CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1411

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 By Representative Bloom 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the administration of trusts 3 and estates; amending s. 689.225, F.S.; 4 providing a statement of the rule against 5 perpetuities; amending s. 709.08, F.S.; 6 authorizing certain corporations to serve as an 7 attorney in fact; amending s. 733.707, F.S.; 8 defining the term "right of revocation" with 9 respect to the order of payment of expenses and 10 obligations of an estate; amending s. 737.111, 11 F.S.; revising language with respect to 12 execution requirements for express trusts; 13 providing for the application of the section; 14 amending s. 737.2041, F.S., relating to 15 trustee's attorney's fee; revising procedures 16 for determining attorney's fees; providing for 17 determining fees for an attorney who is 18 retained for limited services; revising the 19 list of services that constitute ordinary 20 services in an initial trust administration; 21 deleting an exception from the applicability of 22 presumptive fees for a corporate fiduciary that 23 serves as a trustee or cotrustee; amending s. 24 737.303, F.S.; revising language with respect 25 to the duty of the trustee to inform and 26 account to beneficiaries to require information 27 to the grantor with respect to certain trusts; 28 amending s. 737.308, F.S.; revising a provision 29 of law governing notice of trust to provide 30 that the clerk shall send a copy of any caveat 31 filed regarding the settlor to the trustee, and 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 the notice of trust to the caveator; providing 2 an exception; amending s. 733.817, F.S.; 3 revising provisions of law with respect to the 4 apportionment of estate taxes; amending s. 5 738.12, F.S.; providing conditions under which 6 a trust beneficiary is considered an income 7 beneficiary; providing an effective date. 8 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 10 11 Section 1. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (2) of 12 section 689.225, Florida Statutes, to read: 13 689.225 Statutory rule against perpetuities.-- 14 (2) STATEMENT OF THE RULE.-- 15 (e) Language in a governing instrument is inoperative 16 to the extent that it produces a period of time that exceeds 17 21 years after the death of the survivor of the specified 18 lives, if, in measuring a period from the creation of a trust 19 or other property arrangement, that language seeks to disallow 20 the vesting or termination of any interest or trust beyond, 21 seeks to postpone the vesting or termination of any interest 22 or trust until, or seeks to operate in effect in any similar 23 fashion upon, the later of: 24 1. The expiration of a period of time not exceeding 21 25 years after the death of a specified life or the survivor of 26 specified lives, or upon the death of a specified life or the 27 death of the survivor of specified lives in being at the 28 creation of the trust or other property arrangement; or 29 2. The expiration of a period of time that exceeds or 30 might exceed 21 years after the death of the survivor of lives 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 in being at the creation of the trust or other property 2 arrangement. 3 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 709.08, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 709.08 Durable power of attorney.-- 6 (2) WHO MAY SERVE AS ATTORNEY IN FACT.--The attorney 7 in fact must be a natural person who is 18 years of age or 8 older and is of sound mind, or a financial institution, as 9 defined in chapter 655, with trust powers, having a place of 10 business in this state and authorized to conduct trust 11 business in this state. A not-for-profit corporation, 12 organized for charitable or religious purposes in this state, 13 which has qualified as a court-appointed guardian prior to 14 January 1, 1996, and which is a tax-exempt organization under 15 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3), may also act as an attorney in fact. 16 Notwithstanding any contrary clause in the written power of 17 attorney, no assets of the principal may be used for the 18 benefit of the corporate attorney in fact, or its officers or 19 directors. 20 Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 733.707, Florida 21 Statutes, is amended to read: 22 733.707 Order of payment of expenses and 23 obligations.-- 24 (3) Any portion of a trust with respect to which a 25 decedent who is the grantor has at the decedent's death a 26 right of revocation, as defined in paragraph (e) (c), either 27 alone or in conjunction with any other person, is liable for 28 the expenses of the administration of the decedent's estate 29 and enforceable claims of the decedent's creditors to the 30 extent the decedent's estate is insufficient to pay them as 31 provided in s. 733.607(2). 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (a) For purposes of this subsection, any trusts 2 established as part of, and all payments from, either an 3 employee annuity described in s. 403 of the Internal Revenue 4 Code of 1986, as amended, an Individual Retirement Account, as 5 described in s. 408 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 6 amended, a Keogh (HR-10) Plan, or a retirement or other plan 7 established by a corporation which is qualified under s. 401 8 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall not be 9 considered a trust over which the decedent has a right of 10 revocation. 11 (b) For purposes of this subsection, any trust 12 described in s. 664 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 13 amended, shall not be considered a trust over which the 14 decedent has a right of revocation. 15 (c) This subsection shall not impair any rights an 16 individual has under a qualified domestic relations order as 17 that term is defined in s. 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code 18 of 1986, as amended. 19 (d) For purposes of this subsection, property held or 20 received by a trust to the extent that the property would not 21 have been subject to claims against the decedent's estate if 22 it had been paid directly to a trust created under the 23 decedent's will or other than to the decedent's estate, or 24 assets received from any trust other than a trust described in 25 this subsection, shall not be deemed assets of the trust 26 available for the payment of the expenses of administration of 27 and enforceable claims against the decedent's estate. 28 (e) For purposes of this subsection, a "right of 29 revocation" is a power retained by the decedent, held in any 30 capacity, to: 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 1. Amend or revoke the trust and revest the principal 2 of the trust in the decedent; or 3 2. Withdraw or appoint the principal of the trust to 4 or for the decedent's benefit. 5 Section 4. Section 737.111, Florida Statutes, is 6 amended to read: 7 737.111 Execution requirements for express trusts.-- 8 (1) The testamentary aspects of a trust defined in s. 9 731.201(33), are invalid unless the trust instrument is 10 executed by the settlor with the formalities required for the 11 execution of a will. 12 (2) The testamentary aspects of a trust created by a 13 nonresident of Florida, either before or after this law takes 14 effect, are not invalid because the trust does not meet the 15 requirements of this section, if the trust is valid under the 16 laws of the state or country where the settlor was at the time 17 of execution. 18 (3) The testamentary aspects of an amendment to a 19 trust are invalid unless the amendment is executed by the 20 settlor with the same formalities as a will. 21 (4) For the purposes of this section, the term 22 "testamentary aspects" means those provisions of the trust 23 that dispose of the trust property on or after the death of 24 the settlor other than to the settlor's estate. 25 (5) This section shall not apply to trusts established 26 as part of an employee annuity described in s. 403 of the 27 Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, an Individual 28 Retirement Account as described in s. 408 of the Internal 29 Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, a Keogh (HR-10) Plan, or a 30 retirement or other plan that is qualified under s. 401 of the 31 Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (6) This section shall not apply to trust instruments 2 executed prior to October 1, 1995. 3 Section 5. Section 737.2041, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 737.2041 Trustee's attorney's fees.-- 6 (1) If The attorney retained by the trustee of a trust 7 described in s. 733.707(3) retains an attorney to render legal 8 services in connection with the initial administration of the 9 trust, the attorney is shall be entitled to reasonable 10 compensation for those legal services, rendered in the initial 11 administration of the trust payable from the assets of the 12 trust without court order. If the trustee of a trust described 13 in s. 733.707(3) retains an attorney to render legal services 14 in connection with the initial administration of a trust, the 15 trustee and the attorney may agree to compensation that is 16 determined in a manner or amount other than the manner or 17 amount provided in this section. The agreement is not binding 18 upon a person who bears the impact of the compensation unless 19 that person is a party to or otherwise consents to be bound by 20 the agreement. The agreement may provide that the trustee is 21 not individually liable for the attorney's fees and costs. 22 (2) The attorney, the trustee, and persons bearing the 23 impact of the compensation may agree to compensation 24 determined in a different manner than provided in this 25 section. 26 (2)(3) Unless otherwise agreed, compensation for 27 ordinary services based upon the value of the trust assets 28 immediately following the settlor's death and the income 29 earned by the trust during initial administration at the rate 30 of 75 percent of the schedule provided in s. 31 733.6171(3)(a)-(h) is presumed to be reasonable total 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 compensation for ordinary services of all attorneys employed 2 generally to advise trustees concerning their duties in 3 initial trust administration. 4 (3) An attorney who is retained to render only limited 5 and specifically defined legal services shall be compensated 6 as provided in the retaining agreement. If the amount or 7 method of determining compensation is not provided in the 8 agreement, the attorney is entitled to a reasonable fee, 9 taking into account the factors set forth in subsection (6). 10 (4) Ordinary services of the attorney in an initial 11 trust administration for a trustee include legal advice and 12 representation concerning the trustee's duties where 13 applicable, relating to: 14 (a) Review of the trust instrument and each amendment 15 for legal sufficiency and interpretation. 16 (b) Implementation of substitution of the successor 17 trustee. 18 (c) Persons who must or should be served with required 19 notices and the method and timing of such service. 20 (d) The obligation of a successor to require a former 21 trustee to account. 22 (e) The trustee's duty to protect, insure, and manage 23 trust assets and the trustee's liability relating to these 24 duties. 25 (f) The trustee's duty regarding investments imposed 26 by the prudent investor rule. 27 (g) Contributions due to the personal representative 28 of settlor's estate for payment of administrative expenses or 29 creditor claims and estate taxes. 30 (h) The trustee's obligation to inform and account to 31 beneficiaries and the method of satisfaction of these 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 obligations; the liability of the trust and trustee to the 2 settlor's creditors; the advisability or necessity for probate 3 proceedings to bar creditors; and the contribution 4 requirements to the settlor's probate estate. 5 (i) Creditor procedures and direct payment or 6 compromise and satisfaction of claims against the trust 7 assets. 8 (i)(j) Identifying tax returns required to be filed by 9 the trustee, the trustee's liability for payment of taxes, and 10 the due date of returns. 11 (j)(k) Obtaining nontaxable certificate and receipt, 12 if not done by a personal representative. 13 (k)(l) Order of payment of expenses of administration 14 of the trust, contribution to the settlor's estate or claims 15 filed against trust assets, and order and priority of 16 abatement of bequests and legacies in the trust. 17 (l)(m) Distribution of income or principal to 18 beneficiaries or funding of further trusts provided in the 19 governing instrument. 20 (m)(n) Preparation of any legal documents required to 21 effect distribution. 22 (n)(o) Fiduciary duties, avoidance of self-dealing, 23 conflicts of interest, duty of impartiality, and obligations 24 to beneficiaries. 25 (o)(p) If there is a conflict of interest between a 26 trustee who is a beneficiary and other beneficiaries of the 27 trust, advice to the trustee on limitations of certain 28 authority of the trustee regarding discretionary distributions 29 or exercise of certain powers and alternatives for appointment 30 of an independent trustee and appropriate procedures. 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (p)(q) Procedures for trustee's discharge from 2 liability for administration of trust upon termination or 3 resignation. 4 (5) When a corporate fiduciary is serving as trustee 5 or cotrustee of a trust described in s. 733.707(3), the 6 presumptive fee for ordinary services and the list of what 7 constitutes ordinary services in subsections (3) and (4) shall 8 not apply, and what constitutes ordinary services and 9 reasonable compensation for those services shall instead be 10 determined under the particular facts and circumstances 11 applicable to that trust. In addition to the attorney's fees 12 for ordinary services, the attorney for the trustee shall be 13 allowed further reasonable compensation for any extraordinary 14 service. What is an extraordinary service may vary depending 15 on many factors, including the size of the trust. 16 Extraordinary services may include, but are not limited to: 17 (a) Involvement in a trust contest, trust 18 construction, a proceeding for determination of beneficiaries, 19 a contested claim, elective share proceedings, apportionment 20 of estate taxes, or other adversary proceedings or litigation 21 by or against the trust. 22 (b) Representation of the trustee in audit or any 23 proceeding for adjustment, determination, or collection of any 24 taxes. 25 (c) Tax advice on postmortem tax planning, including, 26 but not limited to, disclaimer, renunciation of fiduciary 27 commission, alternate valuation date, allocation of 28 administrative expenses between tax returns, the QTIP or 29 reverse QTIP election, allocation of GST exemption, 30 qualification for Internal Revenue Code ss. 303 and 6166 31 privileges, deduction of last illness expenses, distribution 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 planning, asset basis considerations, throwback rules, 2 handling income or deductions in respect of a decedent, 3 valuation discounts, special use and other valuation, handling 4 employee benefit or retirement proceeds, prompt assessment 5 request, or request for release of personal liability for 6 payment of tax. 7 (d) Review of estate tax return and preparation or 8 review of other tax returns required to be filed by the 9 trustee. 10 (e) Preparation of decedent's federal estate tax 11 return. If this return is prepared by the attorney, a fee of 12 one-half of 1 percent up to a value of $10 million and 13 one-fourth of 1 percent on the value in excess of $10 million, 14 of the gross estate as finally determined for federal estate 15 tax purposes, is presumed to be reasonable compensation for 16 the attorney for this service. These fees shall include 17 services for routine audit of the return, not beyond the 18 examining agent level, if required. 19 (f) Purchase, sale, lease, or encumbrance of real 20 property by the trustee or involvement in zoning, land use, 21 environmental, or other similar matters. 22 (g) Legal advice regarding carrying on of decedent's 23 business or conducting other commercial activity by the 24 trustee. 25 (h) Legal advice regarding claims for damage to the 26 environment or related procedures. 27 (i) Legal advice regarding homestead status of trust 28 real property or proceedings involving the status. 29 (j) Involvement in fiduciary, employee, or attorney 30 compensation disputes. 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (k) Considerations of special valuation of trust 2 assets, including discounts for blockage, minority interests, 3 lack of marketability, and environmental liability. 4 (6) Upon petition of any interested person in a 5 proceeding to review the compensation paid or to be paid to 6 the attorney for the trustee, the court may increase or 7 decrease the compensation for ordinary services of the 8 attorney for the trustee or award compensation for 9 extraordinary services if the facts and circumstances of the 10 particular administration warrant. In determining reasonable 11 compensation, the court shall consider all of the following 12 factors giving such weight to each as it may determine to be 13 appropriate: 14 (a) The promptness, efficiency, and skill with which 15 the initial administration was handled by the attorney. 16 (b) The responsibilities assumed by, and potential 17 liabilities of, the attorney. 18 (c) The nature and value of the assets that are 19 affected by the decedent's death. 20 (d) The benefits or detriments resulting to the trust 21 or its beneficiaries from the attorney's services. 22 (e) The complexity or simplicity of the administration 23 and the novelty of issues presented. 24 (f) The attorney's participation in tax planning for 25 the estate, the trust, and the trust's beneficiaries and tax 26 return preparation or review and approval. 27 (g) The nature of the trust assets, the expenses of 28 administration, and the claims payable by the trust and the 29 compensation paid to other professionals and fiduciaries. 30 (h) Any delay in payment of the compensation after the 31 services were furnished. 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (i) Any other relevant factors. 2 (7) The court may determine reasonable attorney's 3 compensation without receiving expert testimony. Any party 4 may offer expert testimony after notice to interested persons. 5 If expert testimony is offered, an expert witness fee may be 6 awarded by the court and paid from the assets of the trust. 7 The court may, in its discretion, direct from what part of the 8 trust it shall be paid. 9 (8) If a separate written agreement regarding 10 compensation exists between the attorney and the settlor, the 11 attorney shall furnish a copy to the trustee prior to 12 commencement of employment and, if employed, shall promptly 13 file and serve a copy on all interested persons. Neither a 14 separate agreement nor a provision in the trust suggesting or 15 directing the trustee to retain a specific attorney will 16 obligate the trustee to employ the attorney or obligate the 17 attorney to accept the representation, but if the attorney who 18 is a party to the agreement or who drafted the trust is 19 employed, the compensation paid shall not exceed the 20 compensation provided in the agreement. 21 (9) Court proceedings to determine compensation, if 22 required, are a part of the trust administration process, and 23 the costs, including fees for the trustee's attorney, shall be 24 determined by the court and paid from the assets of the trust 25 unless the court finds the attorney's fees request to be 26 substantially unreasonable. The court shall direct from which 27 part of the trust they shall be paid. 28 (10) "Initial trust administration" as used in this 29 section means administration of a trust described in s. 30 733.707(3) during the period which begins with the death of 31 the settlor and ends upon the final distribution of trust 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 assets outright or to continuing trusts created under the 2 trust agreement, but if an estate tax return is required, not 3 until after issuance of an estate tax closing letter or other 4 evidence of termination of the estate tax proceeding. This 5 initial period is not intended to include continued regular 6 administration of the trust. 7 (11) This section shall apply to trusts of settlors 8 who die on or after July 1, 1995. 9 Section 6. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section 10 737.303, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 11 737.303 Duty to inform and account to 12 beneficiaries.--The trustee shall keep the beneficiaries of 13 the trust reasonably informed of the trust and its 14 administration. The trustee's duty to inform and account 15 includes, but is not limited to, the following: 16 (c) In the case of a trust described in s. 733.707(3), 17 the trustee's duties under paragraph (a) extend only to the 18 grantor or beneficiary or the legal representative of the 19 grantor or beneficiary during the grantor's lifetime. 20 Section 7. Subsections (5), (6), and (7) of section 21 737.308, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (6), 22 (7), and (8), respectively, and a new subsection (5) is added 23 to said section to read: 24 737.308 Notice of trust.-- 25 (5) The clerk shall send a copy of: 26 (a) Any caveat filed regarding the settlor to the 27 trustee; and 28 (b) The notice of trust to any caveator, unless there 29 is a probate proceeding pending and the personal 30 representative and the trustee are the same. 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 Section 8. Section 733.817, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 (Substantial rewording of section. See 4 s. 733.817, F.S., for present text.) 5 733.817 Apportionment of estate taxes.-- 6 (1) For purposes of this section: 7 (a) "Fiduciary" means a person other than the personal 8 representative in possession of property included in the 9 measure of the tax who is liable to the applicable taxing 10 authority for payment of the entire tax to the extent of the 11 value of the property in his possession. 12 (b) "Governing instrument" means a will, trust 13 agreement, or any other document that controls the transfer of 14 an asset on the occurrence of the event with respect to which 15 the tax is being levied. 16 (c) "Gross estate" means the gross estate, as 17 determined by the Internal Revenue Code with respect to the 18 federal estate tax and the Florida estate tax, and as such 19 concept is otherwise determined by the estate, inheritance, or 20 death tax laws of the particular state, country, or political 21 subdivision whose tax is being apportioned. 22 (d) "Included in the measure of the tax" means that 23 for each separate tax that an interest may incur, only 24 interests included in the measure of that particular tax are 25 considered. The term "included in the measure of the tax" does 26 not include any interest, whether passing under the will or 27 not, to the extent the interest is initially deductible from 28 the gross estate, without regard to any subsequent diminution 29 of the deduction by reason of the charge of any part of the 30 applicable tax to the interest. The term "included in the 31 measure of the tax" does not include interests or amounts that 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 are not included in the gross estate but are included in the 2 amount upon which the applicable tax is computed, such as 3 adjusted taxable gifts with respect to the federal estate tax. 4 If an election is required for deductibility, an interest is 5 not "initially deductible" unless the election for 6 deductibility is allowed. 7 (e) "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue 8 Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. 9 (f) "Net tax" means the net tax payable to the 10 particular state, country, or political subdivision whose tax 11 is being apportioned, after taking into account all credits 12 against the applicable tax except as provided in this section. 13 With respect to the federal estate tax, "net tax" is 14 determined after taking into account all credits against the 15 tax except for the credit for foreign death taxes. 16 (g) "Nonresiduary devise" means any devise that is not 17 a residuary devise. 18 (h) "Nonresiduary interest" in connection with a trust 19 means any interest in a trust which is not a residuary 20 interest. 21 (i) "Recipient" means, with respect to property or an 22 interest in property included in the gross estate, an heir at 23 law in an intestate estate, devisee in a testate estate, 24 beneficiary of a trust, beneficiary of an insurance policy, 25 annuity, or other contractual right, surviving tenant, taker 26 as a result of the exercise or in default of the exercise of a 27 general power of appointment, person who receives or is to 28 receive the property or an interest in the property, or person 29 in possession of the property. 30 (j) "Residuary devise" has the meaning set forth in s. 31 731.201(30). 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (k) "Residuary interest," in connection with a trust, 2 means an interest in the assets of a trust which remain after 3 provision for any distribution that is to be satisfied by 4 reference to a specific property or type of property, fund, 5 sum, or statutory amount. 6 (l) "Revocable trust" means a trust as defined in s. 7 731.201(33) created by the decedent to the extent that the 8 decedent had at his or her death the power to alter, amend, or 9 revoke the trust either alone or in conjunction with any other 10 person. 11 (m) "State" means any state, territory, or possession 12 of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the 13 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. 14 (n) "Tax" means any estate tax, inheritance tax, 15 generation skipping transfer tax, or other tax levied or 16 assessed under the laws of this or any other state, the United 17 States, any other country, or any political subdivision of the 18 foregoing, as finally determined, which is imposed as a result 19 of the death of the decedent, including, without limitation, 20 the tax assessed pursuant to s. 4980A of the Internal Revenue 21 Code. The term also includes any interest and penalties 22 imposed in addition to the tax. Unless the context indicates 23 otherwise, the term "tax" means each separate tax. 24 (o) "Temporary interest" means an interest in income 25 or an estate for a specific period of time or for life or for 26 some other period controlled by reference to extrinsic events, 27 whether or not in trust. 28 (p) "Tentative Florida tax" with respect to any 29 property means the net Florida estate tax that would have been 30 attributable to that property if no tax were payable to any 31 other state in respect of that property. 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (q) "Value" means the pecuniary worth of the interest 2 involved as finally determined for purposes of the applicable 3 tax after deducting any debt, expense, or other deduction 4 chargeable to it for which a deduction was allowed in 5 determining the amount of the applicable tax. A lien or other 6 encumbrance is not regarded as chargeable to a particular 7 interest to the extent that it will be paid from other 8 interests. The value of an interest shall not be reduced by 9 reason of the charge against it of any part of the tax. 10 (2) An interest in homestead property shall be exempt 11 from the apportionment of taxes if such interest passes to a 12 person to whom inures the decedent's exemption from forced 13 sale under the State Constitution. 14 (3) The net tax attributable to the interests included 15 in the measure of each tax shall be determined by the 16 proportion that the value of each interest included in the 17 measure of the tax bears to the total value of all interests 18 included in the measure of the tax. Notwithstanding the 19 foregoing: 20 (a) The net tax attributable to interests included in 21 the measure of the tax by reason of s. 2044 of the Internal 22 Revenue Code shall be determined in the manner provided for 23 the federal estate tax in s. 2207A of the Internal Revenue 24 Code, and the amount so determined shall be deducted from the 25 tax to determine the net tax attributable to all remaining 26 interests included in the measure of the tax. 27 (b) The foreign tax credit allowed with respect to the 28 federal estate tax shall be allocated among the recipients of 29 interests finally charged with the payment of the foreign tax 30 in reduction of any federal estate tax chargeable to the 31 recipients of the foreign interests, whether or not any 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 federal estate tax is attributable to the foreign interests. 2 Any excess of the foreign tax credit shall be applied to 3 reduce proportionately the net amount of federal estate tax 4 chargeable to the remaining recipients of the interests 5 included in the measure of the federal estate tax. 6 (c) The reduction in the Florida tax on the estate of 7 a Florida resident for tax paid to other states shall be 8 allocated as follows: 9 1. If the net tax paid to another state is greater 10 than or equal to the tentative Florida tax attributable to the 11 property subject to tax in the other state, none of the 12 Florida tax shall be attributable to that property. 13 2. If the net tax paid to another state is less than 14 the tentative Florida tax attributable to the property subject 15 to tax in the other state, the net Florida tax attributable to 16 the property subject to tax in the other state shall be the 17 excess of the amount of the tentative Florida tax attributable 18 to the property over the net tax payable to the other state 19 with respect to the property. 20 3. Any remaining net Florida tax shall be attributable 21 to property included in the measure of the Florida tax 22 exclusive of property subject to tax in other states. 23 4. The net federal tax attributable to the property 24 subject to tax in the other state shall be determined as if it 25 were located in the state. 26 (d) The net tax attributable to a temporary interest, 27 if any, shall be regarded as attributable to the principal 28 that supports the temporary interest. 29 (4)(a) Except as otherwise effectively directed by the 30 governing instrument, if the Internal Revenue Code including, 31 but not limited to, ss. 2032A(c)(5), 2206, 2207, 2207A, 2207B, 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 and 2603 of the Internal Revenue Code applies to apportion 2 federal tax against recipients of certain interests, all net 3 taxes, including taxes levied by the state attributable to 4 each type of interest, shall be apportioned against the 5 recipients of all interests of that type in the proportion 6 that the value of each interest of that type included in the 7 measure of the tax bears to the total of all interests of that 8 type included in the measure of the tax. 9 (b) The provisions of this subsection do not affect 10 allocation of the reduction in the Florida tax as provided in 11 this section with respect to estates of Florida residents 12 which are also subject to tax in other states. 13 (5) Except as provided above or as otherwise directed 14 by the governing instrument, the net tax attributable to each 15 interest shall be apportioned as follows: 16 (a) For property passing under the decedent's will: 17 1. The net tax attributable to nonresiduary devises 18 shall be charged to and paid from the residuary estate whether 19 or not all interests in the residuary estate are included in 20 the measure of the tax. If the residuary estate is 21 insufficient to pay the net tax attributable to all 22 nonresiduary devises, the balance of the net tax attributable 23 to nonresiduary devises shall be apportioned among the 24 recipients of the nonresiduary devises in the proportion that 25 the value of each nonresiduary devise included in the measure 26 of the tax bears to the total of all nonresiduary devises 27 included in the measure of the tax. 28 2. The net tax attributable to residuary devises shall 29 be apportioned among the recipients of the residuary devises 30 included in the measure of tax in the proportion that the 31 value of each residuary devise included in the measure of the 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 tax bears to the total of all residuary devises included in 2 the measure of the tax. 3 (b) For property passing under the terms of any trust 4 other than a trust created in the decedent's will: 5 1. The net tax attributable to nonresiduary interests 6 shall be charged to and paid from the residuary portion of the 7 trust, whether or not all interests in the residuary portion 8 are included in the measure of the tax. If the residuary 9 portion of the trust is insufficient to pay the net tax 10 attributable to all nonresiduary interests, the balance of the 11 net tax attributable to nonresiduary interests shall be 12 apportioned among the recipients of the nonresiduary interests 13 in the proportion that the value of each nonresiduary interest 14 included in the measure of the tax bears to the total of all 15 nonresiduary interests included in the measure of the tax. 16 2. The net tax attributable to residuary interests 17 shall be apportioned among the recipients of the residuary 18 interests included in the measure of the tax in the proportion 19 that the value of each residuary interest included in the 20 measure of the tax bears to the total of all residuary 21 interests included in the measure of the tax. 22 (c) The net tax attributable to an interest in 23 homestead property which is exempt from apportionment pursuant 24 to subsection (2) shall be apportioned against the recipients 25 of other interests in the estate or passing under any 26 revocable trust in the following order: 27 1. Class I: Recipients of interests not disposed of 28 by the decedent's will or revocable trust which are included 29 in the measure of the federal estate tax. 30 31 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 2. Class II: Recipients of residuary devises and 2 residuary interests that are included in the measure of the 3 federal estate tax. 4 3. Class III: Recipients of nonresiduary devises and 5 nonresiduary interests that are included in the measure of the 6 federal estate tax. The net tax apportioned to a class, if 7 any, pursuant to this paragraph shall be apportioned among the 8 recipients in the class in the proportion that the value of 9 the interest of each bears to the total value of all interests 10 included in that class. 11 (d) In the application of this subsection, paragraphs 12 (a), (b), and (c) shall be applied to apportion the net tax to 13 the recipients of the estate and the recipients of the 14 decedent's revocable trust as if all recipients, other than 15 the estate or trusts themselves, were taking under a common 16 instrument. 17 (e) The net tax imposed under s. 4980A of the Internal 18 Revenue Code shall be apportioned among the recipients of the 19 interests included in the measure of that tax in the 20 proportion that the value of the interest of each bears to the 21 total value of all interests included in the measure of that 22 tax. 23 (f) The net tax that is not apportioned under 24 paragraphs (a), (b), and (c), including, but not limited to, 25 the net tax attributable to interests passing by intestacy, 26 jointly held interests passing by survivorship, insurance, 27 properties in which the decedent held a reversionary or 28 revocable interest, and annuities, shall be apportioned among 29 the recipients of the remaining interests that are included in 30 the measure of the tax in the proportion that the value of 31 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 each such interest bears to the total value of all the 2 remaining interests included in the measure of the tax. 3 (g) If the court finds that it is inequitable to 4 apportion interest, penalties, or both, in the manner provided 5 in paragraphs (a)-(f), the court may assess liability for the 6 payment thereof in the manner it finds equitable. 7 (h)1. To be effective as a direction for payment of 8 tax in a manner different from that provided in this section, 9 the governing instrument must direct that the tax be paid from 10 assets that pass pursuant to that governing instrument, except 11 as provided in this section. 12 2. If the decedent's will provides that the tax shall 13 be apportioned as provided in the decedent's revocable trust 14 by specific reference to the trust, the direction in the 15 revocable trust shall be deemed to be a direction contained in 16 the will and shall control with respect to payment of taxes 17 from assets passing under both the will and the revocable 18 trust. 19 3. A direction in the decedent's will to pay tax from 20 the decedent's revocable trust is effective if a contrary 21 direction is not contained in the trust agreement. 22 4. For a direction in a governing instrument to be 23 effective to direct payment of taxes attributable to property 24 not passing under the governing instrument from property 25 passing under the governing instrument, the governing 26 instrument must expressly refer to this section, or expressly 27 indicate that the property passing under the governing 28 instrument is to bear the burden of taxation for property not 29 passing under the governing instrument. A direction in the 30 governing instrument to the effect that all taxes are to be 31 paid from property passing under the governing instrument 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 whether attributable to property passing under the governing 2 instrument or otherwise shall be effective to direct the 3 payment from property passing under the governing instrument 4 of taxes attributable to property not passing under the 5 governing instrument. 6 5. If there is a conflict as to payment of taxes 7 between the decedent's will and the governing instrument, the 8 decedent's will controls, except as follows: 9 a. The governing instrument shall be given effect with 10 respect to any tax remaining unpaid after the application of 11 the decedent's will. 12 b. A direction in a governing instrument to pay the 13 tax attributable to assets that pass pursuant to the governing 14 instrument from assets that pass pursuant to that governing 15 instrument shall be effective notwithstanding any conflict 16 with the decedent's will, unless the tax provision in the 17 decedent's will expressly overrides the conflicting provision 18 in the governing instrument. 19 (6) The personal representative or fiduciary shall not 20 be required to transfer to a recipient any property in 21 possession of the personal representative or fiduciary which 22 he or she reasonably anticipates may be necessary for the 23 payment of taxes. Further, the personal representative or 24 fiduciary shall not be required to transfer any property in 25 possession of the personal representative or fiduciary to the 26 recipient until the amount of the tax due from the recipient 27 is paid by the recipient. If property is transferred before 28 final apportionment of the tax, the recipient shall provide a 29 bond or other security for his apportioned liability in the 30 amount and form prescribed by the personal representative or 31 fiduciary. 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (7)(a) The personal representative may petition at any 2 time for an order of apportionment. If no administration has 3 been commenced at any time after 90 days from the decedent's 4 death any fiduciary may petition for an order of apportionment 5 in the court in which venue would be proper for administration 6 of the decedent's estate. Formal notice of the petition for 7 order of apportionment shall be given to all interested 8 persons. At any time after 6 months from the decedent's death, 9 any recipient may petition such court for an order of 10 apportionment. 11 (b) The court shall determine all issues concerning 12 apportionment. If the tax to be apportioned has not been 13 finally determined, the court shall determine the probable tax 14 due or to become due from all interested persons, apportion 15 the probable tax, and retain jurisdiction over the parties and 16 issues to modify the order of apportionment as appropriate 17 until after the tax is finally determined. 18 (8)(a) If the personal representative or fiduciary 19 does not have possession of sufficient property otherwise 20 distributable to the recipient to pay the tax apportioned to 21 the recipient, whether under this section, the Internal 22 Revenue Code, or the governing instrument, if applicable, the 23 personal representative or fiduciary shall recover the 24 deficiency in tax so apportioned to the recipient: 25 1. From the fiduciary in possession of the property to 26 which the tax is apportioned, if any; and 27 2. To the extent of any deficiency in collection from 28 the fiduciary, or to the extent collection from the fiduciary 29 is excused pursuant to subsection (9) and in all other cases, 30 from the recipient of the property to which the tax is 31 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 apportioned, unless relieved of this duty as provided in 2 subsection (9). 3 (b) In any action to recover the tax apportioned, the 4 order of apportionment shall be prima facie correct. 5 (c) In any action for the enforcement of an order of 6 apportionment, the court shall award taxable costs as in 7 chancery actions, including reasonable attorney's fees, and 8 may award penalties and interest on the unpaid tax in 9 accordance with equitable principles. 10 (d) This subsection shall not authorize the recovery 11 of any tax from any company issuing insurance included in the 12 gross estate, or from any bank, trust company, savings and 13 loan association, or similar institution with respect to any 14 account in the name of the decedent and any other person which 15 passed by operation of law on the decedent's death. 16 (9)(a) A personal representative or fiduciary who has 17 the duty under this section of collecting the apportioned tax 18 from recipients may be relieved of the duty to collect the tax 19 by an order of the court finding: 20 1. That the estimated court costs and attorney's fees 21 in collecting the apportioned tax from a person against whom 22 the tax has been apportioned will approximate or exceed the 23 amount of the recovery; 24 2. That the person against whom the tax has been 25 apportioned is a resident of a foreign country other than 26 Canada and refuses to pay the apportioned tax on demand; or 27 3. That it is impracticable to enforce contribution of 28 the apportioned tax against a person against whom the tax has 29 been apportioned in view of the improbability of obtaining a 30 judgment or the improbability of collection under any judgment 31 that might be obtained, or otherwise. 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 (b) A personal representative or fiduciary shall not 2 be liable for failure to attempt to enforce collection if the 3 personal representative or fiduciary reasonably believes it 4 would have been economically impracticable. 5 (10) Any apportioned tax that is not collected shall 6 be reapportioned in accordance with this section as if the 7 portion of the property to which the uncollected tax had been 8 apportioned had been exempt. 9 (11) Nothing in this section shall limit the right of 10 any person who has paid more than the amount of the tax 11 apportionable to such person, calculated as if all apportioned 12 amounts would be collected, to obtain contribution from those 13 who have not paid the full amount of the tax apportionable to 14 them, calculated as if all apportioned amounts would be 15 collected, and that right is hereby conferred. In any action 16 to enforce contribution, the court shall award taxable costs 17 as in chancery actions, including reasonable attorney's fees. 18 (12) Nothing herein contained shall be construed to 19 require the personal representative or fiduciary to pay any 20 tax levied or assessed by any foreign country, unless specific 21 directions to that effect are contained in the will or other 22 instrument under which the personal representative or 23 fiduciary is acting. 24 Section 9. Section 738.12, Florida Statutes, is 25 amended to read: 26 738.12 Underproductive property.-- 27 (1)(a) If the total principal of a trust does not in 28 any year yield a net income of at least 3 percent of its 29 market value (including as income the value of any beneficial 30 use of the property by the income beneficiary), the trustee 31 shall pay to the income beneficiary an amount equal to the 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 excess of 3 percent of the value of the principal, based upon 2 the market value at the beginning of the calendar year, over 3 the trust income paid to the income beneficiary in that year. 4 This amount shall be paid to the income beneficiary using the 5 first principal cash available. 6 (b) In the event of a termination or initiation of a 7 trust, or the termination of a beneficial income interest of a 8 trust, for a period of less than 12 months, the amount to be 9 paid to the income beneficiary shall be prorated 10 proportionately with the length of the time of his interest in 11 the trust and in accordance with s. 738.03. 12 (c) For purposes of this subsection, a beneficiary is 13 considered to be an income beneficiary only if the trust 14 instrument is irrevocable and requires that the net income 15 from the trust be paid to the beneficiary. Payment under this 16 subsection may not be made to a beneficiary who may receive 17 trust income only in the discretion of the trustee. 18 (2) Upon the sale of the property the income 19 beneficiary shall not be entitled to any portion of the 20 proceeds of sale, except that any amount determined in 21 subsection (1) that remains unpaid at the time of sale shall 22 be paid therefrom. 23 (3) If by the terms of the trust any portion of the 24 income is to be retained by the trustee or disposed of other 25 than by payment to an income beneficiary, such portion of the 26 amount determined in subsection (1) shall be retained or 27 disposed of as provided by the terms of the trust. 28 Section 10. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 29 law, except that section 8 of this act shall take effect 30 October 1, 1998, and shall apply to the estates of decedents 31 dying on or after October 1, 1998, and section 9 of this act 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1411 252-342-97 1 shall take effect upon becoming law and shall be applicable to 2 all trusts, whenever executed. 3 4 ***************************************** 5 HOUSE SUMMARY 6 Provides a statement of the rule against perpetuities. 7 Modifies various statutes regulating the administration of trusts and estates. Authorizes a not-for-profit 8 corporation organized for charitable or religious purposes in this state which has qualified as a 9 court-appointed guardian prior to January 1, 1996, and is a tax-exempt organization to act as an attorney in fact. 10 Defines the term "right of revocation" for purposes of the priority given to the payment of expenses and 11 obligations of a deceased's estate. Revises prescribed requirements for the execution of an expressed trust. 12 Authorizes the trustee of a trust and an attorney to agree to the compensation to be paid to the attorney in 13 an amount different from the amount prescribed in s. 737.2041, F.S., for services related to the initial 14 administration of a trust specified in s. 737.707(3), F.S. Provides for determining fees for an attorney who is 15 retained for limited services. Revises a provision of law governing notice of trust to provide that the clerk 16 shall send a copy of any caveat filed regarding the settlor to the trustee and a copy of the notice of trust 17 to the caveator. Revises the list of services of an attorney which constitute ordinary services in an initial 18 trust administration. Deletes an exception from the applicability of presumptive fees for a corporate 19 fiduciary serving as a trustee or cotrustee. Revises the duty of a trustee to inform and account to beneficiaries 20 of trusts specified in s. 733.707(3), F.S. Revises provisions relating to the apportionment of estate taxes. 21 Provides conditions under which a trust beneficiary is considered an income beneficiary. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28