CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                 Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .

 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW






11  Representative(s) Bronson offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 32, between lines 10 and 11 of the bill,


16  insert:

17         Section 15.  Notwithstanding Section 1. of CS/HB 3673

18  to the contrary, this section shall be considered the last and

19  complete intent of the Legislature regardless of when it is

20  presented to the Secretary of State.

21         Subsection (8) is added to section 373.406, Florida

22  Statutes, to read:

23         373.406  Exemptions.--The following exemptions shall

24  apply:

25         (8)  Certified aquaculture activities which apply

26  appropriate best management practices adopted pursuant to s.

27  597.004 are exempt from this part.

28         Section 16.  Notwithstanding Section 1. of CS/HB 3673

29  to the contrary, this section shall be considered the last and

30  complete intent of the Legislature regardless of when it is

31  presented to the Secretary of State.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                 Bill No. CS for SB 1506, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.     (for drafter's use only)

 1         Subsection (5) is added to section 403.0885, Florida

 2  Statutes, to read:

 3         403.0885  Establishment of federally approved state

 4  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

 5  Program.--

 6         (5)  Certified aquaculture activities under s. 597.004

 7  that have individual production units whose annual production

 8  and water discharge are less than the parameters established

 9  by the NPDES program are exempt from wastewater management

10  regulations.  For purposes herein, the term "individual

11  production units" shall be determined by rule of the

12  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.



15  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

16  And the title is amended as follows:

17         On page 3, line 11 after the semicolon,


19  insert:

20         amending s. 373.046, F.S.; clarifying

21         jurisdiction over aquaculture activities;

22         providing exemption for management and storage

23         of surface water; amending s. 403.0885, F.S.;

24         providing exemptions from the state National

25         Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program;








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    hag0009                     04:02 pm         01506-0079-423409