CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1341

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1341 By Representative Carlton 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to independent expenditures; 3 creating s. 106.087, F.S.; providing 4 restrictions on political parties, political 5 committees, and committees of continuous 6 existence that make independent expenditures or 7 contribute amounts in excess of certain 8 contribution limits; requiring an oath or 9 affirmation under certain circumstances; 10 providing penalties; providing an effective 11 date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. Section 106.087, Florida Statutes, is 16 created to read: 17 106.087 Independent expenditures; contribution limits; 18 restrictions on political parties, political committees, and 19 committees of continuous existence.-- 20 (1)(a) As a condition of receiving a rebate of filing 21 fees and party assessment funds pursuant to s. 99.061(2), s. 22 99.092(1), s. 99.103, or s. 103.121(1)(b), the chair or 23 treasurer of a state or county executive committee shall take 24 and subscribe to an oath or affirmation in writing. During the 25 qualifying period for state candidates and prior to 26 distribution of such funds, a printed copy of the oath or 27 affirmation shall be filed with the Secretary of State and 28 shall be substantially in the following form: 29 30 State of Florida 31 County of.... 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1341 548-122-97 1 Before me, an officer authorized to administer oaths, 2 personally appeared ...(name)..., to me well known, who, being 3 sworn, says that he or she is the ...(title)... of the 4 ...(name of party)... ...(state or specified county)... 5 executive committee; that the executive committee has not 6 made, either directly or indirectly, an independent 7 expenditure in support of or opposition to a candidate or 8 elected public official in the prior 6 months; that the 9 executive committee will not make, either directly or 10 indirectly, an independent expenditure in support of or 11 opposition to a candidate or elected public official, through 12 and including the upcoming general election; and that the 13 executive committee will not violate the contribution limits 14 applicable to candidates under s. 106.08(2), Florida Statutes. 15 ...(Signature of committee officer)... 16 ...(Address)... 17 18 Sworn to and subscribed before me this .... day of ...., 19 19...., at .... County, Florida. 20 ...(Signature and title of officer administering oath)... 21 22 (b) Any executive committee found to have violated the 23 provisions of the oath or affirmation in this subsection prior 24 to receiving funds shall be ineligible to receive the rebate 25 for that general election year. 26 (c) Any executive committee found to have violated the 27 provisions of the oath or affirmation in this subsection after 28 receiving funds shall be ineligible to receive the rebate from 29 candidates qualifying for the following general election 30 cycle. 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1341 548-122-97 1 (d) Any funds not distributed to the state or county 2 executive committee pursuant to this subsection shall be 3 deposited into the General Revenue Fund of the state. 4 (2)(a) Any political committee or committee of 5 continuous existence that accepts the use of public funds, 6 equipment, personnel, or other resources to collect dues from 7 its members agrees not to make independent expenditures in 8 support of or opposition to a candidate or elected public 9 official. However, expenditures may be made for producing and 10 mailing communications to its members for the purpose of 11 jointly endorsing six or more candidates. 12 (b) Any political committee or committee of continuous 13 existence that violates this subsection shall be liable for a 14 civil fine of up to $5,000, to be determined by the Florida 15 Elections Commission, or the entire amount of the 16 expenditures, whichever is greater. 17 Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 18 19 ***************************************** 20 HOUSE SUMMARY 21 Provides restrictions on political parties, political 22 committees, and committees of continuous existence that make independent expenditures or contribute amounts in 23 excess of certain contribution limits. Requires an oath or affirmation of political party executive committees 24 under certain circumstances. Provides punitive measures and civil penalties, as applicable. See bill for details. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3