CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

Senate Bill 0122

Florida Senate - 1998 SB 122 By Senator Holzendorf 2-204-98 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to medical examiners; amending 3 s. 406.11, F.S., relating to examinations, 4 investigations, and autopsies required of 5 medical examiners; requiring notification and 6 approval of next of kin if a procedure of the 7 medical examiner on a dead human body is 8 primarily for purposes of medical research; 9 providing an effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Section 406.11, Florida Statutes, is 14 amended to read: 15 406.11 Examinations, investigations, and autopsies.-- 16 (1) In any of the following circumstances involving 17 the death of a human being, the medical examiner of the 18 district in which the death occurred or the body was found 19 shall determine the cause of death and shall, for that 20 purpose, make or have performed such examinations, 21 investigations, and autopsies as he or she shall deem 22 necessary or as shall be requested by the state attorney: 23 (a) When any person dies in the state: 24 1. Of criminal violence. 25 2. By accident. 26 3. By suicide. 27 4. Suddenly, when in apparent good health. 28 5. Unattended by a practicing physician or other 29 recognized practitioner. 30 6. In any prison or penal institution. 31 7. In police custody. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SB 122 2-204-98 1 8. In any suspicious or unusual circumstance. 2 9. By criminal abortion. 3 10. By poison. 4 11. By disease constituting a threat to public health. 5 12. By disease, injury, or toxic agent resulting from 6 employment. 7 (b) When a dead body is brought into the state without 8 proper medical certification. 9 (c) When a body is to be cremated, dissected, or 10 buried at sea. 11 (2)(a) The district medical examiner shall have the 12 authority in any case coming under subsection (1) any of the 13 above categories to perform, or have performed, whatever 14 autopsies or laboratory examinations he or she deems necessary 15 in the public interest. 16 (b) The Medical Examiners Commission shall promulgate 17 rules, pursuant to chapter 120, providing for the notification 18 of the next of kin that an investigation into the cause of 19 death of a person by the medical examiner's office is being 20 conducted by the medical examiner's office. However, 21 notification of and approval by the next of kin is required if 22 the procedure used on the body is primarily for purposes of 23 medical research. 24 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 1998. 25 26 ***************************************** 27 LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY 28 Requires notification and approval of next of kin if a 29 procedure of the medical examiner on a dead human body is primarily for purposes of medical research. 30 31 2