Senate Bill 1256

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                  SB 1256

    By Senator Harris


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to inland navigation districts;

  3         amending s. 374.976, F.S.; authorizing

  4         districts to enter into cooperative agreements

  5         with the Federal Government and participate

  6         with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in

  7         waterway maintenance projects and anchorage

  8         management programs; authorizing districts to

  9         enter into ecosystem management agreements with

10         the Department of Environmental Protection;

11         providing matching fund exceptions; amending s.

12         403.061, F.S.; providing a supplemental process

13         for the issuance of joint coastal permits and

14         environmental resource permits; providing an

15         effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Subsections (1) and (3) of section 374.976,

20  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

21         374.976  Authority to address impacts of waterway

22  development projects.--

23         (1)  Each inland navigation district, except the

24  district created pursuant to s. 374.301, is empowered and

25  authorized to undertake programs intended to alleviate the

26  problems associated with its waterway or waterways, including,

27  but not limited to, the following:

28         (a)  The district may act as a local interest sponsor

29  for any project designated as a "Section 107, River and Harbor

30  Act of 1960" project authorized and undertaken by the U.S.

31  Army Corps of Engineers and, in this regard, may comply with


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  1  any or all conditions imposed on local interests as part of

  2  such project.

  3         (b)  It is the intent of the Legislature that the

  4  district may sponsor or furnish assistance and support to

  5  member counties and local governments within the district in

  6  planning and carrying out beach renourishment and inlet

  7  management projects.  Such assistance and support, if

  8  financial in nature, shall be contributed only after a finding

  9  by the board that inlet management projects are a benefit to

10  public navigation in the district and that the beaches to be

11  nourished have been adversely impacted by navigation inlets,

12  navigation structures, navigation dredging, or a navigation

13  project. Such projects will be consistent with Department of

14  Environmental Protection approved inlet management plans and

15  the statewide beach management plan pursuant to s. 161.161.

16  Inlet management projects that are determined to be consistent

17  with Department of Environmental Protection approved inlet

18  management plans are declared to be a benefit to public

19  navigation.

20         (c)  The district is authorized to aid and cooperate

21  with the Federal Government, state government, member

22  counties, and local governments within the district in

23  planning and carrying out public navigation, local and

24  regional anchorage management, public recreation, inlet

25  management, environmental education, and boating safety

26  projects, directly related to the waterways.  The district is

27  also authorized to enter into cooperative agreements with the

28  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the state, and member counties,

29  and to covenant in any such cooperative agreement to pay part

30  of the costs of acquisition, planning, development,



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  1  construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement,

  2  operation, and maintenance of such projects.

  3         (d)  The district is authorized to enter into

  4  cooperative agreements with navigation-related districts to

  5  pay part of the costs of acquisition of spoil disposal sites.

  6         (e)  The district may enter into ecosystem management

  7  agreements with the Department of Environmental Protection

  8  under s. 403.075.

  9         (3)  Except as provided in subsection (2), all

10  financial assistance and support furnished by the Florida

11  Inland Navigation District and the West Coast Inland

12  Navigation District to member counties and local governments

13  within the districts shall require matching funds. Such

14  matching funds shall be clearly identified and enumerated as

15  to amount and source. Such financial assistance and support,

16  except as provided pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) and except for

17  a project approved in a county that is recovering from a state

18  of emergency declared under chapter 252, shall not exceed the

19  proportional share of ad valorem tax collections from each

20  county.

21         Section 2.  Section 403.061, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         403.061  Department; powers and duties.--The department

24  shall have the power and the duty to control and prohibit

25  pollution of air and water in accordance with the law and

26  rules adopted and promulgated by it and, for this purpose, to:

27         (1)  Approve and promulgate current and long-range

28  plans developed to provide for air and water quality control

29  and pollution abatement.

30         (2)  Hire only such employees as may be necessary to

31  effectuate the responsibilities of the department.


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  1         (3)  Utilize the facilities and personnel of other

  2  state agencies, including the Department of Health and

  3  Rehabilitative Services, and delegate to any such agency any

  4  duties and functions as the department may deem necessary to

  5  carry out the purposes of this act.

  6         (4)  Secure necessary scientific, technical, research,

  7  administrative, and operational services by interagency

  8  agreement, by contract, or otherwise.  All state agencies,

  9  upon direction of the department, shall make these services

10  and facilities available.

11         (5)  Accept state appropriations and loans and grants

12  from the Federal Government and from other sources, public or

13  private, which loans and grants shall not be expended for

14  other than the purposes of this act.

15         (6)  Exercise general supervision of the administration

16  and enforcement of the laws, rules, and regulations pertaining

17  to air and water pollution.

18         (7)  Adopt, modify, and repeal rules and regulations to

19  carry out the intent and purposes of this act. Any rule or

20  regulation adopted pursuant to this act shall be consistent

21  with the provisions of federal law, if any, relating to

22  control of emissions from motor vehicles, effluent

23  limitations, pretreatment requirements, or standards of

24  performance. No county, municipality, or political subdivision

25  shall adopt or enforce any local ordinance, special law, or

26  local regulation requiring the installation of Stage II vapor

27  recovery systems, as currently defined by department rule,

28  unless such county, municipality, or political subdivision is

29  or has been in the past designated by federal regulation as a

30  moderate, serious, or severe ozone nonattainment area. Rules

31  adopted pursuant to this act shall not require dischargers of


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  1  waste into waters of the state to improve natural background

  2  conditions. Discharges from steam electric generating plants

  3  existing or licensed under this chapter on July 1, 1984, shall

  4  not be required to be treated to a greater extent than may be

  5  necessary to assure that the quality of nonthermal components

  6  of discharges from nonrecirculated cooling water systems is as

  7  high as the quality of the makeup waters; that the quality of

  8  nonthermal components of discharges from recirculated cooling

  9  water systems is no lower than is allowed for blowdown from

10  such systems; or that the quality of noncooling system

11  discharges which receive makeup water from a receiving body of

12  water which does not meet applicable department water quality

13  standards is as high as the quality of the receiving body of

14  water. The department may not adopt standards more stringent

15  than federal regulations, except as provided in s. 403.804.

16         (8)  Issue such orders as are necessary to effectuate

17  the control of air and water pollution and enforce the same by

18  all appropriate administrative and judicial proceedings.

19         (9)  Adopt a comprehensive program for the prevention,

20  control, and abatement of pollution of the air and waters of

21  the state, and from time to time review and modify such

22  program as necessary.

23         (10)  Develop a comprehensive program for the

24  prevention, abatement, and control of the pollution of the

25  waters of the state.  In order to effect this purpose, a

26  grouping of the waters into classes may be made in accordance

27  with the present and future most beneficial uses.  Such

28  classifications may from time to time be altered or modified.

29  However, before any such classification is made, or any

30  modification made thereto, public hearings shall be held by

31  the department.


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  1         (11)  Establish ambient air quality and water quality

  2  standards for the state as a whole or for any part thereof,

  3  and also standards for the abatement of excessive and

  4  unnecessary noise.  The department is authorized to establish

  5  reasonable zones of mixing for discharges into waters.

  6         (a)  When a receiving body of water fails to meet a

  7  water quality standard for pollutants set forth in department

  8  rules, a steam electric generating plant discharge of

  9  pollutants that is existing or licensed under this chapter on

10  July 1, 1984, may nevertheless be granted a mixing zone,

11  provided that:

12         1.  The standard would not be met in the water body in

13  the absence of the discharge;

14         2.  The discharge is in compliance with all applicable

15  technology-based effluent limitations;

16         3.  The discharge does not cause a measurable increase

17  in the degree of noncompliance with the standard at the

18  boundary of the mixing zone; and

19         4.  The discharge otherwise complies with the mixing

20  zone provisions specified in department rules.

21         (b)  No mixing zone for point source discharges shall

22  be permitted in Outstanding Florida Waters except for:

23         1.  Sources which have received permits from the

24  department prior to April 1, 1982, or the date of designation,

25  whichever is later;

26         2.  Blowdown from new power plants certified pursuant

27  to the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act; and

28         3.  Discharges of water necessary for water management

29  purposes which have been approved by the governing board of a

30  water management district and, if required by law, by the

31  secretary.


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  1         (c)  The department, by rule, shall establish water

  2  quality criteria for wetlands which criteria give appropriate

  3  recognition to the water quality of such wetlands in their

  4  natural state.


  6  Nothing in this act shall be construed to invalidate any

  7  existing department rule relating to mixing zones.  The

  8  department shall cooperate with the Department of Highway

  9  Safety and Motor Vehicles in the development of regulations

10  required by s. 316.272(1).

11         (12)(a)  Cause field studies to be made and samples to

12  be taken out of the air and from the waters of the state

13  periodically and in a logical geographic manner so as to

14  determine the levels of air quality of the air and water

15  quality of the waters of the state.

16         (b)  Determine the source of the pollution whenever a

17  study is made or a sample collected which proves to be below

18  the air or water quality standard set for air or water.

19         (13)  Require persons engaged in operations which may

20  result in pollution to file reports which may contain

21  information relating to locations, size of outlet, height of

22  outlet, rate and period of emission, and composition and

23  concentration of effluent and such other information as the

24  department shall prescribe to be filed relative to pollution.

25         (14)  Establish a permit system whereby a permit may be

26  required for the operation, construction, or expansion of any

27  installation that may be a source of air or water pollution

28  and provide for the issuance and revocation of such permits

29  and for the posting of an appropriate bond to operate.

30         (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

31  chapter, the department may authorize, by rule, the Department


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  1  of Transportation to perform any activity requiring a permit

  2  from the department covered by this chapter, upon

  3  certification by the Department of Transportation that it will

  4  meet all requirements imposed by statute, rule, or standard

  5  for environmental control and protection as such statute,

  6  rule, or standard applies to a governmental program. To this

  7  end, the department may accept such certification of

  8  compliance for programs of the Department of Transportation,

  9  may conduct investigations for compliance, and, if a violation

10  is found to exist, may take all necessary enforcement action

11  pertaining thereto, including, but not limited to, the

12  revocation of certification. The authorization shall be by

13  rule of the department, shall be limited to the maintenance,

14  repair, or replacement of existing structures, and shall be

15  conditioned upon compliance by the Department of

16  Transportation with specific guidelines or requirements which

17  are set forth in the formal acceptance and deemed necessary by

18  the department to assure future compliance with this chapter

19  and applicable department rules. The failure of the Department

20  of Transportation to comply with any provision of the written

21  acceptance shall constitute grounds for its revocation by the

22  department.

23         (b)  The provisions of chapter 120 shall be accorded

24  any person when substantial interests will be affected by an

25  activity proposed to be conducted by the Department of

26  Transportation pursuant to its certification and the

27  acceptance of the department. If a proceeding is conducted

28  pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57, the department may

29  intervene as a party. Should an administrative law judge of

30  the Division of Administrative Hearings of the Department of

31  Management Services submit a recommended order pursuant to ss.


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  1  120.569 and 120.57, the department shall issue a final

  2  department order adopting, rejecting, or modifying the

  3  recommended order pursuant to such action.

  4         (15)  Consult with any person proposing to construct,

  5  install, or otherwise acquire a pollution control device or

  6  system concerning the efficacy of such device or system, or

  7  the pollution problem which may be related to the source,

  8  device, or system. Nothing in any such consultation shall be

  9  construed to relieve any person from compliance with this act,

10  rules and regulations of the department, or any other

11  provision of law.

12         (16)  Encourage voluntary cooperation by persons and

13  affected groups to achieve the purposes of this act.

14         (17)  Encourage local units of government to handle

15  pollution problems within their respective jurisdictions on a

16  cooperative basis and provide technical and consultative

17  assistance therefor.

18         (18)  Encourage and conduct studies, investigations,

19  and research relating to pollution and its causes, effects,

20  prevention, abatement, and control.

21         (19)  Make a continuing study of the effects of the

22  emission of air contaminants from motor vehicles on the

23  quality of the outdoor atmosphere of this state and the

24  several parts thereof and make recommendations to appropriate

25  public and private bodies with respect thereto.

26         (20)  Collect and disseminate information and conduct

27  educational and training programs relating to pollution.

28         (21)  Advise, consult, cooperate, and enter into

29  agreements with other agencies of the state, the Federal

30  Government, other states, interstate agencies, groups,

31  political subdivisions, and industries affected by the


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  1  provisions of this act, rules, or policies of the department.

  2  However, the secretary of the department shall not enter into

  3  any interstate agreement relating to the transport of ozone

  4  precursor pollutants, nor modify its rules based upon a

  5  recommendation from the Ozone Transport Assessment Group or

  6  any other such organization that is not an official

  7  subdivision of the United States Environmental Protection

  8  Agency but which studies issues related to the transport of

  9  ozone precursor pollutants, without prior review and specific

10  legislative approval.

11         (22)  Adopt, modify, and repeal rules governing the

12  specifications, construction, and maintenance of industrial

13  reservoirs, dams, and containers which store or retain

14  industrial wastes of a deleterious nature.

15         (23)  Adopt rules and regulations to ensure that no

16  detergents are sold in Florida after December 31, 1972, which

17  are reasonably found to have a harmful or deleterious effect

18  on human health or on the environment. Any regulations adopted

19  pursuant to this subsection shall apply statewide. Subsequent

20  to the promulgation of such rules and regulations, no county,

21  municipality, or other local political subdivision shall adopt

22  or enforce any local ordinance, special law, or local

23  regulation governing detergents which is less stringent than

24  state law or regulation.  Regulations, ordinances, or special

25  acts adopted by a county or municipality governing detergents

26  shall be subject to approval by the department, except that

27  regulations, ordinances, or special acts adopted by any county

28  or municipality with a local pollution control program

29  approved pursuant to s. 403.182 shall be approved as an

30  element of the local pollution control program.



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  1         (24)(a)  Establish a permit system to provide for spoil

  2  site approval, as may be requested and required by local

  3  governmental agencies as defined in s. 403.1822(3), or

  4  mosquito control districts as defined in s. 388.011(5), to

  5  facilitate these agencies in providing spoil sites for the

  6  deposit of spoil from maintenance dredging of navigation

  7  channels, port harbors, turning basins, and harbor berths, as

  8  part of a federal project, when the agency is acting as

  9  sponsor of a contemplated dredge and fill operation involving

10  an established navigation channel, harbor, turning basin, or

11  harbor berth.  A spoil site approval granted to the agency

12  shall be granted for a period of 10 to 25 years when such site

13  is not inconsistent with an adopted local governmental

14  comprehensive plan and the requirements of this chapter.  The

15  department shall periodically review each permit to determine

16  compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. Such

17  review shall be conducted at least once every 10 years.

18         (b)  This subsection applies only to those maintenance

19  dredging operations permitted after July 1, 1980, where the

20  United States Army Corps of Engineers is the prime dredge and

21  fill agent and the local governmental agency is acting as

22  sponsor for the operation, and does not require the

23  redesignation of currently approved spoil sites under such

24  previous operations.

25         (25)  Establish and administer a program for the

26  restoration and preservation of bodies of water within the

27  state. The department shall have the power to acquire lands,

28  to cooperate with other applicable state or local agencies to

29  enhance existing public access to such bodies of water, and to

30  adopt all rules necessary to accomplish this purpose.



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  1         (26)(a)  Develop standards and criteria for waters used

  2  for deepwater shipping which standards and criteria consider

  3  existing water quality; appropriate mixing zones and other

  4  requirements for maintenance dredging in previously

  5  constructed deepwater navigation channels, port harbors,

  6  turning basins, or harbor berths; and appropriate mixing zones

  7  for disposal of spoil material from dredging and, where

  8  necessary, develop a separate classification for such waters.

  9  Such classification, standards, and criteria shall recognize

10  that the present dedicated use of these waters is for

11  deepwater commercial navigation.

12         (b)  The provisions of paragraph (a) apply only to the

13  port waters, spoil disposal sites, port harbors, navigation

14  channels, turning basins, and harbor berths used for deepwater

15  commercial navigation in the ports of Jacksonville, Tampa,

16  Port Everglades, Miami, Port Canaveral, Ft. Pierce, Palm

17  Beach, Port Manatee, Port St. Joe, Panama City, St.

18  Petersburg, Port Bartow, Florida Power Corporation's Crystal

19  River Canal, Boca Grande, Green Cove Springs, and Pensacola.

20         (27)  Establish rules which provide for a special

21  category of water bodies within the state, to be referred to

22  as "Outstanding Florida Waters," which water bodies shall be

23  worthy of special protection because of their natural

24  attributes. Nothing in this subsection shall affect any

25  existing rule of the department.

26         (28)  Perform any other act necessary to control and

27  prohibit air and water pollution, and to delegate any of its

28  responsibilities, authority, and powers, other than rulemaking

29  powers, to any state agency now or hereinafter established.

30         (29)  Adopt by rule special criteria to protect Class

31  II shellfish harvesting waters.  Rules previously adopted by


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  1  the department in rule 17-4.28(8)(a), Florida Administrative

  2  Code, are hereby ratified and determined to be a valid

  3  exercise of delegated legislative authority and shall remain

  4  in effect unless amended by the Environmental Regulation

  5  Commission.

  6         (30)  Establish requirements by rule that reasonably

  7  protect the public health and welfare from electric and

  8  magnetic fields associated with existing 230 kV or greater

  9  electrical transmission lines, new 230 kV and greater

10  electrical transmission lines for which an application for

11  certification under the Transmission Line Siting Act, ss.

12  403.52-403.5365, is not filed, new or existing electrical

13  transmission or distribution lines with voltage less than 230

14  kV, and substation facilities. Notwithstanding any other

15  provision in this chapter or any other law of this state or

16  political subdivision thereof, the department shall have

17  exclusive jurisdiction in the regulation of electric and

18  magnetic fields associated with all electrical transmission

19  and distribution lines and substation facilities.  However,

20  nothing herein shall be construed as superseding or repealing

21  the provisions of s. 403.523(1) and (10).

22         (31)  Adopt rules necessary to obtain approval from the

23  United States Environmental Protection Agency to administer

24  the Federal National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

25  (NPDES) permitting program in Florida under ss. 318, 402, and

26  405 of the Federal Clean Water Act, Pub. L. No. 92-500, as

27  amended.  This authority shall be implemented consistent with

28  the provisions of part II, which shall be applicable to

29  facilities certified thereunder.  The department shall

30  establish all rules, standards, and requirements that regulate

31  the discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States


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  1  as defined by and in a manner consistent with federal

  2  regulations; provided, however, that the department may adopt

  3  a standard that is stricter or more stringent than one set by

  4  the United States Environmental Protection Agency if approved

  5  by the Governor and Cabinet in accordance with the procedures

  6  of s. 403.804(2).

  7         (32)  Coordinate the state's stormwater program.

  8         (33)  Establish and administer programs providing

  9  appropriate incentives that have the following goals, in order

10  of importance:

11         (a)  Preventing and reducing pollution at its source.

12         (b)  Recycling contaminants that have the potential to

13  pollute.

14         (c)  Treating and neutralizing contaminants that are

15  difficult to recycle.

16         (d)  Disposing of contaminants only after other options

17  have been used to the greatest extent practicable.

18         (34)  Adopt rules which may include stricter permitting

19  and enforcement provisions within Outstanding Florida Waters,

20  aquatic preserves, areas of critical state concern, and areas

21  subject to chapter 380 resource management plans adopted by

22  rule by the Administration Commission, when the plans for an

23  area include waters that are particularly identified as

24  needing additional protection, which provisions are not

25  inconsistent with the applicable rules adopted for the

26  management of such areas by the department and the Governor

27  and Cabinet.

28         (35)  Exercise the duties, powers, and responsibilities

29  required of the state under the federal Clean Air Act, 42

30  U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq. The department shall implement the

31  programs required under that act in conjunction with its other


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  1  powers and duties. Nothing in this subsection shall be

  2  construed to repeal or supersede any of the department's

  3  existing rules.

  4         (36)  Establish statewide standards for persons engaged

  5  in determining visible air emissions and to require these

  6  persons to obtain training to meet such standards.

  7         (37)  Enter into a memorandum of agreement with the

  8  Florida Ports Council which provides a supplemental permitting

  9  process for the issuance of a joint coastal permit pursuant to

10  s. 161.055 or environmental resource permit pursuant to part

11  IV of chapter 373, to a port listed in s. 311.09(1), for

12  maintenance dredging and the management of dredged materials

13  from maintenance dredging of all navigation channels, port

14  harbors, turning basins, and harbor berths.  Such permit shall

15  be issued for a period of 5 years and shall be annually

16  extended for an additional year if the port is in compliance

17  with all permit conditions at the time of extension.

18         (38)  Enter into a memorandum of agreement with the

19  Florida Ports Council which provides a supplemental permitting

20  process for the issuance of a conceptual joint coastal permit

21  pursuant to s. 161.055 or environmental resource permit

22  pursuant to part IV of chapter 373, to a port listed in s.

23  311.09(1), for dredging and the management of materials from

24  dredging and for other related activities necessary for

25  development, including the expansion of navigation channels,

26  port harbors, turning basins, harbor berths, and associated

27  facilities.  Such permit shall be issued for a period of up to

28  15 years.

29         (39)  Enter into interlocal agreements, under chapter

30  163, with the Florida Inland Navigation District, the West

31  Coast Inland Navigation District, or their successor agencies


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  1  to provide a supplemental process for issuing joint coastal

  2  permits under s. 161.055 or environmental resource permits

  3  under part IV of chapter 373, for regional waterway management

  4  activities including, but not limited to, maintenance

  5  dredging, spoil disposal, public recreation, inlet management,

  6  beach nourishment, and environmental protection directly

  7  related to public navigation and the construction,

  8  maintenance, and operation of the state's inland waterways.


10  The department shall implement such programs in conjunction

11  with its other powers and duties and shall place special

12  emphasis on reducing and eliminating contamination that

13  presents a threat to humans, animals or plants, or to the

14  environment.

15         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

16  law.


18            *****************************************

19                          SENATE SUMMARY

20    Authorizes inland navigation districts to enter into
      cooperative agreements with the Federal Government and
21    participate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in
      waterway maintenance projects and anchorage management
22    programs. Authorizes districts to enter into ecosystem
      management agreements with the Department of
23    Environmental Protection. Provides matching funds
      exceptions to financial assistance provisions. Provides a
24    supplemental process for the issuance of joint coastal
      permits and environmental resource permits.






