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House Bill 1581

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 By the Committee on Community Colleges & Career Prep and Representatives Sindler, Fasano, Diaz de la Portilla, Harrington, Gay, Wise and Kelly 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to postsecondary distance 3 learning; creating s. 240.65, F.S.; providing a 4 short title; providing legislative intent; 5 creating the Institute on Public Postsecondary 6 Distance Learning; providing for a governing 7 board of the institute; assigning the institute 8 to the Florida Gulf Coast University for 9 purposes of administration; specifying duties 10 of the institute; creating s. 240.66, F.S.; 11 directing the State Board of Community Colleges 12 to establish the Florida Community College 13 Distance Learning Consortium; providing for 14 consortium membership; providing duties of the 15 consortium; providing an effective date. 16 17 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 18 19 Section 1. Section 240.65, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 240.65 Institute on Public Postsecondary Distance 22 Learning.-- 23 (1) SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the 24 "Institute on Public Postsecondary Distance Learning Act." 25 (2) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--It is the finding of the 26 Legislature that: 27 (a) The integration of the use of distance learning 28 and other technologies as methods of delivering postsecondary 29 instruction has been increasing in Florida. 30 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 613-101A-97 1 (b) The coordination of separate and independent 2 distance learning providers will help reduce unwarranted 3 duplication and facilitate student transfer credit. 4 (c) Distance learning can provide postsecondary 5 institutions with a mechanism by which they can: 6 1. Increase student access to education. 7 2. Reduce time needed to obtain a degree by allowing 8 students to take required classes by distance learning which 9 normally would not be available. 10 3. Reduce unwarranted duplication in course 11 development. 12 4. Increase productivity. 13 5. Increase coordination in the development and 14 delivery of distance learning instruction by the State 15 University System and the State Community College System. 16 (3) INSTITUTE ON PUBLIC POSTSECONDARY DISTANCE 17 LEARNING; CREATION AND COMPOSITION.-- 18 (a) There is established the Institute on Public 19 Postsecondary Distance Learning with a governing board 20 comprised of the Chancellor of the State University System, 21 the Executive Director of the State Community College System, 22 the Secretary of Management Services or the designee of the 23 secretary, the Commissioner of Education or the designee of 24 the commissioner, the Secretary of State or the designee of 25 the secretary, one member of the Board of Regents, four state 26 university presidents, one member of the State Board of 27 Community Colleges, and four community college presidents. 28 The Chancellor of the State University System shall appoint 29 the member of the Board of Regents and the four state 30 university presidents. The Executive Director of the State 31 Board of Community Colleges shall appoint the member of the 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 613-101A-97 1 State Board of Community Colleges and the four community 2 college presidents. Such appointments must be for staggered, 3 rotating terms. 4 (b) Pursuant to bylaws, the governing board of the 5 institute shall elect a chair to serve a 1-year term. The 6 position of chair shall rotate between the State University 7 System and the State Community College System. 8 (c) The governing board of the institute shall take 9 official action by consensus only. For purposes of this 10 section, consensus is defined as agreement by the Chancellor 11 of the State University System and the Executive Director of 12 the State Community College System. 13 (d) The institute shall be administratively assigned 14 to Florida Gulf Coast University and may hire an executive 15 director who will be responsible to the governing board and 16 who will act on behalf of Florida's public postsecondary 17 education systems to support distance learning activities. 18 The institute may hire additional support staff as needed. 19 The governing board of the institute shall review and approve 20 all staff position descriptions. The institute shall also 21 draw upon the expertise of the staff within their respective 22 delivery systems to assist in the completion of duties and 23 activities. 24 (4) DUTIES OF THE INSTITUTE ON PUBLIC POSTSECONDARY 25 DISTANCE LEARNING.-- 26 (a) The institute is responsible for developing and 27 recommending, for review and adoption by the Board of Regents 28 and the State Board of Community Colleges, policies and 29 procedures that: 30 1. Ensure cooperation and coordination within and 31 between the State University System and the State Community 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 613-101A-97 1 College System in the development and delivery of distance 2 learning instruction. 3 2. Provide for the cooperative development and 4 distribution of postsecondary distance learning programs and 5 courses. 6 3. Maximize the most efficient access to courses and 7 programs. 8 4. Ensure the transfer of distance learning course 9 credits and the articulation of distance learning degree 10 programs. 11 5. Address the funding and cost of distance learning 12 credit and noncredit courses and programs, including, but not 13 limited to, recommended fees for distance learning courses and 14 programs, subject to approval by the Legislature. The 15 institute shall also identify and recommend to the respective 16 boards specific issues to be included in each system's 17 legislative budget request. Funds appropriated by the 18 Legislature to the State University System and State Community 19 College System specifically to support collaborative 20 postsecondary distance learning must be expended by mutual 21 agreement by the Board of Regents, the State Board of 22 Community Colleges, and the institute. 23 (b) The institute shall be responsible for monitoring 24 the implementation and effectiveness of those policies and 25 procedures that are adopted, for identifying emerging needs 26 and issues in public postsecondary education distance 27 learning, and for evaluating public postsecondary educational 28 institutions' success in meeting the systemwide and 29 institutional goals and objectives established by the Florida 30 Distance Learning Network, the Board of Regents, and the State 31 Board of Community Colleges. By November 1 of each year, the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 613-101A-97 1 institute shall submit a report of its findings and 2 recommendations to the State Board of Education, the Florida 3 Distance Learning Network, the Board of Regents, and the State 4 Board of Community Colleges. 5 Section 2. Section 240.66, Florida Statutes, is 6 created to read: 7 240.66 Florida Community College Distance Learning 8 Consortium.-- 9 (1) The State Board of Community Colleges is directed 10 to establish the Florida Community College Distance Learning 11 Consortium to be administered by the State Board of Community 12 Colleges. 13 (a) The State Board of Community Colleges shall 14 appoint the membership of the consortium, with the majority of 15 members to be community college representatives. From the 16 membership of the consortium, the Chairman of the State Board 17 of Community Colleges shall appoint a chair to serve a 1-year 18 term. The chair of the consortium shall appoint any 19 appropriate subcommittees to complete the duties of the 20 consortium. 21 (b) The powers and duties of the consortium shall be 22 determined by the State Board of Community Colleges by rule. 23 (c) The Executive Director of the State Board of 24 Community Colleges may hire appropriate support staff for the 25 consortium. 26 (2) The consortium, in coordination with the Institute 27 on Public Postsecondary Distance Learning, shall: 28 (a) Develop, for consideration and approval by the 29 State Board of Community Colleges, plans for the State 30 Community College System related to distance learning. Such 31 plans shall address the following goals: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 613-101A-97 1 1. To increase student access. 2 2. To reduce time needed for students to meet their 3 educational goals through the provision of distance learning 4 credit and noncredit programs and courses. 5 3. To reduce unwarranted duplication in the 6 acquisition, development, and distribution of credit and 7 noncredit programs and courses and improve coordination among 8 the community colleges and other educational institutions. 9 4. To provide for coordination with the State 10 University System for the development of articulated associate 11 to baccalaureate degree programs to be offered exclusively 12 through distance learning. 13 (b) Develop, for consideration and approval by the 14 State Board of Community Colleges, procedures for the 15 coordination and delivery of distance learning programs and 16 courses statewide, including guidelines for colleges to 17 deliver distance learning programs and courses across 18 community college district service areas. 19 (c) Develop, for consideration and review by the State 20 Board of Community Colleges, mechanisms to market for 21 distribution distance learning credit and noncredit programs 22 and courses offered by community colleges. 23 (d) Ensure that programs and courses coordinated by 24 the consortium are in compliance with all accreditation 25 requirements. 26 (e) Develop, for consideration and approval by the 27 State Board of Community Colleges, mechanisms to provide for 28 consolidated and coordinated telecommunications infrastructure 29 or program development acquisitions. These mechanisms must 30 ensure maximum cost effectiveness while not interfering with 31 the ability of community colleges to purchase items for which 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1581 613-101A-97 1 coordinated purchases are not available, effective, or 2 beneficial to the college. These mechanisms must also provide 3 for cooperative purchasing and leasing. 4 (f) Recommend, for consideration by the State Board of 5 Community Colleges, agreements with community colleges or 6 other state governmental providers for the development of 7 credit and noncredit programs and courses to be coordinated 8 through the consortium. 9 (g) Support the training efforts for faculty and staff 10 members of the community colleges, including training required 11 for all related academic and support services related to 12 distance learning initiatives. 13 (h) Maintain an inventory of distance learning credit 14 and noncredit programs and courses, staff development 15 materials, and academic and student support services software 16 available to support distance learning instruction. 17 (i) Serve as the point of coordination with the 18 Institute on Public Postsecondary Distance Learning. 19 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 20 21 ***************************************** 22 HOUSE SUMMARY 23 Establishes the Institute on Public Postsecondary 24 Distance Learning to recommend for adoption by the Board of Regents and the State Board of Community Colleges 25 policies and procedures that ensure coordination of distance learning instruction. Directs the State Board 26 of Community Colleges to establish the Florida Community College Distance Learning Consortium to develop plans and 27 procedures for the delivery of distance learning. 28 29 30 31 7