Senate Bill 1342er

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  2         An act relating to rulemaking authority of the

  3         Division of Workers' Compensation (RAB);

  4         amending ss. 440.05, 440.15, 440.16, 440.185,

  5         440.191, 440.20, 440.40, 440.42, 440.49, F.S.;

  6         extending rulemaking authority to the Division

  7         of Workers' Compensation; providing an

  8         effective date.


10  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


12         Section 1.  Subsection (7) is added to section 440.05,

13  Florida Statutes, to read:

14         440.05  Election of exemption; revocation of election;

15  notice; certification.--

16         (7)  The division may by rule prescribe forms and

17  procedures for filing an election of exemption, revocation of

18  election to be exempt, and notice of election of coverage for

19  all employers and require specified forms to be submitted by

20  all employers in filing for the election of exemption. The

21  division may by rule prescribe forms and procedures for

22  issuing a certificate of the election of exemption.

23         Section 2.  Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3),

24  paragraph (b) of subsection (4), and paragraph (b) of

25  subsection (10) of section 440.15, Florida Statutes, are

26  amended to read:

27         440.15  Compensation for disability.--Compensation for

28  disability shall be paid to the employee, subject to the

29  limits provided in s. 440.12(2), as follows:


31         (a)  Impairment benefits.--


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  1         1.  Once the employee has reached the date of maximum

  2  medical improvement, impairment benefits are due and payable

  3  within 20 days after the carrier has knowledge of the

  4  impairment.

  5         2.  The three-member panel, in cooperation with the

  6  division, shall establish and use a uniform permanent

  7  impairment rating schedule. This schedule must be based on

  8  medically or scientifically demonstrable findings as well as

  9  the systems and criteria set forth in the American Medical

10  Association's Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent

11  Impairment; the Snellen Charts, published by American Medical

12  Association Committee for Eye Injuries; and the Minnesota

13  Department of Labor and Industry Disability Schedules. The

14  schedule should be based upon objective findings. The schedule

15  shall be more comprehensive than the AMA Guides to the

16  Evaluation of Permanent Impairment and shall expand the areas

17  already addressed and address additional areas not currently

18  contained in the guides. On August 1, 1979, and pending the

19  adoption, by rule, of a permanent schedule, Guides to the

20  Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, copyright 1977, 1971,

21  1988, by the American Medical Association, shall be the

22  temporary schedule and shall be used for the purposes hereof.

23  For injuries after July 1, 1990, pending the adoption by

24  division rule of a uniform disability rating schedule, the

25  Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Disability Schedule

26  shall be used unless that schedule does not address an injury.

27  In such case, the Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent

28  Impairment by the American Medical Association shall be used.

29  Determination of permanent impairment under this schedule must

30  be made by a physician licensed under chapter 458, a doctor of

31  osteopathic medicine licensed under chapters 458 and 459, a


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  1  chiropractor licensed under chapter 460, a podiatrist licensed

  2  under chapter 461, an optometrist licensed under chapter 463,

  3  or a dentist licensed under chapter 466, as appropriate

  4  considering the nature of the injury. No other persons are

  5  authorized to render opinions regarding the existence of or

  6  the extent of permanent impairment.

  7         3.  All impairment income benefits shall be based on an

  8  impairment rating using the impairment schedule referred to in

  9  subparagraph 2. Impairment income benefits are paid weekly at

10  the rate of 50 percent of the employee's average weekly

11  temporary total disability benefit not to exceed the maximum

12  weekly benefit under s. 440.12. An employee's entitlement to

13  impairment income benefits begins the day after the employee

14  reaches maximum medical improvement or the expiration of

15  temporary benefits, whichever occurs earlier, and continues

16  until the earlier of:

17         a.  The expiration of a period computed at the rate of

18  3 weeks for each percentage point of impairment; or

19         b.  The death of the employee.

20         4.  After the employee has been certified by a doctor

21  as having reached maximum medical improvement or 6 weeks

22  before the expiration of temporary benefits, whichever occurs

23  earlier, the certifying doctor shall evaluate the condition of

24  the employee and assign an impairment rating, using the

25  impairment schedule referred to in subparagraph 2.

26  Compensation is not payable for the mental, psychological, or

27  emotional injury arising out of depression from being out of

28  work. If the certification and evaluation are performed by a

29  doctor other than the employee's treating doctor, the

30  certification and evaluation must be submitted to the treating

31  doctor, and the treating doctor must indicate agreement or


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  1  disagreement with the certification and evaluation. The

  2  certifying doctor shall issue a written report to the

  3  division, the employee, and the carrier certifying that

  4  maximum medical improvement has been reached, stating the

  5  impairment rating, and providing any other information

  6  required by the division. If the employee has not been

  7  certified as having reached maximum medical improvement before

  8  the expiration of 102 weeks after the date temporary total

  9  disability benefits begin to accrue, the carrier shall notify

10  the treating doctor of the requirements of this section.

11         5.  The carrier shall pay the employee impairment

12  income benefits for a period based on the impairment rating.

13         6.  The division may by rule specify forms and

14  procedures governing the method of payment of wage loss and

15  impairment benefits for dates of accidents before January 1,

16  1994, and for dates of accidents on or after January 1, 1994.

17         (b)  Supplemental benefits.--

18         1.  All supplemental benefits must be paid in

19  accordance with this subsection. An employee is entitled to

20  supplemental benefits as provided in this paragraph as of the

21  expiration of the impairment period, if:

22         a.  The employee has an impairment rating from the

23  compensable injury of 20 percent or more as determined

24  pursuant to this chapter;

25         b.  The employee has not returned to work or has

26  returned to work earning less than 80 percent of the

27  employee's average weekly wage as a direct result of the

28  employee's impairment; and

29         c.  The employee has in good faith attempted to obtain

30  employment commensurate with the employee's ability to work.



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  1         2.  If an employee is not entitled to supplemental

  2  benefits at the time of payment of the final weekly impairment

  3  income benefit because the employee is earning at least 80

  4  percent of the employee's average weekly wage, the employee

  5  may become entitled to supplemental benefits at any time

  6  within 1 year after the impairment income benefit period ends

  7  if:

  8         a.  The employee earns wages that are less than 80

  9  percent of the employee's average weekly wage for a period of

10  at least 90 days;

11         b.  The employee meets the other requirements of

12  subparagraph 1.; and

13         c.  The employee's decrease in earnings is a direct

14  result of the employee's impairment from the compensable

15  injury.

16         3.  If an employee earns wages that are at least 80

17  percent of the employee's average weekly wage for a period of

18  at least 90 days during which the employee is receiving

19  supplemental benefits, the employee ceases to be entitled to

20  supplemental benefits for the filing period. Supplemental

21  benefits that have been terminated shall be reinstated when

22  the employee satisfies the conditions enumerated in

23  subparagraph 2. and files the statement required under

24  subparagraph 5. Notwithstanding any other provision, if an

25  employee is not entitled to supplemental benefits for 12

26  consecutive months, the employee ceases to be entitled to any

27  additional income benefits for the compensable injury. If the

28  employee is discharged within 12 months after losing

29  entitlement under this subsection, benefits may be reinstated

30  if the employee was discharged at that time with the intent to

31  deprive the employee of supplemental benefits.


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  1         4.  During the period that impairment income benefits

  2  or supplemental income benefits are being paid, the carrier

  3  has the affirmative duty to determine at least annually

  4  whether any extended unemployment or underemployment is a

  5  direct result of the employee's impairment. To accomplish this

  6  purpose, the division may require periodic reports from the

  7  employee and the carrier, and it may, at the carrier's

  8  expense, require any physical or other examinations,

  9  vocational assessments, or other tests or diagnoses necessary

10  to verify that the carrier is performing its duty. Not more

11  than once in each 12 calendar months, the employee and the

12  carrier may each request that the division review the status

13  of the employee and determine whether the carrier has

14  performed its duty with respect to whether the employee's

15  unemployment or underemployment is a direct result of

16  impairment from the compensable injury.

17         5.  After the initial determination of supplemental

18  benefits, the employee must file a statement with the carrier

19  stating that the employee has earned less than 80 percent of

20  the employee's average weekly wage as a direct result of the

21  employee's impairment, stating the amount of wages the

22  employee earned in the filing period, and stating that the

23  employee has in good faith sought employment commensurate with

24  the employee's ability to work. The statement must be filed

25  quarterly on a form and in the manner prescribed by the

26  division. The division may modify the filing period as

27  appropriate to an individual case. Failure to file a statement

28  relieves the carrier of liability for supplemental benefits

29  for the period during which a statement is not filed.

30         6.  The carrier shall begin payment of supplemental

31  benefits not later than the seventh day after the expiration


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    1998 Legislature                                CS for SB 1342

  1  date of the impairment income benefit period and shall

  2  continue to timely pay those benefits. The carrier may request

  3  a mediation conference for the purpose of contesting the

  4  employee's entitlement to or the amount of supplemental income

  5  benefits.

  6         7.  Supplemental benefits are calculated quarterly and

  7  paid monthly. For purposes of calculating supplemental

  8  benefits, 80 percent of the employee's average weekly wage and

  9  the average wages the employee has earned per week are

10  compared quarterly. For purposes of this paragraph, if the

11  employee is offered a bona fide position of employment that

12  the employee is capable of performing, given the physical

13  condition of the employee and the geographic accessibility of

14  the position, the employee's weekly wages are considered

15  equivalent to the weekly wages for the position offered to the

16  employee.

17         8.  Supplemental benefits are payable at the rate of 80

18  percent of the difference between 80 percent of the employee's

19  average weekly wage determined pursuant to s. 440.14 and the

20  weekly wages the employee has earned during the reporting

21  period, not to exceed the maximum weekly income benefit under

22  s. 440.12.

23         9.  The division may by rule define terms that are

24  necessary for the administration of this section and forms and

25  procedures governing the method of payment of supplemental

26  benefits for dates of accidents before January 1, 1994, and

27  for dates of accidents on or after January 1, 1994.


29         (b)  Such benefits shall be paid during the continuance

30  of such disability, not to exceed a period of 104 weeks, as

31  provided by this subsection and subsection (2). Once the


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    1998 Legislature                                CS for SB 1342

  1  injured employee reaches the maximum number of weeks,

  2  temporary disability benefits cease and the injured worker's

  3  permanent impairment must be determined. The division may by

  4  rule specify forms and procedures governing the method of

  5  payment of temporary disability benefits for dates of

  6  accidents before January 1, 1994, and for dates of accidents

  7  on or after January 1, 1994.



10  ACT.--

11         (b)  If the provisions of 42 U.S.C. s. 424(a) are

12  amended to provide for a reduction or increase of the

13  percentage of average current earnings that the sum of

14  compensation benefits payable under this chapter and the

15  benefits payable under 42 U.S.C. ss. 402 and 423 can equal,

16  the amount of the reduction of benefits provided in this

17  subsection shall be reduced or increased accordingly. The

18  division may by rule specify forms and procedures governing

19  the method for calculating and administering the offset of

20  benefits payable under this chapter and benefits payable under

21  42 U.S.C. ss. 402 and 423. The division shall have first

22  priority in taking any available social security offsets on

23  dates of accidents occurring before July 1, 1984.

24         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

25  440.16, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         440.16  Compensation for death.--

27         (1)  If death results from the accident within 1 year

28  thereafter or follows continuous disability and results from

29  the accident within 5 years thereafter, the employer shall

30  pay:



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  1         (a)  Within 14 days after receiving the bill, actual

  2  funeral expenses not to exceed $5,000.

  3         Section 4.  Subsection (5) of section 440.185, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended and subsection (10) is added to that

  5  section to read:

  6         440.185  Notice of injury or death; reports; penalties

  7  for violations.--

  8         (5)  Additional reports with respect to such injury and

  9  of the condition of such employee, including copies of medical

10  reports, funeral expenses, and wage statements, shall be filed

11  sent by the employer or carrier to the division at such times

12  and in such manner as the division may prescribe by rule.  In

13  carrying out its responsibilities under this chapter, the

14  division may by rule provide for the obtaining of any medical

15  records relating to medical treatment provided pursuant to

16  this chapter, notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 90.503

17  and, 395.3025(4), and 396.112.

18         (10)  The division may by rule prescribe forms and

19  procedures governing the submission of the change in claims

20  administration report and the risk class code and standard

21  industry code report for all lost time and denied lost-time

22  cases. The division may by rule define terms that are

23  necessary for the effective administration of this section.

24         Section 5.  Subsection (1) and paragraph (d) of

25  subsection (2) of section 440.191, Florida Statutes, are

26  amended to read:

27         440.191  Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office.--

28         (1)(a)  In order to effect the self-executing features

29  of the Workers' Compensation Law, this chapter shall be

30  construed to permit injured employees and employers or the

31  employer's carrier to resolve disagreements without undue


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  1  expense, costly litigation, or delay in the provisions of

  2  benefits. It is the duty of all who participate in the

  3  workers' compensation system, including, but not limited to,

  4  carriers, service providers, health care providers, attorneys,

  5  employers, and employees, to attempt to resolve disagreements

  6  in good faith and to cooperate with the division's efforts to

  7  resolve disagreements between the parties. The division may by

  8  rule prescribe definitions that are necessary for the

  9  effective administration of this section.

10         (b)  An Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office is

11  created within the Division of Workers' Compensation to inform

12  and assist injured workers, employers, carriers, and health

13  care providers in fulfilling their responsibilities under this

14  chapter. The division may by rule specify forms and procedures

15  for administering requests for assistance provided by this

16  section.

17         (2)

18         (d)  The Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office may

19  assign an ombudsman to assist the employee in resolving the

20  dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days after

21  the employee contacts the office, the ombudsman shall, at the

22  employee's request, assist the employee in drafting a petition

23  for benefits and explain the procedures for filing petitions.

24  The division may by rule determine the method used to

25  calculate the 30-day period. The Employee Assistance and

26  Ombudsman Office may not represent employees before the judges

27  of compensation claims. An employer or carrier may not pay any

28  attorneys' fees on behalf of the employee for services

29  rendered or costs incurred in connection with this section,

30  unless expressly authorized elsewhere in this chapter.



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  1         Section 6.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (15) of section

  2  440.20, Florida Statutes, is amended and subsection (17) is

  3  added to that section to read:

  4         440.20  Time for payment of compensation; penalties for

  5  late payment.--

  6         (15)(a)  The division shall examine on an ongoing basis

  7  claims files in order to identify questionable claims-handling

  8  techniques, questionable patterns or practices of claims, or a

  9  pattern of repeated unreasonably controverted claims by

10  employers, carriers, self-insurers, health care providers,

11  health care facilities, training and education providers, or

12  any others providing services to employees pursuant to this

13  chapter and may certify its findings to the Department of

14  Insurance. Such questionable techniques, patterns, or repeated

15  unreasonably controverted claims as constitute a general

16  business practice of a carrier in the judgment of the division

17  shall be certified in its findings by the division to the

18  Department of Insurance or such other appropriate licensing

19  agency. Such certification by the division is exempt from the

20  provisions of chapter 120. Upon receipt of any such

21  certification, the Department of Insurance shall take

22  appropriate action so as to bring such general business

23  practices to a halt pursuant to s. 440.38(3)(a). The division

24  may initiate investigations of questionable techniques,

25  patterns, practices, or repeated unreasonably controverted

26  claims. The division may by rule establish forms and

27  procedures for corrective-action plans and for auditing

28  carriers.

29         (17)  The division may by rule establish audit

30  procedures and set standards for the Automated Carrier

31  Performance System.


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  1         Section 7.  Section 440.40, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         440.40  Compensation notice.--Every employer who has

  4  secured compensation under the provisions of this chapter

  5  shall keep posted in a conspicuous place or places in and

  6  about her or his place or places of business typewritten or

  7  printed notices, in accordance with a form prescribed by the

  8  division, stating that such employer has secured the payment

  9  of compensation in accordance with the provisions of this

10  chapter. Such notices shall contain the name and address of

11  the carrier, if any, with whom the employer has secured

12  payment of compensation and the date of the expiration of the

13  policy. The division may by rule prescribe the form of the

14  notices and require carriers to provide the notices to

15  policyholders.

16         Section 8.  Subsection (2) of section 440.42, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         440.42  Insurance policies; liability.--

19         (2)  No contract or policy of insurance issued by a

20  carrier under this chapter shall expire or be canceled until

21  at least 30 days have elapsed after a notice of cancellation

22  has been sent to the division and to the employer in

23  accordance with the provisions of s. 440.185(7).  However,

24  when duplicate or dual coverage exists by reason of two

25  different carriers having issued policies of insurance to the

26  same employer securing the same liability, it shall be

27  presumed that only that policy with the later effective date

28  shall be in force and that the earlier policy terminated upon

29  the effective date of the latter.  In the event that both

30  policies carry the same effective date, one of the policies

31  may be canceled instanter upon filing a notice of cancellation


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  1  with the division and serving a copy thereof upon the employer

  2  in such manner as the division prescribes by rule by

  3  regulation may prescribe. The division may by rule prescribe

  4  the content of the notice of retroactive cancellation and

  5  specify the time, place, and manner in which the notice of

  6  cancellation is to be served.

  7         Section 9.  Subsections (2) and (8) of section 440.49,

  8  Florida Statutes, are amended and paragraph (g) is added to

  9  subsection (7) of that section to read:

10         440.49  Limitation of liability for subsequent injury

11  through Special Disability Trust Fund.--

12         (2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:

13         (a)  "Permanent physical impairment" means and is

14  limited to the conditions listed in paragraph (6)(a).

15         (b)  "Preferred worker" means a worker who, because of

16  a permanent impairment resulting from a compensable injury or

17  occupational disease, is unable to return to the worker's

18  regular employment.

19         (c)  "Merger" describes or means that:

20         1.  If the permanent physical impairment had not

21  existed, the subsequent accident or occupational disease would

22  not have occurred;

23         2.  The permanent disability or permanent impairment

24  resulting from the subsequent accident or occupational disease

25  is materially and substantially greater than that which would

26  have resulted had the permanent physical impairment not

27  existed, and the employer has been required to pay, and has

28  paid, permanent total disability or permanent impairment

29  benefits for that materially and substantially greater

30  disability;



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  1         3.  The preexisting permanent physical impairment is

  2  aggravated or accelerated as a result of the subsequent injury

  3  or occupational disease, or the preexisting impairment has

  4  contributed, medically and circumstantially, to the need for

  5  temporary compensation, medical, or attendant care and the

  6  employer has been required to pay, and has paid, temporary

  7  compensation, medical, or attendant care benefits for the

  8  aggravated preexisting permanent impairment; or

  9         4.  Death would not have been accelerated if the

10  permanent physical impairment had not existed.

11         (d)  "Excess permanent compensation" means that

12  compensation for permanent impairment, or permanent total

13  disability or death benefits, for which the employer or

14  carrier is otherwise entitled to reimbursement from the

15  Special Disability Trust Fund.


17  In addition to the definitions contained in this subsection,

18  the division may by rule prescribe definitions that are

19  necessary for the effective administration of this section.


21         (g)  The division may by rule require specific forms

22  and procedures for the administration and processing of claims

23  made through the Special Disability Trust Fund.

24         (8)  PREFERRED WORKER PROGRAM.--The division shall

25  issue identity cards to preferred workers upon request by

26  qualified employees and shall reimburse an employer, from the

27  Special Disability Trust Fund, for the cost of workers'

28  compensation premium related to the preferred workers payroll

29  for up to 3 years of continuous employment upon satisfactory

30  evidence of placement and issuance of payroll and

31  classification records and upon the employee's certification


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  1  of employment. The division may by rule prescribe definitions,

  2  forms, and procedures for the administration of the preferred

  3  worker program. The division may by rule prescribe the

  4  schedule for submission of forms for participation in the

  5  program.

  6         Section 10.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  7  law.
























