Florida Senate - 2024                                Committee       Amendment
SPB2500                                                 ATD              205

The Committee on Appropriations (Martin) recommended the following 

Section: 06              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 331             Reduces $350,000 in nonrecurring general revenue 
                         funds from the YMCA of Fort Myers Facility Hardening 
Spec App: 2347A          & Improvements Project (SF 2363) and provides the 
                         same amount to the Heights Career Tech School (SF 

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Community Development
        Housing And Community Development  40300200

        In Section 06  On Page 331
2347A   Grants And Aids To Local Governments And   140220
        Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
        Housing And Community Development                
        Projects - Fixed Capital Outlay  IOEM

   1000   General Revenue Fund                    25,876,517     25,876,517
       CA 0  

Following Specific Appropriation 2347A, DELETE:

YMCA of Fort Myers Facility Hardening & Improvements
    Project (SF 2363).......................................     950,000


YMCA of Fort Myers Facility Hardening & Improvements
    Project (SF 2363).......................................     600,000

Heights Career Tech School (SF 3286)........................     350,000

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