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House Bill 1201

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1201 By the Committee on Tourism and Representatives Barreiro, Bullard, Culp, Livingston, Harrington, Melvin and D. Prewitt 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to Museum of Florida History 3 programs; amending s. 267.072, F.S.; requiring 4 the Division of Historical Resources of the 5 Department of State to establish and administer 6 a program to recognize and record achievements 7 of certain Floridians; providing criteria; 8 providing requirements; providing for 9 nominations and selection; authorizing the 10 division to undertake certain recording and 11 marketing activities; authorizing the division 12 to collect a charge for providing certain 13 materials; providing for deposit of such 14 charges; providing an effective date. 15 16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 17 18 Section 1. Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (1) of 19 section 267.072, Florida Statutes, to read: 20 267.072 Museum of Florida History programs.-- 21 (1) The division shall: 22 (d) Establish and administer a program, to be entitled 23 the Great Floridians program, which shall be designed to 24 recognize and record the achievements of Floridians, living 25 and deceased, who have made major contributions to the 26 progress and welfare of this state. 27 1. The division shall nominate present or former 28 citizens of this state, living or deceased, who during their 29 lives have made major contributions to the progress of the 30 nation or this state and its citizens. Nominations shall be 31 submitted to the Secretary of State who shall select from 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1201 177-225-97 1 those nominated not less than two persons each year who shall 2 be honored with the designation "Great Floridian," provided no 3 person whose contributions have been through elected or 4 appointed public service shall be selected while holding any 5 such office. 6 2. To enhance public participation and involvement in 7 the identification of any person worthy of being nominated as 8 a Great Floridian, the division shall seek advice and 9 assistance from persons qualified through the demonstration of 10 special interest, experience, or education in the 11 dissemination of knowledge about the state's history. 12 a. In formulating its nominations, the division shall 13 also seek the assistance of the Florida History Associates, 14 Inc., or its successor, acting in the capacity as a citizen 15 support organization of the division, pursuant to s. 267.17 16 and approved to act on behalf of the Museum of Florida 17 History. 18 b. Annually, the division shall convene an ad hoc 19 committee composed of representatives of the Governor, each 20 member of the Florida Cabinet, the President of the Senate, 21 the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Florida 22 History Associates, Inc. This committee shall meet at least 23 twice. The committee shall nominate living citizens of this 24 state who during their lives have made major contributions to 25 the progress of the nation or this state and its citizens and 26 shall from those nominated select each year not less than two 27 persons whose names shall be submitted to the Secretary of 28 State with the recommendation that they be honored with the 29 designation "Great Floridian." 30 3. Upon designation of a person as a Great Floridian 31 by the Secretary of State, the division shall undertake 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1201 177-225-97 1 appropriate activities intended to achieve wide public 2 knowledge of the person designated. 3 a. The division may seek to initiate production of a 4 film or videotape depicting the life and contributions of the 5 designee to this state and to the nation. If technology 6 surpasses the use of film or videotape, another medium of 7 equal quality may be used. 8 (I) In the production of such films, the division 9 shall seek cooperation from local volunteers throughout the 10 state and, in particular, shall seek fundraising and other 11 assistance of the citizen support organization created 12 pursuant to s. 267.17 to support the programs of the Museum of 13 Florida History. 14 (II) In the case of persons designated as Great 15 Floridians as a result of the committee convened pursuant to 16 sub-subparagraph 2.b., the division shall immediately begin 17 taking the steps necessary to produce a film depicting the 18 contributions of such persons to this state and to the nation; 19 however, the requirement to produce such a film shall be 20 contingent upon appropriation of sufficient funds by the 21 Legislature. 22 (III) The Museum of Florida History shall be the 23 repository of the original negative, the original master tape, 24 and all cuttings, of any film or videotape produced under the 25 authority of this paragraph. The division also may exercise 26 the right of trademark over the terms "Great Floridian" or 27 "Great Floridians" pursuant to s. 286.031. 28 (IV) The division shall arrange for the distribution 29 of copies of all films to the general public, public 30 television stations, educational institutions, and others and 31 may establish a reasonable charge to recover costs associated 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1201 177-225-97 1 with production and to provide a source of revenue to assist 2 with reproduction, marketing, and distribution of Great 3 Floridians films. Proceeds from such charges shall be 4 deposited into the Historical Resources Operating Trust Fund. 5 b. Deceased persons designated as Great Floridians 6 typically shall be recognized by markers affixed to properties 7 significantly associated with the major contributions of the 8 designee. Such markers shall be erected pursuant to the 9 provisions of s. 267.061(3)(n). 10 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 11 12 ***************************************** 13 HOUSE SUMMARY 14 Requires the Division of Historical Resources of the 15 Department of State to establish and administer a "Great Floridians" program to recognize and record achievements 16 of Floridians who have made major contributions to the progress and welfare of the state. Provides criteria and 17 requirements. Provides for nomination and selection of candidates. Authorizes the division to undertake 18 specified recording and marketing activities. Authorizes the division to establish a reasonable charge for 19 providing certain materials. Provides for deposit of such charges in the Historical Resources Operating Trust 20 Fund. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4