CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    614-101AX2-98                                 Bill No. HB 1083

    Amendment No.     (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  The Committee on Rules, Resolutions, & Ethics offered the

12  following:


14         Technical Amendment 

15         On page 76, line 16, through page 78, line 31,

16  remove from the bill:  all of said lines,


18  and insert in lieu thereof:

19         (a)  Cure or provide adequate assurance that he or she

20  will promptly cure any default other than one arising from the

21  transfer.

22         (b)  Compensate or provide adequate assurance that he

23  or she will promptly compensate the other party to the lease

24  contract and any other person holding an interest in the lease

25  contract, except the party whose interest is being

26  transferred, for any loss to that party resulting from the

27  transfer.

28         (c)  Provide adequate assurance of future due

29  performance under the lease contract.

30         (d)  Assume the lease contract.

31         (3)(a)  No prohibition upon transfer of any interest of


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    614-101AX2-98                                 Bill No. HB 1083

    Amendment No.     (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT)

 1  a party under a lease contract or the lessor's residual

 2  interest in the goods shall invalidate the creation or

 3  enforcement of a security interest in any interest of the

 4  lessor under a lease contract or the lessor's residual

 5  interest in the goods.

 6         (b)  Demand pursuant to paragraph (1)(b) is without

 7  prejudice to the other party's rights against the transferee

 8  and the party whose interest is transferred.

 9         (c)  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall not apply

10  to:

11         1.  The creation of a security interest in the interest

12  of the lessor under the lease contract or the lessor's

13  residual interest in the goods; or

14         2.  The exercise of rights as a secured party pursuant

15  to the security interest other than a transfer of the interest

16  of the lessor under the lease contract or the lessor's

17  residual interest in the goods pursuant to s. 680.504 or s.

18  680.505.

19         (d)  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall not affect

20  the validity of a provision in a lease contract obligating the

21  lessee to keep the lessee's interest in the lease contract or

22  the goods free from liens or encumbrances.

23         (4)(6)  A provision in a lease agreement which:

24         (a)  Prohibits a transfer of a right to damages for

25  default with respect to the whole lease contract or of a right

26  to payment arising out of the transferor's assignor's due

27  performance of the transferor's his or her entire obligation;

28  or can be assigned despite agreement otherwise.

29         (b)  Makes such a transfer an event of default, is not

30  enforceable, and such a transfer is not a transfer that

31  materially impairs the prospect of obtaining return


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    hbd0002                     02:12 pm         01083-rre -423393

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    614-101AX2-98                                 Bill No. HB 1083

    Amendment No.     (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT)

 1  performance by, materially changes the duty of, or materially

 2  increases the burden or risk imposed on, the other party to

 3  the lease contract within the purview of subsection (5).

 4         (5)  Subject to subsections (3) and (4):

 5         (a)  If a transfer is made which is made an event of

 6  default under a lease agreement, the party to the lease

 7  contract not making the transfer, unless that party waives the

 8  default or otherwise agrees, has the rights and remedies

 9  described in s. 680.501(2);

10         (b)  If paragraph (a) is not applicable and if a

11  transfer is made that is prohibited under a lease agreement or

12  materially impairs the prospect of obtaining return

13  performance by, materially changes the duty of, or materially

14  increases the burden or risk imposed on, the other party to

15  the lease contract, unless the party not making the transfer

16  agrees at any time to the transfer in the lease contract or

17  otherwise, then, except as limited by contract, the transferor

18  is liable to the party not making the transfer for damages

19  caused by the transfer to the extent that the damages could

20  not reasonably be prevented by the party not making the

21  transfer and a court having jurisdiction may grant other

22  appropriate relief, including cancellation of the lease

23  contract or an injunction against the transfer.

24         (6)(4)  A transfer An assignment of "the lease" or of

25  "all my rights under the lease" or a transfer an assignment in

26  similar general terms is a transfer of rights, and unless the

27  language or the circumstances, as in a transfer an assignment

28  for security, indicate the contrary, the transfer assignment

29  is a delegation of duties by the transferor assignor to the

30  transferee. assignee and Acceptance by the transferee assignee

31  constitutes a promise by the transferee him or her to perform


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    614-101AX2-98                                 Bill No. HB 1083

    Amendment No.     (TECHNICAL AMENDMENT)

 1  those duties.  The This promise is enforceable by either the

 2  transferor assignor or the other party to the lease contract.































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