CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1419

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 By Representative Bullard 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to midwifery; amending s. 3 467.003, F.S.; updating the definition of 4 "department"; expanding the definition of 5 "preceptor"; amending s. 467.009, F.S.; 6 revising and providing education and training 7 requirements for midwifery programs, including 8 requirements for student midwives; amending s. 9 467.0125, F.S.; revising requirements for 10 licensure by endorsement; eliminating a 11 provision relating to temporary certification; 12 creating s. 467.0126, F.S.; providing 13 requirements for temporary certification to 14 practice midwifery; amending s. 467.015, F.S.; 15 authorizing a midwife to administer oxytocics; 16 revising responsibility of a midwife with 17 respect to eye prophylactics for newborns; 18 amending s. 467.017, F.S.; revising provisions 19 relating to submission of copies of emergency 20 care plans; amending s. 467.203, F.S.; 21 clarifying a disciplinary action; providing an 22 effective date. 23 24 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 25 26 Section 1. Subsections (4) and (12) of section 27 467.003, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 28 467.003 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, unless 29 the context otherwise requires: 30 (4) "Department" means the Department of Health 31 Business and Professional Regulation. 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 (12) "Preceptor" means a physician, a licensed 2 midwife, or a certified nurse midwife, or an advanced 3 registered nurse practitioner, who has a minimum of 3 years' 4 professional experience, and who directs, teaches, supervises, 5 and evaluates the learning experiences of the student midwife. 6 Section 2. Subsections (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of 7 section 467.009, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 8 467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training 9 requirements.-- 10 (4) A student midwife, during training, shall 11 undertake, under the supervision of a preceptor, the care of 12 40 50 women in each of the prenatal, intrapartal, and 13 postpartal periods, but the same women need not be seen 14 through all three periods. 15 (5) The student midwife shall observe an additional 40 16 25 women in the intrapartal period before qualifying for a 17 license. 18 (6) The training required under this section shall 19 include training in either hospitals or alternative birth 20 settings, or both, with particular emphasis on learning the 21 ability to differentiate between low-risk pregnancies and 22 high-risk pregnancies. A hospital, or birthing center, or 23 clinic that offers maternity care receiving public funds shall 24 establish a process to facilitate the ability of student 25 midwives to observe and participate in supervised prenatal, 26 labor, delivery, and postpartum clinical experiences, provided 27 the woman has given informed consent, the student is enrolled 28 in good standing in a midwifery educational program approved 29 by the department, the clinical supervisor is affiliated with 30 the clinical facility and the educational program, and the 31 clinical supervisor meets the qualifications for preceptor as 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 specified in s. 467.003(12). The hospital, birthing center, or 2 clinic that offers maternity care shall be required to provide 3 student midwives access to observe labor, delivery, and 4 postpartal procedures, provided the woman in labor has given 5 informed consent. The department of Health and Rehabilitative 6 Services shall assist in facilitating access to hospital 7 training for approved midwifery programs. 8 (7) The Department of Education shall adopt curricular 9 frameworks for midwifery programs conducted within public 10 educational institutions pursuant to this section. 11 (8)(a) Nonpublic educational institutions that conduct 12 approved midwifery programs must hold full accreditation, or 13 be seeking accreditation, from shall be accredited by a member 14 of the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary 15 Accreditation and shall be licensed by the State Board of 16 Independent Postsecondary Vocational, Technical, Trade, and 17 Business Schools. 18 (b) Public institutions that conduct approved 19 midwifery programs must be accredited by one of the regional 20 accrediting associations recognized by the United States 21 Department of Education. 22 Section 3. Section 467.0125, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 467.0125 Licensure by endorsement.-- 25 (1) The department shall issue a license by 26 endorsement to practice midwifery to an applicant who, upon 27 applying to the department, demonstrates to the department 28 that he: 29 (1)(a)1. Holds a valid certificate or diploma from a 30 foreign institution of medicine or midwifery, which 31 certificate or diploma has been evaluated by an educational 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 credentialing organization approved by the department, or from 2 a midwifery program offered in another state, bearing the seal 3 of the institution or otherwise authenticated, which renders 4 the individual eligible to practice midwifery in the country 5 or state in which it was issued, provided the requirements 6 therefor are deemed by the department to be substantially 7 equivalent to, or to exceed, those established under this 8 chapter and rules adopted under this chapter, and submits 9 therewith a certified translation of the foreign certificate 10 or diploma; or 11 (b)2. Holds a valid certificate or license to practice 12 midwifery in another state, issued by that state, provided the 13 requirements therefor are deemed by the department to be 14 substantially equivalent to, or to exceed, those established 15 under this chapter and rules adopted under this chapter. 16 (2)(b) Has completed a 4-month prelicensure course 17 conducted by an approved program and has submitted 18 documentation to the department of successful completion. The 19 department shall determine by rule the content of the 20 prelicensure course. 21 (3)(c) Has successfully passed the licensed midwifery 22 examination. 23 (2) The department may issue a temporary certificate 24 to practice in areas of critical need to any midwife who is 25 qualifying for licensure by endorsement under subsection (1), 26 with the following restrictions: 27 (a) The Department of Health and Rehabilitative 28 Services shall determine the areas of critical need, and the 29 midwife so certified shall practice only in those specific 30 areas, under the auspices of a physician licensed pursuant to 31 chapter 458 or chapter 459, a certified nurse midwife licensed 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 pursuant to chapter 464, or a midwife licensed under this 2 chapter, who has a minimum of 3 years' professional 3 experience. Such areas shall include, but not be limited to, 4 health manpower shortage areas designated by the United States 5 Department of Health and Human Services. 6 (b) A temporary certificate issued under this section 7 shall be valid only as long as an area for which it is issued 8 remains an area of critical need, but no longer than 2 years, 9 and shall not be renewable. 10 (c) The department may administer an abbreviated oral 11 examination to determine the midwife's competency, but no 12 written regular examination shall be necessary. 13 (d) The department shall not issue a temporary 14 certificate to any midwife who is under investigation in 15 another state for an act which would constitute a violation of 16 this chapter until such time as the investigation is complete, 17 at which time the provisions of this section shall apply. 18 (e) The department shall review the practice under a 19 temporary certificate at least annually to ascertain that the 20 minimum requirements of the midwifery rules promulgated under 21 this chapter are being met. If is is determined that the 22 minimum requirements are not being met, the department shall 23 immediately revoke the temporary certificate. 24 (f) The fee for a temporary certificate shall not 25 exceed $50 and shall be in addition to the fee required for 26 licensure. 27 Section 4. Section 467.0126, Florida Statutes, is 28 created to read: 29 467.0126 Temporary certificate.-- 30 (1) The department may issue a temporary certificate 31 to practice midwifery, provided an applicant successfully 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 completes an approved midwifery program. The certification 2 shall be for a period not to exceed 1 year. 3 (2) The midwife must practice under the auspices of a 4 physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, a 5 certified nurse midwife licensed under chapter 464, or a 6 midwife licensed under this chapter, who has a minimum of 3 7 years' professional experience. 8 (3) The department may not issue a temporary 9 certificate to any midwife who is under investigation in any 10 jurisdiction for an act which would constitute a violation of 11 this chapter until such time as the investigation and 12 prosecution, if any, are complete, at which time the 13 provisions of this section shall apply. 14 Section 5. Subsection (3) and paragraph (b) of 15 subsection (7) of section 467.015, Florida Statutes, are 16 amended to read: 17 467.015 Responsibilities of the midwife.-- 18 (3) A midwife licensed under this chapter may 19 administer prophylactic ophthalmic medication, oxygen, 20 postpartum oxytocics oxytocin, vitamin K, rho immune globulin 21 (human), and local anesthetic pursuant to a prescription 22 issued by a practitioner licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 23 459, and may administer such other medicinal drugs as 24 prescribed by such practitioner. Any such prescription for 25 medicinal drugs shall be in a form that complies with chapter 26 499 and shall be dispensed in a pharmacy permitted under 27 chapter 465 by a pharmacist licensed under chapter 465. 28 (7) 29 (b) The midwife shall ensure that the required 30 prophylactic is instilled instill into each eye of the newborn 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 infant, or shall obtain and retain the written objection 2 thereto, a prophylactic in accordance with s. 383.04. 3 Section 6. Subsection (1) of section 467.017, Florida 4 Statutes, is amended to read: 5 467.017 Emergency care plan; immunity.-- 6 (1) Every licensed midwife shall develop a written 7 plan for the appropriate delivery of emergency care. A copy 8 of the plan shall accompany the any application for initial 9 licensure. A copy of any revisions to the emergency care plan 10 shall accompany the application for licensure renewal license 11 issuance or renewal. The plan shall address the following: 12 (a) Consultation with other health care providers. 13 (b) Emergency transfer. 14 (c) Access to neonatal intensive care units and 15 obstetrical units or other patient care areas. 16 Section 7. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section 17 467.203, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 18 467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.-- 19 (2) When the department finds any person guilty of any 20 of the grounds set forth in subsection (1), it may enter an 21 order imposing one or more of the following penalties: 22 (e) Placement of the midwife on probation for such 23 period of time and subject to such conditions as the 24 department may specify, including, but not limited to, 25 requiring the midwife to submit to treatment; undertake 26 further relevant education or training; take an examination; 27 or work under the supervision of another licensed midwife, a 28 physician, or a nurse midwife licensed under chapter 464. 29 Section 8. This act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 30 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1419 546-152-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Revises various provisions relating to the practice of 4 midwifery. Updates the definition of "department" to the Department of Health and expands the definition of 5 "preceptor" to include advanced registered nurse practitioners. Revises and provides education and 6 training requirements for midwifery programs, including accreditation requirements and requirements for student 7 midwives. Revises requirements for licensure by endorsement to require credentialing of certificates and 8 diplomas from foreign institutions of medicine or midwifery. Revises requirements for temporary 9 certification to practice midwifery. Authorizes a midwife to administer oxytocics. Revises responsibility 10 of a midwife with respect to eye prophylactics for newborns and objections thereto. Revises provisions 11 relating to submission of copies of emergency care plans to coincide with initial and renewal licensure. 12 Clarifies a disciplinary action. See bill for details. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8