CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1241c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1241 By the Committee on Health Care Standards & Regulatory Reform and Representative D. Prewitt 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to pharmaceuticals; creating a 3 study commission for the purpose of studying 4 the variations in the cost of prescription 5 drugs; providing for membership; providing for 6 organization and administration; requiring 7 meetings and public hearings; providing for 8 expert testimony; requiring a report; providing 9 an effective date. 10 11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 12 13 Section 1. Prescription Drug Policy Review 14 Commission.-- 15 (1) There is hereby created an independent study 16 commission, designated as the Prescription Drug Policy Review 17 Commission. The commission shall consist of 30 members, as 18 follows: 19 (a) One member of the House of Representatives 20 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 21 (b) Two members of the Senate appointed by the 22 President of the Senate. 23 (c) The Director of Health Care Administration or a 24 designee. 25 (d) The State Health Officer or a designee. 26 (e) The Secretary of Business and Professional 27 Regulation or a designee. 28 (f) Twenty-four members appointed by the Governor, as 29 follows: 30 1. Two members representing the Florida Pharmacy 31 Association who are practicing pharmacists. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1241 601-115-97 1 2. One member representing the Florida Podiatric 2 Medical Association. 3 3. One member representing the Florida Optometric 4 Association. 5 4. One member representing independent pharmacies. 6 5. One member representing the Florida Retail 7 Federation who is engaged in retail pharmacy. 8 6. One member representing high-volume chain 9 pharmacies. 10 7. One member representing the Florida Academy of 11 Family Physicians. 12 8. One member representing the Florida Nurses 13 Association. 14 9. One member representing the Florida Osteopathic 15 Medical Association. 16 10. One member representing the Florida Medical 17 Association. 18 11. One member representing pharmaceutical 19 manufacturers. 20 12. Two consumer members, one of whom is 60 years of 21 age or older. 22 13. One member representing the Florida Association of 23 Wholesale Druggists. 24 14. One member from each of the following hospital 25 associations: the Florida League of Health Systems, the 26 Association of Community Hospitals and Health Systems of 27 Florida, and the Florida Hospital Association. 28 15. One nursing home consulting pharmacist. 29 16. One member representing the Florida Hospices, 30 Inc., with knowledge of acquired immune deficiency syndrome 31 and acquired immune deficiency syndrome medication delivery. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1241 601-115-97 1 17. One member representing the Florida Association of 2 Health Maintenance Organizations. 3 18. Two members representing pharmaceutical 4 manufacturers, one of whom shall be a representative of the 5 Generic Pharmaceutical Industry Association. 6 19. One member representing direct mail order 7 providers. 8 9 One of the medical professional members shall have a 10 speciality in geriatric medicine. 11 (2) The chair of the commission shall be elected from 12 among the commission members and shall not be an agency head 13 or the designee of an agency head. The commission is assigned 14 to the Agency for Health Care Administration for 15 administrative purposes only. The agency shall provide staff 16 and technical assistance to the commission. The commission 17 shall meet as soon as possible after July 1, 1997, and may 18 elect a vice chair and such other officers as may be deemed 19 necessary by the commission. 20 (3) Commission members shall serve without 21 compensation. Travel costs for commission members shall be 22 paid by the commission member or by the organization to which 23 the commission member belongs. 24 (4)(a) The commission shall hold at least four public 25 hearings, geographically spread equally around the state, for 26 the purpose of hearing testimony and studying the variations 27 in the cost of prescription drugs, both domestic and foreign. 28 The study shall include manufacturer, wholesale, and retail 29 prescription drug pricing, including the costs, fees, and time 30 involved in providing, dispensing, consulting, and delivering 31 services to institutions and for retail sales; review of 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1241 601-115-97 1 federal and other states' policies and regulations regarding 2 prescription drug prices; and an assessment of the potential 3 impact of regulatory and market forces, including the "managed 4 care" effect of federal and state "health care reform" on 5 prescription drug pricing. 6 (b) The commission may also hear testimony from 7 experts in the fields of health care cost containment, 8 pharmacy practice, and pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales, 9 and from health care providers and practitioners, officials 10 representing state agencies or the Federal Government, and 11 such other persons as deemed necessary by the commission for 12 the accomplishment of its duties. 13 (5) No later than June 1, 1998, the commission shall 14 submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the 15 Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the 16 President of the Senate, the House and Senate minority 17 leaders, and the chairs of the appropriate substantive 18 committees of the House and Senate. 19 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 20 law. 21 22 ***************************************** 23 HOUSE SUMMARY 24 Creates the Prescription Drug Policy Review Commission to study the variations in the cost of prescription drugs in the 25 state. Provides for commission membership, organization, administration, meetings, public hearings, and expert 26 testimony. Requires a report to the Governor and Legislature. 27 28 29 30 31 4