CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1137c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1998 CS/HB 1137 By the Committee on Law Enforcement & Public Safety and Representatives Betancourt, Fasano and Heyman 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to tests for alcohol, chemical 3 substances, or controlled substances; amending 4 ss. 316.1932 and 316.1933, F.S.; amending the 5 implied consent law and laws prescribing 6 testing for impairment or intoxication in cases 7 of death or serious bodily injury; authorizing 8 certain health care providers who become aware 9 of a person's unlawful blood-alcohol level to 10 notify law enforcement officials; prescribing a 11 form for the notice; providing that such 12 reporting is not a violation of any ethical or 13 moral duty; prohibiting any action or 14 administrative proceeding being brought against 15 anyone participating in good faith in making 16 such report; providing immunity from civil or 17 criminal liability and from any professional 18 disciplinary action; providing immunity in any 19 judicial proceeding resulting from the report; 20 providing an effective date. 21 22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 23 24 Section 1. Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section 25 316.1932, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 26 316.1932 Breath, blood, and urine tests for alcohol, 27 chemical substances, or controlled substances; implied 28 consent; right to refuse.-- 29 (1) 30 (f)1. The tests determining the weight of alcohol in 31 the defendant's blood or breath shall be administered at the 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 CS/HB 1137 604-114-98 1 request of a law enforcement officer substantially in 2 accordance with rules of the Department of Law Enforcement. 3 Such rules must specify precisely the test or tests that are 4 approved by the Department of Law Enforcement for reliability 5 of result and ease of administration, and must provide an 6 approved method of administration which must be followed in 7 all such tests given under this section. However, the failure 8 of a law enforcement officer to request the withdrawal of 9 blood does not affect the admissibility of a test of blood 10 withdrawn for medical purposes. 11 2.a. Only a physician, certified paramedic, registered 12 nurse, licensed practical nurse, other personnel authorized by 13 a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed clinical laboratory 14 director, supervisor, technologist, or technician, acting at 15 the request of a law enforcement officer, may withdraw blood 16 for the purpose of determining its alcoholic content or the 17 presence of chemical substances or controlled substances 18 therein. However, the failure of a law enforcement officer to 19 request the withdrawal of blood does not affect the 20 admissibility of a test of blood withdrawn for medical 21 purposes. 22 b. If a health care provider who is providing medical 23 care in a health care facility to a person injured in a motor 24 vehicle crash becomes aware, as a result of any blood test 25 performed in the course of that treatment, that the person's 26 blood-alcohol level meets or exceeds the blood-alcohol level 27 specified in s. 316.193(1)(b), the health care provider may 28 notify any law enforcement officer or agency. Any such 29 notification must be given within a reasonable time 30 exclusively for the purpose of a law enforcement officer 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 CS/HB 1137 604-114-98 1 requesting the withdrawal of a blood sample pursuant to this 2 section. 3 c. The notice must consist of the name of the person 4 being treated, the name of the person who drew the blood, the 5 blood-alcohol level disclosed by the test, and the date and 6 time of the administration of the test. Such notification must 7 be given within a reasonable time exclusively for the purpose 8 of a law enforcement officer requesting the withdrawal of a 9 blood sample pursuant to this section. 10 d. Nothing contained in s. 395.3025(4) or s. 455.667 11 affects the authority to report imposed by that section, and 12 the health care provider is not considered to have breached 13 any duty under s. 395.3025(4) or s. 455.667 owed to the person 14 about whom the report is made. Reporting or failing to report 15 is not a violation of any ethical or moral duty. 16 e. An action or administrative proceeding may not be 17 brought against anyone participating in good faith in the 18 making of a report under this section. Any person 19 participating in making the report has immunity from any 20 liability, civil or criminal, and from any professional 21 disciplinary action that might otherwise be incurred or 22 imposed with respect to making the report. Any such 23 participant has the same immunity with respect to 24 participating in any judicial proceedings resulting from the 25 report. 26 3. The person tested may, at his or her own expense, 27 have a physician, registered nurse, other personnel authorized 28 by a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed clinical 29 laboratory director, supervisor, technologist, or technician, 30 or other person of his or her own choosing administer an 31 independent test in addition to the test administered at the 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 CS/HB 1137 604-114-98 1 direction of the law enforcement officer for the purpose of 2 determining the amount of alcohol in the person's blood or 3 breath or the presence of chemical substances or controlled 4 substances at the time alleged, as shown by chemical analysis 5 of his or her blood or urine, or by chemical or physical test 6 of his or her breath. The failure or inability to obtain an 7 independent test by a person does not preclude the 8 admissibility in evidence of the test taken at the direction 9 of the law enforcement officer. The law enforcement officer 10 shall not interfere with the person's opportunity to obtain 11 the independent test and shall provide the person with timely 12 telephone access to secure the test, but the burden is on the 13 person to arrange and secure the test at the person's own 14 expense. 15 4. Upon the request of the person tested, full 16 information concerning the test taken at the direction of the 17 law enforcement officer shall be made available to the person 18 or his or her attorney. 19 5. A hospital, clinical laboratory, medical clinic, or 20 similar medical institution or physician, certified paramedic, 21 registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, other personnel 22 authorized by a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed 23 clinical laboratory director, supervisor, technologist, or 24 technician, or other person assisting a law enforcement 25 officer does not incur any civil or criminal liability as a 26 result of the withdrawal or analysis of a blood or urine 27 specimen, or the chemical or physical test of a person's 28 breath pursuant to accepted medical standards when requested 29 by a law enforcement officer, regardless of whether or not the 30 subject resisted administration of the test. 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 CS/HB 1137 604-114-98 1 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 2 316.1933, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 3 316.1933 Blood test for impairment or intoxication in 4 cases of death or serious bodily injury; right to use 5 reasonable force.-- 6 (2)(a) Only a physician, certified paramedic, 7 registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, other personnel 8 authorized by a hospital to draw blood, or duly licensed 9 clinical laboratory director, supervisor, technologist, or 10 technician, acting at the request of a law enforcement 11 officer, may withdraw blood for the purpose of determining the 12 alcoholic content thereof or the presence of chemical 13 substances or controlled substances therein. However, the 14 failure of a law enforcement officer to request the withdrawal 15 of blood shall not affect the admissibility of a test of blood 16 withdrawn for medical purposes. 17 1. If a health care provider who is providing medical 18 care in a health care facility to a person injured in a motor 19 vehicle crash becomes aware, as a result of any blood test 20 performed in the course of that treatment, that the person's 21 blood-alcohol level meets or exceeds the blood-alcohol level 22 specified in s. 316.193(1)(b), the health care provider may 23 notify any law enforcement officer or agency. Such 24 notification must be given within a reasonable time 25 exclusively for the purpose of a law enforcement officer 26 requesting the withdrawal of a blood sample pursuant to this 27 section. 28 2. The notice must consist of the name of the person 29 being treated, the name of the person who drew the blood, the 30 blood-alcohol level disclosed by the test, and the date and 31 time of the administration of the test. 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1998 CS/HB 1137 604-114-98 1 3. Nothing contained in s. 395.3025(4) or s. 455.667 2 affects the authority to report imposed by that section, and 3 the health care provider shall not be considered to have 4 breached any duty under s. 395.3025(4) or s. 455.667 owed to 5 the person about whom the report is made. Reporting or failing 6 to report is not a violation of any ethical or moral duty. 7 4. An action or administrative proceeding may not be 8 brought against anyone participating in good faith in the 9 making of a report under this section, and any person 10 participating in making the report shall have immunity from 11 any liability, civil or criminal, and from any professional 12 disciplinary action that might otherwise be incurred or 13 imposed with respect to making the report. Any such 14 participant shall have the same immunity with respect to 15 participating in any judicial proceedings resulting from the 16 report. 17 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1 of the 18 year in which enacted. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6