CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1091c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 By the Committee on Civil Justice & Claims and Representatives Crist, Heyman, King, Valdes, Fuller, Sembler, Smith, Minton, Bronson, K. Pruitt, Kelly, Spratt, Bainter, Jones, Littlefield, Boyd, Andrews, Bitner, Mackey, Albright, (Additional Sponsors on Last Printed Page) 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the representation of 3 persons sentenced to death; amending s. 27.701, 4 F.S.; transferring the capital collateral 5 regional counsels to the executive branch; 6 providing for the office of capital collateral 7 representative to be replaced by three capital 8 collateral regional counsels appointed within 9 the northern, middle, and southern regions of 10 the state; providing for nominations of the 11 regional counsels by the Supreme Court Judicial 12 Nominating Commission; requiring the Governor 13 to appoint the regional counsels; providing for 14 terms of office; prohibiting a regional counsel 15 from running for or accepting appointment to a 16 state office for a specified period after 17 leaving office; amending s. 27.702, F.S.; 18 specifying the duties of the capital collateral 19 regional counsel; establishing the independence 20 of the regional offices but consolidating the 21 administrative functions of three offices 22 within the Justice Administrative Commission; 23 authorizing the court to assess attorney's fees 24 and costs against a nonindigent or 25 indigent-but-able-to-contribute defendant; 26 providing for a determination of indigency; 27 providing for lien imposition and enforcement 28 against such defendant's property; requiring 29 the regional counsel to provide certain reports 30 to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of 31 the House of Representatives, and the 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 Commission on the Administration of Justice in 2 Capital Cases; amending s. 27.703, F.S.; 3 providing for the appointment of substitute 4 counsel in instances of conflict of interest; 5 establishing qualifications for appointed 6 counsel; establishing a rate of compensation 7 for attorney's fees in such cases; amending s. 8 27.704, F.S.; authorizing the capital 9 collateral regional counsel to appoint 10 assistant counsel, investigators, and support 11 personnel; providing employment qualifications 12 for certain positions; amending s. 27.705, 13 F.S.; providing for the capital collateral 14 counsel to be paid under the General 15 Appropriations Act; providing for the payment 16 of office and travel expenses; requiring the 17 regional counsel to submit a pay plan each year 18 to the Justice Administrative Commission and 19 Legislature; amending s. 27.706, F.S.; 20 prohibiting the capital collateral regional 21 counsel and full-time assistants from engaging 22 in the private practice of law; amending s. 23 27.707, F.S.; authorizing investigators 24 employed by the capital collateral regional 25 counsel to serve subpoenas and court orders; 26 amending s. 27.708, F.S.; providing for access 27 to persons sentenced to death who are 28 incarcerated; requiring the regional counsel 29 and contracted private counsel to comply with 30 the Rules of Criminal Procedure; requiring the 31 assigned attorney or the regional counsel to 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 approve requests for public records made by 2 assistant counsel or appointed counsel; 3 creating the Commission on the Administration 4 of Justice in Capital Cases; providing for 5 membership; setting terms of membership; 6 providing for the selection of a chair; 7 providing for per diem and travel expenses; 8 requiring quarterly meetings of the commission; 9 providing for the Executive Office of the 10 Governor to staff the commission; requiring the 11 commission to review the administration of 12 justice in capital collateral cases, receive 13 relevant public input, review the operation of 14 the regional offices of capital collateral 15 counsel, and advise and make recommendations to 16 the Governor, Legislature, and Supreme Court; 17 requiring that the commission hear complaints 18 regarding the practice of any such office; 19 amending s. 16.01, F.S.; requiring that the 20 Attorney General act as co-counsel in capital 21 collateral proceedings; amending s. 924.051, 22 F.S.; limiting collateral and postconviction 23 relief in any capital case to motions that 24 allege newly discovered evidence or a change in 25 the law; prohibiting the testimony of an expert 26 witness in any such case unless approved by the 27 court; providing recommendations for the 28 Supreme Court; providing for appointment of 29 regional counsels and interim counsels by 30 specified dates; providing for continuity of 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 legal representation under certain 2 circumstances; providing an effective date. 3 4 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 5 6 Section 1. Section 27.701, Florida Statutes, is 7 amended to read: 8 27.701 Capital collateral regional counsels 9 representative.--There are is hereby created in the executive 10 judicial branch of state government three regional offices the 11 office of capital collateral counsel, which shall be located 12 in a northern region, middle region, and southern region of 13 the state. The northern region shall consist of the First, 14 Second, Third, Fourth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Judicial 15 Circuits; the middle region shall consist of the Fifth, Sixth, 16 Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Eighteenth 17 Judicial Circuits; and the southern region shall consist of 18 the Eleventh, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Nineteenth, 19 and Twentieth Judicial Circuits. Each regional office shall 20 be administered by a regional counsel. A regional counsel must 21 representative, the head of which shall be the capital 22 collateral representative for the state. The capital 23 collateral representative shall be, and must shall have been 24 for the preceding 5 years, a member in good standing of The 25 Florida Bar. Each The capital collateral regional counsel 26 representative shall be appointed by the Governor, and is 27 subject to confirmation by the Senate. The Supreme Court 28 Judicial Nominating Commission shall recommend to the Governor 29 three qualified candidates for each appointment as regional 30 counsel. The Governor shall appoint a regional counsel for 31 each region from among the recommendations, or, if it is in 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 the best interest of the fair administration of justice in 2 capital cases, the Governor may reject the nominations and 3 request submission of three new nominees by the Supreme Court 4 Judicial Nominating Commission. Each capital collateral 5 regional counsel shall be appointed to a term of 3 years., 6 from three or more nominations submitted by any or all elected 7 public defenders and shall serve a term of 4 years. Six 8 months prior to the end of any such term, the Governor shall 9 accept nominations from any or all elected public defenders 10 for the office of capital collateral representative for the 11 next succeeding term and may appoint the incumbent or any 12 other nominated person for the next succeeding term. 13 Vacancies in the office of capital collateral regional counsel 14 representative shall be filled in the same manner as 15 appointments. A person appointed as a regional counsel may 16 not run capital collateral representative is prohibited from 17 running for or accept accepting appointment to any state 18 office within for a period of 2 years following vacation of 19 office. The principal office of the capital collateral 20 representative shall be located in Tallahassee. The capital 21 collateral representative may establish such branch offices as 22 may, in his or her discretion, be warranted to fulfill 23 statutory duties herein. 24 Section 2. Section 27.702, Florida Statutes, 1996 25 Supplement, is amended to read: 26 27.702 Duties of the capital collateral regional 27 counsel; reports representative.-- 28 (1) The capital collateral regional counsel 29 representative shall represent, without additional 30 compensation, each person convicted and sentenced to death in 31 this state for the sole purpose of instituting and prosecuting 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 collateral actions challenging the legality of the judgment 2 and sentence imposed against such person in the state courts, 3 federal courts in this state, the United States Court of 4 Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, and the United States 5 Supreme Court. Representation by the capital collateral 6 regional counsel representative shall commence automatically 7 upon termination of direct appellate proceedings in state or 8 federal courts. Within 91 days after the date the Supreme 9 Court issues a mandate on a direct appeal or the United States 10 Supreme Court denies a petition for certiorari, whichever is 11 later, the capital collateral regional counsel representative 12 shall file a notice of appearance in the trial court in which 13 the judgment and sentence were entered and shall secure all 14 direct-appeal files for collateral representation. Upon 15 receipt of files from the public defender or other counsel, 16 the capital collateral regional counsel representative shall 17 assign each such case to personnel in his or her office for 18 investigation, client contact, and any such further action as 19 the circumstances may warrant. The three capital collateral 20 regional counsels' offices shall function independently and be 21 separate budget entities, and the regional counsels shall be 22 the office heads for all purposes. The Justice Administrative 23 Commission shall provide administrative support and service to 24 the three offices to the extent requested by the regional 25 counsels. The three regional offices shall not be subject to 26 control, supervision, or direction by the Justice 27 Administrative Commission in any manner, including, but not 28 limited to, personnel, purchasing, transactions involving real 29 or personal property, and budgetary matters. 30 (2) The capital collateral regional counsel 31 representative shall represent each person convicted and 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 sentenced to death within the district in this state in 2 collateral postconviction proceedings, unless a court appoints 3 or permits other counsel to appear as counsel of record. 4 (3)(a) The capital collateral regional counsel 5 representative shall file motions seeking compensation for 6 representation and reimbursement for expenses pursuant to 18 7 U.S.C. s. 3006A when providing representation to indigent 8 persons in the federal courts, and shall deposit all such 9 payments received into the Capital Collateral Trust Fund 10 established for such purpose. 11 (b) The court having jurisdiction over any nonindigent 12 or indigent-but-able-to-contribute defendant who has been 13 receiving the services of the capital collateral regional 14 counsel may assess attorney's fees and costs against the 15 defendant at any stage in the proceedings as the court may 16 deem appropriate. The determination of indigency or 17 nonindigency of any defendant shall be made by the court 18 pursuant to s. 27.52. Liability for the costs of such 19 representation may be imposed in the form of a lien against 20 the property of the nonindigent or 21 indigent-but-able-to-contribute defendant, which lien shall be 22 enforceable as provided in s. 27.56 or s. 27.561. 23 (4) Each capital collateral regional counsel shall 24 provide a quarterly report to the President of the Senate, the 25 Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Commission on 26 the Administration of Justice in Capital Cases which details 27 the number of hours worked by investigators and legal counsel 28 per case and the amounts per case expended during the 29 preceding quarter in investigating and litigating capital 30 collateral cases. 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 Section 3. Section 27.703, Florida Statutes, 1996 2 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 27.703 Conflict of interest and substitute counsel.-- 4 (1) If, at any time during the representation of two 5 or more persons, the capital collateral regional counsel 6 representative determines that the interests of those persons 7 are so adverse or hostile that they cannot all be counseled by 8 the regional counsel capital collateral representative or his 9 or her staff without conflict of interest, the sentencing 10 court shall, upon application therefor by the regional 11 counsel, designate another regional counsel and, only if a 12 conflict exists with the other two counsels, capital 13 collateral representative appoint one or more members of The 14 Florida Bar to represent one or more of such persons. 15 (2) Appointed counsel shall be paid from funds 16 appropriated to the Justice Administrative Commission. The 17 hourly rate may not exceed $100. 18 (3) Prior to employment, counsel appointed pursuant to 19 this section must have participated in at least five felony 20 jury trials, five felony appeals, or five capital 21 postconviction evidentiary hearings, or any combination of at 22 least five of such proceedings. 23 Section 4. Section 27.704, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 27.704 Appointment of assistants and other staff; 26 method of payments.--Each capital collateral regional counsel 27 may: 28 (1) The capital collateral representative is 29 authorized to Appoint, employ, and establish, in such numbers 30 as he or she determines shall determine, full-time or 31 part-time assistant counsel capital collateral 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 representatives, investigators, and other clerical and support 2 personnel who shall be paid from funds appropriated for that 3 purpose. A full-time assistant capital collateral counsel 4 must representatives shall be a member members in good 5 standing of The Florida Bar, with not less than 3 2 years' 6 experience in the practice of criminal law, and, prior to 7 employment, must have participated in at least five felony 8 jury trials, five felony appeals, or five capital 9 postconviction evidentiary hearings or any combination of at 10 least five of such proceedings. 11 (2) Contract with private counsel who are members in 12 good standing of The Florida Bar or with public defenders for 13 the purpose of providing prompt and cost-effective 14 representation for individuals who are sentenced to death in 15 this state. A private counsel or public defender under 16 contract with the regional counsel must have at least 3 years' 17 experience in the practice of criminal law, and, prior to the 18 contract, must have participated in at least five felony jury 19 trials, five felony appeals, or five capital postconviction 20 evidentiary hearings or any combination of at least five of 21 such proceedings.. 22 (3)(2) The capital collateral representative is 23 authorized to Appoint pro bono part-time assistant counsel 24 capital collateral representatives, who must shall be members 25 in good standing of The Florida Bar, and who shall serve 26 without compensation at the discretion of the capital 27 collateral regional counsel representative. 28 Section 5. Section 27.705, Florida Statutes, is 29 amended to read: 30 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 27.705 Salaries of the capital collateral regional 2 counsel representative and assistant capital collateral 3 counsel representatives.-- 4 (1) Each The capital collateral regional counsel 5 representative shall be paid a salary by the state, which 6 shall be as provided in the General Appropriations Act and 7 shall be paid in equal monthly installments. 8 (2) Full-time assistant capital collateral counsel 9 representatives shall be compensated in an amount set by the 10 capital collateral regional counsel, which may representative 11 not to exceed 100 percent of the salary of the capital 12 collateral regional counsel representative and shall be paid 13 from funds appropriated for that purpose. 14 (3) All payments of the salary of each of the capital 15 collateral regional counsel representative and employees of 16 his or her office, and payments for other necessary expenses 17 of office from state funds appropriated therefor, are shall be 18 considered as being for a valid public purpose. Travel 19 expenses for official business within and outside the state 20 shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of s. 112.061. 21 For purposes of s. 112.061 only, part-time assistant capital 22 collateral counsel representatives shall be considered 23 employees of the regional office of capital collateral counsel 24 representative. 25 (4) Each The capital collateral regional counsel 26 representative shall develop a classification and pay plan to 27 be submitted on or before January 1 of each year to the 28 Justice Administrative Commission, the office of the President 29 of the Senate, and the office of the Speaker of the House of 30 Representatives. Such plan shall be developed in accordance 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 with policies and procedures of the Executive Office of the 2 Governor established pursuant to s. 216.181. 3 Section 6. Section 27.706, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 27.706 Private practice of law prohibited.--Each The 6 capital collateral regional counsel representative and all 7 full-time assistants appointed by him or her shall serve on a 8 full-time basis and may not engage are prohibited from 9 engaging in the private practice of law. 10 Section 7. Section 27.707, Florida Statutes, is 11 amended to read: 12 27.707 Investigators; service of process.--Each 13 investigator employed by the capital collateral regional 14 counsel has representative shall have full authority to serve 15 any subpoena witness subpoenaed or court order issued by any 16 court or judge in any case for which the office has 17 responsibility for providing representation. 18 Section 8. Section 27.708, Florida Statutes, is 19 amended to read: 20 27.708 Access to prisoners; compliance with the 21 Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure in capital collateral 22 litigation; records requests; approval of records requests.-- 23 (1) Each The capital collateral regional counsel 24 representative and his or her assistants may shall be 25 empowered to inquire of all persons sentenced to death who are 26 incarcerated and to tender them advice and counsel at any 27 reasonable time, but the provisions of this section does shall 28 not apply with respect to persons who are represented by other 29 counsel. 30 (2) The capital collateral regional counsel and 31 contracted private counsel must timely comply with all 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 provisions of the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure 2 governing collateral review of capital cases, including 3 provisions pertaining to requests for records under Florida 4 Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.852. 5 (3) All requests for records in capital postconviction 6 proceedings must be made in accordance with Florida Rule of 7 Criminal Procedure 3.852, and, if the person sentenced to 8 death is represented by an assistant capital collateral 9 regional counsel or other attorney appointed to assist the 10 regional counsel, the regional counsel or the attorney 11 assigned to the case must approve the request. 12 Section 9. (1)(a) There is created the Commission on 13 the Administration of Justice in Capital Cases, which shall 14 consist of the six following members: 15 1. Two members appointed by the Governor. 16 2. Two members appointed by the President of the 17 Senate from the membership of the Senate. One member shall be 18 a member of the majority party and one member shall be a 19 member of the minority party. 20 3. Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House 21 of Representatives from the membership of the House of 22 Representatives. One member shall be a member of the majority 23 party and one member shall be a member of the minority party. 24 (b) The chair of the commission shall be selected by 25 the members for a term of 1 year. 26 (c) The commission shall meet quarterly, and other 27 meetings may be called by the chair upon giving at least 7 28 days' notice to all members and the public. 29 (d) Members of the commission are entitled to per diem 30 and travel expenses to be paid by the appointing entity. 31 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 (e) The initial members of the commission must be 2 appointed on or before October 1, 1997. Members of the 3 commission shall be appointed to serve terms of 4 years each, 4 except that a member's term shall expire upon leaving office 5 as a member of the Senate or the House of Representatives. Two 6 of the initial members, one from the Senate and one from the 7 House of Representatives, shall be appointed for terms of 2 8 years each. Two of the initial members, one from the Senate 9 and one from the House of Representatives, shall be appointed 10 for terms of 3 years each. 11 (f) The Executive Office of the Governor shall staff 12 the commission. 13 (2) The commission shall review the administration of 14 justice in capital collateral cases, receive relevant public 15 input, review the operation of the capital collateral regional 16 counsel, and advise and make recommendations to the Governor, 17 Legislature, and Supreme Court. In addition, the commission 18 shall receive complaints regarding the practice of any office 19 of regional counsel and shall refer any complaint to The 20 Florida Bar, the Supreme Court, or the Commission on Ethics, 21 as appropriate. 22 Section 10. Present subsections (6), (7), and (8) of 23 section 16.01, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections 24 (7), (8), and (9), respectively, and a new subsection (6) is 25 added to that section, to read: 26 16.01 Residence, office, and duties of Attorney 27 General.--The Attorney General: 28 (6) Shall act as co-counsel of record in capital 29 collateral proceedings. 30 Section 11. Subsection (6) of section 924.051, Florida 31 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 924.051 Terms and conditions of appeals and collateral 2 review in criminal cases.-- 3 (6)(a) In a noncapital case, a petition or motion for 4 collateral or other postconviction relief may not be 5 considered if it is filed more than 2 years after the judgment 6 and sentence became final, in a noncapital case or more than 1 7 year after the judgment and sentence became final in a capital 8 case in which a death sentence was imposed unless the petition 9 or motion it alleges that: 10 1.(a) The facts upon which the claim is predicated 11 were unknown to the petitioner or his attorney and could not 12 have been ascertained by the exercise of due diligence; 13 2.(b) The fundamental constitutional right asserted 14 was not established within the period provided for in this 15 subsection and has been held to apply retroactively; or 16 3.(c) The sentence imposed was illegal because it 17 either exceeded the maximum or fell below the minimum 18 authorized by statute for the criminal offense at issue. 19 Either the state or the defendant may petition the trial court 20 to vacate an illegal sentence at any time. 21 (b) In a capital case in which the sentence of death 22 has been imposed: 23 1. A motion for collateral or other postconviction 24 relief may not be considered if the motion is filed more than 25 1 year after the judgment and sentence became final, unless 26 the motion alleges that the facts upon which the claim is 27 predicated are based on newly discovered evidence or a change 28 in the law. 29 2. An expert witness may not be called to testify 30 unless approved by the court. 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 Section 12. In the interest of promoting justice and 2 integrity with respect to capital collateral representation, 3 the Legislature recommends that the Supreme Court: 4 (1) Adopt by rule the provisions of section 924.055, 5 Florida Statutes, which limit the time for postconviction 6 proceedings in capital cases. 7 (2) Award pro bono service credit for time spent by an 8 attorney in providing legal representation to an individual 9 sentenced to death in this state, regardless of whether the 10 attorney receives compensation for such representation. 11 Section 13. The Governor shall appoint each capital 12 collateral regional counsel no later than August 1, 1997. 13 Each capital collateral regional counsel shall assume office 14 on October 1, 1997. The Governor is authorized to appoint 15 three interim capital collateral regional counsels who are 16 authorized to carry out the duties provided herein until 17 September 30, 1997. In order to maintain continuity, all 18 attorneys assigned to represent clients, as of June 30, 1997, 19 shall continue to provide such representation unless or until 20 substitute counsel is ordered by the court or until the 21 capital collateral regional counsel or the interim capital 22 collateral regional counsel removes the attorney from the 23 case. 24 Section 14. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1091 686-111-97 1 ***************************************** 2 ADDITIONAL SPONSORS 3 4 Feeney, Arnall, Crady, Thrasher, Westbrook, Goode, Putnam, 5 Harrington, Ball, Trovillion, Futch, Flanagan, Stabins, 6 Merchant, Byrd, Morse, Safley and Culp 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16