Senate Bill 1384e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 1384                                        First Engrossed

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to animals; amending s. 828.30,

  3         F.S.; providing for the rabies vaccination of

  4         ferrets; providing for quarantine according to

  5         rules; providing an effective date.


  7  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  9         Section 1.  Section 828.30, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         828.30  Rabies vaccination of dogs, and cats, and

12  ferrets.--

13         (1)  All dogs, and cats, and ferrets 4 months of age or

14  older must be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian against

15  rabies with a United States Government-approved vaccine. The

16  cost of vaccination must be borne by the animal's owner.

17         (2)  A dog, or cat, or ferret is exempt from

18  vaccination against rabies if a licensed veterinarian has

19  examined the animal and has certified in writing that at the

20  time vaccination would endanger the animal's health because of

21  its age, infirmity, disability, illness, or other medical

22  considerations. An exempt animal must be vaccinated against

23  rabies as soon as its health permits.

24         (3)  Upon vaccination against rabies, the licensed

25  veterinarian shall provide the animal's owner and the animal

26  control authority with a rabies vaccination certificate which

27  must contain at least the following information:

28         (a)  The license number of the administering

29  veterinarian.

30         (b)  The name, address, and phone number of the

31  veterinarian and owner.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    SB 1384                                        First Engrossed

  1         (c)  The date of vaccination.

  2         (d)  The expiration date of the vaccination.

  3         (e)  The species, age, sex, color, breed, weight, and

  4  name of the animal vaccinated.

  5         (f)  The rabies vaccine manufacturer.

  6         (g)  The vaccine lot number and expiration date.

  7         (h)  The type and brand of vaccine used.

  8         (i)  The route of administration of the vaccine.

  9         (j)  The signature or signature stamp of the licensed

10  veterinarian.

11         (4)  Beginning March 1, 1999, each ferret vaccinated

12  according to this section must be quarantined, when necessary,

13  according to rules of the Department of Health.

14         (5)(4)  Violation of this section is a civil

15  infraction, punishable as provided in s. 828.27(2).

16         (6)(5)  This section does not prohibit or limit

17  municipalities or counties from enacting requirements similar

18  to or more stringent than the provisions of this section for

19  the implementation and enforcement of rabies-control

20  ordinances.

21         Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 1999.










