CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1129

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 By Representative Peaden 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to correctional work programs; 3 amending s. 212.08, F.S., relating to specified 4 exemptions from retail sale, rental, use, 5 consumption, distribution, and storage taxes; 6 providing an exemption for products sold by the 7 corporation authorized to operate correctional 8 work programs; providing for applicability of 9 the exemption retroactive to July 1, 1983; 10 amending s. 283.31, F.S., relating to records 11 of executive agency publications; removing 12 requirement for financial and performance 13 audits of the corporation by the Auditor 14 General of the corporation; amending s. 15 946.503, F.S.; redefining "facilities" with 16 respect to correctional work programs; amending 17 s. 946.504, F.S., relating to lease of 18 facilities by the Department of Corrections to 19 corporation authorized to operate correctional 20 work programs, to conform; prohibiting the 21 department from producing commodities or 22 services utilizing inmate labor which are 23 substantially similar to those produced in 24 correctional work programs of the corporation 25 without the corporation's written consent; 26 amending s. 946.505, F.S., relating to 27 reversion of property to the department upon 28 dissolution of corporation or termination of 29 lease, and reenacting s. 946.509(1), F.S., 30 relating to insurance of property leased or 31 acquired by the corporation, to incorporate 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 said amendment in a reference; providing for 2 reversion of certain facilities subsequently 3 constructed or otherwise acquired after the 4 original lease; amending s. 946.511, F.S.; 5 revising objectives and priorities for 6 assignment of inmates to programs to specify 7 priority with respect to essential operational 8 functions and revenue-generating contracts; 9 amending s. 946.512, F.S., relating to inmate 10 compensation plan, and reenacting s. 11 946.513(1), F.S., relating to disposition of 12 compensation received for private employment of 13 inmates, to incorporate said amendment in a 14 reference; providing for certain payments to 15 the Correctional Work Program Trust Fund in 16 lieu of the Grants and Donations Trust Fund; 17 removing provision for annual appropriation; 18 amending s. 946.515, F.S., and reenacting s. 19 946.518, F.S., relating to prohibitions on sale 20 of goods by prisoners, to incorporate said 21 amendment in a reference; permitting the 22 furnishing or sale of services or items 23 produced by the corporation when not otherwise 24 prohibited by law; amending s. 946.516, F.S.; 25 requiring a performance audit in 1999 of the 26 corporation by the Office of Program Policy 27 Analysis and Government Accountability instead 28 of financial and performance audits by the 29 Auditor General; repealing s. 945.04(4), F.S., 30 relating to certain requirements for 31 assignments of inmates within a specified 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 period of their release dates, and report by 2 the department thereon; repealing s. 946.009, 3 F.S., relating to operational guidelines for 4 correctional work programs; providing an 5 effective date. 6 7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 8 9 Section 1. Paragraph (nn) is added to subsection (7) 10 of section 212.08, Florida Statutes, to read: 11 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, 12 and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail, 13 the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and 14 the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the 15 following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed 16 by this part. 17 (7) MISCELLANEOUS EXEMPTIONS.-- 18 (nn) Nonprofit corporation conducting the correctional 19 work programs.--Products sold pursuant to s. 946.515 by the 20 corporation organized pursuant to part II of chapter 946 are 21 exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter. This exemption 22 applies retroactively to July 1, 1983. 23 Section 2. Section 283.31, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 283.31 Records of executive agency publications.--Each 26 agency shall maintain a record of any publication the printing 27 of which costs in excess of the threshold amount provided in 28 s. 287.017 for CATEGORY THREE, at least part of which is paid 29 for by state funds appropriated by the Legislature. Such 30 record shall also contain the following: written 31 justification of the need for such publication, purpose of 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 such publication, legislative or administrative authority, 2 sources of funding, frequency and number of issues, and 3 reasons for deciding to have the publication printed in-house, 4 by another agency or the Legislature, or purchased on bid. In 5 addition, such record shall contain the comparative costs of 6 alternative printing methods when such costs were a factor in 7 deciding upon a method. Compliance with the provisions of this 8 section shall be included within the scope of audits performed 9 by the Auditor General on each agency, and such audits shall 10 be performed not less than once every 3 years. The Auditor 11 General shall also conduct a financial-related and performance 12 audit of the corporation operating the correctional industry 13 program. Such audit shall be conducted once every 3 years, 14 and the first audit shall be for the period July 1, 1988, 15 through June 30, 1990, to be completed prior to the 1991 16 regular legislative session. Such audit shall include a 17 review of the printing that the corporation has done for state 18 agencies. This review shall include the cost of materials 19 used, the cost of labor, the cost of overhead, the amount of 20 profit made by the corporation for such printing, and whether 21 the state agencies that contract with the corporation for 22 printing are prudently determining the price paid for such 23 printing. Such audits shall be completed no later than the 24 first day of the regular legislative session. 25 Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 946.503, Florida 26 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 27 946.503 Definitions to be used with respect to 28 correctional work programs.--As used in ss. 946.502-946.518, 29 the term: 30 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 (4) "Facilities" means the buildings and, land, 2 equipment, and other chattels used in the operation of an 3 industry program on state property. 4 Section 4. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 946.504, 5 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended to read: 6 946.504 Organization of corporation to operate 7 correctional work programs; lease of facilities.-- 8 (1) The department shall lease the buildings and, 9 land, furnishings, equipment, and other chattels used in the 10 operation of each correctional work program operated by the 11 department to the a nonprofit corporation authorized to 12 operate the correctional work programs, the members of which 13 are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. 14 The same appointment process shall be followed to fill any 15 vacancy. The corporation shall be organized pursuant to 16 chapter 617 and shall possess all the powers granted by that 17 chapter. 18 (4) If the department leases a single correctional 19 work program at any correctional institution to the 20 corporation, the corporation shall lease all such correctional 21 work programs at that institution. The department shall not 22 produce commodities or services utilizing inmate labor in this 23 state in correctional work programs operated under part I if 24 the corporation operating the correctional work programs under 25 part II is currently producing or has submitted a business 26 plan to the department to produce substantially similar 27 commodities or services in its correctional work programs 28 without the written consent of the corporation. 29 Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 946.505, Florida 30 Statutes, is amended to read: 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 946.505 Reversion upon dissolution of corporation or 2 termination of lease.-- 3 (1) In the event the corporation is dissolved or its 4 lease of any correctional work program expires or is otherwise 5 terminated, all property relating to such correctional work 6 program which ceases to function because of such termination 7 or dissolution, including all funds, buildings, land, 8 furnishings, equipment, and other chattels originally leased 9 from the department, as well as any subsequently constructed 10 purchased or otherwise acquired facilities by the corporation 11 in connection with its continued operation of that program, 12 automatically reverts to full ownership by the department 13 unless the corporation intends to utilize such property in 14 another correctional work program. Such a reversionary 15 ownership interest of the state in any and all such 16 after-acquired facilities property by the corporation is in 17 furtherance of the goals established in s. 946.502(4), and 18 such a present ownership interest by the state is a continuing 19 and insurable state interest. 20 (2) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (1), 21 the ownership of any permanent enhancements made to facilities 22 or work programs is vested in the department. 23 Section 6. For the purpose of incorporating the 24 amendment to section 946.505(1), Florida Statutes, in a 25 reference thereto, subsection (1) of section 946.509, Florida 26 Statutes, is reenacted to read: 27 946.509 Insurance of property leased or acquired by 28 the corporation.-- 29 (1) The State Property Insurance Trust Fund created 30 under s. 284.01 shall insure all property eligible for 31 coverage under part I of chapter 284 which is leased by the 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 department to the corporation or which is subsequently 2 acquired and owned by the corporation and subject to the 3 reversionary ownership interest of the state established in s. 4 946.505. 5 Section 7. Subsection (1) of section 946.511, Florida 6 Statutes, is amended to read: 7 946.511 Provision of inmate labor to operate 8 correctional work programs; policies and procedures.-- 9 (1) Inmates shall be evaluated and identified during 10 the reception process to determine basic literacy, employment 11 skills, academic skills, vocational skills, and remedial and 12 rehabilitative needs. The evaluation shall prescribe 13 education, work, and work-training for each inmate. Assignment 14 to programs shall be based on the evaluation and the length of 15 time the inmate will be in the custody of the department. 16 Assignment to programs shall be reviewed every 6 months to 17 ensure proper placement based on bed space availability. 18 Assignment of inmates to correctional work programs, 19 institutional labor, and public agency work programs shall be 20 governed by the following objectives and priorities: 21 (a) Inmates shall be assigned to meet the needs of the 22 work requirements of the Department of Corrections, including 23 essential operational functions and revenue-generating 24 existing Department of Transportation contracts, such as lease 25 agreements with the corporation operating the correctional 26 industry programs. 27 (b) Inmates shall be assigned to correctional 28 education and the corporation operating the correctional 29 industry program. 30 (c) Inmates shall be assigned to meet all other work 31 requirements of the department, including remaining 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 operational functions and nonrevenue-generating contracts 2 public works. 3 Section 8. Section 946.512, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 946.512 Inmate compensation plan.--The corporation 6 shall establish a compensation plan which provides for a 7 specific amount to be paid to the department to be credited to 8 an account for an inmate performing labor and a portion shall 9 be used to make any court-ordered payments, including 10 restitution to the victim, and a specific amount to be paid to 11 the department's Correctional Work Program Trust Fund to be 12 used as provided in s. 946.32 Grants and Donations Trust Fund. 13 Such funds, excluding victim restitution payments, 14 court-ordered payments, and the amount credited to the account 15 of the inmate, shall be deposited in the department's 16 Correctional Work Program Trust Fund to be used as provided in 17 s. 946.32 Grants and Donations Trust Fund. The funds shall be 18 appropriated annually. 19 Section 9. For the purpose of incorporating the 20 amendment to section 946.512, Florida Statutes, in a reference 21 thereto, subsection (1) of section 946.513, Florida Statutes, 22 is reenacted to read: 23 946.513 Private employment of inmates; disposition of 24 compensation received.-- 25 (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, 26 an inmate may be employed by the corporation or by any other 27 private entity operating on the grounds of a correctional 28 institution prior to the last 24 months of his confinement. 29 Compensation received for such employment shall be credited by 30 the department to an account for the inmate and shall be used 31 to make any court-ordered payments, including restitution to 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 the victim. The department rules shall provide that a portion 2 of such compensation be credited by the department in the 3 manner provided in s. 946.512. 4 Section 10. Subsection (1) of section 946.515, Florida 5 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 6 946.515 Use of goods and services produced in 7 correctional work programs.-- 8 (1) Any service or item manufactured, processed, 9 grown, or produced by the corporation in a correctional work 10 program may be furnished or sold to any legislative, 11 executive, or judicial agency of the state, any political 12 subdivision, any other state, any foreign entity or agent 13 thereof, any agency of the Federal Government, to any contract 14 vendor for such agencies or any subcontractor of the contract 15 vendor, or to any person, firm, or business entity if not 16 prohibited authorized by federal law. 17 Section 11. For the purpose of incorporating the 18 amendment to section 946.515(1), Florida Statutes, 1996 19 Supplement, in a reference thereto, section 946.518, Florida 20 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is reenacted to read: 21 946.518 Sale of goods made by prisoners; when 22 prohibited, when permitted.--Goods, wares, or merchandise 23 manufactured or mined in whole or in part by prisoners (except 24 prisoners on parole or probation) may not be sold or offered 25 for sale in this state by any person or by any federal 26 authority or state or political subdivision thereof; however, 27 this section and s. 946.21 do not forbid the sale, exchange, 28 or disposition of such goods within the limitations set forth 29 in s. 946.006(3), s. 946.515, or s. 946.519. 30 Section 12. Subsection (3) of section 946.516, Florida 31 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 946.516 Report to Governor and Legislature by the 2 corporation; Department of Corrections report; report to 3 Governor and Legislature by Office of Program Policy Analysis 4 and Government Accountability Auditor General.-- 5 (3) The Office of Program Policy Analysis and 6 Government Accountability Auditor General shall biennially 7 conduct a financial and performance audit of the corporation 8 in 1999, which shall be conducted in conjunction with an 9 independent audit conducted by the auditors of the 10 corporation. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and 11 Government Accountability Auditor General shall conduct 12 additional audits upon the request of the Joint Legislative 13 Auditing Committee. 14 Section 13. Subsection (4) of section 945.04, Florida 15 Statutes, as created by chapter 95-283, Laws of Florida, is 16 hereby repealed. 17 Section 14. Section 946.009, Florida Statutes, 1996 18 Supplement, as amended by chapters 95-325 and 96-278, Laws of 19 Florida, is hereby repealed. 20 Section 15. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 21 law. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1129 557-118-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Provides an exemption from the retail sale, rental, use, 4 consumption, distribution, and storage taxes for products sold by the corporation authorized to operate 5 correctional work programs, retroactively applicable from July 1, 1983. Removes requirement for financial and 6 performance audits of the corporation by the Auditor General of the corporation. Repeals specified provisions 7 relating to certain requirements for assignments of inmates within a specified period of their release dates, 8 and report by the department thereon. 9 Redefines "facilities" with respect to correctional work 10 programs and revises specified provisions relating to lease of facilities by the Department of Corrections to 11 the corporation authorized to operate correctional work programs, to conform. Prohibits the department from 12 producing commodities or services utilizing inmate labor which are substantially similar to those produced in 13 correctional work programs of the corporation without the corporation's written consent. Revises provisions 14 relating to reversion of property to the department upon dissolution of corporation or termination of lease to 15 provide for reversion of facilities subsequently constructed or otherwise acquired after the original 16 lease. Revises objectives and priorities for assignment of inmates to programs to specify priority with respect 17 to essential operational functions and revenue-generating contracts. Provides for certain inmate compensation 18 payments to the Correctional Work Program Trust Fund in lieu of the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, and removes 19 provision for annual appropriation. Permits the furnishing or sale of services or items produced by the 20 corporation when not otherwise prohibited by law. Requires a performance audit in 1999 of the corporation 21 by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability instead of financial and performance 22 audits by the Auditor General. Repeals specified provisions relating to operational guidelines for 23 correctional work programs. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11