CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Littlefield offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 32, between lines 10 and 11


16  insert:

17         Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

18  370.0605, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         370.0605  Saltwater fishing license required; fees.--

20         (2)  Saltwater fishing license fees are as follows:

21         (a)1.  For a resident of the state, $10 for a 10-day

22  license and $12 for a 1-year license.

23         2.  For a resident of the state, $60 for 5 consecutive

24  years from the date of purchase.

25         3.  For a nonresident of the state, $5 for a 3-day

26  license, $15 for a 7-day license, and $30 for a 1-year

27  license.

28         4.  For purposes of this section, "resident" has the

29  same meaning as that found in s. 372.001.

30         Section 16.  Paragraphs (b) and (f) of subsection (4)

31  of section 372.57, Florida Statutes, are amended, paragraph


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  (g) is added to said subsection, and subsection (7),

 2  paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (8), and subsections (9),

 3  (11), and (14) of that section are amended, to read:

 4         372.57  Licenses and permits; exemptions; fees.--No

 5  person, except as provided herein, shall take game, freshwater

 6  fish, or fur-bearing animals within this state without having

 7  first obtained a license, permit, or authorization and paid

 8  the fees hereinafter set forth, unless such license is issued

 9  without fee as provided in s. 372.561. Such license, permit,

10  or authorization shall authorize the person to whom it is

11  issued to take game, freshwater fish, or fur-bearing animals

12  in accordance with law and commission rules. Such license,

13  permit, or authorization is not transferable.  Each license or

14  permit must bear on its face in indelible ink the name of the

15  person to whom it is issued and other information requested by

16  the commission.  Such license, permit, or authorization issued

17  by the commission or any agent must be in the personal

18  possession of the person to whom issued while taking game,

19  freshwater fish, or fur-bearing animals. The failure of such

20  person to exhibit such license, permit, or authorization to

21  the commission or its wildlife officers, when such person is

22  found taking game, freshwater fish, or fur-bearing animals, is

23  a violation of law.  A positive form of identification is

24  required when using an authorization, a lifetime license, a

25  5-year license, or when otherwise required by the license or

26  permit.  The lifetime licenses and 5-year licenses provided

27  herein shall be embossed with the name, date of birth, the

28  date of issuance, and other pertinent information as deemed

29  necessary by the commission.  A certified copy of the

30  applicant's birth certificate shall accompany all applications

31  for a lifetime license for residents 12 years of age and


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  younger.

 2         (4)  In addition to any license required by this

 3  chapter, the following permits and fees for certain hunting,

 4  fishing, and recreational uses, and the activities authorized

 5  thereby, are:

 6         (b)1.  Management area permits to hunt, fish, or

 7  otherwise use for outdoor recreational purposes, land owned,

 8  leased, or managed by the commission or the State of Florida

 9  for the use and benefit of the commission, up to $25 annually.

10  Permits, and fees thereof, for short-term use of land which is

11  owned, leased, or managed by the commission may be established

12  by rule of the commission for any activity on such lands.

13  Such permits and fees may be in lieu of or in addition to the

14  annual management area permit. Other than for hunting or

15  fishing, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply on

16  any lands not owned by the commission, unless the commission

17  shall have obtained the written consent of the owner or

18  primary custodian of such lands.

19         2.  A recreational user permit fee to hunt, fish, or

20  otherwise use for outdoor recreational purposes, land leased

21  by the commission from private nongovernmental owners, except

22  for those lands located directly north of the Apalachicola

23  National Forest, east of the Ochlockonee River until the point

24  the river meets the dam forming Lake Talquin, and south of the

25  closest federal highway.  The fee for this permit shall be

26  based upon economic compensation desired by the landowner,

27  game population levels, desired hunter density, and

28  administrative costs. The permit fee shall be set by

29  commission rule on a per-acre basis. On property currently in

30  the private landowner payment program, the prior year's

31  landowner payment shall be used to augment the landowner lease


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  fee so as to decrease the permit fee for the users of that

 2  property. The spouse and dependent children of a permittee are

 3  exempt from the permit fee when engaged in outdoor

 4  recreational activities other than hunting in the company of

 5  the permittee. Notwithstanding any other provision of this

 6  chapter, there are no other exclusions, exceptions, or

 7  exemptions from this permit fee. The landowner lease fee, less

 8  an administrative permit fee of up to $25 per permit, shall be

 9  remitted to the landowner as provided in the lease agreement

10  for each area.

11         (f)  A special use permit for limited entry hunting or

12  fishing, where such hunting or fishing is authorized by

13  commission rule, shall be up to $100 per day but shall not

14  exceed $250 per week. Notwithstanding any other provision of

15  this chapter, there are no exclusions, exceptions, or

16  exemptions from this fee. In addition to the fee, the

17  commission may charge each applicant for a special use permit

18  a nonrefundable application fee of up to $10.

19         (g)  The fee for a permanent hunting and fishing

20  license for a resident 64 years of age or older is $12.

21         (7)  A resident lifetime sportsman's license authorizes

22  the holder to engage in the following noncommercial

23  activities:

24         (a)  To take or attempt to take or possess freshwater

25  fish, marine fish, and game, consistent with state and federal

26  regulations and rules of the commission and the Department of

27  Environmental Protection in effect at the time of taking.

28         (b)  All activities authorized by a management area

29  permit, a muzzle-loading gun permit, a turkey permit, an

30  archery permit, a Florida waterfowl permit, a snook permit,

31  and a crawfish permit.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         (c)  All activities for which an additional license,

 2  permit, or fee may be required to take or attempt to take or

 3  possess freshwater fish, marine fish, and game, imposed

 4  subsequent to the date of purchase of the resident lifetime

 5  sportsman's license.

 6         (8)  The fee for a resident lifetime sportsman's

 7  license is:

 8         (c)  13 13-63 years of age or older..............$1,000

 9         (d)  64 years of age or older.......................$12

10         (9)  A resident lifetime hunting license authorizes the

11  holder to engage in the following noncommercial activities:

12         (a)  To take or attempt to take or possess game

13  consistent with state and federal regulations and rules of the

14  commission in effect at the time of taking.

15         (b)  All activities authorized by a management area

16  permit, excluding fishing, a muzzle-loading gun permit, a

17  turkey permit, an archery permit, and a Florida waterfowl

18  permit.

19         (c)  All activities for which an additional license,

20  permit, or fee may be required to take or attempt to take or

21  possess game, imposed subsequent to the date of purchase of

22  the resident lifetime hunting license.

23         (11)  A resident lifetime freshwater fishing license

24  authorizes the holder to engage in the following noncommercial

25  activities:

26         (a)  To take or attempt to take or possess freshwater

27  fish consistent with state and federal regulations and rules

28  of the commission in effect at the time of taking.

29         (b)  All activities authorized by a management area

30  permit, excluding hunting.

31         (c)  All activities for which an additional license,


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  permit, or fee may be required to take or attempt to take or

 2  possess freshwater fish, imposed subsequent to the date of

 3  purchase of the resident lifetime freshwater fishing license.

 4         (14)  The following 5-year licenses are authorized:

 5         (a)  A 5-year freshwater fishing license for a resident

 6  to take or attempt to take or possess freshwater fish in this

 7  state for 5 consecutive years is $60 and authorizes the holder

 8  to engage in the following noncommercial activities:

 9         1.  to take or attempt to take or possess freshwater

10  fish consistent with state and federal regulations and rules

11  of the commission in effect at the time of taking.

12         2.  All activities authorized by a management area

13  permit, excluding hunting.

14         3.  All activities for which an additional license,

15  permit, or fee is required to take or attempt to take or

16  possess freshwater fish, imposed subsequent to the date of

17  purchase of the 5-year resident freshwater fishing license

18  until the date of expiration.

19         (b)  A 5-year hunting license for a resident to take or

20  attempt to take or possess game in this state for 5

21  consecutive years is $55 $270 and authorizes the holder to

22  engage in the following noncommercial activities:

23         1.  to take or attempt to take or possess game

24  consistent with state and federal regulations and rules of the

25  commission in effect at the time of taking.

26         2.  All activities authorized by a management area

27  permit, excluding fishing, a muzzle-loading gun permit, a

28  turkey permit, an archery permit, and a Florida waterfowl

29  permit.

30         3.  All activities for which an additional license,

31  permit, or fee may be required to take or attempt to take or


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  possess game, imposed subsequent to the date of purchase of

 2  the 5-year resident hunting license until the date of

 3  expiration.

 4         Section 17.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (2)

 5  of section 372.672, Florida Statutes, to read:

 6         372.672  Florida Panther Research and Management Trust

 7  Fund.--

 8         (2)  Money from the fund shall be spent only for the

 9  following purposes:

10         (d)  To fund and administer education programs

11  authorized in s. 372.674.

12         Section 18.  Paragraphs (b), (d), and (e) of subsection

13  (6) and subsection (7) of section 372.674, Florida Statutes,

14  are amended to read:

15         372.674  Environmental education.--

16         (6)  The advisory council shall:

17         (b)  Develop a recommended priority list for projects

18  to be funded through the Florida Panther Research and

19  Management Trust Fund and the Save the Manatee Trust Fund and

20  review and evaluate projects implemented through the fund.

21         (d)  Cooperate with the Department of Education in

22  evaluating annual project proposals for projects to be funded

23  through the Florida Panther Research and Management Trust Fund

24  and the Save the Manatee Trust Fund to develop and distribute

25  model instructional materials for use in environmental

26  education to integrate environmental education into the

27  general curriculum of public school districts, community

28  colleges, and universities.

29         (e)  Cooperate with the Department of Environmental

30  Protection in evaluating annual proposals for projects to be

31  funded through the Florida Panther Research and Management


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  Trust Fund and the Save the Manatee Trust Fund that can

 2  promote an understanding about environmental protection

 3  programs and activities administered by the department.

 4         (7)  The Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission shall

 5  review the recommended list of projects to be funded from the

 6  Florida Panther Research and Management Trust Fund and the

 7  Save the Manatee Trust Fund by August of each year and make a

 8  final determination of projects to receive grants from

 9  available appropriations by the Legislature.  The commission

10  shall act upon the recommended list within 45 days after

11  receipt of the list.

12         Section 19.  Subsections (5), (6), (7), and (8) of

13  section 372.921, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as

14  subsections (6), (7), (8), and (9), respectively, and a new

15  subsection (5) is added to said section to read:

16         372.921  Exhibition of wildlife.--

17         (5)  In instances where wildlife is seized or taken

18  into custody by the commission, said owner or possessor of

19  such wildlife shall be responsible for payment of all expenses

20  relative to the capture, transport, boarding, veterinary care,

21  or other costs associated with or incurred due to seizure or

22  custody of wildlife. Such expenses shall be paid by said owner

23  or possessor upon any conviction or finding of guilt of a

24  criminal or noncriminal violation, regardless of adjudication

25  or plea entered, of any provision of chapter 372 or chapter

26  828, or rule of the commission or if such violation is

27  disposed of under s. 921.187. Failure to pay such expense may

28  be grounds for revocation or denial of permits to such

29  individual to possess wildlife.

30         Section 20.  Subsections (4), (5), and (6) of section

31  372.922, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (5),


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1  (6), and (7), respectively, and a new subsection (4) is added

 2  to said section to read:

 3         372.922  Personal possession of wildlife.--

 4         (4)  In instances where wildlife is seized or taken

 5  into custody by the commission, said owner or possessor of

 6  such wildlife shall be responsible for payment of all expenses

 7  relative to the capture, transport, boarding, veterinary care,

 8  or other costs associated with or incurred due to seizure or

 9  custody of wildlife. Such expenses shall be paid by said owner

10  or possessor upon any conviction or finding of guilt of a

11  criminal or noncriminal violation, regardless of adjudication

12  or plea entered, of any provision of chapter 372 or chapter

13  828, or rule of the commission or if such violation is

14  disposed of under s. 921.187. Failure to pay such expense may

15  be grounds for revocation or denial of permits to such

16  individual to possess wildlife.



19  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

20  And the title is amended as follows:

21         On page 3, line 11


23  after the semicolon, insert:

24         amending s. 370.0605, F.S.; deleting the $10

25         for 10 days saltwater fishing license; amending

26         s. 372.57, F.S.; providing for a recreational

27         user permit fee to hunt, fish, or otherwise use

28         for outdoor recreational purposes, land leased

29         by Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission from

30         private nongovernmental owners; providing for

31         the sale of specified lands by the Board of


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    hbd0021                     05:19 pm         01506-0061-085581

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    hbd1506-27                   Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

 2         Fund; clarifying provisions with respect to

 3         special use permits; increasing to age 64 or

 4         older the age to obtain a permanent hunting or

 5         fishing license for a certain fee; revising

 6         provisions with respect to a lifetime

 7         sportsman's license and a lifetime freshwater

 8         fishing license; revising provisions with

 9         respect to 5-year licenses; reducing a 5-year

10         hunting license fee; amending s. 372.672, F.S.;

11         providing an additional use for funds in the

12         Florida Panther Research and Management Trust

13         Fund; amending s. 372.674, F.S.; providing

14         reference to the Florida Panther Research and

15         Management Trust Fund with respect to

16         environmental education; amending ss. 372.921

17         and 372.922, F.S.; providing for payment of

18         expenses relative to wildlife seized or taken

19         by the Game and Freshwater Fish Commission;














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