CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1513c1

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 By the Committee on Family Law & Children and Representative Sanderson 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to adoption; amending s. 3 39.001, F.S.; providing legislative intent; 4 amending s. 39.01, F.S.; providing a 5 definition; amending s. 39.45, F.S.; 6 prohibiting the delay of an adoption because a 7 sibling is not also placed in the same home; 8 amending s. 39.451, F.S.; providing for 9 adoptive placement by a licensed child-placing 10 agency or an intermediary; amending s. 39.453, 11 F.S.; revising language with respect to 12 judicial review; amending s. 39.456, F.S.; 13 conforming provisions; amending s. 39.464, 14 F.S.; including reference to an intermediary 15 with respect to termination of parental rights; 16 amending s. 39.469, F.S.; providing that 17 licensed child-placing agencies and 18 intermediaries have exclusive authority for 19 adoptive placement of children committed to the 20 Department of Children and Family Services; 21 amending s. 39.47, F.S.; providing procedures; 22 amending ss. 39.471, 39.473, F.S.; conforming 23 provisions; amending s. 409.166, F.S.; 24 redefining the term "special needs child"; 25 amending s. 409.167, F.S.; revising language 26 with respect to the statewide adoption 27 exchange; amending s. 63.072, F.S.; relating to 28 persons whose consent to an adoption may be 29 waived; amending s. 63.092, F.S.; revising 30 language with respect to the preliminary home 31 study; providing for certain documentation; 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 amending s. 63.097, F.S.; providing for 2 reimbursement of certain fees; providing an 3 effective date. 4 5 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 6 7 Section 1. Paragraphs (b) and (d) of subsection (1) of 8 section 39.001, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are amended 9 to read: 10 39.001 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and 11 screening.-- 12 (1) The purposes of this chapter are: 13 (b) To provide for the care, safety, and protection of 14 children in an environment that fosters healthy social, 15 emotional, intellectual, and physical development; to ensure 16 secure and safe custody; and to promote the health and 17 well-being of all children within under the state and under 18 the jurisdiction of the state's courts state's care. 19 (d)1. To preserve and strengthen the child's family 20 ties whenever possible, removing the child from parental 21 custody only when his or her welfare or the safety and 22 protection of the public cannot be adequately safeguarded 23 without such removal; and, when the child is removed from his 24 or her own family, to secure for the child custody, care, and 25 discipline as nearly as possible equivalent to that which 26 should have been given by the parents; and to assure, in all 27 cases in which a child must be permanently removed from 28 parental custody, that the child be placed in an approved 29 family home, adoptive home, independent living program, or 30 other placement that provides the most stable and permanent 31 living arrangement for the child, as determined by the court. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 2. To assure that all children who are the subject of 2 an order terminating parental rights are expeditiously placed 3 into permanent homes and adopted. 4 3. To assure that no child remains in the department's 5 custody longer than absolutely necessary. 6 4. To reduce long-term emotional and psychological 7 damage to children by mandating that a permanent adoptive 8 placement plan be immediately effectuated for each dependent 9 child upon termination of his or her parents' rights. 10 5. To assure that a termination of parental rights 11 will be effectuated no later than 18 months following a child 12 being declared dependent. 13 6. To mandate the department's cooperation with 14 private child-placing agencies and intermediaries in the 15 adoptive placement of all children whose parents' rights have 16 been terminated. 17 7. To assure that all prospective adoptive parents are 18 considered for placement of such children. 19 8. To maximize the likelihood of success in adoptive 20 placements. 21 9. To mandate dependency court approval of all 22 proposed adoptive placements of children under the protective 23 supervision of the department and to grant authority to the 24 court to enter any order necessary to protect and promote the 25 best interests of the child. 26 10. To expand the department's current contracts with 27 private child-placing agencies to include all adoptive 28 placements for children whose parents' rights have been 29 terminated and whose foster parents and relatives are 30 unwilling or unable to adopt. 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 Section 2. Present subsections (35) through (76) of 2 section 39.01, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, are 3 redesignated as subsections (36) through (77), respectively, 4 and a new subsection (35) is added to said section to read: 5 39.01 Definitions.--When used in this chapter: 6 (35) "Intermediary" means a licensed attorney who is a 7 member of The Florida Bar and authorized by chapter 63 to 8 place a child for adoption. 9 Section 3. Subsection (2) of section 39.45, Florida 10 Statutes, is amended and renumbered as subsection (3) and a 11 new subsection (2) is added to said section to read: 12 39.45 Legislative intent.-- 13 (2) It is the intent of the Legislature to: 14 (a) Assure that no child remains in foster care longer 15 than absolutely necessary. 16 (b) Reduce long-term emotional and psychological 17 damage to children by mandating that a permanent adoptive 18 placement plan be expeditiously effectuated for each dependent 19 child upon termination of his or her parents' rights. 20 (c) Assure that all children who are the subject of an 21 order terminating parental rights are expeditiously placed 22 into permanent homes and adopted. 23 (d) To expand the department's current contracts with 24 private child-placing agencies to include all adoptive 25 placements for children whose parents' rights have been 26 terminated and whose foster parents and relatives are 27 unwilling or unable to adopt. 28 (e) Maximize the likelihood of success in adoptive 29 placements. 30 (3)(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that each 31 child be assured the care, guidance, and control in a 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 permanent home which will serve the best interests of the 2 child's moral, emotional, mental, and physical welfare and 3 that such home preferably be the child's own home or, if that 4 is not possible, an adoptive home. It is the further intent of 5 the Legislature that, if neither of those options is 6 achievable, other options for the child as set out in this 7 section be pursued. When a child must be taken into foster 8 care, it is the intent of the Legislature that the parent or 9 guardian from whose custody the child has been taken assist 10 the department to the fullest extent possible to locate 11 relatives suitable to serve as caretakers for the child. It is 12 the intent of the Legislature that permanent placement with 13 the biological or adoptive family be achieved as soon as 14 possible for every child in foster care and that no child 15 remain in foster care longer than 1 year. It is the further 16 intent of the Legislature that a child be reunited with the 17 child's natural family whenever possible and, when not 18 possible, that the child be permanently placed for adoption 19 or, when neither option is achievable, that the child be 20 prepared for alternative permanency goals or placements to 21 include, but not be limited to, long-term foster care, 22 independent living, custody to a relative on a permanent basis 23 with or without legal guardianship, or custody to a foster 24 parent on a permanent basis with or without legal 25 guardianship. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, 26 to help ensure a permanent home for a child in foster care by 27 requiring a case plan or, if the child's natural parents will 28 not or cannot participate in a case plan, a permanent 29 placement plan and a periodic review and report to the court 30 on the child's status. When two or more children in foster 31 care are siblings, every reasonable attempt shall be made to 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 place them in the same foster home; in the event of permanent 2 placement of the siblings, to place them in the same adoptive 3 home; and, if the siblings are separated, to keep them in 4 contact with each other. The inability to place siblings in 5 the same adoptive home, however, must not delay or preclude 6 the immediate placement of one child in an otherwise 7 appropriate and available home if the court determines such 8 placement to be in the individual child's best interest. 9 Section 4. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 39.451, 10 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 11 39.451 Case planning for children in foster care.-- 12 (1) In presenting the case plan to the court, the 13 purpose of a case plan is to ensure permanency for children 14 through recording the actions to be taken by the parties 15 involved in order to quickly assure the safe return of the 16 child to the parents or, if this is not possible, the 17 termination of parental rights and the placement of the child 18 with the department by or a licensed child-placing agency or 19 an intermediary for the purpose of finding a permanent 20 adoptive home. Permanent adoptive placement should be is the 21 primary permanency goal when parental rights are terminated a 22 child is permanently placed with the department or a licensed 23 child-placing agency. Continuity of the ties and attachments 24 between the child and relatives and the child and the child's 25 foster parents shall be preserved by the following: 26 (a) Relatives, whether or not they are foster parents, 27 may choose to provide a permanent home for the child without 28 the legal step of adoption. 29 (b) Nonrelative foster parents of the child shall have 30 3 months from the time the termination of parental rights 31 petition is granted. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 (c) When the child's relatives have stated that they 2 cannot provide a permanent home for the child and foster 3 parents have stated that they are unwilling or unable to 4 adopt, then an intermediary or licensed adoption agency shall 5 pursue an adoptive placement for these children. Later 6 consideration of foster parents or relatives shall not be 7 precluded. If it is not possible to find a permanent adoptive 8 home, the case plan must record the actions taken for 9 preparing the child for alternative permanency goals or 10 placements such as long-term foster care or independent 11 living. 12 (2) The case plan must be limited to as short a period 13 as possible for the accomplishments of its provisions. To 14 balance the need for the child to achieve permanency in a 15 timely manner and the right of the parents to have an 16 opportunity to complete the objectives of the case plan when 17 reunification is the primary goal an alternative permanency 18 goal must also be selected. Unless extended under s. 19 39.453(8), the plan expires no later than 18 months after the 20 date the child was initially removed from the home. 21 Section 5. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and 22 paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 39.453, Florida 23 Statutes, are amended to read: 24 39.453 Judicial review.-- 25 (1) 26 (c) After termination of parental rights, the court 27 shall retain jurisdiction over any child for whom custody is 28 given to a social service agency until the child is adopted. 29 The jurisdiction of the court after termination of parental 30 rights and custody is given to the agency is for the purpose 31 of reviewing the status of the child and the progress being 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 made toward permanent adoptive placement by the department, an 2 agency, or an intermediary. As part of the continuing 3 jurisdiction, the court shall determine the appropriateness of 4 the adoptive placement of the child. As part of this 5 continuing jurisdiction, for good cause shown by the guardian 6 ad litem for the child, the court may review the 7 appropriateness of the adoptive placement of the child. 8 (6) 9 (c) In a case in which the child has been permanently 10 placed with the social service agency, the agency shall 11 furnish to the court a written report concerning the progress 12 being made to place the child for adoption by the department, 13 an agency, or an intermediary. If, as stated in s. 39.451(1), 14 the child cannot be placed for adoption, a report on the 15 progress made by the child in alternative permanency goals or 16 placements, including, but not limited to, long-term foster 17 care, independent living, custody to a relative or adult 18 nonrelative approved by the court on a permanent basis with or 19 without legal guardianship, or custody to a foster parent on a 20 permanent basis with or without legal guardianship, must be 21 submitted to the court. The report must be submitted to the 22 court at least 48 hours before each scheduled judicial review. 23 Section 6. Section 39.456, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 39.456 Exemptions.--This part does not apply to: 26 (1) Minors who have been placed in adoptive homes by 27 the department or by a licensed child-placing agency or an 28 intermediary; 29 (2) Minors who are refugees or entrants to whom 30 federal regulations apply and who are in the care of a social 31 service agency; or 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 (3) Minors who are the subjects of termination of 2 parental rights cases pursuant to s. 39.464. 3 Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 4 39.464, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 5 39.464 Grounds for termination of parental rights.-- 6 (1) The department, the guardian ad litem, a licensed 7 child-placing agency, or any person who has knowledge of the 8 facts alleged or who is informed of said facts and believes 9 that they are true, may petition for the termination of 10 parental rights under any of the following circumstances: 11 (a) When the parent or parents have voluntarily 12 executed a written surrender of the child and consented to the 13 entry of an order giving custody of the child to the 14 department or to a licensed child-placing agency or 15 intermediary for subsequent adoption and the department, or 16 licensed child-placing agency or intermediary is willing to 17 accept custody of the child. 18 1. The surrender document must be executed before two 19 witnesses and a notary public or other person authorized to 20 take acknowledgments. 21 2. The surrender and consent may be withdrawn after 22 acceptance by the department or licensed child-placing agency 23 only after a finding by the court that the surrender and 24 consent were obtained by fraud or duress. 25 Section 8. Subsection (2) of section 39.469, Florida 26 Statutes, is amended to read: 27 39.469 Powers of disposition; order of disposition.-- 28 (2) If the court finds that the grounds for 29 termination of parental rights have been established by clear 30 and convincing evidence, the court shall, by order, place the 31 child in the custody of the department for the purpose of an 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 adoptive placement by the department, a licensed child-placing 2 agency, or an intermediary adoption or place the child in the 3 custody of a licensed child-placing agency for the purpose of 4 adoption. Through the adoption exchange, as authorized in s. 5 409.167, the department shall make available to all licensed 6 child-placing agencies and intermediaries the name of any 7 child who is legally available for adoption and whose 8 nonrelative foster parents are unwilling or unable to adopt 9 the child. The licensed child-placing agencies and 10 intermediaries have shared responsibility with the department 11 for the adoptive placement of these children. 12 Section 9. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 39.47, 13 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 14 39.47 Post disposition relief.-- 15 (1) In the case of a child under the protective 16 supervision of the department, a licensed child-placing agency 17 or an intermediary with authority to place the department 18 which is given custody of a child for subsequent adoption in 19 accordance with this chapter may place a the child in a family 20 home for prospective subsequent adoption provided that: 21 (a) All the procedures and prerequisites for an 22 adoptive placement under chapter 63 are completed; 23 (b) All documents evidencing compliance with chapter 24 63 are filed with the court; 25 (c) The dependency court shall determine the 26 appropriateness of the prospective adoptive home and determine 27 that the prospective adoptive parents have received full 28 disclosure concerning the history of the child and are willing 29 and able to provide for all current and future recommendations 30 of the mental health providers working with the child; and 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 (d) The adoption is in the manifest best interest of 2 the child as determined by the court after having considered 3 and evaluated all relevant factors; including, but not limited 4 to: 5 1. The ability and disposition of the prospective 6 adoptive parent or parents to provide the child with food, 7 clothing, medical care or other remedial care recognized and 8 permitted under state law. 9 2. The capacity of the parent or parents to care for 10 the child to the extent that the child's health and well-being 11 will be enhanced upon placement in the prospective adoptive 12 home. 13 3. The present mental and physical health needs of the 14 child and such future needs of the child as can be determined 15 and the capacity of the prospective adoptive parents to meet 16 those needs. 17 4. The child's ability to form a significant 18 relationship with a parental substitute and the likelihood 19 that the child will enter into a more stable and permanent 20 family relationship as a result of permanent adoptive 21 placement with the prospective adoptive parent or parents. 22 5. The length of time that the child has lived in a 23 stable, satisfactory environment with the prospective adoptive 24 parent, if applicable, and the desirability of maintaining 25 continuity. 26 6. The depth of the relationship existing between the 27 child and the prospective adoptive parent or parents, if 28 possible. 29 7. The reasonable preferences and wishes of the child, 30 if the court deems the child to be of sufficient intelligence, 31 understanding, and experience to express a preference. 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 8. The recommendations of the child's guardian ad 2 litem or legal representative. 3 9. That every reasonable effort has been made, to have 4 siblings adopted together if appropriate, and that such 5 efforts having failed, the likelihood exists that the 6 prospective adoptive parent or parents will allow and promote 7 continuing contact of the child with the child's siblings, if 8 such contact is deemed to be in the child's best interest and 9 may thereafter become a party to any proceeding for the legal 10 adoption of the child and appear in any court where the 11 adoption proceeding is pending and consent to the adoption; 12 and that consent alone shall in all cases be sufficient. 13 (e) Follow-up information services will be provided by 14 the department upon the request of any family who has adopted 15 a foster child. 16 (2) In any subsequent adoption proceeding, the parents 17 and legal guardian shall not be entitled to any notice 18 thereof, nor shall they be entitled to knowledge at any time 19 after the order terminating parental rights is entered of the 20 whereabouts of the child or of the identity or location of any 21 person having the custody of or having adopted the child, 22 except as provided by order of the court pursuant to this 23 chapter or chapter 63; and in any habeas corpus or other 24 proceeding involving the child brought by any parent or legal 25 guardian of the child, no agent of the licensed child-placing 26 agency, intermediary, or department shall be compelled to 27 divulge that information, but may be compelled to produce the 28 child before a court of competent jurisdiction if the child is 29 still subject to the guardianship of the licensed 30 child-placing agency, intermediary, or department. 31 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 Section 10. Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section 2 39.471, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 3 39.471 Oaths, records, and confidential information.-- 4 (6) No court record of proceedings under this part 5 shall be admissible in evidence in any other civil or criminal 6 proceeding, except that: 7 (a) Orders terminating the rights of a parent and 8 committing the child to a licensed child-placing agency or the 9 department for adoptive placement by a licensed child-placing 10 agency or intermediary for adoption shall be admissible in 11 evidence in subsequent adoption proceedings relating to the 12 child. 13 Section 11. Subsection (3) of section 39.473, Florida 14 Statutes, is amended to read: 15 39.473 Appeal.-- 16 (3) The taking of an appeal does not operate as a 17 supersedeas in any case unless the court so orders. However, a 18 termination of parental rights order with placement of the 19 child with a licensed child-placing agency or an intermediary 20 the department for subsequent adoption is suspended while the 21 appeal is pending, but the child shall continue in custody 22 under the order until the appeal is decided. 23 Section 12. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 24 409.166, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 25 409.166 Special needs children; subsidized adoption 26 program.-- 27 (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term: 28 (a) "Special needs child" means a child whose 29 permanent custody has been awarded to the department, or to a 30 licensed child-placing agency, or an intermediary and 31 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 1. Who has established significant emotional ties with 2 his or her foster parents; or 3 2. is not likely to be adopted because he or she is: 4 1.a. Eight years of age or older; 5 2.b. Mentally retarded; 6 3.c. Physically or emotionally handicapped; 7 4.d. Of black or racially mixed parentage; or 8 5.e. A member of a sibling group of any age, provided 9 two or more members of a sibling group remain together for 10 purposes of adoption. 11 Section 13. Subsection (2) of section 409.167, Florida 12 Statutes, is amended to read: 13 409.167 Statewide adoption exchange; establishment; 14 responsibilities; registration requirements; rules.-- 15 (2)(a) Each district of the department shall notify 16 the adoption exchange in writing of refer each child in its 17 care who has been legally freed for adoption to the adoption 18 exchange no later than 30 days after the date of the final 19 orders terminating the rights of the child's parents 20 acceptance by the department for permanent placement. The 21 referral must be accompanied by a photograph and description 22 of the child. 23 (a) If the district has identified a placement which 24 will occur within 3 months of the final order to terminate 25 parental rights, the notification sent to the adoption 26 exchange shall so indicate. The adoption exchange shall be 27 notified within 10 working days of such adoption placement. 28 (b) The child's name is to be held in an inactive 29 status on the adoption exchange if one of the following 30 circumstances exists: 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 1. The child is placed for adoption with the child's 2 foster parents, relatives, or another identified family and 3 such placement will occur within 3 months of the order 4 terminating parental rights. If the child has not been placed 5 for adoption within 3 months after the termination order is 6 issued, the district shall provide an update to the adoption 7 exchange requesting that the child's registration be taken off 8 inactive status. 9 2. There is a significant change in the child's 10 physical, mental, or emotional status so that a move to an 11 adoptive home would adversely affect the child's safety or 12 place the adoption at increased risk for disruption. Such 13 status must be documented in the child's case record, and a 14 copy attached to the adoption exchange registration form. The 15 district must inform the adoption exchange when the child 16 returns to active status. 17 3. Adoption is no longer the plan for the child and 18 the goal change has been approved by the court. The adoption 19 exchange will close its case on children in this status. 20 4. Prior to placing a child in inactive status, the 21 department must document the reasons for the action and must 22 obtain the approval of the dependency court. 23 (b) The department shall establish criteria by which a 24 district may determine that a child need not be registered 25 with the adoption exchange. Within 90 days after the date of 26 acceptance by the department for permanent placement, the name 27 of the child accepted for permanent placement must be 28 forwarded to the statewide adoption exchange by the district 29 together with reference to the specific reason why the child 30 should not be placed on the adoption exchange. If the child 31 has not been placed for adoption within 3 months after the 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 date of acceptance by the department for permanent placement, 2 the district shall provide the adoption exchange with the 3 necessary photograph and information for registration of the 4 child with the adoption exchange and the child shall be placed 5 on the exchange. 6 (c) The department shall establish procedures for 7 monitoring the status of children who are not placed on the 8 adoption exchange within 30 days after the date of termination 9 of parental rights as well as children with an inactive status 10 on the exchange within 90 days of becoming inactive, and at 11 90-day intervals thereafter until final judgment of adoption 12 acceptance by the department for permanent placement. 13 Section 14. Subsection (4) of section 63.072, Florida 14 Statutes, is amended to read: 15 63.072 Persons whose consent to an adoption may be 16 waived.--The court may excuse the consent of the following 17 individuals to an adoption: 18 (4) The department, a legal guardian, or lawful 19 custodian of the person to be adopted, other than a parent, 20 who has failed to respond in writing to a request for consent 21 for a period of 60 days or who, after examination of his or 22 her written reasons for withholding consent, is found by the 23 court to be withholding his or her consent unreasonably; or 24 Section 15. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section 25 63.092, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 26 63.092 Report to the court of intended placement by an 27 intermediary; preliminary study.-- 28 (2) PRELIMINARY HOME STUDY.--Before placing the minor 29 in the intended adoptive home, a preliminary home study must 30 be performed by a licensed child-placing agency, a licensed 31 professional, or agency described in s. 61.20(2), unless the 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 petitioner is a stepparent, a spouse of the birth parent, or a 2 relative. The preliminary study shall be completed within 30 3 days after the receipt by the court of the intermediary's 4 report, but in no event may the child be placed in the 5 prospective adoptive home prior to the completion of the 6 preliminary study unless ordered by the court. If the 7 petitioner is a stepparent, a spouse of the birth parent, or a 8 relative, the preliminary home study may be required by the 9 court for good cause shown. The department is required to 10 perform the preliminary home study only if there is no 11 licensed child-placing agency, licensed professional, or 12 agency described in s. 61.20(2), in the county where the 13 prospective adoptive parents reside. The preliminary home 14 study must be made to determine the suitability of the 15 intended adoptive parents and may be completed prior to 16 identification of a prospective adoptive child. A favorable 17 preliminary home study is valid for 1 year after the date of 18 its completion. A child must not be placed in an intended 19 adoptive home before a favorable preliminary home study is 20 completed unless the adoptive home is also a licensed foster 21 home under s. 409.175. The preliminary home study must 22 include, at a minimum: 23 (e) Documentation of counseling and education of the 24 intended adoptive parents on adoptive parenting and, in the 25 case of a child under the supervision of the Department of 26 Children and Family Services, documentation of counseling and 27 education including MAP (Model Approach to Parenting) or 28 equivalent training approved by the department; 29 30 If the preliminary home study is favorable, a minor may be 31 placed in the home pending entry of the judgment of adoption. 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 CS/HB 1513 606-107-97 1 A minor may not be placed in the home if the preliminary home 2 study is unfavorable. If the preliminary home study is 3 unfavorable, the intermediary or petitioner may, within 20 4 days after receipt of a copy of the written recommendation, 5 petition the court to determine the suitability of the 6 intended adoptive home. A determination as to suitability 7 under this subsection does not act as a presumption of 8 suitability at the final hearing. In determining the 9 suitability of the intended adoptive home, the court must 10 consider the totality of the circumstances in the home. 11 Section 16. Subsection (2) of section 63.097, Florida 12 Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (3), and a new 13 subsection (2) is added to said section to read: 14 63.097 Fees.-- 15 (2) REIMBURSEMENT.--When the child being placed for 16 adoption by an intermediary is a foster child place, pursuant 17 to s. 39.451(1), the person seeking to adopt the child shall 18 be responsible for payment of fees in accordance with 19 requirements of paragraph (1). If the foster child is a 20 special needs child, pursuant to s. 409.166, the family may 21 seek reimbursement from the department of up to $1,000 in 22 nonrecurring adoption expenses, which may include attorney's 23 fees. 24 Section 17. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 18