CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1235

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1235 By Representative Bradley 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to election of county 3 commissioners; requiring county commissioners 4 to be elected from single-member districts in 5 certain counties; authorizing certain boards of 6 county commissioners to increase their 7 membership; providing for election of county 8 commissioners in such counties; providing 9 applicability; providing for transition to such 10 method of election; providing an effective 11 date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. (1) In any county having a population of 16 600,000 or more persons, each county commissioner must be 17 elected in the following manner, notwithstanding any provision 18 of section 124.01 or section 124.011, Florida Statutes, to the 19 contrary: 20 (a) If the county has five commissioners on the date 21 this act takes effect, each county commissioner must be 22 elected from a single-member district only by the electors 23 residing in that district. The districts of such a county 24 together must cover the entire county, and each district must 25 be of contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as 26 practicable. A commissioner of such a county must be a 27 resident of the district from which elected, and no 28 commissioner of a county with a five-member commission may be 29 elected at large. 30 (b) If the board of county commissioners of such a 31 county adopts an ordinance increasing the membership of the 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1235 547-121A-97 1 board from five to seven, each of five county commissioners 2 must be elected from a single-member district only by the 3 electors residing in that district. The districts of such a 4 county together must cover the entire county, and each 5 district must be of contiguous territory as nearly equal in 6 population as practicable. A commissioner elected from a 7 district must be a resident of the district from which 8 elected. The remaining two commissioners will be elected at 9 large. 10 (2) In each county having a population of 600,000 or 11 more persons, the board of county commissioners shall provide 12 for the orderly transition to election of commissioners from 13 single-member districts as the terms of incumbent 14 commissioners expire. 15 (3) This section does not apply to any county that, as 16 of the effective date of this act, elected some members of its 17 board of county commissioners from single-member districts and 18 some members at large. 19 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 20 law. 21 22 ***************************************** 23 SENATE SUMMARY 24 Provides that county commissioners in a county having a population of 600,000 or more will be elected from 25 single-member districts by the electors residing in those districts unless the board of county commissioners 26 determines to increase the membership to seven, in which case five members will be elected from single-member 27 districts and two members will be elected at large. However, this does not apply to a county currently 28 electing some members from single-member districts and some at large. Requires the board of county commissioners 29 to provide for the orderly transition to election of members from districts as the terms of incumbent 30 commissioners expire. 31 2