CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1547

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 By Representatives Crow, Flanagan, Ogles, Morroni, Fuller, Lacasa, Villalobos, Burroughs, K. Pruitt, Carlton, Stabins, Sublette, Fasano and D. Prewitt 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to health care service 3 programs; amending s. 440.11, F.S.; 4 establishing exclusive liability of health 5 maintenance organizations; providing 6 application; amending s. 641.28, F.S.; revising 7 award of attorney's fees in civil actions under 8 certain circumstances; amending s. 641.315, 9 F.S.; providing additional criteria for certain 10 provider contracts; amending s. 641.3903, F.S.; 11 specifying additional practices as unfair 12 methods of competition or unfair or deceptive 13 acts or practices; amending s. 641.3917, F.S.; 14 authorizing civil actions against health 15 maintenance organizations by certain persons 16 under certain circumstances; providing 17 requirements and procedures; providing for 18 liability for damages and attorney's fees; 19 prohibiting punitive damages under certain 20 circumstances; requiring the advance posting of 21 discovery costs; providing a legislative 22 declaration; providing an appropriation; 23 providing an effective date. 24 25 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 26 27 Section 1. Section 440.11, Florida Statutes, is 28 amended to read: 29 440.11 Exclusiveness of liability.-- 30 (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 624.155 or s. 31 641.3917, the liability of a carrier or a health maintenance 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 organization to an employee or to anyone entitled to bring 2 suit in the name of the employee shall be as provided in this 3 chapter, which shall be exclusive and in place of all other 4 liability. 5 Section 2. Section 641.28, Florida Statutes, 1996 6 Supplement, is amended to read: 7 641.28 Civil remedy.-- 8 (1) In any civil action brought to enforce the terms 9 and conditions of a health maintenance organization contract: 10 (a) If the civil action is filed before or within 60 11 days after the subscriber or enrollee filed a grievance or 12 notice of intent to sue with the statewide provider and 13 subscriber assistance program established pursuant to s. 14 408.7056 or a notice pursuant to s. 641.3917, the prevailing 15 party is entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees and 16 court costs. 17 (b) If the civil action is filed pursuant to s. 18 641.3917 more than 60 days after the subscriber or enrollee 19 filed a notice of intent to sue with the statewide provider 20 and subscriber assistance program established pursuant to s. 21 408.7056 or a notice pursuant to s. 641.3917, and the 22 subscriber or enrollee receives a final judgment or decree 23 against the health maintenance organization in favor of the 24 subscriber or enrollee, the court shall enter a judgment or 25 decree against the health maintenance organization in favor of 26 the subscriber or enrollee for reasonable attorney's fees and 27 court costs. 28 (2) This section shall not be construed to authorize a 29 civil action against the department, its employees, or the 30 Insurance Commissioner or against the Agency for Health Care 31 Administration, its employees, or the director of the agency. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 Section 3. Subsection (8) is added to section 641.315, 2 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 3 641.315 Provider contracts.-- 4 (8) No contract between a health maintenance 5 organization and a provider of health care services shall 6 contain any provision restricting the provider's ability to 7 communicate information to the provider's patient regarding 8 medical care or treatment options for the patient when the 9 provider deems knowledge of such information by the patient to 10 be in the best interest of the patient. 11 Section 4. Paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) are added to 12 subsection (10) of section 641.3903, Florida Statutes, 1996 13 Supplement, and subsection (14) is added to said section, to 14 read: 15 641.3903 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or 16 deceptive acts or practices defined.--The following are 17 defined as unfair methods of competition and unfair or 18 deceptive acts or practices: 19 (10) ILLEGAL DEALINGS IN PREMIUMS; EXCESS OR REDUCED 20 CHARGES FOR HEALTH MAINTENANCE COVERAGE.-- 21 (c) Canceling or otherwise terminating any health 22 maintenance contract or coverage, or requiring execution of a 23 consent to rate endorsement, during the stated contract term 24 for the purpose of offering to issue, or issuing, a similar or 25 identical contract to the same subscriber or enrollee with the 26 same exposure at a higher premium rate or continuing an 27 existing contract with the same exposure at an increased 28 premium. 29 (d) Issuing a nonrenewal notice on any health 30 maintenance organization contract, or requiring execution of a 31 consent to rate endorsement, for the purpose of offering to 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 issue, or issuing, a similar or identical contract to the same 2 subscriber or enrollee at a higher premium rate or continuing 3 an existing contract at an increased premium without meeting 4 any applicable notice requirements. 5 (e) Canceling or issuing a nonrenewal notice on any 6 health maintenance organization contract without complying 7 with any applicable cancellation or nonrenewal provision 8 required under the Florida Insurance Code. 9 (14) REFUSAL TO COVER.--In addition to other 10 provisions of this code, the refusal to cover, or continue to 11 cover, any individual solely because of: 12 (a) Race, color, creed, marital status, sex, or 13 national origin; 14 (b) The residence, age, or lawful occupation of the 15 individual, unless there is a reasonable relationship between 16 the residence, age, or lawful occupation of the individual and 17 the coverage issued or to be issued; or 18 (c) The fact that the enrollee or applicant had been 19 previously refused insurance coverage or health maintenance 20 organization coverage by any insurer or health maintenance 21 organization when such refusal to cover or continue to cover 22 for this reason occurs with such frequency as to indicate a 23 general business practice. 24 Section 5. Section 641.3917, Florida Statutes, is 25 amended to read: 26 641.3917 Civil liability.--The provisions of this part 27 are cumulative to rights under the general civil and common 28 law, and no action of the department shall abrogate such 29 rights to damage or other relief in any court. 30 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 (1) Any person to whom a duty is owed may bring a 2 civil action against a health maintenance organization when 3 such person suffers damages as a result of: 4 (a) A violation of s. 641.3903(5)(a), (b), (c)1.-7., 5 (10), or (12) by the health maintenance organization; or 6 (b) The health maintenance organization's failure to 7 provide a covered service when in good faith the health 8 maintenance organization should have provided such service had 9 it acted fairly and honestly toward its subscriber or enrollee 10 and with due regard for the subscriber's interests and, in the 11 independent medical judgment of a contract treating physician 12 or other physician authorized by the health maintenance 13 organization, the service is medically necessary. 14 15 However, a person pursuing a remedy under this section need 16 not prove that such act was committed or performed with such 17 frequency as to indicate a general business practice. 18 (2)(a) As a condition precedent to bringing an action 19 under this section, the department and the health maintenance 20 organization must have been given 60 days' written notice of 21 the violation. If the department returns a notice for lack of 22 specificity, the 60-day time period shall not begin until a 23 proper notice is filed. 24 (b) The notice shall be on a form provided by the 25 department and shall state with specificity the following 26 information, and such other information as the department may 27 require: 28 1. The provision of law, including the specific 29 language of the law, which the health maintenance organization 30 has allegedly violated. 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 2. The facts and circumstances giving rise to the 2 violation. 3 3. The name of any individual involved in the 4 violation. 5 4. Any reference to specific contract language that is 6 relevant to the violation. 7 5. A statement that the notice is given in order to 8 perfect the right to pursue the civil remedy authorized by 9 this section. 10 (c) Within 20 days after receipt of the notice, the 11 department may return any notice that does not provide the 12 specific information required by this section and the 13 department shall indicate the specific deficiencies contained 14 in the notice. A determination by the department to return a 15 notice for lack of specificity is exempt from the requirements 16 of chapter 120. 17 (d) No action shall lie under this section if, within 18 60 days after filing notice, the damages are paid or the 19 circumstances giving rise to the violation are corrected. 20 (e) The health maintenance organization that is the 21 recipient of a notice filed pursuant to this section shall 22 report to the department on the disposition of the alleged 23 violation. 24 (f) The applicable statute of limitations for an 25 action under this section shall be tolled for a period of 65 26 days by the mailing of the notice required by this subsection 27 or the mailing of a subsequent notice required by this 28 subsection. 29 (3) Upon adverse adjudication at trial or upon appeal, 30 the health maintenance organization shall be liable for 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 damages, together with court costs and reasonable attorney's 2 fees, incurred by the plaintiff. 3 (4) Punitive damages shall not be awarded under this 4 section unless the acts giving rise to the violation occur 5 with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice 6 and are either willful, wanton, and malicious or are in 7 reckless disregard for the rights of any subscriber or 8 enrollee. Any person who pursues a claim under this 9 subsection shall post, in advance, the costs of discovery. 10 Such costs shall be awarded to the health maintenance 11 organization if no punitive damages are awarded to the 12 plaintiff. 13 25) This section shall not be construed to authorize a 14 class action suit against a health maintenance organization or 15 a civil action against the department, its employees, or the 16 Insurance Commissioner, or against the Agency for Health Care 17 Administration, its employees, or the director of the agency 18 or to create a cause of action when a health maintenance 19 organization or a prepaid health plan refuses to provide 20 service on the grounds that the charge for a service was 21 unreasonably high, unless otherwise provided in paragraph 22 (1)(b). 23 (6)(a) The civil remedy specified in this section does 24 not preempt any other remedy or cause of action provided for 25 pursuant to any other law or pursuant to the common law of 26 this state. Any person may obtain a judgment under either the 27 common law remedy of bad faith or the remedy provided in this 28 section, but is not entitled to a judgment under both 29 remedies. This section does not create a common law cause of 30 action. The damages recoverable under this section include 31 damages which are a reasonably foreseeable result of a 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1547 566-110B-97 1 specified violation of this section by the health maintenance 2 organization and may include an award or judgment in an amount 3 that exceeds contract limits. 4 (b) This section does not create a cause of action for 5 medical malpractice. Such action shall be subject to the 6 provisions of chapter 766. 7 (c) This section shall not apply to the provision of 8 medical care, treatment, or attendance pursuant to chapter 9 440. 10 Section 6. The Legislature finds that the provisions 11 of this bill will fulfill an important state interest. 12 Section 7. There are hereby appropriated three 13 positions and $112,000 from the Insurance Commissioner's 14 Regulatory Trust Fund to the Department of Insurance for the 15 purposes of carrying out the provisions of this act. 16 Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 17 18 ***************************************** 19 HOUSE SUMMARY 20 Establishes exclusive liability for health maintenance 21 organizations. Clarifies award of attorney's fees in civil actions against health maintenance organizations 22 and prepaid health plans. Prohibits provider contracts from restricting a provider from communicating 23 information to a patient. Specifies additional activities as unfair methods of competition and unfair or 24 deceptive acts or practices. Provides procedures and requirements for bringing civil actions against health 25 maintenance organizations. See bill for details. 26 27 28 29 30 31 8