House Bill 1407e2

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                               CS/CS/HB 1407, Second Engrossed/ntc

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the state lottery; amending

  3         s. 24.115, F.S.; providing for reducing prize

  4         amounts to certain persons who receive public

  5         assistance under certain circumstances;

  6         providing for deducting overpayments from

  7         public assistance payment under certain

  8         circumstances; providing for agency

  9         responsibility for identifying certain

10         recipients of public assistance; providing for

11         disposition of remainders of lottery prizes

12         under certain circumstances; providing immunity

13         from liability to state agencies under certain

14         circumstances; defining "public assistance";

15         amending s. 414.28, F.S.; conforming provisions

16         relating to public assistance payments;

17         providing reporting requirements; providing an

18         effective date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Subsection (4) of section 24.115, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         24.115  Payment of prizes.--

25         (4)(a)  It is the responsibility of the appropriate

26  state agency and of the judicial branch to identify to the

27  department, in the form and format prescribed by the

28  department, persons owing an outstanding debt to any state

29  agency or owing child support collected through a court. Prior

30  to the payment of a prize of $600 or more to any claimant

31  having such an outstanding obligation, the department shall


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                               CS/CS/HB 1407, Second Engrossed/ntc

  1  transmit the amount of the debt to the agency claiming the

  2  debt and shall authorize payment of the balance to the prize

  3  winner after deduction of the debt.

  4         (b)  It is the responsibility of the appropriate state

  5  agency to identify to the department, in a form and format

  6  prescribed by the department, persons who have received any

  7  public assistance on or after January 1, 1999. Prior to the

  8  payment of a prize of a net amount of $100,000 or more to any

  9  claimant identified as receiving any public assistance on or

10  after January 1, 1999, the department shall reduce the amount

11  of the prize by the lesser of one-half of the total amount of

12  the prize prior to any deductions or the total amount of such

13  public assistance received, shall transmit such amount to the

14  agency reporting the payment of the public assistance, and

15  shall authorize payment of the balance to the prize winner

16  after deduction of the amount of the public assistance.

17         (c)  If a prize winner owes multiple debts or has

18  received public assistance subject to offset under this

19  subsection and the prize is insufficient to cover all such

20  debts or public assistance, the amount of the prize shall be

21  transmitted first to the agency claiming that past due child

22  support is owed.  If a balance of lottery prize remains after

23  payment of past due child support, the remaining lottery prize

24  amount shall be transmitted to other agencies claiming debts

25  owed to the state, on a pro rata basis, based upon the ratio

26  of the individual debt to the remaining debt owed to the

27  state. If a balance of lottery prize remains after payment of

28  all such debts, the remaining lottery prize amount shall be

29  transmitted to other agencies reporting payment of public

30  assistance, on a pro rata basis.



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                               CS/CS/HB 1407, Second Engrossed/ntc

  1         (d)  If any error in payment is made pursuant to

  2  paragraph (b) constituting an overpayment to a person who

  3  receives public assistance, the amount of the overpayment

  4  shall be deducted from future public assistance payments to

  5  such person.

  6         (e)  A state agency shall not be subject to any

  7  liability in the event of any mistake which may occur in any

  8  determination made under paragraph (b) or for any damages if a

  9  person brings an action against an agency for identifying the

10  person as a recipient of public assistance.

11         (f)  For purposes of this section, "public assistance"

12  is limited to payments of state money made to or on behalf of

13  a recipient after January 1, 1999, for temporary cash

14  assistance and food stamps received pursuant to chapter 414

15  but shall not include mandatory or optional supplement

16  payments under the Social Security Act or assistance received

17  under the Medicaid program.

18         Section 2.  Subsections (1), (2), (6), and (8) of

19  section 414.28, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are

20  amended, and subsection (11) is added to said section, to

21  read:

22         414.28  Public assistance payments to constitute debt

23  of recipient.--

24         (1)  CLAIMS.--The acceptance of public assistance

25  creates a debt of the person accepting assistance, which debt

26  is enforceable only after the death of the recipient or upon

27  receipt of a lottery prize of $1,500 or more.  The debt

28  thereby created is enforceable only by claim filed against the

29  estate of the recipient after his or her death or by suit to

30  set aside a fraudulent conveyance, as defined in subsection

31  (3), or as specified in s. 24.115(4). After the death of the


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                               CS/CS/HB 1407, Second Engrossed/ntc

  1  recipient and within the time prescribed by law, the

  2  department may file a claim against the estate of the

  3  recipient for the total amount of public assistance paid to or

  4  for the benefit of such recipient, reimbursement for which has

  5  not been made.  Claims so filed shall take priority as class 7

  6  claims as provided by s. 733.707(1)(g).

  7         (2)  DISCHARGE OF DEBT.--The debt created by this

  8  section shall be discharged as specified in s. 24.115(4) or

  9  pursuant to s. 733.710 unless the department institutes

10  probate proceedings as a creditor, files a timely claim

11  against the estate of the debtor, or institutes a suit to set

12  aside a fraudulent conveyance as defined in subsection (3).

13         (6)  NOTICE.--The department shall notify all persons

14  receiving or applying for public assistance that all public

15  assistance grants paid constitute a claim against the estate

16  or lottery winnings of a net amount of $100,000 or more of

17  each recipient.  The notice may be given by letter mailed to

18  the last known address of each recipient, but the failure to

19  give such notice does not affect the validity of the claim.

20         (8)  DISPOSITION OF FUNDS RECOVERED.--Except for funds

21  collected pursuant to s. 24.115(4), all funds collected under

22  this section shall be deposited with the Department of Banking

23  and Finance and a report of such deposit made to the

24  department.  After payment of costs the sums so collected

25  shall be credited to the department and used by it.

26         (11)  The department shall provide a record of amounts

27  withheld under this section to the Child Support Enforcement

28  Program of the Department of Revenue. Such record shall

29  contain the claimant's name, social security number, any

30  public assistance family number, and any amount retained

31  toward public assistance.


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                               CS/CS/HB 1407, Second Engrossed/ntc

  1         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1 of the

  2  year in which enacted.





























