CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1245e1

HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to charitable corporations; 3 amending ss. 617.0808 and 617.2103, F.S.; 4 excluding charitable corporations from certain 5 provisions relating to removal of a director 6 from a board of directors; amending s. 48.101, 7 F.S.; clarifying service of process on certain 8 corporations; amending s. 607.01401, F.S.; 9 providing a definition; amending s. 607.0732, 10 F.S.; specifying an additional criterion for 11 certain shareholder agreements; amending s. 12 607.0902, F.S.; clarifying a circumstance under 13 which acquisition of certain shares does not 14 constitute a control-share acquisition; 15 amending s. 607.1002, F.S.; authorizing a 16 corporation's board of directors to amend the 17 corporation's articles of incorporation for an 18 additional purpose; providing an effective 19 date. 20 21 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 22 23 Section 1. Section 617.0808, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 617.0808 Removal of directors.--A director may be 26 removed from office pursuant to procedures provided in the 27 articles of incorporation or the bylaws, which shall provide 28 the following, and if they do not do so, shall be deemed to 29 include the following: 30 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), Any member 31 of the board of directors may be removed from office with or 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 without cause by the vote or agreement in writing by a 2 majority of all votes of the membership. 3 (2) Any member of the board of directors of a 4 charitable organization as defined in s. 496.404, may be 5 removed from office without cause only following the 6 recommendation of a majority of the board of directors 7 followed by the vote or agreement in writing by a majority of 8 all votes of the membership. 9 (2)(3) The notice of a meeting of the members to 10 recall a member or members of the board of directors shall 11 state the specific directors sought to be removed. 12 (3)(4) A proposed removal of a director at a meeting 13 shall require a separate vote for each board member sought to 14 be removed. Where removal is sought by written agreement, a 15 separate agreement is required for each board member to be 16 removed. 17 (4)(5) If removal is effected at a meeting, any 18 vacancies created thereby shall be filled by the members at 19 the same meeting. 20 (5)(6) Any director who is removed from the board 21 shall not be eligible to stand for reelection until the next 22 annual meeting of the members. 23 (6)(7) Any director removed from office shall turn 24 over to the board of directors within 72 hours any and all 25 records of the corporation in his possession. 26 (7)(8) If a director who is removed shall not 27 relinquish his office or turn over records as required under 28 this section, the circuit court in the county where the 29 corporation's principal office is located may summarily order 30 the director to relinquish his office and turn over corporate 31 records upon application of any member. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 617.2103, Florida 2 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 617.2103 Exemptions for certain corporations.-- 4 (1) No corporation described in s. 501(c) of the 5 Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be subject to 6 the provisions of s. 617.0808, s. 617.1601, s. 617.1602, s. 7 617.1603, s. 617.1604, s. 617.1605, or s. 617.2102, unless the 8 articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise. No 9 corporation described in s. 501(c) of the Internal Revenue 10 Code of 1986, as amended, except a charitable organization as 11 defined in s. 496.404, is subject to the provisions of s. 12 617.0808. For purposes of this subsection, if a current 13 determination letter issued under the authority of the 14 internal revenue laws of the United States of America 15 determines that a particular corporation is or is not exempt 16 from federal income taxation under s. 501(c) of the Internal 17 Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that shall be conclusive on 18 the question whether the corporation is or is not described in 19 s. 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. 20 Section 3. Section 48.101, Florida Statutes, is 21 amended to read: 22 48.101 Service on dissolved corporations.--Process 23 against the directors of any corporation which was is 24 dissolved before July 1, 1990, as trustees of the dissolved 25 corporation shall be served on one or more of the directors of 26 the dissolved corporation as trustees thereof and binds all of 27 the directors of the dissolved corporation as trustees 28 thereof. Process against any other dissolved corporation shall 29 be served in accordance with s. 48.081. 30 Section 4. Subsections (27) and (28) of section 31 607.01401, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 (28) and (29), respectively, and a new subsection (27) is 2 added to said section, to read: 3 607.01401 Definitions.--As used in this act, unless 4 the context otherwise requires, the term: 5 (27) "Treasury shares" means shares of a corporation 6 that belong to the issuing corporation, which shares are 7 authorized and issued shares that are not outstanding, are not 8 canceled, and have not been restored to the status of 9 authorized but unissued shares. 10 Section 5. Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (1) of 11 section 607.0732, Florida Statutes, to read: 12 607.0732 Shareholder agreements.-- 13 (1) An agreement among the shareholders of a 14 corporation with 100 or fewer shareholders at the time of the 15 agreement, that complies with this section, is effective among 16 the shareholders and the corporation, even though it is 17 inconsistent with one or more other provisions of this 18 chapter, if it: 19 (h) Otherwise governs the exercise of the corporate 20 powers or the management of the business and affairs of the 21 corporation or the relationship between the shareholders, the 22 directors, or the corporation, and is not contrary to public 23 policy. For purposes of this paragraph, agreements contrary to 24 public policy include, but are not limited to, agreements that 25 reduce the duties of care and loyalty to the corporation as 26 required by ss. 607.0830 and 607.0832, exculpate directors 27 from liability that may be imposed under s. 607.0831, 28 adversely affect shareholders' rights to bring derivative 29 actions under s. 607.07401, or abrogate dissenters' rights 30 under ss. 607.1301-607.1320. 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 Section 6. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section 2 607.0902, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 3 607.0902 Control-share acquisitions.-- 4 (2) "CONTROL-SHARE ACQUISITION."-- 5 (d) The acquisition of any shares of an issuing public 6 corporation does not constitute a control-share acquisition if 7 the acquisition is consummated in any of the following 8 circumstances: 9 1. Before July 2, 1987. 10 2. Pursuant to a contract existing before July 2, 11 1987. 12 3. Pursuant to the laws of intestate succession or 13 pursuant to a gift or testamentary transfer. 14 4. Pursuant to the satisfaction of a pledge or other 15 security interest created in good faith and not for the 16 purpose of circumventing this section. 17 5. Pursuant to a merger or share exchange effected in 18 compliance with s. 607.1101, s. 607.1102, s. 607.1103, s. 19 607.1104, or s. 607.1107, if the issuing public corporation is 20 a party to the agreement of merger or plan of share exchange. 21 6. Pursuant to any savings, employee stock ownership, 22 or other employee benefit plan of the issuing public 23 corporation or any of its subsidiaries or any fiduciary with 24 respect to any such plan when acting in such fiduciary 25 capacity. 26 7. Pursuant to an acquisition of shares of an issuing 27 public corporation if the which acquisition has been approved 28 by the board of directors of such issuing public corporation 29 before acquisition. 30 Section 7. Section 607.1002, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 607.1002 Amendment by board of directors.--Unless the 2 articles of incorporation provide otherwise, a corporation's 3 board of directors may adopt one or more amendments to the 4 corporation's articles of incorporation without shareholder 5 action: 6 (1) To extend the duration of the corporation if it 7 was incorporated at a time when limited duration was required 8 by law; 9 (2) To delete the names and addresses of the initial 10 directors; 11 (3) To delete the name and address of the initial 12 registered agent or registered office, if a statement of 13 change is on file with the Department of State; 14 (4) To delete any other information contained in the 15 articles of incorporation that is solely of historical 16 interest; 17 (5) To delete the authorization for a class or series 18 of shares authorized pursuant to s. 607.0602, if no shares of 19 such class or series are issued; 20 (6) To change the corporate name by substituting the 21 word "corporation," "incorporated," or "company," or the 22 abbreviation "corp.," "Inc.," or "Co.," for a similar word or 23 abbreviation in the name, or by adding, deleting, or changing 24 a geographical attribution for the name; 25 (7) To change the par value for a class or series of 26 shares; or 27 (8) To provide that if the corporation acquires its 28 own shares, such shares belong to the corporation and 29 constitute treasury shares until disposed of or canceled by 30 the corporation; or 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1245, First Engrossed 1 (9)(8) To make any other change expressly permitted by 2 this act to be made without shareholder action. 3 Section 8. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 4 law. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7