CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 1034

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Gutman moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 3, between lines 9 and 10,


16  insert:

17         Section 2.  (1)(a)  The Miami River Commission is

18  hereby established as the official coordinating clearinghouse

19  for all public policy and projects related to the Miami River

20  to unite all governmental agencies, businesses, and residents

21  in the area to speak with one voice on river issues, to

22  develop coordinated plans, priorities, programs, projects, and

23  budgets that might substantially improve the river area, and

24  to act as the principal advocate and watchdog to ensure that

25  river projects are funded and implemented in a proper and

26  timely manner.

27         (b)  The commission may seek and receive funding to

28  further its coordinating functions regarding river improvement

29  projects of the commission. Nothing in this act affects or

30  supersedes the regulatory authority of any governmental agency

31  or any local government and any responsibilities of any

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 1034

    Amendment No.    

 1  governmental entity relating to the Miami River shall remain

 2  with such respective governmental entity. However, the

 3  commission may accept any specifically defined coordinating

 4  authority or functions delegated to the commission by any

 5  governmental entity, through a memorandum of understanding or

 6  other legal instrument. The commission shall use powers of

 7  persuasion to achieve its objectives through the process of

 8  building a consensus work plan and through widespread

 9  publication of regular progress reports.

10         (2)  The Miami River Commission shall consist of:

11         (a)  A policy committee comprised of the Governor, the

12  chair of the Dade delegation, the chair of the governing board

13  of the South Florida Water Management District, the Miami-Dade

14  County State Attorney, the Mayor of Miami, the Mayor of

15  Miami-Dade County, a commissioner of the City of Miami

16  Commission, a commissioner of the Miami-Dade County

17  Commission, the chair of the Miami River Marine Group, the

18  chair of the Marine Council, the Executive Director of the

19  Downtown Development Authority, and the chair of the Greater

20  Miami Chamber of Commerce; two neighborhood representatives,

21  selected from the Spring Garden Neighborhood Association, the

22  Grove Park Neighborhood Association, and the Miami River

23  Neighborhood Enhancement Corporation, one neighborhood

24  representative to be appointed by the city commission and one

25  neighborhood representative to be appointed by the county

26  commission, each selected from a list of 3 names submitted by

27  each such organization; one representative from an

28  environmental or civic association, appointed by the Governor;

29  and three members-at-large, who shall be persons who have a

30  demonstrated history of involvement on the Miami River through

31  business, residence, or volunteer activity, one appointed by

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 1034

    Amendment No.    

 1  the Governor, one appointed by the city commission, and one

 2  appointed by the county commission. All members shall be

 3  voting members. The committee shall also include a member of

 4  the United States Congressional delegation and the Captain of

 5  the Port of Miami as a representative of the United States

 6  Coast Guard, as nonvoting, ex officio members.  The policy

 7  committee may meet monthly, but shall meet at least quarterly.

 8         (b)  A managing director who has the responsibility to

 9  implement plans and programs.

10         (c)  A working group consisting of all governmental

11  agencies that have jurisdiction in the Miami River area, as

12  well as representatives from business and civic associations.

13         (3)  The policy committee shall have the following

14  powers and duties:

15         (a)  Consolidate existing plans, programs, and

16  proposals into a coordinated strategic plan for improvement of

17  the Miami River and surrounding areas, addressing

18  environmental, economic, social, recreational, and aesthetic

19  issues. The committee shall monitor the progress on each

20  element of such plan and shall revise the plan regularly.

21         (b)  Prepare an integrated financial plan using the

22  different jurisdictional agencies available for projected

23  financial resources. The committee shall monitor the progress

24  on each element of such plan and revise the plan regularly.

25         (c)  Provide technical assistance and political support

26  as needed to help implement each element of the strategic and

27  financial plans.

28         (d)  Accept any specifically defined coordinating

29  authority or function delegated to the committee by any level

30  of government through a memorandum of understanding or other

31  legal instrument.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 1034

    Amendment No.    

 1         (e)  Publicize a semiannual report describing

 2  accomplishments of the commission and each member agency, as

 3  well as the status of each pending task. The committee shall

 4  distribute the report to the City and County Commissions and

 5  Mayors, the Governor, chair of the Dade County delegation,

 6  stakeholders and the local media.

 7         (f)  Seek grants from public and private sources and

 8  receive grant funds to provide for the enhancement of its

 9  coordinating functions and activities and administer contracts

10  that achieve these goals.

11         (g)  Coordinate a joint planning area agreement between

12  the Department of Community Affairs, the city, and the county

13  under the provisions of s. 163.3177(11)(a),(b), and (c),

14  Florida Statutes.

15         (h)  Provide a forum for exchange of information and

16  facilitate the resolution of conflicts.

17         (i)  Act as a clearinghouse for public information and

18  conduct public education programs.

19         (j)  Establish the Miami River working group, appoint

20  members to the group, and organize subcommittees, delegate

21  tasks, and seek council from members of the working group as

22  necessary to carry out the powers and duties listed in this

23  subsection.

24         (k)  Elect officers and adopt rules of procedure as

25  necessary to carry out the powers and duties listed above and

26  solicit appointing authorities to name replacements for policy

27  committee members who do not participate on a regular basis.

28         (l)  Hire the managing director, who shall be

29  authorized to represent the commission and to implement all

30  policies, plans, and programs of the commission. The committee

31  shall employ any additional staff necessary to assist the

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    Bill No. SB 1034

    Amendment No.    

 1  managing director.

 2         Section 3.  (1)  No item, motion, directive, or policy

 3  position that would impact or in any way diminish levels of

 4  currently permitted commercial activity on the Miami River or

 5  riverfront properties shall be adopted by the Miami River

 6  Commission unless passed by a unanimous vote of the appointed

 7  members of the commission then in office.

 8         (2)  No item, motion, directive, or policy position

 9  suggesting, proposing, or otherwise promoting additional

10  taxes, fees, charges, or any other financial obligation on

11  owners of riverfront property or shipping companies or

12  operators shall be adopted by the Miami River Commission

13  unless passed by a unanimous vote of all appointed members of

14  the commission then in office.

15         Section 4.  The Miami River Commission shall terminate

16  July 1, 2003, unless the Legislature, in a review of the

17  creation, operation, and accomplishments of the Miami River

18  Commission during the 2003 Regular Session, determines that

19  the commission should be continued and reenacts provisions

20  providing for its continuation.



23  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

24  And the title is amended as follows:

25         On page 1, line 10, after the semicolon


27  insert:

28         prohibiting the adoption of certain actions by

29         the commission unless by a required minimum

30         vote; providing for future termination of the

31         commission pending legislative review of

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. SB 1034

    Amendment No.    

 1         reenactment;































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