CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1421e1

HB 1421, First Engrossed 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to child custody; amending s. 3 61.13, F.S.; providing that no presumption 4 shall arise in favor of or against a relocation 5 request when a primary residential parent seeks 6 to move the child; providing factors for the 7 court to consider; creating s. 61.121, F.S.; 8 providing for rotating custody of a child under 9 certain circumstances; amending s. 61.052, 10 F.S.; providing for rotating custody during a 11 period of continuance; providing an effective 12 date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (2) of 17 section 61.13, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 18 61.13 Custody and support of children; visitation 19 rights; power of court in making orders.-- 20 (2) 21 (d) No presumption shall arise in favor of or against 22 a request to relocate when a primary residential parent seeks 23 to move the child and the move will materially affect the 24 current schedule of contact and access with the secondary 25 residential parent. In making a determination as to whether 26 the primary residential parent may relocate with a child, the 27 court must consider the following factors: 28 1. Whether the move would be likely to improve the 29 general quality of life for both the residential parent and 30 the child. 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1421, First Engrossed 1 2. The extent to which visitation rights have been 2 allowed and exercised. 3 3. Whether the primary residential parent, once out of 4 the jurisdiction, will be likely to comply with any substitute 5 visitation arrangements. 6 4. Whether the substitute visitation will be adequate 7 to foster a continuing meaningful relationship between the 8 child and the secondary residential parent. 9 5. Whether the cost of transportation is financially 10 affordable by one or both parties. 11 6. Whether the move is in the best interests of the 12 child. 13 Section 2. Section 61.121, F.S., is created to read: 14 61.121 Rotating custody.-- 15 The court may order rotating custody if the court finds 16 that rotating custody will be in the best interest of the 17 child. 18 Section 3. Subsection (3) of section 61.052, F.S., 19 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 20 61.052 Dissolution of marriage.-- 21 (3) During any period of continuance, the court may 22 make appropriate orders for the support and alimony of the 23 parties; the primary residence, custody, rotating custody, 24 visitation, support, maintenance, and education of the minor 25 child of the marriage; attorney's fees; and the preservation 26 of the property of the parties. 27 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 28 29 30 31 2