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House Bill 1331

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 By Representative Roberts-Burke 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to legal assistance for accused 3 persons; amending s. 27.52, F.S., relating to 4 determination of indigency of accused person 5 and reenacting ss. 39.041(1) and 39.052(3)(d), 6 F.S., relating to child's right to counsel and 7 delinquency hearings, to incorporate said 8 amendment in references; specifying purposes 9 for such determination; providing for payment 10 to the clerk of court of an application fee of 11 up to $40 in connection with the affidavit 12 asserting indigency; providing for monthly 13 transfer of fee moneys into the Indigent 14 Criminal Defense Trust Fund; amending s. 27.56, 15 F.S.; providing for mandatory assessment 16 against certain defendants of attorney's fees 17 and costs for public defender assistance or 18 other court-appointed attorney services; 19 removing an exception for indigent defendants; 20 providing that such costs shall be assessed in 21 addition to certain additional court costs; 22 amending s. 215.22, F.S.; providing that the 23 Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund is exempt 24 from certain service charge deductions for the 25 General Revenue Fund; providing an effective 26 date. 27 28 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 29 30 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 235-216-97 1 Section 1. Paragraphs (a), (c), (d), and (e) of 2 subsection (1) of section 27.52, Florida Statutes, 1996 3 Supplement, are amended to read: 4 27.52 Determination of indigency.-- 5 (1)(a) The determination of indigency, for purposes of 6 appointing the public defender or special assistant public 7 defender or for the services of a private attorney appointed 8 pursuant to the Florida Statutes or the Florida Rules of 9 Criminal Procedure, for of any accused person shall be made by 10 the court, and may be made at any stage of the proceedings. 11 (c) An application A fee of up to $40, as ordered by 12 the court, shall be paid to the clerk of court into the county 13 depository at the time the affidavit is filed. However, the 14 affidavit shall be accepted without the application fee if the 15 court finds, after reviewing the financial information 16 contained in the affidavit, that the application fee should be 17 reduced, waived, or assessed at the disposition. 18 (d) If the court finds that the accused person 19 applying for representation appears to be indigent based on 20 the factual information provided, the court shall appoint the 21 public defender to provide representation. If the application 22 fee is not paid prior to the disposition of the case, the 23 sentencing judge shall be advised of this fact and may: 24 1. Assess the application fee as part of the sentence 25 or as a condition of probation; or 26 2. Assess the application fee pursuant to s. 27.56. 27 28 Notwithstanding any provision of law or local order to the 29 contrary, the clerk of court collecting entity shall assign 30 the court-imposed application fee, up to the first $40 paid by 31 the defendant, to the Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund, if 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 235-216-97 1 created by law; otherwise it shall be deposited in the General 2 Revenue Fund. In no event should a person who is found to be 3 indigent be refused counsel for failure to pay the application 4 fee. 5 (e) The application fee shall be remitted into the 6 county depository and transferred monthly by the clerk of 7 court to the Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund, 8 administered by the Justice Administrative Commission if 9 created by law; otherwise it shall be deposited in the General 10 Revenue Fund, to be used to supplement for the purpose of 11 supplementing the general revenue funds appropriated by the 12 Legislature to the public defenders. The clerk of court may 13 retain up to 2 percent of the application fee for 14 administrative costs prior to remitting the remainder to the 15 Justice Administrative Commission. 16 Section 2. For the purpose of incorporating the 17 amendment to section 27.52, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, 18 in references thereto, the sections or subdivisions of Florida 19 Statutes set forth below are reenacted to read: 20 39.041 Right to counsel.-- 21 (1) A child is entitled to representation by legal 22 counsel at all stages of any proceedings under this part. If 23 the child and the parents or other legal guardian are indigent 24 and unable to employ counsel for the child, the court shall 25 appoint counsel pursuant to s. 27.52. Determination of 26 indigency and costs of representation shall be as provided by 27 ss. 27.52 and 27.56. Legal counsel representing a child who 28 exercises the right to counsel shall be allowed to provide 29 advice and counsel to the child at any time subsequent to the 30 child's arrest, including prior to a detention hearing while 31 in secure detention care. A child shall be represented by 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 235-216-97 1 legal counsel at all stages of all court proceedings unless 2 the right to counsel is freely, knowingly, and intelligently 3 waived by the child. If the child appears without counsel, 4 the court shall advise the child of his or her rights with 5 respect to representation of court-appointed counsel. 6 39.052 Hearings.-- 7 (3) TRANSFER OF A CHILD FOR PROSECUTION AS AN ADULT.-- 8 (d) Notwithstanding any provision of this section or 9 any other law to the contrary, if a child is transferred for 10 criminal prosecution pursuant to this section, a nonindigent 11 or indigent but able to contribute parent or legal guardian of 12 the child pursuant to s. 27.52 is liable for necessary legal 13 fees and costs incident to the criminal prosecution of the 14 child as an adult. 15 Section 3. Subsection (1) and paragraph (a) of 16 subsection (2) of section 27.56, Florida Statutes, 1996 17 Supplement, are amended to read: 18 27.56 Assistance; lien for payment of attorney's fees 19 or costs.-- 20 (1)(a) The court having jurisdiction over any 21 defendant who has been determined to be guilty of a criminal 22 act by a court or jury or through a plea of guilty or nolo 23 contendere and who has received the assistance of the public 24 defender's office or a special assistant public defender, or 25 the services of a private attorney appointed pursuant to the 26 Florida Statutes or the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, 27 shall but is not indigent under s. 27.52(2), or has been 28 determined indigent but able to contribute, may assess 29 attorney's fees and costs against the defendant. at the 30 sentencing hearing, the court shall assess attorney's fees and 31 costs against the defendant and shall determine the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 235-216-97 1 appropriate amount and method of payment. Such costs may 2 include the cost of depositions; cost of transcripts of 3 depositions, including the cost of defendant's copy, which 4 transcripts are certified by the defendant's attorney as 5 having served a useful purpose in the disposition of the case; 6 investigative costs; witness fees; the cost of psychiatric 7 examinations; or other reasonable costs specially incurred by 8 the county for the defense of the defendant in criminal 9 prosecutions within the county. Costs shall not include 10 expenses inherent in providing a constitutionally guaranteed 11 jury trial or expenditures in connection with the maintenance 12 and operation of government agencies that must be made by the 13 public irrespective of specific violations of law. Any cost 14 assessed pursuant to this paragraph shall be in addition to 15 reduced by any amount assessed against a defendant pursuant to 16 s. 27.3455. 17 (b) Upon entering a judgment of conviction, the trial 18 court shall may order the defendant to pay the costs assessed 19 by the court in full, or within a time certain as set by the 20 court, after the judgment of conviction becomes final. 21 (c) After assessment of the attorney's fees and costs, 22 the court shall may order the defendant to pay the attorney's 23 fees in full or in installments, at the time or times 24 specified. The court may order payment of the assessed 25 attorney's fees as a condition of probation, of suspension of 26 sentence, or of withholding the imposition of sentence. 27 (2)(a) After When payment of attorney's fees or costs 28 has been ordered by the court, there is hereby created in the 29 name of the county in which such assistance was rendered a 30 lien, enforceable as hereinafter provided, upon all the 31 property, both real and personal, of any person who: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 235-216-97 1 1. Has received any assistance from any public 2 defender of the state, from any special assistant public 3 defender, or from any appointed private legal counsel; or 4 2. Is a parent of an accused minor or an accused adult 5 tax-dependent person who is being, or has been, represented by 6 any public defender of the state, by any special assistant 7 public defender, or by any appointed private legal counsel. 8 9 Such lien shall constitute a claim against the 10 defendant-recipient or parent and his or her estate, 11 enforceable according to law, in an amount to be determined by 12 the court in which such assistance was rendered. 13 Section 4. Paragraph (s) is added to subsection (1) of 14 section 215.22, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 15 215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds 16 exempt.-- 17 (1) The following income of a revenue nature or the 18 following trust funds shall be exempt from the deduction 19 required by s. 215.20(1): 20 (s) The Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund. 21 Section 5. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1331 235-216-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Revises provisions relating to determination of indigency 4 of accused person. Specifies purposes for such determination. Provides for payment to the clerk of 5 court of an application fee of up to $40 in connection with the affidavit asserting indigency. Provides for 6 monthly transfer of fee moneys into the Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund. 7 8 Provides for mandatory assessment against certain defendants of attorney's fees and costs for public 9 defender assistance or other court-appointed attorney services. Removes an exception for indigent defendants. 10 Provides that such costs shall be assessed in addition to certain additional court costs. Provides that the 11 Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund is exempt from certain service charge deductions for the General Revenue 12 Fund. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7