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House Bill 1585

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 By the Committee on Community Colleges & Career Prep and Representatives Sindler, Fasano, Diaz de la Portilla, Harrington, Gay, Wise, Wallace and Kelly 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to postsecondary education 3 readiness; amending s. 229.595, F.S.; requiring 4 the inclusion of student postsecondary 5 preparedness information in manuals and 6 handbooks; amending s. 229.601, F.S.; providing 7 for recommended high school coursework 8 information; creating s. 232.2466, F.S.; 9 providing requirements for a college-ready 10 diploma program; requiring a task force to 11 recommend incentives for pursuit of a 12 college-ready diploma; amending s. 239.117, 13 F.S.; requiring the payment of fees for the 14 continuous enrollment of students in 15 college-preparatory instruction; amending s. 16 239.301, F.S.; deleting conflicting language; 17 requiring the payment of fees for the 18 continuous enrollment of students in 19 college-preparatory instruction; amending s. 20 240.1161, F.S.; requiring implementation 21 strategies for reducing the incidence of 22 postsecondary remediation; requiring an 23 assessment of activities and the presentation 24 of outcomes; providing for the promotion of 25 "tech prep" activities; amending s. 240.117, 26 F.S.; requiring the administration of the 27 common placement test or an equivalent test 28 during the tenth grade; requiring the 29 administration of an institutionally developed 30 test in lieu of the common placement test as an 31 exit exam from remedial instruction; clarifying 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 language regarding the offering of 2 college-preparatory instruction; requiring 3 payment of fees for the continuous enrollment 4 of students in college-preparatory instruction; 5 creating s. 240.124, F.S.; providing for an 6 increase in fees for undergraduate students who 7 continually enroll in the same college credit 8 courses; providing for exceptions; amending s. 9 240.321, F.S.; applying entrance requirements 10 to all degree programs; permitting a 11 demonstration of competency as an alternative 12 degree program admission requirement; providing 13 an exemption from the testing requirement under 14 certain circumstances; requiring the 15 establishment of institutional policies 16 regarding alternatives to traditional 17 college-preparatory instructional methods; 18 providing an effective date. 19 20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 21 22 Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 229.595, Florida 23 Statutes, is amended to read: 24 229.595 Implementation of state system of education 25 accountability for school-to-work transition.-- 26 (2) School accountability efforts shall include 27 information regarding the provision of accurate, timely career 28 and curricular counseling to students. Such accountability 29 shall include a delineation of the information available to 30 students regarding career opportunities, educational 31 requirements associated with each career, educational 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 institutions that prepare students to enter each career, and 2 student financial aid available to enable students to pursue 3 any postsecondary instruction required to enter that career. 4 Such accountability shall also delineate school procedures for 5 identifying individual student interests and aptitudes which 6 enable students to make informed decisions about the 7 curriculum that best addresses their individual interests and 8 aptitudes while preparing them to enroll in postsecondary 9 education and enter the workforce. Information shall include 10 recommended high school coursework that prepares students for 11 success in college-level work. Such information shall be made 12 known to parents and students annually through inclusion in 13 the institution's handbook, manual, or other similar documents 14 regularly provided to parents and students. Schools are 15 encouraged to implement innovative methods for the 16 communication of information to parents and students. School 17 districts are encouraged to work with their local community 18 colleges to ensure information regarding all state and federal 19 aid programs is provided on an accurate and timely basis. 20 Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 21 229.601, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 22 229.601 Career education program.-- 23 (2) There is hereby established a career education 24 program in the state educational system. The Commissioner of 25 Education and his or her designated staff shall administer 26 this program. In developing and administering the career 27 education program, the purpose of which is to promote positive 28 career opportunities for all students regardless of their 29 race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, socioeconomic 30 status, or gender, the commissioner shall: 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 (b) Assemble, develop, and distribute instructional 2 materials for use in career education. Such materials shall 3 include information regarding recommended high school 4 coursework that prepares students for success in college-level 5 coursework. 6 Section 3. Section 232.2466, Florida Statutes, is 7 created to read: 8 232.2466 College-ready diploma program.-- 9 (1) Beginning with the 1997-1998 school year, each 10 school district shall award a differentiated college-ready 11 diploma to each student who: 12 (a) Successfully completes the requirements for a 13 standard high school diploma as prescribed by s. 232.246. 14 Among courses taken to fulfill the 24-academic-credit 15 requirement, a student must take: 16 1. Two credits in algebra and one credit in geometry, 17 or their equivalents, as determined by the state board. 18 2. One credit in biology, one credit in chemistry, and 19 one credit in physics, or their equivalents, or equivalent 20 credits in applied technology, as determined by the state 21 board. 22 3. Two credits in the same foreign language, taken for 23 elective credit. A student whose native language is not 24 English is exempt from this requirement if the student 25 demonstrates proficiency in the native language. American sign 26 language constitutes a foreign language. 27 (b) Takes the postsecondary education common placement 28 test prescribed in s. 240.117, or an equivalent test 29 identified by the State Board of Education, before graduation 30 and scores at or above the established statewide passing score 31 in each test area. 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 (2) A college-ready diploma entitles a student to 2 admission without placement testing to a public postsecondary 3 education program that terminates in a technical certificate, 4 an associate in science degree, or an associate in arts 5 degree, if the student enters postsecondary education within 2 6 years after earning the college-ready diploma. 7 (3) The Department of Education shall convene a task 8 force of educators and employers to recommend additional 9 incentives for students to pursue a college-ready diploma. 10 The incentives may include awards and recognition, preference 11 for positions in firms, and early registration privileges in 12 postsecondary education institutions. 13 Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 14 239.117, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 15 read: 16 239.117 Postsecondary student fees.-- 17 (5) 18 (b) Students enrolled in college-preparatory 19 instruction shall pay fees equal to the fees charged for 20 college credit courses. Students enrolled in the same 21 college-preparatory class within a skill area more than one 22 time two times shall pay fees at 100 percent of the full cost 23 of instruction and shall not be included in calculations of 24 full-time equivalent enrollments for state funding purposes 25 direct instructional cost; however, each community college 26 shall have the authority to review and reduce such payment on 27 an individual basis, contingent upon a student's financial 28 hardship, pursuant to definitions and fee levels established 29 by the State Board of Community Colleges. Fee-nonexempt 30 students enrolled in vocational preparatory instruction shall 31 be charged fees equal to the fees charged for certificate 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 career education instruction. Each community college that 2 conducts college-preparatory and vocational-preparatory 3 instruction in the same class section may charge a single fee 4 for both types of instruction. 5 Section 5. Subsection (4) and paragraph (d) of 6 subsection (5) of section 239.301, Florida Statutes, 1996 7 Supplement, are amended to read: 8 239.301 Adult general education.-- 9 (4) Both community colleges and school districts may 10 conduct adult basic and secondary and vocational-preparatory 11 courses within the same service area. Any state university in 12 which the percentage of incoming students who require 13 college-preparatory instruction equals or exceeds 25 percent 14 may conduct college-preparatory instruction. Area technical 15 centers and community colleges may contract with each other 16 for the provision of vocational-preparatory instruction. 17 (5) 18 (d) Expenditures for college-preparatory and lifelong 19 learning students shall be reported separately. Allocations 20 for college-preparatory courses shall be based on proportional 21 full-time equivalent enrollment. Program review results shall 22 be included in the determination of subsequent allocations. A 23 student shall be funded to enroll in the same 24 college-preparatory class within a skill area only once twice, 25 after which time the student shall pay 100 percent of the full 26 cost of instruction no state funds shall be used to support 27 the continuous enrollment of that student in the same class; 28 however, each community college shall have the authority to 29 review and reduce fees paid by students on an individual basis 30 contingent upon the student's financial hardship, pursuant to 31 definitions and fee levels established by the State Board of 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 Community Colleges. College-preparatory and lifelong learning 2 courses do not generate credit toward an associate or 3 baccalaureate degree. 4 Section 6. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 5 240.1161, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 6 240.1161 District interinstitutional articulation 7 agreements.-- 8 (1) Each superintendent of schools and community 9 college president shall be responsible for the development and 10 implementation of a comprehensive articulated acceleration 11 program for the students enrolled in their respective school 12 districts and service areas. Within this general 13 responsibility, the superintendent and president shall develop 14 a comprehensive interinstitutional articulation agreement for 15 the school district and community college that serves the 16 school district. The superintendent and president shall are 17 encouraged to establish an articulation committee for the 18 purpose of developing this agreement. Each state university 19 president is encouraged to designate a university 20 representative to participate in the development of the 21 interinstitutional articulation agreements for each school 22 district within the university service area. 23 (2) The district interinstitutional articulation 24 agreement for any school year shall be completed by April 1 25 and prior to high school registration for the fall term of the 26 following school year. The initial agreement drafted pursuant 27 to this section shall be completed no later than April 1, 28 1988. The initial agreement and each subsequent agreement 29 shall include, but not be limited to, the following 30 components: 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 (a) A ratification or modification of all existing 2 articulation agreements. 3 (b)1. A delineation of courses and programs composed 4 of dual enrollment students. 5 2.(c) An identification of eligibility criteria for 6 student participation in dual enrollment courses and programs. 7 3.(d) A delineation of institutional responsibilities 8 regarding student screening prior to enrollment and monitoring 9 student performance subsequent to enrollment in dual 10 enrollment courses and programs. 11 4.(e) An identification of the criteria by which the 12 quality of dual enrollment courses and programs are to be 13 judged and a delineation of institutional responsibilities for 14 the maintenance of instructional quality. 15 5.(f) A delineation of institutional responsibilities 16 for assuming the cost of dual enrollment courses and programs 17 that includes such responsibilities for student instructional 18 materials. 19 6.(g) An identification of responsibility for 20 providing student transportation if the dual enrollment 21 instruction is conducted at a facility other than the high 22 school campus. 23 (c) Mechanisms and strategies for reducing the 24 incidence of postsecondary remediation in math, reading, and 25 writing for first-time-enrolled recent high school graduates, 26 based upon the findings in the postsecondary readiness for 27 college report produced pursuant to s. 240.118. Each 28 articulation committee shall annually analyze and assess the 29 effectiveness of the mechanisms toward meeting the goal of 30 reducing postsecondary remediation needs. Results of the 31 assessment shall be annually presented to participating 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 district school boards and community college boards of 2 trustees and shall include, but not be limited to: 3 1. Mechanisms currently being initiated. 4 2. An analysis of problems and corrective actions. 5 3. Anticipated outcomes. 6 4. Strategies for the better preparation of students 7 upon graduation from high school. 8 5. An analysis of costs associated with the 9 implementation of postsecondary remedial education and 10 secondary-level corrective actions. 11 6. The identification of strategies for reducing costs 12 of the delivery of postsecondary remediation for recent high 13 school graduates, including the consideration and assessment 14 of alternative instructional methods and services such as 15 those produced by private providers. 16 17 Wherever possible, public schools and community colleges are 18 encouraged to share resources, form partnerships with private 19 industries, and implement innovative strategies and mechanisms 20 such as distance learning, summer student and faculty 21 workshops, parental involvement activities, and the 22 distribution of information over the Internet. 23 (d) Mechanisms and strategies for promoting "tech 24 prep" programs of study. Such mechanisms should raise 25 awareness about the programs, promote enrollment in the 26 programs, and articulate students from a secondary portion 27 into a planned, related postsecondary portion of a sequential 28 program of study that leads to a terminal postsecondary 29 vocational or technical education degree or certificate. 30 Section 7. Subsections (3) and (4) of section 240.117, 31 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 240.117 Common placement testing for public 2 postsecondary education.-- 3 (3) By January 15, 1996, The Articulation Coordinating 4 Committee shall recommend and the State Board of Education 5 shall adopt rules which would require high schools to give 6 offer students the opportunity to take the common placement 7 test prescribed in this section, or an equivalent test 8 identified by the State Board of Education, at the beginning 9 of the tenth grade year before enrollment in the eleventh 10 grade year in public high school for the purpose of obtaining 11 remedial instruction prior to entering public postsecondary 12 education. 13 (4)(a) Community college or state university students 14 who have been identified as requiring additional preparation 15 pursuant to subsection (1) shall enroll in college-preparatory 16 adult education pursuant to s. 239.301 in community colleges 17 to develop needed college-entry skills. These students shall 18 be permitted to take courses within their degree program 19 concurrently in other curriculum areas for which they are 20 qualified while enrolled in college-preparatory instruction 21 courses. A student enrolled in a college-preparatory course 22 may concurrently enroll only in college credit courses that do 23 not require the skills addressed in the college-preparatory 24 course. The State Board of Community Colleges shall specify 25 the college credit courses that are acceptable for students 26 enrolled in each college-preparatory skill area, pursuant to 27 s. 240.311(3)(q). A student who wishes to earn an associate 28 in arts or a baccalaureate degree, but who is required to 29 complete a college-preparatory course, must successfully 30 complete the required college-preparatory studies by the time 31 the student has accumulated 12 hours of lower-division college 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 credit degree coursework; however, a student may continue 2 enrollment in degree-earning coursework provided the student 3 maintains enrollment in college-preparatory coursework for 4 each subsequent semester until college-preparatory coursework 5 requirements are completed, and the student demonstrates 6 satisfactory performance in degree-earning coursework. A 7 passing score on a standardized institutionally developed all 8 subtests of the common placement test must be achieved before 9 a student is considered to have met basic computation and 10 communication skills requirements; however, no student shall 11 be required to retake any test or subtest which was previously 12 passed by said student. A student shall be funded to enroll 13 in the same college-preparatory class within a skill area only 14 once twice, after which time the student shall pay 100 percent 15 of the full cost of instruction no state funds shall be used 16 to support continuous enrollment of that student in the same 17 class and such student shall not be included in calculations 18 of full-time equivalent enrollments for state funding 19 purposes; however, each community college shall have the 20 authority to review and reduce fees paid by students on an 21 individual basis contingent upon the student's financial 22 hardship, pursuant to definitions and fee levels established 23 by the State Board of Community Colleges. Credit awarded for 24 college-preparatory instruction may not be counted towards 25 fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree. 26 (b) The administrators of a state university may 27 contract with a community college board of trustees for the 28 community college to provide such instruction on the state 29 university campus. Any state university in which the 30 percentage of incoming students requiring college-preparatory 31 instruction equals or exceeds the average percentage of such 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 students for the community college system may offer 2 college-preparatory instruction without contracting with a 3 community college; however, any state university offering 4 college-preparatory instruction as of January 1, 1996, may 5 continue to provide such services. 6 Section 8. Section 240.124, Florida Statutes, is 7 created to read: 8 240.124 Funding for continuous enrollment in college 9 credit courses.--A student enrolled in the same undergraduate 10 college credit course more than two times shall pay 11 matriculation at 100 percent of the full cost of instruction 12 and shall not be included in calculations of full-time 13 equivalent enrollments for state funding purposes. For 14 purposes of this section, calculations of the full cost of 15 instruction shall be based on the systemwide average of the 16 prior year's cost of undergraduate programs for the Community 17 College System and the State University System. The Board of 18 Regents and the State Board of Community Colleges may make 19 exceptions to this section for individualized study, elective 20 coursework, courses that are repeated as a requirement of a 21 major, and courses that are intended as continuing over 22 multiple semesters, excluding the repeat of coursework more 23 than two times to increase grade point average or meet minimum 24 course grade requirements. 25 Section 9. Section 240.321, Florida Statutes, is 26 amended to read: 27 240.321 Community college district board of trustees; 28 rules for admissions of students.-- 29 (1) The board of trustees shall make rules governing 30 admissions of students. These rules shall include the 31 following: 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 (1)(a) Admissions counseling shall be provided to all 2 students entering college credit programs, which counseling 3 shall utilize tests to measure achievement of college-level 4 communication and computation competencies by all students 5 entering college credit programs. 6 (2)(b) Admission to the associate in arts degree 7 programs program is subject to minimum standards adopted by 8 the State Board of Education and shall require: 9 (a)1. A high school diploma, a high school equivalency 10 diploma as prescribed in s. 229.814, previously demonstrated 11 competency in college-credit postsecondary coursework, or, in 12 the case of a student who is home educated, a signed affidavit 13 submitted by the student's parent or legal guardian attesting 14 that the student has completed a home education program 15 pursuant to the requirements of s. 232.02(4) or its 16 equivalent. Students who are enrolled in a dual enrollment or 17 early admission program pursuant to s. 240.116 and secondary 18 students enrolled in college-level instruction creditable 19 toward the associate degree, but not toward the high school 20 diploma, shall be exempt from this requirement. 21 (b)2. A demonstrated level of achievement of 22 college-level communication and computation skills. Students 23 entering a postsecondary education program within 2 years of 24 graduation from high school with an earned college-ready 25 diploma issued pursuant to s. 232.2466 shall be exempt from 26 this testing requirement. 27 (c)3. Any other requirements established by the board 28 of trustees. 29 (3)(c) Admission to other programs within the 30 community college shall include education requirements as 31 established by the board of trustees. 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 2 Each board of trustees shall establish policies that ensure 3 the rapid progression of students though college-preparatory 4 instructional courses that are appropriate for the skill level 5 of each student. Institutional policies shall also provide 6 for the timely notification of students about available 7 alternatives to traditional college-preparatory instruction, 8 including private provider instruction. Such notification 9 shall include an analysis of cost comparisons, including 10 consideration of the state's contribution to the total cost of 11 the instruction. 12 (d) Nonresident students may be admitted to the 13 community college upon such terms as the board may establish. 14 (2) For students who are awarded a high school diploma 15 after August 1, 1987: 16 (a) No Florida high school graduate shall be admitted 17 to the associate in arts degree program if he or she has not 18 successfully completed the requirements set forth in s. 19 232.246 or unless he or she has been awarded a general 20 education development diploma, provided the examination 21 completed for such diploma was in the English language. 22 (b) Nonresident students may be admitted to the 23 community college upon such terms as the college may 24 establish. However, effective August 1, 1987, such terms for 25 nonresidents admitted to the associate in arts degree program 26 shall include, but shall not be limited to: 27 1. Completion of a secondary school curriculum which 28 includes 4 years of English and 3 years each of mathematics, 29 science, and social studies; however, in lieu of the English 30 requirement, a foreign student may use 4 years of instruction 31 in his or her native language or another language which was 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1585 613-102A-97 1 the language of instruction in the secondary school attended, 2 or 3 2. Achievement of the minimum scores on the test 4 required in s. 240.117(1). 5 Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 6 7 ***************************************** 8 HOUSE SUMMARY 9 Provides for the distribution of recommended high school 10 coursework information. Provides requirements for a college-ready diploma program. Requires the payment of 11 fees for the continuous enrollment of students in college-preparatory instruction. Requires strategies for 12 reducing the incidence of postsecondary remediation and assessment of activities. Provides for the promotion of 13 "tech prep" programs of study. Requires administration of the common placement test or an equivalent test in the 14 tenth grade. Requires administration of an institutionally developed test as a remedial instruction 15 exit exam. Clarifies provisions relating to the offering of college-preparatory instruction. Provides for an 16 increase in fees for undergraduate students who continually enroll in the same college credit courses. 17 Revises entrance requirements for community college degree programs. Requires policies regarding alternatives 18 to college-preparatory instructional methods. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15