CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0151

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 151 By Representative Bainter 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to water quality; amending s. 3 376.307, F.S.; providing that certain persons 4 may be entitled to subsidies or filters from 5 the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund under 6 certain circumstances; amending s. 373.309, 7 F.S.; authorizing the Department of 8 Environmental Protection to establish criteria 9 for the acceptance of certain water quality 10 testing results; providing an effective date. 11 12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 13 14 Section 1. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 15 376.307, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 96-321, Laws 16 of Florida, is amended to read: 17 376.307 Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.-- 18 (1) The Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund is intended 19 to serve as a broad-based fund for use in responding to 20 incidents of contamination that pose a serious danger to the 21 quality of groundwater and surfacewater resources or otherwise 22 pose a serious danger to the public health, safety, or 23 welfare. Moneys in this fund may be used: 24 (e) To restore or replace contaminated private potable 25 water wells or water systems. However, funds used as provided 26 in this paragraph must be expended for water supply systems or 27 filters for contaminated potable water wells only as follows: 28 1. Persons who have contaminated potable water wells 29 that were permitted and constructed after January 1, 1989, in 30 accordance with standards adopted under s. 373.309 are 31 eligible for: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 151 143-206A-97 1 a. Subsidies to connect to existing water supply 2 systems or extensions thereof. However, the subsidy may not 3 exceed the present worth of the 10-year cost of providing and 4 maintaining filters for residents served by the connections; 5 or 6 b. Filters and filter maintenance to provide treatment 7 for water from contaminated wells sufficient to ensure its 8 potability. However, a filter may not be provided for a 9 potable water well designed to provide water to a household 10 that is part of a subdivision or development of a size that 11 would, according to the department, be more effectively served 12 by a water supply system, if the subdivision or development 13 received its development order after January 1, 1989. 14 2. Subsidies to develop new water supply systems to be 15 permitted and constructed after January 1, 1989, in accordance 16 with standards adopted pursuant to s. 373.309 because of 17 actual or potential contamination of potable water wells. 18 However, a subsidy may not exceed one-half of the present 19 worth of the 10-year cost of providing and maintaining filters 20 for the residents to be served by the system. 21 3. The most cost-effective remedy, as determined by 22 the department, for wells drilled before January 1, 1989. 23 4. Persons permitting and constructing potable water 24 wells on or after July 1, 1996, in accordance with standards 25 adopted pursuant to s. 373.309 because of actual or potential 26 contamination, may be eligible for: 27 a. Subsidies or filters as identified in 28 sub-subparagraphs 1.a. and b.; or 29 b. Subsidies for any increased costs associated with 30 potable water well construction pursuant to s. 31 373.309(1)(e)4., provided that no such subsidy shall exceed 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 151 143-206A-97 1 one-half the cost of the well including testing, or one-half 2 the present worth of the 10-year cost of providing and 3 maintaining filters for the residents to be served by said 4 well, whichever is less, provided that the household is not 5 part of a subdivision or development of a size that would, 6 according to the department, be more effectively served by a 7 water supply system, if such subdivision or development 8 received its development order on or after July 1, 1996. 9 Section 2. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 10 373.309, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 96-321, Laws 11 of Florida, is amended to read: 12 373.309 Authority to adopt rules and procedures.-- 13 (1) The department shall adopt, and may from time to 14 time amend, rules governing the location, construction, 15 repair, and abandonment of water wells and shall be 16 responsible for the administration of this part. With respect 17 thereto, the department shall: 18 (e) Encourage prevention of potable water well 19 contamination and promote cost-effective remediation of 20 contaminated potable water supplies by use of the Water 21 Quality Assurance Trust Fund as provided in s. 376.307(1)(e) 22 and establish by rule: 23 1. Delineation of areas of groundwater contamination 24 for implementation of well location and construction, testing, 25 permitting, and clearance requirements as set forth in 26 subparagraphs 2., 3., 4., 5., and 6. The department shall make 27 available to water management districts, regional planning 28 councils, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative 29 Services, and county building and zoning departments, maps or 30 other information on areas of contamination, including areas 31 of ethylene dibromide contamination. Such maps or other 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 151 143-206A-97 1 information shall be made available to property owners, 2 realtors, real estate associations, property appraisers, and 3 other interested persons upon request and upon payment of 4 appropriate costs. 5 2. Requirements for testing for suspected 6 contamination in areas of known contamination, as a 7 prerequisite for clearance of a water well for drinking 8 purposes. The department is authorized to establish criteria 9 for acceptance of water quality testing results from the 10 Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and 11 laboratories certified by the Department of Health and 12 Rehabilitative Services, and is authorized to establish 13 requirements for sample collection quality assurance. 14 3. Requirements for mandatory connection to available 15 potable water systems in areas of known contamination, wherein 16 the department may prohibit the permitting and construction of 17 new potable water wells. 18 4. Location and construction standards for public and 19 all other potable water wells permitted in areas of 20 contamination. Such standards shall be designed to minimize 21 the effects of such contamination. 22 5. A procedure for permitting all potable water wells 23 in areas of known contamination. Any new water well that is to 24 be used for drinking water purposes and that does not meet 25 construction standards pursuant to subparagraph 4. must be 26 abandoned and plugged by the owner. Water management districts 27 shall implement, through delegation from the department, the 28 permitting and enforcement responsibilities of this 29 subparagraph. 30 6. A procedure for clearing for use all potable water 31 wells, except wells that serve a public water supply system, 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 151 143-206A-97 1 in areas of known contamination. If contaminants are found 2 upon testing pursuant to subparagraph 2., a well may not be 3 cleared for use without a filter or other means of preventing 4 the users of the well from being exposed to deleterious 5 amounts of contaminants. The Department of Health and 6 Rehabilitative Services shall implement the responsibilities 7 of this subparagraph. 8 7. Fees to be paid for well construction permits and 9 clearance for use. The fees shall be based on the actual costs 10 incurred by the water management districts, the Department of 11 Health and Rehabilitative Services, or other political 12 subdivisions in carrying out the responsibilities related to 13 potable water well permitting and clearance for use. The fees 14 shall provide revenue to cover all such costs and shall be set 15 according to the following schedule: 16 a. The well construction permit fee may not exceed 17 $500. 18 b. The clearance fee may not exceed $50. 19 8. Procedures for implementing well-location, 20 construction, testing, permitting, and clearance requirements 21 as set forth in subparagraphs 2.-6. within areas that research 22 or monitoring data indicate are vulnerable to contamination 23 with nitrate, or areas in which the department provides a 24 subsidy for restoration or replacement of contaminated 25 drinking water supplies through extending existing water lines 26 or developing new water supply systems pursuant to s. 27 376.307(1)(e). The department shall consult with the Florida 28 Ground Water Association in the process of developing rules 29 pursuant to this subparagraph. 30 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 151 143-206A-97 1 All fees and funds collected by each delegated entity pursuant 2 to this part shall be deposited in the appropriate operating 3 account of that entity. 4 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 5 law. 6 7 ***************************************** 8 HOUSE SUMMARY 9 Provides that described persons may be entitled to 10 subsidies or filters from the Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund under described circumstances. 11 12 Authorizes the Department of Environmental Protection to establish criteria for the acceptance of described water 13 quality testing results. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6