CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1131

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 By Representative Cosgrove 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to art therapy; creating part 3 XV of chapter 468, F.S., the Art Therapy 4 Practice Act; providing a short title and 5 purpose; providing definitions; requiring art 6 therapists to be licensed by the Board of 7 Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family 8 Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling; 9 providing rulemaking authority to the board for 10 purposes of regulating art therapists; creating 11 the Art Therapy Council to assist the board in 12 such regulation; providing licensure 13 requirements; providing for a licensure 14 examination; providing for licensure by 15 endorsement; providing disciplinary measures 16 and the actions to which they may be applied; 17 providing for license renewal, including 18 continuing education requirements; providing 19 for fees; prohibiting certain acts; providing 20 penalties; specifying persons and practices not 21 affected; providing an effective date. 22 23 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 24 25 Section 1. Part XV of chapter 468, Florida Statutes, 26 consisting of sections 468.801, 468.803, 468.805, 468.807, 27 468.809, 468.811, 468.813, 468.815, 468,817, 468,819, 468,821, 28 468.823, 468.825, and 468.827, is created to read: 29 PART XV 30 ART THERAPY 31 468.801 Short title; purpose.-- 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 (1) This part may be cited as the "Art Therapy 2 Practice Act." 3 (2) It is the purpose of this part to provide for the 4 regulation of persons offering art therapy services to the 5 public in order to: 6 (a) Safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare. 7 (b) Protect the public from being misled by 8 incompetent, unscrupulous, and unauthorized persons. 9 (c) Ensure the highest degree of professional conduct 10 on the part of art therapists. 11 (d) Ensure the availability of art therapy services of 12 high quality to persons in need of such services. 13 468.803 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term: 14 (1) "Association" means the Art Therapy Association of 15 Florida. 16 (2) "Board" means the Board of Clinical Social Work, 17 Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling. 18 (3) "Art therapist" means a person licensed to 19 practice art therapy under this part whose license is in good 20 standing. 21 (4) "Art therapy" means the evaluation and treatment 22 of individuals whose ability to cope with the tasks of living 23 are threatened or impaired by developmental deficits, the 24 aging process, poverty and cultural differences, physical 25 injury or illness, or psychological and social disability. 26 The treatment utilizes art-oriented activities to prevent or 27 correct emotional deficits or to minimize the disabling effect 28 of these deficits in the life of the individual. 29 (5) "Art therapy aide" means a person who assists in 30 the practice of art therapy, who works under the direct 31 supervision of a person licensed to practice art therapy under 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 this part, and whose activities require an understanding of 2 art therapy but do not require professional or advanced 3 training in the basic anatomical, biological, psychological, 4 and social sciences involved in the practice of art therapy. 5 (6) "Art therapy assistant" means a person licensed to 6 assist in the practice of art therapy who works under the 7 supervision of an art therapist and whose license is in good 8 standing. 9 (7) "Person" means any individual, partnership, 10 unincorporated organization, or corporate body, except that 11 only an individual may be licensed under this part. 12 (8) "Supervision" means responsible supervision and 13 control, with the licensed art therapist providing both 14 initial direction in developing a plan of treatment and 15 periodic inspection of the actual implementation of the plan. 16 Such plan of treatment may not be altered by the supervised 17 individual without prior consultation with, and the approval 18 of, the supervising art therapist. The supervising art 19 therapist need not always be physically present or on the 20 premises when the assistant is performing services; however, 21 except in cases of emergency, supervision shall require the 22 availability of the supervising art therapist for consultation 23 with and direction of the supervised individual. 24 468.805 Authority to adopt rules.--The board may adopt 25 such rules not inconsistent with law as may be necessary to 26 carry out the duties and authority conferred upon the board by 27 this part and as may be necessary to protect the health, 28 safety, and welfare of the public. 29 468.807 Art Therapy Council.-- 30 (1) There is created an Art Therapy Council under the 31 supervision of the board, to be composed of five members who 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 are art therapists licensed under this part. However, for 2 purposes of the initial appointments and staggering of terms, 3 the board shall appoint three members for terms of 4 years 4 each and two members for terms of 3 years each, each of whom, 5 in lieu of being licensed under this part, must be an art 6 therapist registered with the American Art Therapy Association 7 who is a member of the Art Therapy Association of Florida and 8 who has engaged in the practice of art therapy for a minimum 9 of 5,000 cumulative hours at the time of appointment. The 10 board shall appoint all subsequent members of the council to 11 terms of 4 years each. A council member may be reappointed 12 but may not serve more than two full terms in succession. 13 Whenever there is a vacancy on the council, the Art Therapy 14 Association of Florida shall submit to the board a list with 15 the names of at least two persons it recommends to fill that 16 vacancy, and the board may appoint from the submitted list, in 17 its discretion, any of the persons so recommended. However, 18 the board shall, insofar as possible, appoint persons from 19 different geographical areas and persons who represent various 20 areas of art therapy treatment. The board shall fix the 21 compensation and pay the expenses of council members in the 22 same manner as provided in s. 455.207. 23 (2) The board may delegate such powers and duties to 24 the council as it may deem proper, including the examination 25 of applicants and the carrying out of the mechanics and 26 procedures necessary to effectuate this part. 27 468.809 License required.--A person may not practice 28 art therapy or hold himself or herself out as an art therapist 29 or art therapy assistant or as being able to practice art 30 therapy or to render art therapy services in the state unless 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 he or she is licensed in accordance with the provisions of 2 this part. 3 468.811 Requirements for licensure.-- 4 (1) An applicant applying for a license as an art 5 therapist or art therapy assistant must file a written 6 application, accompanied by the application fee prescribed in 7 s. 468.823, on a form provided by the board, showing to the 8 satisfaction of the board that he or she: 9 (a) Is of good moral character. 10 (b) Has successfully completed the academic 11 requirements of an educational program in art therapy 12 recognized by the board, with concentration in psychology, 13 sociology, and biology or another physical science, and with 14 education in selected artistic skills. For an art therapist, 15 such a program must be accredited by the American Art Therapy 16 Association and must be at least as stringent as the 17 requirements necessary to be registered with that association. 18 For an art therapy assistant, such a program must be approved 19 by the American Art Therapy Association. 20 (c) Has successfully completed a period of supervised 21 fieldwork experience at a recognized educational institution 22 or a training program approved by the educational institution 23 through which he or she met the academic requirements. For an 24 art therapist, a minimum of 6 months of supervised fieldwork 25 experience is required. For an art therapy assistant, a 26 minimum of 2 months of supervised fieldwork experience is 27 required. 28 (d) Has passed an examination conducted or adopted by 29 the board as provided in s. 468.813. 30 (2) An applicant who has practiced for 4 years as an 31 art therapy assistant licensed by the state or certified by 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 the American Art Therapy Association and who has completed a 2 minimum of 6 months of supervised fieldwork experience may 3 take the examination to be licensed as an art therapist 4 without meeting the educational requirements for art 5 therapists under paragraph (1)(b). 6 (3) If the board determines that an applicant is 7 qualified to be licensed by endorsement under s. 468.815, the 8 board may issue the applicant a temporary permit to practice 9 art therapy until the next board meeting at which license 10 applications are to be considered, but not for a longer period 11 of time. Only one temporary permit may be issued to an 12 applicant, and it is nonrenewable. 13 (4) If the board determines that the applicant has not 14 passed an examination to determine competence to practice art 15 therapy, which examination is recognized by the board, and is 16 not qualified to be licensed by endorsement, but has otherwise 17 met all the requirements of this section and has made 18 application for the next scheduled examination, the board may 19 issue the applicant a temporary permit allowing him or her to 20 practice art therapy under the supervision of a licensed art 21 therapist until notification of the results of the 22 examination. An individual who has passed the examination may 23 continue to practice art therapy under his or her temporary 24 permit until the next meeting of the board. An individual who 25 has failed the examination may not continue to practice art 26 therapy under his or her temporary permit; and such permit 27 shall be deemed revoked upon notification to the board of the 28 examination results and the subsequent, immediate notification 29 by the board to the applicant of the revocation. Only one 30 temporary permit may be issued to an applicant, and it is 31 nonrenewable. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 468.813 Examination for licensure.-- 2 (1) Any person applying for licensure must, in 3 addition to demonstrating his or her eligibility in accordance 4 with the requirements of s. 468.811, apply to the board or the 5 appropriate examining entity for examination, upon a form and 6 in such a manner as the board or the examining entity 7 prescribes. Such application must be accompanied by the 8 nonrefundable fee prescribed by s. 468.823 or by a comparable 9 fee established by the examining entity. A person who fails 10 an examination may apply for reexamination accompanied by the 11 prescribed fee; however, such person must also reapply to the 12 board for licensure in the manner prescribed in s. 468.811. 13 (2) Each applicant for licensure under this part shall 14 be examined, as determined by the board, in a written 15 examination to test the applicant's knowledge of the basic and 16 clinical sciences relating to art therapy and art therapy 17 theory and practice, including the applicant's professional 18 skills and judgment in the utilization of art therapy 19 techniques and methods, and such other subjects as the board 20 may deem useful to determine the applicant's fitness to 21 practice. The board shall establish standards for acceptable 22 performance. 23 (3) Applicants for licensure shall be examined at such 24 times and places and under such supervision as the board may 25 determine. Examinations shall be given at least twice each 26 year at such places within this state as the board may 27 determine, and the board shall give reasonable public notice 28 of such examinations in accordance with its rules at least 60 29 days prior to their administration and shall notify by mail 30 each individual examination applicant of the time and place of 31 their administration. 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 (4) The board may, by rule, adopt the use of a 2 national examination based on standards that are not less than 3 those required to be registered with the American Art Therapy 4 Association, or any other examination based on equivalent 5 standards and approved by the Art Therapy Association of 6 Florida, in lieu of part or all of the examination required by 7 this section; and a reasonable passing score shall be set by 8 rule of the board. 9 (5) Applicants may obtain their examination scores and 10 review their papers in accordance with such rules as the board 11 may establish. 12 468.815 Licensure by endorsement.-- 13 (1) The board may waive the examination and grant a 14 license to any person who presents proof of current 15 registration as an art therapist or current certification as 16 an art therapy assistant by the American Art Therapy 17 Association, if the board determines the requirements for such 18 registration or certification to be equivalent to the 19 requirements for licensure under this part, and also proof of 20 completion of at least 5,000 cumulative hours of practice at 21 the time of application for such license. 22 (2) The board may waive the examination and grant a 23 license to any applicant who presents proof of current 24 licensure as an art therapist or art therapy assistant in 25 another state, the District of Columbia, or a territory of the 26 United States which requires standards for licensure 27 determined by the board to be equivalent to the requirements 28 for licensure under this part. 29 468.817 Issuance of license; use of professional 30 titles.-- 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 (1) The board shall issue a license to any person who 2 meets the requirements of this part upon payment of the 3 license fee prescribed. 4 (2)(a) Any person who is issued a license as an art 5 therapist under this part may use the words "art therapist," 6 "licensed art therapist," or "art therapist registered," or 7 may use the letters "A.T.," "L.A.T.," or "A.T.R.," in 8 connection with the person's name or place of business to 9 denote his or her licensure under this part. 10 (b) Any person who is issued a license as an art 11 therapy assistant under this part may use the words "art 12 therapy assistant," "licensed art therapy assistant," or 13 "certified art therapy assistant," or may use the letters 14 "A.T.A.," "L.A.T.A.," or "C.A.T.A.," in connection with the 15 person's name or place of business to denote his or her 16 licensure under this part. 17 468.819 Disciplinary proceedings.-- 18 (1) The board may deny or refuse to renew a license, 19 suspend or revoke a license, issue a reprimand, impose a fine, 20 or impose probationary conditions upon a licensee, when the 21 licensee or applicant for license has been found to have 22 engaged in unprofessional conduct that has endangered, or is 23 likely to endanger, the health, welfare, or safety of the 24 public. Such unprofessional conduct includes: 25 (a) Attempting to obtain or obtaining, or attempting 26 to renew or renewing, a license to practice art therapy by 27 bribery, by fraudulent misrepresentation, or through an error 28 of the department or the board. 29 (b) Having a license to practice art therapy revoked, 30 suspended, or otherwise acted against, including the denial of 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 licensure, by the licensing authority of another state, 2 territory, or country. 3 (c) Being convicted or found guilty of or entering a 4 plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a 5 crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the 6 practice of art therapy or to the ability to practice art 7 therapy. A plea of nolo contendere shall create a rebuttable 8 presumption of guilt to the underlying criminal charges. 9 (d) Engaging in false, deceptive, or misleading 10 advertising. 11 (e) Advertising, practicing, or attempting to practice 12 under a name other than one's own name. 13 (f) Failing to report to the department any person who 14 the licensee knows is in violation of this part or of the 15 rules of the department or of the board. 16 (g) Aiding, assisting, procuring, or advising any 17 unlicensed person to practice art therapy contrary to this 18 part or to a rule of the department or the board. 19 (h) Failing to perform any statutory or legal 20 obligation placed upon a licensed art therapist or art therapy 21 assistant. 22 (i) Making or filing a report which the licensee knows 23 to be false, intentionally or negligently failing to file a 24 report or record required by state or federal law, or 25 willfully impeding or obstructing such filing or inducing 26 another person to do so. Such reports or records include only 27 those which are signed in the individual's capacity as a 28 licensed art therapist or art therapy assistant. 29 (j) Paying or receiving any commission, bonus, 30 kickback, or rebate to or from, or engaging in any split-fee 31 arrangement in any form whatsoever with, any physician, 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 organization, agency, or person, either directly or 2 indirectly, for patients referred to providers of health care 3 goods and services, including, but not limited to, hospitals, 4 nursing homes, clinical laboratories, ambulatory surgical 5 centers, or pharmacies. This paragraph may not be construed 6 to prevent an art therapist or art therapy assistant from 7 receiving a fee for professional consultation services. 8 (k) Exercising influence within a patient-therapist 9 relationship for purposes of engaging a patient in sexual 10 activity. A patient is presumed to be incapable of giving 11 free, full, and informed consent to sexual activity with the 12 patient's art therapist or art therapy assistant. 13 (l) Making deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent 14 representations in the practice of art therapy or employing a 15 trick or scheme in the practice of art therapy if such scheme 16 or trick fails to conform to the generally prevailing 17 standards of treatment in the art therapy community. 18 (m) Soliciting patients, either personally or through 19 an agent, through the use of fraud, intimidation, undue 20 influence, or a form of overreaching or vexatious conduct. 21 For purposes of this paragraph, a "solicitation" is any 22 communication which directly or implicitly requests an 23 immediate oral response from the recipient. 24 (n) Failing to keep written records justifying the 25 course of treatment of the patient, including, but not limited 26 to, patient histories, examination results, and test results. 27 (o) Exercising influence on the patient or client in 28 such a manner as to exploit the patient or client for 29 financial gain of the licensee or of a third party which 30 includes, but is not limited to, the promoting or selling of 31 services, goods, appliances, or drugs. 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 (p) Performing professional services that have not 2 been duly authorized by the patient or client, or his or her 3 legal representative, except as provided in s. 768.13. 4 (q) Gross or repeated malpractice or the failure to 5 practice art therapy with that level of care, skill, and 6 treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar 7 art therapist or art therapy assistant as being acceptable 8 under similar conditions and circumstances. 9 (r) Performing any procedure which, by the prevailing 10 standards of art therapy practice in the community, would 11 constitute experimentation on a human subject without first 12 obtaining full, informed, and written consent. 13 (s) Practicing or offering to practice beyond the 14 scope permitted by law or accepting and performing 15 professional responsibilities which the licensee knows or has 16 reason to know that he or she is not competent to perform. 17 (t) Being unable to practice art therapy with 18 reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness 19 or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other 20 type of material or as a result of any mental or physical 21 condition. In enforcing this paragraph, the department shall 22 have, upon probable cause, authority to compel an art 23 therapist or art therapy assistant to submit to a mental or 24 physical examination by physicians designated by the 25 department. The failure of an art therapist or art therapy 26 assistant to submit to such examination when so directed 27 constitutes an admission of the allegations against him or 28 her, upon which a default and final order may be entered 29 without the taking of testimony or presentation of evidence, 30 unless the failure was due to circumstances beyond his or her 31 control. An art therapist or art therapy assistant affected 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 under this paragraph shall at reasonable intervals be afforded 2 an opportunity to demonstrate that he or she can resume the 3 competent practice of art therapy with reasonable skill and 4 safety to patients. In any proceeding under this paragraph, 5 neither the record of proceedings nor the orders entered by 6 the board may be used against an art therapist or art therapy 7 assistant in any other proceeding. 8 (u) Delegating professional responsibilities to a 9 person when the licensee who is delegating such 10 responsibilities knows or has reason to know that such person 11 is not qualified by training, experience, or licensure to 12 perform them. 13 (v) Violating any provision of this part, a rule of 14 the board or department, or a lawful order of the board or 15 department previously entered in a disciplinary hearing or 16 failing to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena of the 17 department. 18 (w) Conspiring with another licensee or with any other 19 person to commit an act, or committing an act, which would 20 tend to coerce, intimidate, or preclude another licensee from 21 lawfully advertising his or her services. 22 (2) The board may not reinstate the license of an art 23 therapist or art therapy assistant, or cause a license to be 24 issued to a person it has deemed unqualified, until such time 25 as the board is satisfied that such person has complied with 26 all the terms and conditions set forth in the final order and 27 is capable of safely engaging in the practice of art therapy. 28 468.821 Renewal of license; continuing education.-- 29 (1) Licenses issued under this part are subject to 30 biennial renewal as provided in s. 455.203. 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 (2) The board may by rule prescribe continuing 2 education requirements, not to exceed 30 contact hours 3 biennially, as a condition for renewal of licensure. The 4 program criteria for those requirements must be approved by 5 the board. 6 468.823 Fees.-- 7 (1) The board shall prescribe, and publish in the 8 manner established by its rules, fees in amounts determined by 9 the board for the following purposes: 10 (a) Application for license fee. 11 (b) Examination fee. 12 (c) Initial license fee. 13 (d) Renewal of active license fee. 14 (e) Delinquency fee. 15 (f) Application for inactive license fee. 16 (g) Renewal of inactive license fee. 17 (h) Reactivation fee. 18 (2) Such fees shall be set in such amounts as to 19 reimburse the state, to the extent feasible, for the cost of 20 the services rendered. 21 468.825 Prohibitions; penalties.-- 22 (1) A person may not: 23 (a) Practice art therapy unless such person is 24 licensed pursuant to this part; 25 (b) Use, in connection with his or her name or place 26 of business, the words "art therapist," "licensed art 27 therapist," "art therapist registered," "art therapy 28 assistant," "licensed art therapy assistant," or "certified 29 art therapy assistant"; the letters "A.T.," "L.A.T.," 30 "A.T.R.," "A.T.A.," "L.A.T.A.," or "C.A.T.A."; or any other 31 words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating or 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 implying that he or she is an art therapist or an art therapy 2 assistant or, in any way, orally or in writing, in print or by 3 sign, directly or by implication, to represent himself or 4 herself as an art therapist or an art therapy assistant unless 5 the person is a holder of a valid, active license issued under 6 this part; 7 (c) Present as his or her own the license of another; 8 (d) Knowingly give false or forged evidence to the 9 board or a member thereof; 10 (e) Use or attempt to use a license which has been 11 suspended, revoked, or placed on inactive or delinquent 12 status; 13 (f) Employ unlicensed persons to engage in the 14 practice of art therapy; or 15 (g) Conceal information relative to any violation of 16 this part. 17 (2) A person who violates any provision of this 18 section commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable 19 as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 20 468.827 Persons and practices not affected.-- 21 (1) Nothing in this part may be construed as 22 preventing or restricting the practice, services, or 23 activities of: 24 (a) Any person licensed in this state by any other law 25 from engaging in the profession or occupation for which he or 26 she is licensed. 27 (b) Any person employed as an art therapist or art 28 therapy assistant by the United States, if such person 29 provides art therapy solely under the direction or control of 30 the organization by which he or she is employed. 31 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1131 141-381A-97 1 (c) Any person pursuing a course of study leading to a 2 degree or certificate in art therapy at an accredited or 3 approved educational program, if such activities and services 4 constitute a part of a supervised course of study and if such 5 person is designated by a title that clearly indicates his or 6 her status as a student or trainee. 7 (d) Any person fulfilling the supervised fieldwork 8 experience requirements of s. 468.811, if such activities and 9 services constitute a part of the experience necessary to meet 10 the requirements of that section. 11 (e) Any person employed by, or working under the 12 direct supervision of, an art therapist as an art therapy 13 aide. 14 (2) No provision of this part may be construed to 15 prohibit physicians, nurses, physical therapists, osteopathic 16 physicians or surgeons, or clinical psychologists from using 17 art therapy as a part of or incidental to their profession, 18 when they practice their profession under the statutes 19 applicable to their profession. 20 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 21 22 ***************************************** 23 HOUSE SUMMARY 24 Creates part XV of chapter 468, F.S., the Art Therapy 25 Practice Act. Requires art therapists to be licensed by the Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family 26 Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling, and provides the board with rulemaking authority to carry out such 27 regulatory duties. Creates the Art Therapy Council to assist the board in that regulation. Provides licensure 28 requirements. Provides for a licensure examination. Provides for licensure by endorsement. Provides 29 disciplinary measures and the actions to which they may be applied. Provides for license renewal, including 30 continuing education requirements. Provides for fees. Prohibits certain acts, and provides penalties therefor. 31 Specifies persons and practices not affected. See bill for details. 16