CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1485c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1485 By the Committee on Business Development & International Trade and Representatives Turnbull and Valdes 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to air carriers; amending s. 3 206.9825, F.S.; providing for a refund or 4 credit for the aviation fuel tax for 5 wholesalers or terminal suppliers that deliver 6 aviation fuel to an air carrier that offers jet 7 passenger service, or maintains or increases 8 scheduled service, to the state capital; 9 requiring a wholesaler or terminal supplier 10 that receives such refund or credit, or that 11 receives the refund or credit for fuel 12 delivered to certain air carriers that increase 13 their Florida workforce, to pass the refund or 14 credit on to the air carrier; directing the 15 Department of Management Services to evaluate 16 the state contract for air carrier service for 17 state employees, undertake a pilot program, and 18 evaluate the pilot program; providing an 19 effective date. 20 21 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of Florida to 22 attract and retain quality affordable air carrier service for 23 its citizens, and 24 WHEREAS, dependable and affordable air service is an 25 important factor in stimulating economic development and 26 promoting efficient and accountable government service, and 27 WHEREAS, citizens require affordable and efficient 28 access to state government and elected officials in the state 29 capital to promote an open democracy, and 30 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1485 170-843-97 1 WHEREAS, safe and affordable air travel from the state 2 capital to all parts of Florida is necessary to ensure the 3 continued operation of state programs, and 4 WHEREAS, incentives need to be identified to attract 5 and retain quality air service to the state capital from all 6 major airports in Florida to meet the needs of government and 7 industry, and 8 WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes the need to provide 9 support to air carriers that provide this valuable service, 10 NOW, THEREFORE, 11 12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 13 14 Section 1. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of 15 section 206.9825, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are 16 amended to read: 17 206.9825 Aviation fuel tax.-- 18 (1) 19 (b)1. Any licensed wholesaler or terminal supplier 20 that delivers aviation fuel to an air carrier offering 21 transcontinental jet service and that, after January 1, 1996, 22 increases the air carrier's Florida workforce by more than 23 1000 percent and by 250 or more full-time equivalent employee 24 positions, may receive a credit or refund as the ultimate 25 vendor of the aviation fuel for the 6.9 cents excise tax 26 previously paid, provided that the air carrier has no facility 27 for fueling highway vehicles from the tank in which the 28 aviation fuel is stored. In calculating the new or additional 29 Florida full-time equivalent employee positions, any full-time 30 equivalent employee positions of parent or subsidiary 31 corporations which existed before January 1, 1996, shall not 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1485 170-843-97 1 be counted toward reaching the Florida employment increase 2 thresholds. The refund allowed under this subparagraph 3 paragraph is in furtherance of the goals and policies of the 4 State Comprehensive Plan set forth in s. 187.201(17)(a), 5 (b)1., 2., (18)(a), (b)1., 4., (20)(a), (b)5., (22)(a), (b)1., 6 2., 4., 7., 9., and 12. This subparagraph paragraph will 7 expire on July 1, 2001. 8 2. Any licensed wholesaler or terminal supplier that 9 delivers aviation fuel to an air carrier that offers jet 10 passenger service, or maintains or increases scheduled 11 passenger service, to the state capital, based on available 12 seats averaged annually, may receive a credit or refund as the 13 ultimate vendor of the aviation fuel for the 6.9 cents excise 14 tax previously paid, provided that the air carrier has no 15 facility for fueling highway vehicles from the tank in which 16 the aviation fuel is stored. This refund or credit shall be 17 applied only to fuel used, in the case of interstate flights, 18 for those flight segments traveling in or out of the state 19 capital, and in the case of intrastate flights, for those 20 multiple flight segments connecting to and from the state 21 capital by air carriers headquartered within the State of 22 Florida. 23 3. A licensed wholesaler or terminal supplier that 24 receives a credit or refund pursuant to subparagraph 1. or 25 subparagraph 2. is required to pass on the full exemption or 26 credit to the air carrier purchasing the fuel. 27 (c) If, before July 1, 2001, the number of full-time 28 equivalent employee positions created or added to the air 29 carrier's Florida workforce falls below 250, the exemption 30 granted pursuant to subparagraph (b)1. this section shall not 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1485 170-843-97 1 apply during the period in which the air carrier has fewer 2 than the 250 additional employees. 3 Section 2. State air carrier contract.--Pursuant to s. 4 287.042, Florida Statutes, the Department of Management 5 Services shall analyze and evaluate the state contract for air 6 carrier service for state employees to determine how to 7 improve the quality, availability, and cost of air service to 8 state employees and other citizens. The department shall 9 undertake a pilot program based on this analysis that shall 10 include, but is not limited to, the suspension of any such 11 contract and the provision of any incentives necessary to 12 attract qualified air carriers flying within Florida to the 13 state capital. In implementing this pilot program, the 14 department shall take into consideration the provisions of s. 15 112.061(7)(a)2., Florida Statutes. The department shall 16 evaluate the impact of this pilot program on increased 17 scheduled service, costs, fare structures, and expanded jet 18 service to and from the state capital, and be prepared to 19 report annually to the Speaker of the House of Representatives 20 and the President of the Senate. 21 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4