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House Bill 1537

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1537 By Representative Futch 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to campaign contributions by 3 the gaming industry; creating s. 106.081, F.S.; 4 prohibiting contributions by applicants for and 5 holders of casino gambling licenses and their 6 affiliated organizations and employees to 7 candidates, political committees supporting or 8 opposing candidates, committees of continuous 9 existence, and state and county executive 10 committees of a political party; prohibiting a 11 candidate, political committees, committees of 12 continuous existence, and executive committees 13 of political parties from soliciting or 14 accepting such contributions; providing a 15 penalty; amending s. 921.0012, F.S.; 16 designating violations under offense severity 17 level 4 of the sentencing guidelines; providing 18 an effective date. 19 20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 21 22 Section 1. Section 106.081, Florida Statutes, is 23 created to read: 24 106.081 Casino gambling interests; prohibited 25 contributions.-- 26 (1) No applicant for or holder of a casino gambling 27 license in any state, nor any holding, intermediary, or 28 subsidiary company thereof, nor any officer, director, or 29 employee of such applicant, licensee, or holding, 30 intermediary, or subsidiary company, nor any person or agent 31 on behalf of any of the foregoing persons, may make any 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1537 531-147-97 1 contribution to any candidate for nomination or election to 2 any public office subject to the provisions of this chapter, 3 to any political committee supporting or opposing one or more 4 candidates, to any committee of continuous existence, or to 5 the state or county executive committee of any political 6 party. 7 (2) No candidate, political committee supporting or 8 opposing one or more candidates, committee of continuous 9 existence, or state or county executive committee of a 10 political party may solicit or accept any such contribution. 11 (3) A person who violates subsection (1) or subsection 12 (2) is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as 13 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, except that the amount 14 of the fine may be up to $100,000, and in the case of a person 15 other than a natural person, the amount of the fine may be up 16 to $250,000. 17 Section 2. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section 18 921.0012, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 19 read: 20 921.0012 Sentencing guidelines offense levels; offense 21 severity ranking chart.-- 22 (3) OFFENSE SEVERITY RANKING CHART 23 Florida Felony 24 Statute Degree Description 25 26 27 28 (d) LEVEL 4 29 106.081 3rd Prohibited campaign contributions 30 by casino gambling interests. 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1537 531-147-97 1 316.1935(2) 3rd Fleeing or attempting to elude 2 law enforcement officer resulting 3 in high-speed pursuit. 4 784.07(2)(b) 3rd Battery of law enforcement 5 officer, firefighter, intake 6 officer, etc. 7 784.075 3rd Battery on detention or 8 commitment facility staff. 9 784.08(2)(c) 3rd Battery on a person 65 years of 10 age or older. 11 784.081(3) 3rd Battery on specified official or 12 employee. 13 784.082(3) 3rd Battery by detained person on 14 visitor or other detainee. 15 787.03(1) 3rd Interference with custody; 16 wrongly takes child from 17 appointed guardian. 18 787.04(2) 3rd Take, entice, or remove child 19 beyond state limits with criminal 20 intent pending custody 21 proceedings. 22 787.04(3) 3rd Carrying child beyond state lines 23 with criminal intent to avoid 24 producing child at custody 25 hearing or delivering to 26 designated person. 27 790.115(1) 3rd Exhibiting firearm or weapon 28 within 1,000 feet of a school. 29 790.115(2)(b) 3rd Possessing electric weapon or 30 device, destructive device, or 31 other weapon on school property. 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1537 531-147-97 1 790.115(2)(c) 3rd Possessing firearm on school 2 property. 3 810.02(4)(a) 3rd Burglary, or attempted burglary, 4 of an unoccupied structure; 5 unarmed; no assault or battery. 6 810.02(4)(b) 3rd Burglary, or attempted burglary, 7 of an unoccupied conveyance; 8 unarmed; no assault or battery. 9 810.06 3rd Burglary; possession of tools. 10 810.08(2)(c) 3rd Trespass on property, armed with 11 firearm or dangerous weapon. 12 812.014(2)(c)3. 3rd Grand theft, 3rd degree $10,000 13 or more but less than $20,000. 14 812.014 15 (2)(c)4.-10. 3rd Grand theft, 3rd degree, a will, 16 firearm, motor vehicle, 17 livestock, etc. 18 817.563(1) 3rd Sell or deliver substance other 19 than controlled substance agreed 20 upon, excluding s. 893.03(5) 21 drugs. 22 828.125(1) 2nd Kill, maim, or cause great bodily 23 harm or permanent breeding 24 disability to any registered 25 horse or cattle. 26 837.02(1) 3rd Perjury in official proceedings. 27 837.021(1) 3rd Make contradictory statements in 28 official proceedings. 29 30 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1537 531-147-97 1 843.025 3rd Deprive law enforcement, 2 correctional, or correctional 3 probation officer of means of 4 protection or communication. 5 843.15(1)(a) 3rd Failure to appear while on bail 6 for felony (bond estreature or 7 bond jumping). 8 874.05(1) 3rd Encouraging or recruiting another 9 to join a criminal street gang. 10 893.13(2)(a)1. 2nd Purchase of cocaine (or other s. 11 893.03(1)(a), (b), or (d), or 12 (2)(a) or (b) drugs). 13 914.14(2) 3rd Witnesses accepting bribes. 14 914.22(1) 3rd Force, threaten, etc., witness, 15 victim, or informant. 16 914.23(2) 3rd Retaliation against a witness, 17 victim, or informant, no bodily 18 injury. 19 918.12 3rd Tampering with jurors. 20 21 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 22 23 ***************************************** 24 SENATE SUMMARY 25 Prohibits applicants for and holders of a casino gambling license, their affiliated organizations, and their agents 26 and employees from making contributions to candidates, political committees supporting or opposing candidates, 27 committees of continuous existence, and state or county executive committees of a political party. Prohibits a 28 candidate, political committee, committee of continuous existence, or executive committee of a political party 29 from soliciting or accepting such contributions. Provides a penalty for violating the prohibitions. Modifies the 30 sentencing guidelines to include prohibited campaign contributions under offense severity level 4. 31 5