CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1051

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1051 By Representatives Bullard and Spratt 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the rights of accused 3 persons; creating the Speedy Trial Reform Act 4 of 1996; amending s. 918.015, F.S.; allowing 5 the Florida Supreme Court discretion in 6 adopting rules that provide for the right of a 7 defendant to a speedy trial; prohibiting a 8 court from discharging a defendant from 9 prosecution unless the court finds a 10 substantive violation of the defendant's right 11 to a speedy trial; providing for determining 12 the period that constitutes a speedy trial; 13 amending s. 39.048, F.S.; deleting provisions 14 that provide for dismissal with prejudice if an 15 adjudicatory hearing for a juvenile offender is 16 not held within a specified time; providing for 17 the release of the juvenile until such 18 adjudicatory hearing is complete; repealing 19 Rule 3.191, Florida Rules of Criminal 20 Procedure, relating to a defendant's right to a 21 trial within a specified time; repealing Rule 22 8.090, Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, 23 relating to a juvenile's right to an 24 adjudicatory hearing within a specified time; 25 providing a contingent effective date. 26 27 WHEREAS, Section 16, Article I of the State 28 Constitution and the Sixth Amendment to the United States 29 Constitution give criminal defendants the right to a speedy 30 and public trial, and 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1051 546-153-97 1 WHEREAS, in 1971, the Legislature enacted chapter 2 71-1(B), Laws of Florida, which authorized the Florida Supreme 3 Court to make rules of procedure that relate to criminal 4 defendants' right to a speedy trial, and 5 WHEREAS, Rule 3.191, Florida Rules of Criminal 6 Procedure, and Rule 8.090, Florida Rules of Juvenile 7 Procedure, create time periods for a speedy trial which are 8 much stricter than constitutionally necessary and that require 9 courts to dismiss prosecutions against accused criminals and 10 juveniles who have suffered neither a violation of a 11 constitutional right nor an unfair trial, and 12 WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes that justice 13 delayed is truly justice denied and the courts of this state 14 need rules of practice and procedure to implement both the 15 accused's and the state's right to a speedy trial, and 16 WHEREAS, the Legislature agrees with the dissent in 17 Reed v. State, 649 So.2d 227 (Fla. 1995) which states that 18 current rules that guarantee a speedy trial have created a 19 substantive right of accused criminals and juvenile offenders 20 that encroach upon the power of the Legislature, go far beyond 21 constitutional requirements, and substantially eviscerate the 22 statutes of limitations enacted by the Legislature, and 23 WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Legislature that a 24 defendant or juvenile offender not be forever discharged from 25 prosecution as a consequence of a violation of a speedy-trial 26 rule when there is no concomitant violation of a 27 constitutional or statutory right, NOW, THEREFORE, 28 29 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 30 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1051 546-153-97 1 Section 1. Section 918.015, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 918.015 Right to speedy trial.-- 4 (1) In all criminal prosecutions the state and the 5 defendant shall each have the right to a speedy trial. 6 (2) The Supreme Court may shall, by rule of said 7 court, provide procedures through which the right of the state 8 and the defendant to a speedy trial as guaranteed by 9 subsection (1) and by s. 16, Art. I of the State Constitution, 10 shall be realized. However, a court may not discharge a 11 criminal defendant from prosecution unless it finds a 12 substantive violation of the defendant's constitutional right 13 to a speedy trial. For purposes of determining whether a trial 14 is proceeding in a manner that constitutes a speedy trial, the 15 time period does not commence until an indictment or 16 information has been filed by the state attorney and the 17 defendant has been detained in a state, county, or municipal 18 detention facility. 19 Section 2. Subsection (6) of section 39.048, Florida 20 Statutes, is amended to read: 21 39.048 Petition.-- 22 (6)(a) If a petition has been filed alleging that a 23 child has committed a delinquent act or violation of law, and 24 no demand for speedy trial has been made pursuant to paragraph 25 (d), the adjudicatory hearing on the petition must be 26 commenced within 90 days after the earlier of: 27 1. The date the child is taken into custody; or 28 2. The date the petition is filed. 29 (b) A child shall be deemed to have been brought to 30 trial if the adjudicatory hearing begins before the judge 31 within the time provided. If the adjudicatory hearing is not 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1051 546-153-97 1 commenced within 90 days or an extension thereof as 2 hereinafter provided in paragraph (c), the child must be 3 released from all conditions of detention care until the 4 adjudicatory hearing is completed the petition shall be 5 dismissed with prejudice. 6 (c) The court may extend the period of time prescribed 7 in paragraph (a) on motion of any party, after hearing, on a 8 finding of cause or that the interest of the child will be 9 served by such extension. The order extending such period 10 must shall state the reasons therefor. The general congestion 11 of the court's docket, lack of diligent preparation, failure 12 to obtain available witnesses, or other avoidable or 13 foreseeable delays are not sufficient cause for such 14 extension. 15 Section 3. Rule 3.191, Florida Rules of Criminal 16 Procedure and Rule 8.090, Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, 17 are repealed. 18 Section 4. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997, 19 but section 3 of this act shall take effect only if this act 20 is enacted by a two-thirds vote of the membership of each 21 house of the Legislature. 22 23 ***************************************** 24 SENATE SUMMARY 25 Repeals Rule 3.191, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, and Rule 8.090, Florida Rules of Juvenile Procedure, 26 which implement the constitutional right of a defendant or juvenile offender to a speedy trial or hearing. 27 Prohibits a court from discharging a defendant from prosecution unless the court finds that the defendant's 28 right to a speedy trial has been substantively violated. Provides procedures for determining whether a trial is 29 proceeding in a manner that constitutes a speedy trial. Prohibits a court from dismissing a juvenile offender for 30 whom the adjudicatory hearing is not held within the specified time. Provides for the juvenile to be released 31 from custody until the hearing is complete. 4