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The Florida Senate

1997 Florida Statutes

Procedure for exercise of dissenters' rights.

607.1320  Procedure for exercise of dissenters' rights.--


(a)  If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under s. 607.1302 is submitted to a vote at a shareholders' meeting, the meeting notice shall state that shareholders are or may be entitled to assert dissenters' rights and be accompanied by a copy of ss. 607.1301, 607.1302, and 607.1320. A shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall:

1.  Deliver to the corporation before the vote is taken written notice of the shareholder's intent to demand payment for his or her shares if the proposed action is effectuated, and

2.  Not vote his or her shares in favor of the proposed action. A proxy or vote against the proposed action does not constitute such a notice of intent to demand payment.

(b)  If proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under s. 607.1302 is effectuated by written consent without a meeting, the corporation shall deliver a copy of ss. 607.1301, 607.1302, and 607.1320 to each shareholder simultaneously with any request for the shareholder's written consent or, if such a request is not made, within 10 days after the date the corporation received written consents without a meeting from the requisite number of shareholders necessary to authorize the action.

(2)  Within 10 days after the shareholders' authorization date, the corporation shall give written notice of such authorization or consent or adoption of the plan of merger, as the case may be, to each shareholder who filed a notice of intent to demand payment for his or her shares pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) or, in the case of action authorized by written consent, to each shareholder, excepting any who voted for, or consented in writing to, the proposed action.

(3)  Within 20 days after the giving of notice to him or her, any shareholder who elects to dissent shall file with the corporation a notice of such election, stating the shareholder's name and address, the number, classes, and series of shares as to which he or she dissents, and a demand for payment of the fair value of his or her shares. Any shareholder failing to file such election to dissent within the period set forth shall be bound by the terms of the proposed corporate action. Any shareholder filing an election to dissent shall deposit his or her certificates for certificated shares with the corporation simultaneously with the filing of the election to dissent. The corporation may restrict the transfer of uncertificated shares from the date the shareholder's election to dissent is filed with the corporation.

(4)  Upon filing a notice of election to dissent, the shareholder shall thereafter be entitled only to payment as provided in this section and shall not be entitled to vote or to exercise any other rights of a shareholder. A notice of election may be withdrawn in writing by the shareholder at any time before an offer is made by the corporation, as provided in subsection (5), to pay for his or her shares. After such offer, no such notice of election may be withdrawn unless the corporation consents thereto. However, the right of such shareholder to be paid the fair value of his or her shares shall cease, and the shareholder shall be reinstated to have all his or her rights as a shareholder as of the filing of his or her notice of election, including any intervening preemptive rights and the right to payment of any intervening dividend or other distribution or, if any such rights have expired or any such dividend or distribution other than in cash has been completed, in lieu thereof, at the election of the corporation, the fair value thereof in cash as determined by the board as of the time of such expiration or completion, but without prejudice otherwise to any corporate proceedings that may have been taken in the interim, if:

(a)  Such demand is withdrawn as provided in this section;

(b)  The proposed corporate action is abandoned or rescinded or the shareholders revoke the authority to effect such action;

(c)  No demand or petition for the determination of fair value by a court has been made or filed within the time provided in this section; or

(d)  A court of competent jurisdiction determines that such shareholder is not entitled to the relief provided by this section.

(5)  Within 10 days after the expiration of the period in which shareholders may file their notices of election to dissent, or within 10 days after such corporate action is effected, whichever is later (but in no case later than 90 days from the shareholders' authorization date), the corporation shall make a written offer to each dissenting shareholder who has made demand as provided in this section to pay an amount the corporation estimates to be the fair value for such shares. If the corporate action has not been consummated before the expiration of the 90-day period after the shareholders' authorization date, the offer may be made conditional upon the consummation of such action. Such notice and offer shall be accompanied by:

(a)  A balance sheet of the corporation, the shares of which the dissenting shareholder holds, as of the latest available date and not more than 12 months prior to the making of such offer; and

(b)  A profit and loss statement of such corporation for the 12-month period ended on the date of such balance sheet or, if the corporation was not in existence throughout such 12-month period, for the portion thereof during which it was in existence.

(6)  If within 30 days after the making of such offer any shareholder accepts the same, payment for his or her shares shall be made within 90 days after the making of such offer or the consummation of the proposed action, whichever is later. Upon payment of the agreed value, the dissenting shareholder shall cease to have any interest in such shares.

(7)  If the corporation fails to make such offer within the period specified therefor in subsection (5) or if it makes the offer and any dissenting shareholder or shareholders fail to accept the same within the period of 30 days thereafter, then the corporation, within 30 days after receipt of written demand from any dissenting shareholder given within 60 days after the date on which such corporate action was effected, shall, or at its election at any time within such period of 60 days may, file an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the county in this state where the registered office of the corporation is located requesting that the fair value of such shares be determined. The court shall also determine whether each dissenting shareholder, as to whom the corporation requests the court to make such determination, is entitled to receive payment for his or her shares. If the corporation fails to institute the proceeding as herein provided, any dissenting shareholder may do so in the name of the corporation. All dissenting shareholders (whether or not residents of this state), other than shareholders who have agreed with the corporation as to the value of their shares, shall be made parties to the proceeding as an action against their shares. The corporation shall serve a copy of the initial pleading in such proceeding upon each dissenting shareholder who is a resident of this state in the manner provided by law for the service of a summons and complaint and upon each nonresident dissenting shareholder either by registered or certified mail and publication or in such other manner as is permitted by law. The jurisdiction of the court is plenary and exclusive. All shareholders who are proper parties to the proceeding are entitled to judgment against the corporation for the amount of the fair value of their shares. The court may, if it so elects, appoint one or more persons as appraisers to receive evidence and recommend a decision on the question of fair value. The appraisers shall have such power and authority as is specified in the order of their appointment or an amendment thereof. The corporation shall pay each dissenting shareholder the amount found to be due him or her within 10 days after final determination of the proceedings. Upon payment of the judgment, the dissenting shareholder shall cease to have any interest in such shares.

(8)  The judgment may, at the discretion of the court, include a fair rate of interest, to be determined by the court.

(9)  The costs and expenses of any such proceeding shall be determined by the court and shall be assessed against the corporation, but all or any part of such costs and expenses may be apportioned and assessed as the court deems equitable against any or all of the dissenting shareholders who are parties to the proceeding, to whom the corporation has made an offer to pay for the shares, if the court finds that the action of such shareholders in failing to accept such offer was arbitrary, vexatious, or not in good faith. Such expenses shall include reasonable compensation for, and reasonable expenses of, the appraisers, but shall exclude the fees and expenses of counsel for, and experts employed by, any party. If the fair value of the shares, as determined, materially exceeds the amount which the corporation offered to pay therefor or if no offer was made, the court in its discretion may award to any shareholder who is a party to the proceeding such sum as the court determines to be reasonable compensation to any attorney or expert employed by the shareholder in the proceeding.

(10)  Shares acquired by a corporation pursuant to payment of the agreed value thereof or pursuant to payment of the judgment entered therefor, as provided in this section, may be held and disposed of by such corporation as authorized but unissued shares of the corporation, except that, in the case of a merger, they may be held and disposed of as the plan of merger otherwise provides. The shares of the surviving corporation into which the shares of such dissenting shareholders would have been converted had they assented to the merger shall have the status of authorized but unissued shares of the surviving corporation.

History.--s. 120, ch. 89-154; s. 35, ch. 93-281; s. 32, ch. 97-102.