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Senate Bill 0130

Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SR 130 By Senator Crist 20-57-98 1 Senate Resolution No. 2 A proclamation honoring Dr. R. Vijayanagar of 3 Tampa, cardiovascular surgeon, for his historic 4 achievements in heart transplantation and in 5 other state-of-the-art procedures. 6 7 WHEREAS, Dr. R. Vijayanagar, Assistant Clinical 8 Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of South 9 Florida, in 1985 became the first physician in this state to 10 perform a heart transplant upon a patient who survived for an 11 appreciable period of time (10 years), and 12 WHEREAS, Dr. Vijayanagar has enjoyed a distinguished 13 career in this country, both before and after becoming a 14 naturalized citizen of the United States in 1977, and 15 WHEREAS, he was born in India, received his M.B.B.S. at 16 G.S. Medical College, University of Bombay, served an 17 internship at Passaic (New Jersey) General Hospital, and 18 completed several residencies at hospitals in the Bronx, New 19 York, and 20 WHEREAS, he is a fellow or member of more than a dozen 21 physicians' associations, is the author or coauthor of a vast 22 number of articles on the uses of cardiovascular surgery in a 23 wide variety of cardiac ailments, including articles appearing 24 in prestigious periodicals published in India as well as in 25 major U.S. medical periodicals, and 26 WHEREAS, Dr. Vijayanagar has also lectured here and 27 abroad at international congresses of cardiovascular surgeons 28 and of thoracic surgeons, and 29 WHEREAS, Dr. Vijayanagar continues to provide 30 state-of-the-art treatment for heart disease, including the 31 performance, in 1995, of two partial left ventriculectomies, 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 (NP) SR 130 20-57-98 1 or "Batista procedures," so named in honor of the doctor who 2 developed the procedure in a primitive hospital in the jungles 3 of Brazil, and first performed in this country in 1995, and 4 WHEREAS, it is fitting that we recognize the amazing 5 accomplishments of this Tampa practitioner, who has helped put 6 his city and state "on the map," worldwide, for his 7 extraordinary achievements in his field, NOW, THEREFORE, 8 9 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: 10 11 That the Florida Senate honors Dr. R. Vijayanagar for 12 performing the first heart transplant in Florida on a 13 surviving patient and for his many other contributions to the 14 advancement of cardiovascular surgery, through means including 15 publishing numerous scholarly articles in noted medical 16 journals as well as performing many successful operations. 17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution, 18 with the Senate Seal affixed, be presented to Dr. R. 19 Vijayanagar as a tangible token of the regard of the Florida 20 Senate. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2