental health and behavioral health facilities licensed under section 394, Florida Statutes, to address the severe deficit of physicians trained in these specialties. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 202, $533,745 in nonrecurring funds from the Grant and Donations Trust Fund and $810,702 in nonrecurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to Citrus Health Network to fund psychiatry residency slots for Federally Qualified Health Centers that hold continued institutional accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education in adult and child psychiatry. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon approval of the nonfederal share provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso (Senate Form 1670). The Agency for Health Care Administration shall seek authorization from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish an indirect medical education program for institutions participating in a graduate medical education program. Upon federal CMS approval, the agency is authorized to submit a budget amendment pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, requesting additional spending authority to implement the program. Payments to institutions pursuant to this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. 203 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOSPITAL INPATIENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 254,279,865 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 42,300,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,490,818 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 553,717,592 FROM PUBLIC MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,450,732 FROM REFUGEE ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . 269,361 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 203, $1,961,231 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $2,978,897 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 203, the Agency for Health Care Administration may establish a global fee for bone marrow transplants and the global fee payment shall be paid to approved bone marrow transplant providers that provide bone marrow transplants to Medicaid beneficiaries. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 203 and 210, $2,914,928 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $4,427,459 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to make Medicaid payments for multi-visceral transplants and intestine transplants in Florida. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall set the global fee for facilities that provide these transplant procedures at $972,232; the global fee for physicians providing multi-visceral transplants will be set at $50,000. The payments shall be used to pay approved multi-visceral transplant and intestine transplant facilities a global fee for providing these transplant services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Payment of the global fee is contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through grants and donations from state, county, or other governmental funds. The agency is authorized to seek any federal waiver or state plan amendment necessary to implement this provision. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 203 and 210, $2,668,854 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $4,053,701 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to make Medicaid payments for pediatric lung, adult lung, heart, liver, and adult and pediatric intestinal/multi-visceral transplants in Florida at global rates. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall set the global fee for facilities and physicians that provide these transplant procedures at the respective rates for pediatric lung transplants $400,925 and $58,421; adult lung transplants $293,534 and $47,252; adult heart transplants $193,303 and $38,661; adult liver $136,887 and $38,661; and intestinal/multi-visceral transplants $644,344 and $71,594. The payments shall be used to pay approved transplant facilities global facility and physician fees for providing these transplant services to Medicaid beneficiaries. The agency is authorized to seek any federal waiver or state plan amendment necessary to implement this provision. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 203 and 207, the criteria for the High Medicaid Provider Adjustor shall be hospitals with Medicaid utilization equal to or greater than 50 percent. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 203, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall continue a Diagnosis Related Grouping (DRG) reimbursement methodology for hospital inpatient services as directed in section 409.905(5)(c), Florida Statutes. Base Rate - $3,529.32 Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 1 - 1.0 Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 2 - 1.52 Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 3 - 1.8 Neonates Service Adjustor Severity Level 4 - 2.0 Neonatal, Pediatric, Transplant Pediatric, Mental Health and Rehab DRGs: Severity Level 1 - 1.0 Severity Level 2 - 1.52 Severity Level 3 - 1.8 Severity Level 4 - 2.0 Free Standing Rehabilitation Provider Adjustor - 2.561 Rural Provider Adjustor - 2.292 Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) Provider Adjustor - 2.067 High Medicaid and High Outlier Provider Adjustor - 2.135 Outlier Threshold - $60,000 Marginal Cost Percentage - 60% Marginal Cost Percentage for Pediatric Claims Severity Levels 3 or 4 - 80% Marginal Cost Percentage for Neonates Claims Severity Levels 3 or 4 - 80% Marginal Cost Percentage for Transplant Pediatric Claims Severity Levels 3 or 4 - 80% Documentation and Coding Adjustment - 1/3 of 1% per year Level I Trauma Add On - 17% Level II or Level II and Pediatric Add On - 11% Pediatric Trauma Add On - 4% From the funds in Specific Appropriations 203, 207, and 211, $62,046,712 in nonrecurring funds from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $94,242,234 in nonrecurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to implement cost-based reimbursement computed as multipliers by the Agency for Health Care Administration based on upper payment limit principles for qualifying Florida cancer hospitals that meet the criteria in 42 U.S.C. s. 1395ww(d)(1)(B)(v), and achieve the quality metrics in the pre-print approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for a minimum fee schedule calculated as a supplemental per member per month payment. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency shall submit a budget amendment requesting release of the funds held in reserve pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. In addition to the proposed amendment, the agency must submit a proposed distribution model by entity and a proposed listing of entities contributing intergovernmental transfers to support the state match. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 203, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Leesburg Hospital Indigent Care (Senate Form 1860). 204 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGULAR DISPROPORTIONATE SHARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,545,351 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,806,243 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 244,984,114 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 204, $6,545,351 from the General Revenue Fund, $103,806,243 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $244,984,114 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the purpose of implementing the Disproportionate Share Hospital Program and are contingent on the non-state share being provided through grants and donations from state, county, or other government entities. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency shall submit a budget amendment requesting release of the funds held in reserve pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. If the chair and vice chair of the Legislative Budget Commission or the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives object in writing to a proposed amendment within 14 days after notification, the Governor shall void the action. In addition to the proposed amendment, the agency must submit a proposed distribution model by entity and a proposed listing of entities contributing intergovernmental transfers to support the state match required. Disproportionate Share Hospital Program payments to providers are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. 205 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LOW INCOME POOL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598,829,152 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 909,556,621 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 205, $598,829,152 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $909,556,621 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the purpose of implementing the Low Income Pool program. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency shall submit a budget amendment requesting release of the funds held in reserve pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and the final terms and conditions of the Low Income Pool. If the chair and vice chair of the Legislative Budget Commission or the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives object in writing to a proposed amendment within 14 days after notification, the Governor shall void the action. In addition to the proposed amendment, the agency must submit a proposed distribution model by entity and a proposed listing of entities contributing Intergovernmental Transfers to support the state match required. Low Income Pool payments to providers are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. In order to preserve the limits of Specific Appropriation 205, the Agency for Health Care Administration is prohibited from seeking federal approval to amend the Special Terms and Conditions for the Low Income Pool before a 14 day prior notification is provided to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Such notification is subject to the legislative review and objection provisions of section 216.177, Florida Statutes. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall seek an amendment to Special Term & Condition 69 of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services waiver number 11-W-00206/4 to include non-profit, licensed behavioral health providers that participate in the coordinated system of care pursuant to section 394.4573(2), Florida Statutes, in counties that have implemented indigent care programs pursuant to section 212.055, Florida Statutes, as qualifying community behavioral health providers. Upon federal CMS approval, the agency is authorized to submit a budget amendment pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, as provided pursuant to this section of proviso. 206 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOSPITAL INSURANCE BENEFITS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,037,773 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 3,095,156 207 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOSPITAL OUTPATIENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 65,788,928 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,222,561 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 141,110,604 FROM PUBLIC MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,768,022 FROM REFUGEE ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . 208,431 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 207, $404,177 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $613,902 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 207, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall implement an Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping (EAPG) reimbursement methodology for hospital outpatient services as directed in section 409.905(6)(b), Florida Statutes. Ambulatory Surgical Center Base Rate - $247.70 Hospital Outpatient Base Rate - $383.83 Rural Hospital Provider Adjustor - 1.5636 High Medicaid and High Outlier Hospital Adjustor - 2.1358 Documentation and Coding Adjustment - 0% 208 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OTHER FEE FOR SERVICE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 312,158,288 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 4,840,597 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,743,862 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 552,443,426 FROM REFUGEE ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . 229,144 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 208, $476,376 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $723,564 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a nursing home provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the agency. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of nursing home providers participating in the Florida Medicaid program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a nursing home provider not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her employer and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Funds in Specific Appropriation 208 are for the inclusion of freestanding dialysis clinics in the Medicaid program. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall limit payment to $125.00 per visit for each dialysis treatment. Freestanding dialysis facilities may obtain, administer and submit claims directly to the Medicaid program for End-Stage Renal Disease pharmaceuticals subject to coverage and limitations policy. All pharmaceutical claims for this purpose must include National Drug Codes (NDC) to permit the invoicing for federal and/or state supplemental rebates from manufacturers. Claims for drug products that do not include NDC information are not payable by Florida Medicaid unless the drug product is exempt from federal rebate requirements. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 208, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall work with dialysis providers, managed care organizations, and physicians to ensure that all Medicaid patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) are educated and assessed by their physician and dialysis provider to determine their suitability for all types of home modalities. Further, the agency shall consult with the dialysis community concerning suitable voluntary reporting to the state Medicaid program on members' home modality suitability. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 208, the Agency for Health Care Administration shall apply a recurring methodology to establish clinic services rates taking into consideration the reductions imposed on or after October 1, 2008, in the following manner: (1) the agency shall divide the total amount of each recurring reduction imposed by the number of visits originally used in the rate calculation for each rate setting period on or after October 1, 2008, which will yield a rate reduction per diem for each rate period; (2) the agency shall multiply the resulting rate reduction per diem for each rate setting period on or after October 1, 2008, by the projected number of visits used in establishing the current budget estimate which will yield the total current reduction amount to be applied to current rates; (3) in the event the total current reduction amount is greater than the historical reduction amount, the agency shall hold the rate reduction to the historical reduction amount. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 208 and 211, $400,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $607,556 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to buy back clinic services rate adjustments, effective on or after July 1, 2008, and are contingent on the nonfederal share being provided through grants and donations from state, county or other governmental funds. Authority is granted to buy back rate reductions up to, but not higher than, the amounts available under the authority appropriated in this Specific Appropriation. In the event that the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to continue reimbursements at the higher amount. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 208 and 222, $18,753,731 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $28,484,886 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to buy back hospice rate reductions, effective on or after January 1, 2008, and are contingent on the nonfederal share being provided through nursing home quality assessments. Authority is granted to buy back rate reductions up to, but no higher than, the amounts available under the budgeted authority in this Specific Appropriation. In the event that the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to continue reimbursements at the higher amount. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 208, $42,000,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund is provided for a certified public expenditure program for Emergency Medical Services. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall seek a state plan amendment/waiver to implement this program pursuant to 42 CFR 433.51. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through certified public expenditures in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 208, $24,990,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund is provided to establish the Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team Services as a Medicaid state plan covered service. Medicaid coverage for the FACT Team Services is contingent on the availability of state matching funds of $9,293,781 from the Medical Care Trust Fund being provided in Specific Appropriation 381. The Agency for Health Care Administration is authorized to seek any federal waiver or state plan amendment necessary to implement this provision. 209 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PERSONAL CARE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 56,571,233 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 86,248,119 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 209, $5,824,016 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $8,846,049 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 210 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PHYSICIAN AND HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 61,986,949 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 3,543,106 FROM TOBACCO SETTLEMENT TRUST FUND . 15,898,906 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,957,438 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 171,064,985 FROM PUBLIC MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,114,334 FROM REFUGEE ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . 171,283 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 210, $5,591,334 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $8,492,630 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 210, $23,685,614 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $35,975,881 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided for a differential fee schedule paid as supplemental payments for services provided by doctors of medicine, osteopathy, and dentistry as well as other licensed health care practitioners acting under the supervision of those doctors pursuant to existing statutes and written protocols employed by or under contract with a medical or dental school or a public hospital in Florida. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. 211 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PREPAID HEALTH PLANS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,150,684,121 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 344,363,263 FROM TOBACCO SETTLEMENT TRUST FUND . 344,241,094 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,530,302,183 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 10,242,864,956 FROM PUBLIC MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 825,292,926 FROM REFUGEE ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . 21,855,079 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 211, $26,868,513 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $40,810,361 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall seek authorization from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish a directed payment program for hospitals providing inpatient and outpatient services to Medicaid managed care enrollees. Upon federal CMS approval, the agency is authorized to submit a budget amendment pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, requesting additional spending authority to implement the program. Directed payments to hospitals pursuant to this section of proviso shall not be considered a component of the provider payment calculation specified in section 409.975(6), Florida Statutes, and are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. The Agency for Health Care Administration is authorized to add U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved continuous glucose monitors and related supplies required for use with those monitors as a pharmacy point-of-sale benefit for all enrollees. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 211, $130,695,402 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $198,512,159 from the Medical Care Trust Fund shall be used to pay prepaid health plans to support access to high quality care provided by doctors of medicine, osteopathy and dentistry as well as other licensed health care practitioners acting under the supervision of those doctors pursuant to existing statutes and written protocols employed by or under contract with a medical or dental school in Florida or a public hospital through a minimum fee schedule calculated as a supplemental per member per month payment, based on the amount allowable under the state plan amendment and historic utilization of services. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 211, $4,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $6,075,567 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided for flexible services for persons with severe mental illness or substance abuse disorders, including, but not limited to, temporary housing assistance, subject to federal approval under section 409.906(13)(e), Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 211, $7,142,622 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $10,848,869 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to increase reimbursement for physicians and dentists employed by or under contract with a Florida medical or dental school or a public hospital and practitioners under the supervision of those physicians or dentists to the level provided for these physicians and practitioners pursuant to a minimum fee schedule calculated as a supplemental per member per month payment based on the historic utilization of services by Medicaid eligible children. Payment of the increase under this section of proviso is contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 211 and 222, $55,000,000 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $83,539,043 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided for a certified public expenditure program for Emergency Medical Services. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall seek a state plan amendment/waiver to implement this program pursuant to 42 CFR 433.51. Payments to providers under this section of proviso are contingent upon the nonfederal share being provided through intergovernmental transfers in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund. In the event the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to make payments under this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 211 and 212, the Agency for Health Care Administration is authorized to expend funds from the General Revenue Fund, the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, and the Medical Care Trust Fund to purchase prescription drugs pursuant to the parameters of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program as authorized by section 381.02035, Florida Statutes, for use in the Medicaid program, as outlined in section 381.02035(3), Florida Statutes, for Medicaid eligible persons. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 211, $1,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $1,518,892 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided for a Maternal Fetal Medicine provider rate increase. 212 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRESCRIBED MEDICINE/DRUGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 66,759,740 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 23,416,496 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260,344,304 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 75,011,142 FROM REFUGEE ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . 317,564 The Agency for Health Care Administration is authorized to add U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved continuous glucose monitors and related supplies required for use with those monitors as a pharmacy point-of-sale benefit for all enrollees. 213 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDICARE PART D PAYMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 773,017,438 214 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE INPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 257,296 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 440,632 The funds in Specific Appropriation 214 are provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for services for children in the Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program. The program shall be designed to permit prior authorization of services, monitoring and quality assurance, discharge planning, and continuing stay reviews of all children admitted to the program. 215 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPPLEMENTAL MEDICAL INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 973,210,689 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 1,635,387,577 216 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDICAID SCHOOL REFINANCING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,000,000 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 103,886,947 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 216, $4,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $6,075,567 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided for school-based services, pursuant to section 409.9072, Florida Statutes, provided by private schools or charter schools that are not participating in the school district's certified match program under section 409.9071, Florida Statutes, to children younger than 21 years of age with specified disabilities who are eligible for Medicaid and Part B or Part H of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), or the exceptional student education program, or who have an individualized educational plan. TOTAL: MEDICAID SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,166,673,696 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,823,625,070 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,990,298,766 MEDICAID LONG TERM CARE 217 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ASSISTIVE CARE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,279,936 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 1,944,082 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 217, $136,616 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $207,505 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate a provider, must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 218 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 177,230 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 1,817,627,166 219 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITIES/ INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED - SUNLAND CENTER FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 77,739,811 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 219, 220, 221, 222, and 223, the Agency for Health Care Administration, in consultation with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, is authorized to transfer funds, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to Specific Appropriation 245 for the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community Based Waiver. Priority for the use of these funds will be given to the planning and service areas with the greatest potential for transition success. 220 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITIES/ DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED COMMUNITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 116,099,727 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,562,275 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 203,048,087 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 220, $13,891,474 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $21,099,645 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 220, $17,562,275 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $26,675,194 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to buy back intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled rate reductions, effective on or after October 1, 2008, and are contingent on the nonfederal share being provided through intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled quality assessments. Authority is granted to buy back rate reductions up to, but not higher than, the amounts available under the budgeted authority in this Specific Appropriation. In the event that the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to continue reimbursements at the higher amount. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall not pay any legal judgments, settlements, lawsuit damages or awards imposed by a court as the result of any legal proceeding relating to prior fiscal years without specific authority in the General Appropriations Act. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 220, $7,273,844 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $11,048,181 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to establish a new level of reimbursement for Medicaid-eligible individuals residing in or seeking admission to an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) who have severe behavioral needs. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall submit a budget amendment requesting release of the funds held in reserve pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release of the funds is contingent upon the agency demonstrating the need and identifying individuals who have severe behavioral needs and who qualify for this level of care. 221 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NURSING HOME CARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,677,639 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 16,729,472 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,921,212 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 128,085,588 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 221, $5,883,392 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $8,936,234 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a nursing home provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the agency. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of nursing home providers participating in the Florida Medicaid program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a nursing home provider not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her employer and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 221, the Agency for Health Care Administration is authorized to transfer funds in accordance with the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to Specific Appropriation 218 specifically for slots under the Model Waiver and Specific Appropriation 222 Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Waiver to transition the greatest number of appropriate eligible beneficiaries from skilled nursing facilities to community-based alternatives in order to maximize the reduction in Medicaid nursing home occupancy. Priority for the use of these funds will be given to the planning and service areas with the greatest potential for transition success. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 221 and 222, $432,726,079 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund and $657,264,045 from the Medical Care Trust Fund are provided to buy back nursing facility rate reductions, effective on or after January 1, 2008, and are contingent on the nonfederal share being provided through nursing home quality assessments. Authority is granted to buy back rate reductions up to, but not higher than, the amounts available under the budgeted authority in these Specific Appropriations. In the event that the funds are not available in the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, the State of Florida is not obligated to continue reimbursements at the higher amount. 222 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PREPAID HEALTH PLAN/LONG TERM CARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,588,691,137 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 308,100,403 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432,643,075 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 3,544,468,977 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 222, $53,952,300 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $81,947,700 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of employees of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Agency for Health Care Administration. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee of the provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of Medicaid providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a provider receiving an increased rate that is not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 222, $114,310,866 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $173,625,823 in recurring funds from the Medical Care Trust Fund are appropriated for raising wages of employees of Medicaid nursing home providers who provide services under the Florida Medicaid Program to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a nursing home provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the agency. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every employee, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of nursing home providers participating in the Florida Medicaid program. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a nursing home provider not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her employer and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. 223 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE MENTAL HEALTH HOSPITAL PROGRAM FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 4,048,175 224 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PROGRAM OF ALL-INCLUSIVE CARE FOR THE ELDERLY (PACE) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 39,601,677 FROM MEDICAL CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 60,150,658 Any person who the Legislature has approved to enroll participants residing in a specific geographic area in a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) may transfer such approval, and assign its Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) contract, to any other person meeting federal requirements upon the prior approval of the Agency for Health Care Administration, subject to any other required federal approvals. Any such approved transfer shall include the transfer of any appropriated funds by the Legislature to such Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), and all future appropriations in respect of such Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) shall be made to the approved transferee. The Agency for Health Care Administration shall annually submit a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) report on all applications submitted to the agency, and include the name of the organization, the service area the organization represents, the number of slots requested and authorized, and the date of agency approval. The agency shall submit reports to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by December 30, 2022. TOTAL: MEDICAID LONG TERM CARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,783,527,346 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,642,068,981 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,425,596,327 PROGRAM: HEALTH CARE REGULATION HEALTH CARE REGULATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 28,291,359 225 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 614.50 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 42,388,791 226 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 1,687,686 FROM QUALITY OF LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . 78,218 227 EXPENSES FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 7,033,855 228 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 226,288 229 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 11,452,652 FROM QUALITY OF LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . 5,924,096 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 229, the recurring sum of $5,000,000 from the Quality of Long-Term Care Facility Improvement Trust Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to support activities that benefit nursing home residents and that protect or improve their quality of care or quality of life. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit a budget amendment requesting release of the funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. The budget amendment shall include a detailed operational work plan and spending plan. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 229, $80,977 from the Health Care Trust Fund is provided for the University of South Florida Policy Exchange (recurring base appropriation project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 229, $5,000,000 in recurring funds from the Health Care Trust Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to competitively procure a private sector vendor to provide plans and construction reviews for health care facilities pursuant to Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 229, $340,000 in recurring funds from the Health Care Trust Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to maintain and enhance the Health Facility Reporting System. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 229, $250,000 in recurring funds from the Health Care Trust Fund is provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the integration of the agency's current DataMart system with the new federal internet-based Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) and revisions to its VERSA system. 230 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EMERGENCY ALTERNATIVE PLACEMENT FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 806,629 231 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 404,841 232 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 138,136 233 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 180,070 234 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE OPERATIONS - AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 128,130 235 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES - AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 FROM HEALTH CARE TRUST FUND . . . . 6,517,885 TOTAL: HEALTH CARE REGULATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 76,967,277 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 614.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 76,967,277 TOTAL: AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,127,245,612 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,227,176,981 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,490.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 38,354,422,593 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 72,558,577 AGENCY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PROGRAM: SERVICES TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 19,767,984 236 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 447.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,510,315 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,210,830 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,891,748 237 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,764,032 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,476,907 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 174,062 238 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,919,994 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,129,466 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,061 239 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,060 240 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANT AND AID INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY SUPPORTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,580,000 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,106,771 Funds in Specific Appropriation 240 expended for developmental training programs shall require a 12.5 percent match from local sources. In-kind match is acceptable provided there are no reductions in the number of persons served or level of services provided. 241 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ROOM AND BOARD PAYMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,639,201 242 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 621,387 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 685,322 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,018 243 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,128,618 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 243, $3,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to Arc of Florida - Dental Services (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 243, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following projects: Devereaux Advanced Behavioral Health Dual Diagnosis Services: Mental Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities(Senate Form 1153).......................... 500,000 ARC Jacksonville Transition to Community Employment & Life Skills (Senate Form 1292).......................... 250,000 DNA Comprehensive Therapy Care Model (Senate Form 1506)... 500,000 Area Stage Company's Inclusion Theatre Project (Senate Form 1987).............................................. 175,000 Challenge Enterprises of North Florida, Inc. - Club Challenge (Senate Form 2141)............................ 200,000 Thrive Academy Project Planning (Senate Form 2590)........ 130,000 Inspire of Central Florida, Operation G.R.O.W. (Senate Form 1057).............................................. 348,618 Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens (Senate Form 1021)................................................... 100,000 Association for the Development of the Exceptional Culinary Programs (Senate Form 1123).................... 200,000 JAFCO Children's Ability Center (Senate Form 1119)........ 425,000 MACtown's Life Skills Services (Senate Form 1178)......... 250,000 The ARC Nature Coast, Services for Critical Needs and Aging (Senate Form 1299)................................ 200,000 Quantum Leap Farm - Equine Assisted Therapy for Special Needs Children and Adults (Senate Form 1883)............ 100,000 Easterseals Better Together - Improving Autism Statewide (Senate Form 1314)...................................... 500,000 Our Pride Academy Inc. (Senate Form 1000)................. 250,000 245 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES WAIVER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 716,426,607 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,088,174,415 Funds in Specific Appropriation 245 shall not be used for administrative costs. Funds for developmental training programs shall require a 12.5 percent match from local sources. In-kind match is acceptable provided there are no reductions in the number of persons served or level of services provided. The Agency for Persons with Disabilities, in consultation with the Agency for Health Care Administration, shall provide a quarterly reconciliation report of all Home and Community Based Services waiver expenditures from the Agency for Health Care Administration's claims management system with service utilization from the Agency for Persons with Disabilities Allocation, Budget, and Contract Control system. The reconciliation report shall be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no later than 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter. The Agency for Persons with Disabilities shall provide to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives monthly surplus-deficit reports projecting the total Medicaid Waiver program expenditures for the fiscal year to date along with any corrective action plans necessary to align program expenditures with annual appropriations within 30 days after the last business day of the preceding month. The surplus deficit report must also include allocation amounts related to the increased needs of existing waiver clients pursuant to section 393.0662(1), Florida Statutes, and to newly enrolled clients due to removing individuals from the waitlist. At a minimum, the allocation information shall include the total number of clients approved for an increase in services, the total number of clients enrolled onto the waiver from the waitlist, the total number of clients disenrolled from the waiver, the number of service units approved by service, and the annualized cost of approved service units. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 245, $151,468,885 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $230,064,830 in recurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are appropriated for the sole purpose of raising wages of direct service providers who provide services under Florida's Developmental Disabilities Individual Budgeting Waiver to at least $15.00 per hour. In order to receive funds as a result of the increased rate, a provider must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the agency. The MOU must require the provider to agree to pay each of its direct service providers at least $15.00 per hour. The MOU shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every direct service provider, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of MOUs from at least 80 percent of providers under the Florida's Developmental Disabilities Individual Budgeting Waiver. Beginning January 1, 2023, a direct service provider not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her provider and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. For the purposes of this section of proviso, the terms "direct service provider" and "provider" have the same meaning as established under the Florida Medicaid Developmental Disabilities Individual Budgeting Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook. Funds shall be allocated as follows: $53,865,716 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $81,755,433 in recurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided for a uniform provider rate increase for Residential Habilitation; $23,438,162 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $35,600,030 in recurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided for a uniform provider rate increase for Life Skills Development; $453,265 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $688,460 in recurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided for a uniform provider rate increase for Behavior Assistant Services; $69,439,670 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $105,471,338 in recurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided for a uniform provider rate increase for Personal Supports; $4,312,071 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $6,549,569 in recurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided for a uniform provider rate increase for Respite. 246 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 482,062 247 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 79,397 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,979 247A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,324,448 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 247A, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following projects: Falcon Friends Farm (Senate Form 2304).................... 75,000 Barc Housing Inc. (Senate Form 1478)...................... 120,000 LARC Commercial Culinary Training (Senate Form 1557)...... 500,000 Thrive Academy Project Planning (Senate Form 2590)........ 370,000 Ascension Sacred Heart Autism Playground (Senate Form 2137)................................................... 100,000 Promise Inc., Thrift Shoppe (Senate Form 1426)............ 100,000 Special Hearts Farm - Adult Day Training Facility (Senate Form 1454).............................................. 250,000 PEAR Project - Center for the Handicapped (Senate Form 1112)................................................... 250,000 ARC Broward - Culinary Emergency Food Safety and Security (Senate Form 1995)...................................... 250,000 Miami Learning Experience School Adult Program (Senate Form 2375).............................................. 250,000 Louise Graham Regeneration Center - Adult Day Program (Senate Form 2702)...................................... 59,448 TOTAL: HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 753,485,121 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,115,132,579 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 447.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,868,617,700 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND COMPLIANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,651,221 248 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 191.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,247,554 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,122,976 249 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 382,711 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 304,659 250 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,154,404 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 796,812 251 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,974 252 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,858 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,299 253 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 707,967 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 487,512 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 253, the nonrecurring sums of $125,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $125,000 from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided to contract for a feasibility study that includes, but is not limited to, detailed business and functional requirements to update the agency's incident management system. The study shall be provided to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. 254 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,988,073 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,043,094 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 254, $500,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Special Olympics (recurring base appropriations project). 256 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AGENCY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES - ICONNECT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,211,633 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,703,428 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 256, the nonrecurring sum of $428,199 from the General Revenue Fund and the nonrecurring sum of $1,044,994 from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to continue implementation of the iConnect system for the purpose of providing electronic visit verification of service delivery to recipients by providers, electronic billings for Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver services, and electronic processing of claims. The agency shall provide quarterly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. The report must include progress made to date for each project milestone and contract deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risk. 257 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 151,219 258 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,151,947 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,142,820 259 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,597 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,761 260A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 64,904 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 261,175 TOTAL: PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND COMPLIANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 20,162,841 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,897,536 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 191.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 37,060,377 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY CENTERS - CIVIL PROGRAM APPROVED SALARY RATE 59,595,379 261 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,559.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,142,139 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,667,094 262 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 818,683 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,221,464 263 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,184,758 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,326,481 264 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 85,493 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,972 265 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 788,707 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,110,220 265A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY AGENCY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NEEDS FOR CENTRALLY MANAGED FACILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 710,000 267 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 610,983 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 870,981 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,480 268 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,509,720 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,134,217 269 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRESCRIBED MEDICINE/DRUGS - NON-MEDICAID FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 361,743 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,978 270 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,250,985 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,472,074 271 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 213,840 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 331,698 TOTAL: DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY CENTERS - CIVIL PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 43,677,051 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 61,237,659 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,559.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 104,914,710 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY CENTERS - FORENSIC PROGRAM APPROVED SALARY RATE 18,521,213 272 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 501.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,764,905 273 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 288,713 274 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 936,672 275 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 411,476 276 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 456,200 277 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,118,637 278 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 350,122 279 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRESCRIBED MEDICINE/DRUGS - NON-MEDICAID FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 534,180 From the fund in Specific Appropriation 279, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities is authorized to transfer funds to the Agency for Health Care Administration from the General Revenue Fund to purchase prescription drugs pursuant to the parameters of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program as authorized by section 381.02035, Florida Statutes, for use in state program as outlined in section 381.02035(3), Florida Statutes. 280 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,231,804 281 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,751 282 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 111,843 TOTAL: DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY CENTERS - FORENSIC PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 34,223,303 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 501.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 34,223,303 TOTAL: AGENCY FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 851,548,316 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,193,267,774 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,698.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,044,816,090 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 109,535,797 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM: EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 44,448,584 283 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 728.25 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 39,938,763 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 15,846,091 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,903,758 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 2,429,011 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,027 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 667,953 284 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 325,118 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 56,849 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 66,719 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 8,469 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,209 285 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,325,346 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 913,469 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 331,798 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 160,675 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,704 286 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,616 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 106,950 288 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 20,000 289 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 684,601 290 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,005,079 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 265,878 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,820 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 994 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 291 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 300,000 292 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 126,421 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 351,523 293 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE INSTITUTIONAL CLAIMS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,498 294 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 132,912 295 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 138,509 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 24,510 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,979 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 495 296 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,152,620 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 669,567 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,456 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 51,764,571 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 26,327,289 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 728.25 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 78,091,860 PROGRAM: SUPPORT SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,312,657 297 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 232.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,445,311 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,893,789 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,240,370 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 246,464 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 183,339 298 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 135,392 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 217,646 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 135,959 299 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,443,798 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 223,046 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 945,059 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,218 300 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,599 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,299 300A LUMP SUM COMPREHENSIVE CHILD WELFARE INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCWIS) MODERNIZATION PROJECT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,500,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 300A, the nonrecurring sum of $7,500,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $7,500,000 from the Federal Grants Trust fund is provided in the Lump Sum - Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) Modernization Project appropriation category to procure services for the replacement of the Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (otherwise known as the Florida Safe Families Network) and modernize the supporting enterprise architecture. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit updated quarterly budget amendments to request the release of funds pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the department's planned quarterly expenditures. The budget amendments must include copies of executed contracts, an updated detailed operational work plan, and a monthly spend plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 300A, $1,500,000 is provided to competitively procure a private sector provider with experience in conducting independent verification and validation services of public sector information technology projects to provide independent verification and validation services for all agency staff and vendor work needed to implement the initiative. The contracted provider shall be made readily available to provide all project related data to the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center in support of their project oversight responsibilities pursuant to section 282.0051, Florida Statutes. The contract shall require that all deliverables be provided to the department, the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center, the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. The department shall provide monthly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 301 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMPUTER RELATED EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,776,952 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 735,409 FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,474,907 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,517,621 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,808 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 301, the recurring sum of $555,667 from the General Revenue and the nonrecurring sum of $2,469,116 from the General Revenue Fund and $1,151,167 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund are provided for the implementation of a legal case management system for the Children's Legal Services program. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit one or more budget amendments requesting the release of funds, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 216, Florida Statutes. The budget amendment(s) must include copies of executed contracts, an updated detailed operational work plan, and a spending plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The department shall provide quarterly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 302 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA SAFE FAMILIES NETWORK (FSFN) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,934,579 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,184,455 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,068,955 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 303,259 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 302, the recurring sum of $162,500 from the General Revenue Fund and $162,500 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is provided to support the technology requirements needed by the department to implement SB 7034 relating to board rate parity and supplemental child care subsidies for eligible caregivers. This funding is contingent upon the bill, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. 303 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ONLINE RECIPIENTS INTEGRATED DATA ACCESS (FLORIDA) TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,367,492 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,236,720 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 282 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 325,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 303, the recurring sum of $307,500 from the General Revenue Fund and $307,500 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is provided to support the technology requirements needed by the department to implement SB 7034 relating to board rate parity and supplemental child care subsidies for eligible caregivers. This funding is contingent upon the bill, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. 304 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 101,645 305 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,012 306A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,212,094 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,029,760 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,685,567 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 208,858 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,884 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,779 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 38,972,874 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,456,453 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 232.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 87,429,327 SERVICES PROGRAM: FAMILY SAFETY PROGRAM FAMILY SAFETY AND PRESERVATION SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 176,028,554 307 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 3,864.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 134,014,265 FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRUST FUND . 347,590 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 32,902,350 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 68,920,754 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,995,332 308 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,978,619 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,306,746 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,809 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 2,592,327 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 894,663 309 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,228,110 FROM CHILD WELFARE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,342 FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRUST FUND . 58,436 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,029,428 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 12,264,213 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,588,893 310 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 55,003 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,834 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 40,244 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,176 311 LUMP SUM CHILD WELFARE BEST PRACTICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 484,699 Funds in Specific Appropriation 311 are provided to continue the implementation of portions of chapters 2021-169 and 2021-170, Laws of Florida relating to the implementation of family finding and kinship navigator programs and of sexual abuse report investigations under section 39.2015, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, the department is authorized to submit a budget amendment requesting the release of funds to implement this legislation. 312 LUMP SUM SHARED RISK FUND FOR COMMUNITY BASED PROVIDERS OF CHILD WELFARE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,054,312 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 312 are available to Community-based Care lead agencies pursuant to the provisions of section 409.990, Florida Statutes. 313 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOME CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,987,544 314 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,009,755 315 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,075,179 FROM CHILD WELFARE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,797 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,465,700 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 2,049,300 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 950,225 315A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,862,074 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 315A, the following projects are funded in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund: 4Kids of South Florida - Foster Family Recruitment (Senate Form 2059)...................................... 500,000 All Star Children's Campus of Hope and Healing (Senate Form 1955).............................................. 250,000 Amigos for Kids Strengthens Families & Communities (Senate Form 2411)...................................... 250,000 Brehon House (Senate Form 1892).......................... 100,000 Camillus House - Phoenix Human Trafficking Recovery Program (Senate Form 1590).............................. 250,000 Casa Valentina - Foster Care to Independent Living (Senate Form 1249)...................................... 175,000 Childnet - Preventing Opioid and Substance Abuse Based Removals (Senate Form 1411)............................. 250,000 Children of Inmates - Family Support Services (Senate Form 1824).............................................. 250,000 Children's Home Society - Partners 4 Safe Families (Senate Form 2379)...................................... 200,000 Devereux - Services for Sexually Exploited Youth (Senate Form 2136).............................................. 300,000 Embrace Families - Pathways to Home Supportive Housing (Senate Form 2595)...................................... 245,000 Exchange Club Northeast Florida - Parent Aide (Senate Form 1434).............................................. 400,000 Family First - All Pro Dad Adoption & Foster Care Promotion (Senate Form 1205)............................ 750,000 Family Support Services of North Florida - Youth Wellbeing (Senate Form 2591)............................ 500,000 Florida 1.27 - Transportation & Mentor Program for Children in Foster Care (Senate Form 2142).............. 200,000 Florida Coalition for Children Foundation - Florida Parent Leadership Council (Senate Form 2380)............ 200,000 Florida Partnership to End Domestic Violence (Senate Form 1641)................................................... 250,000 Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch Foster Training & Resource Center (Senate Form 1787)............................... 85,000 Foster Care Wraparound Support and Jail Diversion Services (Senate Form 2642)............................. 300,500 Grace Landing - Caregiver Support Program (Senate Form 1113)................................................... 400,000 Hillsborough County High Risk Adoption Support Program (Senate Form 1430)...................................... 250,000 Ladies Learning to Lead Program (Senate Form 1486)........ 350,000 Miracles Outreach - Fresh Start Ranch Security Enhancements (Senate Form 1550)......................... 150,000 Molding Minds - Street Outreach Program (Senate Form 2371) 100,000 North American Family Institute - Functional Family Therapy (Senate Form 2422).............................. 500,000 One More Child - Services for Human Trafficking (Senate Form 1850).............................................. 500,000 One More Child - Single Moms Program (Senate Form 1851)... 380,000 Place of Hope - Child Welfare Services (Senate Form 1359). 400,000 Twin Oaks - Waypoint Career and Technical College (Senate Form 2476).............................................. 276,574 Voices for Children - At-Risk Youth Advocacy Program (Senate Form 2423)...................................... 100,000 316 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - GRANTS TO SHERIFFS FOR PROTECTIVE INVESTIGATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,348,074 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,500,430 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 18,297,468 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,009,094 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 316 shall be used by the department to award grants to the sheriffs of the following counties to conduct child protective investigations as mandated in section 39.3065, Florida Statutes. The funds shall be allocated as follows: Broward County Sheriff.................................... 15,270,728 Hillsborough County Sheriff............................... 13,807,564 Manatee County Sheriff.................................... 4,924,225 Pasco County Sheriff...................................... 6,535,690 Pinellas County Sheriff................................... 11,984,719 Seminole County Sheriff................................... 4,702,668 Walton County Sheriff..................................... 929,472 317 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,882,423 FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TRUST FUND . 7,576,274 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 18,467,624 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 7,750,000 318 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,190,131 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,612,495 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 9,577,637 319 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CHILD PROTECTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,291,110 FROM CHILD WELFARE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286,063 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 17,575,594 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 2,596,963 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,262,655 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,512,439 320 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,155,908 321 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TEMPORARY EMERGENCY SHELTER SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 435,843 322 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - RESIDENTIAL GROUP CARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,597,300 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,445 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 904,391 323 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SPECIAL NEEDS ADOPTION INCENTIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,377,470 324 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,124 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,272 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,388 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 1,041 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,711 325 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 703,827 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 204,243 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 440,748 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,174 326 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY BASED CARE FUNDS FOR PROVIDERS OF CHILD WELFARE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 519,216,419 FROM CHILD WELFARE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,875,853 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 242,433,922 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 46,682,091 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,979,209 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,078,586 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, the recurring sum of $10,863,270 from the General Revenue Fund, $4,554,738 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund, and $705,024 from the Welfare Transition Trust Fund is provided to implement portions of SB 7034 relating to board rate parity for relative and nonrelative caregivers who care for a child who has not reached court-ordered permanency, and for foster parents who are licensed as Level I through Level V placements. This funding is contingent upon the bill, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, the recurring sum of $19,206,037 from the General Revenue Fund and $5,674,763 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is provided to implement portions of SB 7034 that provides for a supplemental monthly child care subsidy of $200 for licensed foster parents, and relative and nonrelative caregivers. This funding is contingent upon the bill, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, and as authorized by section 409.991(4), Florida Statutes, recurring funds of $7,852,782 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to Family Supports Services of Suncoast as core services funding to implement a preservation model that will reduce the number of children in care in the region, as well as stabilize front line personnel. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, $4,371,313 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the community-based care lead agency that serves the Sixth Judicial Circuit and $3,863,739 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the community-based care lead agency that serves the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit to improve the safety, permanency, and well-being of children in the local child welfare system of care. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, $2,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the community-based care lead agencies for case management and prevention services to support early childhood courts. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, the department shall conduct a comprehensive, multi-year review of the revenues, expenditures, and financial position of all community-based care lead agencies and shall cover the most recent two consecutive fiscal years. The review must include a comprehensive system-of-care analysis. All lead agencies must develop and maintain a plan to achieve financial viability which shall accompany the department's submission. The department's review shall be submitted to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives by November 1, 2022. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 326, the sum of $20,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated to the following community-based care lead agencies for core service functions: Family Support Services of North Florida.................. 5,586,349 Family Support Services of Suncoast....................... 4,147,218 Safe Children Coalition................................... 4,045,400 Children's Network of South............................... 6,221,033 327 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - ADOPTION ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS AND MAINTENANCE SUBSIDIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 116,968,313 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 141,307,746 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 14,377,342 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 327 are provided to community-based care lead agencies for the payment of adoption assistance subsidies pursuant to section 409.166, Florida Statutes. By April 30, 2023, the department shall perform a reconciliation of the funding appropriated and the projected expenditures for adoption assistance for each lead agency. Any projected year-end surplus of funding shall, if necessary, be reallocated to the lead agencies that are projecting a fiscal year-end deficit. Any unexpended funds, as determined by a reconciliation of the fiscal year-end actual expenditures, shall revert on June 30, 2023. 328 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - GUARDIANSHIP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,642,841 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,411,559 328A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CHILDREN'S VILLAGES FLORIDA - INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 328A are provided from nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to SOS Children's Villages Florida for infrastructure improvements (Senate Form 1190). 328B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CASA VALENTINA FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 150,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 328B provide $150,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Casa Valentina to provide for renovations for youth housing (Senate Form 1248). 328C GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA SHERIFFS YOUTH RANCH FOSTER TRAINING AND RESOURCE CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 165,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 328C provide $165,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches for renovations to the foster training and resource center (Senate Form 1787). 328D GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PASCO KIDS FIRST - HEALTHY FAMILIES HUDSON OFFICE RENOVATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 120,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 328D provide $120,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Pasco Kids First for the Healthy Families office renovation located in Hudson, Florida (Senate Form 1881). 328E GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY WAYPOINT CAREER AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 328E provide $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Twin Oaks Juvenile Development for renovations to the Waypoint Career and Technical College Facility (Senate Form 2087). TOTAL: FAMILY SAFETY AND PRESERVATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 904,756,343 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 771,682,616 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3,864.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,676,438,959 PROGRAM: MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 131,935,086 329 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 3,067.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 115,637,952 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 64,522,526 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,843,470 330 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,835,161 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,400 331 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,082,942 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 564,187 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 328,930 332 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,483,071 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 377,471 333 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,215,204 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 483,069 334 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,326,262 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 405,883 335 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,748,496 336 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 122,371,536 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,604,879 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 336, $5,026,401 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Children and Families to increase the number of forensic beds available at the Treasure Coast Forensic Treatment Center from 224 to 266. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 336, $15,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the department to sustain resident to workforce staffing ratios at the State Mental Health Treatment Facilities and to procure healthcare or other contract staffing for the state mental health treatment facilities to ensure capacity for forensic individuals being admitted within 15 days of a court order pursuant to the provisions in section 916.15, Florida Statutes. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit a budget amendment requesting release of these funds pursuant to the provisions in chapter 216, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 340 and 336, $3,840,805 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided as a cost of living adjustment for the contract agencies that operate the following mental health treatment facilities: South Florida State Hospital.............................. 1,246,823 Florida Civil Commitment Center........................... 776,488 Treasure Coast Forensic Treatment Center.................. 955,016 South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center............. 862,478 337 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRESCRIBED MEDICINE/DRUGS - NON-MEDICAID FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,698,278 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,900,961 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 876,992 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 337, the Department of Children and Families is authorized to transfer funds to the Agency for Health Care Administration from the General Revenue Fund and from the Federal Grants Trust Fund to purchase prescription drugs pursuant to the parameters of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program as authorized by section 381.02035, Florida Statutes, for use in state programs as outlined in section 381.02035(3), Florida Statutes. 338 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,981,458 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 746,173 339 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 90,969 340 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 709,683 341 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 352,608 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,238 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 979 TOTAL: MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 317,533,620 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 92,669,158 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3,067.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 410,202,778 PROGRAM: ECONOMIC SELF SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM ECONOMIC SELF SUFFICIENCY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 169,609,253 342 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 4,241.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 102,616,597 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 111,058,632 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,266,952 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 7,448,761 343 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,607,494 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,307,925 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 147,419 344 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,023,077 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,359,179 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 988,895 345 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,998 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 25,594 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 474 345A LUMP SUM FLORIDA SYSTEM MODERNIZATION PROJECT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 694,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,806,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 345A, the nonrecurring sum of $694,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $15,806,000 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is provided in the Lump Sum - Florida System (ACCESS) appropriation category to procure services to modernize the Florida System. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit updated quarterly budget amendments to request the release of funds pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the department's planned quarterly expenditures. The budget amendments must include copies of executed contracts, an updated detailed operational work plan, and a monthly spending plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 345A, $1,500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to competitively procure a private sector provider with experience in conducting independent verification and validation services of public sector information technology projects to provide independent verification and validation services for all agency staff and vendor work needed to implement the initiative. The contracted provider shall be made readily available to provide all project related data to the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center in support of their project oversight responsibilities pursuant to section 282.0051, Florida Statutes. The contract shall require that all deliverables be simultaneously provided to the department, the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center, the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. The department shall provide monthly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 346 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CHALLENGE GRANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,181,500 347 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FEDERAL EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,359,466 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 852,507 348 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HOMELESS HOUSING ASSISTANCE GRANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,000,000 349 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,264,395 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,108,253 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 41,065,643 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 1,326,876 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 349, the department shall conduct a review of the Economic Self Sufficiency (ESS) Customer Call Center in order to compare the cost effectiveness of alternative methods of delivering the call center services. The review must consider at least the following options: (a) full insourcing of call center services, including technology enhancements to improve call center performance (b) contract staffing services as necessary to augment current department staff positions and service the overflow of calls, and (c) full outsourcing of call center services. The evaluation must compare costs in each model, identify implementation considerations, and project transition timelines. For options (a) and (b), the report must provide: a detailed breakdown of the department's staffing needs and explanations for staffing levels, including calculations used for staffing estimates. For option (c), the report must evaluate various financing arrangements including cost-based reimbursement, contracted fee schedule, and a risk-based contract. Each option shall be based on achieving the following annual performance standards: (1) average call response time under 4 minutes; (2) average abandonment (dropped call) rate under 8 percent; (3) average time for completing a call under 10 minutes. The department shall submit a final report to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by December 1, 2022. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 349, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for automated commercial wage verification services for the purpose of acquiring current employment and income information for eligibility determination and periodic recertification for the following public benefit programs: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid. The Department of Children and Families shall use a risk-based methodology for applying these services to the eligibility determination process to detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse in public benefit programs administered by the department (Senate Form 2311). 350 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,088,801 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 17,709,776 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 39,977 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 350, the following projects are funded in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund: Connecting Everyone with Second Chances (CESC) - Homeless Services (Senate Form 1627)............................. 500,000 HOPE Mission Center (Helping Our People Everyday) (Senate Form 1145).............................................. 100,000 Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust - Housing First Program (Senate Form 1330)...................................... 562,000 National Veterans Homeless Support - Housing Assistance and Prevention (Senate Form 1343)....................... 100,000 The Transition House - Homeless Veterans Program (Senate Form 1453).............................................. 350,000 351 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - LOCAL SERVICES PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 29,562,792 352 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FRAUD CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,406,033 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 689,593 353 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 993,892 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 865,190 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,374 354 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SERVICES TO REPATRIATED AMERICANS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 40,380 355 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,935 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,322 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 545 356 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 179,993 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 364,162 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 19,955 357 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CASH ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 99,000,703 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 61,765 358 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS NONRELATIVE CARE GIVER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,987,495 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 358, $2,092,812 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to implement portions of SB 7034 relating to board rate parity for nonrelative caregivers caring for a child who has not reached court-ordered permanency. This funding is contingent upon the bill, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. 359 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS OPTIONAL STATE SUPPLEMENTATION PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,618,700 360 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PERSONAL CARE ALLOWANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,506,756 361 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS REFUGEE/ENTRANT ASSISTANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,669,660 361A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - ZEBRA COALITION YOUTH TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROJECT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 361A, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Zebra Coalition youth transitional housing project in Orange County (Senate Form 1361). 361B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - METROPOLITAN MINISTRIES- MIRACLES FOR PASCO HOMELESS CAMPUS EXPANSION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 361B provide $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund for the Metropolitan Ministries campus expansion project in Pasco County (Senate Form 1047). 361C GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PALM BEACH COUNTY HOMELESS RESOURCE CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 361C provide $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Palm Beach County to support the construction of Homeless Resource Center 2 (Senate Form 1409). 361D GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY HOMELESS TRUST - PROJECT SILVER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 361C provide $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund for the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust Project Silver to provide housing for seniors and others experiencing homelessness (Senate Form 1559). TOTAL: ECONOMIC SELF SUFFICIENCY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 256,522,336 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 269,595,100 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 4,241.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 526,117,436 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,884,360 362 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 99.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,966,037 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 64,522 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,628 363 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,335,075 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,582,931 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,073 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 274,019 364 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,452,671 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 196,727 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 3,723 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,425 365 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PUBLIC SAFETY, MENTAL HEALTH, AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE LOCAL MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,000,000 366 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CHILDREN'S ACTION TEAMS FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,750,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 366 are provided for Community Action Treatment (CAT) teams that provide community-based services to children ages 11 to 21 with a mental health or co-occurring substance abuse diagnosis with any accompanying characteristics such as being at-risk for out-of-home placement as demonstrated by repeated failures at less intensive levels of care; having two or more hospitalizations or repeated failures; involvement with the Department of Juvenile Justice or multiple episodes involving law enforcement; or poor academic performance or suspensions. Children younger than 11 may be candidates if they display two or more of the aforementioned characteristics. At a minimum, these funds shall provide for teams that cover the locations provided in s. 394.495(6)(e)1., Florida Statutes. 367 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 215,116,111 FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 41,887,827 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,655,102 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 6,948,619 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 367, the following recurring base appropriations projects are funded from the General Revenue Fund: Citrus Health Network..................................... 455,000 Apalachee Center - Forensic treatment services............ 1,401,600 Henderson Behavioral Health - Forensic treatment services. 1,401,600 Mental Health Care - Forensic treatment services.......... 700,800 Apalachee Center - Civil treatment services............... 1,593,853 Lifestream Behavioral Center - Civil treatment services... 1,622,235 New Horizons of the Treasure Coast - Civil treatment services................................................ 1,393,482 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 367, $1,800,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for mental health Clubhouse rehabilitation services and supported employment services for individuals with mental health disorders. 368 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - BAKER ACT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 72,738,856 369 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 114,095,694 FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 110,346,648 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 23,469,693 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 5,850,004 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,438,065 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 369, $10,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund shall continue to be provided for the expansion of substance abuse services for pregnant women, mothers, and their affected families. These services shall include the expansion of residential treatment, outpatient treatment with housing support, outreach, detoxification, child care and post-partum case management supporting both the mother and child consistent with recommendations from the Statewide Task Force on Prescription Drug Abuse and Newborns. Priority for services shall be given to counties with the greatest need and available treatment capacity. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 369, $12,060,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to implement the Family Intensive Treatment (FIT) team model designed to provide intensive team-based, family-focused, comprehensive services to families in the child welfare system with parental substance abuse. Treatment shall be available and provided in accordance with the indicated level of care required and providers shall meet program specifications. Funds shall be targeted to select communities with high rates of child abuse cases. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 369, $840,000 from the General Revenue Fund shall be provided to Centerstone of Florida for the operation of a Family Intensive Treatment (FIT) team (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 369, the following base appropriations projects are funded in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund: St. Johns County Sheriff's Office Detox Program........... 1,300,000 Here's Help............................................... 200,000 Cove Behavioral Health.................................... 100,000 370 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CENTRAL RECEIVING FACILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,878,768 371 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,856,052 FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 729,423 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 97,522 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,599 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 371, the sum of $1,500,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund (recurring base appropriations project) and $796,706 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund (Senate Form 1527) are provided to contract with a nonprofit organization for the distribution and associated medical costs of naltrexone extended-release injectable medication to treat alcohol and opioid dependency. 372 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,397,023 FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 100,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,253,082 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 372, the following projects are funded in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund: 211 Tampa Bay Cares - Crisis Support Line for Senior Adults (Senate Form 1045)............................... 250,000 Academy at Glengary - Technology Enhancements for Adults with Mental Illness (Senate Form 2116).................. 250,000 Alpert Jewish Family Service - Mental Health First Aid Coalition (Senate Form 1040)............................ 200,000 Alpert Jewish Family Service - Access Lifeline (Senate Form 1039).............................................. 200,000 Aspire Health Partners and Centerstone - Military Veterans and National Guard Mental Health Services (Senate Form 2151)...................................... 250,000 BayCare - Veterans Intervention Program (Senate Form 1830) 485,000 Brooks Rehabilitation - Mental Health Services (Senate Form 1867).............................................. 250,000 Broward Behavioral Health Coalition - Jail Diversion Project (Senate Form 1496).............................. 255,200 CASL Renaissance Manor - Independent Supportive Housing (Senate Form 2052)...................................... 750,000 Circles of Care - Behavioral Health Services (Senate Form 1652)................................................... 500,000 Circles of Care - Crisis Stabilization Unit Services (Senate Form 1365)...................................... 375,000 Community Rehabilitation Center - Project Alive (Senate Form 1625).............................................. 200,000 ConnectFamilias - Mental Health Services for At-Risk Children and Youth (Senate Form 2177)................... 150,000 Cove Behavioral Health - Mobile Services (Senate Form 1385)................................................... 181,871 David Lawrence Center - Collier Central Receiving Center (Senate Form 1137)...................................... 1,000,000 David Lawrence Center - Wraparound Collier Program (WRAP) (Senate Form 1138)...................................... 279,112 Directions for Living - Community Action Team for Babies (Senate Form 1793)...................................... 500,000 Faulk Center - Mental Health Counseling (Senate Form 1048) 100,000 First Step of Sarasota - Intake Center Services (Senate Form 2155).............................................. 250,000 Flagler Health Care - Central Receiving System (Senate Form 1543).............................................. 250,000 Florida Recovery Schools - Duval (Senate Form 1848)....... 250,000 Florida Recovery Schools - Tampa Bay (Senate Form 2397)... 100,000 Gateway Community Services - PROJECT SAVE LIVES (Senate Form 1436).............................................. 700,000 Here's Help - Juvenile Residential Treatment Expansion (Senate Form 1158)...................................... 200,000 Here Tomorrow - Suicide Prevention (Senate Form 1435)..... 500,000 Hillsborough County - Crisis Stabilization Beds (Senate Form 2078).............................................. 1,000,000 Involuntary Outpatient Services (IOS) Demonstration Project (Senate Form 1988).............................. 250,000 Jewish Community Services of South Florida (Senate Form 1611)................................................... 200,000 Jewish Community Services - Miami-Dade/Monroe Crisis Helpline (Senate Form 2745)............................. 150,000 Jewish Family Service - Mental Health Collaboration (Senate Form 1479)...................................... 499,200 Lady Storm Foundation Mental Health Services (Senate Form 2395)................................................... 250,000 Life Management Center of Northwest Florida - Forensic Multidisciplinary Team (Senate Form 2455)............... 350,000 LifeStream Behavioral Health - Central Receiving System (Senate Form 2546)...................................... 1,500,000 LifeStream Behavioral Health - Crisis Stabilization Unit Services (Senate Form 2135)............................. 1,100,000 Memorial Healthcare - Integrated Medication Assisted Treatment & Technology Enhanced Recovery (I MATTER) (Senate Form 1347)...................................... 250,000 Mental Health Association Walk-In and Counseling Center (Senate Form 1367)...................................... 150,000 Mental Health Offenders Program - Duval (Senate Form 1521) 200,000 Miami Beach Community Health Center - Reinforce Resilience Program (Senate Form 2060)................... 250,000 Okaloosa-Walton Mental Health and Substance Abuse Pre-Trial Diversion Program (Senate Form 2627).......... 250,000 Osceola Recovery Project (Senate Form 1230)............... 125,000 Park Place Behavioral Healthcare - Psychiatrist Salary Support (Senate Form 1517).............................. 100,000 Park Place Behavioral Healthcare - Transportation Services (Senate Form 1518)............................. 60,000 Peace River Center Community Mobile Support Team (Senate Form 2377).............................................. 250,000 Peer Respite Support Space (Senate Form 1624)............. 125,300 Personal Enrichment Through Mental Health Services Crisis Stabilization Unit Beds (Senate Form 1187).............. 500,000 Phoenix House Florida - Hillsborough Recovery Center for Women (Senate Form 1701)................................ 450,000 Pinellas Community Foundation - Center for Trauma Recovery, Wellness and Healing Justice (Senate Form 1620)................................................... 250,000 Project Opioid Initiative - Extended Release Injectable Medication Program (Senate Form 1370)................... 250,000 Public School Telehealth and Mental Health Services (Senate Form 1591)...................................... 250,000 Salvation Army Residential Treatment Program - Ft. Myers (Senate Form 1097)...................................... 350,000 Seminole County Hope and Healing Center (Opioid/Addiction and Recovery Partnership)(Senate Form 1058)............. 400,000 SMA Healthcare - Putnam and St. Johns County FACT Team (Senate Form 2085)...................................... 1,200,000 St. Johns EPIC Recovery Center - Women's Substance Use Residential Treatment Beds (Senate Form 1539)........... 250,000 Starting Point Behavioral Healthcare - Talkable TALKS (Senate Form 1437)...................................... 550,000 STEPS Women's Residential Services (Senate Form 1853)..... 250,000 Tampa Bay Thrives - Behavioral Health Navigation & Support Line (Senate Form 2162)......................... 150,000 University of Florida - Health Center for Psychiatry and Addiction (Senate Form 1360)............................ 250,000 Valerie's House - Child Grief Support Services (Senate Form 1150).............................................. 100,000 Warrior Wellness Program - Alternative Therapy for Veterans and Active Duty Military (Senate Form 1999).... 200,000 373 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PURCHASE OF THERAPEUTIC SERVICES FOR CHILDREN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,911,958 374 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - INDIGENT PSYCHIATRIC MEDICATION PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,780,276 374A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - OPIOID SETTLEMENT FUNDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,267,851 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 374A, the nonrecurring sum of $8,267,851 from the General Revenue Fund, which was awarded, in part, under the Consent Judgement in State of Florida v. McKinsey & Company, shall be used by the Department of Children and Families towards the abatement of opioid misuse. Consistent with the Consent Judgement's explicit requirement that settlement funds be used only in connection with the opioid epidemic, the department shall use these funds to provide additional treatment such as medication-assisted treatment, abstinence-based treatment, or other evidence-based programs for opioid use disorder. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 374A, the nonrecurring sum of $3,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund, which was awarded, in part, under the Consent Judgement in State of Florida v. McKinsey & Company, shall be provided to the Department of Children and Families for the managing entities to implement care coordination among provider organizations that treat individuals with substance abuse disorders. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 374A, the nonrecurring sum of $500,000 from the General Revenue Fund, which was awarded, in part, under the Consent Judgement in State of Florida v. McKinsey & Company, shall be provided to the Department of Children and Families for the managing entities to facilitate community engagement in assessing cultural health disparities, to develop strategies that engage minority populations with community services, and to enhance the awareness of mental health and substance abuse services available to minority communities. 375 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PURCHASED RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SERVICES FOR EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED CHILDREN AND YOUTH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,201,779 376 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 197,228 377 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE - STATE OPERATIONS FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 108,711,638 Funds in Specific Appropriation 377 include nonrecurring funds of $54,176,305 from the Community Mental Health Block Grant and $54,535,333 from the Community Substance Abuse Prevention Block Grant through funds made available to the state through the Supplemental Covid Relief and American Rescue Plan. The funds are for activities and services to individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorders, to adults with Serious Mental Illness (SMI), or to children with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED). These funds shall prioritize the treatment and support of individuals without insurance, of services not covered by the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicaid, Medicare, or of services not covered by the private insurance of indigent populations but have demonstrated success in improving treatment outcomes or supporting recovery. 378 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,129 379 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 60,264 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 210 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,632 380 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES - SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,394,360 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,347,055 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 731,355 Funds in Specific Appropriation 380 are provided for the administrative costs of the seven regional managing entities that deliver behavioral health care through local network providers. 381 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT (FACT) TEAM SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,823,789 FROM ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,451,869 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,954,016 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 381, $9,681,126 from the General Revenue Fund may be provided as the state match for Medicaid reimbursable services provided through the Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team services in Specific Appropriation 208. 381A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - THE GROVE YOUTH RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT FACILITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 450,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381A are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to IMPOWER, Inc., for renovations to the Grove Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (Senate Form 2522). 381B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LAKELAND REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER - FREESTANDING BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HOSPITAL AND OUTPATIENT CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381B is provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Lakeland Regional Medical Center to support construction of the behavioral health hospital and outpatient centers (Senate Form 1206). 381C GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECT LIFT FACILITY RENOVATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 225,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381C are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Project LIFT for Mental Health and Workforce Development facility expansion (Senate Form 1044). 381D GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CITRUS HEALTH NETWORK FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381D are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Citrus Health Network for infrastructure renovations for a Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program for adolescents with significant behavioral needs (Senate Form 1350). 381E GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY COVE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH MEN'S RESIDENCE RENOVATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 105,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381E are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Cove Behavioral Health for the renovation of a behavioral health residential facility (Senate Form 1386). 381F GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CHILD GUIDANCE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381F are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Child Guidance Center for infrastructure improvements to support the center's mental health outpatient services program (Senate Form 1551). 381G GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY HOUSE OF HOPE OF FLORIDA CAMPUS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,125,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381G are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to House of Hope of Florida for construction of a residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility (Senate Form 1696). 381H GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PHOENIX PROGRAMS OF FLORIDA - RESIDENTIAL FACILITY EXPANSION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 914,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381H are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Phoenix Programs of Florida for the expansion of its residential behavioral health treatment facility (Senate Form 1734). 381I GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY HANLEY FOUNDATION COMMUNITY RECOVERY CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381I are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Hanley Foundation to support the construction of a community addiction recovery center (Senate Form 1871). 381J GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FIRST STEP OF SARASOTA - ACUTE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH FACILITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381J are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to First Step of Sarasota for the planning and construction of an Acute Behavioral Health Facility (Senate Form 2156). 381K GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BANYAN HEALTH CRISIS INTERVENTION RECEIVING FACILITY AND HEALTH CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381K are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Banyan Community Health Centers for the expansion of its crisis intervention receiving facility and health center (Senate Form 2166). 381L GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ALACHUA CENTRAL RECEIVING FACILITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 496,850 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381L are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Meridian Behavioral Healthcare for the Alachua Central Receiving Facility (Senate Form 2170). 381M GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PERSONAL ENRICHMENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - CHILDREN'S CRISIS STABILIZATION UNIT AND COMMUNITY DIVERSION CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381M are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Personal Enrichment Through Mental Health Services (PEMHS) for the Children's Crisis Stabilization Unit and Community Diversion Center (Senate Form 2182). 381N GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PEACE RIVER CENTER BARTOW CRISIS CAMPUS RENOVATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,400,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381N are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Peace River Center for Personal Development for renovations to the Bartow Crisis Campus that serves as a Baker Act receiving facility and short-term residential treatment center (Senate Form 2378). 381O GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY APALACHEE/LIFESTREAM/GRACEPOINT FORENSIC RESIDENTIAL STEP-DOWN PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,730,100 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381O are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Apalachee Center, Lifestream, and Gracepoint to increase the number of community forensic treatment step-down beds (Senate Form 2424). 381P GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LIFE MANAGEMENT ADULT RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 381P are provided in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to Life Management Center of Northwest Florida for the construction of an adult behavioral health residential treatment facility (Senate Form 2453). TOTAL: COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 604,970,871 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 343,394,407 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 99.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 948,365,278 TOTAL: CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,174,520,615 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,552,125,023 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 12,231.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,726,645,638 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 541,218,494 ELDER AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: SERVICES TO ELDERS PROGRAM COMPREHENSIVE ELIGIBILITY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,028,546 382 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 246.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,369,294 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,369,296 383 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 593,866 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 593,866 384 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 947,299 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 947,299 385 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,292 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,291 386 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 102,665 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 102,664 387 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 49,195 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,195 388 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 70,731 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,732 389 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,752 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,749 TOTAL: COMPREHENSIVE ELIGIBILITY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,192,094 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,192,092 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 246.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,384,186 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,053,337 390 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 60.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,530,898 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,425,628 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 898,059 391 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 268,597 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 841,528 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 233,359 392 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 383,237 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,085,024 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 430,575 393 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,905 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,000 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 394 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AGING AND ADULT SERVICES TRAINING AND EDUCATION FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 119,493 395 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE INITIATIVE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,504,224 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 395, $1,750,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided as a differential unit rate increase of up to 30 percent for those receiving services by an Alzheimer's services adult day care center licensed under section 429.918, Florida Statutes, on or before March 1, 2020. The Department of Elder Affairs shall use the provider's Alzheimer's Disease Initiative Respite In-Facility Reimbursable Unit Rate as its baseline when calculating the differential increase. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 395, $6,012,750 in recurring funding from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Alzheimer's respite care services to serve individuals on the waitlist statewide. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 395, $987,250 in recurring funding from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Aging and Disability Resource Center to pay for the costs associated with Aging and Disability Resource Center contract management and compliance activities required by the Department of Elder Affairs for the Alzheimer's Respite Care Program service provider contracts. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 395, the following recurring base appropriations projects are funded from recurring general revenue funds: Alzheimer's Caregiver Projects............................ 234,297 Alzheimer's Community Care Association.................... 1,500,000 Dan Cantor Center - Alzheimer's Project................... 169,287 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 395, the following projects are funded from nonrecurring general revenue funds: Alzheimer's Community Care, Inc. (Senate Form 1020)....... 400,000 Deerfield Beach Day Care Center (Senate Form 1008)........ 200,000 Lauderdale Lakes Alzheimer's Care Center (Senate Form 1682)................................................... 200,000 Naples Senior Center Dementia Respite Support Program (Senate Form 1114)...................................... 75,000 396 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY CARE FOR THE ELDERLY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 87,628,756 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 269,851 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,965,056 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 396, $4,906,000 in recurring funding from the General Revenue Fund is provided to serve elders on the Community Care for the Elderly Program waitlist. The Department of Elder Affairs shall allocate these increased funds to the 11 planning and service areas according to the department's established statewide allocation formula for the Community Care for the Elderly Program. Each Aging Resource Center shall prioritize funding to serve frail seniors on the waiting list who are most at risk of nursing home placement. 397 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,963,764 398 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - OLDER AMERICANS ACT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,251,520 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 94,003,432 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 398, the following recurring base appropriations projects are funded from recurring general revenue funds: Aging and Disability Resource Center of Broward County, Inc Provider Service Area (PSA) 10...................... 681,080 Alliance for Aging, Inc................................... 152,626 Alliance for Aging, Inc. - Provider Service Area (PSA) 11. 693,456 Area Agency on Aging of North Florida, Inc................ 105,571 Area Agency on Aging of Pasco - Pinellas, Inc............. 105,571 Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc. - Provider Service Area (PSA) 5.................................... 1,046,000 Areawide Council on Aging of Broward County............... 167,292 City of Hialeah Elder Meals Program....................... 250,000 City of Sweetwater Elderly Activities Center (Mildred & Claude Pepper Senior Center)............................ 418,242 Congregate & Homebound Meals for At-Risk Elderly, Non-Ambulatory, & Handicapped Residents (Allapattah).... 361,543 Elder at Risk Meals (Marta Flores High Risk Nutritional Program for Elders)..................................... 623,877 Holocaust Survivors Assistance Program - Boca Raton Jewish Federation....................................... 92,946 Jewish Community Center................................... 39,468 Lippman Senior Center..................................... 228,000 Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County.................................................. 334,770 Miami Beach Senior Center - Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Inc...................................... 158,367 Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center - Sr. Wellness Center......................................... 83,647 Mid-Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc. - Model Day Care Project................................................. 105,571 Senior Connection Center, Inc. - Provider Service Area (PSA) 6................................................. 113,000 Seymour Gelber Adult Day Care Program - Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Inc.......................... 23,234 Southwest Social Services................................. 653,501 St. Ann's Nursing Center.................................. 65,084 West Miami Community Center - City of West Miami.......... 69,071 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 398, the following projects are funded from nonrecurring general revenue funds: 2nd Mile Ministries - As We Gather (AWG) Program (Senate Form 2312).............................................. 100,000 City of Hialeah Gardens - Hot Meals (Senate Form 1795).... 200,000 City of Homestead - Senior Citizen Programming (Senate Form 1446).............................................. 100,000 City of Margate - Northwest Focal Point Senior Center (Senate Form 1027)...................................... 275,000 City of Miramar - South Central / South East Focal Point Senior Center (Senate Form 1398)........................ 300,000 City of Opa-Locka Senior Programming (Senate Form 2094)... 250,000 City of West Park - Senior Program (Senate Form 1657)..... 200,000 David Posnack Jewish Community Center - Senior Kosher Meal Program (Senate Form 1346)......................... 149,537 Jewish Family and Community Services - Holocaust Survivor Support Services (Senate Form 1581)..................... 250,000 North East Florida Senior Home Delivered Meals Program (Senate Form 1293)...................................... 500,000 North Miami Foundation for Senior Citizens Services, Inc. (Senate Form 1612)...................................... 200,000 Self Reliance, Inc. - Home Modification for Elders Program (Senate Form 2491).............................. 250,000 Seniors are not Alone - Miami-Dade County (Senate Form 2699)................................................... 250,000 Stirrup Congregate Meal Site - Meals for the Elderly Program (Senate Form 1874).............................. 200,000 Town of Cutler Bay - Active Adults Services (Senate Form 2020)................................................... 100,000 399 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 114,710 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 458,925 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,700 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,564 400 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,003,545 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,135,359 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 796,511 401 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,875 402 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,639 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,635 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,182 403 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,106 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,865 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,233 403A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - SENIOR CITIZEN CENTERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,875,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 403A, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following projects: Clay County Senior Services of Aging True (Senate Form 1568)................................................... 225,000 Hialeah Housing Authority (HHA) Elderly Affordable Housing - Hoffman Gardens Phase I (Senate Form 1265).... 250,000 Naples Senior Center Construction of New Building (Senate Form 1448).............................................. 1,400,000 Nassau County Council on Aging Fernandina Beach Senior Life Center - Safety Renovations (Senate Form 1522)..... 1,000,000 TOTAL: HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 150,633,012 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 121,738,743 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 272,371,755 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,717,500 404 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 64.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,139,795 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,877,546 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,453,934 405 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 95,235 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 403,064 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 658,272 406 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 471,518 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 384,307 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 801,228 407 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,000 408 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,191,085 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 112,789 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 205,789 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 408, $517,600 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for network infrastructure upgrades and managed services. 409 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENTERPRISE CLIENT INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION TRACKING SYSTEM (ECIRTS) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 848,366 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 740,296 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 700,971 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 409, $848,366 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund, $740,296 in nonrecurring funds from the Federal Grants Trust Fund, and $700,971 in nonrecurring funds from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund are provided for the implementation of the Enterprise Client Information and Registration Tracking System (eCIRTS). The funds shall be held in reserve and the Department of Elder Affairs is authorized to submit budget amendments for the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a comprehensive operational work plan reflecting all project tasks and a detailed spend plan reflecting estimated and actual monthly costs for the project. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 410 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,175 411 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,022 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,159 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,016 412 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,703 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 13,596 413A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,694 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 32,650 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 112,212 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 224,898 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,830,593 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,734,727 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 64.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,565,320 CONSUMER ADVOCATE SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,720,704 414 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 37.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 799,371 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 127,627 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,530,901 415 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 34,559 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 424,509 416 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 209,359 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 106,740 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 107,427 417 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC GUARDIANSHIP CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,961,663 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 154,816 418 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,232,602 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 149,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 418, $84,700 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund and $420,250 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided to the Office of Public and Professional Guardians to monitor professional guardians' compliance with established standards of practice. The Office of Public and Professional Guardians shall work in consultation with professional guardianship associations. 419 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,308 420 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN COUNCIL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 877,388 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 626,020 421 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,092 422 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,252 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 419 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,232 TOTAL: CONSUMER ADVOCATE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 19,167,035 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,269,250 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 37.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 22,436,285 TOTAL: ELDER AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 183,822,734 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 141,934,812 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 408.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 325,757,546 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 18,520,087 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT APPROVED SALARY RATE 20,344,849 423 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 380.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,520,780 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 24,338,525 424 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 41,488 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,390,727 425 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,781,406 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 13,812,680 426 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - MINORITY HEALTH INITIATIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,410,233 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 426, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Health for the Telehealth Minority Maternity Care Pilot program as authorized pursuant to section 383.2163, Florida Statutes. (Senate Form 2664). 427 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 63,408 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 673,137 428 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 37,716 429 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,455,172 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 8,043,383 430 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 437,500 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 430, $437,500 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 431 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CENTRALIZED ONLINE REPORTING, TRACKING, AND NOTIFICATION ENTERPRISE (CORTNE) SYSTEM FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,521,519 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 431, $1,521,519 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Health for the continued development of a Centralized Online Reporting, Tracking, and Notification Enterprise (CORTNE) system. The department shall coordinate with the Department of Financial Services' Florida PALM project to ensure the CORTNE system does not duplicate functionality that will be provided in the PALM system. 432 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 85,486 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 219,353 433 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 738,731 434 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,397 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 110,937 435 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,780 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 75,581 437 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,508,985 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,052,467 TOTAL: ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 19,905,135 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 57,452,256 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 380.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 77,357,391 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY PUBLIC HEALTH COMMUNITY HEALTH PROMOTION APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,596,074 438 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 246.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,879,738 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 570,390 FROM RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,054 FROM TOBACCO SETTLEMENT TRUST FUND . 356,743 FROM EPILEPSY SERVICES TRUST FUND . 75,167 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,813,108 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,544 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,323,544 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 607,931 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 438, $356,743 and four positions are provided to implement the Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education and Prevention Program in accordance with Section 27, Article X of the State Constitution. 439 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 84,755 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,405,822 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,110 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 152,396 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 70,270 440 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 253,093 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 105,534 FROM RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 FROM EPILEPSY SERVICES TRUST FUND . 31,044 FROM BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,047 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,622,507 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,410 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 466,752 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 292,504 441 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,245,455 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,067,783 442 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - EPILEPSY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,043,230 FROM EPILEPSY SERVICES TRUST FUND . 709,547 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 442, $375,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Epilepsy Services Program (Senate Form 1322). 443 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CONTRIBUTION TO COUNTY HEALTH UNITS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,455,424 444 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - PRIMARY CARE PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,682,810 445 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - FLUORIDATION PROJECT FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 150,000 446 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,909,412 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 446 from the General Revenue Fund are provided as state match for Title XXI administrative funding for school health services in Specific Appropriations 485 through 487, 490, and 493. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 446, not less than $6,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund shall be provided for the Full Services Schools program pursuant to section 402.3026, Florida Statutes. 447 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,350 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,000 448 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - OUNCE OF PREVENTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,900,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 448 are provided to fund a recurring base appropriations project related to the Ounce of Prevention. The Ounce of Prevention shall identify, fund, and evaluate innovative prevention programs for at-risk children and families. The sum of $250,000 shall be used for statewide public education campaigns on television and radio to educate the public on critical prevention issues facing Florida's at-risk children and families. The Ounce of Prevention shall contract with a non-profit corporation that provides matching funds in a three to one ratio. 449 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CRISIS COUNSELING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 449 are provided for the Pregnancy Support Services Program pursuant to section 381.96, Florida Statutes. The Department of Health shall award a contract to the current Florida Pregnancy Support Services Program contract management provider for this Specific Appropriation. The contract shall provide for payments to such provider of $500 per month per sub-contracted direct service provider for contract oversight, to include technical and educational support. The department is authorized to spend no more than $50,000 for agency program oversight activities. 450 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 214,803 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 20,000 FROM RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,128,548 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,740 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 13,000 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 305,500 451 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,352,587 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,645,666 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 13,676,521 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 4,132,731 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 532,095 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $1,828,325 from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Mary Brogan Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program pursuant to section 381.93, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $2,500,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence. At least 95 percent of the funds provided shall be distributed to certified rape crisis centers to provide services statewide for victims of sexual assault (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $9,500,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Florida Association of Free and Charitable Clinics (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $282,039 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Palm Beach County Rape Crisis Center (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $283,643 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to Community Smiles to partner with the Miami Children's Hospital pediatric dental residency program (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $500,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Andrews Institute Foundation's Eagle Fund for rehabilitative services to soldiers wounded during military service (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $2,453,632 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Florida International University Neighborhood Help program (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $714,519 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the University of Florida College of Dentistry to provide services through a network of community-based clinics (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $1,250,000 from the General Revenue Fund, of which $500,000 is nonrecurring (Senate Form 1302), is provided to the Florida Heiken Children's Vision Program to provide free comprehensive eye examinations and eyeglasses to financially disadvantaged school children who have no other source for vision care (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, $2,842,604 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the sole purpose of raising hourly wages of employees of local certified rape crisis centers to at least $15.00 per hour. To receive funds, the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence must amend its contract with the Department of Health. The contract amendment must require the council to agree to require each local certified rape crisis center receiving funds pursuant to this specific appropriation to use all of such funds towards raising the hourly wages of employees to at least $15.00 per hour. The contract amendment shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every recipient will use all funds received towards raising the hourly wages of employees of local certified rape crisis centers to at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of an amended contract from the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence made in accordance with the provisions of this section of proviso. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 451, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following projects: Agape Community Health Center - Duval County (Senate Form 1933)................................................... 200,000 Andrews Regenerative Medicine Center (Senate Form 2176)... 1,000,000 Auditory-Oral Services for Children with Hearing Loss (Senate Form 1103)...................................... 875,000 Baycare Behavioral Health Remote Patient Monitoring Program (Senate Form 1170).............................. 150,000 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Readmission Pulmonary Center of Excellence, Holy Cross Health (Senate Form 1382)...................................... 250,000 City of Gainesville Community Resource Paramedic Program Funding (Senate Form 2171).............................. 130,000 Community Health of South Florida - Coconut Grove Health Center Medical Care and Mental Health Services (Senate Form 2103).............................................. 350,000 Drug Free America Foundation - Reducing the Use of Marijuana during Pregnancy and Postpartum (Senate Form 1427)................................................... 221,903 Education is the Bridge to Health Literacy (Senate Form 1481)................................................... 250,000 Eve's Hope - South Florida Mobile Medical Unit (Senate Form 1970).............................................. 109,006 Florida Lions Eye Clinic, Inc. - Free Eye Care for Florida Residents (Senate Form 1096).................... 86,000 Florida Senior Living Association Certified Nursing Assistants on the job training program (Senate Form 2468)................................................... 250,000 Gulf Breeze Hospital - Storm Hardening Project (Senate Form 2045).............................................. 289,138 Memorial Healthcare System - Adult Mobile Health Center (Senate Form 1374)...................................... 250,000 NCH Healthcare System - Simulation Center (Senate Form 1139)................................................... 2,000,000 Nova Southeastern University - Clinic-Based Service Outreach (Senate Form 1014)............................. 1,000,000 Nova Southeastern University Nursing Shortage (Senate Form 2716).............................................. 500,000 Partnership for Child Health - Craniofacial and Cleft LIP / Cleft Palate (Senate Form 1440)....................... 125,000 Professional Resource Network (Senate Form 1291).......... 75,000 Project Be Strong - Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (Senate Form 2279)...................................... 100,000 Promise Fund of Florida - Women's Health Equity (Senate Form 1180).............................................. 200,000 St. John Bosco Clinic (Senate Form 1128).................. 200,000 452 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HEALTHY START COALITIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,225,176 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 4,485,431 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 452, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Nurse-Family Partnership Program (Senate Form 1156). 453 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,850,000 453A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE H. LEE MOFFITT CANCER CENTER AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 453A, $20,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute to be used as authorized pursuant to section 210.201(2), Florida Statutes. This funding is contingent upon the passage of SPB 2526, or similar legislation, becoming a law. 454 SPECIAL CATEGORIES JAMES AND ESTHER KING BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH PROGRAM FROM BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,850,000 455 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WILLIAM G. "BILL" BANKHEAD, JR., AND DAVID COLEY CANCER RESEARCH PROGRAM FROM BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 455, $500,000 from the Biomedical Research Trust Fund is provided to maintain the statewide Brain Tumor Registry Program at the McKnight Brain Institute (recurring base appropriations project). 456 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HEALTH EDUCATION RISK REDUCTION PROJECT FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 12,686 457 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA CONSORTIUM OF NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE CENTERS PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,800,000 FROM BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,428,743 Funds in Specific Appropriation 457 are provided for the Florida Consortium of National Cancer Institute (NCI) Centers Program established in section 381.915, Florida Statutes. Cancer centers are eligible for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 designation to participate in the Florida Consortium of National Cancer Institute (NCI) Centers Program as follows: H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute is eligible for Tier 1 designation as a NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center; the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is eligible for Tier 2 designation as a NCI designated cancer center; and the University of Florida Health Shands Cancer Hospital is eligible for Tier 3 designation in the Florida Consortium of NCI Centers Program. 458 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENDOWED CANCER RESEARCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 458 are provided to the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center of Jacksonville to fund an endowed cancer research chair pursuant to section 381.922(4), Florida Statutes. 459 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FROM BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 459 are provided for the Live Like Bella Initiative pursuant to section 381.922(2)(c), Florida Statutes, to advance progress toward curing pediatric cancer. 460 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ALZHEIMER RESEARCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 460 are provided for the Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer's Disease Research Program established in section 381.82, Florida Statutes. 461 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FEDERAL NUTRITION PROGRAMS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 308,875,678 462 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 77,332 463 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN (WIC) FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 250,929,257 464 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 44,210 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,526 464A SPECIAL CATEGORIES DENTAL STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,773,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 464A, $1,773,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Dental Student Loan Repayment Program and the Donated Dental Services Program to be used as authorized pursuant to section 381.4019 and section 381.40195, Florida Statutes. 465 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMPREHENSIVE STATEWIDE TOBACCO PREVENTION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM FROM TOBACCO SETTLEMENT TRUST FUND . 77,329,334 Funds in Specific Appropriation 465 shall be used to implement the Comprehensive Statewide Tobacco Education and Prevention Program in accordance with section 27, Article X of the State Constitution as adjusted annually for inflation, using the Consumer Price Index as published by the United States Department of Labor. The appropriation shall be allocated as follows: State & Community Interventions........................... 14,318,110 State & Community Interventions - AHEC.................... 6,249,620 Health Communications Interventions....................... 25,776,443 Cessation Interventions................................... 14,466,212 Cessation Interventions - AHEC............................ 8,473,201 Surveillance & Evaluation................................. 7,055,448 Administration & Management............................... 990,300 Funds provided for the Health Communications Intervention component must use strategies targeted toward Florida's youth which integrate information about the consequence of tobacco use and the use of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 465, the Department of Health may use nicotine replacements and other treatments approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration as part of smoking cessation interventions. All contracts awarded through this Specific Appropriation shall include performance measures and measurable outcomes. The Department of Health shall establish specific performance and accountability criteria for all intervention and evaluation contracts. The criteria shall be based on best medical practices, past smoking cessation experience, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, and the ability to impact the broadest population. 466 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,142 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,962 FROM RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 46,441 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 4,715 FROM PREVENTIVE HEALTH SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,495 466A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - HEALTH FACILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,125,862 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 466A, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following projects: Doctor's Memorial Hospital (Bonifay) Rural Critical Health Care Clinic (Senate Form 1164)................... 500,000 Gulf Breeze Hospital - Storm Hardening Project (Senate Form 2045).............................................. 3,710,862 Hernando County - Access to Integrated Care (Senate Form 2163)................................................... 250,000 Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center - Graduate Medical Education Facility Construction (Senate Form 1284)................................................... 1,500,000 Leon Haley, Jr., MD Trauma Center (Senate Form 2774)...... 1,000,000 Neighborhood Medical Center Maternal & Pediatric Health Clinic (Senate Form 1896)............................... 375,000 Polk County - Frank B. Smith Emergency Generator Replacement (Senate Form 2376)......................... 140,000 Tampa General Hospital - Global Emerging Diseases Institute (Senate Form 1151)............................ 10,000,000 Town of Golden Beach Wellness Center (Senate Form 1610)... 200,000 YMCA of Florida's First Coast Immokalee Unique Abilities Center - Multipurpose Facility Phase 2 (Senate Form 1587)................................................... 450,000 TOTAL: COMMUNITY HEALTH PROMOTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 212,386,819 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 726,591,538 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 246.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 938,978,357 DISEASE CONTROL AND HEALTH PROTECTION APPROVED SALARY RATE 31,314,990 467 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 693.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,567,947 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,478,660 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,383,800 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,709,102 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,801,816 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366,035 468 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 54,195 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 30,364 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,472,733 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,165,296 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,728 469 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,449,137 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 729,127 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,590,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,998,645 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,594,757 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,615 470 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND TREATMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,528,611 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 97,831,173 Funds in Specific Appropriation 470 from the General Revenue Fund may be used to fund Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Patient Care activities, Patient Care Networks, Ryan White Consortia, the AIDS Insurance Continuation Project, and other HIV prevention initiatives. The funds in Specific Appropriation 470 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund are contingent upon sufficient state matching funds being identified to qualify for the federal Ryan White grant award. The Department of Health and the Department of Corrections shall collaborate in determining the amount of general revenue funds expended by the Department of Corrections for AIDS-related activities and services that qualify as state matching funds for the Ryan White grant. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 470, $719,989 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to Jackson Memorial Hospital for the South Florida AIDS Network (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 470, $239,996 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Youth Expressions and Farm Workers programs that provide HIV/AIDS outreach to Haitian and Latino communities (recurring base appropriations project). 471 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,322,322 472 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CONTRIBUTION TO COUNTY HEALTH UNITS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,662,823 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 427,426 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,194,571 473 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 52,500 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 15,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 625,124 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,000 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 474 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166,080 475 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,291,055 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 245,165 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,104,638 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,689,309 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,885,489 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 475, $450,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Birth Defects Registry. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 475, $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Health to study the long-term health impacts of exposure to blue green algae and red tide toxins to residents, visitors, and those occupationally exposed in Florida. 476 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,186,846 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,362,591 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 476, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following projects: Broward Health - Every Woman (Senate Form 1640)........... 241,920 Foundation for Sickle Cell Disease Research (Senate Form 1843)................................................... 1,000,000 Live Like Bella Childhood Cancer Foundation (Senate Form 1694)................................................... 500,000 University of Miami Miller School of Medicine - Florida Stroke Registry (Senate Form 1355)...................... 500,000 477 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,995,141 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,443,885 478 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OFFICE OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,442,239 Funds in Specific Appropriation 478, are provided to the Department of Health for the Office of Medical Marijuana Use for information technology issues including the Statewide Seed-To-Sale Tracking system, technology upgrades to the Medical Marijuana Use Registry and the Compliance, Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulatory (CLEAR) system. From these funds, $3,998,016 shall be held in reserve and the department is authorized to submit budget amendments for the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release of funds held in reserve is contingent upon the approval of a comprehensive operational work plan for each project reflecting all project tasks and a detailed spending plan reflecting estimated and actual costs that comport with each deliverable proposed by the department. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each status report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, and task order, planned and actual deliverable completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any project issues and risks. 479 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL UNIVERSITY (FAMU) - DIVISION OF RESEARCH FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,311,760 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 479 shall be used exclusively for the purpose of educating minorities about marijuana for medical use and the impact of the unlawful use of marijuana on minority communities pursuant to section 381.986(7)(d), Florida Statutes. The Division of Research at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University shall provide to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Department of Health quarterly update reports no later than 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter beginning July 30, 2022, for the calendar quarter ending June 30, 2023. At a minimum, these reports shall include the adopted fiscal year budget, expenditures to date, estimated expenditures remaining, program objectives, the public education plan with timelines, minority groups targeted, the number of minorities reached by program objective, copies of any documents disseminated during the quarter as part of the public education campaign for educating minorities about marijuana for medical use and the impact of the unlawful use of marijuana on minority communities, a list of all research projects on the impact of the unlawful use of marijuana on minority communities funded under this program, including project status and copies of any studies or reports funded by this program completed or published during the quarter. 480 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASED CLIENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 498,687 481 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 240,502 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,668 482 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,674 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,748 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 49,573 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,500 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,320 483 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 64,198 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,233 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 67,248 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,119 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,998 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,047 484 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OUTREACH FOR PREGNANT WOMEN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 TOTAL: DISEASE CONTROL AND HEALTH PROTECTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 63,123,316 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 245,008,404 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 693.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 308,131,720 COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS LOCAL HEALTH NEEDS APPROVED SALARY RATE 399,735,503 485 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 8,976.51 FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 576,493,256 486 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 58,247,880 487 EXPENSES FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,163,312 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 487 and 500, the Department of Health is authorized to transfer funds to the Agency for Health Care Administration from the General Revenue Fund, County Health Department Trust Fund, Grants and Donations Trust Fund, and the Federal Grants Trust Fund to purchase prescription drugs pursuant to the parameters of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program as authorized by section 381.02035, Florida Statutes, for use in state programs as outlined in section 381.02035(3), Florida Statutes. 488 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CONTRIBUTION TO COUNTY HEALTH UNITS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 146,885,221 489 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS COMMUNITY HEALTH INITIATIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,951,797 FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 489, the following recurring base appropriations projects are funded with recurring general revenue funds: La Liga - League Against Cancer........................... 1,150,000 Minority Outreach - Penalver Clinic....................... 319,514 Manatee County Rural Health Services...................... 82,283 490 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,235,802 491 LUMP SUM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS POSITIONS 50.00 492 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,074,843 493 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,252,267 494 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,500 495 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,694,635 496 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,809,117 497 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,336,086 TOTAL: COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS LOCAL HEALTH NEEDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 148,837,018 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 885,834,698 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 9,026.51 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,034,671,716 STATEWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 21,810,073 498 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 450.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,287,769 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,688,906 FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,711,530 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,026,020 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787,822 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,800,685 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,788,251 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,828,363 499 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,062 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 191,560 FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 630,593 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 657,137 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,789 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 122,935 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744,810 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,632 500 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 256,763 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 238,536 FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 520,404 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,846,269 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272,116 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 573,192 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715,822 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,645,717 501 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - LOCAL HEALTH COUNCILS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,111,402 502 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COUNTY GRANTS FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,696,675 503 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES MATCHING GRANTS FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,181,461 504 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,932 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 61,466 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,302 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,997 505 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210,856 506 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STRENGTHENING DOMESTIC SECURITY - BIOTERRORISM ENHANCEMENTS - HEALTH AND HOSPITALS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 21,143,607 507 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 61,692 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 240,623 FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 765,458 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,587,060 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,781 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 242,075 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,570,669 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148,500 508 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,653,036 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,321,507 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 508, $94,867 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Southwest Alachua County Primary and Community Health Care Clinic (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 508, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following projects: Baptist Health Research Institute Familial Screening for Brain Aneurysms (Senate Form 1677)...................... 250,000 Bitner/Plante Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Initiative (Senate Form 1475)...................................... 1,000,000 Combating Stress among Firefighters (Senate Form 2298).... 157,500 509 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DRUGS, VACCINES AND OTHER BIOLOGICALS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,977,280 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 119,154,984 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,293,173 The funds in Specific Appropriation 509 from the Federal Grants Trust Fund are contingent upon sufficient state matching funds being identified to qualify for the federal Ryan White grant award. The Department of Health and the Department of Corrections shall collaborate in determining the amount of state general revenue funds expended by the Department of Corrections for AIDS-related activities and services that qualify as state matching funds for the Ryan White grant. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 509, $5,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Health for the purchase of emergency opioid antagonists to be made available to emergency responders. 510 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER STATE MATCHING FUNDS TO THE STATEWIDE MEDICAID MANAGED CARE LONG TERM CARE WAIVER FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,505,111 511 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - RURAL HEALTH NETWORK GRANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,166,915 512 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASED CLIENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,676,352 513 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 131,699 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,239 514 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STATE AND FEDERAL DISASTER RELIEF OPERATIONS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000,000 515 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - TRAUMA CARE FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,093,747 516 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SPINAL CORD RESEARCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 516, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis (Senate Form 1442). 517 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,837 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,811 FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,064 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,177 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 47,576 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,241 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,278 518 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,063 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,086 FROM EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,623 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 30,689 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,793 FROM BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,798 FROM PLANNING AND EVALUATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,990 FROM RADIATION PROTECTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,705 519 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDICALLY FRAGILE ENHANCEMENT PAYMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 610,020 TOTAL: STATEWIDE PUBLIC HEALTH SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 27,997,221 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 257,620,812 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 450.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 285,618,033 PROGRAM: CHILDREN'S MEDICAL SERVICES CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE APPROVED SALARY RATE 20,361,329 520 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 335.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,861,152 FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,693,467 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,759,206 521 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 188,882 FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 184,296 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 367,425 522 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,312,787 FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,084,281 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,808,301 523 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,700 524 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CHILDREN'S MEDICAL SERVICES NETWORK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,689,107 FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 184,712,679 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 649,863 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 9,910,054 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,613,263 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 524, up to $2,500,000 may be used by the Department of Health Children's Medical Services Program to provide benefits authorized in section 391.0315, Florida Statutes, for children with chronic and serious medical conditions who do not qualify for Medicaid or Title XXI of the Social Security Act. The department shall maximize the use of funding provided by federal block grants before utilizing general revenue funds. Children eligible for assistance using these funds must be uninsured, insured but not covered for medically necessary services, or unable to access services due to lack of providers or lack of financial resources regardless of insurance status. The department may serve children on a first-come, first-serve basis until the appropriated funds are fully obligated. Receiving services through the Safety Net Program does not constitute an entitlement for coverage or services when funds appropriated for this purpose are exhausted. The funds in Specific Appropriation 524 shall not be used to support continuing education courses or training for health professionals or staff employed by the Children's Medical Services (CMS) Network or under contract with the Department of Health. This limitation shall include but not be limited to: classroom instruction, train the trainer, or web-based continuing education courses that may be considered professional development, or that results in continuing education credits that may be applied towards the initial or subsequent renewal of a health professional's license. This does not preclude the CMS Network from providing information on treatment methodologies or best practices to appropriate CMS Network health professionals, staff, or contractors. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 524, $280,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder program in Sarasota County (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 524, 1,300,000 in recurring general revenue is provided to create a Children's Hearing Aid program within the Department of Health. This program shall provide assistance to families with children 0 -18 years of age, who are residents of the State of Florida, and who have been diagnosed with hearing loss by a licensed physician or audiologist. The program will assist with the purchase of hearing aids, assistive listening devices, external cochlear implant processor replacements and hearing aid batteries. Families with incomes at or below 400 percent of the federal poverty level guidelines are eligible for the program. Children enrolled or who can qualify for the Florida Medicaid Program or Children's Health Insurance program are not eligible for the program. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 524, recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following Children's Medical Services specialty contracts: University of South Florida - Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center................................... 45,000 Johns Hopkins/All Children's Hospital - Hematology/Oncology..................................... 48,500 University of Florida - Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center.................................................. 50,000 MATCH dba Partnership for Child Health - Craniofacial and Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate.................................. 78,023 Nemours Jacksonville - Hematology/Oncology................ 79,439 Sacred Heart Hospital - Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center.................................................. 127,788 Children's Diagnostic and Treatment Center - HIV/AIDS.... 138,889 University of South Florida - Disease Management.......... 151,545 Wolfson Children's Hospital - Disease Management.......... 180,000 University of Miami - Comprehensive Children's Kidney Failure Center.......................................... 205,618 University of Miami - Disease Management.................. 207,962 University of South Florida - HIV/AIDS.................... 222,932 University of South Florida - Comprehensive Children's Kidney Failure Center................................... 225,268 University of Florida - HIV/AIDS.......................... 241,927 University of Florida - HIV/AIDS.......................... 250,543 Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital - Craniofacial and Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate........................................ 255,150 Nicklaus Children's Hospital - Craniofacial and Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate........................................ 255,150 University of Miami - HIV/AIDS............................ 260,269 Sickle Cell Disease Association of Florida, Inc. - Sickle Cell Outreach........................................... 283,860 University of Florida - Disease Management................ 344,258 University of Florida - Hematology/Oncology............... 362,912 University of Florida - Comprehensive Children's Kidney Failure Center.......................................... 390,466 University of South Florida - Tampa Referral Center....... 393,120 University of Miami - Hematology/Oncology................. 404,501 University of Florida - Cranio/Multi-Handicapped.......... 525,043 The Department of Health is authorized to reallocate funding among the above institutions based on contractual negotiations so long as the General Revenue allocation is not increased. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 524, recurring funds from the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Trust Fund are provided for the following Children's Medical Services specialty contracts: Children's Diagnostic and Treatment Center - HIV/AIDS.. 46,296 University of South Florida - HIV/AIDS.................... 74,311 University of Florida - HIV/AIDS.......................... 80,642 University of Florida - HIV/AIDS.......................... 83,514 University of Miami - HIV/AIDS............................ 86,756 University of Florida - Health Care Transition............ 100,000 Orlando Health/Arnold Palmer - Hematology/Oncology........ 110,427 Johns Hopkins/ All Children's - Hematology/Oncology....... 145,500 The Nemours Foundation - Regional Network for Access and Quality................................................. 150,000 MATCH dba Partnership for Child Health - Regional Network for Access and Quality.................................. 150,000 University of Florida - Disease Management................ 130,000 Nemours Jacksonville - Hematology/Oncology................ 238,318 University of Florida - Behavioral Health................. 525,000 University of Miami - Behavioral Health................... 445,000 Florida International University - Behavioral Health...... 445,000 Florida State University - Behavioral Health.............. 525,000 University of South Florida - Behavioral Health........... 153,305 National Institute for Children's Health Quality - QI Learning Collaborative.................................. 597,726 University of Central Florida - Patient-Centered Medical Home.................................................... 755,000 The Department of Health is authorized to reallocate funding among the above institutions based on contractual negotiations so long as the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Trust Fund allocation is not increased. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 524, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the following projects. AdventHealth Orlando - Advanced Genomics for Critically Ill Newborns (Senate Form 2113)......................... 250,000 Mothers' Milk Bank of Florida - Donor Human Milk for Babies at Home (Senate Form 2581)....................... 75,000 Nicklaus Children's Hospital (Senate Form 2614)........... 250,000 Pediatric Vision Center - University of South Florida Eye Institute and Lions Eye Institute for Transplant and Research(Senate Form 1844).............................. 250,000 Runway to Hope Pediatric Cancer Services (Senate Form 1492)................................................... 100,000 St. Joseph's Children's Hospital (Senate Form 1207)....... 1,325,000 525 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MEDICAL SERVICES FOR ABUSED/NEGLECTED CHILDREN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,787,467 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,763,295 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 525, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the University of Florida Forensic Interview Center (Senate Form 1474). 526 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,530,809 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 82,405 FROM MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 281,710 527 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 527, $300,000 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to A Safe Haven for Newborns (recurring base appropriations project). 528 SPECIAL CATEGORIES POISON CONTROL CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,666,498 Funds in Specific Appropriation 528, $6,666,498 from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Poison Control Centers of Florida. 529 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 289,965 530 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - DEVELOPMENTAL EVALUATION AND INTERVENTION SERVICES/PART C FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,361,173 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 31,017,140 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 530, at least 85 percent of funds distributed to Local Early Steps providers must be spent on direct client services. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 530, up to $3,833,666 in nonrecurring funds from the Federal Grants Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Health for the replacement of its Early Steps Administrative system. The department must competitively procure a private sector provider with experience in conducting independent verification and validation services of public sector information technology projects to provide independent verification and validation. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments to request the release of funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. The budget amendments shall include a detailed operational work plan and project spending plan. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 531 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 82,009 FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 121,245 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 75,871 532 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 92,952 FROM DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . 69,634 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 30,227 TOTAL: CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HEALTH CARE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 101,631,992 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 261,765,871 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 335.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 363,397,863 PROGRAM: HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER AND ACCESS MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 24,227,215 533 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 593.50 FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,495,690 534 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,634,783 535 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 86,419 FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,185,777 536 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,604 537 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 198,430 538 SPECIAL CATEGORIES UNLICENSED ACTIVITIES FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,173,452 539 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 315,433 540 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 863,761 FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,555,704 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 540, $1,698,800 in nonrecurring funds from the Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Health for the development of an Artificial Intelligence Customer Service Solution. From these funds, $1,274,100 shall be held in reserve and the department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Requests for the release of funds shall include a detailed operational work plan and project spending plan. The department shall also provide quarterly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. The report must include progress made to date for each project milestone and contract deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 541 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 122,000 542 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 353,372 543 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 339,364 544 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 152,147 TOTAL: MEDICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 69,533,936 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 593.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 69,533,936 PROGRAM: DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS DISABILITY BENEFITS DETERMINATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 51,302,402 545 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,147.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 697,467 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 775,481 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 77,282,520 546 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 850,348 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 872,461 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 28,400,307 547 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 139,839 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 198,434 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 21,622,860 548 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,000 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 712,620 549 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 135,331 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 79,818 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 36,770,837 550 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,691 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,691 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 227,101 551 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 2,334 552 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,367 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,403 FROM U.S. TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 348,097 TOTAL: DISABILITY BENEFITS DETERMINATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,831,043 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 167,301,964 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,147.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 169,133,007 TOTAL: HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 575,712,544 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,671,109,479 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 12,873.01 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,246,822,023 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 581,692,435 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF From the funds in Specific Appropriations 553 through 578, the Department of Veteran Affairs shall provide monthly surplus deficit reports for the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. The report shall include actual and projected revenues, and actual and projected expenditures by budget entity and appropriation category. Expenditures for the Veterans' Homes Budget Entity must be provided by each State Veteran Nursing Home. Each monthly surplus deficit report must be submitted within 15 days after the last business day of the preceding month. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 553 through 578, the Department of Veteran Affairs shall make a recommendation on the location of the tenth state veterans' nursing home to the Governor and the Cabinet no later than August 1, 2022. PROGRAM: SERVICES TO VETERANS' PROGRAM VETERANS' HOMES APPROVED SALARY RATE 52,322,936 553 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,352.00 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,260,755 554 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,643,790 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 237,202 555 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,821,320 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 349,151 556 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 368,445 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 520,994 557 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,331,974 558 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF STATE-OWNED RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES FOR VETERANS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 380,552 559 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,675 560 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,532,378 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,021,913 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 560, $6,925,034 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund must be used to raise wages of contracted employees of the department to at least $15.00. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the submission of an attestation by the executive director of the department, subject to the penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, that all funds provided in Specific Appropriation 560 will be used toward raising the hourly wages of contracted employees to at least $15.00 per hour. 561 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,000 562 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,636,021 563 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 421,841 TOTAL: VETERANS' HOMES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 49,749,160 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 96,929,851 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,352.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 146,679,011 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,058,869 564 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 32.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,873,013 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,532 565 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,903 566 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,170,667 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 547,965 567 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 120,512 568 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 755,584 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 519,862 569 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,942 570 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,800 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 593 571A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,888 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,998,309 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,282,952 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 32.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,281,261 VETERANS' BENEFITS AND ASSISTANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,624,304 572 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 115.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,725,617 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,066,174 573 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,612 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,881 574 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 208,653 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 386,359 575 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,500 576 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,569 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,500 576A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,470,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 576A, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following projects: Five Star Veterans Center Homeless Housing and Re-integration Project (Senate Form 1407)............... 250,000 K9s for Warriors - Lifetime Care & Mental Health Support for Veterans (Senate Form 1579)......................... 500,000 The Fire Watch Project, Inc. (Senate Form 1296)........... 270,000 Women Veteran Ignited (Senate Form 1239).................. 250,000 Florida Veterans Legal Helpline (Senate Form 1826)........ 375,000 Mid Florida Community Services, Inc., Veteran Ride Program (Senate Form 2316).............................. 150,000 SOF Missions - Suicide Prevention (Senate Form 1554)...... 250,000 K9 Partners for Patriots (Senate Form 2310)............... 175,000 University of South Florida - Alternative Treatment Options for Veterans (Senate Form 2560)................. 250,000 Home Base Florida Veteran and Family Care (Senate Form 1211)................................................... 500,000 Blue Angels Foundation - Post Traumatic Stress Protocol to Reduce Veteran Suicide (Senate Form 2505)............ 250,000 Florida Veteran Foundation - Emergency Crisis Fund (Senate Form 1552)...................................... 250,000 577 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,854 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,327 578 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,528 FROM OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,896 578A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 578A, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following projects: Victory Village Senior Living Community (Senate Form 2637) 500,000 K9s for Warriors - Center for K9 Operations (Senate Form 1538)................................................... 1,000,000 TOTAL: VETERANS' BENEFITS AND ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,954,833 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,528,637 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 115.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 13,483,470 VETERANS EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES 579 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FLORIDA IS FOR VETERANS, INC.-OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 344,106 580 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - VETERANS EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 580, nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Veterans Entrepreneur and Training Services (VETS) Business Training Grants Program pursuant to sections 295.21 and 295.22, Florida Statutes. TOTAL: VETERANS EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,344,106 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,344,106 TOTAL: VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 67,046,408 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 101,741,440 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,499.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 168,787,848 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 60,006,109 TOTAL OF SECTION 3 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 13,979,896,229 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 33,887,355,509 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 31,201.26 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 47,867,251,738 SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds to the Department of Corrections, Justice Administration, Department of Juvenile Justice, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Department of Legal Affairs/Attorney General, and Florida Commission on Offender Review as the amounts to be used to pay the salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay of the named agencies. CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF From the funds in Specific Appropriations 581 through 731, the Department of Corrections shall, before closing, substantially reducing the use of, or changing the purpose of any state correctional institution as defined in section 944.02, Florida Statutes, submit its proposal to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee for review. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 581 through 731, the Department of Corrections may work within its existing budget, including applicable grants, to implement any corrective action plan that is developed as a result of a Prison Rape Elimination Act audit conducted in accordance with Title 28, Part 115 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The department may request additional resources required through the Legislative Budget Request process as defined in chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Funds in Specific Appropriations 581 through 731 may not be used to pay for unoccupied space currently being leased by the Department of Corrections in the event the leases are vacant on or after July 1, 2022, and for which it has been determined by the Secretary of the department that there is no longer a need. PROGRAM: DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 23,957,439 581 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 469.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,078,598 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,620,093 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 82,103 582 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,110 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 276,740 583 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,164,618 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 500,000 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,313,200 585 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,227 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 30,160 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 20,000 586 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,675 587 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,768,136 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 587, $203,120 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for a study on the conditional medical release program (Senate Form 1841). 588 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 565,307 589 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 525,394 590 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,535 591 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,614,415 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 46,312 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 95,511 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 35,287,621 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,509,513 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 469.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 39,797,134 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,962,189 592 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 179.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,167,910 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 431,721 593 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,895 594 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,308,735 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,484,511 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472,761 595 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 967,720 596 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,590,212 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 121,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,857 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 596, $13,093,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Corrections to competitively procure software and hardware for the replacement of the Offender Based Information System (OBIS). Of these funds, $11,319,750 shall be placed in reserve. The department shall award a multi-year contract for OBIS which must align with the scope as identified in the department's Schedule IV-B submitted September 15, 2021. Upon submission of a copy of the contract approved by the Chief Financial Officer, the department is authorized to submit quarterly budget amendments to request funds held in reserve pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. The budget amendments shall include a comprehensive operational work plan identifying all project work and a monthly spend plan detailing estimated and actual costs. The Department of Corrections shall provide monthly project status reports to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone and contracted deliverable, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 596, $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Corrections to competitively procure a private sector provider with experience in conducting independent verification and validation services of public sector information technology projects. The contract shall require that all deliverables be simultaneously provided to the department, the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center, the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 597 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 59,791 598 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,329 599 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,270 600 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 925 602 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,456,314 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 133,744 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,524 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 43,615,101 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,843,118 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 179.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 47,458,219 PROGRAM: SECURITY AND INSTITUTIONAL OPERATIONS From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 603 through 666, each correctional facility warden, in conjunction with the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Corrections, shall submit a report on the allocation of human resources and associated budget by correctional facility to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee by July 30th of each year. At a minimum, each correctional facility must identify the number of full-time authorized positions, delineating between filled and vacant, the projected number of employee hours needed to fulfill the operations of each facility, specifically denoting projected overtime hours, the methodology utilized to assign overtime in a uniform and equitable manner, and recruitment efforts and challenges including turnover rates. The department shall submit a comparison of actual utilization to projected estimates. The Inspector General shall certify that he or she has reviewed the information contained in each report and has verified its accuracy. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 603 through 666, the Department of Corrections shall prepare a report detailing the amount of overtime expended per facility; the number of positions in overlap, with justification for each overlapped position; and identify the number of unfunded positions that may be eliminated. The report shall be submitted to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee by January 1, 2023. ADULT MALE CUSTODY OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 434,330,739 603 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 7,608.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 609,796,502 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 189,638 604 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,263,204 605 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,520,019 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 216,765 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372,525 606 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,278,666 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 47,205 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000 607 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 48,982,675 608 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,165,849 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 249,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000 609 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FOOD SERVICE AND PRODUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,196,592 610 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,435,600 611 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,800,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 611 are from reimbursements from the United States Government for incarcerating aliens in Florida's prisons. If total reimbursements exceed $6,800,000, the Department of Corrections shall submit a budget amendment in accordance with all applicable provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, requesting additional budget authority to transfer the balance of funds to the General Revenue Fund. 612 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,193,965 FROM SALE OF GOODS AND SERVICES CLEARING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 1,221,505 613 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,346,898 614 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRIVATE PRISON OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 147,050,849 FROM PRIVATELY OPERATED INSTITUTIONS INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,714,516 From the recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund provided in Specific Appropriations 614, 627 and 639, a total of $1,217,262 is provided as payment in lieu of ad valorem taxation for distribution to local government taxing authorities. Funding is provided as follows: Bay Correctional Facility................................. 269,324 Moore Haven Correctional Facility......................... 339,242 South Bay Correctional Facility........................... 275,560 Gadsden Correctional Facility............................. 100,000 Lake City Correctional Facility........................... 90,236 Sago Palm Facility........................................ 142,900 From the recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund provided in Specific Appropriations 614, 627 and 639, a total of $150,000 is provided to the Bureau of Private Prison Monitoring within the Department of Management Services to pay for subject matter experts to conduct medical and mental health site visits of the medical departments of private prisons and perform quality management audits no longer performed by the Department of Corrections. Funding is provided as follows: Adult Male Custody Operations............................. 109,350 Adult and Youthful Offender Female Custody Operations.... 22,800 Male Youthful Offender Custody Operations................. 17,850 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 614, $13,992,287 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the private prison facilities per diem increases associated with the contract re-bids at Bay, Blackwater River, Moore Haven, South Bay, and Graceville Correctional Facilities. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 614, 627, and 639, $19,931,501 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the sole purpose of raising salaries for correctional officers in privately operated facilities commensurate with the salary increases for state correctional officers as follows: Bay Correctional Facility................................. 2,824,788 Blackwater Correctional Facility.......................... 1,679,405 Gadsden Correctional Facility............................. 3,909,150 Graceville Correctional Facility.......................... 4,010,433 Lake City Correctional Facility........................... 4,500,000 Moore Haven Correctional Facility......................... 1,036,518 South Bay Correctional Facility........................... 1,971,207 These funds shall be placed in reserve. To receive funds, a contracted vendor must amend its contract with the Department of Management Services. The contract amendment must require the vendor to agree to use funds solely for correctional officer salary increases. The contract amendment shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating the funds shall only be used for correctional officer salaries. By July 1, 2022, the Department of Management Services shall submit the revised contracts to the Department of Corrections, the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. The Department of Corrections is authorized to submit a budget amendment to request release of the funds being held in reserve pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, contingent upon receipt of the revised contracts. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 614, $2,413,930 in nonrecurring funds from the Privately Operated Institutions Inmate Welfare Trust Fund is provided to the Florida Department of Corrections for the provision of enhanced in-prison and post-release recidivism reduction programs at the Moore Haven, South Bay and Blackwater River correctional facilities based on the "Continuum of Care Program" which is currently provided to individuals at and who are released from those facilities. The Continuum of Care program, which was developed and piloted at the Graceville Correctional Facility, will continue to be provided at Graceville at no cost to the state. With these recidivism reduction programs in place, the above referenced facilities shall be known as Correctional and Rehabilitation Facilities (Senate Form 2046). 615 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 564,610 616 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 414,675 TOTAL: ADULT MALE CUSTODY OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 888,210,104 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 13,311,154 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 7,608.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 901,521,258 ADULT AND YOUTHFUL OFFENDER FEMALE CUSTODY OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 41,386,948 617 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 823.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 52,648,304 618 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 337,740 619 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,823,011 620 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000 621 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,407,900 622 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 399,752 623 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FOOD SERVICE AND PRODUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 154,732 624 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,333,257 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,497 625 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,495,273 626 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 345,371 627 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRIVATE PRISON OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,444,150 FROM PRIVATELY OPERATED INSTITUTIONS INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597,359 628 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 66,988 629 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,658 TOTAL: ADULT AND YOUTHFUL OFFENDER FEMALE CUSTODY OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 91,464,136 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 603,856 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 823.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 92,067,992 MALE YOUTHFUL OFFENDER CUSTODY OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 15,356,131 630 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 301.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,589,487 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 13,698 631 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 48,865 632 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 175,634 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,511 633 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,185 634 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,057,432 635 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 120,696 636 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FOOD SERVICE AND PRODUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,596 637 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,641,719 638 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 160,700 639 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRIVATE PRISON OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,216,164 FROM PRIVATELY OPERATED INSTITUTIONS INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195,403 640 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 42,259 641 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,457 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 660 TOTAL: MALE YOUTHFUL OFFENDER CUSTODY OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 48,127,194 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 215,272 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 301.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,342,466 SPECIALTY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 340,934,804 642 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 8,084.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 479,805,832 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,140 643 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 738,475 644 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,495,555 645 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000 646 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,835,385 647 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 672,670 648 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FOOD SERVICE AND PRODUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,072,824 649 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,015,927 650 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,986,839 651 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,294,789 652 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 493,810 653 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 189,559 TOTAL: SPECIALTY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 578,621,665 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,140 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 8,084.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 578,624,805 PUBLIC SERVICE WORKSQUADS AND WORK RELEASE TRANSITION APPROVED SALARY RATE 47,953,138 654 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 929.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,645,036 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,926,874 The general revenue funds provided in Specific Appropriation 654 are provided to the Department of Corrections to ensure all public worksquads currently funded with general revenue funds are maintained. The department shall, before eliminating any general revenue funded public worksquad officer positions, submit its proposal to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee for review and approval. 655 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 426,281 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 514,620 656 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,707 657 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 466,353 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 233,548 658 LUMP SUM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAMS POSITIONS 5.00 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 420,151 Funds and positions provided in Specific Appropriation 658, from the Correctional Work Program Trust Fund, are provided for interagency contracted services funded by state agencies or local governments. These positions and funds shall be released as needed upon execution of interagency community service work squad contracts. 659 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,621,497 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 230,785 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 659, no privately operated work release center may house more than 200 inmates at any given time. In addition, each facility with 100 or more inmates in its work release program must have at least one certified correctional officer on premises at all times. A person who was a certified correctional officer at the time of separating or retiring from the Department of Corrections in good standing is considered to be a certified correctional officer for this purpose unless his or her certification has been revoked for misconduct. 660 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FOOD SERVICE AND PRODUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,618 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,638 661 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,636,446 662 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,348,038 663 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 224,680 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 148,620 664 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC MONITORING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,754,883 665 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,002 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,537 666 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,040 FROM CORRECTIONAL WORK PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,856 TOTAL: PUBLIC SERVICE WORKSQUADS AND WORK RELEASE TRANSITION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 65,191,874 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 29,563,336 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 934.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 94,755,210 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 21,266,186 667 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 470.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 36,608,227 668 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 923,733 669 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,550,235 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127,505 670 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 203,220 671 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,761,951 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 671, $1,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to continue the victim notification system (VINE). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 671, $1,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to continue the automated staffing, time management and scheduling system. 672 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 165,080 673 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,886 674 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,042 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 48,286,374 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 127,505 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 470.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,413,879 CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR APPROVED SALARY RATE 20,743,091 675 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 540.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,874,455 676 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 80,241,997 677 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 289,061 678 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES - LEASE PURCHASE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,960,426 Funds in Specific Appropriation 678 are provided for payments required under the master lease purchase agreement used to secure the certificates of participation issued to finance or refinance the following correctional facilities: Bay Correctional Facility................................. 763,763 Moore Haven Correctional Facility (Glades County)......... 991,842 South Bay Correctional Facility (Palm Beach County)....... 1,419,500 Graceville Correctional Facility (Jackson County)......... 6,200,477 Blackwater River Correctional Facility (Santa Rosa County) 8,549,625 Gadsden Correctional Facility............................. 1,219,920 Lake City Correctional Facility (Columbia County)......... 1,208,625 Various DOC Facility Projects - Series 2009 B and C Bonds. 20,576,125 Series 2009 B and C Bonds include various facility construction projects for the following Department of Corrections facilities: Mayo Annex (Lafayette County), Suwannee Annex (Suwannee County), Lowell Reception Center (Marion County), Lancaster Secure Housing Unit (Gilchrist County), Liberty Work Camp (Liberty County), Franklin Work Camp (Franklin County), Cross City Work Camp (Dixie County), Okeechobee Work Camp (Okeechobee County), New River Work Camp (Bradford County), Santa Rosa Work Camp (Santa Rosa County), Hollywood Work Release Center (Broward County), Kissimmee Work Release Center (Osceola County), Lake City Work Release Center (Columbia County), Santa Fe Work Release Center (Alachua County), Everglades Re-Entry Center (Dade County), Baker Re-Entry Center (Baker County), and Pat Thomas Re-Entry Center (Gadsden County). The funds in Specific Appropriation 678 reflect a reduction of $2,090,651 as a result of the payments due on the 2021A certificates of participation issued to fund the construction of the Lake Correctional Institution Mental Health Facility (Lake County) coming in below the estimates used in the prior year's appropriation. 679 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAJOR REPAIRS, RENOVATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO MAJOR INSTITUTIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 679 are provided to address the most critical maintenance and repair needs and improvements at the Department of Corrections' facilities statewide. 679A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITIES PROVIDING ADDITIONAL CAPACITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 650,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 679A, $648,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the construction of one 4,500-bed correctional institution. The funds may be used for architectural and engineering professional services, land purchase and site preparation, construction, and construction management. The department shall design and construct the prison. The department shall seek available state or local land for construction of the facility, including existing prison sites. In the event that state or locally owned land is not available, funds may be used for purchase of land. The department is authorized to submit a budget amendment(s) to request release of the funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. The department shall submit quarterly status reports to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee on the status of the construction beginning September 30, 2022. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 679A, $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the department to competitively procure a private sector provider with experience in managing large-scale construction projects. The vendor shall submit quarterly status reports to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee on the progress and status of the project. 679B FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NEW, EXPANDED AND IMPROVEMENTS TO MEDICAL FACILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 400,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 679B, $400,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the construction of two 250-bed hospital units. The department shall develop a design proposal and construction plan for the two facilities which meets the anticipated medical needs of the prison population, particularly the needs of elderly inmates. The department shall submit the plan to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by January 1, 2023. The department is authorized to submit a budget amendment(s) to request release of the funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, contingent upon receipt of the design and plan. Any funds remaining from this specific appropriation may be used to renovate existing medical facilities. 680 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,439,726 681 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,984,258 682 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,198,894 683 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 72,700 684 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,963 684A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 650,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 684A, $650,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Department of Corrections to issue a competitive procurement for the construction of one 4,500-bed correctional institution. The funds may be used for architectural and engineering professional services, land purchase and site preparation, construction, and construction management. The Department of Corrections shall seek available state or local land for construction of the facility, including existing prison sites. In the event that state or locally owned land is not available, funds may be used for purchase of land. Contingent upon the successful award of a contract, the department is authorized to submit a budget amendment(s) to request release of the funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. The vendor shall submit quarterly status reports to the Department of Corrections to submit to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee on the status of the construction beginning September 30, 2022. TOTAL: CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,890,073,480 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 540.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,890,073,480 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 685 through 695, the department may not require correctional probation officers to have different educational degree requirements than correctional officers. COMMUNITY SUPERVISION APPROVED SALARY RATE 134,923,230 685 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 2,793.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 200,482,634 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 143,712 686 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 65,245 687 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,517,529 688 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,941 689 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 560,274 690 SPECIAL CATEGORIES BUILDING/OFFICE RENT PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,211,272 Funds in Specific Appropriation 690 are provided to continue rent payments for individual private contracts for rental of office/building space at a rate not to exceed the rate for each contract in effect on June 30, 2022. Price level increases specifically appropriated may be used for rent payments for Department of Corrections' private leases in the 2022-2023 fiscal year. No other funds are appropriated or shall be transferred by the department for such increases. 691 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 790,324 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 691, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Home Builders Institute (HBI) Building Careers for Inmates & Returning Citizens (Senate Form 1260). 692 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,805,103 693 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 565,414 694 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC MONITORING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,639,891 695 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,104 TOTAL: COMMUNITY SUPERVISION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 241,894,731 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 143,712 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,793.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 242,038,443 PROGRAM: HEALTH SERVICES INMATE HEALTH SERVICES From the funds in Specific Appropriations 703 through 705, the Department of Corrections is authorized to transfer funds to the Agency for Health Care Administration from the General Revenue Fund to purchase prescription drugs pursuant to the parameters of the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program, as authorized by section 381.02035, Florida Statutes, for use in state programs as outlined in section 381.02035(3), Florida Statutes. APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,787,355 696 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 151.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,193,788 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 621,025 697 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 367,297 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,380 698 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,276,884 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 55,060 699 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 700 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,367,212 701 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 951,235 702 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INMATE HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 421,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 702 are provided exclusively to pay for contracted statewide inmate health care services provided during the 2022-2023 fiscal year. No later than July 1, 2022, the department shall initiate a competitive solicitation to re-procure the health services contract beginning Fiscal Year 2023-2024. The competitive procurement shall have the contractual option to outsource by region, or in whole, the inmate health services needs of the department. The department shall procure services for inmates housed in both public and privately operated institutions. The solicitation shall encourage innovative approaches to providing health care while maximizing efficiencies and shall require all respondents to illustrate substantial savings to the state of at least a 5% reduction from the current inmate health services contract. The department shall require that all respondents offer electronic medical records. The department shall also consider proposals offering a capitated rate, partnerships with the state's teaching hospitals and other creative approaches. If the department does not receive any responsive proposals to the solicitation, then the department is directed to negotiate a new contract with the current provider at a value at least 5% less than the value of the current inmate health services contract. Beginning July 1, 2022, the department shall submit monthly reports on status of the department's re-procurement efforts to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 703 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TREATMENT OF INMATES - GENERAL DRUGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,480,847 704 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TREATMENT OF INMATES - PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,818,876 705 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TREATMENT OF INMATES - INFECTIOUS DISEASE DRUGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 84,923,167 706 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,100 707 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 257,924 TOTAL: INMATE HEALTH SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 567,152,330 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 677,465 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 151.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 567,829,795 PROGRAM: EDUCATION AND PROGRAMS ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION, EVALUATION AND TREATMENT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,454,778 708 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 35.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,808,124 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 137,271 709 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,731 710 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 68,648 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 75,000 711 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,000 712 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT DRUG ABUSE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,863,682 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,200,000 713 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,900 TOTAL: ADULT SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION, EVALUATION AND TREATMENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 16,743,354 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,433,002 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 19,176,356 BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS APPROVED SALARY RATE 19,101,390 714 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 370.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,470,464 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,572,296 715 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,299,721 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 370,761 FROM STATE-OPERATED INSTITUTIONS INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND . . . . . 629,256 716 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,914,186 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,200,000 FROM STATE-OPERATED INSTITUTIONS INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,373,738 717 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 100,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 200,000 FROM STATE-OPERATED INSTITUTIONS INMATE WELFARE TRUST FUND . . . . . 526,262 719 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,835,096 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 719, $750,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for an online career education program. The department may contract with the Florida Virtual School or similar provider for this purpose. The Department of Corrections shall provide a report regarding the progress of the inmates in the online career education program to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by January 1, 2023. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 719, $1,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to CareerSource Florida for the development and implementation of a vocational curriculum for inmates in the Florida Correctional System. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 719, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the RESTORE Reentry Program in Palm Beach County (Senate Form 1405). 720 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 119,585 721 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,888 722 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,776 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 877 TOTAL: BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 35,787,716 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,873,190 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 370.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 43,660,906 ADULT OFFENDER TRANSITION, REHABILITATION AND SUPPORT APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,463,624 723 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 86.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,834,965 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 227,392 724 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,345,586 725 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 372,770 726 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,187,781 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 726, by November 1, 2022, all re-entry programs must provide the following information to the Department of Corrections: the population served by the program including information relating to the criminal history, age, employment history, and education level of inmates served; the services provided to inmates as part of the program; the cost per inmate to provide those services; any available recidivism rates; and any matching funds or in-kind contributions provided to the program. The department shall compile this information and submit a report to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by December 1, 2022. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 726, $1,225,000 in recurring funds and $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for Operation New Hope's re-entry initiatives (recurring base appropriations project) (Senate Form 1570). Operation New Hope will provide pre-release case management, transition planning, career development, and referrals for incarcerated inmates at any Department of Corrections' facility that is within 12 months of release. Through its post-release program (Ready4Work), Operation New Hope will provide post-release services including case management, career development, life skills training, job skills training, family reunification, financial assistance, and job placement assistance to ex-offenders on community supervision, or ex-offenders that have served time at a Department of Corrections' facility, or participants of any State Attorney's Office Diversion or Pretrial Intervention Programs, or adult ex-offenders who served time in a Department of Juvenile Justice facility. The Ready4Work Program may provide post-release service to any ex-offender that is within travel distance to the Ready4Work location. Through its virtual post-release program (Ready4Success), Operation New Hope will provide services to ex-offenders using a virtual (telecommunications, email, online software and video conferencing) platform for ex-offenders not able to attend in-person training. Funds used for the administrative services will be 18 percent of the total funds appropriated. Funds may be used for startup activities for opening of new Ready4Work locations in Florida but may not exceed 25 percent of the total funds appropriated. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 726, $1,000,000 in recurring funds and $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for the Ready4Work-Hillsborough re-entry program (recurring base appropriations project) (Senate Form 1929), which replicates the Operation New Hope Ready4Work program. Funds used for the administrative services shall be 15 percent of total funds appropriated. Ready4Work-Hillsborough will provide pre-release risk assessment, a plan-of-care, career development, life skills training, and referrals for incarcerated inmates who may be eligible for Ready4Work re-entry program services upon release. Ready4Work-Hillsborough will also provide post-release services including case management, career development, life skills training, job skills training, life-coaching (mentoring), family reunification, and job placement assistance to offenders on community supervision. Ready4Work-Hillsborough may also provide such post-release services to formerly incarcerated persons who have been released from a Department of Corrections' facility no more than three years before entry into the Ready4Work-Hillsborough re-entry program. Eligibility for participation in the Ready4Work-Hillsborough re-entry program is limited to inmates, offenders on community supervision, and recently released ex-inmates who are transitioning back into the communities and workforce of Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, or Polk counties. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 726, $200,000 in recurring funds and $800,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund may be used to expand Horizon volunteer faith and character peer-to-peer program activities at Wakulla Correctional Institution and up to seven additional male or female prisons, including Computer Lab, Quest, and Realizing Educational Emotional and Finance Smarts (REEFS) transition programs (recurring base appropriations project) (Senate Form 1700). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 726, $1,070,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following appropriations projects: Brevard County Reentry Portal (Senate Form 1339).......... 350,000 Malachi Dads and Hannah's Gift - Parenting Programs (Senate Form 2685)...................................... 170,000 Operation New Life (Senate Form 1489)..................... 200,000 Re-entry Alliance Pensacola, Inc. (REAP) Escambia County Re-entry Portal (Senate Form 2048)...................... 150,000 Re-Entry Alliance Pensacola, Inc. (REAP) Santa Rosa Re-Entry Portal (Senate Form 2203)...................... 100,000 The Red Tent Women's Initiative, Inc. (Senate Form 1161).. 100,000 727 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,544 728 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,155 TOTAL: ADULT OFFENDER TRANSITION, REHABILITATION AND SUPPORT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,763,801 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 227,392 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 86.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,991,193 COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION, EVALUATION, AND TREATMENT SERVICES From the funds in Specific Appropriations 729 through 731, the Department of Corrections may contract with Florida's managing entities, as authorized by section 394.9082, Florida Statutes, for the statewide management of behavioral health treatment for offenders under community supervision. The entities shall work with the department to develop service delivery strategies that will improve the coordination, integration, and management of behavioral health services to offenders. 729 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300,000 730 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,493,762 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 730, $500,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for naltrexone extended-release injectable medication to treat alcohol and opioid dependence within the Department of Corrections (recurring base appropriations project). 731 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED DRUG TREATMENT/REHABILITATION PROGRAMS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,750,861 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 400,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 731, $600,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Cove Behavioral Health in Hillsborough County (recurring base appropriations project). TOTAL: COMMUNITY SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION, EVALUATION, AND TREATMENT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 25,544,623 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 400,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 25,944,623 TOTAL: CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,588,764,104 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 63,931,655 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 22,844.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,652,695,759 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 1,121,621,042 FLORIDA COMMISSION ON OFFENDER REVIEW PROGRAM: POST-INCARCERATION ENFORCEMENT AND VICTIMS RIGHTS APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,822,904 732 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 146.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,742,090 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 64,187 733 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 420,627 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 47,110 734 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 853,102 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 12,863 735 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,771 736 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 393,606 737 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 84,799 738 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,000 739 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 48,145 740 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 596,714 TOTAL: PROGRAM: POST-INCARCERATION ENFORCEMENT AND VICTIMS RIGHTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,180,854 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 124,160 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 146.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,305,014 TOTAL: FLORIDA COMMISSION ON OFFENDER REVIEW FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,180,854 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 124,160 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 146.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,305,014 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 6,822,904 JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM: JUSTICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,897,608 741 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 92.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,011,931 742 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,457 742A AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT/ DISTRIBUTION TO CLERKS OF COURT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 742A, $6,250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Clerks of Court Pandemic Recovery Plan (Senate Form 1463). 743 LUMP SUM RESERVE - STATE ATTORNEYS WITH REASSIGNED DEATH PENALTY CASES POSITIONS 10.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 599,860 Funds and positions in Specific Appropriation 743 are provided for a state attorney to prosecute a capital felony case that has been reassigned to that state attorney's office. A state attorney must submit a budget amendment, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to request the allocation of positions and funds from the lump sum appropriation category. A state attorney may continue to use positions and funds allocated from the lump sum appropriation category until such time that the state attorney ceases the prosecution of the reassigned capital felony case. If funds in this specific appropriation are unobligated in the last quarter of the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the State Attorney in the Ninth Judicial Circuit may submit a budget amendment to request the transfer of the remaining appropriation on a nonrecurring basis. 744 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FOSTER CARE CITIZEN REVIEW PANEL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 342,160 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 745 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SEXUAL PREDATOR CIVIL COMMITMENT LITIGATION COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,250,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 745 are provided for attorney fees and case-related expenses associated with prosecuting and defending sexual predator civil commitment cases. Case-related expenses are limited to expert witness fees, clinical evaluations, court reporter costs, and foreign language interpreters. The maximum amount to be paid by the Justice Administrative Commission for medical experts for sexual predator civil commitment cases is $200 per hour and all related travel costs must be apportioned to the associated case. 746 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES RELATED TO CIRCUIT AND COUNTY JURIES REQUIRED BY STATUTE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,700,000 747 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEGAL REPRESENTATION FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,115,500 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,201,500 Funds in Specific Appropriation 747 shall be used by the Justice Administrative Commission to contract with attorneys to represent dependent children with disabilities in, or being considered for placement in, skilled nursing facilities and dependent children with certain special needs as specified in section 39.01305, Florida Statutes. The implementation of registries, as well as the appointment and compensation of private attorneys appointed pursuant to section 39.01305, Florida Statutes, shall be governed by the provisions of sections 27.40 and 27.5304, Florida Statutes. The flat fee amount for compensation shall not exceed $1,000 per child per year. No other appropriation shall be used to pay attorney fees and related expenses for attorneys representing dependent children with disabilities and appointments under section 39.01305, Florida Statutes. 748 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENTS FOR QUALIFIED TRANSPORTATION BENEFITS PROGRAM FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703,136 749 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,263,034 Funds in Specific Appropriation 749 are provided for the Public Defenders' due process costs as specified in section 29.006, Florida Statutes. Funds shall initially be credited for the use of each circuit in the amounts listed below and may be adjusted pursuant to the provisions of section 29.015, Florida Statutes. 1st Judicial Circuit...................................... 894,043 2nd Judicial Circuit...................................... 713,100 3rd Judicial Circuit...................................... 160,275 4th Judicial Circuit...................................... 1,382,949 5th Judicial Circuit...................................... 946,386 6th Judicial Circuit...................................... 1,291,430 7th Judicial Circuit...................................... 733,859 8th Judicial Circuit...................................... 520,205 9th Judicial Circuit...................................... 1,249,858 10th Judicial Circuit..................................... 822,366 11th Judicial Circuit..................................... 3,603,927 12th Judicial Circuit..................................... 703,275 13th Judicial Circuit..................................... 2,052,641 14th Judicial Circuit..................................... 356,816 15th Judicial Circuit..................................... 909,094 16th Judicial Circuit..................................... 124,680 17th Judicial Circuit..................................... 1,492,634 18th Judicial Circuit..................................... 699,398 19th Judicial Circuit..................................... 653,387 20th Judicial Circuit..................................... 952,711 From the funds credited for use in the following circuits, the amounts specified below shall be transferred in quarterly increments within 10 days after the beginning of each quarter to the Office of the State Courts Administrator on behalf of the circuit courts operating shared court reporting or interpreter services: 1st Judicial Circuit...................................... 190,611 2nd Judicial Circuit...................................... 323,698 3rd Judicial Circuit...................................... 52,251 6th Judicial Circuit...................................... 103,493 7th Judicial Circuit...................................... 37,310 8th Judicial Circuit...................................... 83,798 9th Judicial Circuit...................................... 481,878 10th Judicial Circuit..................................... 68,975 11th Judicial Circuit..................................... 121,996 12th Judicial Circuit..................................... 153,205 13th Judicial Circuit..................................... 784,106 14th Judicial Circuit..................................... 134,089 15th Judicial Circuit..................................... 93,646 16th Judicial Circuit..................................... 74,983 17th Judicial Circuit..................................... 60,851 750 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CHILD DEPENDENCY AND CIVIL CONFLICT CASE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,366,133 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,671,528 Funds in Specific Appropriation 750 are provided for case fees and expenses of court-appointed counsel in civil conflict cases and child dependency cases. The maximum flat fee to be paid by the Justice Administrative Commission for attorney fees for the following dependency and civil cases is set as follows: ADMISSION OF INMATE TO MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY............... 300 ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES ACT - Ch. 415, F.S................ 500 BAKER ACT/MENTAL HEALTH - Ch. 394, F.S...................... 400 CINS/FINS - Ch. 984, F.S.................................... 750 CIVIL APPEALS............................................... 400 DEPENDENCY - Up to 1 Year................................... 800 DEPENDENCY - Each Year after 1st Year....................... 200 DEPENDENCY - No Petition Filed or Dismissed at Shelter...... 200 DEPENDENCY APPEALS.......................................... 1,000 DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED ADULT - Ch. 393, F.S............... 400 EMANCIPATION - Section 743.015, F.S......................... 400 GUARDIANSHIP - EMERGENCY - Ch. 744, F.S..................... 400 GUARDIANSHIP - Ch. 744, F.S................................. 400 MARCHMAN ACT/SUBSTANCE ABUSE - Ch. 397, F.S................. 300 MEDICAL PROCEDURES - Section 394.459(3), F.S................ 400 PARENTAL NOTIFICATION OF ABORTION ACT....................... 400 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS - Ch. 39, F.S. - Up to 1 Year 1,000 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS - Ch. 39, F.S. - Each Year after 1st Year.............................................. 200 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS - Ch. 63, F.S. - Up to 1 year 1,000 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS - Ch. 63, F.S. - Each Year after first Year............................................ 200 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS APPEALS...................... 2,000 TUBERCULOSIS - Ch. 392, F.S................................. 300 751 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 844,644 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,900 752 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,447 753 SPECIAL CATEGORIES POST-CONVICTION CAPITAL COLLATERAL CASES - REGISTRY ATTORNEYS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,338,310 754 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ATTORNEY PAYMENTS OVER FLAT FEE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,667,589 755 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CRIMINAL CONFLICT CASE COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,009,413 Funds in Specific Appropriation 755 are provided for case fees as specified in section 27.5304, Florida Statutes, and expenses as specified in section 29.007, Florida Statutes, of court-appointed counsel for indigent criminal defendants and for due process costs for those individuals the court finds indigent for costs. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 755, a total of $216,934 shall be transferred in quarterly increments within 10 days after the beginning of each quarter to the Office of the State Courts Administrator on behalf of the circuit courts operating shared court reporting and interpreter services. The maximum flat fee to be paid by the Justice Administrative Commission for attorney fees for criminal conflict cases is set as follows: POSTCONVICTION - Rules 3.850, 3.801 & 3.800, Fl.R.Crim. Proc.................................................... 1,250 CAPITAL - 1ST DEGREE MURDER (LEAD COUNSEL)................ 25,000 CAPITAL - 1ST DEGREE MURDER (CO-COUNSEL).................. 25,000 CAPITAL - 1ST DEGREE MURDER (NON-DEATH)................... 15,000 CAPITAL SEXUAL BATTERY.................................... 4,000 CAPITAL APPEALS........................................... 9,000 CONTEMPT PROCEEDINGS...................................... 500 CRIMINAL TRAFFIC.......................................... 500 EXTRADITION............................................... 625 FELONY - LIFE............................................. 5,000 FELONY - LIFE (RICO)...................................... 9,000 FELONY - NONCAPITAL MURDER................................ 15,000 FELONY - PUNISHABLE BY LIFE............................... 2,500 FELONY - PUNISHABLE BY LIFE (RICO)........................ 6,000 FELONY 1ST DEGREE......................................... 1,875 FELONY 1ST DEGREE (RICO).................................. 5,000 FELONY 2ND DEGREE......................................... 1,250 FELONY 3RD DEGREE......................................... 935 FELONY OR MISDEMEANOR - NO INFORMATION FILED.............. 500 FELONY APPEALS............................................ 1,875 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - 1ST DEGREE FELONY.................. 750 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - 2ND DEGREE......................... 500 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - 3RD DEGREE......................... 375 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - FELONY LIFE........................ 875 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - MISDEMEANOR........................ 375 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY - DIRECT FILE OR NO PETITION FILED... 375 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY APPEALS.............................. 1,250 MISDEMEANOR............................................... 500 MISDEMEANOR APPEALS....................................... 935 VIOLATION OF PROBATION - FELONY (INCLUDES VOCC)........... 625 VIOLATION OF PROBATION - MISDEMEANOR (INCLUDES VOCC)...... 375 VIOLATION OF PROBATION (VOCC) JUVENILE DELINQUENCY........ 375 Funds for costs and related expenses to be paid through Specific Appropriations 750 and 755 shall be subject to the following: The hourly rate for mitigation specialists in capital death cases shall not exceed $75.00 per hour. The maximum amount to be paid by the Justice Administrative Commission for non-attorney due process services other than those specified shall not exceed the rates in effect for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The maximum amount to be paid by the Justice Administrative Commission for investigators is $40 per hour. The maximum amount to be paid for court reporting and transcribing costs is as follows: 1. Deposition Appearance fees: 1st hour: $75.00; thereafter $25.00 per hour. The fee is to be paid to the court reporter whether or not a transcript is ordered. 2. Deposition transcript fee (Original & one copy): 10 business day delivery: $4.00 per page 5 business day delivery: $5.50 per page 24 hours delivery: $7.50 per page Additional copies: $0.50 per page 3. Appellate/hearing/trial transcript fee (Original & all copies needed with a minimum of 2 copies): 10 business day delivery: $5.00 per page 5 business day delivery: $6.50 per page 24 hours delivery: $8.50 per page Copies (when original previously ordered): $0.50 per page. 4. Transcription from tapes or audio recordings (other than depositions or hearings): Either $35 per hour listening fee or $3.00 per page, whichever is greater. 5. Video Services: $100 per hour per location with two-hour minimum. 756 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,266,646 Funds in Specific Appropriation 756 are provided for the State Attorneys' due process costs as specified in section 29.005, Florida Statutes. Funds shall initially be credited for the use of each circuit in the amounts listed below, and may be adjusted pursuant to the provisions of section 29.015, Florida Statutes. 1st Judicial Circuit...................................... 607,531 2nd Judicial Circuit...................................... 323,061 3rd Judicial Circuit...................................... 120,143 4th Judicial Circuit...................................... 443,741 5th Judicial Circuit...................................... 333,769 6th Judicial Circuit...................................... 601,122 7th Judicial Circuit...................................... 452,324 8th Judicial Circuit...................................... 227,481 9th Judicial Circuit...................................... 476,378 10th Judicial Circuit..................................... 296,431 11th Judicial Circuit..................................... 2,122,853 12th Judicial Circuit..................................... 267,913 13th Judicial Circuit..................................... 571,480 14th Judicial Circuit..................................... 113,227 15th Judicial Circuit..................................... 711,731 16th Judicial Circuit..................................... 87,962 17th Judicial Circuit..................................... 1,269,184 18th Judicial Circuit..................................... 362,155 19th Judicial Circuit..................................... 259,818 20th Judicial Circuit..................................... 618,342 From the funds credited for use in the following circuits, the amounts specified below shall be transferred in quarterly increments within 10 days after the beginning of each quarter to the Office of the State Courts Administrator on behalf of the circuit courts operating shared court reporting or interpreter services: 1st Judicial Circuit...................................... 18,232 2nd Judicial Circuit...................................... 16,650 3rd Judicial Circuit...................................... 10,456 6th Judicial Circuit...................................... 25,443 7th Judicial Circuit...................................... 12,818 8th Judicial Circuit...................................... 21,937 9th Judicial Circuit...................................... 26,007 10th Judicial Circuit..................................... 3,980 11th Judicial Circuit..................................... 426,986 12th Judicial Circuit..................................... 19,650 13th Judicial Circuit..................................... 45,716 15th Judicial Circuit..................................... 61,252 16th Judicial Circuit..................................... 4,315 17th Judicial Circuit..................................... 20,081 757 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CAPITAL RESENTENCING DUE PROCESS FUNDING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 757 are provided for due process and contracted services related specifically to death penalty proceedings as a result of the Florida Supreme Court decision in Hurst v. State, 202 So. 3d 40 (Fla. 2016). 758 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY AND PUBLIC DEFENDER TRAINING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,529 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 759 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 600 760 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DUE PROCESS CONTINGENCY FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 761 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,904 762A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,192 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 124,408,349 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,895,064 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 102.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 131,303,413 PROGRAM: STATEWIDE GUARDIAN AD LITEM OFFICE Funds and positions in Specific Appropriations 763 through 774 shall first be used to represent children involved in dependency proceedings. Once all children in dependency proceedings are represented, the funds may be used to represent children in other proceedings as authorized by law. APPROVED SALARY RATE 36,530,010 763 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 815.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,246,664 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,755,452 764 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,453,906 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721,444 765 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,075,018 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266,341 766 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 60,502 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 767 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COURT SYSTEM SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,045,656 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 767, $100,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to support the Voices for Children Foundation in Miami-Dade County (recurring base appropriations project). 768 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,422,888 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000 769 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 460,668 770 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GUARDIAN AD LITEM ATTORNEY TRAINING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 225,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 770 may be used by the Guardian ad Litem to provide training for public and private sector attorneys and related personnel who represent children with disabilities in Florida's dependency care system. 771 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 192,196 772 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 157,653 773 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 42,057 774 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 310,476 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATEWIDE GUARDIAN AD LITEM OFFICE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 55,692,684 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,863,237 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 815.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 60,555,921 STATE ATTORNEYS The Prosecution Coordination Office's budgeting, legal, training and education needs may be funded by each State Attorney's office within the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 775 through 912. Funding for this office shall not exceed $450,000 from the State Attorney's Revenue Trust Fund. From the positions and funds appropriated from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund in Specific Appropriations 796, 832, 846, 859, 873, 887, and 907, $2,010,706 is provided to prosecute insurance fraud cases and $705,775 is provided to prosecute workers compensation insurance fraud cases, as follows: Insurance Fraud Cases Fourth Judicial Circuit (3 positions)..................... 262,387 Ninth Judicial Circuit (5 positions)...................... 451,632 Eleventh Judicial Circuit (5 positions)................... 653,209 Thirteenth Judicial Circuit (2 positions)................. 159,198 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit (2 positions).................. 167,633 Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (2 positions)................ 167,633 Twentieth Judicial Circuit (2 positions).................. 149,014 Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud Eleventh Judicial Circuit (2 positions)................... 172,586 Thirteenth Judicial Circuit (2 positions)................. 161,053 Fifteenth Judicial Circuit (2 positions).................. 186,068 Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (2 positions)................ 186,068 Beginning July 1, 2022, the Department of Financial Services shall release 25 percent of the funds to each state attorney's office. Prior to subsequent quarterly fund releases, each state attorney's office must submit the following caseload data to the Department of Financial Services: the percentage of cases prosecuted of the total number of cases referred by the department; the number of cases not prosecuted and the reasons prosecution was not pursued; the staff assigned to each case; expenditures made; and the current status of each case. The Department of Financial Services shall determine if case activity warrants the continued release of funds. PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,869,695 775 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 230.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,972,448 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,942,009 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002,382 776 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,357 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186,735 776A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 777 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 503,994 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,215 778 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116,716 779 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,404 780 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,562 781 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 43,452 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,889 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,405 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 15,575,217 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,375,351 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 230.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,950,568 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,876,042 782 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 115.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,751,460 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709,039 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 600 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885,518 783 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,083 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,417 783A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,000 784 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 148,658 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376,129 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 50,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,519 785 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,293 786 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,000 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,675 787 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 788 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,979 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,669 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,961,180 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,365,073 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 115.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,326,253 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,007,650 789 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 70.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,079,139 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662,908 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268,728 790 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,493 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,164 790A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 791 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 124,842 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,204 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,701 792 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,315 793 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,034 794 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,000 795 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,465 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,206 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 5,260,480 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,133,187 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,393,667 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 20,140,960 796 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 364.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,477,978 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,059,455 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,367,550 797 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 142,861 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 56,045 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,819 797A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000 798 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748,271 799 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 279,262 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,008 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 610,800 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,845 800 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232,387 801 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,404 802 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,150 803 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 68,212 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,542 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,975 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 24,985,867 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,360,697 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 364.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 32,346,564 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 14,062,742 804 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 244.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,649,693 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,433,283 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,840,171 805 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 73,939 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,019 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166,363 805A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,000 806 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 438,267 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,250 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 807 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,040 808 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,740 809 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,500 810 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 43,815 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,051 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,044 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 18,262,954 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,888,221 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 244.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 23,151,175 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 26,052,332 811 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 463.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,165,272 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,689,187 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,273,931 812 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 58,917 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,253 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,397 812A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,000 813 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 506,067 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732,453 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454,866 814 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,075 815 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,724 816 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,520 817 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,591 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,955 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 30,765,500 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,597,708 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 463.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,363,208 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,220,005 818 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 238.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,571,604 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,360,155 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 39 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795,741 819 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,404 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,291 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,169 819A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180,000 820 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 353,296 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,874 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 821 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,969 822 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 42,964 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,380 823 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,381 824 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,993 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,860 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,068,642 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,652,100 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 238.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,720,742 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,233,262 825 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 135.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,422,841 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,033,254 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638,630 826 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,252 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,792 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,980 826A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170,000 827 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 154,761 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,396 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,040 828 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,544 829 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,506 830 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,306 831 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,205 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,630,666 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,049,843 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 135.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,680,509 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 21,582,320 832 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 385.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,775,398 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,690,621 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,409,782 833 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 146,131 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297,508 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 246,631 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,020 833A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,000 834 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,016,079 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197,029 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 279,234 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,966 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 834, $380,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to operate a State Sponsored Day Care Center. (Senate Form 2543) 835 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,693 836 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,662 837 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 55,416 838 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,640 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,238 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 29,020,686 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,409,362 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 385.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 33,430,048 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,572,669 839 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 234.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,078,429 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,760,212 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,282,884 840 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,327 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,044 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,769 840A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 841 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 215,679 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218,879 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213,460 842 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,167 843 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,665 844 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,883 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,356 845 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,497 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,791 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,294 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 14,396,480 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,788,856 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 234.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 22,185,336 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 61,786,480 846 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,268.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 55,803,352 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,312,217 FROM CHILD SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . 23,594,535 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 60,325 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,160,054 847 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 218,115 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107,072 FROM CHILD SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . 767,432 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,362,017 847A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 270,000 848 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 923,140 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385,078 FROM CHILD SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . 4,092,578 FROM CIVIL RICO TRUST FUND . . . . . 200,020 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 203,700 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653,902 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 848, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the State Attorney's Office, 11th Judicial Circuit to develop a Smart Justice Data Transparency and Crime Strategies Unit (Senate Form 2796). 849 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351,359 FROM CHILD SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . 161,580 850 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,000 851 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 180,733 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,470 FROM CHILD SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . 74,417 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 57,143,340 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,779,756 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,268.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 97,923,096 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,279,545 852 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 192.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,381,506 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,289,835 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,152,701 853 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,136 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,882 853A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116,000 854 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 329,181 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224,785 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,084 855 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,463 856 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,361 857 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,267 858 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 36,317 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,470 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,214 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 13,773,768 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,031,434 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 192.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,805,202 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 19,424,628 859 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 332.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,439,688 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,274,336 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,403,808 860 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 58,315 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,235 860A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,000 861 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 413,790 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,510 862 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131,495 863 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,027 864 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,980 865 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,218 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,010 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 24,925,800 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,090,612 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 332.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 30,016,412 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,771,845 866 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 122.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,781,014 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941,198 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567,750 867 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,087 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233,004 867A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,000 868 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 241,412 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,518 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000 869 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,893 870 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,697 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,292 871 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,295 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,048 872 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 424 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,788 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,179 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,042,929 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,885,670 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 122.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,928,599 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 18,580,863 873 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 333.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,458,654 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,530,792 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,468,725 874 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 75,778 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245,598 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 46,736 874A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 875 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 401,694 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223,129 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 126,608 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 876 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173,058 877 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,569 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 7,500 878 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,000 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 879 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 65,408 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,574 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,040 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 24,022,103 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,945,760 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 333.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,967,863 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,592,420 880 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 62.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,437,589 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495,766 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245,552 881 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,784 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77,499 882 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 135,049 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,509 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,514 883 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,574 884 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,041 885 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,615 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 886 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,417 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,599,078 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,011,831 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 62.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,610,909 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 27,810,280 887 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 511.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 36,437,770 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,901,790 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 229,843 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,018,543 888 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 122,513 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305,615 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,940 889 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 672,616 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566,244 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 523,963 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,236 890 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 112,583 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,581 891 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,491 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,510 892 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 121,483 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 893 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 101,476 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,877 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,380 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 37,591,932 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,728,522 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 511.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 44,320,454 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 16,061,372 894 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 285.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,277,670 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,147,212 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,209,583 895 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,577 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,367 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,749 895A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 896 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 410,738 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,459 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,924 897 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,201 898 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,587 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,514 899 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,130 900 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 56,063 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,626 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 951 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 20,784,765 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,649,586 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 285.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 24,434,351 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,414,914 901 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 165.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,826,050 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,502,410 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,387,565 901A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108,000 902 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 230,606 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,588 903 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,683 904 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,400 905 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,798 906 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,932 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,754 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 11,096,786 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,098,002 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 165.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,194,788 PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 16,636,866 907 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 303.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,864,504 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,557,968 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,032,571 908 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,705 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,267 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,178 908A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305,000 909 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE ATTORNEY OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 470,374 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,087 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,944 910 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,511 911 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,524 912 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 57,573 FROM STATE ATTORNEYS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,747 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,154 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE ATTORNEYS - TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 21,462,680 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,277,427 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 303.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 26,740,107 PUBLIC DEFENDERS The Public Defenders Coordination Office's budgeting, legal, training, and education needs may be funded by each Public Defender's office within the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 913 through 1056. Funding for this office shall not exceed $450,000 from the Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund. Each Public Defender Office must submit to the Justice Administrative Commission (JAC) a quarterly report detailing the number of appointed and reappointed cases by case type, number of cases closed by case type, number of clients represented, and number of conflicts by case type and the basis for the conflict. The JAC shall compile the reports into a tab delineated spreadsheet format and submit the results to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice and the chair of the House of Representatives Justice Appropriations Subcommittee within three weeks after the end of each quarter. PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,852,304 913 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 126.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,979,895 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185,778 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,353,788 914 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,842 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 59,715 915 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 191,206 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 127,025 916 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,101 917 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,770 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,770 918 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,424 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,302 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,223,137 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,759,422 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 126.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,982,559 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,698,724 919 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 86.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,440,384 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199,565 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 348,241 920 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,042 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 154,934 921 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 72,073 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,677 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 922 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,473 923 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,067 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 924 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,776 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 6,560,342 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 781,706 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 86.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,342,048 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,239,503 925 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 33.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,993,530 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 262,731 926 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 255 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 102,868 926A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 927 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 73,392 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,031 928 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,638 929 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,560 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 930 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,816 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,079,737 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 493,084 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 33.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,572,821 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,177,758 931 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 156.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,206,446 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295,695 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 940,422 932 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,501 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 152,850 932A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,000 933 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 197,334 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,549 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 934 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,199 935 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,305 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,305 936 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,385 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,685 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,462,971 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,646,362 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 156.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,109,333 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,015,714 937 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 127.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,554,004 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970,359 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,231,632 938 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,853 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,650 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 341,566 939 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 28,352 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 216,964 940 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,468 941 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 942 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,835 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,089 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,646 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,617,044 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,860,874 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 127.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,477,918 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,375,741 943 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 238.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,762,744 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,071,610 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,056,051 944 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 80,418 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 510,832 945 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 333,965 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,146 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 142,500 946 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,222 947 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,000 948 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,386 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,264 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,306 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,223,513 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,978,931 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 238.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,202,444 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,561,122 949 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 117.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,270,777 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,258 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 594,325 950 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,532 951 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 76,731 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,000 952 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,038 953 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,589 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,589 954 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,540 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,496 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,385,667 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 945,497 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 117.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,331,164 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,344,392 955 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 75.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,046,554 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,044 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 553,956 956 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,001 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,380 956A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,000 957 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 102,968 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,000 958 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,103 959 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,751 960 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,040 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,168 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - EIGHTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 6,177,563 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 735,402 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,912,965 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,701,596 961 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 220.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,325,293 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681,030 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,601,714 962 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,443 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,900 963 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 164,065 964 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 471,816 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 350,000 965 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,660 966 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 967 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 41,523 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,307 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,754 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 16,052,140 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,793,365 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 220.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 19,845,505 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,418,432 968 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 116.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,846,266 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 541,682 969 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,497 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,900 969A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 970 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,237 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 335,000 971 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,155 972 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,132 973 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 424 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,670 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,877,424 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,067,539 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 116.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,944,963 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 23,372,737 974 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 390.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,161,913 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,651,789 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,391,145 975 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,456 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,330 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,185 976 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 185,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 325,000 977 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 97,912 978 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,333 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,333 979 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 79,289 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,565 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,062 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 30,451,991 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,670,321 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 390.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 34,122,312 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,672,789 980 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 95.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,867,357 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,158,158 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 702,158 981 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,212 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,872 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,095 982 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 222,605 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282,072 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 983 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,931 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,104 984 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,752 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,203 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 7,127,926 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,233,295 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 95.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,361,221 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,472,733 985 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 217.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,864,896 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892,115 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,107,959 986 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 125,382 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,665 986A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 987 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 381,876 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119,288 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 411,976 988 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,645 989 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,835 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,835 990 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,202 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 16,374,989 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,745,685 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 217.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,120,674 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,085,401 991 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 67.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,356,589 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,716 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 640,081 992 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,631 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 201,253 993 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 86,782 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 172,000 994 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,476 995 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,855 996 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,827 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,493 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 5,470,829 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,121,040 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 67.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,591,869 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,059,275 997 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 189.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,096,782 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253,433 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,915,883 998 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,570 999 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 119,103 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 199,174 1000 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,295 1001 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,375 1002 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,187 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 14,215,885 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,731,331 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 189.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,947,216 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,406,959 1003 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 39.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,239,215 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,010 1004 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,100 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,380 1005 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 84,846 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 1006 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,856 1007 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,170 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,520 1008 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,438 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,332,331 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 205,204 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 39.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,537,535 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 14,350,815 1009 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 223.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,895,967 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,349,350 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,399,306 1010 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 83,817 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,950 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,900 1011 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 134,365 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1012 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 94,475 1013 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,812 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,812 1014 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,944 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 18,164,905 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,101,054 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 223.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 21,265,959 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,748,794 1015 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 113.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,805,703 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291,182 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,624,647 1016 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,035 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,950 1016A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 1017 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 135,537 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,296 1018 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,655 1019 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,236 1020 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,375 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,231 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,975,650 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,201,025 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 113.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,176,675 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,080,134 1021 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 86.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,964,718 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399,725 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,082,570 1022 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,608 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,133 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,140 1022A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,000 1023 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,202 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 374,800 1024 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,600 1025 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,640 1026 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,712 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,821 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 6,030,240 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,008,269 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 86.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,038,509 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,985,430 1027 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 141.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,764,879 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,814,316 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,307,582 1028 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,384 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,380 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,470 1029 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 183,882 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 168,092 1030 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,286 1031 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,730 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,730 1032 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,761 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,263 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,246 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS - TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,001,636 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,490,365 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 141.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 13,492,001 PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE DIVISION PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,434,588 1033 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 35.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,263,189 1034 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,515 1035 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 68,971 1036 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,535 1037 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,569 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,363,779 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,363,779 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,295,509 1038 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 33.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,261,569 1039 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,711 1040 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 56,907 1041 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,840 1042 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,138 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,350,165 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 33.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,350,165 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,096,462 1043 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 50.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,303,911 1044 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 741,822 1045 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 144,849 1046 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,568 1047 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,815 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 5,203,965 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,203,965 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,420,215 1048 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 18.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,895,902 1049 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 509 1050 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,161 1051 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,325 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,907,897 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,907,897 PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,029,526 1052 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 37.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,941,705 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,875 1053 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,650 1054 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DEFENDER OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 44,974 FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000 1055 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INDIGENT CRIMINAL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 660 1056 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,001 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PUBLIC DEFENDERS APPELLATE - FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,994,680 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 341,185 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 37.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,335,865 CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSELS PROGRAM: NORTHERN REGIONAL COUNSEL CAPITAL JUSTICE REPRESENTATION - NORTHERN REGIONAL COUNSEL APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,286,677 1057 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 20.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,802,857 1058 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CASE RELATED COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 680,199 1059 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 290,413 FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 124,796 1060 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,773 1061 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000 1062 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,313 TOTAL: CAPITAL JUSTICE REPRESENTATION - NORTHERN REGIONAL COUNSEL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,781,555 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 124,796 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,906,351 PROGRAM: MIDDLE REGIONAL COUNSEL CAPITAL JUSTICE REPRESENTATION - MIDDLE REGIONAL COUNSEL APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,774,179 1063 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 42.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,851,908 1064 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 71,851 1064A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 55,000 1065 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CASE RELATED COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 290,002 FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 600,002 1066 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 556,838 FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 133,742 1067 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 9,130 1068 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 375 1069 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,084 TOTAL: CAPITAL JUSTICE REPRESENTATION - MIDDLE REGIONAL COUNSEL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,780,058 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 797,874 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 42.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,577,932 PROGRAM: SOUTHERN REGIONAL COUNSEL CAPITAL JUSTICE REPRESENTATION - SOUTHERN REGIONAL COUNSEL APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,321,663 1070 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 34.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,137,829 1071 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,434 1072 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CASE RELATED COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 315,621 FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 333,877 1073 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATING EXPENDITURES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 588,055 FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 135,000 1074 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM CAPITAL COLLATERAL REGIONAL COUNSEL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 7,226 1075 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 702 1076 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,138 TOTAL: CAPITAL JUSTICE REPRESENTATION - SOUTHERN REGIONAL COUNSEL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,074,779 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 476,103 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 34.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,550,882 CRIMINAL CONFLICT AND CIVIL REGIONAL COUNSELS Each Office of Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsel must submit to the Justice Administrative Commission (JAC) a quarterly report detailing the number of appointed and reappointed cases by case type, number of cases closed by case type, number of clients represented, and number of conflicts by case type and the basis for the conflict. The JAC shall compile the reports into a tab delineated spreadsheet format and submit the results to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice and the chair of the House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee within three weeks after the end of each quarter. PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - FIRST APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,336,286 1077 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 137.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,729,625 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,208,036 1078 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 267,996 1079 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,344,664 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 FROM INDIGENT CIVIL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 1080 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,113 1081 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,088,765 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,129 1082 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 57,228 1083 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,809 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,969 TOTAL: PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - FIRST FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 13,535,200 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,366,134 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 137.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,901,334 PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - SECOND APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,438,775 1084 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 127.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,245,736 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623,023 1085 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 416,500 1086 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,182,845 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274,725 1087 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 44,982 1088 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 374,657 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227,678 FROM INDIGENT CIVIL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 1089 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,816 1090 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,230 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,697 TOTAL: PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - SECOND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,316,766 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,202,123 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 127.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 13,518,889 PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - THIRD APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,138,924 1091 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 76.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,606,171 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663,214 1092 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 89,688 1093 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 516,696 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,742 FROM INDIGENT CIVIL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 1094 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,563 1095 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 670,291 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145,020 1096 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,100 1097 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,858 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,545 TOTAL: PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - THIRD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 7,908,367 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 900,521 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 76.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,808,888 PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - FOURTH APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,709,066 1098 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 127.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,122,011 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,008,116 1099 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 76,390 1100 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,927,301 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220,406 FROM INDIGENT CIVIL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,980 1101 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,480 1102 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 746,191 1103 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,682 1104 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,065 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,333 TOTAL: PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - FOURTH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 12,915,120 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,271,835 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 127.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,186,955 PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - FIFTH APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,697,903 1105 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 104.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,654,481 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513,597 1106 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 141,577 1106A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY OFFICE OF CRIMINAL CONFLICT AND CIVIL REGIONAL COUNSEL, FIFTH REGION - OCALA OFFICE BUILDING PURCHASE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 286,000 1107 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,800 1108 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,214,408 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,701 FROM INDIGENT CIVIL DEFENSE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1109 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,210 1110 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 746,667 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 1111 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,000 1112 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,951 TOTAL: PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - FIFTH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,090,294 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 701,098 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 104.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,791,392 PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - SIXTH APPROVED SALARY RATE 148,195 1112A SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 2.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 232,782 1112B SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,936 1112C SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 428 TOTAL: PROGRAM: REGIONAL CONFLICT COUNSEL - SIXTH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 243,146 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 243,146 TOTAL: JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 882,743,577 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 182,628,739 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 10,668.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,065,372,316 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 592,152,829 JUVENILE JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1113 through 1192, the Department of Juvenile Justice may work within its existing budget, including applicable grants, to implement any corrective action plan that is developed as a result of a Prison Rape Elimination Act audit conducted in accordance with Title 28, Part 115 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The department may request additional resources required through the Legislative Budget Request process as defined in chapter 216, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1113 through 1192, the Department of Juvenile Justice shall conduct a comprehensive statewide review of county-level data, including a gap analysis of services and programs available across all counties in the state, to evaluate the implementation of juvenile justice policies at the county level. As a result of such review, the department shall prepare a report that includes benchmarking of counties' performance on factors that demonstrate how a county is supporting the department's strategic goals of preventing and diverting more youth from entering the juvenile justice system; providing appropriate, less restrictive, community-based sanctions and services; reserving serious sanctions for youth who pose the greatest risk to public safety; and focusing on rehabilitation. The report shall also include recommendations and strategies that can be implemented by the department or counties to address any identified deficiencies and to assist in developing a statewide, coordinated response across all of Florida's communities to support the department's strategic goals. A copy of the report shall be submitted to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 1, 2023. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 1130, 1138, 1169, 1175, 1184, 1187, and 1189 are provided for the sole purpose of raising hourly wages of employees of secure and nonsecure residential program providers and employees of prevention and intervention program providers to at least $15.00 per hour. To receive funds, a provider must amend its contract with the department. The contract amendment must require the program provider to agree to pay each of its employees at least $15.00 per hour. The contract amendment shall include an attestation under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, stating that every provider's employees, as of October 1, 2022, will be paid at least $15.00 per hour. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the receipt of an amended contract from at least 80 percent of secure and nonsecure residential program providers and prevention and intervention program providers made in accordance with the provisions of this section of proviso. Beginning January 1, 2023, an employee of a state contracted secure and nonsecure residential program provider or a state contracted prevention and intervention program provider not receiving a wage of at least $15.00 per hour may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against his or her employer and, upon prevailing, shall recover the full amount of any back wages unlawfully withheld plus the same amount as liquidated damages, and shall be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In addition, they shall be entitled to such legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the violation including, without limitation, reinstatement in employment and/or injunctive relief. Such actions may be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. PROGRAM: JUVENILE DETENTION PROGRAM DETENTION CENTERS APPROVED SALARY RATE 56,825,139 1113 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,453.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,757,776 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,084,360 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 41,073,966 1114 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 593,404 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254,030 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,383,919 1115 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,723,129 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 748,073 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575,000 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,546,066 1116 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,035 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 144,220 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 49,941 1117 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 601,418 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 700,000 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,000,497 1117A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - STATE OWNED BUILDINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,002,538 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1117A, $1,582,200 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for maintenance and repair of the Hillsborough, Broward, and Palm Beach detention centers. 1118 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - GRANTS TO FISCALLY CONSTRAINED COUNTIES FOR DETENTION CENTER COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,883,853 1119 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,385,595 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 40,690 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,483,075 1120 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,639,307 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 9,576,801 1121 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,240,570 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 3,094,117 1122 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 137,364 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 134,195 1123 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 169,521 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,255 FROM SHARED COUNTY/STATE JUVENILE DETENTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 258,983 TOTAL: DETENTION CENTERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 62,150,510 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 66,157,188 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,453.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 128,307,698 PROGRAM: PROBATION AND COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM COMMUNITY SUPERVISION APPROVED SALARY RATE 35,175,462 1124 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 826.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,367,293 1125 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 614,008 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 1126 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,845,850 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 35,866 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,092,851 1127 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000 1128 SPECIAL CATEGORIES JUVENILE REDIRECTIONS PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,975,716 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1128 are provided for services to youth at risk of commitment who are eligible to be placed in evidence-based and other alternative programs for family therapy services. These services shall be provided as an alternative to commitment. The Department of Juvenile Justice and each participating court may jointly develop criteria to identify youth appropriate for diversion into the Redirections Program. 1129 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 852,545 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,490 1130 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 34,357,314 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 242,028 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200,000 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,995 1131 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 234,381 1132 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 241,998 TOTAL: COMMUNITY SUPERVISION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 90,494,105 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,695,546 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 826.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 94,189,651 COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS AND SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 20,275,699 1133 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 496.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,705,981 1134 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,089,357 1135 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,323,924 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,381,642 1136 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000 1137 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 625,680 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,856 1138 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,064,211 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,489 1139 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 865,699 1140 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 154,680 1141 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 149,693 TOTAL: COMMUNITY INTERVENTIONS AND SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 48,984,225 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,527,987 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 496.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 50,512,212 PROGRAM: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY/ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,830,417 1142 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 176.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,318,650 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313,415 1143 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 680,549 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 40,644 FROM JUVENILE JUSTICE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,019 1144 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,560,343 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140,119 FROM JUVENILE JUSTICE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 1145 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000 1146 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,159,285 1147 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,675 1148 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 542,571 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1149 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 338,849 FROM JUVENILE JUSTICE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,421,058 1150 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 212,365 1151 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 56,523 FROM JUVENILE JUSTICE TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,973 1152 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 53,947 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,216 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,930,757 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,332,444 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 176.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,263,201 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,070,504 1153 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 60.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,249,761 1154 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,801,607 1155 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000 1156 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 698,565 1157 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 181,278 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1157 are provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a detailed operational work plan and a monthly spend plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports to the Governor's Office of Policy & Budget, the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each status report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, and task order, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 1158 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,381 1159 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,315 1160 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,424 1161A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 469,839 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,471,170 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 60.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,471,170 PROGRAM: ACCOUNTABILITY AND PROGRAM SUPPORT CONTRACTING AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,641,319 1162 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 120.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,183,157 1163 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 69,125 1164 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 590,787 1165 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 36,313 1166 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,320 1167 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,573 TOTAL: CONTRACTING AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,935,275 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 120.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,935,275 PROGRAM: RESIDENTIAL CORRECTIONS PROGRAM From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1168 through 1178, the Department of Juvenile Justice shall provide a monthly residential resource utilization report that identifies operating capacity, current placements, vacant placements, number of youth awaiting placement, and the percent of use for all residential commitment beds. The department may increase or decrease beds or overlay services provided the change will better serve taxpayers and the youth under its care. Notification and justification of changes will be provided to the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and chair of the House Appropriations Committee prior to implementing any change. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1168 through 1178, the department must also provide a report of serious incidents to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives on a quarterly basis. The report must include, at a minimum: the number of incidents and allegations of staff abuse or abuse by another child, including whether or not an allegation was substantiated; descriptions of incidents or allegations of such abuse that resulted in physical injury or significant psychological trauma, or that involved deprivation of food, water, or medical care; and the failure of a provider to report incidents or allegations within required timeframes established by the department. The department must also immediately report the death or serious bodily injury of a youth in a secure or non-secure residential program to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, and may make any additional reports that it determines to be appropriate based upon the seriousness of an incident or allegation. NON-SECURE RESIDENTIAL COMMITMENT 1168 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 91,639 1168A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - STATE OWNED BUILDINGS FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000,000 1169 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 102,415,429 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,631,505 1170 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 28,748 TOTAL: NON-SECURE RESIDENTIAL COMMITMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 102,535,816 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,631,505 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 114,167,321 SECURE RESIDENTIAL COMMITMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,845,365 1171 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 90.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,735,003 1172 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,556 1173 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,082,395 1174 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 636,191 1175 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,191,978 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000,000 1176 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 69,798 1177 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,020 1178 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 49,091 TOTAL: SECURE RESIDENTIAL COMMITMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 34,834,032 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 38,000,000 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 72,834,032 PROGRAM: PREVENTION AND VICTIM SERVICES DELINQUENCY PREVENTION AND DIVERSION APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,019,773 1179 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 20.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 808,245 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 220,402 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543,255 1180 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 304,007 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 292,017 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156,553 1181 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 199,035 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 127,134 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289,430 1182 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - INVEST IN CHILDREN FROM JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION TRUST FUND . . . 1,262,903 1183 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,200 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,200 1184 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PACE CENTERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,656,014 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,305,995 1185 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVES TO REDUCE AND PREVENT JUVENILE CRIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,160,364 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1185, $2,286,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following recurring base appropriations projects: AMIkids Gender Specific Prevention Programs - Clay County. 750,000 AMIkids Gender Specific Prevention Programs - Hillsborough County..................................... 750,000 AMIkids Gender Specific Prevention Programs............... 750,000 Pasco Association for Challenged Kids Summer Camp......... 36,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1185, $4,955,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following programs: AMIkids Family Centric Services (Senate Form 1399)........ 1,000,000 Clay County Youth Alternative to Secured Detention (S.W.E.A.T. Program) (Senate Form 1566)................. 250,000 Family Trauma Training for Youth in Both Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare (Senate Form 2558).................... 250,000 Florida Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs Positive Youth Development Program (Senate Form 1013).................. 1,000,000 Girl Matters: Continuity of Care (Senate Form 1439)....... 225,000 Hope Street Diversion Program (Senate Form 2706).......... 400,000 Nassau County Youth Alternative to Secured Detention (S.W.E.A.T. Program) (Senate Form 1523)................. 110,000 New Horizons After School/Weekend Rehabilitative Program (Senate Form 1926)...................................... 300,000 Tallahassee TEMPO Workforce Training and Education for Opportunity Youth (Senate Form 2186).................... 250,000 The Lab. YMCA Leadership Academy (Senate Form 1120)....... 170,000 The Willie Mae Stokes Community Center (Senate Form 2405). 250,000 Wayman Community Development At-Risk Program (Senate Form 1240)................................................... 150,000 Youth and Police Initiative (YPI) - Train-the-Trainer Project (Senate Form 2579).............................. 500,000 Youth Crime Prevention Program (Senate Form 1421)......... 100,000 1186 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,631 1187 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,068,475 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,861,836 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,947,682 1188 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,802 1189 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CHILDREN/FAMILIES IN NEED OF SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,888,358 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,018,791 FROM SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 386,497 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1189, the Department of Juvenile Justice shall not expend more than $150,000 in recurring general revenue funds for physically secure placements for youths being served by the Children-In-Need of Services/Families-In-Need of Services (CINS/FINS) program. Additionally, the CINS/FINS provider shall demonstrate that it has considered local, non-traditional, non-residential delinquency prevention service providers including, but not limited to, grassroots organizations, community, and faith-based organizations, to subcontract and deliver non-residential CINS/FINS services to eligible youth as defined in chapter 984 and section 1003.27, Florida Statutes, to include areas with high ratios of juvenile arrests per youth 10 to 17 years of age. Such services may be offered throughout the judicial circuit served by the CINS/FINS provider. 1190 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,500 1191 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRODIGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 656,509 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843,491 1192 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,776 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,613 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,822 1192A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1192A, $7,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following fixed capital outlay projects: Pace Center for Girls, Citrus Building (Senate Form 2164). 3,500,000 Pace Center for Girls, Pasco Building (Senate Form 2165).. 3,500,000 TOTAL: DELINQUENCY PREVENTION AND DIVERSION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 70,782,216 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 26,272,321 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 97,054,537 TOTAL: JUVENILE JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 445,118,106 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 149,616,991 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3,242.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 594,735,097 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 138,683,678 LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,448,705 1193 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 135.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,156,620 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 827,536 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,689,458 1194 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,809 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 203,116 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 77,488 1195 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 796,850 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 173,285 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 400,000 1196 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 150,000 1197 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - NATIONAL CRIMINAL HISTORY IMPROVEMENT (NCHIP-NARIP) - STATE GOVERNMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,910,162 1198 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - NATIONAL CRIMINAL HISTORY IMPROVEMENT (NCHIP-NARIP) - LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,529,434 1199 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,500,000 1200 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM - LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,835,535 1201 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,616 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,242 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 250 1202 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,650 1203 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,351 1204 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 67,480 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 50,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 218,573 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 152,372 1205 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DOMESTIC SECURITY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 500 1206 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,310 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 11,194 1207 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,431,500 1208 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 98,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,000 1209 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM - STATE GOVERNMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,500,000 1210 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AID - RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAM - LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,247,724 1211 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AID - RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PROGRAM - STATE AGENCY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,100,000 1212 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,933 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,930 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 17,424 1212A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LIBERTY COUNTY JAIL IMPROVEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1212A are provided for Liberty County Jail Improvements (Senate Form 1817). TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 26,212,268 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 36,141,074 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 135.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 62,353,342 PROGRAM: FLORIDA CAPITOL POLICE PROGRAM CAPITOL POLICE SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,333,720 1219 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 88.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,864 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,786,756 1220 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 29,432 1221 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 532,837 1222 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,369 1223 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 60,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 100,500 1224 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 61,984 1225 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CAPITOL COMPLEX SECURITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,360 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 42,100 1226 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 218,571 1227 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 68,064 1228 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,000 1229 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 23,376 TOTAL: CAPITOL POLICE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 70,524 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,882,989 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 88.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,953,513 PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIONS AND FORENSIC SCIENCE PROGRAM CRIME LAB SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 25,984,187 1230 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 442.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 31,675,213 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 12,383 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,564,761 1231 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 61,348 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 172,147 1232 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,119,860 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,800,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,034,527 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1232, the Department of Law Enforcement is authorized to distribute rape kits to local law enforcement agencies and rape crisis centers statewide at no cost. In addition, the department is authorized to use additional federal funds and any other available funds contained in Specific Appropriation 1232 for the purpose of processing rape kits. 1233 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 741,091 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,379,702 1234 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 643,183 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,223,100 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 332,000 1235 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 168,960 1236 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,708,433 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,773,712 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 500,000 1237 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 294,300 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 404,976 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 150,000 1238 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,244 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 60,996 1239 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,000 1240 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 126,190 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,013 TOTAL: CRIME LAB SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 43,847,487 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 19,159,652 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 442.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 63,007,139 INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1241 through 1253, the Department of Law Enforcement shall investigate all use of force incidents that result in the death of an inmate who is in the custody of the Department of Corrections. This requirement applies to uses of force by a law enforcement officer or a correctional officer as those terms are defined in section 943.10, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1241 through 1253, within existing and any new resources, the Department of Law Enforcement shall, with the agreement of the head of the local law enforcement agency, investigate all use of force incidents that occur within the state and that result in death or serious bodily injury. This requirement applies to uses of force by a law enforcement officer or a correctional officer as those terms are defined in section 943.10, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1241 through 1253, $1,466,044 in funds from the General Revenue Fund and 10.0 FTE positions are provided for election crime investigations. Funding is contingent upon the passage of SB 524, or similar legislation, during the 2022 Regular Session and such legislation becoming a law. APPROVED SALARY RATE 46,386,023 1241 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 724.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 53,272,791 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 168,022 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,831,315 1242 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 366,164 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 324,508 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 111,108 1243 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,537,680 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 635,647 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 500,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,017,668 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1243 from the Forfeiture and Investigative Support Trust Fund, up to $25,000 per case, but not exceeding $150,000 in total for all cases, may be expended for rewards leading to the capture of fugitives, if such funds are available. 1244 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 117,494 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 228,309 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 200,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,690,000 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 1245 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 537,091 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 600,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 990,000 1246 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 953,819 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 320,151 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 25,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,870,396 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1247 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DOMESTIC SECURITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 850,267 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,522,672 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 500,000 1248 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SPECIAL PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,282,698 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 240,000 FROM FORFEITURE AND INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 300,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1248, $5,034,911 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following projects: Broward County Sheriff's Office Digital Forensic Unit Expansion (Senate Form 2133)............................ 250,000 Chattahoochee Police Station Communications Upgrades (Senate Form 1778)...................................... 85,000 City of Belle Isle Emergency Operations Center (Senate Form 1344).............................................. 250,000 City of Starke Police Department Roof and Electrical Hardening (Senate Form 2033)............................ 207,500 Clay County Jail Expansion (Senate Form 1567)............. 1,000,000 Community, Cops, Courts and State Attorney Violent Crime Prevention (Senate Form 1687)........................... 492,411 Homestead Law Enforcement Technology Upgrades: Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Account (Senate Form 1443)................................................... 250,000 K9s United (Senate Form 1011)............................. 200,000 Mobile Command Center (Senate Form 2251).................. 250,000 North Miami Beach Police Department Solving Cold Cases Using New Technology (Senate Form 1923)................. 100,000 Pasco Sheriff's Office Community Outreach and Engagement Initiative (Senate Form 1003)........................... 150,000 Rapid DNA Local Government Grant (Senate Form 2293)....... 250,000 Regional Crime Prevention Strategy (Senate Form 1414)..... 350,000 Sunrise Regional Community Policing / Crime Prevention Program (Senate Form 1645).............................. 250,000 Tampa Bay Regional Bomb Squad Response Vehicle (Senate Form 1431).............................................. 200,000 Taylor County Sheriff's Office Jail (Senate Form 1794).... 250,000 Union County Public Safety Complex (Senate Form 2034)..... 250,000 Wandering Rescue and Prevention (Senate Form 1038)........ 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1248, $15,047,787 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for salary increases for local law enforcement officers employed in fiscally constrained counties, as defined in section 218.67(1), Florida Statutes, as follows: Baker County Sheriff's Office............................. 223,000 Bradford County Sheriff's Office.......................... 535,000 Calhoun County Sheriff's Office........................... 330,773 Columbia County Sheriff's Office.......................... 1,047,014 Desoto County Sheriff's Office............................ 397,000 Dixie County Sheriff's Office............................. 525,000 Franklin County Sheriff's Office.......................... 410,000 Gadsden County Sheriff's Office........................... 500,000 Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office......................... 370,000 Glades County Sheriff's Office............................ 293,000 Gulf County Sheriff's Office.............................. 188,000 Hamilton County Sheriff's Office.......................... 206,500 Hardee County Sheriff's Office............................ 275,000 Hendry County Sheriff's Office............................ 598,000 Highlands County Sheriff's Office......................... 945,000 Holmes County Sheriff's Office............................ 635,000 Jackson County Sheriff's Office........................... 990,000 Jefferson County Sheriff's Office......................... 261,000 Lafayette County Sheriff's Office......................... 296,000 Levy County Sheriff's Office.............................. 825,000 Liberty County Sheriff's Office........................... 476,000 Madison County Sheriff's Office........................... 487,000 Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office........................ 822,500 Putnam County Sheriff's Office............................ 1,125,000 Suwannee County Sheriff's Office.......................... 604,000 Taylor County Sheriff's Office............................ 289,000 Union County Sheriff's Office............................. 295,800 Wakulla County Sheriff's Office........................... 653,200 Washington County Sheriff's Office........................ 445,000 By October 1, 2022, the sheriff's offices shall report to the Florida Sheriff's Association how funds were distributed to officers. 1249 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 314,125 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,250 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1250 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 557,408 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 97,841 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 412,297 1251 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 544,901 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 80,592 1252 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 72,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,400 1253 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 209,780 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 27,773 1253A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,015,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1253A are provided for the following nonrecurring fixed capital outlay projects: Bay County, FL, Jail Facility 100 Bed Expansion for DCF Sanctioned Substance Abuse Program (Senate Form 2226)... 1,000,000 Center for the Recovery of Endangered and Missing Persons (Senate Form 2057)...................................... 3,200,000 City of Punta Gorda - Training Structure (Senate Form 2118)................................................... 175,000 City of South Miami New Police Station (Senate Form 1254). 500,000 Hardee County Sheriff's Administration Facility Expansion (Senate Form 2498)...................................... 500,000 Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Regional K9 Training and Boarding Facility (Senate Form 2313)................ 1,000,000 Kissimmee - Public Safety Training Support Annex (Senate Form 1356).............................................. 250,000 Martin County Police Athletic League (Senate Form 1679)... 250,000 Northeast Florida Regional Public Safety Training Facility - Phase 2 (Senate Form 1847)................... 1,000,000 Polk County Medical Examiner's Emergency Generator Replacement (Senate Form 2503).......................... 140,000 TOTAL: INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 95,317,093 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 27,718,574 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 724.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 123,035,667 MUTUAL AID AND PREVENTION SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,260,648 1254 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 17.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,215,650 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 611,495 1255 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 77,251 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 50,000 1256 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,441 1257 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,561 1258 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,693 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 111 TOTAL: MUTUAL AID AND PREVENTION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,310,596 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 661,606 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,972,202 PROGRAM: CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION PROGRAM From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1259 through 1277, the Department of Law Enforcement, as defined in the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy, serves as the lead CJIS Systems Agency for the state of Florida and shall enable Florida law enforcement entities to choose from multiple service providers that offer cloud services, as defined in section 282.0041, Florida Statutes, that enable these entities to comply with the CJIS Security Policy. INFORMATION NETWORK SERVICES TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,834,671 1259 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 118.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 342,424 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 73,370 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 9,228,808 1260 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 181,720 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 154,630 1261 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,890 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 50,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,196,379 1262 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,691,018 1263 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 599 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 300,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,294,157 1264 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,608 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 23,084 1265 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,000 1266 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,040 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 31,980 TOTAL: INFORMATION NETWORK SERVICES TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 387,953 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 29,536,754 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 118.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 29,924,707 PREVENTION AND CRIME INFORMATION SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,815,422 1267 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 318.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,769,144 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 217,446 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 17,900,314 1268 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 52 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 654,061 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 186,748 1269 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 798,702 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 628,962 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,043,342 1270 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 489,099 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 20,000 1271 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 93,168 1272 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA INCIDENT BASED REPORTING SYSTEM (FIBRS) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,149,320 1273 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,584,958 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,660,863 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,029,616 1274 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,803 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 74,134 1275 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,160 1276 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,600 1277 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,467 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 84,633 TOTAL: PREVENTION AND CRIME INFORMATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 7,311,643 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,110,949 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 318.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 35,422,592 PROGRAM: CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSIONALISM LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS COMPLIANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,754,275 1278 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 50.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,500,000 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,413,578 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,807 1279 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 178,978 1280 EXPENSES FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 350,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 64,300 1281 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 47,000 1282 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 100,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 35,000 1283 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 17,693 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 16,575 1285 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SPECIAL EDUCATION AND TECHNICAL TRAINING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,439,200 1286 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,500 1287 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 15,468 TOTAL: LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS COMPLIANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,939,200 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,255,899 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,195,099 LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,040,882 1288 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 54.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,500,000 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,617,022 1289 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 127,841 1290 EXPENSES FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,200,000 1291 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 45,000 1292 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 725,000 1293 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 64,671 FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 33,232 1294 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 9,360 1295 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,000 1296 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE STANDARDS AND TRAINING TRUST FUND . . . . . . 16,148 TOTAL: LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,500,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,844,274 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 54.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,344,274 TOTAL: LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 185,896,764 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 155,311,771 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,946.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 341,208,535 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 111,858,533 LEGAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, AND ATTORNEY GENERAL PROGRAM: OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL VICTIM SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,553,515 1297 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 129.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 166,412 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,121,113 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 270,135 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,080,404 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389,989 1298 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,738 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,603 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 70,678 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,025 1299 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 174,081 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982,792 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 40,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 50,000 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228,373 1300 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123,407 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 2,380 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,286 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,695 1301 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AWARDS TO CLAIMANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,600,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1301, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to make awards to claimants if trust fund revenues are not available for that purpose. These funds shall be held in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments to request release of funds held in reserve pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 1302 SPECIAL CATEGORIES VICTIM SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 700,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1302, $200,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Quigley House to provide services to victims of sexual and domestic violence (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1302, $500,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (recurring base appropriations project). At least 95 percent of the funds provided shall be distributed to certified rape crisis centers to provide services statewide for victims of sexual assault. 1303 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CHILD ADVOCACY CENTERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,193,240 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1303, $3,500,000 in recurring general revenue funds and $500,000 in nonrecurring general revenue funds shall be allocated to the Children's Advocacy Centers throughout Florida for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in providing child advocacy center services (recurring base appropriations project) (Senate Form 2752). An advance payment equal to one-fourth of the allocation will be provided, upon request, and the Florida Network of Children's Advocacy Centers will invoice against the advance in the final quarter of the fiscal year. The funds shall be distributed to the Florida Network of Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc., whose Board of Directors shall develop funding criteria and an allocation methodology that ensures an equitable distribution of those funds among network participant centers that meet the standards set forth in section 39.3035, Florida Statutes. The criteria and methodologies shall take into account factors that include, but need not be limited to, the Center's accreditation status with respect to the National Children's Alliance, the child population of the area being served by the children's advocacy center and the number of children provided a core service by the Children's Advocacy Center. By a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Florida Network of Children's Advocacy Centers funds may be reallocated throughout the year as needed. This funding may not be used to supplant local government reductions in Children's Advocacy Center funding. Child Advocacy Centers must certify each fiscal year that funds from this appropriation are not supplanting local governmental funds. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1303, the Florida Network of Children's Advocacy Centers may spend up to $213,240 for administration and up to $80,000 for contract monitoring and oversight (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1303, $300,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund shall be used for forensic interviews, specialized interviews, and medical assessments shared with child protection teams operating in Children's Advocacy Centers. These funds may not be used for administrative support and may not be used to supplant funding for the child protection program operated by the Department of Health (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1303, $100,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for additional child advocacy services in Walton County and shall be added to the allocation of funds from this appropriation for the Walton County Children's Advocacy Center (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1303, the Department of Legal Affairs must provide to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by July 15, 2022, the contract between the department and the Florida Network of Children's Advocacy Centers, the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budgets submitted by the local child advocacy centers, and the approved allocation of funds to the local children's advocacy centers. The Department of Legal Affairs must provide monthly reports that detail the requests for monthly payments submitted by local children's advocacy centers and the status of those requests for reimbursement. 1304 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,176,000 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,243 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208,408 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1304, $1,660,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Monique Burr Foundation (MBF) Child Safety Matters Prevention Education program (recurring base appropriations project). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1304, $800,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Florida Sheriffs Association (recurring base appropriations project). These funds shall be used to enhance Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for law enforcement and correctional officers in local sheriff's offices and police departments. The training must include evidence-based approaches designed to improve the outcomes of law enforcement interactions with persons who have mental health issues. Agencies who have conducted minimal or no CIT training must be given priority for training. Local law enforcement agencies may use the funds to pay necessary expenditures resulting from a demonstrated financial hardship that currently prevents officers from receiving CIT training. Funds can also be provided to local community mental health providers to provide additional CIT training in partnership with local law enforcement agencies. A maximum of $75,000 of these funds may be used by the Florida Sheriffs Association to hire a contract coordinator. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1304, $700,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Bridging Freedom Program in Pasco County to provide individualized, holistic, therapeutic safe homes for children traumatized by child sex trafficking (recurring base appropriations project). 1304A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SPECIAL PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,540,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1304A, $3,040,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following programs: Big Brothers Big Sisters Bigs In Blue Mentoring Project (Senate Form 1163)...................................... 500,000 Cuban American Bar Association Pro Bono Project, Inc. (Senate Form 1010)...................................... 250,000 Haitian Lawyers Association, Inc. Pro Bono Project (Senate Form 1331)...................................... 250,000 Legal Services Clinic of the Puerto Rican Bar Association, Inc. (Senate Form 1059).................... 250,000 Nancy J. Cotterman Crisis Intervention Programs (Senate Form 1643).............................................. 225,000 NISSI Short-Term Immediate Care Facility and Response Team for Victims of Human Trafficking (Senate Form 2200) 215,000 Program & Services for Victims of Sex Trafficking (Senate Form 2006).............................................. 500,000 Transitional Housing for Survivors of Human Trafficking (Senate Form 2416)...................................... 350,000 Virgil Hawkins Florida Chapter of the National Bar Association Fellowship (Senate Form 1914)............... 250,000 Voices for Florida Open Doors Outreach Network (Senate Form 1718).............................................. 250,000 1305 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MINORITY COMMUNITIES CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAMS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,079,247 Recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund in Specific Appropriation 1305 are provided to the following recurring base appropriations projects: Community Coalition, Inc.................................. 950,000 Adult Mankind Organization, Inc........................... 950,000 The Urban League of Broward County, Inc................... 3,179,247 1306 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CRIME STOPPERS FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 4,400,000 1307 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - JUSTICE COALITION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 150,000 1308 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,364 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 1,546 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,062 1309 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - VICTIM ASSISTANCE SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 144,025,280 1310 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 557 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,200 FROM CRIME STOPPERS TRUST FUND . . . 491 FROM FLORIDA CRIME PREVENTION TRAINING INSTITUTE REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,542 TOTAL: VICTIM SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 18,202,275 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 184,916,016 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 129.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 203,118,291 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,380,327 1311 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 157.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,175,318 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,063,065 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,331 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,712 1312 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 82,072 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 168,368 1313 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 991,277 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 904,529 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 30,000 1314 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 84,961 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 472,801 1315 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ATTORNEY GENERAL'S LAW LIBRARY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 565,476 FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 1316 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 109,173 1317 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THE YEAR PROGRAM AND VICTIM SERVICES RECOGNITION AWARDS PROGRAM FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 20,000 1318 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 119,807 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 53,268 FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,200 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,000 1319 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,080 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 30,032 1320 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 292 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,696 1321 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,882 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 14,755 1322 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,566,453 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,637,794 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,770,791 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,490,351 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 157.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,261,142 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LITIGATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 49,464,475 1323 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 851.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,300,984 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,466 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 13,087,468 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 17,739,883 FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,731,411 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,856,632 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,239,241 1324 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 162,705 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 130,100 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,556 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 1,098,829 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,432 1325 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,690,340 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,820,822 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 2,103,217 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431,445 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 132,830 1326 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 313,745 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 303,530 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 667,391 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,114 1327 LUMP SUM ATTORNEY GENERAL RESERVE POSITIONS FOR AGENCY CONTRACTS POSITIONS 50.00 The positions in Specific Appropriation 1327 shall be released as necessary to allow the Office of the Attorney General to contract with state agencies to provide legal representation. 1328 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 53,927 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 299,250 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 68,823 1329 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDICAID FRAUD INFORMANT REWARDS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 1330 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ANTITRUST INVESTIGATIONS FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,577,506 1331 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 282,884 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,769,731 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 1,743,399 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154,281 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 275,000 1332 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSUMER PROTECTION LITIGATION FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,268,965 1333 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LITIGATION EXPENSES FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 262,500 1334 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 216,498 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 262,488 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 174,661 FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,684 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,802 1335 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 62,376 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 97,661 1336 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,053 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 351 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 1,068 1337 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 106,516 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 53,619 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 61,481 FROM LEGAL AFFAIRS REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,992 FROM MOTOR VEHICLE WARRANTY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,703 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 325 1338 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,483 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 35,000 FROM LEGAL SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . 223,053 1339 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 503 TOTAL: CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LITIGATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 34,204,014 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 72,458,710 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 901.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 106,662,724 PROGRAM: OFFICE OF STATEWIDE PROSECUTION PROSECUTION OF MULTI-CIRCUIT ORGANIZED CRIME APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,444,132 1340 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 89.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,854,653 FROM CRIMES COMPENSATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,452 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 297,913 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 309,515 1341 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE PROSECUTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,437,755 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 39,602 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 784,444 1342 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,283 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 844 1343 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 936 1344 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,508 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,937 TOTAL: PROSECUTION OF MULTI-CIRCUIT ORGANIZED CRIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,342,135 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,435,707 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 89.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,777,842 PROGRAM: FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION CAMPAIGN FINANCE AND ELECTION FRAUD ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 977,970 1345 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 17.00 FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,376,926 1346 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,324 1347 EXPENSES FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,455 1348 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 1349 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,675 1350 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,533 1351 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,930 1352 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ELECTIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,971 TOTAL: CAMPAIGN FINANCE AND ELECTION FRAUD ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 250,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,826,814 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,076,814 FLORIDA GAMING CONTROL COMMISSION PROGRAM: GAMING ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,059,974 1353 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 56.00 FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,677,533 1354 EXPENSES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,710,473 1355 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357,492 1356 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE OFFICE OF THE STATE ATTORNEY - SLOT INVESTIGATIONS AND PROSECUTIONS FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268,947 1357 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,016,317 1358 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,083 1359 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680,243 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1359 are provided to the Florida Gaming Control Commission to pay for information technology services provided by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The funds shall be held in reserve. Upon execution of a Memorandum of Understanding between the commission and the department, the commission is authorized to submit budget amendments for release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 1359A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,738,088 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 56.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,738,088 GAMING ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,251,095 1360 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 20.00 FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,930,246 1361 EXPENSES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476,555 1362 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,539 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1362 are provided to the Florida Gaming Control Commission to purchase radios and accessories that operate on the Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System. All radios purchased must be able to operate dual mode on both P25 Phase 2 and EDACS EA land mobile radio support system. The commission shall coordinate the purchase of law enforcement radios and accessories with the Department of Management Services. 1363 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360,000 1364 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,000 1365 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PATROL VEHICLES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 1366 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,600 1367 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,101 TOTAL: GAMING ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,072,041 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,072,041 PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,824,529 1368 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 59.00 FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,240,360 1369 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,453,917 1370 EXPENSES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653,747 1371 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,032 1372 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,002 1373 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,317 1374 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,000 1375 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,905 1376 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,063 1377 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RACING ANIMAL MEDICAL RESEARCH FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1377 shall be utilized pursuant to section 550.2415, Florida Statutes. 1378 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PARI-MUTUEL LABORATORY CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,916,000 1379 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,550 1380 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT FOR PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING COMPLIANCE AND AUDIT SYSTEM FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296,476 TOTAL: PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,963,369 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 59.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,963,369 SLOT MACHINE REGULATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,291,749 1381 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 50.00 FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,419,211 1382 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,432 1383 EXPENSES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,248 1384 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,863 1385 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 1386 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMPULSIVE AND ADDICTIVE GAMBLING PREVENTION CONTRACT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,250,000 1387 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 1388 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,743 1389 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,563 1390 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,848 1391 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,836 TOTAL: SLOT MACHINE REGULATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,101,744 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,101,744 TOTAL: LEGAL AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, AND ATTORNEY GENERAL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 73,769,215 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 295,002,840 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,478.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 368,772,055 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 81,247,766 TOTAL OF SECTION 4 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 6,188,472,620 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 846,616,156 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 40,325.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,035,088,776 SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and Department of Transportation as the amounts to be used to pay the salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay of the named agencies. AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF, AND COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE PROGRAM: OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER AND ADMINISTRATION AGRICULTURAL LAW ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 15,630,134 1392 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 302.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,491,101 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,423,392 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,961,665 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,099,037 1393 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 92,904 1394 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,640,918 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209,425 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 258,371 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 50,820 1395 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DOMESTIC MARIJUANA ERADICATION PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 500,000 1396 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 125,747 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,687 1397 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 875,486 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,300 1397A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 875,486 1398 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 231,408 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,500 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 25,000 1399 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 553,638 1400 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 106,242 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 23,916 1401 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 67,977 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,883 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 5,108 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 486 TOTAL: AGRICULTURAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 22,185,421 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,494,076 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 302.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,679,497 AGRICULTURAL WATER POLICY COORDINATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,330,940 1402 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 59.00 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 113,764 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 4,876,089 1403 EXPENSES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 531,003 1404 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY OKEECHOBEE RESTORATION AGRICULTURAL PROJECTS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 5,000,000 1406 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NITRATE RESEARCH AND REMEDIATION FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 615,872 1407 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 7,956 1408 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AGRICULTURAL NONPOINT SOURCES BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IMPLEMENTATION FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 885,852 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 34,103,960 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1408, $1,500,000 in recurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided for water supply planning and conservation. 1409 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 15,758 TOTAL: AGRICULTURAL WATER POLICY COORDINATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 46,150,254 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 59.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 46,150,254 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,113,635 1410 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 193.25 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,780,227 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,060,610 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,239 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 997,661 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,425,717 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1410, seven positions with associated salary rate and $757,039 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for procurement, facility management, and contract management. These funds and positions shall be placed in reserve. After January 1, 2023, the department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of positions and funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 1411 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 106,368 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 49,247 1412 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 76,034 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,452,191 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 157,532 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 51,881 1413 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,000 1413A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,724,514 1414 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 66,884 1415 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 505,000 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 618,000 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 900,574 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1415, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Florida Green Jobs Youth Initiative (Senate Form 1837). 1416 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,135 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 89,057 1417 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,500 1418 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 84,000 1419 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,928 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 17,246 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 608 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,277 1419A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA STATE FAIR AUTHORITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,000,000 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 13,264,706 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,978,724 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 193.25 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 26,243,430 DIVISION OF LICENSING APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,868,270 1420 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 327.00 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,308,800 1421 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,724,390 1422 EXPENSES FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,553,331 1423 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349,130 1424 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,330,177 1425 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,802 1426 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,705 TOTAL: DIVISION OF LICENSING FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,429,335 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 327.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,429,335 OFFICE OF ENERGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 633,481 1427 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 14.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 519,348 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 686,218 1428 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 137,207 1429 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,212 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 380,000 1430 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,500 1431 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 52,687 1432 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - BIO-FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERSHIP (BIP) - UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,674,216 1433 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,107 1434 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,511 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,261 1435 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY SPECIAL PROJECTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,500,000 TOTAL: OFFICE OF ENERGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 568,071 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,436,196 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,004,267 PROGRAM: FOREST AND RESOURCE PROTECTION FLORIDA FOREST SERVICE APPROVED SALARY RATE 49,121,016 1436 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,190.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,090,816 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,209,670 FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,097,264 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 67,297,538 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1436, ten positions with associated salary rate and $856,120 in recurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund are provided to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for land acquisition activities. These funds and positions shall be placed in reserve. After January 1, 2023, the department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release of positions and funds is contingent upon funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1443A relating to land acquisition. 1437 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 555,390 FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 518,541 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 995,417 1438 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 942,803 FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,974,124 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 8,216,434 1439 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 565,930 1440 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSISTANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 275,763 1441 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - RURAL COMMUNITY FIRE PROTECTION FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 72,589 1442 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS STATE FOREST RECEIPT DISTRIBUTION FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 595,000 1443 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 617,775 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 232,299 1443A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CONSERVATION AND RURAL LAND PROTECTION EASEMENTS AND AGREEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1443A are provided to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program. These funds shall be placed in reserve. After January 1, 2023, the department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a plan identifying how the department will manage land acquired through fee simple purchases. Funds in Specific Appropriation 1443A are contingent upon passage of SPB 2508 or similar legislation becoming a law. 1444 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ROADS, BRIDGES, AND STREAM CROSSING MAINTENANCE - DIVISION OF FORESTRY FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 4,894,964 1445 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND CONSTRUCTION - STATEWIDE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,233,000 1445A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY REPLACE FORESTRY STATIONS - STATEWIDE FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 680,000 1446 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FORESTRY WILDFIRE PROTECTION/SUPPRESSION EQUIPMENT FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 156,868 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 17,001,941 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1446, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall replace the most critical wildfire suppression equipment first. Any operator controlled equipment replaced must be equipped with operator protection systems, including enclosed cabs. 1447 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE RECREATION PROGRAM FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 501,341 1448 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAND MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 6,902,162 1449 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,318,687 FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 477,107 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 802,137 1450 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ON-CALL FEES FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 333,296 FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,000 1451 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 135,172 1452 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 578,693 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,781,364 1452A SPECIAL CATEGORIES AIRCRAFT PURCHASE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 26,545,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1452A, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is authorized to replace four helicopters and one fixed wing aircraft for wildfire suppression activities. 1452B SPECIAL CATEGORIES AERIAL PROTECTION PROGRAM FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 15,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1452B, the department shall create an aerial protection program utilizing drones for wildfire surveillance and suppression to increase efficiencies in a safe working environment. The drones must be securely housed in a safe location. Funds may be used to construct infrastructure, a lockbox, or any other shelter required for the drones. These funds shall be placed in reserve. After January 1, 2023, the department my submit budget amendments requesting release of the funds, pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a detailed plan that identifies how the program will assist in the department's mission for forestry management. The plan must include all aspects of the aerial protection program including a certified training curriculum, piloting, maintenance, and infrastructure relating to use of the drones. 1453 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 907 FROM INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . 30,449 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 305,206 TOTAL: FLORIDA FOREST SERVICE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 300,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 177,945,647 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,190.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 477,945,647 PROGRAM: AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CENTER OFFICE OF AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,085,040 1454 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 54.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 810,080 FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,189 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,993,948 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,601,497 1455 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 51,087 1456 EXPENSES FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263,632 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 3,824,383 1457 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 179,000 1458 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 26,654 1459 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,693,585 1460 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 424,234 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1460, $424,234 is provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 1461 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 8,270 1462 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 8,706 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 5,711 1463 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REGULATORY LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FROM DIVISION OF LICENSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,208,703 TOTAL: OFFICE OF AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,234,314 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,930,664 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 54.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,164,978 PROGRAM: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY FOOD SAFETY INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,786,243 1464 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 305.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,309,370 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,767,602 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 15,180,918 1465 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 54,316 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 134,476 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 228,522 1466 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 487,347 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 732,195 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,988,155 1467 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,500 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 250,747 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 37,333 1468 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 45,928 1469 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 354,960 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 470,707 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 365,000 1470 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 62,493 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 123,198 1471 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,511 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 67,182 TOTAL: FOOD SAFETY INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,300,497 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 21,391,963 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 305.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 24,692,460 PROGRAM: CONSUMER PROTECTION AGRICULTURAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,516,171 1472 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 186.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 832,600 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 489,490 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 8,018,250 FROM PEST CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . 3,608,230 1473 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 174,733 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 240,076 FROM PEST CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . 12,958 1474 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 538,295 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,052,704 FROM PEST CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . 394,514 1475 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 100,000 1476 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 177,181 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 2,660,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1476, $387,389 from the General Inspection Trust Fund shall be used to support personnel at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory to perform applied research to develop and test formulations, application techniques, and procedures of pesticides and biological control agents for the control of arthropods, and in particular, biting arthropods of public health or nuisance importance. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1476, $500,000 from the General Inspection Trust Fund shall be used for competitive grants as approved by the department for applied and basic research into the practical methods of control to be used by local mosquito control agencies, including research into the prevention of mosquito-borne illnesses. The research may be conducted by any public university or college in Florida. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1476, $177,181 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Town of Dundee Mosquito Control Program (Senate Form 1520). 1477 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 104,013 1478 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 90,000 1479 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 102,958 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 496,278 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 235,124 FROM PEST CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . 206,425 1480 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 44,794 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 28,585 1480A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES - FERTILIZER RATE STUDY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,763,753 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1480A, $8,763,753 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) to conduct a study designed to examine the appropriate rate for applying fertilizer on tomatoes, potatoes, citrus, corn, and any other crop identified by (UF/IFAS) as needing further research for normal and economical crop production. The study shall include recommendations on best management practices for supplying fertilizer to the crop to achieve maximum yield and quality goals of the grower while doing so in a manner that minimizes nutrient inefficiencies to the environment. Status reports must be submitted biannually to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. The reports must include progress made to date, planned and actual completion dates, and planned and actual costs incurred (Senate Form 2750). 1481 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,280 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 27,221 FROM PEST CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . 13,221 TOTAL: AGRICULTURAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 9,936,566 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,490,117 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 186.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,426,683 CONSUMER PROTECTION APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,215,390 1482 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 284.00 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 16,817,763 1483 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 217,733 1484 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 2,685,257 1485 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 223,437 1486 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 431,202 1487 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 831,533 1488 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 853,511 1489 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 80,174 TOTAL: CONSUMER PROTECTION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 22,140,610 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 284.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 22,140,610 PROGRAM: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,221,950 1490 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 117.00 FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 3,483,182 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 687,570 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 2,565,566 1491 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 242,219 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,092 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,026,284 1492 EXPENSES FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 583,880 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 229,982 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 567,529 1493 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 10,000 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 23,710 1494 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 89,412 1495 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AUTOMATED TESTING EQUIPMENT FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 101,041 1495A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,000,000 1495B SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER GENERAL REVENUE TO CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 1496 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CITRUS RESEARCH FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 8,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1496, $3,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Agricultural Emergency Eradication Trust Fund shall be transferred to the Citrus Research and Development Foundation Inc., in consultation with the Department of Citrus, to conduct or cause to be conducted, research projects on citrus disease, pursuant to section 581.031(32), Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1496, $5,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Agricultural Emergency Eradication Trust Fund shall be transferred to the Citrus Research and Development Foundation Inc., in consultation with the Department of Citrus, to issue a request for proposal to conduct large scale science based plantings to demonstrate the impact of utilizing a combination of management and therapeutic tools for new plantings, including, but not limited to, grove design, planting preparation, pest management, and post planting production practices to promote increased production of citrus. At least fifty percent of the appropriated funds shall be made available to growers who, for property tax purposes, have citrus groves greater than or equal to five acres, but less than 2,500 acres. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1496, the Citrus Research and Development Foundation Inc., shall hold quarterly public meetings at locations that best represent all geographic regions of the state with an emphasis on citrus production. The public meetings shall include in-depth reporting on the results of non-confidential completed research projects, current research and planned research projects on citrus disease, including but not limited to, citrus canker and citrus greening. Scientists, growers, industry representatives, and Citrus Research and Development Foundation administrators must be represented at the public meetings. Public meetings shall provide the opportunity for public input, questions, and comments. Funds in Specific Appropriation 1496, outside of direct operational and staffing costs within the Citrus Research and Development Foundation Inc., shall not be used for any administrative assessment fees from external entities. 1497 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 38,428 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 268,122 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 53,762 1498 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MARKETING ORDERS FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,980,000 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 669,082 1499 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 95,257 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 176,905 1500 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 55,985 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,811 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 16,690 TOTAL: FRUITS AND VEGETABLES INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,974,509 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 117.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 30,974,509 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,363,758 1501 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 100.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 518,635 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 647,696 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,810,936 FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 2,505,757 FROM SALTWATER PRODUCTS PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,032,244 FROM FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION CAMPAIGN TRUST FUND . . . 52,169 1502 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,279 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 30,355 FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 28,865 1503 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 98,541 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 495,649 FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 848,391 FROM SALTWATER PRODUCTS PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 154,408 FROM VITICULTURE TRUST FUND . . . . 9,580 FROM FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION CAMPAIGN TRUST FUND . . . 188,858 1504 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 10,500 1504A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS STATE FARMERS' MARKETS - STATEWIDE FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 544,000 1504B FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CODE AND LIFE SAFETY - STATE FARMERS' MARKETS - STATEWIDE FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 187,000 1504C SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 53,608 1505 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - VITICULTURE PROGRAM FROM VITICULTURE TRUST FUND . . . . 750,000 1506 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA AGRICULTURE PROMOTION CAMPAIGN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,098,850 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,310,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1506, $18,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the Florida Agriculture and Promotion Campaign. From these funds, $15,000,000 shall be placed in reserve. After January 1, 2023, the department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release of funds is contingent upon approval of a detailed plan that identifies how the campaign will assist in the department's mission for promotion of agricultural products. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1506, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Cattle Enhancement Board, Inc., to conduct programs and research designed to expand uses of Florida beef and Florida beef products and strengthen the market position of Florida's cattle industry in the state and in the nation (Senate Form 2625). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1506, $98,850 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the 2023 Miami International Agricultural, Horse and Cattle Show (Senate Form 2205). 1507 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FEDERAL VALUE OF PRODUCTION SPECIALTY CROP GRANT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,274,659 1508 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FEDERAL SUPPORT FOR FLORIDA AGRICULTURE PROMOTIONS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 206,586 1509 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,219 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 76,222 FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 38,600 FROM SALTWATER PRODUCTS PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000 FROM FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION CAMPAIGN TRUST FUND . . . 75,000 1510 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AGRICULTURAL LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATION FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 300,000 1511 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,724 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 9,801 FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 23,699 FROM SALTWATER PRODUCTS PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,947 1511A SPECIAL CATEGORIES CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE - STATE OPERATIONS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,500,000 1512 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,594 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,851 FROM MARKET IMPROVEMENTS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 10,677 FROM SALTWATER PRODUCTS PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,122 FROM FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION CAMPAIGN TRUST FUND . . . 207 1512A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY AGRICULTURAL PROMOTION AND EDUCATION FACILITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,810,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1512A, $27,810,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund shall be used for the following: Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo.................... 1,500,000 Baker County Agricultural Center.......................... 675,000 Bradford County Fair Association.......................... 3,000,000 Citrus County Fair Association............................ 650,000 Flagler County Agricultural Museum - Pioneer Village...... 2,000,000 Flagler County Agricultural Museum - Welcome Center & Greenspace (Senate Form 2775)........................... 500,000 Florida Gateway Fairgrounds............................... 3,368,000 Hamilton County Arena and Fairgrounds (Senate Form 2149).. 850,000 Hardee County Fair Association............................ 425,000 Hillsborough County Fair Association...................... 1,300,000 Holmes County Agriculture Center (Senate Form 2464)....... 250,000 Holmes County Extension Facility (Senate Form 2463)....... 325,000 Jackson County Agriculture Center (Senate Form 2457)...... 700,000 Jackson County Agriculture Educational Land Laboratory.... 328,000 Kissimmee Valley Livestock Show and Fair.................. 1,000,000 Lake County Agriculture Education and Expo (Senate Form 1715)................................................... 2,000,000 Martin County Fair Association............................ 600,000 Northeast Florida Fair Association (Senate Form 1747)..... 990,000 Okeechobee County Agri-Civic Center Fairgrounds........... 500,000 Okeechobee County Livestock and Expo Building (Senate Form 2370).............................................. 2,000,000 Pasco County Fairgrounds (Senate Form 2385)............... 2,500,000 Suwannee County Arena and Civic Center.................... 750,000 Union County Agricultural Education Building.............. 750,000 Washington County Agricultural Center Renovation Project.. 149,000 Washington County Agricultural Center - Entrance and Parking Lot Improvements (Senate Form 2448)............. 700,000 TOTAL: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 47,573,842 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,336,387 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 64,910,229 AQUACULTURE APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,993,986 1513 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 44.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,081,880 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 931,253 1514 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 65,994 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 11,768 1515 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 400,173 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 29,000 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 160,966 1516 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 12,600 1516A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 35,049 1516B SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF BOATS, MOTORS, AND TRAILERS FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 59,400 1517 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 80,700 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 26,733 1518 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OYSTER PLANTING FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 160,000 1519 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,977 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 4,472 1520 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,452 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 3,033 TOTAL: AQUACULTURE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,602,182 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,268 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 44.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,102,450 ANIMAL PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,076,008 1521 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 125.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,706,449 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 502,713 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 559,284 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 994,298 1522 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,059 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 160,196 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 74,081 1523 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 486,010 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 413,164 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 878,888 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 366,768 1524 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 111,949 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 25,000 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 995,000 1525 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE AGRICULTURAL RESPONSE TEAM (SART) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1525 are provided to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to coordinate the state's response to animal and agricultural issues in Florida in the event of an emergency or disaster situation. 1526 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 495,215 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 323,958 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 119,500 1527 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 110,674 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 107,688 1528 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 34,931 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 4,611 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 2,133 TOTAL: ANIMAL PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 7,798,072 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,022,497 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 13,820,569 PLANT PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL APPROVED SALARY RATE 16,324,448 1529 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 397.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,072,708 FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 489,777 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,558,322 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 3,339,132 FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 2,150,822 1530 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,673 FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 1,117 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,223,199 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 297,729 FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 536,535 1531 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,181,860 FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 79,832 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,074,699 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 23,748 FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 724,622 1532 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 216,195 FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 95,006 1533 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 480,172 1534 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCIES (MEDFLY PROGRAM) FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,214,177 1535 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - BOLL WEEVIL ERADICATION FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 150,000 1536 SPECIAL CATEGORIES APIARIAN INDEMNITIES FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 36,000 1537 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENDANGERED PLANT SPECIES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 216,000 1537A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,200,000 1538 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CITRUS HEALTH RESPONSE PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,712,469 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 2,000,000 1539 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PLANT PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,020,295 1540 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 204,481 FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 7,144 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 220,596 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 105,000 FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 228,049 1541 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 359,848 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 122,218 1542 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA/ INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES FOR INVASIVE EXOTICS QUARANTINE FACILITY FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 540,000 1543 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 500,000 1544 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 119,392 FROM CITRUS INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 7,593 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,130 FROM AGRICULTURAL EMERGENCY ERADICATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 494 FROM PLANT INDUSTRY TRUST FUND . . . 57,076 TOTAL: PLANT PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 15,161,962 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 29,438,148 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 397.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 44,600,110 FOOD, NUTRITION AND WELLNESS APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,202,076 1545 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 106.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 183,609 FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,557,074 1546 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 309,800 1547 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,000 FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,948,404 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 174,160 1548 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,245,062,742 1549 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM - STATE MATCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,295,134 1550 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL BREAKFAST PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,590,912 1551 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,438 1552 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FEEDING FLORIDA FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1552, $2,500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to Feeding Florida, formerly known as Florida Association of Food Banks. Thirty percent of all food commodities distributed by Feeding Florida must be fresh Florida products (Senate Form 2330). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1552, Feeding Florida shall submit quarterly reports that include the amount and type of fresh produce distributed to needy families, local food entities, and community partners. The reports shall include a detailed breakout of the types of fresh commodities distributed. The quarterly reports shall be submitted to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by January 1, 2023. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1552, Feeding Florida may not allow any candidate for elective office to host a food distribution event during the period of time between the last day of the election qualifying period and the date of the election, if the candidate is opposed for election or re-election at the time of the event. This provision does not apply when the event is in response to a direct emergency. 1552A SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPPORT FOR FOOD BANK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,050,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1552A, the following projects are funded in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund: America's Second Harvest of the Big Bend (Senate Form 2632)................................................... 500,000 Florida Children's Initiative (Senate Form 1428).......... 600,000 Grow It Forward Urban Farm Network Strategic Planning (Senate Form 1493)...................................... 100,000 Helping Others and Giving Hope Mobile Food Pantry (Senate Form 1080).............................................. 100,000 Midwest Food Bank Distribution Center (Senate Form 1229).. 500,000 United Against Poverty Member Share Grocery Program (Senate Form 1231)...................................... 250,000 1553 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,645,665 FROM GENERAL INSPECTION TRUST FUND . 45,840 1554 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FARM SHARE PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1554, $2,500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to Farm Share. Thirty percent of all food commodities distributed by Farm Share must be fresh Florida products (Senate Form 1792). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1554, Farm Share shall submit quarterly reports that include the amount and type of fresh produce distributed to needy families, local food entities, and community partners. The reports shall include a detailed breakout of the types of fresh commodities distributed. The quarterly reports shall be submitted to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by January 1, 2023. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1554, Farm Share may not allow any candidate for elective office to host a food distribution event during the period of time between the last day of the election qualifying period and the date of the election, if the candidate is opposed for election or re-election at the time of the event. This provision does not apply when the event is in response to a direct emergency. 1555 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - EMERGENCY FEEDING ORGANIZATIONS FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,399,092 1556 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,213 FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,329 1557 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICES TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,256 TOTAL: FOOD, NUTRITION AND WELLNESS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 24,188,868 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,271,328,800 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 106.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,295,517,668 TOTAL: AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF, AND COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 457,814,501 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,709,988,195 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3,803.25 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,167,802,696 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 166,482,546 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,934,848 1558 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 152.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,963,516 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 221,260 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 83,080 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 7,232,011 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 124,245 1559 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 790,449 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 81,926 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 389,645 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206,871 1560 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,612,607 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 32,559 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 151,455 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,000 1561 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 16,275 1562 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 123,067 1563 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,899,337 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 333,794 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 1564 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 342,034 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1564, $342,034 from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 1565 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OUTSOURCING/PRIVATIZATION FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 250,000 1566 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 33,501 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 883 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 332 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 41,802 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 496 1567 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1568 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 35,053 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,131 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 41,903 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 304 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 22,419,536 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 152.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 22,419,536 FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,576,316 1569 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 33.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 145,089 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726,404 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 695,688 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 489,811 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507,588 1570 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,257 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,508 1571 EXPENSES FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 24,010 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370,810 1572 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 37,195 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,838 1574 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 573,844 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292,907 1575 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 5,700 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 1576 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,281 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,416 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 6,145 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 4,327 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,484 1577 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,965 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,334 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 4,008 TOTAL: FLORIDA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,129,609 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 33.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,129,609 TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,913,965 1578 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 97.00 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 7,520,396 1579 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 1,670,107 1580 EXPENSES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 759,810 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 4,991,337 1581 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 25,625 1582 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,700 FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 3,894,996 1583 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 25,738 1584 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 29,919 1585A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . 2,986,000 TOTAL: TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 21,931,628 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 97.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 21,931,628 OFFICE OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE APPROVED SALARY RATE 500,816 1586 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 5.00 FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 307,530 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 165,004 1587 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 61,443 1588 EXPENSES FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 118,739 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 65,116 1589 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF PATROL VEHICLES FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 63,594 1590 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 605,883 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 150,000 1591 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ON-CALL FEES FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 25,902 1592 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENTS FOR RESTORATION AND DAMAGE FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 25,000 1593 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ABANDONED DRUM REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 70,000 1594 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 3,547 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 1,903 1595 SPECIAL CATEGORIES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 80,759 1596 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND OR STATE GAME TRUST FUND IN THE FWCC FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 10,510,256 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,622,599 1597 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 1,244 TOTAL: OFFICE OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 15,878,519 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 15,878,519 PROGRAM: STATE LANDS LAND ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,675,851 1598 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 125.00 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,692,197 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,105,324 1599 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535,774 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 211,484 1600 EXPENSES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180,000 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765,917 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 301,758 1601 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,000 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,920 1601A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LAND ACQUISITION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 58,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1601A, $35,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the South Florida Water Management District for the Green Heart of the Everglades Land Acquisition (Senate Form 2737). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1601A, $23,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for the acquisition of Rattlesnake Key Recreation Park (Senate Form 1315). 1602 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LAND ACQUISITION, ENVIRONMENTALLY ENDANGERED, UNIQUE/ IRREPLACEABLE LANDS, STATEWIDE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 90,000,000 1604 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NATIONAL FISH AND WILDLIFE FOUNDATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000,000 1605 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 102,367,609 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1605 are for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service on bonds. These funds may be used to refinance any or all series if it is in the best interest of the state as determined by the Division of Bond Finance. If the debt service varies as a result of a change in the interest rate, timing of issuance, or other circumstances, there is appropriated from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund an amount sufficient to pay such debt service. 1606 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 1607 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAND MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,660,358 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1607 may be used for resource stewardship, including program management, inventory management, administration, and planning. 1608 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,392,283 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 277,941 1609 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE LANDS STEWARDSHIP FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 250,000 1610 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TIDE STATIONS AND BENCHMARKS FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850,000 1611 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,445 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 14,686 1612 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000 1613 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,000 1614 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,030 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 10,133 TOTAL: LAND ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 58,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 227,687,859 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 285,687,859 PROGRAM: DISTRICT OFFICES REGULATORY DISTRICT OFFICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 30,016,634 1615 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 553.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 587,998 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,450,854 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,177,432 FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 972,330 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 3,142,510 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,656,143 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322,443 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817,503 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 14,331,483 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 8,014,682 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,338,846 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,477,004 1616 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 62,750 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,229 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 72,455 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 24,989 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 62,896 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247,132 1617 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 724,342 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 391,995 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512,397 FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 18,949 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 357,101 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 44,016 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,246,867 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 600,459 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370,293 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314,615 1618 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 332,327 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 87,585 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,644 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 1,860 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 9,325 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 8,070 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,550 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,145 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1618, $300,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Monroe County Mobile Vessel Pumpout Program (Senate Form 1589) to be administered by the Department of Environmental Protection. Administrative costs for the program shall not exceed five percent. 1619 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 120,000 1620 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ON-CALL FEES FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 173,625 1621 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ABANDONED DRUM REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 30,000 1622 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,242 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,843 FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 4,853 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 15,343 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,266 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,286 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,080 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 72,189 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 44,328 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,674 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,355 1623 SPECIAL CATEGORIES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 34,000 1624 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,666 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,905 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,596 FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 3,721 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 13,343 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,705 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,216 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 68,806 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 46,757 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,968 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,007 TOTAL: REGULATORY DISTRICT OFFICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,655,333 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 47,142,660 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 553.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,797,993 PROGRAM: WATER POLICY AND ECOSYSTEMS RESTORATION WATER POLICY AND ECOSYSTEMS RESTORATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,473,031 1625 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 24.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 293,798 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 520,908 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,509,040 1626 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 288,196 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 19,094 1627 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 85,219 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 128,329 1628 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - NORTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMITTING PROGRAM FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,851,231 1629 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - NORTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - OPERATIONS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,360,000 1630 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SUWANNEE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - OPERATIONS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,287,000 1631 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SUWANNEE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMITTING FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 453,000 1632 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SUWANNEE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352,909 1633 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS - LAND MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 11,737,210 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1633, $3,110,000 is provided to the Northwest Florida Water Management District, $1,777,210 is provided to the Suwannee River Water Management District, $2,250,000 is provided to the St. Johns River Water Management District, $2,250,000 is provided to the Southwest Florida Water Management District, and $2,350,000 is provided to the South Florida Water Management District. 1634 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS - MFLS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,446,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1634, $1,811,000 is provided to the Northwest Florida Water Management District, and $1,635,000 is provided to the Suwannee River Water Management District, for activities related to establishing minimum flows and levels. 1635 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS HURRICANE RECOVERY FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,500,000 1636 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE - SAVE OUR EVERGLADES BONDS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 22,701,056 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1636 are provided for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service on bonds authorized pursuant to section 215.619, Florida Statutes, including any other continuing payments necessary or incidental to the repayment of the bonds. These funds may be used to refinance any or all series if it is in the best interest of the state as determined by the Division of Bond Finance. If the debt service varies as a result of a change in the interest rate, timing of issuance, or other circumstances, there is appropriated from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund an amount sufficient to pay such debt service. 1637 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 75,000 1638 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,000 1639 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,414 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,506 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 7,260 1640 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER QUALITY ENHANCEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,800,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1640 are provided for increased water quality monitoring, creation of a water quality public information portal, and for the establishment of the Blue-Green Algae Task Force. Funds may be used for administration and planning costs. The task force will support key funding and restoration initiatives to expedite nutrient reduction in Lake Okeechobee and the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries. The task force will identify priority projects for funding that are based on scientific data and build upon Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs) to provide the largest and most meaningful nutrient reductions in key waterbodies, as well as make recommendations for regulatory changes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1640, $4,000,000 in nonrecurring funds is provided to the Department of Environmental Protection to continue to expand statewide water quality analytics for the nutrient over-enrichment analytics assessment and water quality information portal. 1641 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - OCEAN RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION - KILROY MONITORING SYSTEMS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1641, $250,000 in recurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund and $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund (Senate Form 1502) are provided for the Ocean Research and Conservation Association Water Quality Monitoring Systems - Kilroy Network Expansion. 1642 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - INDIAN RIVER LAGOON AND LAKE OKEECHOBEE BASIN - OPERATIONS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 350,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1642 are provided for operations and maintenance for five Indian River Lagoon Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory water quality instruments for the St. Lucie Estuary and surrounding Indian River Lagoon areas. 1643 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - DISPERSED WATER STORAGE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 5,000,000 1644 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 4,627 1644A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PENSACOLA AND PERDIDO BAY ESTUARY PROGRAM - OYSTER RESTORATION AND COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 495,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1644A, $495,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary Program - Oyster Restoration and Community Grant Program (Senate Form 2320). 1644B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MANATEE COUNTY WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT WITH NATIVE OYSTERS AND CLAMS RESTORATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1644B, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Manatee County Water Quality Improvement with Native Oysters and Clams Restoration (Senate Form 2114). 1645 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - RED TIDE MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1645 are provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for the cleanup of biological debris related to red tide to minimize the impacts to residents and visitors. 1646 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 10,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1646 are provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of supporting the evaluation and implementation of innovative technologies and short-term solutions to combat or clean up harmful algal blooms and nutrient enrichment of Florida's fresh waterbodies, including lakes, rivers, estuaries, and canals. Funds may be used for the department's red tide emergency grant program to support local governments in cleaning beaches and coastal areas to minimize the impacts of red tide to residents and visitors. Funds may also be used to implement water quality treatment technologies, identified by the department, near water control structures in Lake Okeechobee. 1647 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY EVERGLADES RESTORATION FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 352,623,196 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1647, $64,000,000 in recurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided to transfer to the Everglades Trust Fund within the South Florida Water Management District pursuant to section 375.041(3)(b)4., Florida Statutes and are contingent on SPB 2508, or similar legislation becoming a law. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1647, $256,623,196 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund shall be distributed to the South Florida Water Management District for the planning, design, engineering, and construction of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) and are contingent on SPB 2508, or similar legislation becoming a law. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1647, $32,000,000 in recurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund are provided for the Restoration Strategies Regional Water Quality Plan. 1648 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NORTHERN EVERGLADES AND ESTUARIES PROTECTION FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 73,276,213 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 1648, $29,876,213 in recurring funds and $43,400,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund shall be used to implement the Northern Everglades and Estuaries Protection Program, pursuant to section 373.4595, Florida Statutes. 1648A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - C-51 RESERVOIR IMPLEMENTATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 65,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1648A, $65,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Palm Beach County C-51 Reservoir Phase 2 Cell 13 (Senate Form 2524). 1649 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1649 are provided to continue the water supply and water resource development grant program to help communities plan for and implement conservation, reuse and other water supply and water resource development projects. Priority funding will be given to regional projects in the areas of greatest need and for projects that provide the greatest benefit. The Department shall identify and research all viable alternative water supply resources and provide an assessment of funding needs critical to supporting Florida's growing economy. 1650 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS - EVERGLADES RESTORATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 400,000,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 50,000,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1650 shall be distributed to the South Florida Water Management District for the design, engineering, and construction of the specific project components designed to achieve the greatest reductions in harmful discharges to the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie Estuaries as identified in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Project Final Integrated Project Implementation Report and Environmental Impact Statement dated August 2020. 1650A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - INDIAN RIVER LAGOON WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 38,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1650A, $12,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Brevard County South Beaches WWTF Conversion to AWT (Senate Form 2713). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1650A, $14,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Brevard County Riverside Drive Force Main Improvements (Senate Form 2714). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1650A, $12,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Cocoa Beach Muck Dredging and Capping (Senate Form 1340). 1650B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SPRINGS COAST WATERSHED - WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 20,000,000 1650C GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS/BMAP FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 6,000,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1650C are provided to the South Florida Water Management District for Caloosahatchee River water quality improvement projects. These projects should be consistent with the Caloosahatchee River Basin Management Action Plan and provide the most benefit towards achieving total maximum daily loads for the river and estuary basin. 1650D GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PEACE RIVER BASIN WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 4,000,000 TOTAL: WATER POLICY AND ECOSYSTEMS RESTORATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 560,295,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 573,128,206 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,133,423,206 PROGRAM: WATER RESTORATION ASSISTANCE WATER RESTORATION ASSISTANCE Funds in Specific Appropriations 1667, 1668, and 1670 are provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for the Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility Construction State Revolving Loan Programs and the Small Community Sewer Construction Assistance Program developed pursuant to provisions of sections 403.8532, 403.1835, and 403.1838, Florida Statutes. Appropriations used by the department for grants and aids may be advanced in part or in total. APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,059,994 1651 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 64.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,558,928 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 694,463 FROM WATER PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM TRUST FUND . 638,730 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445,537 1652 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 9,744 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 88,801 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86,584 1653 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 302,395 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 85,370 FROM WATER PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM TRUST FUND . 42,343 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,715 1654 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 5,546,506 1655 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RESTORE ACT - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,600,000 1656 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - FINAL RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM COASTAL PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 500,000 1657 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SPRINGS RESTORATION FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 50,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1657 may be used for land acquisition to protect springs and for capital projects that protect the quality and quantity of water that flow from springs. 1659 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT/PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 915,164 1660 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,268,000 1661 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,780,902 1662 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,559 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,746 FROM WATER PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM TRUST FUND . 1,606 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,258 1663 SPECIAL CATEGORIES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 76,578 1664 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER WELL CLEANUP FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894,350 1665 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 12,467 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,408 FROM WATER PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM TRUST FUND . 2,124 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,073 1665A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - WATER PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 90,258,362 The funds appropriated in Specific Appropriation 1665A are supplemental to the funds previously committed by the water management districts towards the implementation of the named projects. A water management district shall not reduce the funds committed by it or in any way limit or restrict those funds as a result of this appropriation. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1665A, $90,258,362 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the following water projects: Alachua West Wastewater Improvement Project (Senate Form 1634)................................................... 500,000 Anna Maria Lake LaVista Channel Improvements Project (Senate Form 1509)...................................... 207,450 Atlantic Beach - Aquatic Gardens/Hopkins Creek Flood Mitigation Phase 3 (Senate Form 1592)................... 250,000 Aventura 213th Street Seawall Repairs (Senate Form 1615).. 250,000 Baldwin's Stolen Saddle Ranch Water Storage Project (Senate Form 2771)...................................... 500,000 Bay Harbor Islands Sanitary Sewer Upgrade (Senate Form 2178)................................................... 197,500 Bluefield Dispersed Water Project (Senate Form 2241)...... 250,000 Bonefish and Tarpon Trust Restoring Coastal Resilience and Water Quality (Senate Form 1095).................... 250,000 Bradenton Beach SR789 Main and Secondary Powerline Removal Project (Senate Form 1378)...................... 1,000,000 Bradenton Sanitary Sewer Lining Program for Infiltration/Inflow Reduction (Senate Form 1379)........ 250,000 Brevard County Indian River Lagoon, 50 Quick Connects to Sewer Phase 2 (Senate Form 1341)........................ 450,000 Brevard County Indian River Lagoon, Septic Upgrades to Advanced Treatment Units Phase 2 (50 sites) (Senate Form 1342).............................................. 450,000 Brooksville Critical Facility Power Backup Plan (Senate Form 2237).............................................. 316,000 Brooksville Hernando Oaks Reclaim (Senate Form 1973)...... 272,500 Caloosahatchee River and Estuary Storage and Treatment (Senate Form 1210)...................................... 500,000 Cape Coral Caloosahatchee River Crossing Project (Senate Form 2588).............................................. 1,750,000 Cape Coral North Wellfield Expansion (Senate Form 2587)... 1,000,000 Cape Coral Northeast Reservoir Project (Senate Form 2586). 1,000,000 Century Water Meter Replacement Project (Senate Form 2317) 500,000 Chattahoochee Water System Upgrades (Senate Form 1788).... 100,000 Citrus County Old Homosassa North Septic to Sewer (Senate Form 1722).............................................. 2,076,000 Clay County Utility Authority's Mid-Clay Potable Reclaimed Water Pilot Project (Senate Form 2535)........ 600,000 Clearwater - Engineered Stormwater Control System (Senate Form 1281).............................................. 750,000 Clermont Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion (Senate Form 2471).............................................. 1,000,000 Clewiston Water System Infrastructure Improvements to Serve the Airglades Airport Project (Senate Form 1277).. 500,000 Coconut Creek - Wastewater Conveyance System Improvements (Senate Form 1447)...................................... 150,000 Coconut Creek - Wynmoor Potable Water Service Line Retrofit Project (Senate Form 1383)..................... 200,000 Collier County Golden Gate City Water Resource Protection/Restoration Master Plan (Senate Form 1132)... 500,000 Coral Gables Citywide Septic to Sewer Conversion Assessment (Senate Form 1250)........................... 375,000 Coral Gables Legacy Sewer System Repair and Replacement Project (Senate Form 2612).............................. 500,000 Coral Gables Stormwater Master Plan (Senate Form 1251).... 500,000 Daytona Beach Reuse Pump Station (Pump Station No. 90) (Senate Form 1082)...................................... 250,000 DeBary Stormwater Infrastructure Collapse in Volusia Blue and Gemini Springshed (Senate Form 1050)................ 750,000 Deerfield Beach Aquatics Center Parking Lot Stormwater Project (Senate Form 1467).............................. 500,000 DeFuniak Springs CR280B Water and Sewer Expansion (Senate Form 2538).............................................. 500,000 Delray Beach City-Wide Tidal Backflow Prevention-WaStop Inline Check Valve Installation (Senate Form 1418)...... 445,000 Deltona to Volusia County Sewer Transfer (Senate Form 2028)................................................... 250,000 Dixie County - Flood and Stormwater Mitigation (Senate Form 2596).............................................. 500,000 Doral Stormwater Improvements Sub Basin D-3-1 (Senate Form 2496).............................................. 250,000 El Maximo Dispersed Water Management Project (Senate Form 2770)................................................... 250,000 Estero Utility Expansion Phase I (Senate Form 1245)....... 530,000 Fernandina Beach Downtown Flooding Protection Project (Senate Form 1603)...................................... 500,000 Fernandina Beach Protecting the Resiliency of Florida's Northeastern-most Barrier Island Coastline (Senate Form 1604)................................................... 250,000 Fort Lauderdale Tarpon River Environmental/Maintenance Dredging (Senate Form 1745)............................. 100,000 Fort Myers Beach Estero Blvd Water and Storm Water Improvements (Senate Form 2589)......................... 500,000 Fort Myers Water Reuse Project (Senate Form 2638)......... 1,000,000 Freeport U.S. 331 South Water and Sewer Utility Improvements (Senate Form 2766)......................... 500,000 Green Cove Springs Palmetto Ave. Drainage Project (Senate Form 1563).............................................. 410,000 Grove Land Reservoir (Senate Form 2240)................... 1,000,000 Groveland Downtown Stormwater Facility (Senate Form 1726). 950,000 Groveland Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade and Expansion (Senate Form 1733)........................ 750,000 Gulfport Potable Water Quality & Pressure Improvements (Senate Form 1390)...................................... 750,000 Haines City Reclaimed Water MFL Recharge & Advanced Treatment Feasibility Project (Senate Form 2367)........ 2,718,475 Haines City Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion (Senate Form 2348).............................................. 3,000,000 Hardee County Phase 8 Regional Wastewater & Potable Water Service Improvements (Senate Form 2362)................. 1,250,000 Hilliard - Oxford Street Force Main Project (Senate Form 1599)................................................... 609,000 Hilliard Water Main Extension (Senate Form 1601).......... 250,000 Homosassa River Restoration Project (Senate Form 1992).... 4,000,000 Indian River County Hobart Water Treatment Plant SCADA System Upgrade (Senate Form 1402)....................... 402,725 Indiantown Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements (Senate Form 2756).............................................. 1,000,000 Key Colony Beach Stormwater Project (Senate Form 1068).... 1,000,000 Kings Bay Restoration Project (Senate Form 1991).......... 4,000,000 Kings Bay Salt Marsh Restoration Project (Senate Form 1972)................................................... 535,887 LaBelle WWTP System Improvements (Senate Form 1279)....... 500,000 Lauderdale Lakes Water Quality Improvements and Canal Bank Restoration/Stabilization Project (Senate Form 1751)................................................... 399,695 Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Codrington Drive Drainage Improvements (Senate Form 2689)......................... 250,000 Leon County Fred George Wetland (Senate Form 2129)........ 400,000 Marco Island Canal Flushing Improvement Project - San Marco Rd. at South Seas Ct (Senate Form 1225)........... 416,745 Marco Island SWTP West High Service Pump Station (Senate Form 1226).............................................. 250,000 Margate Stormwater Infrastructure and Canal Embankment Restoration (Senate Form 1036).......................... 250,000 Marianna Market Street Water and Waste Water Upgrades (Senate Form 2433)...................................... 250,000 Martin County Seven J's Sewer Project (Senate Form 2068).. 500,000 Medley NW 78th St. & NW 77th St. Water Distribution System Upgrades (Senate Form 1665)...................... 250,000 Miami - East Auburndale Drainage & Flooding Mitigation (Senate Form 1449)...................................... 500,000 Miami - Fairlawn Community Storm Water & Drainage (District 4) (Senate Form 1450)......................... 500,000 Miami Localized Flooding Improvements (District 3) (Senate Form 2611)...................................... 500,000 Miami Shores Village NE 104th Street Drainage Project (Senate Form 2031)...................................... 320,000 Miami Tidal Valves and Flood Improvements (District 3) (Senate Form 2610)...................................... 100,000 Miami-Dade County Model Lands North Canal Everglades Wetland Restoration Project (Senate Form 1244).......... 300,000 Milton North Santa Rosa Regional Water Reclamation Facility (Senate Form 2619)............................. 500,000 Miramar Drainage Improvements Phase V (Senate Form 1220).. 500,000 Monticello Water Loss/Water Conservation Project (Senate Form 1819).............................................. 250,000 Moore Haven Caloosahatchee River Area Water Quality Stormwater Improvements (Senate Form 2359).............. 500,000 Naples Bay Red Tide/Septic Tank Mitigation (Senate Form 1216)................................................... 500,000 Naples Gulf of Mexico Beach Stormwater Outfall Pipe Removal & Water Quality Project (Senate Form 1214)...... 5,000,000 North Bay Village Stormwater Inlet Filter Installation (Senate Form 1757)...................................... 150,000 North Bay Village Wastewater Pump Station Improvements (Senate Form 1758)...................................... 250,000 North Miami Septic Tank to Sanitary Sewer Conversion (Senate Form 1968)...................................... 500,000 North Palm Beach Stormwater Master Plan (Senate Form 2353) 150,000 Oak Hill - Septic to Sewer (Senate Form 2027)............. 250,000 Oakland South Lake Apopka Initiative Alternative Water Project (Senate Form 2762).............................. 750,000 Okeechobee County Regional Stormwater Treatment Area (Senate Form 1882)...................................... 300,000 Okeechobee Phase 2-Taylor Creek SE 8th Avenue Stormwater Conveyance Improvements (Senate Form 2345).............. 240,000 Ormond Beach Reclaimed Water Transmission Line (Senate Form 1534).............................................. 650,000 Osceola County North Lake Tohopekaliga Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Project (Senate Form 1451).... 400,000 Peace River Reservoir No. 3 Wetland Mitigation (Senate Form 1982).............................................. 500,000 Pinecrest Stormwater Improvements (Senate Form 1321)...... 500,000 Pinecrest Water Line Extension Project (Senate Form 1560). 500,000 Plant City McIntosh Preserve Integrated Water Park (Senate Form 1697)...................................... 1,000,000 Plantation - Breezeswept Park Estates Water Main Replacement Phase D (Senate Form 1105).................. 800,000 Polk Regional Water Cooperative Heartland Headwaters...... 1,000,000 Port LaBelle Utility System Wastewater Collection System (Senate Form 1134)...................................... 250,000 Port Orange- Sewer System Rehabilitation Pipelining (Senate Form 1090)...................................... 250,000 Port St. Lucie Southern Groves Jobs Corridor Water Main Project (Senate Form 2264).............................. 500,000 Putnam County - Northern Putnam County Drainage (Senate Form 2105).............................................. 500,000 Putnam County - South Putnam County Drainage (Senate Form 2107)................................................... 560,000 Riviera Beach Rehabilitation of Existing Wells and Construction of New Wells (Senate Form 2355)............ 250,000 Riviera Beach Utility Special District Essential Lift Station Rehabilitation (Senate Form 2404)............... 250,000 Riviera Beach Utility Special District Water Treatment Plant (Senate Form 2250)................................ 250,000 San Antonio Sewer Extension (Senate Form 2315)............ 900,000 San Antonio Stormwater Management (Senate Form 1974)...... 600,000 Sanibel - Sanibel Slough Dredging and Muck Removal (Senate Form 2584)...................................... 100,000 Sanibel - Wulfert Reclaimed Water Auxiliary Supply Tank (Senate Form 2585)...................................... 400,000 Santa Rosa County East Bay Boulevard Culvert Upgrades (Senate Form 2525)...................................... 300,000 Santa Rosa County Pine Blossom Road Drainage Study (Senate Form 2527)...................................... 100,000 Scott Dispersed Water Project (Senate Form 2239).......... 250,000 Senator Howard C. Forman Human Services Campus Utilities Improvements/Connections (Senate Form 2724)............. 250,000 South Daytona Harborside Stormwater Pond - Stationary Pump (Senate Form 1247)................................. 100,000 Southwest Ranches - SW 63rd Street and SW 185th Way Drainage Improvement (Senate Form 1109)................. 479,306 Southwest Ranches - SW 54th Place Drainage Extension to Ivanhoe Canal (Senate Form 1110)........................ 409,422 St. Augustine - West Augustine Septic to Sewer (Senate Form 1549).............................................. 500,000 St. Augustine Beach Resiliency and Flood Protection - Magnolia Dunes/Atlantic Oaks Circle (Senate Form 1545).. 500,000 Starke Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation (Senate Form 1583)...................................... 250,000 Starke Wastewater Treatment EQ Tank Improvement (Senate Form 1588).............................................. 250,000 Stuart Alternative Water Supply- Phase IV (Senate Form 1033)................................................... 500,000 Sunny Isles Beach Central Island Drainage (Senate Form 1743)................................................... 250,000 Tampa Bay Watch Citizen Science Monitoring (Senate Form 2269)................................................... 250,000 Tampa- Purity Springs Restoration (Senate Form 1764)...... 96,000 Tampa Water Quality Treatment Pilot for PURE (Senate Form 1763)................................................... 250,000 Tarpon Springs MLK/South Spring Blvd. Flooding Abatement & Intersection Safety Improvements (Senate Form 1804)... 473,619 Tsala Apopka Chain-of-Lakes Restoration Project (Senate Form 1703).............................................. 4,248,000 Venice Water Treatment Plant 2nd Stage Membrane Phase 1 (Senate Form 1917)...................................... 500,000 Virginia Gardens Central Drainage Improvements (Senate Form 1325).............................................. 250,000 Virginia Gardens Municipal Complex Drainage Improvements (Senate Form 1327)...................................... 250,000 Volusia County Spruce Creek Dangerous Navigation Hazard Dredging Project (Senate Form 2029)..................... 545,000 Wauchula Service Area 3 Waterlines Replacement (Senate Form 2347).............................................. 2,040,162 Wauchula Southwest Area Elevated Water Tower with Transmission Lines (Senate Form 2361)................... 3,594,876 West Miami Phase III Potable Water Replacement Project (Senate Form 2019)...................................... 500,000 Winter Park- Nicolet Pond Storm Water Treatment Project (Senate Form 1752)...................................... 150,000 Zephyrhills Sewer Main/Water Main Extension - Phase 2 - Kossik Road and Fort King Road (Senate Form 1878)....... 250,000 Zolfo Springs Sewer Biosolids and Pivot (Senate Form 2349) 190,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 1665A appropriated to the Department of Environmental Protection for the Polk Regional Water Cooperative Heartland Headwaters Protection and Sustainability are provided for the purpose of entering into financial assistance agreements with the Polk Regional Water Cooperative and must be distributed in accordance with the projects identified in the Annual Comprehensive Water Resources Report submitted to the Legislature pursuant to section 373.463, Florida Statutes, to finance the cost of designing or constructing projects that protect, restore, or enhance the headwaters of the river systems located in Polk County. 1666 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AID - NON-POINT SOURCE (NPS) MANAGEMENT PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,000,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 5,000,000 1667 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DRINKING WATER FACILITY CONSTRUCTION - STATE REVOLVING LOAN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,942,000 FROM DRINKING WATER REVOLVING LOAN TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 124,187,979 1668 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY CONSTRUCTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,726,600 FROM WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REVOLVING LOAN TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . 195,746,466 1668A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY CRITICAL WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN REPLACEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1668A, $20,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Critical Water Transmission Main Replacement (Senate Form 1618). 1668B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DADE CITY WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RELOCATION/UPGRADE AND TRANSMISSION FORCEMAIN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 39,725,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1668B, $39,725,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Dade City Wastewater Treatment Plant Relocation/Upgrade and Transmission Forcemain (Senate Form 2717). 1669 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 1669 are provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for the purpose of entering into financial assistance agreements with local governments located in the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern or the City of Key West Area of Critical State Concern, to be distributed in accordance with the existing interlocal agreement among the Village of Islamorada, the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District, the City of Marathon, the Monroe County/Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, the City of Key West, and Key Colony Beach, to finance or refinance the cost of constructing sewage collection, treatment, and disposal facilities, building projects that protect, restore, or enhance nearshore water quality and fisheries, such as stormwater or canal restoration projects and projects to protect water resources available to the Florida Keys, or for the purpose of land acquisition within the Florida Keys Area of Critical Concern as authorized pursuant to section 259.045, Florida Statutes, with increased priority given these acquisitions that achieve a combination of conservation goals, including protecting Florida's water resources and natural groundwater recharge. 1670 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SMALL COUNTY WASTEWATER TREATMENT GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,000,000 From the nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 1670, $1,000,000 is provided to publicly owned utilities to remove sand and grit from wastewater treatment plants with daily flow less than 3 MGD and associated collection systems that must remain in operation during cleaning to avoid the discharge of untreated wastewater. The department shall coordinate the selection and administration of projects. Funds shall be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis and require a local match of at least 50 percent, with the exception that the local match shall be waived by the department if: 1) the public utility is located in a Rural Area of Opportunity pursuant to section 288.0656, Florida Statutes; 2) the public utility is located in a county that has a poverty level equal to or greater than 20 percent as defined by the most recent federal census; or, 3) the public utility is located in and wholly serves a municipality that has a poverty level equal to or greater than 25 percent as qualified by the municipality and such qualification is accepted by the department (Senate Form 2757). 1670A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AID - SEPTIC UPGRADE INCENTIVE PROGRAM FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 10,000,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1670A are provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for the Septic Upgrade Incentive Program to incentivize homeowners in Priority Focus Areas to upgrade their septic system to include nitrogen reducing enhancements. 1671 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AID - WASTEWATER GRANT PROGRAM FROM WATER PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM TRUST FUND . 125,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1671 from the Water Protection and Sustainability Program Trust Fund are provided for the wastewater grant program as established in section 403.0673, Florida Statutes. 1672 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - STATE REVOLVING LOAN PROGRAM ASSISTANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,082,000 TOTAL: WATER RESTORATION ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 189,651,962 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 556,666,796 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 64.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 746,318,758 PROGRAM: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND RESTORATION WATER SCIENCE AND LABORATORY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,733,049 1673 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 199.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,271,346 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,026 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 7,634,600 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,266,262 1674 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,197 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 94,215 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223,108 1675 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 211,828 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,576,091 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92,774 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459,467 1676 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66,267 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132,533 1677 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 25,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1677, the Department of Environmental Protection may include innovative water treatment projects that demonstrate the ability to most rapidly achieve department verified phosphorous and/or nitrogen load reductions consistent with the nutrient load reduction goals and total maximum daily loads established by the department. The department may also provide cost-share funding for innovative nutrient removal projects. 1678 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 120,000 1679 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GROUND WATER QUALITY MONITORING NETWORK FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,358,059 1680 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS LABORATORY SUPPORT FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,425 1681 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EVERGLADES LAB SUPPORT FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231,564 1683 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT/PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 378,126 1684 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LABORATORY SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 150,000 1685 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207,354 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,205 1686 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312,710 1687 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 25,958 FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 62,489 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,734 1688 SPECIAL CATEGORIES U.S. GEOLOGIC SURVEY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214,897 1689 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE SCIENCES (IFAS) - LAKEWATCH FROM INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 1690 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO INDIAN RIVER LAGOON NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1690, $250,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund shall be used for National Estuary Program activities necessary to achieve the total maximum daily load adopted by the Department of Environmental Protection for the Indian River and Banana River Lagoons. The Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program shall report to the department annually on use of these funds. 1691 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 10,651 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 34,629 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,985 1692 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,231,358 TOTAL: WATER SCIENCE AND LABORATORY SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 250,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,421,824 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 199.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,671,824 PROGRAM: WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,271,432 1693 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 210.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,632,296 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92,634 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 986,299 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,541,814 FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,665,323 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,308,465 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,517,072 1694 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 40,000 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 31,601 FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 41,759 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 61,085 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890,878 1695 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 238,343 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 687,838 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 203,386 FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 325,305 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 777,797 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599,674 1696 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 1,132 FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 20,000 1697 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT/PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,659,389 1698 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PROGRAM FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 139,251 1699 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 10,353 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 96,136 1700 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,000 1701 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 17,076 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 16,257 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 5,811 FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,276 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 17,175 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,177 1702 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HABITAT RESTORATION FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 145,610 1703 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,665 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 15,064 FROM MINERALS TRUST FUND . . . . . . 7,377 FROM NON-MANDATORY LAND RECLAMATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,907 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,172 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,518 1704 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AID - NON-POINT SOURCE (NPS) MANAGEMENT PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,000,000 TOTAL: WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 238,343 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,629,120 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 210.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,867,463 PROGRAM: WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,771,147 1705 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 183.00 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 5,410,924 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,855,777 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,308,483 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,022,125 1706 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 23,780 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 214,193 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142,552 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,000 1707 EXPENSES FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 522,941 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 179,291 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235,519 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376,886 1708 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - SOUTHERN WASTE INFORMATION EXCHANGE CLEARING HOUSE FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 1709 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - LOCAL HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509,994 1710 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 1711 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DRY CLEANING SOLVENT CONTAMINATED SITE CLEANUP FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000,000 1712 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY WASTE TIRE ABATEMENT FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 1713 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PETROLEUM TANKS CLEANUP FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 125,000,000 1714 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAMINATED SITE CLEANUP FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 1715 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE - INLAND PROTECTION FINANCING CORPORATION FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 6,086,882 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1715 are provided for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service on bonds issued pursuant to Specific Appropriation 1660, chapter 2009-81, Laws of Florida, and any administrative expenses of the Inland Protection Financing Corporation for the purpose of rehabilitation of petroleum contamination sites pursuant to sections 376.30 through 376.317, Florida Statutes. 1716 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STORAGE TANK COMPLIANCE VERIFICATION FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 6,490,000 1717 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR BIOMEDICAL WASTE REGULATION FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880,000 1718 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 109,045 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,200 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,000 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,100 1719 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FEDERAL WASTE PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 954,153 1720 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,719,108 1721 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE SITES RESTORATION FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,108,285 1722 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES - MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,660,000 1723 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 15,528 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,143 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,083 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,237 1724 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE - ADMINISTRATION OF LEAD ACID BATTERY FEE FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231,092 1725 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA - RESEARCH AND TESTING FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700,000 1726 SPECIAL CATEGORIES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 4,724,541 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,092,467 1727 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LOCAL GOVERNMENT CLEANUP CONTRACTING FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 11,840,000 1728 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 25,697 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,335 FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,747 FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,856 1729 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES - OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 1730 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 1731 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - REEF PROTECTION AND TIRE ABATEMENT FROM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 TOTAL: WASTE MANAGEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 200,087,964 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 183.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 200,087,964 PROGRAM: RECREATION AND PARKS STATE PARK OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 38,740,588 1732 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,039.50 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 34,249,332 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 24,419,703 1733 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 82,622 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,982,862 1734 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 38,545 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 84,550 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,511,445 1735 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 85,986 1736 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATE PARK FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 56,700,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1736, $6,700,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided to the Billy Joe Rish State Park for repairs and renovations to reopen the park damaged by Hurricane Michael. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1736, $12,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided for enhancements and improvements to Weeki Wachee State Park. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1736, $3,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided for enhancements and improvements to Fakahatchee Strand State Park. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1736, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided for enhancements and improvements to Ichetucknee Springs State Park. 1738 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND DONATIONS SPENDING AUTHORITY FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000,000 1739 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,431,000 1740 SPECIAL CATEGORIES POINT OF SALE - PARK BUSINESS SYSTEM FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,500,000 1741 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DISTRIBUTION OF SURCHARGE FEES FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 800,000 1742 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DISBURSE DONATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208,274 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 755,650 1743 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAND MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 340,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,114,617 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 393,130 1744 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 52,000 1745 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AMERICORPS PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 754,060 1746 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OUTSOURCING/PRIVATIZATION FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,736,706 1747 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MANAGEMENT OF WATER CONTROL STRUCTURES FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 150,000 1748 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTROL OF INVASIVE EXOTICS FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 316,610 1749 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,597,464 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,130,732 1750 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GREENWAYS CARL MANAGEMENT FUNDING FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,231,044 1751 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAND USE PROCEEDS DISBURSEMENTS FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,200,538 1752 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 193,957 FROM STATE PARK TRUST FUND . . . . . 139,994 1753 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 13,500,000 1754 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE GRANTS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 10,721,968 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1754 are provided to fund the entire large and small priority lists for eligible Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) projects. 1755 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY NATIONAL RECREATIONAL TRAIL GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,600,000 1755A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LOCAL PARKS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,450,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1755A are provided for the following local parks: Altha Park Perimeter Fencing (Senate Form 1768)........... 50,000 Bal Harbour Village ADA Compliant Park Enhancements (Senate Form 1613)...................................... 250,000 Bonita Springs Community Park Baseball Complex Phase 2 (Senate Form 1213)...................................... 250,000 Citrus County Beverly Hills Community Parks Revitalization (Senate Form 1706)....................... 850,000 Delray Beach Catherine Strong Park Improvements (Senate Form 2061).............................................. 100,000 Delray Beach Pompey Park Improvements (Senate Form 1465).. 250,000 Estero on the River Trails (Senate Form 1397)............. 750,000 Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden (Senate Form 1873)...... 500,000 Fort Lauderdale Huizenga Park Capital Project (Senate Form 1373).............................................. 250,000 Indialantic - The Mikey Goodwin Playground at Nance Park (Senate Form 1503)...................................... 200,000 Lakeland's Se7en Wetlands Educational Center Construction (Senate Form 2152)...................................... 2,000,000 Marie Selby Botanical Gardens' Shoreline Restoration and Protection for Historic Spanish Point Campus (Senate Form 2248).............................................. 250,000 Museum of Discovery and Science Pathways to Resilience (Senate Form 2007)...................................... 500,000 Naples Botanical Garden Florida Center for Nature-Based Solutions Phase 3 (Senate Form 1212).................... 650,000 Oviedo Boulevard Trail Connector (Senate Form 1222)....... 300,000 Palm Beach County Chain of Lakes Blueway Trail Access Project (Senate Form 2626).............................. 250,000 Pinellas County ToyTown Environmental Remediation (Senate Form 2002).............................................. 1,000,000 Sneads Health and Recreation Renewal Project (Senate Form 2462)................................................... 500,000 St. Cloud Implementation of Chisholm Park Masterplan Phase I (Senate Form 1092).............................. 250,000 Tamarac ADA Compatible and Smart Park Enhancements Caporella Park (Senate Form 2256)....................... 300,000 The Bay Park - Sarasota (Senate Form 2244)................ 250,000 Wauchula Farr Field Park Improvements (Senate Form 2366).. 1,500,000 West Inverness City Trail and Withlacoochee State Trail Connector (Senate Form 1862)............................ 2,250,000 TOTAL: STATE PARK OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 13,790,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 196,682,789 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,039.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 210,472,789 COASTAL AND AQUATIC MANAGED AREAS APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,626,907 1756 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 190.00 FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 2,243,238 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,899,143 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 7,876,972 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,271,861 1757 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 110,075 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 984,667 1758 EXPENSES FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 196,690 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 144,600 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,558,103 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 23,000 1759 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - REGIONAL RESILIENCE COALITIONS FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 2,000,000 1760 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 16,000 1762 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 35,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 412,000 1764 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUBMERGED RESOURCE DAMAGED RESTORATIONS FROM WATER QUALITY ASSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258,429 1765 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA RESILIENT COASTLINE INITIATIVE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1765, $8,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Florida Resilient Coastline Initiative to assist local governments with storm resiliency, sea level rise planning, coastal resilience projects, and coral reef health and restoration. 1766 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RESILIENT FLORIDA FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 200,000 1767 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT/PLANNING GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 700,000 1768 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 4,000,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 174,443 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1768, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Florida Ocean Alliance - Expanding Florida's Blue Economy Development of a Blue Economy Strategy (Senate Form 1868). 1769 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MARINE RESEARCH GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,163,150 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341,758 1770 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 45,133 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 63,731 1771 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ECOTOURISM FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 250,000 1772 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COASTAL AND AQUATIC MANAGED AREAS (CAMA) - CARL MANAGEMENT FUNDS FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 890,129 1773 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 7,585 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,626 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 37,308 FROM PERMIT FEE TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,189 1774 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,285,161 1775 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA RESILIENT COASTLINES FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 10,000,000 1775A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLOODING AND SEA LEVEL RISE RESILIENCE PLAN - STATEWIDE FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 100,000,000 1776 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RESILIENT FLORIDA PLANNING GRANTS FROM RESILIENT FLORIDA TRUST FUND . 20,000,000 1777 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CLEAN MARINA FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 500,000 1778 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BEACH PROJECTS - STATEWIDE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 58,648,931 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1778, $50,000,000 in recurring funds and $8,648,931 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Environmental Protection for distribution to beach and inlet management projects consistent with any component of the comprehensive long-term management plan developed in accordance with section 161.161, Florida Statutes. Funds may be used in accordance with section 161.101, Florida Statutes, for projects on annual ranked lists, storm repair projects, or projects on lands managed by the state. Up to one percent of the funds provided may be used for contractual services and administration needed to support department management initiatives. 1779 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AID - WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS - BISCAYNE BAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1779, $20,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for projects, including septic to sewer and wastewater projects, that will improve the water quality of Biscayne Bay. 1779A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - ST. JOHNS COUNTY PONTE VEDRA BEACH NORTH BEACH AND DUNE RESTORATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1779A, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Ponte Vedra Beach North Beach and Dune Restoration II (Senate Form 1540). TOTAL: COASTAL AND AQUATIC MANAGED AREAS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 28,750,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 220,351,922 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 190.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 249,101,922 PROGRAM: AIR RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AIR RESOURCES MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,909,242 1780 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 67.00 FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,680,096 1781 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,128,755 1782 EXPENSES FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773,633 1783 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387,680 1784 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY VOLKSWAGEN SETTLEMENT FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1784 are provided to implement the State Beneficiary Mitigation Plan. Appropriations used by the Department of Environmental Protection for grants and aids may be advanced in part or in total. 1785 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343,000 1786 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DISTRIBUTION TO COUNTIES - MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION PROCEEDS FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,705,936 1787 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ASBESTOS REMOVAL PROGRAM FEES FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 1788 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772,000 1789 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,622 1790 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,485 TOTAL: AIR RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 74,864,207 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 67.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 74,864,207 PROGRAM: ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,210,968 1791 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 20.00 FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 1,973,828 1792 EXPENSES FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 160,772 1793 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF PATROL VEHICLES FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 270,000 1794 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS WASTE CLEANUP FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 57,000 1795 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ON-CALL FEES FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 25,902 1796 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 11,200 1797 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 27,415 1798 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 24,719 1799 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INLAND PROTECTION TRUST FUND . 6,121 TOTAL: ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,556,957 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,556,957 TOTAL: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 852,630,638 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,240,579,596 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,961.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,093,210,234 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 141,414,788 FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION PROGRAM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,009,314 1800 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 217.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 8,047,369 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 6,772,482 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,040,454 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 128,000 1801 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,734,905 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 142,098 1802 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,853,521 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 517,542 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 42,622 1803 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 40,000 1804 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 69,000 1805 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION YOUTH HUNTING AND FISHING PROGRAMS FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,000 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,251,255 1806 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NON-CARL WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 72,205 1807 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 48,157 1808 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,206,972 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,491 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 1,685 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,754,188 1809 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 315,360 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1809, $315,360 from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 1810 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 114,949 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 5,867 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,131 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 23,983 1811 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,828 1812 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750,000 1813 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 34,731 1814 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GULF COAST RESTORATION FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425,510 1815 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RESTORE ACT - DEEPWATER HORIZON SPILL FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,000 1816 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 59,857 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,783 1817 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - DEEPWATER HORIZON - STATE OPERATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000 1818 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 900,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,168 1819A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 947,314 TOTAL: OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 33,714,427 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 217.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 33,714,427 PROGRAM: LAW ENFORCEMENT FISH, WILDLIFE AND BOATING LAW ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 56,484,466 1820 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,043.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,037,142 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,409,016 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 17,295,543 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,726,615 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 802,695 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,077,509 1821 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 399,254 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 178,534 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 424,970 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 229,705 1822 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,670,004 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,113,693 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 422,585 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,978,680 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,252,532 1823 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,584 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 62,500 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 141,891 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 74,257 1824 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DERELICT VESSEL REMOVAL PROGRAM FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,468 1825 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BOATING INFRASTRUCTURE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,200,000 1826 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF PATROL VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,500,000 1827 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF BOATS, MOTORS, AND TRAILERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 1828 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENHANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 272,166 1829 SPECIAL CATEGORIES 800 MHZ RADIO LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 44,760 1830 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NUISANCE WILDLIFE CONTROL FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 150,000 1831 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,509,187 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,720,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,500 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 878,663 1832 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MARINE FISHERIES DISASTER RECOVERY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 62,289 1833 SPECIAL CATEGORIES BOAT RAMP MAINTENANCE CATEGORY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 359,466 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,048 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 143,750 1834 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,118,383 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,824,918 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 41,804 1835 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 294,701 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 107,898 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,266,388 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,593,870 1836 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 168,719 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,926 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 20,160 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 423,298 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 154,562 1837 SPECIAL CATEGORIES BOATING AND WATERWAYS ACTIVITIES FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,626,025 1838 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SPECIAL CATEGORIES - AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,241,473 1839 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,000 1840 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 49,507 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,424 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 9,571 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 204,812 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 37,500 1841 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,510,830 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,450 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 908,989 1842 SPECIAL CATEGORIES BOATING SAFETY EDUCATION PROGRAM FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 625,650 1843 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DERELICT VESSEL REMOVAL PROGRAM FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,501,405 1844 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - MARINE FISHERIES DISASTER RECOVERY GRANT PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,500,000 1845 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 793,704 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,250,000 1846 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,148,210 TOTAL: FISH, WILDLIFE AND BOATING LAW ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 47,003,954 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 103,491,229 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,043.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 150,495,183 PROGRAM: WILDLIFE HUNTING AND GAME MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,234,324 1847 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 45.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 829,528 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 559,685 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,852,536 1848 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 355,827 1849 EXPENSES FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 393,985 1850 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,638 1851 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 163,800 1852 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF BOATS, MOTORS, AND TRAILERS FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 43,840 1853 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENHANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 22,079 1854 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NON-CARL WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 80,315 1855 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 400,000 1856 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 255,710 1857 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC DOVE FIELD DEVELOPMENT FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 49,000 1858 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 8,584 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 101,067 1859 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA USER PAY FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 436,325 1860 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 2,446 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,356 1861 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,676,384 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,017 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 25,000 1862 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WILD TURKEY PROJECTS FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 500,000 TOTAL: HUNTING AND GAME MANAGEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,811,122 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,811,122 PROGRAM: HABITAT AND SPECIES CONSERVATION HABITAT AND SPECIES CONSERVATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 17,698,691 1863 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 385.50 FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,504,275 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,527,833 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 264,342 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559,514 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 9,515,540 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 670,500 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 2,279,224 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 961,481 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,200,079 1864 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601,881 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 61,915 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,792 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 104,679 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,635 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 1,054,614 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 46,612 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 415,541 1865 EXPENSES FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695,224 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 99,912 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,831 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,197,637 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,840 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 485,213 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 93,072 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 967,209 1866 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 10,625 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 55,922 1867 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141,000 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 720,000 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 230,000 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 61,500 1868 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENHANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 8,876,690 1869 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NON-CARL WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 17,607,096 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 411,412 1870 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NUISANCE WILDLIFE CONTROL FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,883,115 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 384,309 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 347,947 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1870, $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund is provided to expand contractual removal of Burmese pythons and other priority nonnative fish and wildlife. Funds may also be used to purchase and utilize emerging devices and techniques for the removal of Burmese pythons as approved by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 1871 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204,250 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 124,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,844 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 65,196 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 40,270 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 10,771 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 34,182 1872 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAKE RESTORATION FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 5,181,904 1873 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FEDERAL ENDANGERED SPECIES - SECTION 6 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 311,758 1874 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAND MANAGEMENT/SAVE OUR RIVERS FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 273,187 1875 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DUCKS UNLIMITED MARSH PROJECT FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 106,792 1876 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTROL OF INVASIVE EXOTICS FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,497,751 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 31,735,280 1877 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492,126 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,055 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,863 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 133,787 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,080 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 51,405 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 11,565 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 68,376 1878 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HABITAT RESTORATION FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,361,980 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 281,833 1879 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290,000 1880 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES/ IFAS/INVASIVE EXOTIC PLANT RESEARCH FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633,128 The funds in Specific Appropriation 1880 are provided to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences for Invasive Exotic Plant Research. 1881 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GULF COAST RESTORATION FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,159,918 1882 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INVASIVE PLANT CONTROL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,161 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,065 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,348 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,235 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 39,769 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,451 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 14,624 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 4,930 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 49,033 1883 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN LANDS ACQUISITION PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000,000 1884 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - DEEPWATER HORIZON - STATE OPERATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273,347 1885 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 11,746,187 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168,510 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 292,809 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 30,201 TOTAL: HABITAT AND SPECIES CONSERVATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 125,375,982 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 385.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 125,375,982 PROGRAM: FRESHWATER FISHERIES FRESHWATER FISHERIES MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,665,198 1886 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 59.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,210,261 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 88,216 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,531,934 1887 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 52,676 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 46,126 1888 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 387,680 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 20,000 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 275,321 1889 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,625 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,914 1890 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BLACKWATER FISHERIES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER RENOVATION FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,490,000 1891 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 397,000 1892 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENHANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 40,800 1893 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 37,553 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 31,996 1894 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAKE RESTORATION FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 695,000 1895 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 21,204 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,844 1896 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAND USE PROCEEDS DISBURSEMENTS FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,612 1897 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 20,727 1898 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 529,391 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138,926 1898A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY OSCEOLA COUNTY LAKE RUNNYMEDE BOAT RAMP AND VEGETATION HARVESTING PROJECT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 375,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1898A, $375,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Osceola County Lake Runnymede Boat Ramp and Vegetation Harvesting Project (Senate Form 1452). 1898B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MADISON - LAKE FRANCIS FISHING PIER/DOCK REPLACEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 125,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1898B, $125,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Madison - Lake Francis Fishing Pier/Dock Replacement (Senate Form 1786). 1898C GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LEVY COUNTY BIRD CREEK BOAT RAMP IMPROVEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 464,080 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1898C, $464,080 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Levy County Bird Creek Boat Ramp Improvements - Phase II (Senate Form 1585). TOTAL: FRESHWATER FISHERIES MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 964,080 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,066,806 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 59.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,030,886 PROGRAM: MARINE FISHERIES MARINE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,760,693 1899 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 34.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 663,881 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,939,492 1900 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,235 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,302 1901 EXPENSES FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 302,357 1902 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,168 1903 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AQUATIC RESOURCES EDUCATION FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 552,828 1904 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 170,987 1905 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GULF STATES MARINE FISHERIES FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,500 1906 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,457 1907 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117,000 1908 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GULF COAST RESTORATION FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200,618 1909 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,127 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,545 1910 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - DEEPWATER HORIZON - STATE OPERATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178,362 1911 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 457,713 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 1912 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEF CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 300,000 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 1913 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400,000 TOTAL: MARINE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,777,572 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 34.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,777,572 PROGRAM: RESEARCH FISH AND WILDLIFE RESEARCH INSTITUTE APPROVED SALARY RATE 16,628,031 1914 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 341.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 189,518 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,584,694 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 254,167 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451,363 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 198,954 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,512,654 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 1,287,403 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 1,166,389 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,626,546 1915 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,322,967 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 99,611 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,409 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,911,952 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 881,956 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 496,423 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 420,689 1916 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 755,452 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 72,241 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,952 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,960,147 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 502,923 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 275,100 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 542,861 1916A AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - MOTE MARINE LABORATORY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1916A, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Mote Marine Coral Restoration (Senate Form 1079). 1917 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 151,239 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 7,335 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 36,932 1917A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITIES REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 743,000 1918 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 271,350 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 37,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,084,000 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 291,348 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 144,741 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 111,788 1919 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF BOATS, MOTORS, AND TRAILERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 237,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 339,850 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87,000 1920 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ENHANCED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 80,576 1921 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NUISANCE WILDLIFE CONTROL FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 147,280 1922 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,062,942 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 24,105 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,780,580 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 237,889 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 358,310 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 50,501 1923 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MARINE FISHERIES DISASTER RECOVERY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,215,167 1924 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,404 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,670 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 506,497 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 48,264 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 21,537 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 245,306 1925 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINAL NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE RESTORATION - DEEPWATER HORIZON OIL SPILL FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,264,038 1926 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 325,945 1927 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GULF COAST RESTORATION FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,724,989 1928 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RESTORE ACT - DEEPWATER HORIZON SPILL FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 943,585 1929 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 716 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,841 FROM FLORIDA PANTHER RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,169 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 994 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,074 FROM NON-GAME WILDLIFE TRUST FUND . 7,528 FROM SAVE THE MANATEE TRUST FUND . . 5,761 FROM STATE GAME TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,846 1930 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - DEEPWATER HORIZON - STATE OPERATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565,203 1931 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RED TIDE RESEARCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,968,000 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 640,993 1932 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA RED TIDE MITIGATION AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,000,000 1933 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS GRANT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 600,000 1934 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACT AND GRANT REIMBURSED ACTIVITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,686,160 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,417,382 FROM MARINE RESOURCES CONSERVATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,972,587 1934A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ZOOTAMPA FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934A, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the ZooTampa Manatee Nursery and Water Filtration System (Senate Form 1311). 1934B GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AID - JACKSONVILLE ZOO AND GARDENS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934B, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens Manatee Gateway Experience (Senate Form 2542). 1934C GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MANATEE HOSPITAL OVERLOOK BRIDGE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934C, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Manatee Hospital Overlook Bridge (Senate Form 1825). 1934D GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CLEARWATER MARINE AQUARIUM MANATEE REHABILITATION EXHIBIT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 750,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934D, $750,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Clearwater Marine Aquarium Manatee Rehabilitation Exhibit (Senate Form 1218). 1934E GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY VOLUSIA COUNTY SEA TURTLE, SEABIRD, AND MANATEE EDUCATION BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS/ MARINE SCIENCE CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934E, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Volusia County Sea Turtle, Seabird, and Manatee Education Building Improvements/Marine Science Center (Senate Form 2322). 1934F GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PELICAN HARBOR SEABIRD STATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934F, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Pelican Harbor Seabird Station Phase I (Senate Form 2609). 1934G GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY A BILLION CLAMS FOR CHARLOTTE HARBOR FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934G, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the A Billion Clams For Charlotte Harbor (Senate Form 1956). 1934H GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LOGGERHEAD MARINE LIFE CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934H, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Loggerhead Marine Life Center Lifesaving Water Treatment System for Sick or Injured Sea Turtles (Senate Form 1514). 1934I GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GULF SHELLFISH INSTITUTE - CLAMS AND SEAGRASS RESTORATION - 3 ESTUARIES/SW FLORIDA FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1934I, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Gulf Shellfish Institute - Clams & Seagrass Restoration - 3 Estuaries SW Florida (Senate Form 1510). TOTAL: FISH AND WILDLIFE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 14,671,595 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 66,978,886 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 341.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 81,650,481 TOTAL: FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 62,639,629 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 356,216,024 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,124.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 418,855,653 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 108,480,717 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF Funds in Specific Appropriations 1940 through 1953, 1962 through 1964, 1972 through 1981, 1983 through 1991, and 2026 through 2039 are provided from the named funds to the Department of Transportation to fund the five-year Work Program developed pursuant to provisions of section 339.135, Florida Statutes. Those appropriations used by the department for grants and aids may be advanced in part or in total. The Work Program is further supported by up to $444.1 million in principal amount of bonds, authorized and issued pursuant to section 338.227, Florida Statutes, and any other payments necessary or incidental to the repayment of bonds as directly managed by the State Board of Administration, Division of Bond Finance. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1936 through 2046, the Department of Transportation shall prioritize the safety of transportation workers by maximizing the use of traffic enforcement in construction work zones for projects funded in the Work Program. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 113,935,397 1936 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,755.00 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 158,143,064 FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,003,698 1937 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 290,169 FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,155 1938 EXPENSES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 5,161,440 FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 227,660 1939 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,575,241 1940 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING CONSULTANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 77,150,453 1941 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY AVIATION DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 314,536,592 1942 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 516,870,098 1943 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND ACQUISITION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 299,816,376 FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION TRUST FUND . . 219,674,538 1944 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SEAPORT - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 15,000,000 1945 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SEAPORTS ACCESS PROGRAM FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 10,000,000 1946 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SEAPORT GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 100,863,800 1947 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SEAPORT INVESTMENT PROGRAM FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 10,000,000 1948 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RAIL DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 56,071,755 1949 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY INTERMODAL DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 95,617,777 1950 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 836,265,602 1951 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPPORT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 50,513,544 FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION TRUST FUND . . 10,667,777 1952 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 66,264,856 1953 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 99,932,467 FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION TRUST FUND . . 212,315,652 There is hereby authorized to be issued up to $383.9 million in principal amount of bonds authorized and issued pursuant to section 215.605, Florida Statutes, and any other payments necessary or incidental to the repayment of bonds. Specific Appropriation 1953 includes $203,354,632 to support Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service associated with such projects. There is hereby authorized to be issued up to $123.8 million in principal amount of bonds to finance the I-95 IIIC Project pursuant to section 339.0809, Florida Statutes. Specific Appropriation 1953 includes $40,836,490 to support Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service associated with this project. There is hereby authorized to be issued up to $153.1 million in principal amount of bonds to finance construction, reconstruction, and improvement of projects that are eligible to receive federal-aid highway funds in accordance with section 215.616, Florida Statutes. Specific Appropriation 1953 includes $44,546,266 to support Fiscal Year 2022-2023 debt service associated with such projects. 1954 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSULTANT FEES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 8,162,172 1955 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 7,429,980 FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 557,738 1956 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 185,125 FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,830 1957 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,356,668 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1957, $6,000,000 shall be used by the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged for an innovative grant program. Funds shall be used to provide competitive grants to community transportation coordinators for innovative service delivery that is more cost efficient for the program and time efficient for the users. Grants may be for projects in which a community transportation coordinator works with a non-traditional service provider, such as a transportation network company or other entity, that provides door-to-door, on-demand, or scheduled transportation services. A county may submit one project that encompasses multiple goals or a single goal, such as providing cross-county mobility or reducing service gaps between existing routes and the user's final destination. A county may not receive more than one award and may receive a maximum award of $750,000. Multiple counties may partner for a grant of up to $1,500,000 provided that the project includes a goal of providing regional mobility in addition to any other goals. A ten percent local match is required for all grants. All funds shall be used to provide direct services to transportation disadvantaged clients. TOTAL: PROGRAM: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,234,679,227 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,755.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,234,679,227 FLORIDA RAIL ENTERPRISE APPROVED SALARY RATE 211,055 1958 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1.00 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 275,739 1959 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,325 1960 EXPENSES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 25,200 1962 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PUBLIC TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 146,938,983 1963 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,169,822 1964 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RAIL DEVELOPMENT/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 138,238,700 1965 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSULTANT FEES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,089 1966 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 5,714 TOTAL: FLORIDA RAIL ENTERPRISE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 286,659,572 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 286,659,572 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS PROGRAM: HIGHWAY OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 160,687,619 1967 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 3,104.00 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 230,458,293 1968 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 172,088 1969 EXPENSES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 15,258,688 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 1969 and 1995, $500,000 may be expended for training, testing, and licensing for full-time employees of the Department of Transportation who are required to have a valid Class A or Class B commercial driver license as a condition of employment with the department. 1970 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,464,183 1971 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MINOR RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS, AND IMPROVEMENTS - STATEWIDE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 7,234,058 1972 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATE INFRASTRUCTURE BANK LOAN REPAYMENTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 50,520,978 1972A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN - STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM PROJECTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 5,843,780 1973 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SMALL COUNTY RESURFACE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SCRAP) FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 27,673,968 1974 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SMALL COUNTY OUTREACH PROGRAM (SCOP) FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 85,180,636 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1974, $9,000,000 is appropriated for transportation projects in municipalities pursuant to section 339.2818(7), Florida Statutes. 1975 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 49,657,822 1977 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BOND GUARANTEE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 500,000 1978 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 626,625,828 1979 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY INTRASTATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,436,551,741 1980 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ARTERIAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 247,047,307 1981 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CONSULTANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 542,684,546 1982 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ENVIRONMENTAL SITE RESTORATION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 475,000 1983 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY HIGHWAY SAFETY CONSTRUCTION/GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 160,093,863 1984 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RESURFACING FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,121,746,688 1985 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 198,409,479 FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION TRUST FUND . . 3,000,000 1986 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CONTRACT MAINTENANCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,000,000 1987 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION GRANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,000,000 1988 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MATERIALS AND RESEARCH FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 21,311,666 1988A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 279,457,395 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 67,029,472 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1988A from the State Transportation Trust Fund shall be allocated as follows: 22nd Avenue and Selmon Expressway Intersection Signalization - Tampa (Senate Form 1762)................ 1,000,000 8th Street Roadway and Drainage Improvements - Laurel Hill (Senate Form 1166)................................. 350,000 Amelia Island Trail Phase 4 - Nassau County (Senate Form 1940)................................................... 1,000,000 Beulah Pedestrian Bridge (Senate Form 2419)............... 1,000,000 Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport - Runway Rehabilitation (Senate Form 2333)....................... 2,000,000 Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport and Technology Center Multi-Modal Project (Senate Form 1193)........... 2,000,000 Chickasaw Road Expansion Project - Greenacres (Senate Form 1201).............................................. 300,000 City of Anna Maria Reimagining Pine Avenue - Phase 1 (Senate Form 1508)...................................... 1,288,440 City of Fort Walton Beach - Lewis Turner Area Traffic Improvements (Senate Form 2440)......................... 1,500,000 City of Midway Street Lighting (Senate Form 2213)......... 450,000 City of Minneola - Citrus Grove Road Phase II (Senate Form 2089).............................................. 1,000,000 City of Oldsmar - Douglas Road Improvements (Senate Form 1209)................................................... 1,000,000 City of Wauchula Municipal Airport Improvements (Senate Form 2555).............................................. 2,500,000 Clay County Greenways Expansion (Senate Form 1565)........ 1,000,000 Cooper City Comprehensive Traffic Calming Study and Implementation (Senate Form 2160)....................... 125,000 County Road 42 Flood Zone Crossing Improvements - Lake (Senate Form 1714)...................................... 500,000 CR 210 Bridge Rehabilitation - Putnam County (Senate Form 2732)................................................... 250,000 CR 232 Pavement Rehabilitation - Alachua (Senate Form 2797)................................................... 250,000 CR 2209 - Four Lane Road Construction - St. Johns (Senate Form 1947).............................................. 500,000 Crandon Boulevard Intersection Improvements - Village of Key Biscayne (Senate Form 2281)......................... 250,000 DeFuniak Springs Airport Expansion Project (Senate Form 2495)................................................... 1,000,000 Destin Easement Multi-Use Trail/Linear Park Project (Senate Form 2486)...................................... 270,000 Dixie County Schools Access Roads (Senate Form 2791)...... 250,000 Downtown Flagler Street Lighting Project - Miami (Senate Form 2396).............................................. 200,000 Five-point Intersection Roundabout - Dade City (Senate Form 2172).............................................. 4,200,000 Flagler Central Commerce Parkway - Bunnell (Senate Form 1547)................................................... 400,000 Fort Myers Beach Times Square Renovation (Senate Form 2655)................................................... 1,000,000 Fort Walton Beach Hill Avenue and Anchors Street Complete Street Project Design (Senate Form 2487)................ 187,500 Indian Rocks Road Bridge and Roadway Improvements - Belleair (Senate Form 2181)............................. 1,111,000 Jackson County Road Drainage Mitigation Projects (Senate Form 2597).............................................. 1,500,000 Kinloch Roadway Neighborhood Improvements - Miami (Senate Form 1351).............................................. 1,500,000 Lauderdale Lakes Greenway Trail (Senate Form 1854)........ 402,955 Ludlam Trail Corridor - Construction (Senate Form 1422)... 1,500,000 Madeira Beach Roadway Improvements (Senate Form 1380)..... 1,000,000 Main Street Streetscape Improvements - Sarasota (Senate Form 2246).............................................. 400,000 Manatee County - Moccasin Wallow Road Expansion Segment 2 (Senate Form 1628)...................................... 1,000,000 Manatee County - Pedestrian Overpass Across US 41 (Senate Form 2306).............................................. 1,000,000 Marco Island Smokehouse Creek Bridge Replacement (Senate Form 1227).............................................. 1,702,512 Marlin Road Improvement Project - Cutler Bay (Senate Form 2608)................................................... 520,000 Miami Lakes NW 154th Street and Palmetto Expressway Turn Lanes (Senate Form 1236)................................ 250,000 Miami Shores Village NE 104th Street Roadway Improvements (Senate Form 2386)...................................... 655,000 Miramar Parkway LED Streetlight Improvements - City of Miramar (Senate Form 1221).............................. 150,000 North Francisco Street Improvements - Clewiston (Senate Form 1273).............................................. 500,000 Niceville Area Multi-Purpose Pathway (Senate Form 2672)... 250,000 North Miami Pedestrian Bridge Over Biscayne (C8) Canal (Senate Form 2036)...................................... 400,000 Okaloosa County US 98 Bridge-to-Bridge Multi-Use Path (Senate Form 2668)...................................... 1,750,000 Panama City Watson Bayou Dredging - Entrance Channel and Turning Basin (Senate Form 2222)........................ 1,000,000 Panama City Watson Bayou Turning Basin Bulkhead - Phase 2 (Senate Form 2430)...................................... 3,500,000 Pembroke Park Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements (Senate Form 1376)......................... 195,000 Poinciana Parkway Extension (Senate Form 2779)............ 2,000,000 Port Manatee Mobile Harbor Crane Purchase (Senate Form 1595)................................................... 1,000,000 Roadway Reconstruction & Install Traffic Calming Devices - Miami (Senate Form 1561).............................. 500,000 Safe Routes to School - Limona Elementary - Hillsborough (Senate Form 1912)...................................... 1,380,000 Sandy Lane Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements - Estero (Senate Form 1272)...................................... 450,000 Seminole County E.E. Williamson Road Trail Connect Project (Senate Form 2659).............................. 500,000 Seminole County Wekiva Springs Road Intersection Improvements (Senate Form 2658)......................... 500,000 South Avenue Extension - National Guard Entrance Road (Senate Form 2339)...................................... 1,940,000 South Flagler Drive Resurfacing and Bike Lane Project - West Palm Beach (Senate Form 1198)...................... 250,000 SR 200/A1A Widening - Nassau County (Senate Form 1942).... 750,065 St. Armands Circle Streetscape Improvements - Sarasota County (Senate Form 2245)............................... 400,000 St. Johns Parkway (CR 2209) Sidewalk (Senate Form 1541)... 400,000 State Road A1A Corridor Intersection Improvements - St. Johns (Senate Form 1948)................................ 500,000 Surfside Boulevard Improvements - Town of Surfside (Senate Form 1864)...................................... 250,000 SW Lincoln Street Roadway and Drainage Reconstruction - Indiantown (Senate Form 1656)........................... 550,000 Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority TD Tampa Bay (Senate Form 2782)...................................... 1,000,000 The Bluffs Entrance/South Extension (Senate Form 2508).... 1,000,000 The South Dade Trail Multi-Use/Mobility Corridor (Senate Form 2207).............................................. 250,000 The Underline Multi-Use/Mobility Corridor (Senate Form 2104)................................................... 500,000 Tice Street Sidewalk Construction - Lee County (Senate Form 2600).............................................. 927,000 Thompson Nursery Road Design and Permitting - Polk County (Senate Form 1632)...................................... 3,500,000 Town of Hilliard - 6th Street Paving Project (Senate Form 1944)................................................... 175,000 Town of Medley - NW 78 St. and NW 77 St. Roadway Improvements (Senate Form 2695)......................... 250,000 Town of Medley - NW 93rd Roadway Widening (Senate Form 2696)................................................... 250,000 Walton County Multi-Use Trails (Senate Form 2445)......... 250,000 Washington Street Improvements - Tampa (Senate Form 1998). 1,000,000 Zephyrhills Airport Improvements (Senate Form 2307)....... 500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 1988A from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: City of Ocala 44th Avenue Extension - Phase II (Senate Form 2091).............................................. 8,000,000 County Line Road Widening - Hernando County (Senate Form 2765)................................................... 50,000,000 Crystal River Airport Runway Extension and Environmental Assessment (Senate Form 1704)........................... 7,100,000 CR 121 Resurfacing - Nassau County (Senate Form 1941)..... 9,500,000 Crystal River Turkey Oak Bypass (Senate Form 2475)........ 20,700,000 Fort Island Trail - Multi-use Path Phase 1 - Citrus (Senate Form 1702)...................................... 9,250,000 Lacoochee Industrial Area Right-Of-Way Improvements (Senate Form 2069)...................................... 5,919,395 Morningside Drive Extension - Dade City (Senate Form 2058) 9,000,000 North Ridge Trail Expansion - Polk County (Senate Form 1630)................................................... 5,000,000 Pasco County - Pioneer Museum Road Intersection (Senate Form 2286).............................................. 4,988,000 Pasco County Research Park Infrastructure (Senate Form 2781)................................................... 106,000,000 Ridge Road Extension Phase 2B - Pasco (Senate Form 1268).. 14,000,000 SR 31 Bridge Replacement Lee County (Senate Form 2753).... 30,000,000 1989 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BRIDGE INSPECTION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 22,113,004 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 1989, the Department of Transportation shall implement real-time structural health monitoring systems on at least ten in-service bridges along major hurricane evacuation routes to ensure resiliency and structural integrity of the structures. The monitoring system must be comprised of embedded and external sensors capable of measuring parameters including, but not limited to, linear polarization resistance, open circuit potential, resistivity, chloride ion concentration, temperature, strain, and acceleration of the bridge and its related elements, including the superstructure, substructure, and foundations. These structural health monitoring systems are supplemental to the current bridge inspection and maintenance programs and activities. 1990 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 255,802,188 1991 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LOCAL GOVERNMENT REIMBURSEMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 8,701,713 1992 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 9,141,872 1993 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FAIRBANKS HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 400,965 1994 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSULTANT FEES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,112,531 1995 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 9,008,491 1996 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSPORTATION MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 28,985,953 1997 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 320,482 TOTAL: PROGRAM: HIGHWAY OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 279,457,395 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,238,527,283 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3,104.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,517,984,678 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 43,495,057 1998 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 745.00 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 62,186,705 1999 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 863,287 2000 EXPENSES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,979,974 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2000, the Department of Transportation shall expend up to $1,000,000 to conduct a career path marketing campaign, highlighting and promoting the rewarding career paths in the road and bridge construction industry in the state. The marketing strategy must include components that bring attention to career opportunities that exist at the beginning, middle, and later-stages of a person's career and the availability of these careers to diverse peoples. 2001 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 108,833 2002 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MINOR RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS, AND IMPROVEMENTS - STATEWIDE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 5,049,733 2003 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 50,832 2004 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSULTANT FEES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,137,893 2005 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,450,672 2007 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 8,849,159 2008 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE - OTHER FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 979,058 2009 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR EVERGLADES RESTORATION FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,132,690 2010 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FOR HIGHWAY TAX COMPLIANCE FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 34,640 2011 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 477,133 2012 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,881,761 FROM TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,589 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 101,185,959 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 745.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 101,185,959 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,729,331 2013 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 198.00 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 15,743,241 2014 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 52,885 2015 EXPENSES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 10,076,110 2016 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 3,056,724 2017 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSULTANT FEES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 339,908 2018 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 17,730,892 2019 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 15,879 2020A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,590,969 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 53,606,608 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 198.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 53,606,608 FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE SYSTEMS FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE ENTERPRISE APPROVED SALARY RATE 21,681,353 2021 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 372.00 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 31,749,175 2022 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 507,684 2023 EXPENSES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 14,940,556 2024 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 117,709 2025 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MINOR RENOVATIONS, REPAIRS, AND IMPROVEMENTS - STATEWIDE FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 2026 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATE INFRASTRUCTURE BANK LOAN REPAYMENTS FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,217,651 2028 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 68,711,545 2029 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY INTRASTATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION FROM TURNPIKE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 24,115,837 FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,007,630,895 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 14,551,058 2030 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CONSULTANTS FROM TURNPIKE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 13,752,059 FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,616,464 2031 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND ACQUISITION FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,328,439 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 19,948,657 2032 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RESURFACING FROM TURNPIKE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 51,044,374 2033 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FROM TURNPIKE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 19,818,115 FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,014,925 2034 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS FROM TURNPIKE RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 16,279,156 FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,689,101 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 10,365,300 2035 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY RIGHT-OF-WAY SUPPORT FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,501,678 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 500,285 2036 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 27,496,723 2037 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TOLL OPERATION CONTRACTS FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 200,928,377 2038 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TURNPIKE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT FROM TURNPIKE GENERAL RESERVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,374,000 FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 100,000 2039 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TOLLS SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 55,342,075 2040 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 123,266 2041 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSULTANT FEES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,968,631 2042 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 56,979,067 2043 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENT TO EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITIES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,670,420 2044 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL SERVICES FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 28,840,636 2045 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSPORTATION MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 178,000 2046 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE TRANSPORTATION (PRIMARY) TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 194,000 TOTAL: FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE ENTERPRISE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,041,795,858 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 372.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,041,795,858 TOTAL: TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 279,457,395 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,956,454,507 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 6,175.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,235,911,902 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 350,739,812 TOTAL OF SECTION 5 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,652,542,163 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,263,238,322 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 15,064.25 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,915,780,485 SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds to Administered Funds, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Department of Citrus, Department of Economic Opportunity, Department of Financial Services, Executive Office of the Governor, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Legislative Branch, Department of the Lottery, Department of Management Services, Department of Military Affairs, Public Service Commission, Department of Revenue, and Department of State as the amounts to be used to pay the salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay of the named agencies. PROGRAM: ADMINISTERED FUNDS 2047 LUMP SUM HUMAN RESOURCES OUTSOURCING CONTINGENCY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 300,000 2047A LUMP SUM DATA PROCESSING REALIGNMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2047A are provided for distribution into agencies' Northwest Regional Data Center data processing category in the event additional funds are needed to meet the needs of the agency for the transition from the State Data Center to the Northwest Regional Data Center. 2049A LUMP SUM STRENGTHENING DOMESTIC SECURITY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 48,328,232 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2049A are contingent on federal grants being awarded. Should the amount awarded for each federal grant be less than the amount appropriated, funds shall be awarded in priority order for the individual projects as indicated in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Domestic Security Funding Request of the Domestic Security Oversight Board. Once federal funding is received and projects are funded in priority order, the Board may transfer funding between any of the funded projects. Funds may be allocated to projects not listed below with approval of the Legislative Budget Commission. State Homeland Security Program (SHSP): FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES Bomb Sustainment.......................................... 350,000 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT Sustainment of Fusion Center Analysts..................... 252,138 Sustainment of Fusion Centers Operations.................. 232,500 Cryptocurrency Investigative Tool......................... 132,000 See Something, Say Something Marketing Campaign........... 330,000 LE Data Sharing........................................... 813,323 Planning Meetings......................................... 61,800 Statewide Aviation Building............................... 739,500 FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Sustainment of Fusion Center Analysts..................... 650,500 Sustainment of Fusion Centers Operations.................. 137,500 Statewide WebEOC Capability Assurance..................... 126,000 Bomb Sustainment.......................................... 1,151,000 Fire HAZMAT Sustainment................................... 799,123 LE Data Sharing........................................... 314,853 USAR Sustainment.......................................... 362,333 CFIX - New Analyst........................................ 58,000 SWAT Building Capabilities - ROOK......................... 690,000 Cyber LE Response Training................................ 280,000 SWAT and Bomb Training.................................... 75,000 R7 Portable Vehicle Barriers.............................. 255,000 SWAT Sustainment.......................................... 276,843 R3 Portable Vehicle Barriers.............................. 89,296 Fire USAR Training........................................ 623,354 Aviation Sustainment...................................... 520,000 WRT Training.............................................. 280,000 MARC Statewide Radio Cache Replacement.................... 544,000 Bomb Building Capabilities................................ 32,000 WRT Building Capabilities................................. 149,400 Local Government Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing........ 337,500 TBRIC Web Intelligence Platform........................... 90,000 AHIMT CRD Communications.................................. 139,990 Management and Administration............................. 544,648 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI): DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Urban Areas Security Initiative...... 14,012,500 Orlando Urban Area Security Initiative.................... 4,299,590 Tampa Urban Area Security Initiative...................... 4,951,096 Management and Administration............................. 1,117,500 Additional Federal Funding: DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Non-Profit Security Grants Program (NSGP)................. 9,838,945 Operation Stonegarden (OPSG).............................. 2,671,000 2050 LUMP SUM EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 345,796,597 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 147,827,182 2050A LUMP SUM STATE MATCH FOR FEDERAL FEMA FUNDING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 103,993,416 2051 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ASSOCIATION DUES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 215,170 2052 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION AND FLORIDA LAND AND WATER ADJUDICATORY COMMISSION - ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,000 2052A SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,174,272 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 15,647,230 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2052A are provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. Funds may be distributed to agencies as needed to perform the necessary tasks. The distribution shall include a detailed operational work plan on how the funds will be utilized. 2053 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO PLANNING AND BUDGETING SYSTEM TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,293,326 TOTAL: PROGRAM: ADMINISTERED FUNDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 467,782,781 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 214,802,644 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 682,585,425 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,559,360 2054 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 168.50 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 13,832,912 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2054, $61,472 in Salaries and Benefits and associated salary rate of 51,888 are provided to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to increase the base salary of Senior Attorneys (class code 7738) to $58,223 and Condominium Arbitration Senior Attorneys (class code 7738) to $60,231. 2055 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 576,670 2056 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,826,221 2057 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 12,088 2058 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 133,769 2059 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 254,780 2061 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,500 2062 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 48,933 2063 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,650 2064 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 90,000 2065 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 77,506 2066 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 52,463 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,919,492 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 168.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,919,492 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,388,240 2067 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 57.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 208,773 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,626,406 2068 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 115,365 2069 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,878 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,702,204 2070 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 100,000 2071 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,960,911 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2071, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to contract for a feasibility study that includes detailed business and functional requirements to replace the current Versa Online system. By March 1, 2023, the department shall provide a copy of the study to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. 2073 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA BUSINESS INFORMATION PORTAL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 150,000 2074 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 18,793 2075 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 4,001 2076 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 586 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 15,124 2078 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,237,203 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 371,237 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,780,007 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 57.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,151,244 PROGRAM: SERVICE OPERATION CUSTOMER CONTACT CENTER APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,406,399 2079 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 92.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,154,804 2080 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 243,175 2081 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 587,125 2082 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,000 2083 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 219,000 2084 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 27,993 2085 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,430 2086 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 26,127 TOTAL: CUSTOMER CONTACT CENTER FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,266,654 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 92.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,266,654 CENTRAL INTAKE APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,890,609 2087 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 108.50 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,047,109 2088 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 443,065 2089 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 579,401 2090 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,000 2091 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,500,000 2092 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 21,272 2093 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 16,950 2094 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 35,092 TOTAL: CENTRAL INTAKE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,645,889 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 108.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,645,889 PROGRAM: PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,698,045 2095 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 235.50 FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,118,150 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2095, $11,156 in Salaries and Benefits and associated salary rate of 9,417 are provided to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to increase the base salary of Senior Attorneys (class code 7738) to $58,223. 2096 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810,143 2097 EXPENSES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,899,498 2098 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,920 2099 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156,900 2100 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEGAL SERVICES CONTRACT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960,360 2101 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282,637 2102 SPECIAL CATEGORIES UNLICENSED ACTIVITIES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,277,254 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2102, up to $500,000 from the Professional Regulation Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to fund unlicensed activity enforcement relating to real estate. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2102, up to $100,000 from the Professional Regulation Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to fund unlicensed activity enforcement relating to certified public accountants. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2102, up to $500,000 from the Professional Regulation Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to enhance department enforcement activities, which include stings and sweeps, relating to unlicensed construction activity in Florida. The department may not allocate overhead charges to these unlicensed activity functions. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2102, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall submit a report to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by November 1, 2022, detailing the unlicensed activity functions performed by the department during Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The report shall contain a detailed breakout of activities, revenues, and expenditures by board and/or profession, and include any relevant information to indicate the department's compliance with section 455.2281, Florida Statutes. 2103 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CLAIMS PAYMENTS FROM CONSTRUCTION RECOVERY FUND FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500,000 The Department of Business and Professional Regulation is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2103 in the event the amount of claims available for payment exceeds the amount appropriated. 2104 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CLAIMS PAYMENT/AUCTIONEER RECOVERY FUND FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,579 2105 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER ARCHITECT & INTERIOR DESIGN ACTIVITIES CH. 2002-274 FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425,239 2106 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,452,138 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2106, $258,300 in nonrecurring funds from the Professional Regulation Trust Fund is provided for funding the Medical Gas Education Outreach Training Program (Senate Form 2157). 2107 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE AND MITIGATION PROGRAM FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2107 are provided for the Florida Building Code Compliance and Mitigation Program as authorized in section 553.841, Florida Statutes. 2108 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,298 2109 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257,282 2110 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CLAY FORD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING MINORITY SCHOLARSHIPS FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 2111 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,162 2112 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,089 2113 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (FEMC) CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,070,000 2114 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS REAL ESTATE RECOVERY FUND FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 TOTAL: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 34,079,649 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 235.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 34,079,649 FLORIDA ATHLETIC COMMISSION APPROVED SALARY RATE 313,703 2115 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 5.00 FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479,885 2116 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,972 2117 EXPENSES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156,920 2118 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 443,675 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2118 are provided for the Florida Athletic Commission. The funds shall be utilized, if needed, in excess of available trust funds to support and maintain operations of the commission. 2119 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 2120 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,448 2121 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,270 TOTAL: FLORIDA ATHLETIC COMMISSION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 443,675 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 757,495 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,201,170 TESTING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,486,921 2122 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 38.00 FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,247,706 2123 EXPENSES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281,294 2123A OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 2124 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EXAMINATION TESTING SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802,078 2125 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 2126 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,696 2127 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,211 2128 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,285 TOTAL: TESTING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,362,270 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 38.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,362,270 FARM AND CHILD LABOR REGULATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,157,944 2129 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 30.00 FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,826,534 2130 EXPENSES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,342 2131 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000 2132 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,090 2133 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,400 2134 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,131 2135 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,648 2136 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,268 TOTAL: FARM AND CHILD LABOR REGULATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,130,413 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,130,413 DRUGS, DEVICES, AND COSMETICS APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,712,037 2137 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 27.50 FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,414,795 2138 EXPENSES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375,849 2139 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 2140 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 640,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2140 are provided for the Division of Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics. The funds shall be utilized, if needed, in excess of available trust funds to support and maintain operations of the division. 2141 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,000 2142 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,938 2143 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,978 2144 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,200 2145 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PROFESSIONAL REGULATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,047 TOTAL: DRUGS, DEVICES, AND COSMETICS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 640,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,923,807 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 27.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,563,807 PROGRAM: HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 14,680,901 2146 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 353.00 FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000,580 2147 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36,056 2148 EXPENSES FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,806,543 2149 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500 2150 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,000 2151 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFERS TO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SERVICES FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607,149 2152 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SCHOOL-TO-CAREER FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706,698 2153 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,509 2153A SPECIAL CATEGORIES IN-STATE TOURISM MARKETING CAMPAIGN FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2153A are provided for funding a nonrecurring appropriations project (Senate Form 2603). 2154 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493,941 2155 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,109,625 2156 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 2157 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,339 TOTAL: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 29,232,940 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 353.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 29,232,940 PROGRAM: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,154,327 2158 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 186.75 FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 14,809,340 2159 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 7,147 2160 EXPENSES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 1,519,624 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165,460 2161 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 315,644 2162 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 42,044 2163 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PATROL VEHICLES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 896,017 2164 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 509,348 2165 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 172,846 2166 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER FOR CONTRACTED DISPATCH SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 140,000 2167 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 28,219 2168 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 53,271 TOTAL: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,658,960 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 186.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,658,960 STANDARDS AND LICENSURE APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,599,844 2169 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 59.50 FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 3,879,746 2170 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 171,411 2171 EXPENSES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 558,792 2172 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 5,000 2173 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 12,733 2174 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 19,534 2175 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 12,229 2176 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 18,362 TOTAL: STANDARDS AND LICENSURE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,677,807 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 59.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,677,807 TAX COLLECTION APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,513,968 2177 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 82.00 FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 5,384,820 2178 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 22,235 2179 EXPENSES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 622,009 2180 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 13,680 2181 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CIGARETTE TAX STAMPS FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 866,505 2182 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 11,643 2183 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 12,998 2184 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 25,206 2185A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE AND TOBACCO TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 20,664 TOTAL: TAX COLLECTION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,979,760 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 82.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,979,760 PROGRAM: FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,331,735 2186 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 102.00 FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,453,902 2187 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 36,447 2188 EXPENSES FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 915,377 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2188, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation must maintain an office in Miami-Dade County to be staffed with compliance investigators of the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes. 2189 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 6,298 2190 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 17,500 2191 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 31,863 2192 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 11,856 2193 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM DIVISION OF FLORIDA CONDOMINIUMS, TIMESHARES AND MOBILE HOMES TRUST FUND . . . . . . 30,392 TOTAL: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,503,635 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 102.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 7,503,635 TOTAL: BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,454,912 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 153,918,778 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,545.25 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 155,373,690 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 70,894,033 PROGRAM: CITRUS, DEPARTMENT OF CITRUS RESEARCH APPROVED SALARY RATE 781,367 2194 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 6.00 FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 985,674 2195 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 107,098 2196 EXPENSES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 401,896 2197 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 251,000 2198 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 1,520,494 2199 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAID ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 82,000 2200 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 2,474 TOTAL: CITRUS RESEARCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 500,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,350,636 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,850,636 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,223,344 2201 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 15.00 FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 1,870,177 2202 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 66,000 2203 EXPENSES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 492,625 2204 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 419,779 2204A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITIES REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 2205 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 125,000 FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 307,655 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2205, $125,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to procure contracted services to assist with the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 2207 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAID ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 75,000 2208 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 13,600 2209 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 4,087 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,625,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,248,923 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,873,923 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING APPROVED SALARY RATE 857,944 2210 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 7.00 FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 1,277,656 2211 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 17,000 2212 EXPENSES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 261,331 2213 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 100,000 2214 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAID ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,000,000 FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 12,961,163 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2214, no funds are appropriated for activities intended for any other purpose than to produce consumer or influencer engagement and awareness of the health, safety, wellness, nutrition, and uses of Florida citrus products. 2214A SPECIAL CATEGORIES CITRUS RECOVERY PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2214A are provided for citrus recovery to enhance marketing of Florida's citrus industry as set forth in section 601.15, Florida Statutes. The department shall establish or utilize existing programs and criteria for marketing methods and consumer awareness campaigns that will maximize the demand and consumption of Florida citrus projects for the benefit of Florida growers and the State of Florida. The department shall submit quarterly status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each report must include citrus marketing expenditures to date by source, movement data related to processed citrus products, retail sales data, market trend reports, and available data relating to crop value. 2215 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM CITRUS ADVERTISING TRUST FUND . 2,213 TOTAL: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,619,363 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,619,363 TOTAL: PROGRAM: CITRUS, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 19,125,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 21,218,922 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 28.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,343,922 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 2,862,655 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, DEPARTMENT OF From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2216 through 2308A, any expenditure from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant must be expended in accordance with the requirements and limitations of Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act, as amended, or any other applicable federal requirement or limitation. Before any funds are released by the Department of Children and Families, each provider shall identify the number of clients to be served and certify its eligibility under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act. Funds may not be released for services to any clients except those so identified and certified. The department head or a designee must certify that controls are in place to ensure that such funds are expended in accordance with the requirements and limitations of federal law and that reporting requirements of federal law are met. It is the responsibility of any entity to which such funds are appropriated to obtain the required certification prior to any expenditure of funds. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2216 through 2308A, no federal or state funds shall be used to pay for space being leased by a Local Workforce Development Board, CareerSource Florida, or the Department of Economic Opportunity if it has been determined by whichever entity is the lessee that there is no longer a need for the leased space. All leases, and performance and obligations under the leases, are subject to and contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature. In the event that such annual appropriation does not occur, or in the alternative, there is either a reduction in funding from the prior annual appropriation or the entity which is the lessee determines that the annual appropriation is insufficient to meet the requirements of the leases, then the lessee has the right to terminate the lease upon written notice by the lessee and the lessee shall have no further obligations under the contracts. PROGRAM: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,581,818 2216 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 37.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,581,408 2217 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 111,978 2218 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 492,650 2219 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 9,677 2220 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 58,858 2221 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 33,778 2222 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 6,751 2223 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 10,990 2224A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,134 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,311,224 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 37.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,311,224 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,905,468 2225 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 101.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,637,680 FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 985,813 2226 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 488,558 FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 51,388 2227 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 708,744 FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,418,634 2228 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 52,822 2229 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY REED ACT BUILDINGS PROJECTS - STATEWIDE FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,467,000 2230 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 477,698 FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,036,300 2231 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 132,143 FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,871 2232 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 22,542 FROM REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,580 2233A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 152,309 TOTAL: FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,650,082 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 101.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,650,082 INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,452,125 2234 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 100.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 8,899,630 2235 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 234,997 2236 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,731,523 2237 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 73,661 2238 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 833,190 2239 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 17,600 2240 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 26,555 2241A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 71,789 TOTAL: INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,888,945 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,888,945 PROGRAM: WORKFORCE SERVICES WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2242 through 2267, the Department of Economic Opportunity must determine if any funds provided for specific workforce programs, projects, or initiatives are not an allowable use of federal funds. If the department finds that any workforce program, project, or initiative for which funds are specifically appropriated in this act is not an allowable use of federal funds, the department must notify the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. When allocating full-time equivalent (FTE) positions to individual local workforce development boards, the Department of Economic Opportunity must ensure that workforce services are effectively and efficiently provided throughout the state. The department is authorized to reallocate any FTE position allocated to a local workforce development board that has been or becomes vacant for more than 180 days. When reallocating a vacant FTE position, the department must give priority to a local workforce development board that would use the FTE position to provide additional services to veterans. APPROVED SALARY RATE 24,944,433 2242 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 587.50 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 33,843,672 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 1,458,142 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 228,524 2243 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,271,725 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 65,903 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 88,304 2244 EXPENSES FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 968,193 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 944,366 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 130,668 2245 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 109,473 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 26,424 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 115,530 2245A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - WORKFORCE PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,600,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2245A shall be allocated as follows: Big Brothers Big Sisters School to Work Program (Senate Form 2414).............................................. 500,000 FCDI - Workforce Education - Hillsborough (Senate Form 1388)................................................... 50,000 Florida Ready to Work (Senate Form 2554).................. 500,000 JARC Florida - Palm Beach/Broward (Senate Form 1946)...... 400,000 Manufacturing Talent Asset Pipeline (TAP) - Brevard (Senate Form 1500)...................................... 350,000 Operation New Uniform - Duval (Senate Form 1228).......... 350,000 Treasure Coast Food Bank - Career Readiness and Workforce Training Program (Senate Form 1501)..................... 300,000 Veterans Entrepreneurship Initiative - Seminole County Expansion (Senate Form 1066)............................ 150,000 The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with the entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2245A. 2246 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NON CUSTODIAL PARENT PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 1,416,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2246, $1,416,000 in recurring funds from the Welfare Transition Trust Fund and $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for funding an appropriations project (Senate Form 1025). The funds are provided to continue the Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services' Non-Custodial Parent Employment Program in Miami-Dade, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, and Hillsborough counties, allocated as follows: Miami-Dade County - $726,000; and Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, and Hillsborough counties - $1,190,000. CareerSource Pasco Hernando shall administer the funds. 2247 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP) FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,000,000 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 250,000 2248 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 8,818,979 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 464,372 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 147,604 2249 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - LOCAL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARDS FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 209,344,538 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 52,514,907 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2249 from the Welfare Transition Trust Fund are allocated for workforce services based on a plan approved by CareerSource Florida. The plan must maximize funds distributed directly to the local workforce development boards, and must identify any funds allocated for state-level and discretionary initiatives. The plan must equitably distribute funds to the boards based on anticipated client caseload to maximize the ability of the state to meet performance standards, including federal work participation rate requirements, and prioritize services provided to one-parent families. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2249, any expenditures by a local workforce development board for "outreach," "advertising," or "public relations" must have a direct program benefit and must be spent in strict accordance with all applicable federal regulations and guidance. For any expenditures exceeding $5,000 for outreach purposes, a local workforce development board must obtain prior approval from the Department of Economic Opportunity before purchasing: promotional items, including but not limited to capes, blankets, and clothing; and memorabilia, models, gifts, and souvenirs. Funds in Specific Appropriation 2249 may not be used directly or indirectly to pay for meals, food, or beverages for board members, staff, or employees of local workforce development boards, CareerSource Florida, or the Department of Economic Opportunity except as expressly authorized by state law. Preapproved, reasonable, and necessary per diem allowances and travel established in section 112.061, Florida Statutes, shall be in compliance with all applicable federal and state requirements. Funds in Specific Appropriation 2249 may not be used for entertainment costs and recreational activities for board members, staff, or employees. Funds in Specific Appropriation 2249 may not be used to fund the salary, bonus, or incentive of any employee in excess of Federal Executive Level II, regardless of fund source. 2250 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 475,680 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 32,637 2251 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 182,516 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 4,417 2251A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKFORCE PROJECTS - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2251A shall be allocated as follows: Construction of Commercial Training Kitchen, for persons with Autism and other disabilities (Senate Form 1669)... 250,000 Martin County REACH Center (Senate Form 2066)............. 250,000 The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with the entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2251A. 2252A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 634,953 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 342,302 TOTAL: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 3,600,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 320,879,829 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 587.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 324,479,829 REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPROVED SALARY RATE 19,249,168 2253 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 478.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,701,173 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 31,416,510 2254 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,961,336 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,499,124 2255 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,650,000 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 12,321,610 2256 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 304,795 2256A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FOR REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE TAX COLLECTION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,410,094 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 19,000,000 2257 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,800,000 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 17,891,311 2258 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 339,865 2259 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 184,506 2260A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,633,629 TOTAL: REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 18,522,603 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 97,591,350 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 478.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 116,113,953 CAREERSOURCE FLORIDA 2261 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CAREERSOURCE FLORIDA OPERATIONS FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 8,875,103 FROM WELFARE TRANSITION TRUST FUND . 677,930 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 484,182 2262 SPECIAL CATEGORIES QUICK RESPONSE TRAINING FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 4,000,000 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,500,000 2263 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INCUMBENT WORKER TRAINING PROGRAM FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,000,000 TOTAL: CAREERSOURCE FLORIDA FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,537,215 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,537,215 REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE APPEALS COMMISSION APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,290,128 2264 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 33.50 FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,259,198 2265 SPECIAL CATEGORIES REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE APPEALS COMMISSION - OPERATIONS FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 766,328 2266 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,783 2267 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,722 TOTAL: REEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE APPEALS COMMISSION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,044,031 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 33.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,044,031 PROGRAM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,899,772 2268 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 151.00 FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 1,735,237 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,102,263 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 34,341 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387,603 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,584,881 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136,589 2269 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,957,233 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,575 2270 EXPENSES FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 18,470 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,033,505 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,135 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247,647 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,544 2271 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,206 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,328 2272 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 21,876,498 2273 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) - SMALL CITIES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 36,500,000 2274 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - BLACK BUSINESS LOAN PROGRAM FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 2,225,000 2275 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HISPANIC BUSINESS INITIATIVE FUND OUTREACH PROGRAM FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 775,000 The funds in Specific Appropriation 2275 are provided for funding a recurring base appropriations project. The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with the entity allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2275. 2277 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 68,100,000 2278 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (WAP) FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,000,000 2279 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (WAP) - LOW INCOME HOUSING ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP) FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 16,000,000 2280 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,378,905 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223,080 2281 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,522,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2281 shall be allocated as follows: K-9 Behavioral Enrichment & Training To Enhance Rehoming - K-9 BETTER - Miami-Dade (Senate Form 2426)............ 100,000 Miami River Commission (Senate Form 1255)................. 150,000 OCEARCH Mayport Research and Operations Center (Senate Form 2747).............................................. 1,000,000 Rales Rides - Senior Transportation Program (Senate Form 1919)................................................... 212,000 San Antonio City Hall & Fire Station Hardening (Senate Form 2640).............................................. 60,000 Senior Housing Assistance Repair Program - Miami-Dade (Senate Form 2056)...................................... 500,000 St. Lucie County Harbour Pointe District (Senate Form 1070)................................................... 500,000 The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with the entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2281. 2282 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 4,917 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 19,087 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 FROM SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,108 2283 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 2,972 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 37,165 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 11 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,297 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2284 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 750,000 FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420,000 2285 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - TECHNICAL AND PLANNING ASSISTANCE FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,520,000 2286 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - COMPETITIVE FLORIDA PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280,000 2286A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,655,600 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2286A shall be allocated as follows: Alpha Omega Miracle Home Campus - Phase I - St. Augustine (Senate Form 1532)...................................... 1,000,000 Arcadia Boys and Girls Club Renovation and Expansion (Senate Form 2549)...................................... 500,000 Bal Harbour Village Jetty Elevation and Safety Enhancements (Senate Form 1614)......................... 250,000 Camp Gilead Facility Improvements - Polk County (Senate Form 2563).............................................. 150,000 City of Clearwater - Site Fill (Senate Form 1783)......... 1,000,000 City of Clearwater - Wave Attenuation Walls (Senate Form 1785)................................................... 1,000,000 City of LaBelle Emergency Generators (Senate Form 2337)... 130,000 Coral Springs - Public Safety/Public Works Building Hardening Project (Senate Form 1396).................... 400,000 Cox Science Center and Aquarium Expansion - West Palm Beach (Senate Form 2704)................................ 500,000 Crystal River Kings Bay Riverwalk - Final Phase (Senate Form 2473).............................................. 2,000,000 Florida Studio Theatre - Artists Theatre Wing - Sarasota (Senate Form 1915)...................................... 500,000 Gainesville Woman's Club Restoration (Senate Form 1176)... 350,000 Greater Palm Harbor YMCA Field House and Family Locker Rooms (Senate Form 2790)................................ 1,200,000 Habitat for Humanity at Citrus Springs (Senate Form 2086). 2,500,000 Holmes County Public Safety Facility (Senate Form 2573)... 500,000 IDignity Statewide Operational Headquarters - Orlando (Senate Form 2630)...................................... 500,000 Jewish Federation of Greater Naples - Campus Security (Senate Form 1104)...................................... 245,000 K-9 Behavioral Enrichment & Training To Enhance Rehoming - K-9 BETTER - Miami-Dade (Senate Form 2426)............ 150,000 Lake Conine Recreation - Winter Haven (Senate Form 1455).. 200,000 Lincoln Park Community and Vocational Center - Lake County (Senate Form 1707)............................... 152,600 Magnolia Oaks (Senate Form 2748).......................... 700,000 Monroe County Habitat for Humanity Affordable Housing (Senate Form 1183)...................................... 250,000 OCEARCH Mayport Research and Operations Center (Senate Form 2747).............................................. 1,000,000 Royal Palm Beach Commons Park Corporate Picnic Pavilions (Senate Form 2274)...................................... 250,000 SafeZone Nassau (Senate Form 1866)........................ 38,000 San Antonio City Hall & Fire Station Hardening (Senate Form 2640).............................................. 440,000 Sports Training and Youth Tournament Complex (Senate Form 2754)................................................... 1,000,000 Town of Hilliard - Community Center/Hurricane Shelter Project (Senate Form 1943).............................. 250,000 Town of McIntosh Town Hall Project (Senate Form 1174)..... 500,000 Veteran Memorial Park Maintenance and Repair - Pensacola (Senate Form 2675)...................................... 250,000 Veterans Park Land Development Liberty County (Senate Form 2040).............................................. 250,000 Veterans Resource Center Phase II - Hillsborough (Senate Form 2621).............................................. 250,000 Victory Village Rehabilitation Project - Osceola County (Senate Form 1619)...................................... 250,000 The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with the entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2286A. 2287 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SPACE, DEFENSE, AND RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 5,000,000 2288A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 2,595 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 18,947 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526 TOTAL: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 21,177,600 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 181,453,991 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 151.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 202,631,591 FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION 2289 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION (HFC) - AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS FROM STATE HOUSING TRUST FUND . . . 128,250,000 2290 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION (HFC) - STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) PROGRAM FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT HOUSING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 209,475,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2290, $563,600 of nonrecurring funds shall be used for training and technical assistance provided through the Affordable Housing Catalyst Program authorized in section 420.531, Florida Statutes. The Florida Housing Finance Corporation shall directly contract with the entity that meets all of the requirements of section 420.531, Florida Statutes, to provide the training and technical assistance. TOTAL: FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 337,725,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 337,725,000 PROGRAM: STRATEGIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,423,051 2291 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 22.00 FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 1,662,669 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 78,992 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313,675 2292 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 148,374 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,168 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,304 2293 EXPENSES FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 339,017 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 17,208 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,834 2294 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 19,477 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,869 2295 LUMP SUM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOLS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,862,000 FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 6,400,000 FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2295 are provided to make payments and tax refunds in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the following programs: Qualified Target Industry (QTI) Business Tax Refund; QTI Tax Refund - Brownfield Redevelopment Bonus; Brownfield Redevelopment Tax Refund; and High-Impact Business Performance (HIPI) Grant. Payments may only be made for projects that meet the statutory eligibility requirements. Funds may not be released for any other purpose and may only be disbursed when projects are certified to have met all contracted performance requirements. Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2295 from the Economic Development Trust Fund represent local matching funds. The Department of Economic Opportunity must provide monthly reports within ten business days after the end of each month to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee regarding all escrow activity relating to the Quick Action Closing Fund and the Innovation Incentive Fund programs. Such report must include information regarding any funds and interest earnings returned to the appropriate fund in the state treasury, and the anticipated date(s) of all funds held in escrow. The Department of Economic Opportunity shall provide monthly reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee on the status of economic development programs administered by the department pursuant to chapter 288, Florida Statutes. 2296 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AID - FLORIDA DEFENSE SUPPORT TASK FORCE FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 2,000,000 2297A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,700,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2297A shall be allocated as follows: FCDI - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Support and Education - Hillsborough (Senate Form 1387)............. 150,000 Florida-Israel Business Accelerator - Sarasota - Manatee (Senate Form 1985)...................................... 250,000 Marine Research Hub of South Florida (Senate Form 1660)... 300,000 Regional Entrepreneurship Centers and Small Business Loan Fund (Senate Form 2110)................................. 500,000 Supercharge Startup Growth Florida - Tampa Bay (Senate Form 2687).............................................. 500,000 The Department of Economic Opportunity shall directly contract with the entities allocated funds from Specific Appropriation 2297A. 2298 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 842,026 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 32,901 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131,605 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2298, the Department of Economic Opportunity must contract for an independent third-party to verify that each business that receives an incentive award under an economic development program satisfies all of the requirements of the economic development agreement or contract, including job creation numbers, before a payment may be made under such agreement or contract. These comprehensive performance audit functions must include reviewing: 100 percent of all incentive claims for payment, including audit confirmations; the procedures used to verify incentive eligibility; and the department's records for accuracy and completeness. The independent third-party contractor must perform all functions and conduct all of the activities necessary to verify compliance with the performance terms of economic development incentive agreements or contracts. 2299 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA SPORTS FOUNDATION FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 1,700,000 FROM PROFESSIONAL SPORTS DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . 3,500,000 From the recurring funds in Specific Appropriation 2299 from the State Economic Enhancement and Development Trust Fund, $200,000 is allocated for the Sunshine State Games and $500,000 is allocated for the Florida International Seniors Games and State Championships. 2300 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - ENTERPRISE FLORIDA PROGRAM FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 7,000,000 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,000,000 2301 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MILITARY BASE PROTECTION FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 800,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2301 are allocated for the Military Base Protection and Defense Reinvestment Grant Programs. The funds may only be disbursed from the Department of Economic Opportunity directly to the grant award recipient when projects are certified to have met all contracted performance requirements. 2302 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 2,250 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 188 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 2303 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - VISIT FLORIDA FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 26,000,000 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,000,000 2304 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 7,490 FROM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND PROMOTION TRUST FUND . . . . . 12 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,935 2305 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - SPACE FLORIDA FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 12,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2305, $1,000,000 of recurring funds is provided to support collaborative research, development, and commercialization of projects related to aerospace and other technology and life sciences as further described through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which Space Florida has entered into with the State of Israel. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2305, $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the State Economic Enhancement and Development Trust Fund is provided to Space Florida for aerospace industry financing, business development, and infrastructure needs. Of these funds, $250,000 must be used to benefit Cecil Spaceport. 2307 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SPACE, DEFENSE, AND RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 1,600,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2307 may only be disbursed from the Department of Economic Opportunity directly to the grant award recipient when projects are certified to have met all contracted performance requirements. 2308A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM STATE ECONOMIC ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND . . . . 21,851 FROM TOURISM PROMOTIONAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,769 TOTAL: STRATEGIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 24,562,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 99,236,364 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 22.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 123,798,364 TOTAL: ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 67,862,203 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,092,318,031 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,510.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,160,180,234 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 70,745,963 FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: OFFICE OF CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER AND ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,982,582 2309 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 129.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 10,694,020 2310 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 111,518 2311 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,343,766 2312 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,240,217 2313 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 427,325 2314 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,500 2315 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 43,545 2316 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 125,000 2317 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 134,268 2318 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 42,238 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,165,397 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 129.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,165,397 LEGAL SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,338,334 2319 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 90.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,721,050 2320 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 284,539 2321 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 717,375 2322 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,000 2323 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC COMMERCE FEES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 75,000 2324 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 165,873 2325 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 253,306 2326 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 21,007 2327 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 17,361 2328 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 24,410 TOTAL: LEGAL SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,280,921 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,280,921 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2329 through 2398, the Department of Financial Services shall continue to update and maintain a training and staffing plan for current help desk resources to provide help desk support for the Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,181,703 2329 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 118.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 10,922,601 From the funds and positions provided in Specific Appropriation 2329, the Department of Financial Services shall designate a position to lead the training and transition of FLAIR resources to production support for the Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 2330 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 99,854 2331 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,502,720 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2331, $1,500,000 in nonrecurring funds and $1,700,000 in recurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to replace the department's telephone and contact center. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2331 and 2333, $380,000 in recurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to provide and maintain Florida Fire Incident Reporting data analytics functionality to local fire departments. 2332 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 369,620 2333 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 175,000 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 9,232,643 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2333, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to contract for a study to assess the current state of the department's Customer Relationship Management software and provide a strategy for consolidation and modernization. The department shall provide a copy of the study to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by March 1, 2023. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2333, $300,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to procure a contract for subject matter expertise to conduct an objective and comprehensive risk assessment of threats to information technology resources pursuant to section 282.318, Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2333, $412,500 in nonrecurring funds from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to procure services to consolidate and migrate all legacy versions of SharePoint to SharePoint online. 2334 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,900 2335 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 64,029 2336 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 184,076 2337 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 9,275 2338 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 38,371 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 175,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,426,089 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 118.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 28,601,089 CONSUMER ADVOCATE APPROVED SALARY RATE 504,053 2339 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 5.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619,216 2340 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,132 2341 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72,357 2342 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,471 2343 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,799 2344 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,888 2345 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,508 TOTAL: CONSUMER ADVOCATE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 782,371 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 782,371 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - FLAIR INFRASTRUCTURE APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,547,493 2346 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 77.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,683,908 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 333,018 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653,166 From the funds and positions in Specific Appropriation 2346, seven positions, $649,324 from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund, and associated salary rate of 437,459 are provided to the Department of Financial Services for production support and help desk services for the Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2346 through 2355, the Department of Financial Services, for current Florida Accounting Information (FLAIR) system support resources and the positions provided by this section, shall develop and implement a training and staffing plan for production support of the Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. 2347 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,531 2348 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,198,941 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 257,929 2349 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 104,880 2350 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM - OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 699,369 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,533,604 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2350 are provided to the Department of Financial Services for technical services contracted for operations support and maintenance of the Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) Subsystem. The Department of Financial Services shall submit quarterly updates to the operational work plan and quarterly project status reports on the entire managed technical services contract to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. Each status report must include progress made to date for each support activity, service request, and variable enhancement project, planned and actual task and deliverable completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) system issues and risks. The quarterly updates shall be due 15 days following the end of each quarter. 2351 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,968,816 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,329,104 2352 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,016,548 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2352, $1,016,548 from the Administrative Trust Fund is provided for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. The Department of Financial Services shall submit monthly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy & Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center. Each status report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, and task order, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 2353 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 85,914 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 390,209 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,755 2354 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,424 2355 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,944 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,142 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,119 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - FLAIR INFRASTRUCTURE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,773,727 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,653,594 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 77.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,427,321 PROGRAM: TREASURY DEPOSIT SECURITY APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,050,597 2356 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 21.00 FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,740,699 2357 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,515 2358 EXPENSES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 231,896 2359 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 95,205 2360 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,616 2361 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,047 TOTAL: DEPOSIT SECURITY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,081,978 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 21.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,081,978 STATE FUNDS MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,324,693 2362 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 25.50 FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,047,932 2363 EXPENSES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 278,836 2364 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,952,785 2365 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,637 2366 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,000 2367 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 7,657 TOTAL: STATE FUNDS MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,297,847 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 25.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,297,847 SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN APPROVED SALARY RATE 564,307 2368 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 13.00 FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 878,865 2369 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 20,307 2370 EXPENSES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 107,328 2371 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,252 2372 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 823,190 2373 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,802 2374 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,405 2375 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM TREASURY ADMINISTRATIVE AND INVESTMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,996 TOTAL: SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,840,145 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,840,145 PROGRAM: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PUBLIC FUNDS STATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND STATE AGENCY ACCOUNTING APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,274,869 2376 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 157.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,406,648 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,488,132 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriations 2376, 2378, and 2383, the Department of Financial Services shall audit all court related expenditures of the Clerks of Court pursuant to sections 28.241 and 28.35, Florida Statutes. The department shall report the audit findings to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, on a quarterly basis. The department shall submit a report by July 29, 2022, for the period April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022, and quarterly thereafter. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2376, the Department of Financial Services shall provide training support for the Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) project. 2377 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,586 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 23,788 2378 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 988,972 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 116,201 2379 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,000 2380 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 683,882 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 80,000 2381 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,412 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 60,740 2382 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,122 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 17,055 2383 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,028 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,568 2384 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE PRISON INDUSTRY ENHANCEMENT (PIE) PROGRAM FROM PRISON INDUSTRIES TRUST FUND . 1,250,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2384 are provided for transfer to the Prison Industry Enhancement Program. Funds in the Prison Industries Trust Fund may be expended by the corporation for allowable expenditures under sections 946.522 and 946.523, Florida Statutes. Such funds may be paid by warrants drawn by the Chief Financial Officer upon receipt of a corporate resolution that has been duly authorized by the board of directors of the corporation, authorized under part II of chapter 946, Florida Statutes. 2385 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA CLERKS OF COURT OPERATIONS CORPORATION FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,300,000 TOTAL: STATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION AND STATE AGENCY ACCOUNTING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 11,162,650 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,338,484 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 157.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,501,134 RECOVERY AND RETURN OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,813,241 2386 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 65.00 FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 3,997,155 2387 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 567,110 2388 EXPENSES FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 829,664 2389 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 7,500 2390 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 226,794 2391 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 20,031 2392 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 11,524 2393 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM UNCLAIMED PROPERTY TRUST FUND . 17,374 TOTAL: RECOVERY AND RETURN OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,677,152 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,677,152 FLORIDA PLANNING ACCOUNTING AND LEDGER MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,560,568 2394 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 50.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,199,114 From the funds and positions provided in Specific Appropriation 2394, the Department of Financial Services shall designate a position to lead the implementation of reporting functionality for the Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) project. The department shall provide quarterly reports to state agencies on the design, development, and implementation of reporting functionality. By January 1, 2023, the department shall provide a report that details the approach and the specific historical reporting functionality that will be available when the FL PALM Financials and Payroll waves go-live. The report must include, at a minimum: how current data will be mapped to historical data, a list of data that will not be mapped and why, if and how users will be able to view a combination of historical FLAIR data and new FL PALM data in a single report in the legacy FLAIR format, how FL PALM functionality will be validated using legacy format data comparisons, and tools that will provide the historical data functionality. The reports shall be submitted to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget. 2395 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,976,535 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2395, $12,573,714 in nonrecurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund are provided to the Department of Financial Services for the Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) project that complies with sections 216.311 and 216.313, Florida Statutes. From these funds, the maximum amounts are provided solely and exclusively for the following components: System Integrator Production Support $8,467,785; Software & Cloud Services $1,905,929; Staff Augmentation $1,466,400; and Plant & Facilities $733,600. From these components, seventy-five percent of the funding for each component shall be placed in reserve. The Department of Financial Services is authorized to submit quarterly budget amendments to request the release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the department's planned quarterly expenditures. The budget amendments must include an updated detailed operational work plan and monthly spending plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2395, $1,000,000 is provided to the Department of Financial Services to remediate and stabilize the Cash Management System (CMS) functionality. The department shall provide monthly CMS status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center until the remediation is complete. Each report must include all task orders related to remediating CMS functionality with a detailed description of the issue, resolution, hours, cost, and the anticipated implementation date. Each report must also include a complete list of issues and/or help desk tickets that details the reporting entity, the date the issue was reported, a description of the issue, resolution and/or anticipated resolution, and the date of resolution and/or anticipated resolution. The list of issues must be inclusive of those reported by the Division of Treasury. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2395, $23,902,821 is provided to the Department of Financial Services to continue implementation of the Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) project that complies with sections 216.311 and 216.313, Florida Statutes. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The following maximum amounts are appropriated solely and exclusively for these project components: System Integrator Optional Services $6,494,800 and System Integrator Financials & Payroll Wave Implementation $17,408,021. Upon the successful completion of the Cash Management System remediation, the Department of Financial Services is authorized to submit updated quarterly budget amendments to request the release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the department's planned quarterly expenditures. The budget amendments must include an updated detailed operational work plan and monthly spending plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2395, up to $1,500,000 is provided to the Department of Financial Services for the payment of independent verification and validation (IV&V) services. Monthly reports shall include technical reviews of project deliverables submitted or accepted within the reporting period and assessments of the department's project management and governance. All contract deliverables must be simultaneously provided to the department, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center. The contracted provider shall be available to provide all project related data to the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center in support of its project oversight responsibilities pursuant to section 282.0051, Florida Statutes. The Department of Financial Services shall provide monthly project status reports to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, and the Enterprise Florida First Technology Center. Each report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, deliverable, and task order, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. Each status report must also include progress made to date for (1) each remediation and transition task required to replace FLAIR, (2) the implementation of a training and staffing plan for Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) help desk and production support utilizing current help desk and Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) resources, and (3) provide an update on the progress and cost of each system interface and agency application remediation task, as provided by agencies, required for deployment of PALM functionality scheduled through December 31, 2023. Pursuant to section 216.181(16)(a), Florida Statutes, nothing in this act provides for this specific appropriation to be advanced for payment of system integrator deliverables. No funds are provided for project marketing activities, branding, or promotional materials. 2396 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA PLANNING, ACCOUNTING, AND LEDGER MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2396 are provided to the Department of Financial Services as contingency appropriations for the Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) project, for unforeseen expenditures that are essential to the implementation of the PALM solution and consistent with the allowable use of funds in Specific Appropriation 2395. These funds shall be held in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments to request release of funds held in reserve pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on project revisions approved by the PALM executive steering committee. Release is contingent upon approval of a detailed operational work plan and monthly spend plan updated to reflect the approved expenditures. 2397 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,623 2398 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,834 TOTAL: FLORIDA PLANNING ACCOUNTING AND LEDGER MANAGEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 46,698,106 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 46,698,106 PROGRAM: FIRE MARSHAL COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,969,737 2399 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 65.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,171,870 2400 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,497 2401 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669,579 2402 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC COMMERCE FEES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,200 2403 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS MINING ACTIVITIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 600,619 2404 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113,305 2405 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,700 2406 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPPLEMENTAL FIREFIGHTERS COMPENSATION FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 2407 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,442 2408 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,639 TOTAL: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 600,619 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,061,232 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,661,851 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND STANDARDS APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,221,328 2409 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 28.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,829,286 2410 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272,991 2411 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524,885 2412 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DECONTAMINATION MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000 2413 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,294 2415 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FIREFIGHTER ASSISTANCE GRANT PROGRAM FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2415 are provided for the Firefighter Assistance Grant Program and shall be awarded to entities pursuant to section 633.135, Florida Statutes. 2416 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC COMMERCE FEES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,200 2417 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589,145 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2417, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to contract for a feasibility study that includes detailed business and functional requirements to modernize the Fire College Department of Insurance Continuing Education (FCDICE) system. The department shall provide a copy of the study to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by March 1, 2023. 2418 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,900 2419 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPPLEMENTAL FIREFIGHTERS COMPENSATION FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,500 2420 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,519 2421 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,641 2422 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE FIRE COLLEGE - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120,000 TOTAL: PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND STANDARDS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,946,361 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 28.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,946,361 FIRE MARSHAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 701,127 2423 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 12.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,144,143 2424 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,360 2425 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318,488 2425A AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - LOCAL GOVERNMENT FIRE SERVICE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,383,982 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2425A, $1,383,982 in nonrecurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is provided for local government fire services as follows: Clermont Fire Station 101 Replacement Generator (Senate Form 2472).............................................. 271,000 Clermont Station 103 Generator Enclosure (Senate Form 2474)................................................... 17,982 Lealman Special Fire Control District Ladder Truck (Senate Form 1789)...................................... 500,000 Madison County Fire Rescue Pumper Truck and Existing Engine Repair (Senate Form 2126)........................ 250,000 Nettle Ridge VFD Fire Truck (Senate Form 1961)............ 345,000 2425B SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI - SYLVESTER COMPREHENSIVE CANCER CENTER - FIREFIGHTERS CANCER RESEARCH FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 The nonrecurring funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2425B shall be transferred to the University of Miami - Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center for the purpose of Firefighter Cancer Research. The funds shall be utilized to: expand firefighters' access to cancer screenings across the state; enable prevention and earlier detection of the disease; identify exposures that account for increased cancer risk; and field test new technology and methods that measure exposure in the field. The University of Miami - Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center shall develop a report on cancer research outcomes and cancer mitigation efforts being examined. The report shall be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Financial Officer by June 14, 2023. (Senate Form 1256) 2426 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,189 2427 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 2428 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,477 2429 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPPLEMENTAL FIREFIGHTERS COMPENSATION FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 2430 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,485 2431 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,953 2431A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,200,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2431A, $13,200,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is provided to local government fire services as follows: City of Mount Dora Fire Station 34/Fire Administration/EOC (Senate Form 1731)................... 500,000 Clermont Fire Station 102 Rebuild (Senate Form 2547)...... 1,000,000 DeBary Fire Station (Senate Form 1084)................... 250,000 Dixie County Emergency Operations Center Fire Station Addition (Senate Form 1577)............................. 250,000 Greenacres Fire Station Headquarters Renovation (Senate Form 1202).............................................. 150,000 Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department Health and Wellness Center (Senate Form 1675)...................... 1,000,000 Lake City Westside Fire Station (Senate Form 1574)........ 500,000 Lake County Fire Rescue Station #71 Replacement (Senate Form 1717).............................................. 2,200,000 Lake County Fire Rescue Station #109 Expansion (South Lake County, Clermont area) (Senate Form 1713).......... 1,300,000 Ocean City -Wright Fire Control District Fire and Training Ground (Senate Form 2539)...................... 250,000 Orange City Emergency Response Fire Station (Senate Form 2180)................................................... 250,000 Palm Bay Fire Rescue Station No. 7 (Senate Form 1678)..... 400,000 Palm Beach Historic North Fire Station Renovation (Senate Form 1007).............................................. 500,000 Santa Rosa County Public Safety Consolidated Dispatch Center Planning and Design (Senate Form 2421)........... 250,000 Sarasota County - Regional Fire/EMS Training Academy (Senate Form 1971)...................................... 500,000 Spring Lake / Sebring Airport Area Fire Rescue Station (Senate Form 2501)...................................... 2,600,000 St. Augustine Fire Station 2 Design (Senate Form 2412).... 500,000 West Putnam County Fire Station (Senate Form 2108)........ 500,000 Winter Park Fire Station 62 (Senate Form 1958)............ 300,000 TOTAL: FIRE MARSHAL ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,336,877 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,336,877 PROGRAM: STATE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY CLAIMS STATE SELF-INSURED CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,455,661 2432 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 116.00 STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 8,220,021 2433 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 42,532 2434 EXPENSES STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 5,110,786 2435 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 4,776,964 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2435, the Department of Financial Services is authorized to competitively procure a contract for professional investigative and claims adjusting services. 2436 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE (FLAIR) SYSTEM REPLACEMENT STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 77,350 2437 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 6,645,924 2438 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 21,976,020 2439 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED MEDICAL SERVICES STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 18,288,203 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2439, the Department of Financial Services is authorized to competitively procure a contract for medical services related to the workers' compensation program for state and university employees. 2440 SPECIAL CATEGORIES EXCESS INSURANCE AND CLAIM SERVICE STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 10,865,000 2441 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CLAIMS SYSTEM STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 647,325 2442 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 2,000 2443 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 48,798 2444 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 27,831 2445 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT STATE RISK MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . 30,469 TOTAL: STATE SELF-INSURED CLAIMS ADJUSTMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 76,759,223 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 116.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 76,759,223 PROGRAM: LICENSING AND CONSUMER PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY REHABILITATION AND LIQUIDATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 361,829 2446 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223,604 2447 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,923 2448 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380,484 2449 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232,517 2450 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,232 2451 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,000 2452 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,402 TOTAL: INSURANCE COMPANY REHABILITATION AND LIQUIDATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 930,162 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 930,162 LICENSURE, SALES APPOINTMENT AND OVERSIGHT APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,161,171 2453 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 104.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,484,356 2454 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,263 2455 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,049,529 2456 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC COMMERCE FEES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,075,000 2457 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716,292 2458 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,400 2459 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,063 2460 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,734 2461 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,063 TOTAL: LICENSURE, SALES APPOINTMENT AND OVERSIGHT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,437,700 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 104.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,437,700 CONSUMER ASSISTANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,144,467 2462 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 107.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,256,616 2463 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179,921 2464 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943,305 2465 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595,374 2466 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOLOCAUST VICTIMS ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309,130 2467 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 2468 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,982 2469 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,224 2470 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,114 TOTAL: CONSUMER ASSISTANCE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,361,166 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 107.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,361,166 FUNERAL AND CEMETERY SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,293,694 2471 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 25.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,915,253 2472 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 67,933 2473 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 351,327 2474 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC COMMERCE FEES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 39,100 2475 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 121,549 2476 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 8,700 2477 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,682 2478 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,162 2479 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,697 TOTAL: FUNERAL AND CEMETERY SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,533,403 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,533,403 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FRAUD APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,615,637 2480 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 74.00 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,811,129 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,257,666 2481 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 678,903 2482 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 606,879 2483 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 189,418 2484 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 25,675 2485 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 41,643 2486 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 19,900 2487 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 35,243 2488 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,000 TOTAL: PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FRAUD FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,667,456 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 74.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,667,456 PROGRAM: WORKERS' COMPENSATION WORKERS' COMPENSATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,758,903 2489 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 281.00 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,513,070 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION SPECIAL DISABILITY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,074,495 2490 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 388,540 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION SPECIAL DISABILITY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 17,731 2491 EXPENSES FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,416,093 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION SPECIAL DISABILITY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 143,721 2492 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 50,021 2493 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTRONIC COMMERCE FEES FOR COLLECTION OF REVENUE FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 188,000 2494 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL - WORKERS' COMPENSATION APPEALS FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,040,090 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2494 are provided for transfer to the First District Court of Appeal for workload associated with workers' compensation appeals and the workers' compensation appeals unit. 2495 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA - OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY GRANT MATCH FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 250,000 2496 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO JUSTICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION FOR PROSECUTION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION FRAUD FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 714,432 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2496 are provided for transfer to the Justice Administrative Commission for the specific purpose of funding attorneys and paralegals in the Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Judicial Circuits for the prosecution of workers' compensation insurance fraud. These funds may not be used for any purpose other than the funding of attorney and paralegal positions that prosecute crimes of workers' compensation fraud. 2497 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,286,789 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION SPECIAL DISABILITY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 86,360 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2497, up to $350,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to contract for a study to modernize the Division of Workers' Compensation mainframe-based system. The department shall provide a copy of the study to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by March 1, 2023. 2498 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 84,800 2499 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASED CLIENT SERVICES FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 740,000 2500 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 208,187 2501 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 62,320 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION SPECIAL DISABILITY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,280 2502 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . 84,737 FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION SPECIAL DISABILITY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 5,337 TOTAL: WORKERS' COMPENSATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,357,003 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 281.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,357,003 PROGRAM: INVESTIGATIVE AND FORENSIC SERVICES FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,014,615 2503 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 136.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,988,753 2504 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,674 2505 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,166,764 2506 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957,932 2507 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,043,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2507, $785,821 in nonrecurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to replace existing SUVs with trucks for the purpose of reducing Division of Investigative and Forensic Services law enforcement personnel exposure to carcinogenic substances found in fire investigative equipment. The SUVs being replaced that are still operational shall be repurposed for use in the Bureau of Insurance Fraud and the Bureau of Workers' Compensation. 2508 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438,772 2509 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ON-CALL FEES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446,000 2510 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225,900 2511 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,284 2512 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPPLEMENTAL FIREFIGHTERS COMPENSATION FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 2513 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,817 2514 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,355 TOTAL: FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATIONS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,553,251 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 136.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 17,553,251 FORENSIC SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 516,083 2515 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 9.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815,549 2516 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,548 2517 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,754 2518 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151,000 2519 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,200 2520 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ARSON LAB - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000 TOTAL: FORENSIC SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,149,051 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,149,051 INSURANCE FRAUD APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,097,538 2521 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 207.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,727,056 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2521 to 2533, thirteen positions, $1,867,657 from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund, and associated salary rate of 590,926 are provided to the Department of Financial Services for two specialized Homeowners' Insurance Fraud Investigation squads. The Department of Financial Services shall submit a report to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by June 30, 2023. The report shall include the number, type, and location of homeowners' fraud complaints received, filed, investigated, prosecuted, active, pending and/or resolved. In addition, the report should address whether the program was successful in increasing the level of criminal enforcement actions in Fiscal Year 2022-2023. 2522 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,067 2523 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,698,600 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2523 and 2527, $984,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services to obtain access to an anti-fraud database. The department shall create metrics that demonstrate efficiencies and/or the increase of fraud detection based on access to the anti-fraud database and provide a report to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by February 15, 2023. From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2523, $285,000 from the Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Financial Services, Division of Investigative and Forensic Services, for law enforcement training related to the division's accreditation as a law enforcement agency. The Department of Financial Services shall submit a report of training activities to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget by June 30, 2023. The report shall contain a detailed list of training activities and expenditures, including number of law enforcement officers trained, type and length of training, and whether the training was available through an alternative source. 2524 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,000 2525 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO JUSTICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION FOR PROSECUTION OF PIP FRAUD FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,973,678 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2525 are provided for transfer to the Justice Administrative Commission for the specific purpose of funding attorneys and paralegals dedicated solely to the prosecution of insurance fraud cases in Duval, Orange, Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, Palm Beach, Lee, and Broward counties. These funds may not be used for any purpose other than the funding of attorney and paralegal positions that prosecute crimes of insurance fraud. 2526 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION FOR PROSECUTION OF PROPERTY INSURANCE FRAUD FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224,701 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2526 are provided for transfer to the Justice Administration Commission for the specific purpose of funding attorneys and paralegals dedicated solely to the prosecution of property insurance fraud cases in Miami-Dade County. These funds may not be used for any purpose other than funding of attorney and paralegal positions that prosecute crimes of property insurance fraud. 2527 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859,315 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,274 2528 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,253 2529 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927,459 2530 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202,496 2531 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186,000 2532 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,247 2533 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55,717 TOTAL: INSURANCE FRAUD FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 25,408,863 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 207.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 25,408,863 OFFICE OF FISCAL INTEGRITY APPROVED SALARY RATE 397,158 2534 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 7.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634,474 2535 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,700 2536 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,300 2537 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,100 2538 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,620 TOTAL: OFFICE OF FISCAL INTEGRITY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 686,194 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 686,194 PROGRAM: FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSURANCE REGULATION COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT - INSURANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 13,982,754 2539 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 246.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,506,853 2540 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433,537 2541 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,300,430 2542 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 2543 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA PUBLIC HURRICANE LOSS MODEL - OFFICE OF INSURANCE REGULATION FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,031,689 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2543 shall be transferred to Florida International University and utilized to promote and enhance collaborative research among state universities. The Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model located at Florida International University may consult with the private sector and the Florida Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center located at the Florida State University to enhance the marketability, viability, and applications of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model. The Office of Insurance Regulation (office) shall have the ability to accurately calculate hurricane risk and project catastrophic losses, and nothing shall interfere with or supersede the office's authority to enter into agreements with Florida International University. 2544 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINANCIAL EXAMINATION CONTRACTS - PROPERTY AND CASUALTY EXAMINATIONS FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,201,763 2545 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FINANCIAL EXAMINATION CONTRACTS - LIFE AND HEALTH EXAMINATIONS FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,950,000 2546 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,688,016 2547 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,813 2548 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,989 2549 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73,178 TOTAL: COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT - INSURANCE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 30,308,268 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 246.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 30,308,268 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,171,439 2550 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 35.00 FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,084,144 2551 EXPENSES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118,543 2552 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92,710 2553 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,614 2554 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM INSURANCE REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,864 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,311,875 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,311,875 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL REGULATION SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS OF STATE BANKING SYSTEM APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,374,639 2555 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 95.00 FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 8,564,027 2556 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 862,920 2557 EXPENSES FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,619,465 2558 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 34,130 2559 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 367,012 2560 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 36,039 2561 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 28,872 2562 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 31,802 TOTAL: SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS OF STATE BANKING SYSTEM FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,544,267 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,544,267 FINANCIAL INVESTIGATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,479,098 2563 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 44.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,341,092 2564 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,375 2565 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 466,597 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,758 2566 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 20,600 2567 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 36,354 2568 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 16,518 2569 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 15,809 2570 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 17,057 TOTAL: FINANCIAL INVESTIGATIONS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,971,160 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 44.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,971,160 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,871,845 2571 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 55.00 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 5,627,664 2572 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 254,518 2573 EXPENSES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 482,148 2574 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 7,000 2575 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 61,048 2576 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 18,770 2577 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 10,004 2578 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 13,347 2579 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES REGULATORY ENFORCEMENT AND LICENSING SYSTEM - OFFICE OF FINANCIAL REGULATION FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,435,807 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,910,306 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,910,306 FINANCE REGULATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,606,275 2580 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 87.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,307,015 2581 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 259,840 2582 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 765,488 2583 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 35,631 2584 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED PRESENTMENT PROVIDER DATABASE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,930,000 2585 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CHECK CASHING TRANSACTION DATABASE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 251,000 2586 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 111,565 2587 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 31,909 2588 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 34,995 2589 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 31,502 TOTAL: FINANCE REGULATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,758,945 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 87.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,758,945 SECURITIES REGULATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,998,469 2590 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 76.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,730,354 2591 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ANTI-FRAUD TRUST FUND . . . . . 336 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,512 2592 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 552,736 2593 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,566 2593A SPECIAL CATEGORIES ANTI-FRAUD INVESTIGATIONS AND OUTREACH EDUCATION FROM ANTI-FRAUD TRUST FUND . . . . . 200,000 2594 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 349,500 2595 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 29,657 2596 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 27,253 2597 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 24,612 TOTAL: SECURITIES REGULATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,923,526 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 76.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,923,526 TOTAL: FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 22,711,996 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 413,158,373 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,560.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 435,870,369 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 141,335,907 GOVERNOR, EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PROGRAM: GENERAL OFFICE EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES 2598 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 126.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,573,666 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255,335 2599 LUMP SUM EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR - EXECUTIVE/ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,723,212 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488,033 2600 LUMP SUM EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR - WASHINGTON OFFICE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 116,858 2601 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTINGENT - DISCRETIONARY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,244 2602 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,948 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,480 2603 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 150,000 2604 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,600 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,754 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 15,667,528 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 757,602 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 126.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,425,130 LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS SYSTEM/PLANNING AND BUDGETING SUBSYSTEM 2605 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 48.00 FROM PLANNING AND BUDGETING SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,009,913 2606 LUMP SUM LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATION SYSTEM/PLANNING AND BUDGETING SUBSYSTEM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 FROM PLANNING AND BUDGETING SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,231,236 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2606, $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to convert the Legislative Appropriations System/Planning and Budgeting Subsystem (LAS/PBS) mainframe application to a new environment. 2607 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PLANNING AND BUDGETING SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,830 2608 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PLANNING AND BUDGETING SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,877 2609 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM PLANNING AND BUDGETING SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,470 TOTAL: LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS SYSTEM/PLANNING AND BUDGETING SUBSYSTEM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,293,326 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 48.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,293,326 EXECUTIVE PLANNING AND BUDGETING 2610 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 104.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,475,888 2611 LUMP SUM EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR - OFFICE OF PLANNING AND BUDGETING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,256,525 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2611, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Executive Office of the Governor to contract for a feasibility study that includes detailed business and functional requirements for a grants management system. The office shall provide a copy of the study to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by March 1, 2023. 2611A SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,351 2612 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,797 2613 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,716 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE PLANNING AND BUDGETING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 11,808,277 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 104.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,808,277 PROGRAM: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY PREVENTION, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE The Division of Emergency Management must submit quarterly status reports on the outstanding obligations for each federally declared disaster event to the Executive Office of the Governor, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee no later than the 15th day of the month following the end of a quarter. Based on the most recent quarterly report, the division must also provide an allocation of funding by appropriation category and funds needed to meet these obligations for the budget request year. In order to properly store, manage, maintain, and deploy emergency supplies during emergency activations and responses, the Division of Emergency Management shall solicit procurement proposals for the lease, acquisition, or construction of warehouse storage space as well as an inventory management solution. Proposals must be from experienced providers who can demonstrate successful past performance of projects similar in size, scope, and complexity. Proposals should address: 1. The integration and colocation of the Division of Emergency Management and the Department of Health warehouses into a new, fully-licensed and regulatory-compliant warehouse footprint with facilities at various geographic locations that meet the state's strategic needs for safety and distribution. 2. The capability of the warehouse facilities to store emergency supplies, including food and water, health and medical supplies, and medical equipment, including personal protective equipment, in the correct environment with appropriate security, temperature, and humidity controls and in compliance with licensing and regulatory standards. Facility square footage shall be sufficient to access, maintain, inventory and distribute such supplies, which includes a PPE inventory pursuant to section 252.35(2)(u), Florida Statutes. 3. A staffing plan that ensures facility staff have appropriate knowledge, skills, and training to maintain, organize, identify, and package all types of emergency supplies, including medical equipment. 4. An inventory management system that tracks and traces, in real-time, the state's emergency supplies. The system must be able to track the number, type, location, and expiration date of supplies in real-time; facilitate the regular testing, maintenance, and rotation of supplies and equipment; and provide real-time reporting to assist in the state's emergency response. Proposals should identify the one-time and on-going costs associated with site selection and preparation, design and construction, retrofitting or renovations, leasing, utilities, software, and staffing, as appropriate. A proposal for an inventory management system is not required to be bundled with a proposal for the lease, acquisition, or construction of warehouse storage space. The division shall develop a report that summarizes the proposals received; compares the costs and benefits of the proposals to the existing storage model; and identifies the most appropriate and cost-effective solution. The report shall be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 15, 2023. APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,739,403 2614 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 210.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,613,648 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,518,918 FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,955,994 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 4,759,828 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285,631 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 866,720 FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 1,746,508 2615 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 418,807 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 194,459 FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658,239 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 777,973 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219,277 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 107,824 2616 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,057,605 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 706,418 FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,767,367 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,168,055 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180,261 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 255,113 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2616, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Division of Emergency Management to contract for an enterprise information technology strategy that, at a minimum, considers a portal for shelters, a grant management portal, and enterprise document management needs. The strategy must document and include an analysis of current business processes and technology, recommendations for new technology that can be leveraged across the enterprise, and estimated timelines and costs for implementation. Upon completion, the division shall provide a copy of the study to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 2617 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DISASTER PREPAREDNESS PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,342,270 2618 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 8,008 FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,525 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 36,113 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,100 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,650 2619 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 38,000 2620 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PAYMENT FLORIDA WING/ CIVIL AIR PATROL FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,500 2622 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,800,000 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 237,791 FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837,709 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 985,595 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163,737 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 233,722 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2622, $3,500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to continue the statewide emergency and mass notification system with the capability to provide alerts of imminent or actual hazards to all Florida's citizens, businesses, and visitors. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2622, $300,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated for sign language interpreting services. 2623 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,250,000 FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,481,265 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2623, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Broward Medical Alert Team (Senate Form 1639). 2624 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STATE DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 116,016 2625 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 135,206 2626 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STATE AND FEDERAL DISASTER RELIEF OPERATIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,442,910 2627 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMMISSION ON COMMUNITY SERVICE FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 2628 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS AND PLANNING FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,064,539 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 926,154 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120,273 2629 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,458,876 FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 500,342,486 2630 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE - STATE OPERATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,409,894 FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 30,295,093 2631 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE - STATE OPERATIONS FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 16,619,718 2632 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HAZARD MITIGATION FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 305,451,081 2632A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 491,099,966 2633 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARD MITIGATION - STATE OPERATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788 FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 11,681,727 2634 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DISASTER ACTIVITY - STATE OBLIGATIONS FROM EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,102,786 2635 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OTHER NEEDS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - STATE OBLIGATIONS FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,002 2635A SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SURFSIDE CONDOMINIUM - PASS THROUGH FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,625,257 FROM U.S. CONTRIBUTIONS TRUST FUND . 22,444,108 2636 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PREDISASTER MITIGATION FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,689,346 2637 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HURRICANE LOSS MITIGATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,000,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,384,280 The funds from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund in the following Specific Appropriations (SA) and appropriation categories reflect the transfer of $7,000,000 of mitigation funds from the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund pursuant to section 215.555(7), Florida Statutes, as follows: Salaries and Benefits (SA 2614)........................... 142,887 Other Personal Services (SA 2615)......................... 185,000 Expenses (SA 2616)........................................ 79,723 Operating Capital Outlay (SA 2618)........................ 7,500 Contracted Services (SA 2622)............................. 137,000 G/A Hurricane Loss Mitigation (SA 2637)................... 6,384,280 Indirect Costs............................................ 63,610 These funds must be used for Hurricane Loss Mitigation programs as specified in section 215.559, Florida Statutes. The funds allocated in section 215.559(2)(a), Florida Statutes, must be distributed directly to Tallahassee Community College for the uses described in section 215.559(2)(a), Florida Statutes. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2637, $7,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided as additional funding for the Mobile Home Tie-Down Program as described in section 215.559(2)(a), Florida Statutes. 2638 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLOOD MITIGATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,797,256 2639 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANT AND AIDS - FEDERAL CITRUS DISASTER RECOVERY PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 156 2640 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FEDERAL TIMBER DISASTER RECOVERY PROGRAM FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 149 2641 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,677 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 69,323 2642 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PLANNING PROGRAM FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,000 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,286,597 2643 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLANNING GRANT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,114,764 2645 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CRITICAL FACILITY NEEDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,900,000 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2645 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund reflect the transfer of $3,000,000 of mitigation funds from the Hurricane Catastrophe Fund pursuant to section 215.555(7), Florida Statutes. These funds shall be used to retrofit existing facilities used as public hurricane shelters as specified in section 215.559(1)(b), Florida Statutes. From funds in Specific Appropriation 2645, $3,900,000 of nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: City of Boca Raton City Hall and Municipal Complex Emergency Generators (Senate Form 1093)................. 250,000 Gadsden County Emergency Operations Center and Public Safety Complex (Senate Form 2215)....................... 1,000,000 Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando - Public Safety/Emergency Responder Support (Senate Form 1485)... 150,000 Lee County Emergency Operations Center Expansion (Senate Form 2601).............................................. 1,000,000 Marianna Emergency Shelter - Multi-Purpose Facility (Senate Form 2435)...................................... 700,000 Village of North Palm Beach Emergency Operations Center Emergency Generator (Senate Form 2267).................. 200,000 Village of Virginia Gardens - City Hall ADA Upgrades and Emergency Shelter (Senate Form 1072).................... 600,000 TOTAL: EMERGENCY PREVENTION, PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 29,050,737 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,564,104,321 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 210.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,593,155,058 TOTAL: GOVERNOR, EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 58,526,542 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,571,155,249 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 488.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,629,681,791 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 11,739,403 HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,440,709 2646 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 263.00 FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,630,777 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . 175,144 2647 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,779 2648 EXPENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 954,711 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . 7,516 2649 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 75,478 2649A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SPECIAL PROJECTS AND IMPROVEMENTS - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,393,521 2650 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 2651 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,560 2652 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,846,893 2653 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,762 2654 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,724 2655 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,262 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 24,564,127 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 263.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 24,564,127 PROGRAM: FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL HIGHWAY SAFETY APPROVED SALARY RATE 123,345,444 2656 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 2,186.00 FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 178,548,361 2657 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,249,278 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 317,113 2658 EXPENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,263,647 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 77,370 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . 251,398 2659 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,905 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,000 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . 252,572 2660 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND CONSTRUCTION - STATEWIDE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 770,066 2660A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL TRAINING ACADEMY DRIVING RANGE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,000,000 2661 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000,000 2662 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,625,719 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52,000 2663 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,933,203 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 258,609 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . 50,020 2664 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,305,050 2665 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL AUXILIARY FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 138,238 2666 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,345,916 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,900 2667 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENT OF DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT CLAIMS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 325,995 2668 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,490,922 2669 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,275,892 2670 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,040,849 2671 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,460 2672 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MOBILE DATA TERMINAL SYSTEM FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,555,358 2673 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 633,802 TOTAL: HIGHWAY SAFETY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 270,207,643 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,186.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 280,207,643 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,928,890 2674 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 24.00 FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,686,116 2675 EXPENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 257,585 2676 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,838 2677 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,135 2678 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,790 2679 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,765 2680 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,315 2681 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,150 2682 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,996 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,109,690 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,109,690 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 16,373,108 2683 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 294.00 FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,164,994 2684 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 254,553 2685 EXPENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,869,774 2686 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 969,513 2687 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,508,511 2688 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,006,514 2689 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,435,841 2690 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,466,646 2691 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,271,416 2692 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 218,240 2693 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,020 2694 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,498 TOTAL: COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENFORCEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,271,520 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 294.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 40,271,520 PROGRAM: MOTORIST SERVICES MOTORIST SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 53,325,473 2695 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 1,418.00 FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,698,618 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 380,568 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 3,558,481 2696 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,016,501 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 327,084 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 61,989 2697 EXPENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,924,201 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 390,335 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 330,509 2698 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,866 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,705 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 5,001 2699 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND CONSTRUCTION - STATEWIDE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 379,000 2700 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 588,645 2701 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,834,637 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 219,401 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 3,040 2702 SPECIAL CATEGORIES AUTOMATED UNIFORM TRAFFIC ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 913,905 2703 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENT TO OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,249,454 2704 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASE OF DRIVER LICENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,474,168 2705 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - PURCHASE OF LICENSE PLATES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,375,197 2706 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 977,767 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 47,544 2707 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 2708 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 134,488 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 11,000 2709 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 480,236 TOTAL: MOTORIST SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 129,576,340 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,418.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 129,576,340 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,681,274 2710 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 155.00 FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,594,036 2711 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 272,869 2712 EXPENSES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,574,276 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 213,265 2713 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,931 2714 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,794,473 FROM GAS TAX COLLECTION TRUST FUND . 1,027,333 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2712 and 2714, $8,983,740 of nonrecurring funds from the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund and $1,010,000 of nonrecurring funds from the Gas Tax Collection Trust Fund are provided for Phase 2 of the Motorist Modernization project. Of these funds, $6,737,805 from the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund and $757,500 from the Gas Tax Collection Trust Fund shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit quarterly budget amendments to request release of funds being held in reserve pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the department's planned quarterly expenditures. Release is contingent upon approval of a comprehensive operational work plan reflecting all project tasks and a detailed spend plan reflecting estimated and actual costs. The department shall submit independent verification and validation assessments and quarterly project status reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each status report must include progress made to date for each project milestone and contract deliverable, planned and actual deliverable completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any project issues and risks. 2715 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,562 2716 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TAX COLLECTOR NETWORK - COUNTY SYSTEMS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,015,132 2717 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,420,309 2718 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,607 2719 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,202 2721 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM HIGHWAY SAFETY OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,330,506 TOTAL: INFORMATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 51,420,501 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 155.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 51,420,501 TOTAL: HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 519,149,821 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 4,340.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 529,149,821 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 216,094,898 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SENATE 2722 LUMP SUM SENATE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 55,391,737 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2723 LUMP SUM HOUSE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 65,314,946 LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES 2724 LUMP SUM LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES - SENATE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,625,708 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,052,600 FROM LEGISLATIVE LOBBYIST REGISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 160,353 2725 LUMP SUM LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES - HOUSE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,728,910 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,036,425 FROM LEGISLATIVE LOBBYIST REGISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 155,691 2726 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 345,289 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,663 FROM LEGISLATIVE LOBBYIST REGISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 277 TOTAL: LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 51,699,907 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,407,009 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 54,106,916 OFFICE OF PUBLIC COUNSEL 2727 LUMP SUM PUBLIC COUNSEL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,367,099 2728 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,734 TOTAL: OFFICE OF PUBLIC COUNSEL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,397,833 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,397,833 ETHICS, COMMISSION ON 2729 LUMP SUM LOBBY REGISTRATION FROM EXECUTIVE BRANCH LOBBY REGISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 182,982 FROM GRANTS AND DONATIONS TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 2730 LUMP SUM ETHICS COMMISSION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,626,169 2731 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 66,884 2732 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM EXECUTIVE BRANCH LOBBY REGISTRATION TRUST FUND . . . . . . 2,495 TOTAL: ETHICS, COMMISSION ON FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,693,053 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 185,842 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,878,895 AUDITOR GENERAL 2733 LUMP SUM AUDITOR GENERAL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 39,163,727 2734 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 60,466 TOTAL: AUDITOR GENERAL FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 39,224,193 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 39,224,193 TOTAL: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 216,721,669 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,592,851 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 219,314,520 LOTTERY, DEPARTMENT OF THE PROGRAM: LOTTERY OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,762,918 2759A SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 56.50 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,481,946 2759B OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 25,928 2759C EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,094,376 2759D OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,000 2759E SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 340,000 2759F SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 647,749 2759G SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 488,154 2759H SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 120,000 2759I SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 12,000 2759J SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 129,139 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,340,292 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 56.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,340,292 LOTTERY GAMES AND OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 15,752,547 2759K SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 362.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 25,844,714 2759L OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 178,400 2759M EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,862,539 2759N OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 193,200 2759O SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,335,276 2759P SPECIAL CATEGORIES INSTANT TICKET PURCHASE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 55,211,856 In the event instant ticket sales are greater than the projected sales used to calculate the amount appropriated, the Department of the Lottery is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2759P, to account for the additional tickets and associated licensing fees. 2759Q SPECIAL CATEGORIES GAMING SYSTEM CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 66,742,886 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2759Q, the Department of the Lottery is authorized to have up to 3,000 Full-Service Vending Machines with functionality to sell terminal tickets and instant tickets. In the event terminal games ticket sales are greater than the projected sales used to calculate the amount appropriated, the Department of the Lottery is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2759Q. The Department of the Lottery is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2759Q to acquire up to 500 additional ticket terminals. Prior to the submission of any budget amendment that increases the size of the lottery retailer network, the Revenue Estimating Conference shall determine if sales will increase sufficiently to cover the cost of the terminals, offset any losses to the existing network, and generate additional revenue that benefits the state. The budget amendments will be contingent upon the department's submission of a plan that includes not only a positive Revenue Estimating Conference impact analysis, but also identifies the specific terminal needs and a plan for distribution of the additional terminals. 2759R SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADVERTISING AGENCY FEES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,907,939 2759S SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAID ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 36,312,514 2759T SPECIAL CATEGORIES RETAILER INCENTIVES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,325,000 2759U SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,060 2759V SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 163,000 2759W DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 258,774 TOTAL: LOTTERY GAMES AND OPERATIONS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 196,350,158 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 362.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 196,350,158 TOTAL: LOTTERY, DEPARTMENT OF THE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 206,690,450 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 418.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 206,690,450 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 19,515,465 MANAGEMENT SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,509,769 2760 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 97.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 179,606 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 9,357,385 2761 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 347,397 2762 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 41,497 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,017,551 2763 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 18,728 2764 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 51,680 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 208,112 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 50,000 2766 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE TRAVEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,150,000 2767 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MAIL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 50,004 2768 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 21,092 2769 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,391,000 2770 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 22,427 2771 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 29,989 2772A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 20,647 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 217,126 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 2,443,430 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,730,811 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 97.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 15,174,241 PROGRAM: FACILITIES PROGRAM FACILITIES MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,719,146 2773 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 256.50 FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 16,261,525 2774 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 504,436 2775 EXPENSES FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 5,346,901 2776 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 73,727 2777A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 4,200,000 Funds in Specific Appropriations 2777A through 2778 shall be held in reserve contingent upon the submission of a project plan to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget detailing the request for building repair, code correction, and other deficiency projects. The project plan must include all high priority deficiency issues and all issues affecting life, health, and safety. The project plan shall also include the facility, location, and estimated cost for each project and shall be submitted by August 1, 2022. The Department of Management Services shall request the release of funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 2777B FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY LIFE SAFETY CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECTS STATEWIDE - DMS MGD FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 935,000 2778 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATEWIDE CAPITAL DEPRECIATION - GENERAL - DMS MGD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 45,000,000 FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 9,865,000 2779 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE FROM FLORIDA FACILITIES POOL CLEARING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 20,070,832 2780 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 150,000 2781 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT - CAPITOL POLICE FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 7,687,826 2782 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 12,274,170 2783 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROVISIONS FOR FACILITIES SECURITY FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 1,398,387 2784 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INTERIOR REFURBISHMENT - LEASE SPACE FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 1,942,689 2785 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 508,309 2786 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE UTILITY PAYMENTS FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 14,302,406 The Department of Management Services is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2786, in the event utility costs exceed the amount appropriated. 2787 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DEFERRED-PAYMENT COMMODITY CONTRACTS FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 1,627,007 2788 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 97,570 2789 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 74,957 2790 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE CAPITOL - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 250,000 2791A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM SUPERVISION TRUST FUND . . . . 285,166 TOTAL: FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 45,000,000 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 97,855,908 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 256.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 142,855,908 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 2792 through 2799A from the Architects Incidental Trust Fund are based on an assessment against each fixed capital outlay appropriation in which the Department of Management Services serves as the owner-representative on behalf of the state. The assessments for appropriations made for the 2022-2023 fiscal year shall be calculated in accordance with the formula submitted by the Department of Management Services to the Executive Office of the Governor on October 7, 1991, as required by chapter 91-193, Laws of Florida. APPROVED SALARY RATE 925,183 2792 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 14.00 FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,327,670 2793 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291,497 2794 EXPENSES FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147,356 2795 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,341 2796 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,678 2797 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,613 2798 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,632 2799A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM ARCHITECTS INCIDENTAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,703 TOTAL: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,828,490 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,828,490 PROGRAM: SUPPORT PROGRAM AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,442,429 2799B SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 15.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,926,795 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2799B, the department shall utilize nine positions as pilots for the purposes of safe operation of aircraft within this program. 2799C EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,033,312 2799D SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE OPERATING TRUST FUND FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2799D are provided for transfer into the Department of Management Services' Operating Trust Fund for cash flow purposes for the creation of the Aircraft Management Program. 2799E SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 286,813 2799F SPECIAL CATEGORIES SPECIAL CATEGORIES - AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 748,520 2799G SPECIAL CATEGORIES AIRCRAFT ACQUISITION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,290,576 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2799G are provided to the Department of Management Services to continue lease purchase payments for the aircraft transferred from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and to purchase two Embraer Phenom 300E executive jets with capacity seating for 11 occupants, including crew. The transferred aircraft is aircraft one and the two purchased executive jets are aircrafts two and three of the executive aircraft pool as specified in SPB 2512. This Specific Appropriation 2799G is contingent upon SPB 2512, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. 2799H SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,560 TOTAL: AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 25,290,576 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,000,000 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,290,576 FEDERAL PROPERTY ASSISTANCE APPROVED SALARY RATE 141,929 2800 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 3.00 FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 212,812 2801 EXPENSES FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,117 2802 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 241,829 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2802, $180,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Federal Surplus Property Revolving Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Management Services to enhance the current asset management platform. 2803 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 846 2804 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,368 2805A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY REVOLVING TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,267 TOTAL: FEDERAL PROPERTY ASSISTANCE FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 475,239 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 475,239 MOTOR VEHICLE AND WATERCRAFT MANAGEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 359,240 2806 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 6.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 548,688 2807 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 58,708 2808 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 68,784 2809 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLEET MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 456,000 2810 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 3,963 2811 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,247 2812 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,465 2813 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENT OF EXPENSES FROM SALE OF AGENCY VEHICLES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 695,000 2814A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 24,659 TOTAL: MOTOR VEHICLE AND WATERCRAFT MANAGEMENT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,859,514 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,859,514 PURCHASING OVERSIGHT APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,196,262 2815 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 51.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,631,968 2816 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,030 2817 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 510,594 2818 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 119,447 2819 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 10,189 2820 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 30,000 2821 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WEB-BASED E-PROCUREMENT SYSTEM FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 16,254,800 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2821, $5,254,800 in nonrecurring funds and $564,143 in recurring funds from the Operating Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Management Services to fund the annual cost of the next generation MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) contract starting in Fiscal Year 2022-2023, as well as a six-month overlap in services to finalize the transition from the previous system. These funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments for the release of these funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a detailed operational work plan and a spend plan. The department shall submit quarterly project status reports to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Each status report must include progress made to date for each project milestone, planned and actual completion dates, planned and actual costs incurred, and any current project issues and risks. 2822 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL - TRAINING FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 180,000 2823 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 5,000 2824 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,800 2825 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 2826A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 132,363 TOTAL: PURCHASING OVERSIGHT FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 23,399,191 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 51.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 23,399,191 OFFICE OF SUPPLIER DIVERSITY APPROVED SALARY RATE 231,845 2827 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 6.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 381,937 2828 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 55,641 2829 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,573 2830 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 832 2831 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,938 2832A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 9,657 TOTAL: OFFICE OF SUPPLIER DIVERSITY FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 462,578 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 462,578 PRIVATE PRISON MONITORING APPROVED SALARY RATE 812,132 2833 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 15.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,126,322 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 103,885 2834 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 95,136 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,175 2835 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,556 2836 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,527 2837 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,169 2838 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 142,823 2839 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,767 2840 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRIVATE PRISONS - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR REIMBURSEMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 2841 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,299 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 369 2842A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,162 TOTAL: PRIVATE PRISON MONITORING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,415,761 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,618,429 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,034,190 WORKFORCE PROGRAMS PROGRAM: INSURANCE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,623,679 2843 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 27.00 FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 424,335 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES LIFE INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 23,964 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,932,276 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES DISABILITY INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 31,376 2844 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 14,980 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 143,582 2845 EXPENSES FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 47,531 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES LIFE INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,984 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 309,311 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES DISABILITY INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,875 2846 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 10,000 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 8,000 2847 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 18,728 2848 SPECIAL CATEGORIES POST PAYMENT CLAIMS AUDIT SERVICES FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 200,000 The Department of Management Services is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2848, in the event the contractor identifies claim overpayments that result in compensation that exceeds the amount appropriated. 2849 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 348,505 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 3,359,157 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2849, $900,000 in recurring funds and $1,300,000 in nonrecurring funds from the State Employees' Health Insurance Trust Fund are provided to the Department of Management Services to implement a new case management and analytics solution for healthcare fraud. The funds shall be placed in reserve. The department is authorized to submit quarterly budget amendments to request the release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes, and based on the department's planned quarterly expenditures. The budget amendments must include an updated detailed operational work plan and monthly spend plan that identifies all project work and costs budgeted for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. 2850 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ONLY CONTRACT FOR HEALTH INSURANCE FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 44,625,034 The Department of Management Services is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2850, in the event administrative service payments for health insurance exceed the amount appropriated. 2851 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY INCOME CONTRACT FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 375,000 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2851, the Department of Management Services may competitively procure a contractor that identifies pre-65 year old retirees who may qualify for Social Security Disability Income based on their medical history, and assist them in applying for those benefits. The department may submit budget amendments to request additional funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 2852 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PRESCRIPTION DRUG CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,406,020 2853 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSPARENCY-BUNDLED-ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR STATEWIDE CONTRACTS FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 6,400,000 The Department of Management Services is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2853, in the event costs exceed the amount appropriated. 2854 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 2,050 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES LIFE INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 537 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 12,827 2855 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 300,000 2856 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PAYMENT OF EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS TO HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT CUSTODIAN FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 3,308,000 2857 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 9,235 2858 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSPARENCY-BUNDLED SERVICES FOR EMPLOYEE TRANSFERS FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,500,000 The Department of Management Services is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2858, in the event costs exceed the amount appropriated. 2859 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 3,550 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 11,739 2860A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM PRETAX BENEFITS TRUST FUND . . 2,446 FROM STATE EMPLOYEES HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 7,624 TOTAL: PROGRAM: INSURANCE BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 70,840,666 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 27.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 70,840,666 PROGRAM: RETIREMENT BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 9,277,803 2861 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 205.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 857,812 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 12,005,860 FROM OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 249,075 FROM POLICE AND FIREFIGHTER'S PREMIUM TAX TRUST FUND . . . . . . 900,591 FROM RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 145,924 From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2861, the Department of Management Services shall expend available cash balances from the Police and Firefighter's Premium Tax Trust Fund prior to the use of funds from the General Revenue Fund. Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 2861 through 2872, from the Optional Retirement Program Trust Fund, are based on an assessment of .01 percent of the participants' salaries and shall be used only for administration of the Optional Retirement Program. 2862 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 233,436 FROM OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,045 2863 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,879,403 FROM OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,011 FROM POLICE AND FIREFIGHTER'S PREMIUM TAX TRUST FUND . . . . . . 57,139 FROM RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 17,817 2864 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 25,000 2865 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 30,000 2866 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 21,403 2867 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 65,500 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,089,756 FROM OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,000 FROM POLICE AND FIREFIGHTER'S PREMIUM TAX TRUST FUND . . . . . . 238,305 FROM RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 40,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2867, $361,858 in recurring funds from the Florida Retirement System (FRS) Operating Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Management Services to provide technical support for the Integrated Retirement Information System (IRIS). 2868 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OVERTIME FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 122,571 2869 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 37,824 2870 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 148,891 2871 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 33,571 FROM POLICE AND FIREFIGHTER'S PREMIUM TAX TRUST FUND . . . . . . 2,000 2872 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 53,234 FROM OPTIONAL RETIREMENT PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,161 FROM POLICE AND FIREFIGHTER'S PREMIUM TAX TRUST FUND . . . . . . 3,647 FROM RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE SUBSIDY TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 968 2873A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 300,880 2874 PENSIONS AND BENEFITS DISABILITY BENEFITS TO JUSTICES AND JUDGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,388,180 2875 PENSIONS AND BENEFITS FLORIDA NATIONAL GUARD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,637,274 2876 PENSIONS AND BENEFITS STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (NON- CONTRIBUTORY) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 68,455 TOTAL: PROGRAM: RETIREMENT BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 19,017,223 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 23,707,512 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 205.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 42,724,735 PROGRAM: STATE PERSONNEL POLICY ADMINISTRATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,195,913 2877 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 17.00 FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,662,316 Funds provided in Specific Appropriations 2877 through 2894A, from the State Personnel System Trust Fund, are based upon a human resources services assessment to state entities at the following rates: FTE $305.05 OPS $95.69 Justice Administrative Commission $213.19 State Court System $184.74 County Health Department $213.19 2878 EXPENSES FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120,241 2879 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,576 2880 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,994 2881 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 2882 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,191 2883 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,986 2884A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,815 TOTAL: PROGRAM: STATE PERSONNEL POLICY ADMINISTRATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,941,119 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,941,119 PROGRAM: PEOPLE FIRST APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,025,491 2885 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 15.00 FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,498,520 2886 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,024 2887 EXPENSES FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,506 2888 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,075 2890 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,380 2891 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,860 2892 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,611 2893 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES / STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,047,762 2894A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM STATE PERSONNEL SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,453 TOTAL: PROGRAM: PEOPLE FIRST FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,693,191 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,693,191 PROGRAM: TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES From the funds in Specific Appropriations 2895 through 2911A, the Department of Management Services shall continue to allow agencies to purchase maintenance and equipment refresh services needed to maintain current agency telephony and call center systems. APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,043,994 2895 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 68.00 FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 5,520,126 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 417,650 2896 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 384,984 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 273,041 2897 EXPENSES FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 659,534 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 208,529 2898 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DISTRIBUTIONS TO COUNTIES - WIRELESS 911 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 83,705,024 2899 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DISTRIBUTIONS TO SERVICE PROVIDERS - WIRELESS 911 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 2,000,000 2900 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DISTRIBUTIONS TO COUNTIES - NON-WIRELESS E911 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 29,367,589 2901 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS DISTRIBUTION OF COUNTY PREPAID WIRELESS 911 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 35,300,000 2902 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 46,079 2903 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 37,690 2904 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - STATE AND LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION GRANT PROGRAM FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 597 2905 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CENTREX AND SUNCOM PAYMENTS FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 117,486,638 The Department of Management Services is authorized to submit budget amendments in accordance with chapter 216, Florida Statutes, to increase Specific Appropriation 2905, in the event that payments for telecommunications services exceed the amount appropriated. 2906 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 1,938,404 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 900,827 2907 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 21,588 2908 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 62,159 2909 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 3,241 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 1,845 2910 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 21,419 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 204 2911A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM COMMUNICATIONS WORKING CAPITAL TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . 449,085 FROM EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NUMBER E911 SYSTEM TRUST . . . . . 3,277 TOTAL: TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 278,809,530 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 68.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 278,809,530 WIRELESS SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 908,756 2912 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 13.00 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,203,894 2913 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,682 2914 EXPENSES FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 282,401 2915 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 441,275 2916 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TOWERS RELOCATION/RECONSTRUCTION - DMS MGD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,642,979 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2916, are provided to the Department of Management Services for the relocation and reconstruction of four Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System (SLERS) towers located in Ft. Lauderdale, Dredgers Key, Drexel, and Carnestown. These funds shall be held in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 2917 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 168,490 2918 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,600,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2918, $1,500,000 from the Law Enforcement Radio System Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Management Services for staff augmentation to assist the department for the assumption of towers and tower leases relating to the Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System (SLERS). From the funds provided in Specific Appropriation 2918, $1,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the Law Enforcement Radio System Trust Fund is provided to the Department of Management Services for Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System (SLERS) tower repair contingency. The funds shall be held in reserve. The funds can be used in the event SLERS towers sustain repair and replacement costs due to catastrophic events which exceed $1,000,000 in a fiscal year. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. 2918A SPECIAL CATEGORIES LAFAYETTE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE COMMUNICATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 500,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2918A are provided for funding a nonrecurring appropriations project (Senate Form 2507). 2919 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA INTEROPERABILITY NETWORK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,250,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2919 are provided for the Florida Interoperability Network only to provide funding, if needed, in excess of available federal funding to support and maintain the Florida Interoperability Network. 2920 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MUTUAL AID BUILD-OUT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 120,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2920 are provided for the Mutual Aid Build-Out only to provide funding, if needed, in excess of available federal funding to support and maintain the Mutual Aid Build-Out. 2921 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,832 2922 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000 2923 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM CONTRACT PAYMENT FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,000,000 2924 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TOWER LEASES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,026,357 Funds in Specific Appropriation 2924 must be used to pay for the radio tower leases assigned to the Department of Management Services from the current operator of the Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System. 2925 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,229 2926 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,501 2927A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT RADIO SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,110 TOTAL: WIRELESS SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 21,539,336 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 26,050,414 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 47,589,750 OFFICE OF THE STATE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER APPROVED SALARY RATE 5,713,220 2939 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 65.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,934,333 2940 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 196,185 2941 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,416,637 2942 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,184,299 2945 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,248 2946 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,102 2947 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,885 TOTAL: OFFICE OF THE STATE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,763,689 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,763,689 PROGRAM: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,839,376 2948 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 24.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,528,031 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 1,403,892 2949 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 149,728 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 53,790 2950 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 57,094 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 345,814 2951 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,399 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 5,721 2952 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,070 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 32,500 2953 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,891 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 2,900 2954 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,328 2955 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,824 FROM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION TRUST FUND . . . . . . . 4,704 TOTAL: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,841,365 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,849,321 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,690,686 PROGRAM: COMMISSION ON HUMAN RELATIONS HUMAN RELATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,907,313 2956 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 64.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,550,316 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 808,076 2957 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 62,628 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 43,465 2958 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 109,993 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 434,719 2959 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,736 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,000 2960 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 484,243 2961 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 53,506 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 69,000 2962 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,185 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 77,772 2963 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 242,855 2964 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 23,753 2965 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,480 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,290 2966 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 116,959 TOTAL: HUMAN RELATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,320,087 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,830,889 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 64.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,150,976 ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS PROGRAM: ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,036,573 2967 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 72.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 9,333,984 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2967, $1,304,148 in Salaries and Benefits and associated salary rate of 1,092,549 are provided to the Division of Administrative Hearings to increase the base salary of Administrative Law Judges (class codes 7722 and 9611) to $156,377. 2968 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,082 2969 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,096,474 2970 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 32,500 2971 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 275,495 2972 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 28,019 2973 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,000 2974 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 24,000 2975 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 21,262 TOTAL: PROGRAM: ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,830,816 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 72.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 10,830,816 PROGRAM: WORKERS' COMPENSATION APPEALS - JUDGES OF COMPENSATION CLAIMS APPROVED SALARY RATE 10,216,764 2976 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 144.00 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 15,153,773 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2976, $1,204,138 in Salaries and Benefits and associated salary rate of 870,356 are provided to the Division of Administrative Hearings to increase the base salary of Judges of Compensation Claims (class codes 9675 and 9681) to $156,377. 2977 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 17,836 2978 EXPENSES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,761,957 2979 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 38,950 2980 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 983,324 2981 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 42,288 2982 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED LEGAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,279 2983 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 32,000 2984 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 46,265 TOTAL: PROGRAM: WORKERS' COMPENSATION APPEALS - JUDGES OF COMPENSATION CLAIMS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 19,077,672 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 144.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 19,077,672 TOTAL: MANAGEMENT SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 131,631,467 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 612,861,290 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 1,177.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 744,492,757 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 70,126,817 MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: READINESS AND RESPONSE DRUG INTERDICTION AND PREVENTION 2985 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 75,000 FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305,000 2986 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000 2987 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY DESIGN AND BUILD COUNTERDRUG HEADQUARTERS BUILDING FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,165,000 2988 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PROJECTS, CONTRACTS AND GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,000,000 2989 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS TO COMMUNITY SERVICES FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 2990 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2991 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CONTRACTS FROM FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 TOTAL: DRUG INTERDICTION AND PREVENTION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,865,000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,865,000 MILITARY READINESS AND RESPONSE APPROVED SALARY RATE 4,642,347 2992 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 109.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,559,309 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600,461 2993 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,813,373 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,202 2994 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,000 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 2995 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITIES REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 590,000 2997 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,000 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 2998 SPECIAL CATEGORIES NATIONAL GUARD TUITION ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,167,900 2999 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 413,500 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 3000 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 171,000 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 3001 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 279,076 3002 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 26,305 FROM CAMP BLANDING MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,529 TOTAL: MILITARY READINESS AND RESPONSE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 16,206,387 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,652,268 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 109.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,858,655 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,152,833 3003 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 26.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,132,257 3004 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 54,533 3005 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 771,141 3006 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 35,000 3007 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 25,000 3008 SPECIAL CATEGORIES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 48,437 3009 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,200 3010 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CONTRACTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,000 3011 SPECIAL CATEGORIES WORKER'S COMPENSATION FOR STATE ACTIVE DUTY - FLORIDA NATIONAL GUARD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 209,976 3012 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,626 3013A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,947 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 4,364,117 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 26.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,364,117 FEDERAL/STATE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3014 through 3023 appropriated to support the Youth Challenge Program, the Department of Military Affairs shall report, for the previous five years, the number of cadets enrolled in the program and the number that successfully completed the program. In addition, the report shall include the number of cadets upon completion of the program that earned a General Education Development (GED) certificate or high school diploma at program completion, attained employment (including armed forces), or enrolled in secondary education at program completion. The report shall be submitted to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee by November 1, 2022. APPROVED SALARY RATE 11,631,122 3014 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 318.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 481,893 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 16,982,211 3015 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 87,000 3016 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 521,540 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 9,998,596 3017 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,154,000 3018 FOOD PRODUCTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 500,000 3019 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 144,000 3020 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 243,150 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,028,115 3021 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS CONTRACTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 920,000 3022 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 30,000 3023 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 96,918 TOTAL: FEDERAL/STATE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,246,583 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 35,940,840 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 318.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 37,187,423 TOTAL: MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 21,817,087 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 43,458,108 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 453.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 65,275,195 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 18,426,302 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION PROGRAM: COMMISSIONERS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONERS APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,536,945 3034 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 17.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,366,854 3035 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 331,722 3036 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 16,859 3037 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,314 3038 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,301 TOTAL: PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONERS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,724,050 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 17.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,724,050 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,184,847 3039 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 54.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,663,128 3040 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 25,085 3041 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 976,576 3042 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 266,200 3043 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 41,000 3044 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 335,325 3045 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 14,703 3046 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,829 3048 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 45,699 3048A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 55,323 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,441,868 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 54.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,441,868 LEGAL SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,980,743 3049 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 30.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,689,227 3050 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 12,041 3051 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 357,938 3052 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 57,955 3053 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,182 3054 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 9,136 TOTAL: LEGAL SERVICES FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,133,479 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 3,133,479 PROGRAM: UTILITY REGULATION AND CONSUMER ASSISTANCE UTILITY REGULATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,135,676 3055 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 146.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 11,081,752 3056 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 25,085 3057 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,496,595 3058 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 273,298 3059 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 36,794 3060 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 39,517 TOTAL: UTILITY REGULATION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,953,041 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 146.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 12,953,041 AUDITING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS APPROVED SALARY RATE 1,558,303 3061 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 27.00 FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,168,351 3062 EXPENSES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 330,375 3063 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 57,955 3064 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,475 3065 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM REGULATORY TRUST FUND . . . . . 7,858 TOTAL: AUDITING AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,572,014 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 27.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 2,572,014 TOTAL: PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 27,824,452 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 274.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 27,824,452 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 16,396,514 REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PROGRAM EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 14,664,961 3066 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 257.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,301,624 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 6,676,085 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,630,252 3067 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 74,477 3068 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 361,937 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 461,726 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,342,155 3069 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 115,157 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3069, the Department of Revenue is authorized to purchase one or more vehicles to support agricultural property appraiser positions in the Property Tax Oversight program. 3070 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,625,536 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,155,452 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 40,131 3071 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 268,346 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 281,028 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,153,170 3072 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 17,800 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 41,561 3073 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TENANT BROKER COMMISSIONS FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 350,000 3074 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,864 3075 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,261,896 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 142,802 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 216,565 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 14,836,203 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,698,361 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 257.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 31,534,564 PROPERTY TAX OVERSIGHT APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,093,655 3076 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 160.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 11,540,374 FROM CERTIFICATION PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235,242 3077 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,381 3078 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 936,623 3079 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND MAPPING FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 361,739 FROM CERTIFICATION PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676,266 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3079, $361,739 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of Revenue to fund aerial photography and mapping for counties with a population of 75,000 or less (Senate Form 2369). 3080 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PROPERTY APPRAISER AND TAX COLLECTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FROM CERTIFICATION PROGRAM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485,000 3081 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 259,323 3082 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 78,277 3083 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 22,000 3084 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FISCALLY CONSTRAINED COUNTIES - CONSERVATION LANDS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,177,270 3085 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FISCALLY CONSTRAINED COUNTIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,604,988 TOTAL: PROPERTY TAX OVERSIGHT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 52,001,975 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,396,508 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 160.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 53,398,483 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT APPROVED SALARY RATE 80,082,626 3086 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 2,266.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 40,570,611 FROM CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION AND PROGRAM REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,709,705 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 81,283,244 3087 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,718 FROM CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION AND PROGRAM REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 188,391 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 371,592 3088 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,338,656 FROM CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION AND PROGRAM REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,336 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,354,079 3089 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 158,348 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 307,381 3090 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER GENERAL REVENUE TO CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 770,169 3091 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT ANNUAL FEE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,926,098 3092 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASE OF SERVICES - CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,918,243 FROM CHILD SUPPORT INCENTIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,358,171 FROM CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT APPLICATION AND PROGRAM REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . 836,969 FROM CLERK OF THE COURT CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT COLLECTION SYSTEM TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . 858,628 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 63,351,336 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3092, $4,406,988 in nonrecurring funds from the Child Support Incentive Trust Fund is provided to migrate the Child Support Automated Management System to the SAP HANA database. 3093 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 330,089 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 640,757 3094 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 98,994 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 192,164 3095 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CHILD SUPPORT INCENTIVE PAYMENTS - POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS FROM CHILD SUPPORT INCENTIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750,000 3097 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 384,177 FROM CHILD SUPPORT INCENTIVE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,701 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 745,833 TOTAL: CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 70,498,103 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 207,092,287 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,266.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 277,590,390 GENERAL TAX ADMINISTRATION APPROVED SALARY RATE 95,797,253 3098 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 2,146.25 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 78,578,702 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,837,390 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 35,146,218 3099 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,354 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 72,821 3100 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 842,801 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 13,368,860 3101 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT/ DISTRIBUTION TO CLERKS OF COURT FROM THE CLERKS OF THE COURT TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,902,734 Funds in Specific Appropriation 3101 shall be placed in reserve. The Department of Revenue may request the release of funds pursuant to the provisions of section 28.36, Florida Statutes. 3102 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS EMERGENCY DISTRIBUTIONS FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF-CENT SALES TAX CLEARING TRUST FUND . . . 28,007,042 3103 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS INMATE SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRIBUTION FROM LOCAL GOVERNMENT HALF-CENT SALES TAX CLEARING TRUST FUND . . . 592,958 3104 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,556 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 608,081 3105 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,193,292 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,933,352 3106 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PURCHASE OF SERVICES - COLLECTION AGENCIES FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 990,000 3106A SPECIAL CATEGORIES REEMPLOYMENT SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 22,410,094 3107 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 274,155 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 1,271,951 3108 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 214,749 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 127,251 TOTAL: GENERAL TAX ADMINISTRATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 84,124,609 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 152,268,752 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 2,146.25 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 236,393,361 PROGRAM: INFORMATION SERVICES PROGRAM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVED SALARY RATE 8,699,921 3109 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 182.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,332,490 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,684,416 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 4,760,939 3110 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 66,629 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 122,503 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 29,670 3111 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,233 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 336,073 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,223,621 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3111 and 3113, $1,820,814 in nonrecurring funds from the Operating Trust Fund is provided to implement a proof of concept and migrate Florida's System for Unified Taxation (SUNTAX) to a cloud environment. 3112 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 109,029 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 274,310 3113 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 681,257 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,367,349 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,998,089 3114 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 14,963 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 18,728 3115 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,100 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 240,000 3117 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,644,060 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,282,770 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 2,787,306 TOTAL: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 7,727,669 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 20,256,866 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 182.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 27,984,535 TOTAL: REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 229,188,559 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 397,712,774 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 5,011.75 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 626,901,333 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 207,338,416 STATE, DEPARTMENT OF PROGRAM: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 6,459,408 3118 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 103.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,822,674 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 196,168 3119 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,133 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 72,887 3120 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 611,053 3121 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,250 3122 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,675 3123 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 916,808 3125 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 97,225 3126 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 28,529 3127 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,634 3129 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,000 3130 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 225,440 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 10,763,421 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 269,055 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 103.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,032,476 PROGRAM: ELECTIONS ELECTIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,786,861 3131 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 67.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,245,497 From the funds in Specific Appropriations 3131, 3133, and 3144, the sum of $1,092,681 and fifteen new full time equivalent positions are provided to perform the duties of the Division of Elections specifically related to voter registration activities. The funds provided in Specific Appropriations 3131, 3133, and 3144 are contingent upon passage of SB 524, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. 3132 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 425,784 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 33,694 3133 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,484,435 3134 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SPECIAL ELECTIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,500,000 3135 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 13,211 3136 LUMP SUM HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT (HAVA) - 2020 ELECTION SECURITY GRANT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 8,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 3136 are provided to utilize the use of Help American Vote Act (HAVA) Election Security Grant funding. From these funds, up to $1,000,000 may be used to provide subgrants to supervisors of elections for a subscription to the Albert Network Monitoring Solution and up to $7,000,000 may be used to provide subgrants to supervisors of elections for voting technology upgrades or enhancements or for improving voting accessibility. The Department of State shall provide information no later than the 15th day of the month following the end of each quarter to the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee on the status of the use or planned use of the funds and of any subgrants made to supervisors of elections. The Department of State is authorized to request budget amendments for release of funds pursuant to chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Each budget amendment must specify the activity to be funded; the specific allowable uses of the funds; a work plan for use of the funds including the timeframes in which funds will be applied for, distributed, and when the activity will be completed; an estimate of the allocation to each supervisor of elections and a description of the methodology used to create the estimate; a specific expenditure plan with anticipated deliverables by category; and an outline of the reporting requirements necessary to provide for transparency in the use of these funds. 3137 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADVERTISING OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 3138 SPECIAL CATEGORIES VOTING SYSTEMS ASSISTANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 525,000 3139 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,169,285 3139A SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEM MODERNIZATION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 450,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3139A, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of State to competitively procure a feasibility study that includes detailed business, functional, and technical requirements to modernize the Florida Voter Registration System. Upon completion, the department shall provide a copy of the study to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 3140 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,673,560 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3140, $450,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of State to competitively procure a feasibility study that includes detailed business, functional, and technical requirements to replace the current campaign finance system. Upon completion, the department shall provide a copy of the study to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 3141 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 49,050 3142 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ELECTION FRAUD PREVENTION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 446,526 3143 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 29,669 3144 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 16,659 3145A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 67,556 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 224 TOTAL: ELECTIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 15,096,232 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,033,918 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 67.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 23,130,150 OFFICE OF ELECTION CRIMES AND SECURITY The funds provided in Specific Appropriations 3146 through 3151, are contingent upon passage of SB 524, or substantially similar legislation, becoming a law. APPROVED SALARY RATE 623,239 3146 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 15.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 956,300 3147 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 191,530 3149 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 7,515 3151 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,576 TOTAL: OFFICE OF ELECTION CRIMES AND SECURITY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,159,921 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,159,921 PROGRAM: HISTORICAL RESOURCES HISTORICAL RESOURCES PRESERVATION AND EXHIBITION APPROVED SALARY RATE 2,911,151 3152 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 74.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 450,054 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 391,890 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 3,721,628 3153 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 177,751 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,585,049 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 252,349 3154 EXPENSES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 465,690 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,763,967 FROM OPERATING TRUST FUND . . . . . 6,000 3155 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 15,625 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 25,000 3157 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,200,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3157, $17,200,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of State for the design and construction of an artifact curation facility. 3158 LUMP SUM HISTORIC PROPERTIES MAINTENANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 500,000 3159 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 168,177 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3159, $168,177 of nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Department of State to purchase three new vehicles for the Division of Historical Resources. The department shall prioritize the purchase of electric vehicles and may purchase non-electric vehicles if no electric options are available. 3160 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ACQUISITION AND REPLACEMENT OF BOATS, MOTORS, AND TRAILERS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 164,213 3161 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 39,245 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 486,561 3162 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 250,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 118,250 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 1,500,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3162, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the West Florida Historic Preservation - Site Preservation and Operations (Senate Form 2042). 3163 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 49,504 3164 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,931 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 26,437 3165 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,325 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,722 FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 16,893 3165A GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - SPECIAL CATEGORIES - ACQUISITION, RESTORATION OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,201,857 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3165A, $21,535,216 of nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Department of State 2022-2023 Historic Preservation Special Category Grants ranked list in its entirety. The remaining nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 3165A from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: Bay of Pigs - Brigade 2506 Museum and Library - Miami-Dade (Senate Form 1650)........................... 250,000 City of Lake Helen - Historic City Hall Roof and Window Replacement (Senate Form 1085).......................... 180,000 Exterior Restoration of the Historic Sidney and Berne Davis Art Center - Phase 1 - Fort Myers (Senate Form 1904)................................................... 500,000 GFWC Dade City Woman's Club Building Restoration (Senate Form 2308).............................................. 300,000 Groveland Historic Train Station (Senate Form 1725)....... 236,641 Harry S. Truman Little White House Restoration - Key West (Senate Form 1182)...................................... 250,000 Historic Peck Center Repairs Final Phase - Nassau (Senate Form 1869).............................................. 250,000 Maitland Art Center Structural Rehabilitation (Senate Form 2075).............................................. 200,000 Woman's Club Stabilization and Restoration - Phase 2 - New Smyrna Beach (Senate Form 1087)..................... 500,000 3166 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND . . 34,746 TOTAL: HISTORICAL RESOURCES PRESERVATION AND EXHIBITION FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 42,276,413 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 11,346,451 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 74.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 53,622,864 PROGRAM: CORPORATIONS COMMERCIAL RECORDINGS AND REGISTRATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,960,622 3167 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 102.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,893,794 3168 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,028 3169 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,429,319 3170 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,715 3171 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 643,954 3172 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RICO ACT - ALIEN CORPORATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 262,197 3173 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 47,704 3174 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 5,880 3175 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,569 3176A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES NORTHWEST REGIONAL DATA CENTER (NWRDC) FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 23,666 TOTAL: COMMERCIAL RECORDINGS AND REGISTRATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,348,826 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 102.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 8,348,826 PROGRAM: LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARY, ARCHIVES AND INFORMATION SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 3,033,661 3177 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 69.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,516,049 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,662,370 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 809,091 3178 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 78,966 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 246,949 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 39,789 3179 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,601,831 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 426,392 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 240,658 3180 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - LIBRARY COOPERATIVES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,000,000 3181 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - LIBRARY GRANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 17,304,072 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 2,150,606 3182 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,960 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 40,498 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 9,740 3183 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 476,633 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 501,966 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 152,059 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3183, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of State to competitively procure a feasibility study that includes detailed business, functional, and technical requirements to replace the current website. Upon completion, the department shall provide a copy of the study to the Executive Office of the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 3184 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LIBRARY RESOURCES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 484,388 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,304,848 3185 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,635 3186 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,101 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,308 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 3,724 3187 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,468 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,519 FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND . 6,908 TOTAL: LIBRARY, ARCHIVES AND INFORMATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 23,541,103 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 9,610,425 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 69.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 33,151,528 PROGRAM: CULTURAL AFFAIRS ARTS AND CULTURE APPROVED SALARY RATE 577,010 3188 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 14.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 408,276 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 508,905 3189 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,691 3190 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 153,370 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 24,568 3191 AID TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS GRANTS AND AIDS - ARTS GRANTS FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 232,231 3192 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,100 3193 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CULTURAL AND MUSEUM GRANTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 136,436 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 3193 from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: Museum of Science and History of Jacksonville - Early Learning Initiative (Senate Form 2633).................. 103,436 Vero Beach Art Club Art Education for Adolescents and Veterans (Senate Form 2381)............................. 33,000 3194 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - FLORIDA AFRICAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE PRESERVATION NETWORK FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 720,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 3194 are provided to the Florida African American Heritage Preservation Network (FAAHPN) (Senate Form 1931). The funds shall be used as follows: (a) seventy percent for grants to affiliate organizations for technology and equipment acquisitions, content and exhibit development, preservation of documents and artifacts, or other eligible expenses as determined by FAAHPN; (b) fifteen percent for activities that serve affiliates, including, but not limited to, informational and technical assistance, professional development, marketing and promotions, regional or statewide conferences, or other activities that benefit the FAAHPN or its affiliates; and (c) fifteen percent for administrative costs. The FAAHPN shall submit an annual report of expenditures, including grant funds disbursed, to the Department of State in a format approved by the department. No affiliate organization may be awarded more than five percent of the total amount of grants awarded pursuant to this appropriation. 3195 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 90,709 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 18,000 3196 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 9,707 3196A SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA HOLOCAUST MUSEUM - ST. PETERSBURG FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 750,000 The nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 3196A are provided for funding an appropriations project (Senate Form 1046). 3197 SPECIAL CATEGORIES HOLOCAUST DOCUMENTATION AND EDUCATION CENTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 600,000 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3197, $100,000 in recurring funds and $500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund are provided for funding an appropriations project (Senate Form 1642). 3198 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,094 3199 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,354 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,582 3200 GRANTS AND AIDS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND NONSTATE ENTITIES - FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY GRANTS AND AIDS - SPECIAL CATEGORIES - CULTURAL FACILITIES PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 14,613,101 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3200, $5,516,722 of nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for ranked projects numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, 16, 18, 19, 25, 29, 31, 38, and 43 on the Department of State 2022-2023 Cultural Facilities Grants ranked list. From the funds Specific Appropriation 3200, $2,500,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Department of State for a Champlain Towers South Memorial. These funds shall be held in reserve. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a plan that includes details on the design, placement, and installation of the memorial and a detailed spend plan that identifies all implementation costs and timelines. The remaining nonrecurring funds in Specific Appropriation 3200 from the General Revenue Fund shall be allocated as follows: Carter G. Woodson African American Museum - St. Petersburg (Senate Form 1838)........................... 500,000 Daytona Beach Veterans Museum and Education Center (Senate Form 2283)...................................... 126,000 Fort King Museum Education and Tourism Center - Ocala (Senate Form 1684)...................................... 350,000 Hillsborough County African-American Arts and Cultural Center (Senate Form 2701)............................... 500,000 Mary McLeod Bethune Resource Center - Jacksonville (Senate Form 1468)...................................... 400,000 Miami Military Museum and Memorial (Senate Form 1263)..... 150,000 Military History Museum Building Expansion - Osceola (Senate Form 2465)...................................... 400,000 Museum of Science and History of Jacksonville - Early Learning Initiative (Senate Form 2633).................. 196,564 Nassau County Performing Arts Centre (Senate Form 2032)... 300,000 Nygren Buggy Collection - Seminole (Senate Form 1064)..... 25,000 Pasco County Cultural Arts (Senate Form 2331)............. 750,000 Pioneer Florida Museum Association - Archives Center - Pasco (Senate Form 1736)................................ 300,000 Polk County History Center Chiller and Air Handler Replacement (Senate Form 1631).......................... 1,250,000 Ruth Eckerd Hall: Safety, Health, and Energy Improvements - Pinellas (Senate Form 1099)........................... 500,000 The Pinellas Science Center (Senate Form 1464)............ 500,000 West Park Cultural Facilities Development (Senate Form 1900)................................................... 348,815 TOTAL: ARTS AND CULTURE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 17,502,838 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 785,286 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 18,288,124 TOTAL: STATE, DEPARTMENT OF FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 118,688,754 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 30,045,135 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 444.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 148,733,889 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 20,351,952 TOTAL OF SECTION 6 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,365,510,970 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 5,306,906,878 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 18,250.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,672,417,848 SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH The moneys contained herein are appropriated from the named funds to the State Courts System as the amounts to be used to pay salaries, other operational expenditures, and fixed capital outlay. STATE COURT SYSTEM PROGRAM: SUPREME COURT COURT OPERATIONS - SUPREME COURT APPROVED SALARY RATE 7,235,833 3201 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 99.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,170,597 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,405,325 3202 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 629,634 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,460 3203 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,094,483 3204 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,371 3205 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 386,205 3206 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DISCRETIONARY FUNDS OF THE CHIEF JUSTICE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,000 Funds provided in Specific Appropriation 3206 may be spent at the discretion of the Chief Justice to carry out the official duties of the court. These funds shall be disbursed by the Chief Financial Officer upon receipt of vouchers authorized by the Chief Justice. 3207 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 33,807 3208 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 18,418 3209 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 248,018 3210 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 24,308 3211 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 21,378 TOTAL: COURT OPERATIONS - SUPREME COURT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 8,661,219 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 4,465,785 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 99.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 13,127,004 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES APPROVED SALARY RATE 12,265,844 3212 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 196.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 8,371,534 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 392,098 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,812,087 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 1,456,633 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 1,153,838 3213 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 339,706 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 227,022 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,194 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 108,386 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 132,632 3214 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,992,748 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 284,676 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,500 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 1,904,449 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 872,006 3215 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 113,735 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 50,000 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 10,000 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 26,332 3216 SPECIAL CATEGORIES GRANTS AND AIDS - CLERK OF COURT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 370,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 3216 shall be used by the Office of the State Courts Administrator, in coordination with the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation and clerks of court, for operation, maintenance, and enhancement of an information technology platform to electronically transmit alert reminders and information to individuals involved with the state courts system. The platform shall integrate with existing state, county, or other court- or justice-related information systems, as necessary. Any data collected is the property of the State of Florida or designated agency. The Office of the State Courts Administrator shall provide a project status report which includes progress made to date for each milestone and deliverable as well as key metrics such as failures to appear in order to assess the performance of the project. The report shall be submitted to the chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the chair of the House Appropriations Committee, and the Governor's Office of Policy and Budget on October 1, 2022, for the prior fiscal year. 3217 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,644,890 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 151,000 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 106,105 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 772,755 3218 SPECIAL CATEGORIES FLORIDA CASES SOUTHERN 2ND REPORTER FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 645,024 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,124 3219 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 133,067 3220 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMPUTER SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 209,533 3221 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 46,159 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 7,500 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 5,500 3222 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 32,136 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 176 FROM COURT EDUCATION TRUST FUND . . 3,269 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 3,522 3223 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,516,309 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 150,000 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448,696 TOTAL: EXECUTIVE DIRECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 19,414,841 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 14,300,500 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 196.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 33,715,341 PROGRAM: DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL COURT OPERATIONS - APPELLATE COURTS APPROVED SALARY RATE 37,062,577 3224 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 469.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 37,776,062 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 2,123,547 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,795,300 3225 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 139,167 3226 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 4,021,003 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 94,669 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,000 3227 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 113,364 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 27,000 3227A FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY SIXTH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL NEW COURTHOUSE CONSTRUCTION - DMS MGD FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 50,000,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 3227A are provided for the construction of a 6th District Court of Appeal Courthouse in Lakeland, Florida. State or local land shall be sought for the courthouse. The new courthouse shall be named the Oliver L. Green Courthouse. Funds may be used for architectural and engineering professional services, and construction management to prepare the cost projection for the new courthouse. Funds from this appropriation may also be used for demolition or other expenses related to repurposed land, and for general site preparation, construction or relocation expenses of state workers at the repurposed site, if needed. In the event a state owned or locally owned location in Lakeland, Florida, cannot be made available, the courts shall work with the Department of Management Services to select a privately owned location within the city of Lakeland. Funds may be used for the purchase of privately owned land. 3228 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMPENSATION TO RETIRED JUDGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 51,790 3229 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 724,929 3230 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 314,910 3231 SPECIAL CATEGORIES SALARY INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,151 3232 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL LAW LIBRARY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 164,269 3233 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 62,686 3234 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 85,704 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,760 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,272 3235 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 171,100 TOTAL: COURT OPERATIONS - APPELLATE COURTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 93,624,984 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 16,194,699 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 469.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 109,819,683 PROGRAM: TRIAL COURTS COURT OPERATIONS - CIRCUIT COURTS APPROVED SALARY RATE 231,640,008 3236 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 3,029.50 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 279,791,515 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 299,446 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,281,528 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 7,032,976 3237 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,847,375 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184,628 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 26,048 3238 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 6,477,921 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 3,928 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 110,616 3239 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 209,018 3240 SPECIAL CATEGORIES PROBLEM SOLVING COURTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 10,996,267 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3240, $130,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for Juvenile Drug Court in Seminole County (Senate Form 2521). From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3240, $9,441,267 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for treatment services, drug testing, case management, and ancillary services for participants in problem-solving courts, including, but not limited to, adult drug courts, juvenile drug courts, dependency drug courts, early childhood courts, mental health courts, and veterans courts. Funds may also be used for problem-solving court operational costs and to provide training and education for multidisciplinary problem-solving court team members to gain up-to-date knowledge on best practices. The Trial Court Budget Commission shall determine the allocation of funds to the circuits. Funds distributed from this specific appropriation must be matched by local government, federal government, or private funds. The matching ratio for allocation of these funds shall be 30 percent non-state and 70 percent state funding, other than veterans court, which shall have a matching ratio of 20 percent non-state funding and 80 percent state funding. However, no match will be required for a problem-solving court that by its primary purpose or mission addresses activities for which state dollars are typically expended. Further, if the county meets the definition of a "fiscally constrained county," as provided in section 218.67, Florida Statutes, no match will be required. In pursuing funding under this specific appropriation, a circuit may consider, among other criteria, the extent to which a problem-solving court addresses the needs of individuals with an opioid use disorder. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3240, $1,425,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided for felony and/or misdemeanor pretrial or post-adjudicatory veterans' treatment intervention programs in the following counties: Alachua................................................... 150,000 Clay...................................................... 150,000 Duval..................................................... 200,000 Escambia.................................................. 150,000 Leon...................................................... 125,000 Okaloosa.................................................. 150,000 Orange.................................................... 200,000 Pasco..................................................... 150,000 Pinellas.................................................. 150,000 If any of the felony and/or misdemeanor pretrial or post-adjudicatory veterans' treatment intervention programs in the above-listed counties are unable to fully utilize their funding appropriation, the judicial circuit, upon request to the Office of the State Courts Administrator, may reallocate funds to other problem-solving courts within the county or the judicial circuit in which such county is located. 3241 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CIVIL TRAFFIC INFRACTION HEARING OFFICERS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,042,854 3242 SPECIAL CATEGORIES COMPENSATION TO RETIRED JUDGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,019,720 3243 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 12,061,897 From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3243, $5,000,000 in recurring funds and $400,000 in nonrecurring funds (Senate Form 1117) from the General Revenue Fund is provided for naltrexone extended-release injectable medication to treat alcohol or opioid-addicted individuals involved in the criminal justice system, individuals who have a high likelihood of criminal justice involvement, or who are in court-ordered, community-based drug treatment (recurring base appropriations project). The Office of the State Courts Administrator shall contract with a non-profit entity for the purpose of purchasing and distributing the medication. From the funds in Specific Appropriation 3243, $6,000,000 in recurring funds from the General Revenue Fund is provided to the Office of State Court Administrator for medication-assisted treatment of substance abuse disorders in individuals involved in the criminal justice system, individuals who have a high likelihood of becoming involved in the criminal justice system, or individuals who are in court-ordered, community-based drug treatment. Such medication-assisted treatment may include, but is not limited to, methadone, buprenorphine, buprenorphine extended release injectable, and naltrexone extended release injectable. The Office of the State Courts Administrator shall contract with a non-profit entity for the purpose of purchasing and distributing the medication. 3244 SPECIAL CATEGORIES DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OFFENDER MONITORING PROGRAM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 316,000 Funds in Specific Appropriation 3244 are provided to the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit to continue its program to protect victims of domestic violence with Active Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology (recurring base appropriations project). 3245 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,339,039 3246 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATEWIDE GRAND JURY - EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 143,310 3247 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 57,133 3248 SPECIAL CATEGORIES MEDIATION/ARBITRATION SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 3,279,359 3249 SPECIAL CATEGORIES STATE COURTS DUE PROCESS COSTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 19,748,736 FROM ADMINISTRATIVE TRUST FUND . . . 1,104,930 3250 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 534,672 FROM FEDERAL GRANTS TRUST FUND . . . 25,991 3251 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES OTHER DATA PROCESSING SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,606,794 TOTAL: COURT OPERATIONS - CIRCUIT COURTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 342,471,610 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 60,070,091 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 3,029.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 402,541,701 COURT OPERATIONS - COUNTY COURTS APPROVED SALARY RATE 67,345,688 3252 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 668.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 97,431,891 FROM STATE COURTS REVENUE TRUST FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,122,358 3253 OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 27,189 3254 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 2,932,642 3255 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 15,000 3256 SPECIAL CATEGORIES ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR COUNTY JUDGES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 75,000 3257 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 468,000 3258 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 95,389 3259 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LEASE OR LEASE-PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 30,382 3260 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 118,259 TOTAL: COURT OPERATIONS - COUNTY COURTS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 101,193,752 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 6,122,358 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 668.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 107,316,110 PROGRAM: JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSION JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSION OPERATIONS APPROVED SALARY RATE 311,797 3261 SALARIES AND BENEFITS POSITIONS 4.00 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 419,003 3262 EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 160,205 3263 OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 1,638 3264 SPECIAL CATEGORIES CONTRACTED SERVICES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 240,475 3265 SPECIAL CATEGORIES RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 554 3266 SPECIAL CATEGORIES LITIGATION EXPENSES FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 231,294 Funds in Specific Appropriation 3266 are to be used only for case expenditures associated with the filing and prosecution of formal charges. These costs shall consist of attorney's fees, court reporting fees, investigators' fees, and similar charges associated with the adjudicatory process. 3267 SPECIAL CATEGORIES TRANSFER TO DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES - HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES PURCHASED PER STATEWIDE CONTRACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . 880 TOTAL: JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSION OPERATIONS FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 1,054,049 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 1,054,049 TOTAL: STATE COURT SYSTEM FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 566,420,455 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 101,153,433 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 4,465.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 667,573,888 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 355,861,747 TOTAL OF SECTION 7 FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 566,420,455 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 101,153,433 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 4,465.50 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 667,573,888 SECTION 8 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 8. EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS - FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 This section provides instructions for implementing the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 salary and benefit adjustments provided in this act. All allocations, distributions, and uses of these funds are to be made in strict accordance with the provisions of this act and chapter 216, Florida Statutes. It is the intent of the Legislature that the minimum and maximums for each pay grade and pay band be adjusted upward commensurate with the increases provided in paragraph (1)(b). In addition, the Legislature intends that all eligible employees receive the increases specified in this section, even if the implementation of such increases results in an employee's salary exceeding the adjusted pay grade maximum. (1) EMPLOYEE AND OFFICER COMPENSATION (a) Officer Compensation The elected officers, members of commissions, and designated employees shall be paid at the annual rate, listed below, for the 2022-2023 fiscal year; however, these salaries may be reduced on a voluntary basis. Funds are provided in Specific Appropriations 2050 and 2976 to increase the annual base rate of pay for Judges of Compensation Claims, Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsels, and Commission on Offender Review Chair and Commissioners. 7/01/2022 ======================================================================== Governor........................................................ 134,181 Lieutenant Governor............................................. 128,597 Chief Financial Officer......................................... 132,841 Attorney General................................................ 132,841 Agriculture, Commissioner of.................................... 132,841 Supreme Court Justice........................................... 227,218 Judges - District Courts of Appeal.............................. 192,105 Judges - Circuit Courts......................................... 165,509 Judges - County Courts.......................................... 156,377 Judges of Compensation Claims................................... 156,377 State Attorneys................................................. 192,105 Public Defenders................................................ 192,105 Commissioner - Public Service Commission........................ 135,997 Public Employees Relations Commission Chair..................... 100,723 Public Employees Relations Commission Commissioners............. 47,753 Commission on Offender Review Chair............................. 135,000 Commission on Offender Review Commissioners..................... 125,000 Criminal Conflict and Civil Regional Counsels................... 130,295 ======================================================================== None of the officers, commission members, or employees whose salaries have been fixed in this section shall receive any supplemental salary or benefits from any county or municipality. (b) Minimum Wage Increase and Associated Adjustments 1. For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "eligible employee" includes an employee filling an established position in the Career Service, the Selected Exempt Service, the Senior Management Service, the lottery pay plan, the judicial branch pay plan, the legislative pay plan, and the pay plans administered by the Justice Administration Commission, and a military employee of the Florida National Guard on full-time military duty, and a non-career service employee of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. 2. Funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 to increase the minimum wage paid to state employees, effective July 1, 2022, to $15.00 per hour for each eligible employee and each employee filling a position funded through the Other Personal Services appropriations categories in this act, as provided by section 24, Article X, of the State Constitution, as amended. 3. Effective October 1, 2022, each agency is authorized to grant pay adjustments to eligible employees for the purpose of addressing compression and other pay inequity issues resulting from the implementation of the $15.00 per hour minimum wage or other salary adjustments authorized in this act. a. Funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 to provide for pay adjustments totaling an annualized amount of up to $40,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund and $60,000,000 from trust funds. The funds shall be distributed proportionately to agencies based on the aggregate amount of salaries for eligible employees with an annual base rate of pay of $52,000 or less as of May 1, 2022. The Executive Office of the Governor, in consultation with the appropriations committees of the Legislature, shall notify each state agency of its proportionate share of the funding by June 1, 2022. b. Each state agency shall develop a plan for addressing compression and pay inequity issues, within its share of the funding specified in this subsection. The plans must: i. Give priority for pay adjustments to those eligible employees having salaries closest to a rate of $15.00 per hour; ii. Address compression issues for eligible employees within the same class series; iii. Address compression issues between eligible employees and the direct supervisor of those employees; and iv. Not grant any pay adjustment that is greater than 10% of an eligible employee's base rate of pay as of July 31, 2022. The plan shall include the recommended pay adjustments by position, and justification for how the recommendations comport to the guidelines set forth in this subparagraph. Each agency must submit its plan by August 1, 2022, to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. These funds shall be held in reserve until budget amendments submitted for the distribution of these funds are approved by the Legislative Budget Commission, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Florida Statutes. (2) SPECIAL PAY ISSUES (a) State Law Enforcement Officers 1. For the purposes of this subsection (a), the term "sworn law enforcement officer" means (1) each unit employee in the law enforcement collective bargaining unit, special agent collective bargaining unit, and Florida Highway Patrol collective bargaining unit; and (2) each non-unit employee in the following position classifications certified as a law enforcement officer pursuant to s.943.13, Florida Statutes: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Captain (8525); Law Enforcement Major (8526); Director of Agricultural Law Enforcement (8542); Assistant Director of Law Enforcement (8551); Law Enforcement Major (8630); Law Enforcement Captain (8632); Chief of Uniform Services (7858); Chief of Investigative Services (7788); Department of Business and Professional Regulation Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Major (8630); Law Enforcement Captain (8632); Investigator Manager-SES (8357); Department of Environmental Protection Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Captain (8632); Department of Financial Services Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Major (8630); Law Enforcement Captain (8632); Investigation Manager-SES (8357); Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Major (8626), Law Enforcement Captain (8632); Deputy Director of Florida Highway Patrol (7932); Chief of Florida Highway Patrol (7981); Director of Florida Highway Patrol (9762); Department of Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Accreditation Director (8535); Special Agent Supervisor (8584); Inspector (8590); Chief of Law Enforcement Services (8383); Department of Legal Affairs Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Captain (8525); Law Enforcement Major (8630); Law Enforcement Captain (8632); Director of Law Enforcement Relations, Victim Services and Criminal Justice (7949); Investigation Manger-SES (8357); Department of Lottery Lottery Special Agent (1126); Director of Security (2601); Deputy Director of Security (2603); Special Agent II (2608); Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Law Enforcement Captain (8525); Law Enforcement Manager (8565); Law Enforcement Program Administrator (8798); Law Enforcement Section Leader (9154); Deputy Director of Law Enforcement (9498); Director of Law Enforcement (9694); Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind Law Enforcement Lieutenant (8522); Security and Law Enforcement Chief (8520); Justice Administration Commission Investigator I (6661); Investigator II (6662); Investigator III (6663); Investigator IV (6664); Investigator V (6665); State Court System Chief Deputy Marshal - Supreme Court (1500); Chief Deputy Marshal - District Court (1501); Court Security Officer Supreme Court (1502); Deputy Marshal - Supreme Court (1505); Deputy Marshal - District Court (1506); Deputy Marshal Supervisor - Supreme Court (1510); Deputy Marshal Supervisor - District Court (1515); Deputy Clerk I - District Court (2601); Marshal Supreme Court (9040); Marshal - District Court (9050) 2. Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 to increase the minimum annual base rate of pay to $50,000 for sworn law enforcement officers. Each sworn law enforcement officer shall receive a special pay adjustment equal to the increase necessary to attain the minimum annual base rate of pay of $50,000, or a 10.0 percent increase to the officer's annual base rate of pay as of June 30, 2022, whichever is greater. (b) Correctional and Probation Officers 1. Effective July 1, 2022, from the funds in Specific Appropriations 603, 667, and 685, the Department of Corrections shall adjust the minimum annual base rate of pay for each employee in the following position classifications: Correctional Officer (8003).......................$41,600 Correctional Officer Sergeant (8005)..............$45,760 Correctional Officer Lieutenant (8011)............$50,336 Correctional Officer Captain (8013)...............$55,370 Correctional Probation Officer (8036).............$41,600 Correctional Probation Senior Officer (8039)......$45,760 Correctional Probation Specialist (8040)..........$45,760 Correctional Probation Supervisor (8045)..........$50,336 Correctional Probation Senior Supervisor (8046)...$55,370 Inspector (8026)..................................$48,000 Senior Inspector (8028)...........................$55,000 Inspector Supervisor (8029).......................$67,000 2. Effective July 1, 2022, from the funds in Specific Appropriation 2050, $15,861,912 from the General Revenue Fund is provided for the Department of Corrections to grant a special pay adjustment to the annual base rate of pay for employees in the position classifications listed in subparagraph 1., the Correctional Officer Major (8015) class, and the Correctional Officer Colonel (8017) class, as follows: $1,000 special pay adjustment for each employee with at least two years but no more than five years of combined continuous service in one or more of the position classifications listed above; $1,500 special pay adjustment for each employee with at least five years but no more than eight years of combined continuous service in one or more of the position classifications listed above; $2,500 special pay adjustment for each employee with at least eight years of combined continuous service in one or more of the position classifications listed above. (c) Institutional Security Specialists 1. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "eligible employee" includes and employee in the following position classifications: Institutional Security Specialist (8237); Institutional Security Specialist II (8238); Institutional Security Specialist Shift Supervisor (8240); Institutional Security Chief (8243). 2. Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 for the Department of Children and Families and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to increase the minimum base rate of pay to $41,600 for each eligible employee. Each eligible employee shall receive a special pay adjustment equal to the increase necessary to attain the minimum annual base rate of pay of $41,600, or a 10.0 percent increase to the employee's annual base rate of pay as of June 30, 2022, whichever is greater. (d) Juvenile Justice Detention and Probation Officers 1. Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 for the Department of Juvenile Justice to increase the minimum annual base rate of pay the following position classifications: Juvenile Justice Detention Officer I (5711)............$35,360 Juvenile Justice Detention Officer II (5712)...........$37,128 Juvenile Justice Detention Officer Supervisor (5713)...$38,979 Juvenile Probation Officer (5965)......................$39,520 Senior Juvenile Probation Officer (5966)...............$41,496 Juvenile Probation Officer Supervisor (5967)...........$43,555 (e) State Firefighters 1. For the purposes of this subsection (e), the term "state firefighter" means (1) each unit employee in the fire services collective bargaining unit; and (2) each non-unit employees in the following position classifications: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Forest Area Supervisor (7622); Forestry Operations Administrator (7634); Forestry District Manager (7635); Forestry Program Administrator (7636); Forestry Center Manager (7637); Assistant Chief - Forestry (7638); Deputy Chief of Forestry (7639); Assistant Director of Forestry (7820); Director of Forestry (9620). 2. Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 to increase the minimum annual base rate of pay to $41,600 for state firefighters. Each state firefighter shall receive a special pay adjustment equal to the increase necessary to attain the minimum annual base rate of pay of $41,600, or a $2,500 pay increase to the employee's annual base rate of pay, whichever is greater. (f) Department of Veterans' Affairs Nurses Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 for the Department of Veterans' Affairs to grant a special pay adjustment of 15.0 percent on each employee's annual base rate of pay, after the minimum wage adjustment granted in subsection (1)(b), in the following position classifications: Registered Nurse (5290); Senior Registered Nurse (5308); Senior Licensed Practical Nurse (5600); Certified Nursing Assistant (5707); Senior Certified Nursing Assistant (5708). (g) Children's Legal Services Attorneys Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 in the amount of $2,843,282 from the General Revenue Fund for the Department of Children and Families to grant special pay adjustments for Children's Legal Services attorney positions, as proposed in the department's legislative budget request. (Issue Code 4001460) (h) Medical Quality Assurance - Attorneys Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 in the amount of $590,994 from trust funds for the Department of Health to grant special pay adjustments for attorneys in the Division of Medical Quality Assurance, as proposed in the department's legislative budget request. (Issue Code 4600A10) (i) Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Attorneys Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriations 2054 and 2095 for the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to increase the annual base rate of pay for Senior Attorneys (7738) to $58,223, and Condominium Arbitration Senior Attorneys (7738) to $60,231. (j) Department of Military Affairs Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2050 for the Department of Military Affairs to grant military personnel of the Florida National Guard on full-time military duty a pay raise to comply with section 250.10(1), Florida Statutes. (k) Administrative Law Judges Effective July 1, 2022, funds are provided in Specific Appropriation 2967 for the Division of Administrative Hearings to increase the annual base rate of pay of Administrative Law Judges (class codes 7722 and 9611) to $156,377. (3) BENEFITS: HEALTH, LIFE, AND DISABILITY INSURANCE (a) State Life Insurance and State Disability Insurance Funds are provided in each agency's budget to continue paying the state share of the current State Life Insurance Program and the State Disability Insurance Program premiums. (b) State Health Insurance Plans and Benefits 1. For the period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, the Department of Management Services shall continue within the State Group Insurance Program State Group Health Insurance Standard Plans, State Group Health Insurance High Deductible Plans, State Group Health Maintenance Organization Standard Plans, and State Group Health Maintenance Organization High Deductible Plans. 2. For the period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, the benefits provided under each of the plans shall be those benefits as provided in the current State Employees' PPO Plan Group Health Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefit Document, and current Health Maintenance Organization contracts and benefit documents, including any revisions to such health benefits approved by the Legislature. 3. Beginning January 1, 2023, for the 2023 plan year, each plan shall continue the benefits for occupational therapy authorized for the 2022 plan year. 4. Effective July 1, 2022, the state health insurance plans, as defined in subsection (3)(b)., shall limit plan participant cost sharing (deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments) for covered in-network medical services, the amount of which shall not exceed the annual cost sharing limitations for individual coverage or for family coverage as provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to the provisions of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the Internal Revenue Code. Medical and prescription drug cost sharing amounts incurred by a plan participant for covered in-network service shall be aggregated to record the participant's total amount of plan cost sharing limitations. The plan shall pay 100 percent of covered in-network services for a plan participant during the applicable calendar year once the federal cost share limitations are reached. 5. Effective July 1, 2022, a participant has the option to receive a covered immunization from a participating provider pursuant to a participant's current State Employees' PPO Plan Group Health Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefit Document, a participating provider pursuant to a participant's current Health Maintenance Organization contract and benefits document, or a participating pharmacy in the State Employees' pharmacy benefit manager's network. 6. Effective upon this act becoming law, the Division of State Group Insurance shall amend its health benefits contracts to retroactively allow service delivery through telehealth and shall provide reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, incurred by members for telehealth services provided between June 27, 2021 and January 1, 2022. 7. Effective January 1, 2023, the Division of State Group Insurance shall continue to allow service delivery through telehealth in its health benefits contracts. 8. The high deductible health plans shall continue to include an integrated Health Savings Account (HSA). Such plans and accounts shall be administered in accordance with the requirements and limitations of federal provisions related to the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003. The state shall make a monthly contribution to the employee's health savings account, as authorized in section 110.123(12), Florida Statutes, of $41.66 for employees with individual coverage and $83.33 for employees with family coverage. 9. a. The Department of Management Services shall continue the pilot program within the PPO plan and the self-insured HMO plans to provide coverage for the treatment and management of obesity and related conditions during the 2023 plan year. b. The participation in the pilot program will be limited to 2,000 members. The department shall establish criteria, which shall include, but not be limited to: i. Member of the PPO plan or a self-insured HMO during the 2022 and 2023 plan year; ii. Completion of a health risk assessment through the PPO plan during the 2022 plan year; iii. Consent to provide personal and medical information to the department; iv. Referral and supervision of a physician participating in the PPO network during the 2022 plan year; and v. Enrollment in a department-approved wellness program during the 2023 plan year. By January 14, 2023, the Department of Management Services will report to the legislature the number of individuals who applied to participate in the pilot program and the number of participants who enrolled in the pilot program. c. Members participating in the pilot program will be responsible for all applicable copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of- pocket expenses. The pilot program will provide coverage for all Federal Drug Administration approved medications for chronic weight management for patients. d. The Department of Management Services shall review the results and outcomes of the pilot program beginning June 30, 2023. The department shall provide a final report by December 15, 2023, to be submitted to the legislature. The report shall include, at a minimum, a discussion of whether members participating in the pilot program have experienced a reduction in body mass index, and if so, the average amount of reduction; and the reduction or elimination of co-morbidities, and if so, which co-morbidities were reduced or eliminated. In addition, the report should determine the average cost to the state employee health insurance program on a per member per month basis and the total cost of each participant's annual health care costs prior to entering the pilot program, and upon completion of the pilot program. The department must include recommendations to treat, reduce, and prevent obesity in the state employee population. 10. a. The Department of Management Services shall continue the pilot program that utilizes a digital health platform for diabetes management within the PPO plan and the self-insured HMO plans to monitor and detect diabetes during the 2023 plan year. b. The pilot program will be limited to 2,000 participants. Participants must be members of the PPO plan or a self-insured HMO plan during the 2023 plan year. c. The department shall establish criteria for the diabetes pilot program that includes offering participants: i. A cellular meter that provides real time feedback for glucose readings; ii. Testing strips and related supplies for enrolled members; iii. Continuous remote monitoring with emergency outreach; and iv. Live coaching from certified diabetes educators. The pilot program shall measure meaningful clinical outcomes for the enrollees including a reduction in HbA1c and hypoglycemia levels. By June 30, 2023, the department shall report to the legislature the number of individuals who applied to participate in the diabetes pilot program and the number of participants who enrolled in the pilot program. (c) State Health Insurance Premiums for the Period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. 1. State Paid Premiums a. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the state share of the State Group Health Insurance Standard and High Deductible Health Plan premiums to the executive, legislative and judicial branch agencies shall continue at $763.46 per month for individual coverage and $1,651.08 per month for family coverage. b. Funds are provided in each state agency and university's budget to continue paying the state share of the State Group Health Insurance program premiums for the fiscal year. c. The agencies shall continue to pay premiums on behalf of employees who have enhanced benefits as follows, including those employees participating in the Spouse Program in accordance with section 60P-2.0036, Florida Administrative Code, and those employees filling positions with "agency pay-all" benefits. i. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the state share of the State Group Health Insurance Standard Plan Premiums to the executive, legislative, and judicial branch agencies for employees with enhanced benefits, excluding the Spouse Program, shall continue to be $805.12 per month for Individual Coverage and $1,801.08 per month for family coverage. ii. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the state share of the State Group Health Insurance Standard Plan Premiums to the executive, legislative and judicial branch agencies, for each employee participating in the Spouse Program shall continue to be $900.54 per month for family coverage. iii. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the state share of the State Group Health Insurance High Deductible Plan Premiums to the executive, legislative, and judicial branch agencies for employees with enhanced benefits, excluding the Spouse Program, shall continue to be $770.12 per month for Individual Coverage and $1,685.38 per month for family coverage. iv. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the state share of the State Group Health Insurance High Deductible Plan Premiums to the executive, legislative and judicial branch agencies, for each employee participating in the Spouse Program shall continue to be $842.70 per month for family coverage. 2. Premiums Paid by Employees a. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the employee share of the health insurance premiums for the standard plans shall continue to be $50 per month for individual coverage and $180 per month for family coverage. b. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the employee share of the health insurance premium for the high deductible health plans shall continue to be $15 per month for individual coverage and $64.30 per month for family coverage. c. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the employee share of the health insurance premium for the standard plan and the high deductible plan shall continue to be $8.34 per month for individual coverage and $30 per month for family coverage for employees filling positions with "agency payall" benefits. d. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the employee share of the health insurance premiums for the standard plans and the high deductible plans shall continue to be $15 per month for each employee participating in the Spouse Program in accordance with section 60P-2.0036, Florida administrative Code. 3. Premiums paid by Medicare Participants a. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the monthly premiums for Medicare participants participating in the State Group Health Insurance Standard Plan shall continue to be $430.18 for "one eligible", $1,243.63 for "one under/one over", and $860.35 for "both eligible." b. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the monthly premiums for Medicare participants participating in the State Group Health Insurance High Deductible Plan shall continue to be $324.26 for "one eligible", $1,061.06 for "one under/one over", and $648.52 for "both eligible." c. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, the monthly premiums for Medicare participants enrolled in a Health Maintenance Organization Standard Plan or High Deductible Health Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan shall be equal to the negotiated monthly premium for the selected state-contracted Health Maintenance Organization or selected state-contracted plan. 4. Premiums paid by "Early Retirees" a. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, an "early retiree" participating in the State Group Health Insurance Standard Plan shall continue to pay a monthly premium equal to 100 percent of the total premium charged (state and employee contributions) for an active employee participating in the standard plan with the same coverage. b. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, an "early retiree" participating in the State Group Health Insurance High Deductible Plan shall continue to pay a monthly premium equal to $736.80 for individual coverage and $1,632.05 for family coverage. 5. Premiums paid by COBRA participants a. For the coverage period beginning August 1, 2022, a COBRA participant participating in the State Group Health Insurance Program shall continue to pay a premium equal to 102 percent of the total premium charged (state and employee contributions) for an active employee participating in the same plan option. (d) The state Employees' Prescription Drug Program shall be governed by the provisions of section 110.12315, Florida Statutes. Under the State Employees' Prescription Drug Program, the following shall apply: 1. Effective July 1, 2022, for the purpose of encouraging an individual to change from brand name drugs to generic drugs, the department may continue to waive co-payments for a six month supply of a generic statin or a generic proton pump inhibitor. 2. The State Employees' Prescription Drug Program shall provide coverage for smoking cessation prescription drugs; however, members shall be responsible for appropriate co-payments and deductibles when applicable. (4) OTHER BENEFITS (a) The following items shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of this act and with the applicable negotiated collective bargaining agreement: 1. The state shall provide up to six (6) credit hours of tuition-free courses per term at a state university, state college or community college to full-time employees on a space available basis as authorized by law. 2. The state shall continue to reimburse, at current levels, for replacement of personal property. 3. Each agency, at the discretion of the agency head, may expend funds provided in this act for bar dues and for legal education courses for employees who are required to be a member of the Florida Bar as a condition of employment. 4. The state shall continue to provide, at current levels, clothing allowances and uniform maintenance and shoe allowances. (b) All state branches, departments, and agencies which have established or approved personnel policies for the payment of accumulated and unused annual leave, shall not provide payment which exceeds a maximum of 480 hours of actual payment to each employee for accumulated and unused annual leave. (c) Upon termination of employees in the Senior Management Service, Selected Exempt Service, or positions with comparable benefits, payments for unused annual leave credits accrued on the member's last anniversary date shall be prorated at 1/12th of the last annual amount credited for each month, or portion thereof, worked subsequent to the member's last anniversary date. (5) PAY ADDITIVES AND OTHER INCENTIVE PROGRAMS The following pay additives and other incentive programs are authorized for the 2022-2023 fiscal year from existing agency resources consistent with provisions of sections 110.2035 and 216.251, Florida Statutes, the applicable rules adopted by the Department of Management Services and negotiated collective bargaining agreements. (a) Each agency is authorized to continue to pay, at the levels in effect on June 30, 2007, on-call fees and shift differentials as necessary to perform normal operations of the agency. (b) Each agency that had a training program in existence on June 30, 2006, which included granting pay additives to participating employees, is authorized to continue such training program for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Such additives shall be granted under the provisions of the law administrative rules, and collective bargaining agreements. (c) Each agency is authorized to continue to grant temporary special duties pay additives to employees assigned additional duties as a result of another employee being absent from work pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act or authorized military leave. The notification process described in section 110.2035(6)(c), Florida Statutes, does not apply to additives authorized in this paragraph. (d) Each agency is authorized to grant merit pay increases based on the employee's exemplary performance as evidenced by a performance evaluation conducted pursuant to chapter 60L-35, Florida Administrative Code, or a similar performance evaluation applicable to other pay plans. The Chief Justice may exempt judicial branch employees from the performance evaluation requirements of this paragraph. (e) Contingent upon the availability of funds and at the agency head's discretion, each agency is authorized to grant a temporary special duties pay additive, of up to 15 percent of the employee's base rate of pay, to each employee temporarily deployed to a facility or area closed due to emergency conditions from another area of the state that is not closed. (f) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission may continue to grant temporary special duty pay additives to law enforcement officers who perform additional duties as K-9 handlers, regional recruiters/media coordinators, and breath test operators/inspectors, and may grant temporary special duty pay additives to law enforcement officers who perform additional duties as offshore patrol vessel crew members, special operations group members, and long-term covert investigators. (g) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is authorized to grant critical market pay additives to employees residing in and assigned to Lee County, Collier County, Monroe County, Broward County, or Miami-Dade County, at the levels that the employing agency granted salary increases for similar purposes prior to July 1, 2006. These pay additives shall be granted only during the time in which the employee resides in, and is assigned to duties within, those counties. In no instance may the employee receive an adjustment to the employee's base rate of pay and a critical market pay additive based on the employee residing in and being assigned in the specified counties. (h) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission may provide a duty officer shift differential pay additive of 10% and a midnight shift differential of 15% to duty officers who are assigned to work those respective shifts. (i) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is authorized to grant critical market pay additives to sworn law enforcement officers residing in and assigned to: 1. Lee County, Collier County, or Monroe County, at the levels that the employing agency granted salary increases for similar purposes prior to July 1, 2006; 2. Hillsborough, Orange, Pinellas, Duval, Marion, and Escambia counties, at $5,000, or, in lieu thereof, an equivalent salary adjustment that was made during Fiscal Year 2015-2016; 3. Alachua, Baker, Brevard, Clay, Charlotte, Flagler, Indian River, Manatee, Martin, Nassau, Osceola, Pasco, Sarasota, Santa Rosa, Seminole, St. Johns, St. Lucie, and Volusia Counties at $5,000. These critical market pay additives and equivalent salary adjustments may be granted only during the time in which the employee resides in, and is assigned to duties within, those counties. In no instance may the employee receive an adjustment to the employee's base rate of pay and a critical market pay additive based on the employee residing in and being assigned in the specified counties. (j) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may grant special duty pay additives of $2,000 for law enforcement officers who perform additional duties as K-9 handlers; felony officers; criminal interdiction officers; criminal investigation and intelligence officers; new recruit background checks and training, and technical support officers; drug recognition experts; hazardous material squad members; compliance investigation squad members; motorcycle squad members; Quick Response Force Team; Honor Guard; or Florida Advanced Investigation and Reconstruction Teams. (k) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may provide a critical market pay additive of $1,300 to non-sworn Florida Highway Patrol personnel working and residing in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. These critical market pay additives shall be granted during the time the employee resides in, and is assigned duties within, those counties. (l) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is authorized to grant a critical market pay additive of $5,000 per year to non-sworn Florida Highway Patrol personnel for class codes 8407, 8410, and 8417 working and residing in the following counties: Duval, Nassau, Baker, Clay, St. Johns, Hillsborough, Polk, Pinellas, Manatee, Pasco, Lee, Charlotte, Glades, Hendry, Collier, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Palm Beach, Martin, Broward, Seminole, Orange, Lake, Osceola, and Brevard. This additive shall be granted only during the time in which the employee resides in and is assigned to duties within. (m) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is authorized to grant a critical market pay additive of $5,000 per year to Motorist Services personnel for class codes 9000 and 9002 working and residing in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. This additive shall be granted only during the time in which the employee resides in and is assigned to duties within those counties. In addition, Motorist Services personnel for class code 9018 with the working class title of Community Outreach Specialist shall also receive a $5,000 critical market pay additive per year. (n) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is authorized to continue to grant a pay additive of $162.50 per pay period for law enforcement officers assigned to the Office of Motor Carrier Compliance who maintain certification by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance. (o) The Department of Transportation is authorized to continue its training program for employees in the areas of transportation engineering, right-of-way acquisition, relocation benefits administration, right-of-way property management, real estate appraisal, and business valuation under the same guidelines established for the training program prior to June 30, 2006. (p) The Department of Transportation is authorized to grant a pay additive of $2.00 per hour for incident management services performed for critical coverage areas on the state highway system during nonstandard work hours, including nights and weekends. (q) The Department of Corrections may continue to grant hazardous duty pay additives, as necessary, to those employees assigned to the Department of Corrections institutions' Rapid Response Teams (including the baton, shotgun, and chemical agent teams) and the Correctional Emergency Response Teams. (r) The Department of Corrections may continue to grant a temporary special duties pay additive of up to 10 percent of the employee's base rate of pay for each certified correctional officer (class code 8003); certified correctional officer sergeant (class code 8005); certified correctional officer lieutenant (class code 8011), and certified correctional officer captain (class code 8013). For purposes of determining eligibility for this special pay additive, the term "certified" means the employee has obtained a correctional mental health certification as provided through the department. To be certified, a correctional officer must: (a) initially complete 5 courses consisting of a total of 54 hours of instruction taught by a department instructor with a correctional officer behavioral mental health certification through the American Correctional Association; (b) upon completing that instruction, satisfactorily pass a department examination; and (c) twice each year satisfactorily complete 16 additional hours of training and an examination, including in the year the correctional officer satisfies (a) and (b). The courses and training must educate correctional officers in identifying symptoms of mental illness in prisoners while helping to foster a safer environment for inmates with mental illness. Such additive may be awarded only during the time the certified officer is employed full time in an assigned mental health unit post. (s) The Department of Corrections may continue to grant a one-time $1,000 hiring bonus to newly-hired correctional officers (class code 8003) who are hired to fill positions at a correctional institution that had a vacancy rate for such positions of more than 10 percent for the preceding calendar quarter. The bonus may not be awarded before the officer obtains his or her correctional officer certification. Current employees and former employees who have had a break in service with the Department of Corrections of 31 days or less, are not eligible for this bonus. (t) The Department of Corrections may grant a one-time $1,000 hiring bonus to newly hired teachers and instructors (class codes 1313, 1315, 4133, 8085, 8093, 9095) at a correctional institution. Current employees and former employees who have had a break in service with the Department of Corrections of 31 days or less, are not eligible for this bonus. (u) The Department of Children and Families may grant a temporary special duties pay additive of 5 percent of the employee's base rate of pay to: 1. All employees in the Human Services Worker I, Human Services Worker II, and Unit Treatment and Rehabilitation Specialist classes who work within the 13-1E, 13-1W, 32N, or 32S living areas at the Northeast Florida State Hospital. Such additive may be awarded only during the time the employees work within those living areas at the Northeast Florida State Hospital. 2. All employees in the Human Services Worker I, Human Services Worker II, and Unit Treatment and Rehabilitation Specialist classes who work within the Specialty Care Unit or Medical Services Unit at the Florida State Hospital. Such additive may be awarded only during the time those employees work within the Specialty Care Unit or Medical Services Unit at the Florida State Hospital. 3. All employees in Child Protective Investigator and Senior Child Protective Investigator classes who work in a weekend unit. Such additive may be awarded only during the time such employees work in a weekend unit. 4. All Adult Registry Counselors who work in a weekend unit at the Abuse Hotline. Such additive may be awarded only during the time such employees work in a weekend unit. (v) The Department of Lottery is authorized to provide a critical market pay (CMP) additive of $1,300 to Lottery personnel working in the following district offices: Hillsborough, Lee, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade. These critical market pay additives shall be granted only during the time the employee resides in, and is assigned duties within those areas. (w) The Department of Financial Services may grant special duty pay additives of $2,000 for law enforcement officers who perform additional duties as K-9 handlers. (6) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING All collective bargaining issues at impasse relating to mandatory subjects of collective bargaining shall be resolved by the Legislature. SECTION 9 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 9. Pursuant to section 1010.62 and section 1013.171, Florida Statutes, and section 11(d) and (f), Article VII of the Florida Constitution, the following fixed capital outlay projects may be constructed, acquired, and financed by a university or university direct support organization. Financing mechanisms include any form of approved debt or bonds authorized by the Board of Governors. No state appropriation of funds will be associated with these projects. The Legislature has provided the Board of Governors general authority to consider debt financing for most classes of projects. However, certain athletic and commercial facilities require specific Legislative authorization as a prerequisite condition for these projects. Legislative authorization does not supersede any of the requirements for Board of Governors review and approval of all projects to be financed from debt, unless the project as proposed meets an exception in the Board of Governors Debt Management Guidelines or Public-Private Partnership Guidelines. Florida Atlantic University - Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Research Facility Florida Atlantic University - Downtown Development Housing and Retail Shops University of Central Florida - College of Nursing University of Central Florida - Spectrum Stadium expansion Phases I and II University of Central Florida - McNamara Cove University of Central Florida - Wayne Densch Sports Center Entry Atrium University of Central Florida - Champions Way Pedestrian Path at Dixon Athletics Village University of Central Florida - Basketball Excellence Center University of Central Florida - Stadium Video/Audio Boards University of Central Florida - Tennis Training Facility SECTION 10 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 10. Pursuant to section 1013.40, Florida Statutes, the specified Florida College System institutions are authorized to acquire or construct the following facilities from non-PECO sources, which could require general revenue funds for operation and maintenance. If existing facilities are part of these projects, each such building or site must be certified to be free of asbestos or other hazardous materials before the stated college may acquire or expend construction funds on the facility. If the property to be acquired is not adjacent to an existing approved center or campus, then all necessary approvals from the State Board of Education must be received before any funds may be expended to acquire the property. Daytona State College - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space, and parking for the State Board of Education approved Main Daytona Beach Campus, Advanced Technology College (special purpose center), Flagler/Palm Coast Center, Deland (West) Campus, Deltona Center, and New Smyrna Beach-Edgewater (South) Center using local funds. Daytona State College - Construct a new Law Enforcement Firearms Training Center (approximately 10,682 gross square feet) in part or whole from local funds on the State Board of Education approved Deland (West) Campus. Florida SouthWestern State College - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space and parking, from local funds at the State Board of Education approved campuses, centers, and special purpose centers. Hillsborough Community College - Construct a new District Administration office building (approximately 44,641 gross square feet) from local funds on the State Board of Education approved Dale Mabry Campus. This facility will replace the existing 77,844 gross square foot building constructed in 1959. Hillsborough Community College - Acquire 2.93 acres adjacent to the State Board of Education approved Brandon Campus for future development using local funds. Indian River State College - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space, and parking for the State Board of Education approved Main (Ft. Pierce) Campus, Chastain (Stuart) Center, Mueller (Vero Beach) Special Purpose Center, Pruitt (Port St. Lucie) Center, Marine Science Special Purpose Center, Human Development & Resources Special Purpose Center, and the Dixon Hendry (Okeechobee) Center using local funds. Miami Dade College - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities of classrooms, labs, offices, support space, and parking, using local funds, for the State Board of Education approved North Campus, Kendall Campus, Wolfson Campus, Medical Campus, Homestead Campus, Padron Campus, Hialeah Campus, West Campus, and Entrepreneurial Education Center. Miami Dade College - Acquire land/facilities for future growth and development of a new campus/center in Miami-Dade County, and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space, and parking, using local funds, and subject to State Board of Education approval. Pasco-Hernando State College - Construct a new Corporate College building (approximately 27,000 gross square feet) and parking from local funds on Hernando County Government property located at 15470 Flight Path Drive in Brooksville, Florida, to be leased for 40 years and designated as a special purpose center with State Board of Education approval as necessary. The new facility will consist of classrooms, labs, offices and support space for programs in Aviation Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics, Aviation Maintenance Administration, Professional Pilot Technology, Apprenticeships, Paramedic, and Practical and Registered Nursing. Polk State College - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space, utilities and parking for the State Board of Education approved campuses, centers, and special purpose centers using local funds. Polk State College - Acquire land/facilities for future growth and development of new campuses, centers, or special purpose centers in Polk County, using local funds and subject to State Board of Education approval. Santa Fe College - Construct an athletic field house from local funds at the State Board of Education approved Northwest (Gainesville) Campus. Seminole State College of Florida - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, meeting rooms, academic and student support space, and parking, utilizing private-public partnership funding or other local funds at the State Board of Education approved Sanford/Lake Mary Campus, Altamonte Springs Campus, Oviedo Campus, Heathrow Special Purpose Center, and/or Geneva Special Purpose Center. State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space, and parking, for future growth and development of a new campus/center in Manatee County and/or Sarasota County, subject to State Board of Education approval and using local funds. Valencia College - Acquire land/facilities and construct/remodel/renovate facilities for classrooms, labs, offices, support space and parking, from local funds at the State Board of Education approved campuses, centers, and special purpose centers. Valencia College - Acquire land/facilities from local funds for future growth and development of a new campus/center in Southwest Orange County, Southeast Orange County, and/or Northeast Osceola County, subject to State Board of Education approval. SECTION 11 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 11. The unexpended balance of funds in the Federal Grants Trust Fund provided to the Department of Education for the Preschool Development Birth to Five Grant Program in Specific Appropriation 81 of Chapter 2021-036, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 12 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 12. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, from the funds provided in Section 86 of Chapter 2021-036, Laws of Florida, the base student allocation per full-time equivalent student for the school year program shall be increased to equitably distribute all projected unexpended funds. Allocation of funds shall be based on the most recent Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) estimating conference, thereby increasing the school year base student allocation to the maximum extent possible to fully utilize the existing appropriation. There is no change to the base student allocation for the summer program authorized in Section 86 of Chapter 2021-036, Laws of Florida. Private prekindergarten providers and public schools that participate in the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program as provided in sections 1002.51 through 1002.79, Florida Statutes are eligible to receive these additional funds. Eligible providers or public schools must elect to amend their statewide provider contracts with the Division of Early Learning. The contract amendment must require the provider or public school to attest under penalty of perjury under section 837.012, Florida Statutes, that all funds received as a supplemental payment for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 are used towards increasing wages of its VPK instructional personnel to at least $15.00 per hour. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 13 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 13. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Community School Grant Program in Specific Appropriation 109 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. SECTION 14 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 14. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Program in Specific Appropriation 110 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. SECTION 15 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 15. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the Supplemental Disaster Relief Funds for Child Care program in sections 30 and 39 of Chapter 2021-036, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the Department of Education for the same purpose. SECTION 16 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 16. The nonrecurring sum of $287,195,199 from the Child Care Development Block Grant Trust Fund provided to the Department of Education for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act in Section 44 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and subsequently distributed to the department pursuant to budget amendment EOG #B2022-0005, shall revert to the fund from which originally appropriated. The remaining unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act in Section 44 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and subsequently distributed to the department pursuant to budget amendment EOG #B2022-0005, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-23 for the same purpose. SECTION 17 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 17. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Education for local educational agencies and state educational agency funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act in Section 45 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and subsequently distributed to the department pursuant to budget amendment EOG #B2022-0005, shall revert and $20,000,000 is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the Department of Education to partner with programs serving students involved with prevention and day treatment juvenile justice education programs and contracted juvenile justice residential education programs to provide high quality instructional resources, devices, and access to digital curricula. The remaining unexpended balance is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-23 for the same purpose as the original appropriation in Section 45 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. SECTION 18 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 18. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated $2,085,158 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Education for the deficit in the Benacquisto Scholarship Program. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 19 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 19. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated $482,063 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Education for the deficit in the Scholarship for Children and Spouses of Deceased and Disabled Veterans Program. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 20 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 20. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Education for the deficit in the Dual Enrollment Scholarship Program. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 21 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 21. From the funds appropriated to the Agency for Health Care Administration in Specific Appropriations 196 through 223 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, the sum of $1,078,528,280 in general revenue funds that is held in unbudgeted reserve shall revert immediately to the General Revenue Fund. This section shall take effect upon becoming law. SECTION 22 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 22. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated the nonrecurring sum of $11,910,000 from the General Revenue Fund and the nonrecurring sum of $18,090,000 from the Medical Care Trust Fund to the Agency for Health Care Administration to restore rate adjustments implemented during Fiscal Year 2021-2022. This section shall take effect upon becoming law. SECTION 23 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 23. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the Bureau of Financial Services Enterprise System in Specific Appropriation 170 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 24 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 24. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to implement the Excellence in Home Health Program, the Nurse Registry Excellence Program, and the Direct Care Workforce Survey in section 52 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 25 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 25. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration for the Patient Safety Culture Survey in section 53 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 26 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 26. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to implement the Indirect Medical Education Program in budget amendment EOG #B2022-0113 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 27 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 27. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to implement the Hospital Directed Payment Program in budget amendment EOG #B2022-0114 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 28 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 28. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Agency for Health Care Administration to implement the Home and Community Based Services enhanced federal medical assistance percentage in Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in budget amendment EOG #B2022-0211 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 29 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 29. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Elder Affairs in Specific Appropriation 397 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to increase the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) by 200 slots in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, designated specifically for the Florida PACE Centers, Inc., H. 1043, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, shall revert and is appropriated to the Agency for Health Care Administration for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 30 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 30. The unexpended balance of funds in Specific Appropriation 243, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, provided to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities for the Home and Community Based Services Waiver shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 in the Lump Sum Home and Community Based Services Waiver category and shall be placed in reserve. The agency is authorized to submit budget amendments requesting the release of funds, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 216. Florida Statutes. SECTION 31 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 31. The unexpended balance of funds in Specific Appropriation 255, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, provided to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to implement the Individual Comprehensive Assessment shall revert and is appropriated to the agency for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 32 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 32. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated the nonrecurring sum of $1,013,881 from the General Revenue Fund and the nonrecurring sum of $1,035,197 from the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. Funds will be used to provide staff augmentation in the Civil and Forensic Developmental Disability Centers. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 33 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 33. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated to the Department of Children and Families in the Domestic Violence Trust Fund the nonrecurring sum of $3,135,000 to be distributed to the domestic violence centers certified pursuant to s. 39.905, Florida Statutes, using a distribution formula that considers population density, county population, rurality, age demographics, domestic violence incidence rate, and marriage/dissolution courts. The unexpended balance of funds shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 34 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 34. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated the nonrecurring sum of $15,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Children and Families in the Lump Sum-Grants and Aids-Community Based Care category for the purpose of mitigating operational deficits experienced by the community-based care lead agencies. The department is authorized to submit budget amendments, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 216, Laws of Florida, requesting the release of funds. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 35 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 35. For Fiscal Year 2021-2022, there is hereby appropriated the nonrecurring funding of $4,630,359 to the Department of Children and Families in the General Revenue Fund to sustain bed capacity and resident to workforce ratios at the mental health facilities. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 36 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 36. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families in Specific Appropriation 306B, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and subsequently distributed through budget amendment EOG 2022-0229 for Family First Prevention Act transition funds shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 37 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 37. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families in Specific Appropriation 310, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to support the expansion of the motivational interviewing model, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 38 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 38. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families in Specific Appropriation 310, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to support the electronic foster care placement assessment tool, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 39 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 39. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families for the transition to Electronic Health Records for civil and forensic Mental Health Facilities, in budget amendment EOG #2021-0312 and subsequently appropriated in Section 62, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 40 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 40. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families in Specific Appropriation 362 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for Forensic Community Diversion, Supported Employment Services and Short Term-Residential Treatment, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 41 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 41. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families for the Hurricane Michael Disaster Assistance Project to provide behavioral health services to individuals affected by Hurricane Michael in budget amendment EOG #2021-0353, and subsequently appropriated in Section 65, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 42 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 42. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Children and Families to support the State Opioid Response Grant in Specific Appropriations 359A and 374, Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 43 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 43. The unexpended balance of funds provided in Specific Appropriation 403 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to the Department of Elder Affairs for the implementation of the Enterprise Client Information and Registration Tracking System (eCIRTS) shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose in the Enterprise Client Information and Registration Tracking System (eCIRTS) category. The funds shall be held in reserve and the department if authorized to submit budget amendments for the release of these funds pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 216, Florida Statutes. Release is contingent upon the approval of a comprehensive operational work plan reflecting all project tasks and a detailed spend plan reflecting estimated and actual costs that comport with each deliverable proposed by the department. SECTION 44 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 44. The unexpended balance of funds provided in Specific Appropriation 421 of Chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, and subsequently appropriated in section 73 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to the Department of Elder Affairs' Office of Public and Professional Guardians (OPPG) to monitor professional guardians' compliance with established standards of practice shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose in the Contracted Services category. The Office of Public and Professional Guardians shall work in consultation with professionals guardianship associations. SECTION 45 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 45. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Health for a Youth Mental Health Campaign and Litigation costs in budget amendment EOG #B2022-0198 for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 46 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 46. The unexpended balance of General Revenue funds provided to the Department of Corrections in Specific Appropriation 687 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for the Nspire Interrupters Program: A Violence Interrupters Model-Based Approach, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 47 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 47. The nonrecurring sum of $582,361 provided from the General Revenue Fund in Specific Appropriation 750 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert immediately and is appropriated to Specific Appropriation 880 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. Any unexpended balance in Specific Appropriation 880 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. This section shall take effect upon becoming law. SECTION 48 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 48. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Justice Administrative Commission in Specific Appropriation 741 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for the reimbursement of expenditures related to circuit and county juries required by statute, shall revert and is appropriated to the commission for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 49 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 49. The sum of $10 million from the General Revenue Fund appropriated to the Justice Administrative Commission in Specific Appropriations 750, 754, and 755 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for due process costs, shall revert and is appropriated to the commission for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 50 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 50. The unexpended balance of funds from the General Revenue Fund appropriated to the Justice Administrative Commission in Specific Appropriations 749 and 756 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for due process costs, shall revert and is appropriated to the commission for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purposes. SECTION 51 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 51. The unexpended balance of nonrecurring General Revenue funds provided to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Specific Appropriation 1268 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to provide assistance funds to reporting entities to modify existing systems to be compliant with the Florida Incident Based Reporting System shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 52 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 52. There is hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, $250,000 in nonrecurring funds from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Legal Affairs/Attorney General for current year expenditures related to outside legal counsel costs. This section shall take effect upon becoming law. SECTION 53 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 53. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Legal Affairs in section 87 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for the Agency-wide Information Technology Modernization Program, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 54 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 54. The unexpended balance of funds from the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund provided to the State Courts System for the Appellate Case Management System in Specific Appropriations 3125, 3126, 3129, and 3135 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 55 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 55. The unexpended balance of funds from the General Revenue Fund provided to the State Courts System for Clerks of Court Information Technology in Specific Appropriation 3128 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 56 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 56. The unexpended balance of funds from the General Revenue Fund provided to the State Courts System in Specific Appropriations 3152, 3154, 3155, 3160, and 3161 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 57 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 57. The unexpended balance of funds from the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund provided to the State Courts System in Specific Appropriations 3149, 3154, and 3160 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 58 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 58. The unexpended fixed capital outlay balance of General Revenue funds provided to the Agency for Persons with Disabilities for renovations and repairs at the Billy Joe Rish Park for Disabled Individuals in specific appropriation 268 of chapter 2021-36 Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the Department of Environmental Protection for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 59 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 59. The nonrecurring sum of $3,255,407 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of Environmental Protection to pay outstanding invoices from A-C-T Environmental & Infrastructure related to the 2021 Piney Point Emergency. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 60 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 60. The nonrecurring sum of $4,000,000 from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Financial Services to procure services to implement an information warehouse solution that retains the current historical reporting functionality provided by the FLAIR Information Warehouse and inclusive of PALM data. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 61 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 61. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Financial Services from the Administrative Trust Fund for Florida Accounting Information Resource (FLAIR) System Replacement in Specific Appropriation 2301 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert, and is appropriated for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 62 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 62. The nonrecurring sum of $121,627 from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Financial Services in the acquisition of motor vehicles appropriation category for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for the purpose of purchasing motor vehicles that were not delivered in Fiscal Year 2020-2021. This section is effective upon becoming law. SECTION 63 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 63. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Financial Services from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund for Hurricane Michael related expenditures pursuant to Budget Amendment EOG #B2020-0029, and subsequently appropriated in section 64 of chapter 2020-111 and section 101 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert, and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 64 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 64. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Financial Services from the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund for domestic security issues in Specific Appropriation 1969B of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and subsequently distributed to the Department of Financial Services pursuant to Budget Amendment EOG #2022-B0014, shall revert, and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 65 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 65. The nonrecurring sum of $250,000 from the Administrative Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Management Services for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for additional outside legal services. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 66 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 66. The Department of Management Services, pursuant to Chapter 287, Florida Statutes, is authorized to issue a competitive solicitation in Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to procure the resources necessary to assist the department in the integration with the Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system. The department is also authorized to execute a change order with the current PeopleFirst Service Provider for integration with the Florida PALM system. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 67 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 67. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services for the purchase of portable and mobile radios in Section 121 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 68 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 68. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services for the upgrade of the Statewide Law Enforcement Radio System to Project 25 compliance with the current operator in section 122 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 69 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 69. The nonrecurring sum of $1,539,245 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Northwest Regional Data Center for leave liability related to personnel transitioning from the State Data Center to the Northwest Regional Data Center pursuant to SPB 2518 or similar legislation becoming a law. SECTION 70 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 70. The unexpended balance of funds from the General Revenue Fund appropriated to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2792 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, for the Florida Holocaust Memorial shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose contingent on approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. SECTION 71 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 71. The unexpended balance of funds from the General Revenue Fund appropriated to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2793 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, for the Florida Slavery Memorial shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose contingent on approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. SECTION 72 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 72. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Section 114 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, relating to the former Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 73 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 73. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2761 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to complete the MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) and Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system integration and MFMP project planning, independent validation verification, and support services, shall revert and is appropriated to the department in Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 74 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 74. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2824 of Chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, and subsequently appropriated in section 119 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to complete the MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) and Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system integration and MFMP project planning, independent validation and verification, and support services, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 75 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 75. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2872 of Chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, and subsequently appropriated in section 111 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, to complete the remediation tasks necessary to interface the Division of Retirement's Integrated Retirement Information System (IRIS) and the Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 76 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 76. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2839 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, relating to the implementation of 911 Regional Call Routing Solutions, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 77 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 77. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2903 of Chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, and subsequently appropriated in section 116 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, relating to the implementation of 911 Regional Call Routing Solutions, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 78 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 78. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2778 of Chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, and subsequently appropriated in section 115 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, relating to the Facilities Management System Enhancements, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 79 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 79. The unexpended balance of funds from the Communications Working Capital Trust Fund provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2910 of chapter 2020-111, Laws of Florida, and subsequently appropriated in section 113 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for staff augmentation services to continue the transition to the new SUNCOM Network, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 80 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 80. the unexpended balance of funds from the Communications Working Capital Trust Fund provided to the Department of Management Services in Specific Appropriation 2846 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for staff augmentation services to continue the transition to the new SUNCOM Network, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 81 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 81. The nonrecurring sum of $4,410,233 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of Revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to mitigate the deficit in the Fiscally Constrained Counties and Fiscally Constrained Conservation Lands distributions, pursuant to sections 218.12 and 218.125, Florida Statutes. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 82 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 82. The nonrecurring sum of $5,200,000 from the Local Government Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Revenue for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 for emergency distributions to counties pursuant to section 218.65, Florida Statutes. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 83 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 83. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Economic Opportunity for the Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Programs in section 123 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 84 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 84. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Economic Opportunity for the Revolving Loan Fund Program in section 124 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 85 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 85. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Economic Opportunity for the geographic information system broadband mapping in chapter 2021-24, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 86 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 86. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Economic Opportunity for the Reemployment Assistance System Modernization in Specific Appropriation 2202A of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 87 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 87. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Economic Opportunity for the Everglades Restoration Agricultural Community Employment Training Program in Specific Appropriation 2197A of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for the same purpose. SECTION 88 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 88. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department of Economic Opportunity in Specific Appropriation 2236A of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for the Citrus County - Construction of Inverness Airport Business Park shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the department for Citrus County - Construction of Inverness Airport Business Park (Senate Form 2778). SECTION 89 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 89. The unexpended balance of funds provided to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, for domestic security projects in Specific Appropriation 1969B of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, subsequently distributed through budget amendment EOG# B2022-0014, and the unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, in section 125 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 90 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 90. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, for the Federal Emergency Management Performance Grant in Specific Appropriations 2563 and 2571 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and the unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, in section 126 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 91 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 91. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, for the Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program in Specific Appropriation 2583 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, and the unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, in section 127 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 92 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 92. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, for the federal Citrus Disaster Recovery Program in section 128 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 93 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 93. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, for LiDAR in section 129 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 94 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 94. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Executive Office of the Governor, Division of Emergency Management, for the Timber Disaster Recovery Program in section 130 of Chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 to the division for the same purpose. SECTION 95 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 95. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in Specific Appropriation 2662 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for the Application Cloud Environment Migration Project shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 96 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 96. The nonrecurring sum of $2,275,098 from the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, for the acquisition of pursuit vehicles for the Florida Highway Patrol. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 97 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 97. The nonrecurring sum of $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of Military Affairs for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, for the Florida National Guard Tuition Assistance Program. This section shall take effect upon becoming a law. SECTION 98 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 98. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated to the Department of Transportation in Specific Appropriation 1939A of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, for the planning and remediation tasks necessary to integrate agency applications with the new Florida Planning, Accounting, and Ledger Management (PALM) system, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purpose. SECTION 99 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 99. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG#B2022-XXXX, Medicaid Funding Realignment Based on the Social Services Estimating Conference, as submitted by the Governor on behalf of the Agency for Health Care Administration for the approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 100 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 100. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG#B2022-XXXX, Medicaid Funding in Other State Agencies Based on the Social Services Estimating Conference, as submitted by the Governor on behalf of the Agency for Health Care Administration for the approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 101 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 101. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference for the 2021-2022 fiscal year the alternate compliance calculation amounts as the reduction calculation to the class size operating categorical fund required by section 1003.03(4), Florida Statutes, as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG #B2022-XXXX as submitted by the Governor on behalf of the Commissioner of Education for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Commissioner of Education shall modify payments to school districts as required by section 1003.03(4), Florida Statutes, for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. This section is effective upon becoming law. SECTION 102 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 102. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference the changes to the approved operating budget as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG #B2022-0358, transfer to FAMU for Medical Marijuana Education, as submitted by the Department of Health for approval by the Legislative Budget Commission. The Governor shall modify the approved operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 consistent with the amendment. This section is effective upon becoming a law. SECTION 103 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 103. Pursuant to section 215.32(2)(b)4.a., Florida Statutes, $96,000,000 from unobligated cash balance amounts specified from the following trust funds shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund for Fiscal Year 2022-2023: DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION Professional Regulation Trust Fund........................ 10,000,000 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Inland Protection Trust Fund.............................. 40,000,000 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial Institutions Regulatory Trust Fund.............. 1,000,000 Regulatory Trust Fund/Office of Financial Regulation...... 5,000,000 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Grants and Donations Trust Fund........................... 35,000,000 Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund...................... 5,000,000 Funds specified above from each trust fund shall be transferred in four equal installments on a quarterly basis during the fiscal year. SECTION 104 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 104. The unexpended balances of funds appropriated in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida, remaining on June 30, 2022, including any funds distributed through budget amendments EOG #B2022-0013, shall revert and are appropriated for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for the same purposes, contingent upon the Department of Financial Services receiving and depositing adequate funds into the General Revenue Fund from the state's award from the federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (Public Law 117-2). In the event the federal funds deposited into the General Revenue Fund are insufficient to fully fund all the appropriations in this section, the federal funds shall be distributed proportionally as authorized in section 152 of chapter 2021-36, Laws of Florida. No appropriations shall be added to the Appropriations Ledger beyond the receipt of federal funds in the State Treasury. The Executive Office of the Governor shall distribute the federal funds at an amount equivalent to the federal funds received and as provided in this section. The Executive Office of the Governor shall notify the Senate Committee on Appropriations and the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee of 1) the receipt of federal funds; 2) the amount received; and 3) the distributions that will be made in accordance with this section. SECTION 105 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 105. Any section of this act, or any appropriation herein contained, if found to be invalid shall in no way affect other sections or specific appropriations contained in this act. SECTION 106 SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION SECTION 106. Except as otherwise provided herein, this act shall take effect July 1, 2022, or upon becoming law, whichever occurs later; however, if this act becomes law after July 1, 2022, then it shall operate retroactively to July 1, 2022. TOTAL THIS GENERAL APPROPRIATION ACT FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . . 41,715,792,783 FROM TRUST FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 66,881,104,644 TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 111,581.26 TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . 108,596,897,427 TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . . 5,535,945,164 ITEMIZATION OF EXPENDITURE TOTALS (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) SB 2500 FY 22-23 ($ IN MILLIONS) GENERAL OTHER ALL REVENUE LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST FUNDS POSITIONS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATING _________ A - STATE OPERATIONS 6,988.4 .0 .0 77.7 8,453.4 15,519.4 111,581.26 B - AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 16,857.2 1,854.7 .0 .0 6,455.5 25,167.4 .00 C - PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 416.2 724.4 .0 .0 40.7 1,181.3 .00 D - PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 2,664.4 103.8 .0 .0 5,909.7 8,677.9 .00 E - MEDICAID AND TANF 10,756.5 .0 .0 360.1 28,192.8 39,309.4 .00 H - TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 135.6 .0 .0 .0 147.7 283.3 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL OPERATING 37,818.3 2,682.9 .0 437.8 49,199.7 90,138.7 111,581.26 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ I - STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS 101.6 .0 .0 .0 10.8 112.4 .00 J - ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY 1,449.1 .0 .0 .0 502.7 1,951.8 .00 K - STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DOT 279.5 .0 .0 .0 10,798.5 11,077.9 .00 L - STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY-PECO 296.2 .0 414.8 .0 44.7 755.7 .00 M - AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 1,720.2 .0 .0 .0 1,258.7 2,978.8 .00 N - DEBT SERVICE 51.0 134.6 793.7 .0 602.2 1,581.5 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,897.5 134.6 1,208.5 .0 13,217.6 18,458.2 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ TOTAL ITEM. OF EXPENDITURES 41,715.8 2,817.5 1,208.5 437.8 62,417.3 108,596.9 111,581.26 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ NOTE: AMOUNTS ACROSS AND DOWN MAY NOT EQUAL DUE TO ROUNDING. SUMMARY BY SECTION (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT OPERATING _________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,854,743,664 1,854,743,664 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 1,854,743,664 1,854,743,664 ________________ ________________ ________________ PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 724,373,758 724,373,758 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 724,373,758 724,373,758 ________________ ________________ ________________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 103,776,356 103,776,356 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 103,776,356 103,776,356 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ DEBT SERVICE STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 134,562,485 134,562,485 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 134,562,485 134,562,485 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SECTION 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,817,456,263 2,817,456,263 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 2,817,456,263 2,817,456,263 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,682,893,778 2,682,893,778 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 134,562,485 134,562,485 ________________ ________________ ________________ SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 211,129,561 52,027,516 263,157,077 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 48,633,964 2,095,000 50,728,964 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,647,973 319,647,973 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 550,700 550,700 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 2,274.75 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 259,763,525 374,321,189 634,084,714 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 14,061,862,434 2,213,877,902 16,275,740,336 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 207,047,643 207,047,643 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,173,579,291 1,173,579,291 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 14,268,910,077 3,387,457,193 17,656,367,270 ________________ ________________ ________________ PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 377,187,089 1,467,506 378,654,595 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105,000 105,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 377,187,089 1,572,506 378,759,595 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) OPERATING _________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 2,647,806,672 86,161,098 2,733,967,770 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,410,123,386 2,410,123,386 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 2,647,806,672 2,496,284,484 5,144,091,156 ________________ ________________ ________________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 3,076,959 4,570,697 7,647,656 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 99,480 99,480 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,207,308 2,207,308 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 3,176,439 6,778,005 9,954,444 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY-PECO STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 296,195,244 459,500,000 755,695,244 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY-PECO 296,195,244 459,500,000 755,695,244 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 109,911,300 109,911,300 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 109,911,300 109,911,300 ________________ ________________ ________________ DEBT SERVICE STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 932,464,706 932,464,706 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 932,464,706 932,464,706 ________________ ________________ ________________ POSITIONS 2,274.75 TOTAL SECTION 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,962,950,346 7,658,378,083 25,621,328,429 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 17,707,169,259 3,750,069,425 21,457,238,684 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . 255,781,087 2,095,000 257,876,087 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,905,662,958 3,905,662,958 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 550,700 550,700 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,556,843,802 6,266,413,377 23,823,257,179 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 406,106,544 1,391,964,706 1,798,071,250 ________________ ________________ ________________ SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 297,022,843 883,533,060 1,180,555,903 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 597,645,623 347,101,240 944,746,863 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,764,905,232 1,764,905,232 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 124,779,371 124,779,371 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 31,201.26 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 894,668,466 3,120,318,903 4,014,987,369 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES OPERATING _________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 662,208,393 101,968,567 764,176,960 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,536,601,057 62,639,129 1,599,240,186 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,860,360,696 1,860,360,696 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 151,422,792 151,422,792 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 2,198,809,450 2,176,391,184 4,375,200,634 ________________ ________________ ________________ PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 15,307,749 15,307,749 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,618,700 4,618,700 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 19,926,449 19,926,449 ________________ ________________ ________________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000,000 9,000,000 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 1,000,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 9,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ MEDICAID AND TANF STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000 250,000 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,756,204,783 5,527,950,423 16,284,155,206 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,936,805,393 21,936,805,393 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1,088,174,415 1,088,174,415 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL MEDICAID AND TANF 10,756,454,783 28,552,930,231 39,309,385,014 ________________ ________________ ________________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 40,406,015 16,022,487 56,428,502 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,034,254 3,229,245 9,263,499 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,163,361 17,163,361 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 300,098 300,098 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 46,440,269 36,715,191 83,155,460 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,090,552 1,090,552 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY 1,090,552 1,090,552 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 53,506,260 53,506,260 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 53,506,260 53,506,260 ________________ ________________ ________________ POSITIONS 31,201.26 TOTAL SECTION 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,979,896,229 33,887,355,509 47,867,251,738 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 1,078,791,812 1,001,524,114 2,080,315,926 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . 12,901,104,417 5,940,920,037 18,842,024,454 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,580,234,682 25,580,234,682 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 1,364,676,676 1,364,676,676 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,925,299,417 33,887,355,509 47,812,654,926 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 54,596,812 54,596,812 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 4,057,095,881 426,271,481 4,483,367,362 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,422,512 11,465,967 18,888,479 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,433,216 43,433,216 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 65,326,589 65,326,589 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 40,325.00 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 4,064,518,393 546,497,253 4,611,015,646 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 296,541,041 36,851,719 333,392,760 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,112 6,112 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,439,856 50,439,856 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 1,000,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 296,547,153 88,291,575 384,838,728 ________________ ________________ ________________ PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000,000 16,000,000 17,000,000 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,600,000 9,600,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 1,000,000 25,600,000 26,600,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 6,439,200 2,529,702 8,968,902 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167,041,502 167,041,502 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 6,439,200 169,571,204 176,010,404 ________________ ________________ ________________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 20,687,799 2,589,250 23,277,049 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,111 24,557 40,668 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,954,029 8,954,029 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 88,288 88,288 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 20,703,910 11,656,124 32,360,034 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,061,288,538 5,000,000 1,066,288,538 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY 1,061,288,538 5,000,000 1,066,288,538 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 687,015,000 687,015,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 687,015,000 687,015,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ DEBT SERVICE STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 50,960,426 50,960,426 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 50,960,426 50,960,426 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS POSITIONS 40,325.00 TOTAL SECTION 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,188,472,620 846,616,156 7,035,088,776 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 6,181,027,885 489,242,152 6,670,270,037 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . 7,444,735 11,490,524 18,935,259 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279,468,603 279,468,603 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 66,414,877 66,414,877 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,389,208,656 841,616,156 5,230,824,812 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 1,799,263,964 5,000,000 1,804,263,964 ________________ ________________ ________________ SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 168,374,561 1,639,513,007 1,807,887,568 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 241,720 44,012,577 44,254,297 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189,856,469 189,856,469 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 600,000 600,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 15,064.25 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 168,616,281 1,873,982,053 2,042,598,334 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 20,298,030 114,753,125 135,051,155 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,165,197 9,165,197 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,987,590 10,987,590 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 29,463,227 125,740,715 155,203,942 ________________ ________________ ________________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 12,557,261 12,557,261 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,246,062,742 1,246,062,742 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 1,258,620,003 1,258,620,003 ________________ ________________ ________________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 9,134,218 40,216,621 49,350,839 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 325 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149,911 149,911 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 9,134,218 40,366,857 49,501,075 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 358,000,000 468,487,729 826,487,729 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,290,000 18,290,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY 358,000,000 486,777,729 844,777,729 ________________ ________________ ________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DOT STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 279,457,395 7,660,477,065 7,939,934,460 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,005,048 45,005,048 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,092,999,953 3,092,999,953 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DOT 279,457,395 10,798,482,066 11,077,939,461 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 788,202,442 868,496,960 1,656,699,402 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,668,600 166,667 19,835,267 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367,201,606 367,201,606 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 807,871,042 1,235,865,233 2,043,736,275 ________________ ________________ ________________ DEBT SERVICE STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 443,403,666 443,403,666 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 443,403,666 443,403,666 ________________ ________________ ________________ POSITIONS 15,064.25 TOTAL SECTION 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,652,542,163 16,263,238,322 17,915,780,485 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 1,623,466,646 11,247,905,434 12,871,372,080 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . 29,075,517 89,184,617 118,260,134 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,925,548,271 4,925,548,271 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 600,000 600,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207,213,726 3,298,709,628 3,505,923,354 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 1,445,328,437 12,964,528,694 14,409,857,131 ________________ ________________ ________________ SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,031,749,717 2,019,606,747 3,051,356,464 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,801,829 63,054,203 116,856,032 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397,335,059 397,335,059 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 34,833,709 34,833,709 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 18,250.50 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 1,085,551,546 2,514,829,718 3,600,381,264 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 46,535,440 158,501,560 205,037,000 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,600,219 8,447,346 25,047,565 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509,593,208 509,593,208 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1,036,300 1,036,300 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 63,135,659 677,578,414 740,714,073 ________________ ________________ ________________ PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 18,093,909 13,549,704 31,643,613 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 18,093,909 13,549,704 31,643,613 ________________ ________________ ________________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,177,270 516,589,655 517,766,925 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,084,133 62,084,133 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,405,511,395 1,405,511,395 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 1,177,270 1,984,185,183 1,985,362,453 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT OPERATING _________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 53,328,834 23,957,459 77,286,293 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,010,215 178 2,010,393 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,131,980 28,131,980 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 38,823 38,823 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 55,339,049 52,128,440 107,467,489 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 51,642,979 10,800,000 62,442,979 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS 51,642,979 10,800,000 62,442,979 ________________ ________________ ________________ ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 28,700,000 7,332,587 36,032,587 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,165,000 2,165,000 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1,467,000 1,467,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY 28,700,000 10,964,587 39,664,587 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 61,870,558 19,800,000 81,670,558 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000,000 3,000,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 61,870,558 22,800,000 84,670,558 ________________ ________________ ________________ DEBT SERVICE STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 20,070,832 20,070,832 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 20,070,832 20,070,832 ________________ ________________ ________________ POSITIONS 18,250.50 TOTAL SECTION 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,365,510,970 5,306,906,878 6,672,417,848 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 1,293,098,707 2,790,208,544 4,083,307,251 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . 72,412,263 136,585,860 208,998,123 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,342,736,642 2,342,736,642 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 37,375,832 37,375,832 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,223,297,433 5,242,271,459 6,465,568,892 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 142,213,537 64,635,419 206,848,956 ________________ ________________ ________________ SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 515,257,426 90,217,256 605,474,682 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,304,693 2,304,693 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 8,595,494 8,595,494 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 4,465.50 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 515,257,426 101,117,443 616,374,869 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH OPERATING _________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 370,000 370,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 370,000 370,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 793,029 6,477 799,506 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,522 3,522 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 25,991 25,991 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 793,029 35,990 829,019 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000,000 50,000,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS 50,000,000 50,000,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ POSITIONS 4,465.50 TOTAL SECTION 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566,420,455 101,153,433 667,573,888 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 566,420,455 90,223,733 656,644,188 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,308,215 2,308,215 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 8,621,485 8,621,485 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516,420,455 101,153,433 617,573,888 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 50,000,000 50,000,000 ________________ ________________ ________________ SUMMARY FOR ALL SECTIONS (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ALL SECTIONS OPERATING _________ STATE OPERATIONS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 6,280,629,989 5,111,169,067 11,391,799,056 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 707,745,648 467,728,987 1,175,474,635 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,717,482,642 2,717,482,642 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 234,685,863 234,685,863 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- POSITIONS 111,581.26 TOTAL STATE OPERATIONS 6,988,375,637 8,531,066,559 15,519,442,196 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 15,087,815,338 4,480,696,537 19,568,511,875 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,769,420,228 71,086,475 1,840,506,703 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,604,960,641 3,604,960,641 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 153,459,092 153,459,092 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOV - OPERATION 16,857,235,566 8,310,202,745 25,167,438,311 ________________ ________________ ________________ PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 411,588,747 755,390,968 1,166,979,715 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,618,700 4,618,700 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,705,000 9,705,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PYMT OF PEN, BEN & CLAIMS 416,207,447 765,095,968 1,181,303,415 ________________ ________________ ________________ PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 2,664,423,142 721,614,072 3,386,037,214 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 62,084,133 62,084,133 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,229,739,025 5,229,739,025 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL PASS THRU/ST & FED FUNDS 2,664,423,142 6,013,437,230 8,677,860,372 ________________ ________________ ________________ MEDICAID AND TANF STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000 250,000 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,756,204,783 5,527,950,423 16,284,155,206 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,936,805,393 21,936,805,393 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1,088,174,415 1,088,174,415 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL MEDICAID AND TANF 10,756,454,783 28,552,930,231 39,309,385,014 ________________ ________________ ________________ TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 127,426,854 87,362,991 214,789,845 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,160,060 3,254,305 11,414,365 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,610,111 56,610,111 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 453,200 453,200 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL TRANS TO OTHER ENTITIES 135,586,914 147,680,607 283,267,521 ________________ ________________ ________________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 101,642,979 10,800,000 112,442,979 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DMS 101,642,979 10,800,000 112,442,979 ________________ ________________ ________________ SB 2500 FY 22-23 GEN REVENUE TRUST FUNDS ALL FUNDS ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ALL SECTIONS FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,449,079,090 480,820,316 1,929,899,406 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,455,000 20,455,000 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . 1,467,000 1,467,000 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL ST CAPITAL OUTLAY - AGENCY 1,449,079,090 502,742,316 1,951,821,406 ________________ ________________ ________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DOT STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 279,457,395 7,660,477,065 7,939,934,460 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,005,048 45,005,048 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,092,999,953 3,092,999,953 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY - DOT 279,457,395 10,798,482,066 11,077,939,461 ________________ ________________ ________________ STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY-PECO STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 296,195,244 459,500,000 755,695,244 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL STATE CAPITAL OUTLAY-PECO 296,195,244 459,500,000 755,695,244 ________________ ________________ ________________ AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700,505,560 888,296,960 2,588,802,520 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,668,600 3,166,667 22,835,267 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367,201,606 367,201,606 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL AID TO LOC GOVT-CAP OUTLAY 1,720,174,160 1,258,665,233 2,978,839,393 ________________ ________________ ________________ DEBT SERVICE STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . . . . . 50,960,426 1,530,501,689 1,581,462,115 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 50,960,426 1,530,501,689 1,581,462,115 ________________ ________________ ________________ POSITIONS 111,581.26 TOTAL ALL SECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,715,792,783 66,881,104,644 108,596,897,427 ________________ ________________ ________________ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP STATE FUNDS - NONMATCHING . . . . . . . 28,449,974,764 22,186,629,665 50,636,604,429 STATE FUNDS - MATCHING . . . . . . . . . 13,265,818,019 6,180,276,038 19,446,094,057 FEDERAL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,035,959,371 37,035,959,371 TRANS/RECIPIENT/FED FUNDS . . . . . . . 1,478,239,570 1,478,239,570 ________________ ________________ ________________ TOTAL SPENDING AUTHORIZATIONS OPERATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,818,283,489 52,320,413,340 90,138,696,829 FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY . . . . . . . . . . 3,897,509,294 14,560,691,304 18,458,200,598 ________________ ________________ ________________ SUMMARY BY SECTION BY DEPARTMENT (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) SB 2500 FY 22-23 ($ IN MILLIONS) GENERAL OTHER ALL REVENUE LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST FUNDS POSITIONS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATING _________ SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT EDUCATION, DEPT OF........... .0 2,682.9 .0 .0 .0 2,682.9 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 1 .0 2,682.9 .0 .0 .0 2,682.9 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) EDUCATION, DEPT OF........... 17,556.8 .0 .0 .0 6,266.4 23,823.3 2,274.75 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 2 17,556.8 .0 .0 .0 6,266.4 23,823.3 2,274.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ EDUCATION RECAP EDUCATION/EARLY LEARNING... 603.7 .0 .0 .0 1,157.0 1,760.7 98.00 EDUCATION/PUBLIC SCHOOLS... 12,520.0 1,101.9 .0 .0 2,759.8 16,381.8 .00 EDUCATION/FL COLLEGES...... 1,101.7 241.0 .0 .0 .0 1,342.7 .00 EDUCATION/UNIVERSITIES..... 2,736.9 615.6 .0 .0 1,962.7 5,315.3 .00 EDUCATION/OTHER............ 594.5 724.4 .0 .0 386.8 1,705.7 2,176.75 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EDUCATION RECAP 17,556.8 2,682.9 .0 .0 6,266.4 26,506.2 2,274.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY/HEALTH CARE ADMIN..... 10,127.2 .0 .0 360.1 27,867.0 38,354.4 1,490.50 AGENCY/PERSONS WITH DISABL... 848.5 .0 .0 .0 1,193.3 2,041.8 2,698.50 CHILDREN & FAMILIES.......... 2,145.8 .0 .0 .0 1,552.1 3,698.0 12,231.75 ELDER AFFAIRS, DEPT OF....... 180.9 .0 .0 .0 141.9 322.9 408.00 HEALTH, DEPT OF.............. 557.6 .0 .0 77.7 2,593.4 3,228.7 12,873.01 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPT OF... 65.2 .0 .0 .0 101.7 166.9 1,499.50 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 3 13,925.3 .0 .0 437.8 33,449.5 47,812.7 31,201.26 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS, DEPT OF......... 2,828.8 .0 .0 .0 63.9 2,892.7 22,844.00 FL COMMISN/OFFENDER REVIEW... 12.2 .0 .0 .0 .1 12.3 146.00 JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION....... 882.5 .0 .0 .0 182.6 1,065.1 10,668.00 JUVENILE JUSTICE, DEPT OF.... 436.1 .0 .0 .0 144.6 580.7 3,242.50 LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPT OF..... 155.9 .0 .0 .0 155.3 311.2 1,946.00 LEGAL AFFAIRS/ATTY GENERAL... 73.8 .0 .0 .0 295.0 368.8 1,478.50 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 4 4,389.2 .0 .0 .0 841.6 5,230.8 40,325.00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION AGRIC/CONSUMER SVCS/COMMR.... 127.0 .0 .0 .0 1,691.9 1,819.0 3,803.25 ENVIR PROTECTION, DEPT OF.... 22.0 .0 .0 .0 435.9 457.9 2,961.50 FISH/WILDLIFE CONSERV COMM... 58.2 .0 .0 .0 338.1 396.3 2,124.50 TRANSPORTATION, DEPT OF...... .0 .0 .0 .0 832.8 832.8 6,175.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 5 207.2 .0 .0 .0 3,298.7 3,505.9 15,064.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTERED FUNDS........... 467.8 .0 .0 .0 214.8 682.6 .00 BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL REG.... 1.5 .0 .0 .0 153.9 155.4 1,545.25 CITRUS, DEPT OF.............. 17.6 .0 .0 .0 21.2 38.8 28.00 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY......... 48.7 .0 .0 .0 1,084.3 1,133.0 1,510.00 FINANCIAL SERVICES........... 22.7 .0 .0 .0 400.0 422.7 2,560.50 NOTE: AMOUNTS ACROSS AND DOWN MAY NOT EQUAL DUE TO ROUNDING. SB 2500 FY 22-23 ($ IN MILLIONS) GENERAL OTHER ALL REVENUE LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST FUNDS POSITIONS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATING _________ SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNOR, EXECUTIVE OFFICE... 54.6 .0 .0 .0 1,568.2 1,622.8 488.00 HIWAY SAFETY/MTR VEH, DEPT... .0 .0 .0 .0 516.6 516.6 4,340.00 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH........... 216.7 .0 .0 .0 2.6 219.3 .00 LOTTERY, DEPARTMENT OF THE... .0 .0 .0 .0 206.7 206.7 418.50 MANAGEMENT SRVCS, DEPT OF.... 80.0 .0 .0 .0 577.8 657.8 1,177.50 MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPT OF.... 21.8 .0 .0 .0 40.7 62.5 453.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.... .0 .0 .0 .0 27.8 27.8 274.00 REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF....... 229.2 .0 .0 .0 397.7 626.9 5,011.75 STATE, DEPT OF............... 62.7 .0 .0 .0 30.0 92.7 444.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 6 1,223.3 .0 .0 .0 5,242.3 6,465.6 18,250.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH STATE COURT SYSTEM........... 516.4 .0 .0 .0 101.2 617.6 4,465.50 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 7 516.4 .0 .0 .0 101.2 617.6 4,465.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ TOTAL OPERATING 37,818.3 2,682.9 .0 437.8 49,199.7 90,138.7 111,581.26 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT EDUCATION, DEPT OF........... .0 134.6 .0 .0 .0 134.6 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 1 .0 134.6 .0 .0 .0 134.6 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) EDUCATION, DEPT OF........... 406.1 .0 1,208.5 .0 183.4 1,798.1 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 2 406.1 .0 1,208.5 .0 183.4 1,798.1 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ EDUCATION RECAP EDUCATION/EARLY LEARNING... .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .00 EDUCATION/PUBLIC SCHOOLS... 68.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 68.1 .00 EDUCATION/FL COLLEGES...... .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .00 EDUCATION/UNIVERSITIES..... .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .00 EDUCATION/OTHER............ 338.0 134.6 1,208.5 .0 183.4 1,864.6 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EDUCATION RECAP 406.1 134.6 1,208.5 .0 183.4 1,932.6 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY/PERSONS WITH DISABL... 3.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 3.0 .00 CHILDREN & FAMILIES.......... 28.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 28.7 .00 ELDER AFFAIRS, DEPT OF....... 2.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 2.9 .00 HEALTH, DEPT OF.............. 18.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 18.1 .00 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPT OF... 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.9 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 3 54.6 .0 .0 .0 .0 54.6 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS, DEPT OF......... 1,760.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1,760.0 .00 JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION....... .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .00 JUVENILE JUSTICE, DEPT OF.... 9.0 .0 .0 .0 5.0 14.0 .00 NOTE: AMOUNTS ACROSS AND DOWN MAY NOT EQUAL DUE TO ROUNDING. SB 2500 FY 22-23 ($ IN MILLIONS) GENERAL OTHER ALL REVENUE LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST FUNDS POSITIONS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY ____________________ SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPT OF..... 30.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 30.0 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 4 1,799.3 .0 .0 .0 5.0 1,804.3 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION AGRIC/CONSUMER SVCS/COMMR.... 330.8 .0 .0 .0 18.0 348.8 .00 ENVIR PROTECTION, DEPT OF.... 830.6 .0 .0 .0 1,804.7 2,635.3 .00 FISH/WILDLIFE CONSERV COMM... 4.5 .0 .0 .0 18.1 22.6 .00 TRANSPORTATION, DEPT OF...... 279.5 .0 .0 .0 11,123.7 11,403.1 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 5 1,445.3 .0 .0 .0 12,964.5 14,409.9 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITRUS, DEPT OF.............. 1.5 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.5 .00 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY......... 19.2 .0 .0 .0 8.1 27.2 .00 FINANCIAL SERVICES........... .0 .0 .0 .0 13.2 13.2 .00 GOVERNOR, EXECUTIVE OFFICE... 3.9 .0 .0 .0 3.0 6.9 .00 HIWAY SAFETY/MTR VEH, DEPT... 10.0 .0 .0 .0 2.5 12.5 .00 MANAGEMENT SRVCS, DEPT OF.... 51.6 .0 .0 .0 35.1 86.7 .00 MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPT OF.... .0 .0 .0 .0 2.8 2.8 .00 STATE, DEPT OF............... 56.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 56.0 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 6 142.2 .0 .0 .0 64.6 206.8 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH STATE COURT SYSTEM........... 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 50.0 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 7 50.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 50.0 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ TOTAL FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,897.5 134.6 1,208.5 .0 13,217.6 18,458.2 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ OPERATING AND FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY __________________________________ SECTION 1 - EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT EDUCATION, DEPT OF........... .0 2,817.5 .0 .0 .0 2,817.5 .00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 1 .0 2,817.5 .0 .0 .0 2,817.5 .00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 2 - EDUCATION (ALL OTHER FUNDS) EDUCATION, DEPT OF........... 17,963.0 .0 1,208.5 .0 6,449.8 25,621.3 2,274.75 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 2 17,963.0 .0 1,208.5 .0 6,449.8 25,621.3 2,274.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ EDUCATION RECAP EDUCATION/EARLY LEARNING... 603.7 .0 .0 .0 1,157.0 1,760.7 98.00 EDUCATION/PUBLIC SCHOOLS... 12,588.1 1,101.9 .0 .0 2,759.8 16,449.9 .00 EDUCATION/FL COLLEGES...... 1,101.7 241.0 .0 .0 .0 1,342.7 .00 EDUCATION/UNIVERSITIES..... 2,736.9 615.6 .0 .0 1,962.7 5,315.3 .00 EDUCATION/OTHER............ 932.5 858.9 1,208.5 .0 570.2 3,570.3 2,176.75 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL EDUCATION RECAP 17,963.0 2,817.5 1,208.5 .0 6,449.8 28,438.8 2,274.75 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ NOTE: AMOUNTS ACROSS AND DOWN MAY NOT EQUAL DUE TO ROUNDING. SB 2500 FY 22-23 ($ IN MILLIONS) GENERAL OTHER ALL REVENUE LOTTERY PECO TOBACCO TRUST FUNDS POSITIONS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- OPERATING AND FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY __________________________________ SECTION 3 - HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY/HEALTH CARE ADMIN..... 10,127.2 .0 .0 360.1 27,867.0 38,354.4 1,490.50 AGENCY/PERSONS WITH DISABL... 851.5 .0 .0 .0 1,193.3 2,044.8 2,698.50 CHILDREN & FAMILIES.......... 2,174.5 .0 .0 .0 1,552.1 3,726.6 12,231.75 ELDER AFFAIRS, DEPT OF....... 183.8 .0 .0 .0 141.9 325.8 408.00 HEALTH, DEPT OF.............. 575.7 .0 .0 77.7 2,593.4 3,246.8 12,873.01 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DEPT OF... 67.0 .0 .0 .0 101.7 168.8 1,499.50 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 3 13,979.9 .0 .0 437.8 33,449.5 47,867.3 31,201.26 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 4 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS, DEPT OF......... 4,588.8 .0 .0 .0 63.9 4,652.7 22,844.00 FL COMMISN/OFFENDER REVIEW... 12.2 .0 .0 .0 .1 12.3 146.00 JUSTICE ADMINISTRATION....... 882.7 .0 .0 .0 182.6 1,065.4 10,668.00 JUVENILE JUSTICE, DEPT OF.... 445.1 .0 .0 .0 149.6 594.7 3,242.50 LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPT OF..... 185.9 .0 .0 .0 155.3 341.2 1,946.00 LEGAL AFFAIRS/ATTY GENERAL... 73.8 .0 .0 .0 295.0 368.8 1,478.50 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 4 6,188.5 .0 .0 .0 846.6 7,035.1 40,325.00 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 5 - NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT/GROWTH MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION AGRIC/CONSUMER SVCS/COMMR.... 457.8 .0 .0 .0 1,710.0 2,167.8 3,803.25 ENVIR PROTECTION, DEPT OF.... 852.6 .0 .0 .0 2,240.6 3,093.2 2,961.50 FISH/WILDLIFE CONSERV COMM... 62.6 .0 .0 .0 356.2 418.9 2,124.50 TRANSPORTATION, DEPT OF...... 279.5 .0 .0 .0 11,956.5 12,235.9 6,175.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 5 1,652.5 .0 .0 .0 16,263.2 17,915.8 15,064.25 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 6 - GENERAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTERED FUNDS........... 467.8 .0 .0 .0 214.8 682.6 .00 BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL REG.... 1.5 .0 .0 .0 153.9 155.4 1,545.25 CITRUS, DEPT OF.............. 19.1 .0 .0 .0 21.2 40.3 28.00 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY......... 67.9 .0 .0 .0 1,092.3 1,160.2 1,510.00 FINANCIAL SERVICES........... 22.7 .0 .0 .0 413.2 435.9 2,560.50 GOVERNOR, EXECUTIVE OFFICE... 58.5 .0 .0 .0 1,571.2 1,629.7 488.00 HIWAY SAFETY/MTR VEH, DEPT... 10.0 .0 .0 .0 519.1 529.1 4,340.00 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH........... 216.7 .0 .0 .0 2.6 219.3 .00 LOTTERY, DEPARTMENT OF THE... .0 .0 .0 .0 206.7 206.7 418.50 MANAGEMENT SRVCS, DEPT OF.... 131.6 .0 .0 .0 612.9 744.5 1,177.50 MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPT OF.... 21.8 .0 .0 .0 43.5 65.3 453.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION.... .0 .0 .0 .0 27.8 27.8 274.00 REVENUE, DEPARTMENT OF....... 229.2 .0 .0 .0 397.7 626.9 5,011.75 STATE, DEPT OF............... 118.7 .0 .0 .0 30.0 148.7 444.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 6 1,365.5 .0 .0 .0 5,306.9 6,672.4 18,250.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ SECTION 7 - JUDICIAL BRANCH STATE COURT SYSTEM........... 566.4 .0 .0 .0 101.2 667.6 4,465.50 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL SECTION 7 566.4 .0 .0 .0 101.2 667.6 4,465.50 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ TOTAL OPERATING AND FCO 41,715.8 2,817.5 1,208.5 437.8 62,417.3 108,596.9 111,581.26 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ NOTE: AMOUNTS ACROSS AND DOWN MAY NOT EQUAL DUE TO ROUNDING.