CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1125e1

CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to notaries public; amending s. 3 117.01, F.S.; clarifying provisions relating to 4 appointment of a notary public; providing 5 requirements for a resigning notary public; 6 amending s. 117.03, F.S.; deleting obsolete 7 language; amending s. 117.04, F.S.; providing 8 for acknowledgements by a notary; creating s. 9 117.045, F.S.; providing for solemnizing rites 10 of marriage by a notary; limiting fees; 11 amending s. 117.05, F.S.; specifying the 12 elements of a notarial certificate; revising 13 provisions relating to identification; 14 providing for notice to the Governor of lost or 15 stolen notary seals; revising provisions 16 relating to copying certain documents; amending 17 s. 117.10, F.S.; correcting a cross reference; 18 amending s. 117.107, F.S.; revising certain 19 provisions relating to prohibited acts; 20 amending ss. 11.03, 475.180, 713.08, 713.13, 21 713.135, 713.245, 727.104, 732.503, and 22 747.051, F.S.; revising certain forms; 23 providing an effective date. 24 25 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 26 27 Section 1. Subsections (1) and (2), paragraph (g) of 28 subsection (4), and subsections (5) and (7) of section 117.01, 29 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended to read: 30 117.01 Appointment, application, suspension, 31 revocation, application fee, bond, and oath.-- 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 (1) The Governor may appoint for a term of 4 years as 2 many notaries public as he or she deems necessary, each of 3 whom shall be at least 18 years of age and a legal resident of 4 the state. A permanent resident alien may apply and be 5 appointed and shall file with his or her application a 6 recorded Declaration of Domicile. The residence required for 7 appointment must be maintained throughout the term of 8 appointment. Notaries public shall be appointed for 4 years 9 and shall use and exercise the office of notary public within 10 the boundaries of this state. 11 (2) The application for appointment shall be signed 12 and sworn to by the applicant and shall be accompanied by a 13 fee of $25, together with the $10 commission fee required by 14 s. 113.01, and a surcharge of $4, which $4 is appropriated to 15 the Executive Office of the Governor to be used to educate and 16 assist notaries public. However, no commission fee shall be 17 required for the issuance of a commission as a notary public 18 to a veteran who served during a period of wartime service, as 19 defined in s. 1.01(14), and who has been rated by the United 20 States Government or the United States Department of Veterans 21 Affairs or its predecessor to have a disability rating of 50 22 percent or more; such a disability is subject to verification 23 by the Secretary of State, who has authority to adopt 24 reasonable procedures to implement this act. The oath of 25 office and notary bond required by this section shall also 26 accompany the application and shall be in a form prescribed by 27 the Department of State which shall require, but not be 28 limited to, the following information: full name, residence 29 address and telephone number, business address and telephone 30 number, date of birth, race, sex, social security number, 31 citizenship status, driver's license number or the number of 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 other official state-issued identification, affidavit of good 2 character from someone unrelated to the applicant who has 3 known the applicant for 1 year or more, a list of all 4 professional licenses and commissions issued by the state 5 during the previous 10 years and a statement as to whether or 6 not the applicant has had such license or commission revoked 7 or suspended, and a statement as to whether or not the 8 applicant has been convicted of a felony, and, if there has 9 been a conviction, a statement of the nature of the felony and 10 restoration of civil rights. The applicant may not use a 11 fictitious or assumed name other than a nickname on an 12 application for commission. The application shall be 13 maintained by the Department of State for the full term of a 14 notary commission. A notary public shall notify, in writing, 15 the Department of State of any change in his or her business 16 address, home telephone number, business telephone number, 17 home address, or criminal record within 60 days after such 18 change. The Governor may require any other information he or 19 she deems necessary for determining whether an applicant is 20 eligible for a notary public commission. Each applicant must 21 swear or affirm on the application that the information on the 22 application is true and correct to the best of his or her 23 knowledge. 24 (4) The Governor may suspend a notary public for any 25 of the grounds provided in s. 7, Art. IV of the State 26 Constitution. Grounds constituting malfeasance, misfeasance, 27 or neglect of duty include, but are not limited to, the 28 following: 29 (g) Failure to report a change in business or home 30 address or telephone number, or failure to submit 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 documentation to request an amended commission after a lawful 2 name change, within the specified period of time. 3 (5)(a) If a notary public receives notice from the 4 Department of State that his or her office has been declared 5 vacant, the notary shall forthwith mail or deliver to the 6 Secretary of State his or her notary commission. 7 (b) A notary public who wishes to resign his or her 8 commission, or a notary public who does not maintain legal 9 residence in this state during the entire term of appointment, 10 or a notary public whose resignation is required by the 11 Governor, shall send a signed letter of resignation to the 12 Governor and shall return his or her certificate of notary 13 public commission. The resigning notary public shall destroy 14 his or her official notary public seal of office, unless the 15 Governor requests its return. 16 (7)(a) A notary public shall, prior to executing the 17 duties of the office and throughout the term of office, give 18 bond, payable to any individual harmed as a result of a breach 19 of duty by the notary public acting in his or her official 20 capacity, in the amount of $5,000, conditioned for the due 21 discharge of the office and shall take an oath that he or she 22 will honestly, diligently, and faithfully discharge the duties 23 of the notary public. The bond shall be approved and filed 24 with the Department of State and executed by a surety company 25 for hire duly authorized to transact business in this state. 26 (b) Any notary public whose term of appointment 27 extends beyond January 1, 1998 1992, is required to increase 28 the amount of his or her bond to $7,500 $5,000 only upon 29 reappointment on or after January 1, 1998 1992. 30 (c) Beginning July 1, 1996, surety companies for hire 31 which process notary public applications, oaths, affidavits of 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 character, and bonds for submission to the Department of State 2 must properly submit these documents in a software and hard 3 copy format approved by the Department of State. 4 Section 2. Section 117.03, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 117.03 Administration of oaths.--A notary public may 7 administer an oath and make a certificate thereof when it is 8 necessary for the execution of any writing or document to be 9 attested, protested, or published under the seal of a notary 10 public. The notary public may not take an acknowledgment of 11 execution in lieu of an oath if an oath is required. 12 Section 3. Section 117.04, Florida Statutes, is 13 amended to read: 14 117.04 Marriages; Acknowledgments.--A notary public is 15 authorized to solemnize the rites of matrimony and to take the 16 acknowledgments of deeds and other instruments of writing for 17 record, as fully as other officers of this state. For 18 solemnizing the rites of matrimony, the fee of a notary public 19 may not exceed those provided by law to the clerks of the 20 circuit court for like services. 21 Section 4. Section 117.045, Florida Statutes, is 22 created to read: 23 117.045 Marriages.--A notary public is authorized to 24 solemnize the rites of matrimony. For solemnizing the rites of 25 matrimony, the fee of a notary public may not exceed those 26 provided by law to the clerks of the circuit court for like 27 services. 28 Section 5. Subsections (2) and (4), paragraph (b) of 29 subsection (5), paragraph (e) of subsection (6), and 30 subsections (11), (12), (15), and (16) of section 117.05, 31 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 117.05 Use of notary commission; unlawful use; notary 2 fee; seal; duties; employer liability; name change; 3 advertising; photocopies; penalties.-- 4 (2) The fee of a notary public may not exceed $10 for 5 any one notarial act, except as provided in s. 117.045 117.04. 6 (4) When notarizing a signature, a notary public shall 7 complete a jurat or notarial certificate in substantially the 8 same form as those found in subsection (16). The jurat or 9 certificate of acknowledgement shall contain the following 10 elements: 11 (a) The venue stating the location of the notarization 12 in the format, "State of Florida, County of ............" 13 (b) The type of notarial act performed, an oath or an 14 acknowledgement, evidenced by the words "sworn" or 15 "acknowledged." 16 (c) That the signer personally appeared before the 17 notary public at the time of the notarization. 18 (d) The exact date of the notarial act. 19 (e) The name of the person whose signature is being 20 notarized. It is presumed, absent such specific notation by 21 the notary public, that notarization is to all signatures. 22 (f) The specific type of identification the notary 23 public is relying upon in identifying the signer, either based 24 on personal knowledge or satisfactory evidence specified in 25 subsection (5). 26 (g) The notary's official signature. 27 (h) The notary's name, typed, printed, or stamped 28 below the signature. 29 (i) The notary's official seal affixed below or to 30 either side of the notary's signature. sign and date a 31 notarial certificate or jurat and shall specify which 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 signature is being notarized and that the signer personally 2 appeared before the notary public at the time of notarization. 3 It is presumed, absent such specific notation by the notary 4 public, that notarization is to all signatures. 5 (5) A notary public may not notarize a signature on a 6 document unless he or she personally knows, or has 7 satisfactory evidence, that the person whose signature is to 8 be notarized is the individual who is described in and who is 9 executing the instrument. A notary public shall certify in the 10 certificate of acknowledgment or jurat the type of 11 identification, either based on personal knowledge or other 12 form of identification, upon which the notary public is 13 relying. 14 (b) For the purposes of this subsection, "satisfactory 15 evidence" means the absence of any information, evidence, or 16 other circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to 17 believe that the person whose signature is to be notarized 18 making the acknowledgment is not the person he or she claims 19 to be and any one of the following: 20 1. The sworn written statement of a credible witness 21 personally known to the notary public or that the person whose 22 signature is to be notarized is personally known to the 23 witness; 24 2. the sworn written statement of two credible 25 witnesses whose identities are proven to the notary public 26 upon the presentation of satisfactory evidence that each of 27 the following are true: 28 a. That the person whose signature is to be notarized 29 is the person named in the document; 30 b. That the person whose signature is to be notarized 31 is personally known to the witnesses; 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 c. That it is the reasonable belief of the witnesses 2 that the circumstances of the person whose signature is to be 3 notarized are such that it would be very difficult or 4 impossible for that person to obtain another acceptable form 5 of identification; 6 d. That it is the reasonable belief of the witnesses 7 that the person whose signature is to be notarized does not 8 possess any of the identification documents specified in 9 subparagraph 2.3.; and 10 e. That the witnesses do not have a financial interest 11 in nor are parties to the underlying transaction; or 12 2.3. Reasonable reliance on the presentation to the 13 notary public of any one of the following forms of 14 identification, if the document is current or has been issued 15 within the past 5 years and bears a serial or other 16 identifying number: 17 a. A Florida An identification card or driver's 18 license issued by the public agency authorized to issue 19 driver's licenses Department of Highway Safety and Motor 20 Vehicles; 21 b. A passport issued by the Department of State of the 22 United States; or 23 c. A passport issued by a foreign government if 24 Reasonable reliance on the presentation of any one of the 25 following forms of identification, if the document is current 26 or has been issued within the past 5 years and bears a serial 27 or other identifying number, and, if the document is a 28 passport, the document is stamped by the United States 29 Immigration and Naturalization Service: 30 (I) A passport issued by a foreign government; 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 d.(II) A driver's license or an identification card 2 issued by a public agency authorized to issue driver's 3 licenses in a state other than Florida, a territory of the 4 United States, or Canada or Mexico territory of the United 5 States or a state other than Florida or by a Canadian or 6 Mexican public agency authorized to issue drivers' licenses; 7 (III) An identification card issued by a territory of 8 the United States or a state other than Florida; 9 e.(IV) An identification card issued by any branch of 10 the armed forces of the United States; 11 f.(V) An inmate identification card issued on or after 12 January 1, 1991, by the Florida Department of Corrections for 13 an inmate who is in the custody of the department; or 14 g. An inmate identification card issued by the United 15 States Department of Justice, Bureau of Federal Prisons, for 16 an inmate who is in the custody of the department; 17 h. A sworn, written statement from a sworn law 18 enforcement officer that the forms of identification for an 19 inmate in an institution of confinement were confiscated upon 20 confinement and that the person named in the document is the 21 person whose signature is to be notarized; 22 i.(VI) An identification card issued by the United 23 States Department of Justice, Immigration, and Naturalization 24 Service. 25 (6) A notary public may not notarize a signature on a 26 document if: 27 (e) The notary public has a financial interest in or 28 is a party to the underlying transaction; provided, however, a 29 notary public who is an employee may notarize a signature for 30 his or her employer and this employment is not a financial 31 interest in the transaction nor is he or she a party to the 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 transaction under this subsection unless he or she receives a 2 benefit other than salary and any fee for services as a notary 3 public authorized by law. For purposes of this paragraph, a 4 notary public who is an attorney does not have a financial 5 interest in and is not a party to the underlying transaction 6 evidenced by a notarized document if he or she notarizes a 7 signature on that document for a client for whom he or she 8 serves as an attorney of record and the attorney has no 9 interest in the document other than a fee paid to him or her 10 for legal services and any fee authorized by law for services 11 as a notary public. 12 (11) Any notary public who lawfully changes his or her 13 name shall, within 60 days after such change, forthwith 14 request an amended commission from the Secretary of State and 15 shall send $25, his or her current commission, and a notice of 16 change form, obtained from the Secretary of State, which shall 17 include the new name and contain a specimen of his or her 18 official signature. The Secretary of State shall issue an 19 amended commission to the notary public in the new name. A 20 rider to the notary public's bond must accompany the notice of 21 change form. After submitting the required notice of change 22 form and rider to the Secretary of State requesting an amended 23 commission, the notary public may continue to perform notarial 24 acts in his or her former name for 60 days or until receipt of 25 the amended commission, whichever date is earlier. 26 (12) Any notary public whose who loses or misplaces 27 his or her notary public seal of office is lost or stolen 28 shall forthwith mail or deliver notice of the fact to the 29 Secretary of State or to the Governor. 30 (15)(a) A notary public may supervise the making of a 31 photocopy of an original document and attest to the trueness 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 of the copy, provided the document is neither a vital record 2 in this state, another state, a territory of the United 3 States, or another country, nor a public record, if a copy can 4 be made by the custodian of the public record. A notary 5 public may not supervise the making of a photocopy and may not 6 attest to the trueness of a photocopy of a public record if a 7 copy can be made by another public official. 8 (b) A notary public must use a certificate in 9 substantially the following form in notarizing an attested 10 copy: 11 12 STATE OF FLORIDA 13 COUNTY OF ........ 14 15 On this .... day of ........, 19...., I attest that the 16 preceding or attached document is a true, exact, complete, and 17 unaltered photocopy made by me of ...(description of 18 document)... presented to me by the document's custodian, 19 ................, and, to the best of my knowledge, that the 20 photocopied document is neither a vital public record nor a 21 public record publicly recordable document, certified copies 22 of which are available from an official source other than a 23 notary public. 24 25 ...(Official Notary Signature and Notary Seal)... 26 ...(Name of Notary Typed, Printed or Stamped)... 27 28 (16) The following form certificates are sufficient 29 for the purposes indicated, if completed with the information 30 required by this chapter. The specification of forms under 31 this subsection does not preclude the use of other forms. 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 (a) For an oath or affirmation: 2 3 STATE OF FLORIDA 4 COUNTY OF ........ 5 6 ...(Signature of Applicant)... 7 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 8 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 9 statement).... 10 11 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 12 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 13 Public)... 14 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 15 ........ 16 Type of Identification Produced........................ 17 18 (b) For an acknowledgment in an individual capacity: 19 20 STATE OF FLORIDA 21 COUNTY OF ........ 22 23 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .... 24 day of ........, 19 ........, by ...(name of person 25 acknowledging)... 26 27 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 28 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 29 Public)... 30 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 31 ........ 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 Type of Identification Produced........................ 2 3 (c) For an acknowledgment in a representative 4 capacity: 5 6 STATE OF FLORIDA 7 COUNTY OF ........ 8 9 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .... 10 day of ........, 19 ........, by ...(name of person)... as 11 ...(type of authority, . . . e.g. officer, trustee, attorney 12 in fact)... for ...(name of party on behalf of whom instrument 13 was executed)... 14 15 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 16 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 17 Public)... 18 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 19 ........ 20 Type of Identification Produced........................ 21 22 Section 6. Section 117.10, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 117.10 Law enforcement officers and correctional 25 officers.--Law enforcement officers, correctional officers, 26 and correctional probation officers, as defined in s. 943.10, 27 and traffic accident investigation officers, as described in 28 s. 316.640, and traffic infraction enforcement officers, as 29 described in s. 316.640 318.141, are authorized to administer 30 oaths notaries public when engaged in the performance of 31 official duties. Sections 117.01, 117.04, 117.045, 117.05, and 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 117.103 do not apply to the provisions of this section. An 2 officer may not notarize his or her own signature. 3 Section 7. Section 117.107, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 117.107 Prohibited acts.-- 6 (1) A notary public may not use a name or initial in 7 signing certificates other than that by which the notary 8 public is commissioned. 9 (2) A notary public may not acknowledge an instrument 10 in which the notary public's name appears as a party to the 11 transaction. 12 (2)(3) A notary public may not affix his or her 13 signature to a blank form of affidavit or certificate of 14 acknowledgment and deliver that form to another person with 15 the intent that it be used as an affidavit or acknowledgment. 16 (4) A notary public may not take the acknowledgment of 17 or administer an oath to a person whom the notary public 18 actually knows to have been adjudged mentally incapacitated by 19 a court of competent jurisdiction, where the acknowledgment or 20 oath necessitates the exercise of a right that has been 21 removed pursuant to s. 744.3215(2) or (3), and where the 22 person has not been restored to capacity as a matter of 23 record. 24 (3)(5) A notary public may not take the acknowledgment 25 of a person or administer an oath to a person who is blind 26 until the notary public has read the instrument to such 27 person. 28 (4)(6) A notary public may not take the acknowledgment 29 of a person or administer an oath to a person who does not 30 speak or understand the English language, unless the nature 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 and effect of the instrument to be notarized is translated 2 into a language which the person does understand. 3 (5)(7) A notary public may not change anything in a 4 written instrument after it has been signed by anyone. 5 Section 8. Subsection (1) of section 11.03, Florida 6 Statutes, is amended to read: 7 11.03 Proof of publication of notice.-- 8 (1) Affidavit of proof of publication of such notice 9 of intention to apply therefor, may be made, in substantially 10 the following general form, but such form shall not be 11 exclusive: 12 13 STATE OF FLORIDA 14 COUNTY OF .... 15 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared 16 ...., who on oath does solemnly swear (or affirm) that she or 17 he has knowledge of the matters stated herein; that a notice 18 stating the substance of a contemplated law or proposed bill 19 relating to 20 ...(here identify bill)... 21 has been published at least 30 days prior to this date, by 22 being printed in the issues of ...(here state day, month and 23 year of issue or issues)... of the ...., a newspaper or 24 newspapers published in .... County or Counties, Florida (or) 25 there being no newspaper, by being posted for at least 30 days 26 prior to this date at three public places in .... County or 27 Counties, one of which places was at the courthouse of said 28 county or counties, where the matter or thing to be affected 29 by the contemplated law is situated; that a copy of the notice 30 that has been published as aforesaid and also this affidavit 31 of proof of publication are attached to the proposed bill or 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 contemplated law, and such copy of the notice so attached is 2 by reference made a part of this affidavit. 3 .............................................................. 4 5 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 6 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 7 statement).... 8 9 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 10 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 11 Public)... 12 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 13 ........ 14 Type of Identification Produced........................ 15 16 Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... 19.... 17 (SEAL) 18 ...(Signature)... 19 Notary Public, State of Florida. 20 My commission expires .... 21 22 Section 9. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 23 475.180, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 24 475.180 Nonresident licenses.-- 25 (2)(a) Any applicant who is not a resident of this 26 state shall file an irrevocable consent that suits and actions 27 may be commenced against him in any county of this state in 28 which a plaintiff having a cause of action or suit against him 29 resides, and that service of any process or pleading in suits 30 or actions against him may be made by delivering the process 31 or pleading to the director of the Division of Real Estate by 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 certified mail, return receipt requested, and also to the 2 licensee by registered mail addressed to him at his designated 3 principal place of business. Service, when so made, must be 4 taken and held in all courts to be as valid and binding upon 5 the licensee as if made upon him in this state within the 6 jurisdiction of the court in which the suit or action is 7 filed. The irrevocable consent must be in a form prescribed by 8 the department and be acknowledged before by a notary public. 9 Section 10. Subsection (3) of section 713.08, Florida 10 Statutes, is amended to read: 11 713.08 Claim of lien.-- 12 (3) The claim of lien shall be sufficient if it is in 13 substantially the following form: 14 15 CLAIM OF LIEN 16 State of .... 17 County of .... 18 Before me, the undersigned notary public, personally 19 appeared ...., who was duly sworn and says that he is (the 20 lienor herein) (the agent of the lienor herein ....), whose 21 address is ....; and that in accordance with a contract with 22 ...., lienor furnished labor, services, or materials 23 consisting of .... on the following described real property in 24 .... County, Florida: 25 26 (Legal description of real property) 27 28 owned by .... of a total value of $...., of which there 29 remains unpaid $...., and furnished the first of the items on 30 ...., 19...., and the last of the items on ...., 19....; and 31 (if the lien is claimed by one not in privity with the owner) 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 that the lienor served his notice to owner on ...., 19...., by 2 ....; and (if required) that the lienor served copies of the 3 notice on the contractor on ...., 19...., by .... and on the 4 subcontractor, ...., on ...., 19...., by ..... 5 ...(Signature)... 6 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 7 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 8 statement).... 9 10 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 11 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 12 Public)... 13 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 14 ........ 15 Type of Identification Produced........................ 16 17 Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... day of ...., 18 19..... 19 ...(Notary Public)... My commission expires: .... 20 21 Section 11. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 22 713.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 23 713.13 Notice of commencement.-- 24 (1) 25 (d) A notice of commencement must be in substantially 26 the following form: 27 28 Permit No..... Tax Folio No..... 29 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 30 State of.... 31 County of.... 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 2 The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be 3 made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 4 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided 5 in this Notice of Commencement. 6 1. Description of property: ...(legal description of 7 the property, and street address if available).... 8 2. General description of improvement:..... 9 3. Owner information:..... 10 a. Name and address:..... 11 b. Interest in property:..... 12 c. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if 13 other than Owner):..... 14 4. Contractor: ...(name and address).... 15 a. Phone number:..... 16 b. Fax number:....(optional, if service by fax is 17 acceptable). 18 5. Surety 19 a. Name and address:..... 20 b. Phone number:..... 21 c. Fax number:....(optional, if service by fax is 22 acceptable). 23 d. Amount of bond: $..... 24 6. Lender: ...(name and address).... 25 a. Phone number:..... 26 b. Fax number:....(optional, if service by fax is 27 acceptable). 28 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by 29 Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as 30 provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes: 31 ...(name and address).... 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 a. Phone number:..... 2 b. Fax number:....(optional, if service by fax is 3 acceptable). 4 8. In addition to himself, Owner designates 5 ............ of ............ to receive a copy of the Lienor's 6 Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. 7 a. Phone number:..... 8 b. Fax number:....(optional, if service by fax is 9 acceptable). 10 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the 11 expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a 12 different date is specified)..... 13 14 ...(Signature of Owner)... 15 16 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 17 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 18 statement).... 19 20 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 21 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 22 Public)... 23 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 24 ........ 25 Type of Identification Produced........................ 26 27 Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... day of ...., 28 19..... 29 30 ...(Notary Public)... My Commission Expires:..... 31 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 Section 12. Subsection (7) of section 713.135, Florida 2 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 713.135 Notice of commencement and applicability of 4 lien.-- 5 (7) In addition to any other information required by 6 the authority issuing the permit, the building permit 7 application must be in substantially the following form: 8 9 Tax Folio No......... 10 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 11 12 Owner's Name.................................................. 13 Owner's Address............................................... 14 Fee Simple Titleholder's Name (If other than owner)........... 15 Fee Simple Titleholder's Address (If other than owner)........ 16 City.......................................................... 17 State............ Zip............ 18 Contractor's Name............................................. 19 Contractor's Address.......................................... 20 City.......................................................... 21 State............ Zip............ 22 Job Name...................................................... 23 Job Address................................................... 24 City................ County............ 25 Legal Description............................................. 26 Bonding Company............................................... 27 Bonding Company Address....................................... 28 City................ State............ 29 Architect/Engineer's Name..................................... 30 Architect/Engineer's Address.................................. 31 Mortgage Lender's Name........................................ 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 Mortgage Lender's Address..................................... 2 3 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the 4 work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work 5 or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a 6 permit and that all work will be performed to meet the 7 standards of all laws regulating construction in this 8 jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be 9 secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, 10 FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. 11 12 OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing 13 information is accurate and that all work will be done in 14 compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction 15 and zoning. 16 17 WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A 18 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR 19 PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. 20 21 IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH 22 YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING 23 YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. 24 ...(Signature of Owner or Agent)... 25 ...(including contractor)......... 26 STATE OF FLORIDA 27 COUNTY OF ........ 28 29 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 30 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 31 statement).... 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 2 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 3 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 4 Public)... 5 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 6 ........ 7 Type of Identification Produced........................ 8 ...(Signature of Contractor)... 9 10 STATE OF FLORIDA 11 COUNTY OF ........ 12 13 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 14 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 15 statement).... 16 17 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 18 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 19 Public)... 20 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 21 ........ 22 Type of Identification Produced........................ 23 24 Signature.... Signature.... 25 Owner or Agent Contractor 26 (including contractor) 27 28 Date.... Date.... 29 30 NOTARY as NOTARY as 31 to Owner or Agent.... to Contractor.... 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 My Commission Expires:.... My Commission Expires:.... 2 3 (Certificate of Competency Holder) 4 5 Contractor's State Certification or Registration No..... 6 7 Contractor's Certificate of Competency No......... 8 9 APPLICATION APPROVED BY................Permit Officer 10 11 Section 13. Subsections (4), (6), and (8) of section 12 713.245, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 13 713.245 Conditional payment bond.-- 14 (4) Within 90 days after a claim of lien is recorded 15 for labor, services, or materials for which the contractor has 16 been paid, the owner or the contractor may record a notice of 17 bond as specified in s. 713.23(2), together with a copy of the 18 bond and a sworn statement in substantially the following 19 form: 20 21 CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT TO THE CONTRACTOR 22 23 TO: Lienor ...(name and address from claim of lien)... 24 Contractor ...(name and address)... 25 Surety ...(name and address)... 26 27 Under penalties of perjury, the undersigned certifies 28 that the bond recorded with this certificate conforms with s. 29 713.245, F.S., that the bond is in full force and effect, and 30 that the contractor has been paid $.... for the labor, 31 services, and materials described in the Claim of Lien filed 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 by ........ dated ...., 19...., and recorded ........, 19...., 2 in Official Records Book .... at Page .... of the Public 3 Records of ........ County, Florida. 4 5 Dated this .... day of ........, 19..... 6 ...(Owner)... 7 ...(Address)... 8 ............ 9 ............ 10 11 STATE OF FLORIDA 12 COUNTY OF ........ 13 14 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 15 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 16 statement).... 17 18 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 19 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 20 Public)... 21 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 22 ........ 23 Type of Identification Produced........................ 24 25 Sworn to and subscribed before me, 26 the undersigned authority, this 27 .... day of ...., 19..... 28 29 ...(Name)... 30 NOTARY PUBLIC 31 My Commission Expires: 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 ...(Contractor)... 2 ...(Address)... 3 ............ 4 ............ 5 6 STATE OF FLORIDA 7 COUNTY OF ........ 8 9 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 10 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 11 statement).... 12 13 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 14 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 15 Public)... 16 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 17 ........ 18 Type of Identification Produced........................ 19 20 Sworn to and subscribed before me, 21 the undersigned authority, this 22 .... day of ...., 19..... 23 24 ...(Name)... 25 NOTARY PUBLIC 26 My Commission Expires: 27 28 Any notice of bond recorded more than 90 days after the 29 recording of the claim of lien shall have no force or effect 30 as to that lien unless the owner, the contractor and the 31 surety all sign the notice of bond. 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 (6) The contractor may join in a certificate of 2 payment to the contractor at any time by recording a sworn 3 statement substantially in the following form: 4 5 JOINDER IN CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT 6 7 TO: Owner ...(name and address from certificate of payment)... 8 Lienor ...(name and address from claim of lien)... 9 Surety ...(name and address)... 10 11 The undersigned joins in the Certificate of Payment to the 12 Contractor recorded on ........, 19...., in Official Records 13 Book .... at Page .... of the Public Records of ........ 14 County, Florida, and certifies that the facts stated in the 15 Certificate of Payment to the Contractor are true and correct. 16 17 Dated this .... day of ........, 19..... 18 ...(Name)... 19 ...(Address)... 20 ............ 21 ............ 22 23 STATE OF FLORIDA 24 COUNTY OF ........ 25 26 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 27 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 28 statement).... 29 30 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 31 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 Public)... 2 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 3 ........ 4 Type of Identification Produced........................ 5 6 Sworn to and subscribed before me, 7 the undersigned authority, this 8 .... day of ...., 19..... 9 10 ...(Name)... 11 NOTARY PUBLIC 12 My Commission Expires: 13 14 (8) If the contractor disputes the certificate of 15 payment to the contractor, the contractor must record, not 16 later than 15 days after the date the clerk certifies service 17 of the certificate, a sworn statement in substantially the 18 following form: 19 20 NOTICE OF CONTEST OF PAYMENT 21 22 TO: Owner ...(name and address from certificate of payment)... 23 Lienor ...(name and address from claim of lien)... 24 Surety ...(name and address)... 25 26 Under penalties of perjury, the undersigned certifies 27 that the contractor has not been paid or has only been paid 28 $.... for the labor, services, and materials described in the 29 Certificate of Payment to the Contractor recorded in Official 30 Records Book .... at Page .... of the Public Records of 31 ........ County, Florida. 28 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 2 Dated this .... day of ........, 19..... 3 ...(Name)... 4 ...(Address)... 5 ............ 6 ............ 7 8 STATE OF FLORIDA 9 COUNTY OF ........ 10 11 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 12 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 13 statement).... 14 15 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 16 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 17 Public)... 18 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 19 ........ 20 Type of Identification Produced........................ 21 22 Sworn to and subscribed before me, 23 the undersigned authority, this 24 .... day of ...., 19..... 25 26 ...(Name)... 27 NOTARY PUBLIC 28 My Commission Expires: 29 30 Section 14. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 31 727.104, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 29 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 727.104 Commencement of proceedings.-- 2 (1) 3 (b) The assignment shall be in substantially the 4 following form: 5 6 ASSIGNMENT 7 8 ASSIGNMENT, made this .... day of ...., 19...., between ...., 9 with a principal place of business at ...., hereinafter 10 "assignor," and ...., whose address is ...., hereinafter 11 "assignee." 12 WHEREAS, the assignor has been engaged in the business 13 of ........; 14 WHEREAS, the assignor is indebted to creditors, as set 15 forth in Schedule A annexed hereto, is unable to pay its debts 16 as they become due, and is desirous of providing for the 17 payment of its debts, so far as it is possible by an 18 assignment of all of its assets for that purpose. 19 NOW, THEREFORE, the assignor, in consideration of the 20 assignee's acceptance of this assignment, and for other good 21 and valuable consideration, hereby grants, assigns, conveys, 22 transfers, and sets over, unto the assignee, his successors 23 and assigns, all of its assets, except such assets as are 24 exempt by law from levy and sale under an execution, 25 including, but not limited to, all real property, fixtures, 26 goods, stock, inventory, equipment, furniture, furnishings, 27 accounts receivable, bank deposits, cash, promissory notes, 28 cash value and proceeds of insurance policies, claims and 29 demands belonging to the assignor, wherever such assets may be 30 located, hereinafter the "estate," as which assets are, to the 31 30 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 best knowledge and belief of the assignor, set forth on 2 Schedule B annexed hereto. 3 The assignee shall take possession and administer the 4 estate in accordance with the provisions of chapter 727, 5 Florida Statutes, and shall liquidate the assets of the estate 6 with reasonable dispatch and convert the estate into money, 7 collect all claims and demands hereby assigned as may be 8 collectible, and pay and discharge all reasonable expenses, 9 costs, and disbursements in connection with the execution and 10 administration of this assignment from the proceeds of such 11 liquidations and collections. 12 The assignee shall then pay and discharge in full, to 13 the extent that funds are available in the estate after 14 payment of administrative expenses, costs, and disbursements, 15 all of the debts and liabilities now due from the assignor, 16 including interest on such debts and liabilities. If funds of 17 the estate shall not be sufficient to pay such debts and 18 liabilities in full, then the assignee shall pay from funds of 19 the estate such debts and liabilities, on a pro rata basis and 20 in proportion to their priority as set forth in s. 727.114, 21 Florida Statutes. 22 In the event that all debts and liabilities are paid in 23 full, any funds of the estate remaining shall be returned to 24 the assignor. 25 To accomplish the purposes of this assignment, the 26 assignor hereby appoints the assignee its true and lawful 27 attorney, irrevocable, with full power and authority to do all 28 acts and things which may be necessary to execute the 29 assignment hereby created; to demand and recover from all 30 persons all assets of the estate; to sue for the recovery of 31 such assets; to execute, acknowledge, and deliver all 31 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 necessary deeds, instruments, and conveyances; and to appoint 2 one or more attorneys under him to assist him in carrying out 3 his duties hereunder. 4 The assignor hereby authorizes the assignee to sign the 5 name of the assignor to any check, draft, promissory note, or 6 other instrument in writing which is payable to the order of 7 the assignor, or to sign the name of the assignor to any 8 instrument in writing, whenever it shall be necessary to do 9 so, to carry out the purpose of this assignment. 10 The assignee hereby accepts the trust created by the 11 assignment, and agrees with the assignor that the assignee 12 will faithfully and without delay carry out his duties under 13 the assignment. 14 15 ................ 16 Assignor 17 18 ................ 19 Assignee 20 21 STATE OF FLORIDA 22 COUNTY OF ........ SS: ........ 23 24 The foregoing assignment was acknowledged before me 25 this .... day of ...., 19...., by ...., as assignor, and by 26 ...., as assignee, for the purposes therein expressed. 27 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 28 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 29 Public)... 30 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 31 ........ 32 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 Type of Identification Produced........................ 2 3 4 ................ 5 Notary Public 6 7 My Commission Expires: 8 9 Section 15. Section 732.503, Florida Statutes, is 10 amended to read: 11 732.503 Self-proof of will.--A will or codicil 12 executed in conformity with s. 732.502(1) and (2) may be made 13 self-proved at the time of its execution or at any subsequent 14 date by the acknowledgment of it by the testator and the 15 affidavits of the witnesses, each made before an officer 16 authorized to administer oaths and evidenced by the officer's 17 certificate attached to or following the will, in 18 substantially the following form: 19 20 STATE OF .... 21 COUNTY OF .... 22 We, ...., ...., and .... the testator and the 23 witnesses, respectively, whose names are signed to the 24 attached or foregoing instrument, having been sworn, declared 25 to the undersigned officer that the testator, in the presence 26 of witnesses, signed the instrument as his last will 27 (codicil), that he (signed) (or directed another to sign for 28 him), and that each of the witnesses, in the presence of the 29 testator and in the presence of each other, signed the will as 30 a witness. 31 ...(Testator)... 33 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 ...(Witness)... 2 ...(Witness)... 3 Subscribed and sworn to before me by ...., the testator 4 a witness who is personally known to me or who has produced 5 ...(type of identification)... as identification, and by .... 6 a witness who is personally known to me or who has produced 7 ...(type of identification)... as identification, and by ...., 8 a witness who is personally known to me or who has produced 9 ...(type of identification)... as identification, on ...., 10 19..... 11 ...(Signature of Notary Public)... 12 ...(Print, type, or stamp commissioned name of Notary 13 Public)... 14 My Commission Expires: .... 15 16 Section 16. Subsection (1) of section 747.051, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended to read: 18 747.051 Summary procedure.-- 19 (1) If the wife of any person defined as an absentee 20 in s. 747.01(1), or his next of kin if said absentee has no 21 wife, shall wish to sell or transfer any property of the 22 absentee which has a gross value of less than $5,000, or shall 23 require the consent of the absentee in any matter regarding 24 the absentee's children or in any other matter in which the 25 gross value of the subject matter is less than $5,000, she may 26 apply to the circuit court for an order authorizing said sale, 27 transfer, or consent without opening a full conservatorship 28 proceeding as provided by this chapter. She may make the 29 application without the assistance of an attorney. Said 30 application shall be made by petition on the following form, 31 34 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 which form shall be made readily available to the applicant by 2 the clerk of the circuit court: 3 4 In the Circuit Court 5 6 In re: ...(Absentee)..., case number ..... 7 8 PETITION FOR SUMMARY RELIEF 9 10 Petitioner, ...(Name)..., whose residence is ...(Street & 11 number)..., ...(City or town)..., and ...(County)..., Florida, 12 and who is the ...(Describe relationship to absentee)... of 13 the absentee, ...(Name)..., states that the absentee has been 14 ...(Imprisoned or missing in action)... since ...(Date)... 15 when ...(Describe details).... Petitioner desires to 16 sell/transfer ...(Describe property)... of the value of 17 ...(Value)... because ...(Give reasons).... The terms of 18 sale/transfer are ...(Give reasons).... Petitioner requires 19 the consent of the absentee for the purpose of ..... 20 ...(Petitioner)... 21 State of Florida 22 County of.... 23 24 Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 25 .... day of ........, 19...., by ...(name of person making 26 statement).... 27 28 ...(Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida)... 29 ...(Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary 30 Public)... 31 35 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. CS/HB 1125, First Engrossed 1 Personally Known ........ OR Produced Identification 2 ........ 3 Type of Identification Produced........................ 4 5 6 The above named, ...., being by me duly sworn, says the 7 foregoing petition is true and correct to the best of his/her 8 knowledge and belief. 9 ...(Notary Public or County Court Judge)... 10 My commission expires .... 11 12 Section 17. This act shall take effect January 1, 13 1998. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 36