Senate Bill 1346c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1346

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance and Senator


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to rulemaking authority with

  3         respect to occupational safety and health

  4         (RAB); amending s. 442.006, F.S.; authorizing

  5         rules for the Division of Safety investigations

  6         of public-sector employers; amending s.

  7         442.008, F.S.; authorizing rules for the

  8         Division of Safety relating to recordkeeping

  9         responsibilities for public-sector employers;

10         amending s. 442.011, F.S.; eliminating an

11         annual report; amending s. 442.20, F.S.;

12         authorizing rulemaking for the Division of

13         Safety for the adoption of federal standards;

14         providing that specified references to federal

15         officials in adopted federal standards refer to

16         specified state officials for the purpose of

17         state law; amending s. 627.0915, F.S.;

18         authorizing rulemaking for the Division of

19         Safety for workplace-safety programs for

20         clients of help-supply services companies;

21         providing an effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Subsection (3) is added to section 442.006,

26  Florida Statutes, to read:

27         442.006  Investigations by the division; refusal to

28  admit; penalty.--

29         (3)  The division by rule may adopt procedures for

30  conducting investigations of public-sector employers under

31  this chapter.


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1346

  1         Section 2.  Subsection (4) is added to section 442.008,

  2  Florida Statutes, to read:

  3         442.008  Division authority.--The division shall:

  4         (4)  Adopt rules prescribing recordkeeping

  5  responsibilities for public-sector employers, which may

  6  include rules for maintaining a log and summary of

  7  occupational injuries, diseases, and illnesses and for

  8  producing on request a notice of injury and employee accident

  9  investigation records, and rules prescribing a retention

10  schedule for such records.

11         Section 3.  Section 442.011, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         442.011  Carrier consultations.--Each insurance carrier

14  writing workers' compensation insurance in this state, each

15  employer qualifying as an individual self-insurer under s.

16  440.38, each self-insurance fund under s. 624.461, and each

17  assessable mutual insurer under s. 628.6011 must provide

18  safety consultations to each of its policyholders who requests

19  such consultations. Each such carrier or self-insurer must

20  inform its policyholders of the availability of such

21  consultations and must report annually on its safety and

22  health programs and consultations to the division in such form

23  and at such time as the division prescribes. The division is

24  responsible for approving all safety and health programs. The

25  division shall aid all insurance carriers and self-insurers in

26  establishing their safety and health programs by setting out

27  criteria in an appropriate format.

28         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 442.20, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended and subsection (5) is added to that

30  section to read:

31         442.20  Workplace safety.--


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1346

  1         (2)  The Division of Safety shall have the authority to

  2  adopt rules for the purpose of assuring safe working

  3  conditions for all workers by authorizing the enforcement of

  4  effective standards, assisting and encouraging employers to

  5  maintain safe working conditions, and by providing for

  6  education and training in the field of safety. For

  7  public-sector employers, the division may by rule adopt

  8  Subparts C through T and Subpart Z of 29 C.F.R. Part 1910;

  9  Subparts C through Z of 29 C.F.R. Part 1926; Subparts A

10  through D, Subpart I, and Subpart M of 29 C.F.R. Part 1928;

11  Subparts A through G of 29 C.F.R. Part 1917; Subparts A

12  through L and Subpart Z of 29 C.F.R. Part 1915; Subparts A

13  through J of 29 C.F.R. Part 1918, as revised July 1, 1993,

14  provided that 29 C.F.R. 1910.156 applies to volunteer

15  firefighters and fire departments operated by the state of

16  political subdivisions; the National Fire Protection

17  Association, Inc., Standard 1500, paragraph 5-7 (Personal

18  Alert Safety System) (1992 edition); and ANSI A 10.4-1990.

19         (5)  All references to the Assistant Secretary of the

20  Occupational Safety and Health Administration and to the

21  Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and

22  Health and their authorized representatives in the adopted

23  federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration

24  standards shall, for purposes of this section mean, the

25  Director of the Division of Safety of the Department of Labor

26  and Employment Security or his or her authorized

27  representatives.

28         Section 5.  Section 627.0915, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         627.0915  Rate filings; workers' compensation,

31  drug-free workplace, and safe employers.--The Department of


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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1346

  1  Insurance shall approve rating plans for workers' compensation

  2  insurance that give specific identifiable consideration in the

  3  setting of rates to employers that either implement a

  4  drug-free workplace program pursuant to rules adopted by the

  5  Division of Workers' Compensation of the Department of Labor

  6  and Employment Security or implement a safety program approved

  7  by the Division of Safety pursuant to rules adopted by the

  8  Division of Safety of the Department of Labor and Employment

  9  Security or implement both a drug-free workplace program and a

10  safety program. The Division of Safety may by rule require

11  that the client of a help-supply-services company comply with

12  the essential requirements of a workplace-safety program as a

13  condition for receiving a premium credit. The plans must take

14  effect January 1, 1994, must be actuarially sound, and must

15  state the savings anticipated to result from such drug-testing

16  and safety programs.

17         Section 6.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

18  law.















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    Florida Senate - 1998                           CS for SB 1346

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                         Senate Bill 1346


  4  The committee substitute eliminates rulemaking authority for
    the following rules identified by the Division of Safety as
  5  exceeding statutory authority:

  6  1.   The notice of death reporting requirement, currently
         required to be reported to the Division of Workers'
  7       Compensation;

  8  2.   Right of entry without delay;

  9  3.   The annual report on safety and consultation activities
         required of carriers; and
    4.   Certain definition of terms used.
    The committee substitute eliminates the annual reporting
12  requirement of carriers, limits the rulemaking authority of
    the division for investigative procedures solely to
13  public-sector employers only, and provides rulemaking
    authority for the adoption of specified federal standards for
14  public-sector employers only.

















