CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1619e1

HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to consumer protection; 3 amending ss. 496.405, 496.419, 496.420, and 4 496.424, F.S.; revising the provisions of the 5 Solicitation of Contributions Act to revise the 6 authority of the Department of Agriculture and 7 Consumer Services to make rules; establishing a 8 fee; providing authority of the department with 9 respect to registration and solicitation 10 requirements; amending ss. 501.013, 501.014, 11 501.015, 501.016, and 501.019, F.S.; revising 12 provisions of law regulating health studios to 13 provide an exemption from regulation for 14 certain country clubs, to authorize rules, to 15 eliminate a penalty for certain late 16 registrations, to require the registration 17 number in certain printed material, to revise 18 provisions relating to security requirements, 19 and to revise penalties with respect to health 20 studio violations; amending s. 501.021, F.S.; 21 deleting the definition of "division" with 22 respect to home solicitation sales; amending s. 23 501.022, F.S.; deleting language with respect 24 to persons engaging in home solicitation sales 25 in more than one county in the state to 26 eliminate certain certificates; amending s. 27 501.052, F.S.; providing that the Attorney 28 General or state attorney shall enforce the 29 act; amending s. 501.143, F.S.; providing for 30 registration fees with respect to dance 31 studios; eliminating reference to such fees set 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 by the department; providing for penalties for 2 violations of rules or orders adopted pursuant 3 to such rules; revising language with respect 4 to rulemaking authority; amending s. 501.605, 5 F.S.; providing for the fee for licensing of 6 commercial telephone sellers; deleting 7 reference to the authority of the department to 8 set such fees; amending s. 501.607, F.S.; 9 revising language with respect to licensure of 10 salespersons; eliminating reference to the 11 department to set license fees; amending s. 12 501.612, F.S.; revising language with respect 13 to grounds for denial of licensure; amending s. 14 501.626, F.S.; revising language with respect 15 to rulemaking authority; amending section 16 501.925, F.S.; revising conditiions under which 17 a watch is considered a used watch; amending s. 18 539.001, F.S.; revising the Florida Pawnbroking 19 Act to provide definitions, to provide that 20 local occupational licenses may not be issued 21 without providing proof of a state license, 22 revising language with respect to 23 administrative penalties; providing for a 24 notice of noncompliance rather than a letter of 25 concern, and to provide for rulemaking 26 authority; amending ss. 559.801-559.813, F.S.; 27 revising the Sale of Business Opportunities 28 Act; revising definitions; revising language 29 with respect to the disclosure statement; 30 providing increased requirements with respect 31 to required filings with the department; 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 requiring that written contracts be given to 2 the purchaser at a certain number of days 3 before signing; revising provisions with 4 respect to remedies and enforcement; providing 5 for rulemaking authority; amending ss. 559.903, 6 559.904, 559.905, 559.921, and 559.9221, F.S.; 7 revising the Florida Motor Vehicle Repair Act; 8 revising definitions; revising the registration 9 fee schedule; revising requirements with 10 respect to registration certificates; providing 11 criteria for denying or refusing to renew the 12 registration of a motor vehicle repair shop; 13 providing for additional remedies; revising 14 language with respect to the Motor Vehicle 15 Repair Advisory Council; creating s. 559.92201, 16 F.S.; providing for rulemaking authority; 17 amending s. 559.927, F.S.; revising the 18 definition of the term "seller of travel" with 19 respect to the Florida Sellers of Travel Act; 20 amending s. 559.928, F.S.; providing 21 registration fees; requiring an annual 22 affidavit by each independent agent; defining 23 the term "independent agent"; amending s. 24 559.929, F.S.; revising language with respect 25 to security requirements; amending s. 559.9295, 26 F.S.; providing for the effect of the 27 submission of vacation certificate documents; 28 providing for alternative document filing; 29 establishing the timeframe for the department 30 to respond with respect to document 31 submissions; amending s. 559.9335, F.S.; 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 providing for additional acts which are 2 violations; revising language with respect to 3 rules; amending s. 559.9355, F.S.; revising 4 language with respect to administrative 5 remedies and penalties; repealing s. 559.8015, 6 F.S., relating to applicability to advertisers 7 of business opportunities; providing an 8 effective date. 9 10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 11 12 Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) and 13 subsection (7) of section 496.405, Florida Statutes, are 14 amended to read: 15 496.405 Registration statements by charitable 16 organizations and sponsors.-- 17 (4) 18 (b) A charitable organization or sponsor which fails 19 to file a registration statement by the due date may be 20 assessed an additional fee for such late filing. The late 21 filing fee shall be must be established by rule of the 22 department and must not exceed $25 for each month or part of a 23 month after the date on which the annual renewal statement and 24 financial report were due to be filed with the department. 25 (7) The department must examine each initial 26 registration statement or annual renewal statement and the 27 supporting documents filed by a charitable organization or 28 sponsor and shall determine whether the registration 29 requirements are satisfied. Within 10 working days after its 30 receipt of a statement, the department must examine the 31 statement, notify the applicant of any apparent errors or 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 omissions, and request any additional information the 2 department is allowed by law to require. Failure to correct an 3 error or omission or to supply additional information is not 4 grounds for denial of the initial registration or annual 5 renewal statement unless the department has notified the 6 applicant within the 10-working-day 10-day period. The 7 department must approve or deny each statement, or must notify 8 the applicant that the activity for which he seeks 9 registration is exempt from the registration requirement, 10 within 10 working days after receipt of the initial 11 registration or annual renewal statement or the requested 12 additional information or correction of errors or omissions. 13 Any statement that is not approved or denied within 10 working 14 days after receipt of the requested additional information or 15 correction of errors or omissions is approved. Within 7 16 working days after receipt of a notification that the 17 registration requirements are not satisfied, the charitable 18 organization or sponsor may request a hearing. The hearing 19 must be held within 7 working days after receipt of the 20 request, and any recommended order, if one is issued, must be 21 rendered within 3 working days of the hearing. The final order 22 must then be issued within 2 working days after the 23 recommended order. If a recommended order is not issued, the 24 final order must be issued within 5 working days after the 25 hearing. The proceedings must be conducted in accordance with 26 chapter 120, except that the time limits and provisions set 27 forth in this subsection prevail to the extent of any 28 conflict. 29 Section 2. Subsection (1), paragraphs (a), (b), and 30 (c) of subsection (4), and subsections (5), (8), and (9) of 31 section 496.419, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 496.419 Powers of the department.-- 2 (1) The department may conduct an investigation of any 3 person or organization whenever there is an appearance, either 4 upon complaint or otherwise, that a violation of ss. 5 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426 or of any rule adopted or of any 6 order issued pursuant thereto has been committed or is about 7 to be committed. 8 (4) The department may enter an order imposing one or 9 more of the penalties set forth in subsection (5) if the 10 department finds that a charitable organization, sponsor, 11 professional fundraising consultant, or professional 12 solicitor, or an agent, servant, or employee thereof has: 13 (a) Violated or is operating in violation of any of 14 the provisions of ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426 or of the 15 rules adopted or orders issued thereunder; 16 (b) Made a material false statement in an application, 17 statement, or report required to be filed under ss. 18 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426; 19 (c) Refused or failed, or any of its principal 20 officers has refused or failed, after notice, to produce any 21 records of such organization or to disclose any information 22 required to be disclosed under ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 23 496.426 or the rules of the department; or 24 (5) Upon a finding as set forth in subsection (4), the 25 department may enter an order doing one or more of the 26 following: 27 (a)(e) Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to 28 s. 120.695; of a letter of concern; and 29 (b) Issuing a cease and desist order that directs that 30 the person cease and desist specified fundraising activities; 31 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (c) Refusing to register or canceling or suspending a 2 registration; 3 (d) Placing the registrant on probation for a period 4 of time, subject to such conditions as the department may 5 specify; 6 (e)(f) Canceling an exemption granted under s. 7 496.406; and. 8 (f)(a) Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 9 $1,000 for each act or omission which constitutes a violation 10 of ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426 or a rule or order.; 11 12 With respect to a section 501(c)(3) organization, the penalty 13 imposed pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed $500 per 14 violation. The penalty shall be the entire amount per 15 violation and is not to be interpreted as a daily penalty. 16 (8) The department shall report any criminal violation 17 of ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426 to the proper prosecuting 18 authority for prompt prosecution. 19 (9) All fines collected by the department under 20 subsection (5) must be paid into the General Inspection Trust 21 Fund to be used to pay the costs incurred in administering and 22 enforcing ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426. Money deposited 23 in the fund and allocated for the purposes of ss. 24 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426 must be disbursed by the 25 department for the funding of activities conducted by the 26 department pursuant to ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426, 27 inclusive. 28 Section 3. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 496.420, 29 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 30 496.420 Civil remedies and enforcement.-- 31 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (1) In addition to other remedies authorized by law, 2 the Department of Legal Affairs may bring a civil action in 3 circuit court to enforce ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426. 4 Upon a finding that any person has violated any of these 5 sections, a court may make any necessary order or enter a 6 judgment including, but not limited to, a temporary or 7 permanent injunction, a declaratory judgment, the appointment 8 of a master or receiver, the sequestration of assets, the 9 reimbursement of persons from whom contributions have been 10 unlawfully solicited, the distribution of contributions in 11 accordance with the charitable or sponsor purpose expressed in 12 the registration statement or in accordance with the 13 representations made to the person solicited, the 14 reimbursement of the department for investigative costs and of 15 the Department of Legal Affairs for attorney's fees and costs, 16 including investigative costs, and any other equitable relief 17 the court finds appropriate. Upon a finding that any person 18 has violated any provision of ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 19 496.426 with actual knowledge or knowledge fairly implied on 20 the basis of objective circumstances, a court may enter an 21 order imposing a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed 22 $10,000 per violation. 23 (3) The Department of Legal Affairs may terminate an 24 investigation or an action upon acceptance of a person's 25 written assurance of voluntary compliance with ss. 26 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426. Acceptance of an assurance may 27 be conditioned on commitment to reimburse donors or to take 28 other appropriate corrective action. An assurance is not 29 evidence of a prior violation of any of these sections. 30 However, unless an assurance has been rescinded by agreement 31 of the parties or voided by a court for good cause, subsequent 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 failure to comply with the terms of an assurance is prima 2 facie evidence of a violation of one or more of these 3 sections. 4 Section 4. Section 496.424, Florida Statutes, is 5 amended to read: 6 496.424 Rulemaking authority.--The department has the 7 authority to may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 120 to 8 implement necessary to effectuate the purposes of ss. 9 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426. 10 Section 5. Subsection (5) is added to section 501.013, 11 Florida Statutes, to read: 12 501.013 Health studios; exemptions.--The following 13 businesses or activities may be declared exempt from the 14 provisions of ss. 501.012-501.019 upon the filing of an 15 affidavit with the department establishing that the stated 16 qualifications are met: 17 (5) A country club that has as its primary function 18 the provision of a social life and recreational amenities to 19 its members, and for which a program of physical exercise is 20 merely incidental to membership. As used in this subsection, 21 the term "country club" means a facility that offers its 22 members a variety of services that may include, but need not 23 be limited to, social activities; dining, banquet, catering, 24 and lounge facilities; swimming; yachting; golf; tennis; card 25 games such as bridge and canasta; and special programs for 26 members' children. 27 Section 6. Section 501.014, Florida Statutes, is 28 amended to read: 29 501.014 Health studios; powers and duties of the 30 department.-- 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (1) The department may, at any time during business 2 hours, enter any business location of a health studio required 3 to be registered pursuant to ss. 501.012-501.019, examine the 4 books or records of the health studio, and subpoena all 5 necessary records when the department has reason to believe a 6 violation of the provisions of ss. 501.012-501.019 has 7 occurred. 8 (2) The department has the authority to adopt rules 9 pursuant to chapter 120 to implement ss. 501.012-501.019. 10 (3)(2) The department shall: 11 (a) Promulgate such rules as may be necessary to carry 12 out the provisions of ss. 501.012-501.019. 13 (a)(b) Provide each business location of a health 14 studio with a registration number at the time of registration. 15 (b)(c) Provide a certificate of registration which 16 prominently displays the registration number. 17 (c)(d) Place all fees and fines collected pursuant to 18 ss. 501.012-501.019 in the General Inspection Trust Fund of 19 Florida as created in s. 570.20. 20 Section 7. Subsections (4) and (6) of section 501.015, 21 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 22 501.015 Health studios; registration requirements and 23 fees.--Each health studio shall: 24 (4) Be subject to a penalty fee not to exceed $10 per 25 day up to $100 maximum per business location if registration 26 has not been renewed within 30 days after its expiration date. 27 (6) Include the registration number issued by the 28 department in all printed advertisements, contracts, and 29 publications utilized by the health studio for a business 30 location. 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 Section 8. Section 501.016, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 501.016 Health studios; security requirements.--Each 4 Every health studio that which sells contracts for health 5 studio services shall, during any period before opening and 6 for a period of 5 years after commencement of business, meet 7 the following requirements: 8 (1) Each health studio shall maintain for each 9 separate business location a bond issued by a surety company 10 admitted to do business in this state. The principal sum of 11 the bond shall be $50,000, and the bond, when required, shall 12 be obtained before an occupational license may be issued under 13 chapter 205. Upon issuance of an occupational license, the 14 licensing authority shall immediately notify the department of 15 such issuance in a manner established by the department by 16 rule. The bond shall be in favor of the state for the benefit 17 of any person injured as a result of a violation of ss. 18 501.012-501.019. The aggregate liability of the surety to all 19 persons for all breaches of the conditions of the bonds 20 provided herein shall in no event exceed the amount of the 21 bond. The original surety bond required by this section shall 22 be filed with the department. 23 (2) In lieu of maintaining the bond required in 24 subsection (1), the health studio may furnish to the 25 department: 26 (a) An irrevocable letter of credit from any foreign 27 or domestic bank in the amount of $50,000; or 28 (b) A guaranty agreement which is secured by a 29 certificate of deposit in the amount of $50,000. 30 31 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 The original letter of credit or certificate of deposit 2 submitted in lieu of the bond shall be filed with the 3 department. The department shall decide whether the security 4 furnished in lieu of bond by the health studio is in 5 compliance with the requirements of this section. 6 (3) A health studio which sells contracts for future 7 health studio services and which collects direct payment on a 8 monthly basis for those services shall be exempt from the 9 security requirements of subsections (1) and (2) provided that 10 any service fee charged is a reasonable and fair service fee. 11 The number of monthly payments in such a contract shall be 12 equal to the number of months in the contract. The contract 13 shall conform to all the requirements for future health studio 14 services contracts as specified in ss. 501.012-501.019 and 15 shall specify in the terms of the contract the charges to be 16 assessed for those health studio services. 17 (4) If the health studio furnishes the department with 18 evidence satisfactory to the department that the aggregate 19 dollar amount of all current outstanding contracts of the 20 health studio is less than $5,000, the department may, at its 21 discretion, reduce the principal amount of the surety bond or 22 other sufficient financial responsibility required in 23 subsections (1) and (2) to a sum of not less than $10,000. 24 However, at any time the aggregate dollar amount of such 25 contracts exceeds $5,000, the health studio shall so notify 26 the department and shall thereupon provide the bond or other 27 documentation as required in subsections (1) and (2). Health 28 studios whose bonds have been reduced must provide the 29 department with an annually updated list of members. Failure 30 to file an annual report will result in the department raising 31 the security requirement to $50,000. 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (5) Each health studio shall furnish the department 2 with a copy of the escrow account which would contain all 3 funds received for future consumer services, whether by 4 contract or otherwise, sold prior to the business location's 5 full operation and specify a date certain for opening, if such 6 an escrow account is established. 7 (6) Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to a 8 health studio that has been operating continuously under the 9 same ownership and control for the most recent 5-year period 10 in compliance with ss. 501.012-501.019 and the rules adopted 11 thereunder and that has not had any civil, criminal, or 12 administrative adjudication against it by any state or federal 13 agency; and that has a satisfactory consumer complaint 14 history. As used in this subsection, the term "satisfactory 15 consumer complaint history" means that no unresolved consumer 16 complaints regarding the health studio are on file with the 17 department. A consumer complaint is unresolved if a health 18 studio has not responded to the department's efforts to 19 mediate the complaint or if there has been an adjudication 20 that the health studio has violated ss. 501.012-501.019 or the 21 rules adopted thereunder. Those health studios that have been 22 in business continuously since October 1, 1985, are exempt 23 from the requirements of subsections (1) and (2). Those 24 health studios that have been in business continuously since 25 October 1, 1986, are exempt effective October 1, 1991, from 26 the requirements of subsections (1) and (2). Those health 27 studios that have been in business continuously since October 28 1, 1987, are exempt effective October 1, 1992, from the 29 requirements of subsections (1) and (2). Those health studios 30 that have been in business continuously since October 1, 1988, 31 are exempt effective October 1, 1993, from the requirements of 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 subsections (1) and (2). Those health studios that have been 2 in business continuously since October 1, 1989, are exempt 3 effective October 1, 1994, from the requirements of 4 subsections (1) and (2). Such exemption extends to all current 5 and future business locations of an exempt health studio. 6 (7) A business, otherwise defined as a health studio, 7 which sells a single contract of 30 days or less to any member 8 without any option for renewal or any other condition which 9 establishes any right in the member beyond the term of such 10 contract is exempt from the provisions of this section. This 11 exemption shall not apply if the business offers any other 12 health studio contract of whatever duration at any time during 13 or prior to the existence of such single contract of 30 days 14 or less. 15 (8) Except in the case of a natural disaster or an act 16 of God, a health studio that is exempt from the requirements 17 of subsections (1) and (2), but that which has no business 18 locations open for 14 consecutive days, waives shall be deemed 19 to have waived its exemption and is shall be considered to be 20 a new health studio for the purposes of ss. 501.012-501.019. 21 Section 9. Subsection (4) of section 501.019, Florida 22 Statutes, is amended to read: 23 501.019 Health studios; penalties.-- 24 (4)(a) The department may enter an order imposing one 25 or more of the penalties set forth in paragraph (b) if the 26 department finds that a health studio: 27 1. Violated or is operating in violation of any of the 28 provisions of this part or of the rules adopted or orders 29 issued thereunder; 30 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 2. Made a material false statement in any application, 2 document, or record required to be submitted or retained under 3 this part; 4 3. Refused or failed, or any of its principal officers 5 has refused or failed, after notice, to produce any document 6 or record or disclose any information required to be produced 7 or disclosed under this part or the rules of the department; 8 4. Made a material false statement in response to any 9 request or investigation by the department, the Department of 10 Legal Affairs, or the state attorney; or 11 5. Has intentionally defrauded the public through 12 dishonest or deceptive means. The department may impose 13 administrative fines as prescribed below: 14 (a) For a violation of s. 501.016, a fine not to 15 exceed $5,000 per violation. 16 (b) Upon a finding as set forth in paragraph (a), the 17 department may enter an order doing one or more of the 18 following: 19 1. Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 20 120.695. 21 2. For a violation of s. 501.015 or s. 501.016, 22 imposing an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 per 23 violation. 24 3. For a violation of s. 501.013, s. 501.017, or s. 25 501.018, imposing an administrative a fine not to exceed $500 26 per violation. 27 4. Directing that the health studio cease and desist 28 specified activities. 29 5. Refusing to register or revoking or suspending a 30 registration. 31 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 6. Placing the registrant on probation for a period of 2 5 years, subject to such conditions as the department may 3 specify by rule. 4 (c) The administrative proceedings which could result 5 in the entry of an order imposing any of the penalties 6 specified in paragraph (b) shall be conducted in accordance 7 with chapter 120 For a violation of s. 501.015, a fine not to 8 exceed $100 per violation. 9 Section 10. Section 501.021, Florida Statutes, is 10 amended to read: 11 501.021 Home solicitation sale; definitions.--As used 12 in ss. 501.021-501.055: 13 (1) "Division" means the Division of Consumer Services 14 of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 15 (1)(2) "Home solicitation sale" means a sale, lease, 16 or rental of consumer goods or services with a purchase price 17 in excess of $25 which includes all interest, service charges, 18 finance charges, postage, freight, insurance, and service or 19 handling charges, whether under single or multiple contracts, 20 made pursuant to an installment contract, a loan agreement, 21 other evidence of indebtedness, or a cash transaction or other 22 consumer credit transaction, in which: 23 (a) The seller or a person acting for him engages in a 24 personal solicitation of the sale, lease, or rental at a place 25 other than at the seller's fixed location business 26 establishment where goods or services are offered or exhibited 27 for sale, lease, or rental, and 28 (b) The buyer's agreement or offer to purchase is 29 given to the seller and the sale, lease, or rental is 30 consummated at a place other than at the seller's fixed 31 location business establishment, 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 2 including a transaction unsolicited by the consumer and 3 consummated by telephone and without any other contact between 4 the buyer and the seller or its representative prior to 5 delivery of the goods or performance of the services. It does 6 not include a sale, lease, or rental made at any fair or 7 similar commercial exhibit or a sale, lease, or rental that 8 results from a request for specific goods or services by the 9 purchaser or lessee or a sale made by a motor vehicle dealer 10 licensed under s. 320.27 which occurs at a location or 11 facility open to the general public or to a designated group. 12 (2)(3) "Business day" means any calendar day except 13 Sunday or a federal holiday the following business holidays: 14 New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, 15 Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, 16 Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. 17 (3)(4) "Future delivery" means delivery more than 3 18 business days after the buyer signs an agreement or offer to 19 purchase. 20 Section 11. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and 21 subsections (6), (8), and (9) of section 501.022, Florida 22 Statutes, are amended to read: 23 501.022 Home solicitation sale; permit required.-- 24 (1)(a) It is unlawful for any person to conduct any 25 home solicitation sale, as defined in s. 501.021(2), or to 26 supervise excluded minors conducting such sales provided in 27 subparagraph (b)5., in this state without first obtaining a 28 valid home solicitation sale permit as provided in this 29 section. 30 (6) The issuing clerk of the circuit court for the 31 county shall notify each applicant or permitholder of a 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 decision to deny, suspend, or revoke a permit by certified 2 mail sent to any one of the last addresses submitted by the 3 applicant or permitholder. A copy of the notice shall be sent 4 to the division. 5 (8) Any person who intends to engage in home 6 solicitation sales in more than one county or on a statewide 7 basis shall first obtain a home solicitation sale permit from 8 the clerk of the circuit court for the county in the county 9 where the applicant's fixed location business establishment is 10 located or, if the applicant has no such location in this 11 state, from any clerk of the circuit court of the applicant's 12 choice. The holder of a county home solicitation sale permit 13 may register said permit with the division, and after receipt 14 of a reasonable fee to be established by the division and 15 verification of the validity of the permit, the division shall 16 issue a certificate which shall permit the holder to solicit 17 on a statewide basis. A certificate issued hereunder shall 18 expire on the expiration date of the permit registered with 19 the division. 20 (8)(9) Every permitholder shall carry the permit and 21 certificate required by this section at all times while 22 engaged in home solicitation sales and shall display the same 23 to all prospective buyers before initiating the solicitation 24 of a sale, lease, or rental. 25 Section 12. Section 501.052, Florida Statutes, is 26 amended to read: 27 501.052 Home solicitation sale; enforcement authority; 28 injunctive relief.--The division shall investigate any 29 complaints received concerning violations of ss. 30 501.021-501.055 and report the results of its investigation to 31 the Attorney General or state attorney, and it may institute 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 proceedings to enjoin any person found by the division to be 2 violating the provisions of ss. 501.021-501.055. 3 Section 13. Paragraph (d) of subsection (3), 4 paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (e) of subsection (7), and 5 subsection (12) of section 501.143, Florida Statutes, are 6 amended to read: 7 501.143 Dance Studio Act.-- 8 (3) REGISTRATION OF BALLROOM DANCE STUDIOS.-- 9 (d) Registration fees shall be set by department rule 10 in an amount equal to the costs to the department of 11 implementing and enforcing this section. However, such fee 12 shall be based on the number of clients and may not be greater 13 than $300 per year for each dance studio location per 14 registrant. All amounts collected shall be deposited in the 15 General Inspection Trust Fund of the Department of Agriculture 16 and Consumer Services for the administration of this section. 17 (7) PENALTIES; REMEDIES.--The following penalties and 18 remedies are available for enforcement of the provisions of 19 this section: 20 (a) The department shall have administrative authority 21 to issue a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 120.695 and 22 to suspend or revoke the registration of any ballroom dance 23 studio that violates any of the provisions of this section or 24 the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to such rules of 25 the department. Such ballroom dance studio may not engage in 26 business while the registration is revoked or suspended. 27 (b) The department may impose an administrative fine 28 not to exceed $5,000 per violation against any ballroom dance 29 studio that violates any of the provisions of this section or 30 the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to this section. 31 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (5), 2 the department may require any ballroom dance studio that has 3 operated or is operating in violation of any of the provisions 4 of this section or the rules adopted or orders issued pursuant 5 to such rules of the department to post security with the 6 department in an amount not to exceed $25,000. 7 (e) The enforcing authority may seek a civil penalty 8 not to exceed $5,000 for each violation of this section or the 9 rules adopted or orders issued pursuant to such rules and may 10 institute a civil action in circuit court to recover any 11 penalties or damages allowed in this section and for 12 injunctive relief to enforce compliance with this section or 13 any rule or order of the department. 14 (12) RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.--The department has the 15 authority to adopt shall promulgate such rules pursuant to 16 chapter 120 to implement as may be necessary to carry out the 17 provisions of this section. 18 Section 14. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 19 501.605, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 20 read: 21 501.605 Licensure of commercial telephone sellers.-- 22 (5) An application filed pursuant to this part must be 23 verified and accompanied by: 24 (b) A fee for licensing in the amount of, to be set by 25 rule of the department, sufficient to cover the administrative 26 costs of this part, but not to exceed $1,500. The fee shall 27 be deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund. 28 Section 15. Paragraphs (d) and (e) of subsection (1) 29 and paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 501.607, 30 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 31 501.607 Licensure of salespersons.-- 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (1) An applicant for a license as a salesperson must 2 submit to the department, in such form as it prescribes, a 3 written application for a license. The application must set 4 forth the following information: 5 (d) Whether the applicant, regardless of conviction, 6 has previously been arrested for, convicted or found guilty 7 of, has entered a plea of guilty or a plea of nolo contendere 8 to, or is under indictment or information for, a felony and, 9 if so, the nature of the felony. Conviction includes a 10 finding of guilt where adjudication has been withheld. 11 (e) Whether the applicant, regardless of adjudication, 12 has previously been convicted or found guilty of, has entered 13 a plea of guilty or a plea of nolo contendere to, or is under 14 indictment or information for, racketeering or any offense 15 involving fraud, theft, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, 16 or misappropriation of property. Conviction includes a 17 finding of guilt where adjudication has been withheld. 18 (2) An application filed pursuant to this section must 19 be verified and be accompanied by: 20 (b) A fee for licensing in the amount of, to be set by 21 rule of the department, sufficient to cover the administrative 22 costs of this part, but not to exceed $50 per salesperson. 23 The fee shall be deposited into the General Inspection Trust 24 Fund. The fee for licensing may be paid after the application 25 is filed, but must be paid within 14 days after the applicant 26 begins work as a salesperson. 27 Section 16. Section 501.612, Florida Statutes, 1996 28 Supplement, is amended to read: 29 501.612 Grounds for denial of licensure.-- 30 (1) The department may enter an order directing that 31 one or more of the actions set forth in subsection (2) be 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 taken if the department finds that a commercial telephone 2 seller or salesperson or any person applying for licensure as 3 a commercial telephone seller or salesperson, including, but 4 not limited to, owners, operators, officers, directors, 5 partners, or other individuals engaged in the management 6 activities of a business entity deny licensure to any 7 applicant who: 8 (a) Has, regardless of adjudication, been convicted or 9 found guilty of, or has entered a plea of guilty or a plea of 10 nolo contendere to, racketeering or any offense involving 11 fraud, theft, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or 12 misappropriation of property, or any other crime involving 13 moral turpitude;. Conviction includes a finding of guilt 14 where adjudication has been withheld or where a plea of nolo 15 contendere has been entered; 16 (b) Has, regardless of adjudication, been convicted or 17 found guilty of, or has entered a plea of guilty or a plea of 18 nolo contendere to, any felony; 19 (c)(b) Has had entered against him or any business for 20 which he has worked or been affiliated, an injunction, a 21 temporary restraining order, or a final judgment or order, 22 including a stipulated judgment or order, an assurance of 23 voluntary compliance, or any similar document, in any civil or 24 administrative action involving racketeering, fraud, theft, 25 embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of 26 property or the use of any untrue or misleading representation 27 in an attempt to sell or dispose of real or personal property 28 or the use of any unfair, unlawful, or deceptive trade 29 practice; 30 (d)(c) Is subject to or has worked or been affiliated 31 with any company which is, or ever has been, subject to any 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 injunction, temporary restraining order, or final judgment or 2 order, including a stipulated judgment or order, an assurance 3 of voluntary compliance, or any similar document, or any 4 restrictive court order relating to a business activity as the 5 result of any action brought by a governmental agency, 6 including any action affecting any license to do business or 7 practice an occupation or trade; 8 (e)(d) Has at any time during the previous 7 years 9 filed for bankruptcy, been adjudged bankrupt, or been 10 reorganized because of insolvency; 11 (f)(e) Has been a principal, director, officer, or 12 trustee of, or a general or limited partner in, or had 13 responsibilities as a manager in, any corporation, 14 partnership, joint venture, or other entity that filed the 15 bankruptcy, was adjudged bankrupt, or was reorganized because 16 of insolvency within 1 year after the person held that 17 position; 18 (g)(f) Has been previously convicted of or found to 19 have been acting as a salesperson or commercial telephone 20 seller without a license or whose licensure has previously 21 been refused, revoked, or suspended in any jurisdiction; 22 (h)(g) Falsifies or willfully omits any material 23 information asked for in any the application, document, or 24 record required to be submitted or retained under this part; 25 or 26 (i) Makes a material false statement in response to 27 any request or investigation by the department or the state 28 attorney; 29 (j) Refuses or fails, after notice, to produce any 30 document or record or disclose any information required to be 31 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 produced or disclosed under this part or the rules of the 2 department; 3 (k) Is not of good moral character; or 4 (l)(h) Otherwise violates or is operating in violation 5 of any of the provisions of this part or of the rules adopted 6 or orders issued thereunder. 7 (2) Upon a finding as set forth in subsection (1), the 8 department may enter an order: 9 (a) Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 10 120.695. 11 (b) Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 12 $10,000 for each act or omission which constitutes a violation 13 under this part. 14 (c) Directing that the person cease and desist 15 specified activities. 16 (d) Refusing to issue or renew or revoking or 17 suspending a license. 18 (e) Placing the licensee on probation for a period of 19 time, subject to such conditions as the department may 20 specify. 21 (3)(2) The administrative proceedings which could 22 result in entry of an order under subsection (2) shall be 23 conducted An applicant may appeal the denial or nonrenewal of 24 a license by requesting in writing, within 30 days of receipt 25 of the notice of denial or nonrenewal, a hearing. Said 26 hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions 27 of chapter 120 and presided over by a hearing officer 28 designated by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 29 Services. When any hearing officer conducts a hearing 30 pursuant to the provisions of chapter 120 with respect to the 31 issuance of a license by the Department of Agriculture and 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 Consumer Services, the hearing officer shall submit his 2 recommendation order to the Department of Agriculture and 3 Consumer Services, which shall thereupon issue a final order 4 of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in 5 accordance with the provisions of chapter 120. 6 Section 17. Section 501.626, Florida Statutes, is 7 amended to read: 8 501.626 Rulemaking power.--The department has the 9 authority to adopt shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 10 120 to implement and carry out the provisions of this part. 11 Section 18. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 12 501.925, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 13 501.925 Used watches; sales regulated.-- 14 (5) A watch shall be deemed to be used if: 15 (b) Its case serial numbers or movement numbers or 16 other distinguishing numbers or identification marks are shall 17 be erased, defaced, removed, altered or covered; however, a 18 watch will not be deemed used if such numbers or marks are 19 erased, defaced, removed, altered, or covered by any person, 20 firm, partnership, association, or corporation engaged in the 21 business of selling watches who bought or acquired such watch 22 for resale, but not for his use or the use of another, from an 23 authorized dealer who bought or acquired such watch directly 24 from its manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor; or 25 Section 19. Paragraphs (t) and (u) are added to 26 subsection (2), paragraph (f) is added to subsection (3), 27 paragraph (a) of subsection (4) and paragraph (b) of 28 subsection (7) are amended, and subsection (22) is added to 29 section 539.001, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 30 539.001 The Florida Pawnbroking Act.-- 31 (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term: 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (t) "Beneficial owner" means a person who does not 2 have title to property but has rights in the property which 3 are the normal incident of owning the property. 4 (u) "Operator" means a person who has charge of a 5 corporation or company and has control of its business, or of 6 its branch establishments, divisions, or departments, and who 7 is vested with a certain amount of discretion and independent 8 judgment. 9 (3) LICENSE REQUIRED.-- 10 (f) Any person applying for or renewing a local 11 occupational license to engage in business as a pawnbroker 12 must exhibit a current license from the agency before the 13 local occupational license may be issued or reissued. 14 (4) ELIGIBILITY FOR LICENSE.-- 15 (a) To be eligible for a pawnbroker's license, an 16 applicant must: 17 1. Be of good moral character; 18 2. Have a net worth of at least $50,000 or file with 19 the agency a bond issued by a surety company qualified to do 20 business in this state in the amount of $10,000 for each 21 license. In lieu of the bond required in this section, the 22 applicant may establish a certificate of deposit or an 23 irrevocable letter of credit in a Florida banking institution 24 in the amount of the bond. The original bond, certificate of 25 deposit, or letter of credit shall be filed with the agency, 26 and the agency shall be the beneficiary to said document. The 27 bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of credit shall be in 28 favor of the agency for the use and benefit of any consumer 29 who is injured by the fraud, misrepresentation, breach of 30 contract, financial failure, or violation of any provision of 31 this section by the pawnbroker. Such liability may be enforced 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 either by proceeding in an administrative action or by filing 2 a judicial suit at law in a court of competent jurisdiction. 3 However, in such court suit, the bond, certificate of deposit, 4 or letter of credit posted with the agency shall not be 5 amenable or subject to any judgment or other legal process 6 issuing out of or from such court in connection with such 7 lawsuit, but such bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of 8 credit shall be amenable to and enforceable only by and 9 through administrative proceedings before the agency. It is 10 the intent of the Legislature that such bond, certificate of 11 deposit, or letter of credit shall be applicable and liable 12 only for the payment of claims duly adjudicated by order of 13 the agency. The bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of 14 credit shall be payable on a pro rata basis as determined by 15 the agency, but the aggregate amount may not exceed the amount 16 of the bond, certificate of deposit, or letter of credit. 17 3. Not have been convicted of, or found guilty of, or 18 pled guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, 19 a felony within the last 10 years and not be acting as a 20 beneficial owner for someone who has been convicted of, or 21 found guilty of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, 22 regardless of adjudication, a felony within the last 10 years; 23 and 24 4. Not have been convicted of, or found guilty of, or 25 pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime 26 that the agency finds directly relates to the duties and 27 responsibilities of a pawnbroker within the last 10 years, and 28 not be acting as a beneficial owner for someone who has been 29 convicted, of, or found guilty of, or pled guilty or nolo 30 contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime that the 31 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 agency finds directly relates to the duties and 2 responsibilities of a pawnbroker within the last 10 years. 3 (7) ORDERS IMPOSING PENALTIES.-- 4 (b) Upon a finding as set forth in paragraph (a), the 5 agency may enter an order doing one or more of the following: 6 1. Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 7 120.695. 8 2.1. Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 9 $5,000 for each act which constitutes a violation of this 10 section or a rule or an order. 11 3.2. Directing that the pawnbroker cease and desist 12 specified activities. 13 4.3. Refusing to license or revoking or suspending a 14 license. 15 5.4. Placing the licensee on probation for a period of 16 time, subject to such conditions as the agency may specify. 17 5. Issuing a letter of concern. 18 (22) RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.--The department has 19 authority to adopt rules pursuant to chapter 120 to implement 20 the provisions of this section. 21 Section 20. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 22 559.801, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 23 559.801 Definitions.--For the purpose of ss. 24 559.80-559.815, the term: 25 (1)(a) "Business opportunity" means the sale or lease 26 of any products, equipment, supplies, or services which are 27 sold or leased to a purchaser to enable the purchaser to start 28 a business for which the purchaser is required to pay an 29 initial fee or sum of money which exceeds $500 to the seller, 30 and in which the seller represents: 31 28 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 1. That the seller or person or entity affiliated with 2 or referred by the seller will provide locations or assist the 3 purchaser in finding locations for the use or operation of 4 vending machines, racks, display cases, currency or card 5 operated equipment, or other similar devices or 6 currency-operated amusement machines or devices on premises 7 neither owned nor leased by the purchaser or seller; 8 2. That the seller will purchase any or all products 9 made, produced, fabricated, grown, bred, or modified by the 10 purchaser using in whole or in part the supplies, services, or 11 chattels sold to the purchaser; 12 3. That the seller guarantees in writing that the 13 purchaser will derive income from the business opportunity 14 which exceeds the price paid or rent charged for the business 15 opportunity or that the seller will refund all or part of the 16 price paid or rent charged for the business opportunity, or 17 will repurchase any of the products, equipment, supplies, or 18 chattels supplied by the seller, if the purchaser is 19 unsatisfied with the business opportunity; or 20 4. That the seller will provide a sales program or 21 marketing program that will enable the purchaser to derive 22 income from the business opportunity, except that this 23 paragraph does not apply to the sale of a sales program or 24 marketing program made in conjunction with the licensing of a 25 trademark or service mark that is registered under the laws of 26 any state or of the United States. 27 28 For the purpose of subparagraph 1., the term "assist the 29 purchaser in finding locations" means, but is not limited to, 30 supplying the purchaser with names of locator companies, 31 contracting with the purchaser to provide assistance or supply 29 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 names, or collecting a fee on behalf of or for a locator 2 company. 3 Section 21. Paragraph (c) of subsection (11) of 4 section 559.803, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 5 559.803 Disclosure statement.--At least 3 working days 6 prior to the time the purchaser signs a business opportunity 7 contract, or at least 3 working days prior to the receipt of 8 any consideration by the seller, whichever occurs first, the 9 seller must provide the prospective purchaser a written 10 document, the cover sheet of which is entitled in at least 11 12-point boldfaced capital letters "DISCLOSURES REQUIRED BY 12 FLORIDA LAW." Under this title shall appear the following 13 statement in at least 10-point type: "The State of Florida 14 has not reviewed and does not approve, recommend, endorse, or 15 sponsor any business opportunity. The information contained 16 in this disclosure has not been verified by the state. If you 17 have any questions about this investment, see an attorney 18 before you sign a contract or agreement." Nothing except the 19 title and required statement shall appear on the cover sheet. 20 Immediately following the cover sheet, the seller must provide 21 an index page that briefly lists the contents of the 22 disclosure document as required in this section and any pages 23 on which the prospective purchaser can find each required 24 disclosure. At the top of the index page, the following 25 statement must appear in at least 10-point type: "The State of 26 Florida requires sellers of business opportunities to disclose 27 certain information to prospective purchasers. This index is 28 provided to help you locate this information." If the index 29 contains other information not required by this section, the 30 seller shall place a designation beside each of the 31 disclosures required by this section and provide an 30 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 explanation of the designation at the end of the statement at 2 the top of the index page. The disclosure document shall 3 contain the following information: 4 (11) A statement disclosing who, if any, of the 5 persons listed in subsections (1) and (2): 6 (c) Is subject to any currently effective state or 7 federal agency or court injunctive or restrictive order, or 8 has been subject to any administrative action in which an 9 order by a governmental agency was rendered, or is a party to 10 a proceeding currently pending in which such order is sought, 11 relating to or affecting business opportunities activities or 12 the business opportunity seller-purchaser relationship or 13 involving fraud (including violation of any franchise or 14 business opportunity law or unfair or deceptive practices 15 law), embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, misappropriation of 16 property, or restraint of trade. 17 18 Such statement shall set forth the identity and location of 19 the court or agency; the date of conviction, judgment, or 20 decision; the penalty imposed; the damages assessed; the terms 21 of settlement or the terms of the order; and the date, nature, 22 and issuer of each such order or ruling. A business 23 opportunity seller may include a summary opinion of counsel as 24 to any pending litigation, but only if counsel's consent to 25 the use of such opinion is included in the disclosure 26 statement. 27 Section 22. Subsection (1) of section 559.805, Florida 28 Statutes, is amended to read: 29 559.805 Filings with the department; disclosure of 30 advertisement identification number.-- 31 31 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (1) Every seller of a business opportunity shall 2 annually file with the department a copy of the disclosure 3 statement required by s. 559.803 prior to placing an 4 advertisement or making any other representation designed to 5 offer to, sell to, or solicit an offer to buy a business 6 opportunity from a prospective purchaser in this state and 7 shall update this filing by reporting as any material change 8 in the required information within 30 days after the material 9 change occurs, but not less frequently than annually. An 10 advertisement is not placed in the state merely because the 11 publisher circulates, or there is circulated on his behalf in 12 the state, any bona fide newspaper or other publication of 13 general, regular, and paid circulation which has had more than 14 two-thirds of its circulation during the past 12 months 15 outside the state or because a radio or television program 16 originating outside the state is received in the state. If 17 the seller is required by s. 559.807 to provide a bond or 18 establish a trust account or guaranteed letter of credit, he 19 shall contemporaneously file with the department a copy of the 20 bond, a copy of the formal notification by the depository that 21 the trust account is established, or a copy of the guaranteed 22 letter of credit. Every seller of a business opportunity shall 23 file with the department a list of independent agents who will 24 engage in the offer or sale of business opportunities on 25 behalf of the seller in this state. This list must be kept 26 current and shall include the following information: name, 27 home and business address, telephone number, present employer, 28 social security number, and birth date. No person shall be 29 allowed to offer or sell business opportunities unless the 30 required information has been provided to the department. 31 32 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 Section 23. Subsection (1) of section 559.811, Florida 2 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (8) is added to said 3 section to read: 4 559.811 Contracts to be in writing; form; 5 provisions.-- 6 (1) Every business opportunity contract shall be in 7 writing, and a copy shall be given to the purchaser at least 3 8 working days before signing 72 hours prior to the time he 9 signs the contract. 10 Section 24. Subsection (2) of section 559.813, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (8) is added to said 12 section, to read: 13 559.813 Remedies; enforcement.-- 14 (2)(a) The department may enter an order imposing one 15 or more of the penalties set forth in paragraph (b) if the 16 department finds that a seller or any of the seller's 17 principal officers or agents: 18 1. Violated or is operating in violation of any of the 19 provisions of this part or of the rules adopted or orders 20 issued thereunder; 21 2. Made a material false statement in any application, 22 document, or record required to be submitted or retained under 23 this part; 24 3. Refused or failed, after notice, to produce any 25 document or record or disclose any information required to be 26 produced or disclosed under this part or the rules of the 27 department; 28 4. Made a material false statement in response to any 29 request or investigation by the department, the Department of 30 Legal Affairs, or the state attorney; or 31 33 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 5. Has intentionally defrauded the public through 2 dishonest or deceptive means. 3 (b) Upon a finding as set forth in paragraph (a), the 4 department may enter an order doing one or more of the 5 following: 6 1. Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 7 120.695. 8 2. Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 9 $5,000 per violation for each act which constitutes a 10 violation of this part or a rule or order. 11 3. Directing that the seller or its principal officers 12 or agents cease and desist specified activities. 13 4. Refusing to issue or revoking or suspending an 14 advertisement identification number. 15 5. Placing the registrant on probation for a period of 16 time, subject to such conditions as the department may 17 specify. 18 (c) The administrative proceedings which could result 19 in the entry of an order imposing any of the penalties 20 specified in paragraph (b) shall be conducted in accordance 21 with chapter 120. If a business opportunity seller uses untrue 22 or misleading statements in the sale of a business 23 opportunity, fails to give the proper disclosures, fails to 24 include the contract provisions, fails to post the bond as 25 required in this part, or violates any other provision of this 26 part, the department may order the seller to cease and desist 27 selling business opportunities until the seller complies with 28 the provisions of this part. The department also may impose 29 an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 per violation. 30 (8) The department has the authority to adopt rules 31 pursuant to chapter 120 to implement this part. 34 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 Section 25. Subsections (6), (7), and (8) of section 2 559.903, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 3 559.903 Definitions.--As used in this act: 4 (6) "Motor vehicle" means any automobile, truck, bus, 5 recreational vehicle, motorcycle, motor scooter, or other 6 motor powered vehicle, but does not include trailers, mobile 7 homes, travel trailers, or trailer coaches without independent 8 motive power, or watercraft or aircraft. 9 (7) "Motor vehicle repair shop" means any person who, 10 for compensation, engages or attempts to engage in the repair 11 of motor vehicles owned by other persons and includes, but is 12 not limited to: mobile motor vehicle repair shops, motor 13 vehicle and recreational vehicle dealers; garages; service 14 stations; self-employed individuals; truck stops; paint and 15 body shops; brake, muffler, or transmission shops; and shops 16 doing upholstery or glass work. Any person who engages solely 17 in the maintenance or repair of the coach portion of a 18 recreational vehicle is not a motor vehicle repair shop. 19 (8) "Place of business" means a physical place where 20 the business of motor vehicle repair is conducted, including 21 any vehicle constituting a mobile motor vehicle repair shop 22 from which the business of motor vehicle repair is conducted. 23 Section 26. Section 559.904, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 559.904 Motor vehicle repair shop registration; 26 application; exemption.-- 27 (1) Each motor vehicle repair shop engaged or 28 attempting to engage in the business of motor vehicle repair 29 work must register with the department prior to doing business 30 in this state. The application for registration must be on a 31 35 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 form provided by the department and must include at least the 2 following information: 3 (a) The name of the applicant. 4 (b) The name under which the applicant is doing 5 business. 6 (c) The business address at which the applicant 7 performs repair work or in the case of a mobile motor vehicle 8 repair shop, the home address of the owner, if different from 9 the business address. 10 (d) Copies of all licenses, permits, and 11 certifications obtained by the applicant or employees of the 12 applicant. 13 (e) Number of employees which the applicant intends to 14 employ or which are currently employed. 15 (2) Any motor vehicle repair shop maintaining more 16 than one place of business may file a single application 17 annually, which, along with the other information required by 18 this part, clearly indicates the location of and the 19 individual in charge of each facility or in the case of a 20 mobile motor vehicle repair shop, the home address of the 21 owner, if different from the business address. In such case, 22 fees shall be paid for each place of business location. 23 (3) Each application for registration must be 24 accompanied by a registration fee set forth as follows: 25 (a) If the place of business only performed "minor 26 repair service": $25. 27 (b)(a) If the place of business has 1 to 5 employees: 28 $50 $25. 29 (c)(b) If the place of business has 6 to 10 employees: 30 $150. 31 36 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (d)(c) If the place of business has 11 or more 2 employees: $300. 3 (4) No annual registration fee is required for any 4 motor vehicle repair shop which has a local municipal or 5 county license issued pursuant to an ordinance containing 6 standards which the department determines are at least equal 7 to the requirements of this part, or for any motor vehicle 8 dealer licensed pursuant to chapter 320. 9 (5) The department shall issue to each applicant a 10 registration certificate in the form and size as prescribed by 11 the department in accordance with s. 120.60. In the case of 12 an applicant with more than one place of business, the 13 department shall issue a registration certificate for each 14 place of business. The certificate must show at least the name 15 and address of the motor vehicle repair shop and the 16 registration number for that place of business. In the case of 17 a mobile motor vehicle repair shop, the certificate must show 18 the home address of the owner, if different from the business 19 address. 20 (6) Any affidavit of exemption proof of filing 21 certificate, issued by the department prior to July 1, 1997, 22 to a motor vehicle repair shop conducting only minor repair 23 services shall be valid until its expiration. Each motor 24 vehicle repair shop which performs only "minor repairs" is 25 exempt from the provisions of subsections (1)-(5); however, 26 any motor vehicle repair shop claiming to be exempt shall 27 annually file with the department an affidavit of exemption 28 accompanied by a $10 fee prior to engaging in business in this 29 state. The affidavit of exemption shall be on forms 30 prescribed by the department and shall include the name of the 31 business and the business address where minor repair is 37 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 performed. Any motor vehicle repair shop maintaining more than 2 one business, each of which performs only minor repairs, may 3 file a single affidavit of exemption annually, which, along 4 with the other information required by this part, clearly 5 indicates the location and individual in each place of 6 business. In such case, fees shall be paid for each location. 7 Notwithstanding any exemption from the provisions of 8 subsections (1)-(5), all other provisions of this part shall 9 apply to any motor vehicle repair shop claiming to perform 10 only minor repairs. 11 (7) Any person applying for or renewing a local 12 occupational license on or after October 1, 1993, to engage in 13 business as a motor vehicle repair shop must exhibit an active 14 registration certificate or active affidavit of exemption 15 proof of filing certificate from the department or a copy of 16 the affidavit of exemption before the local occupational 17 license may be issued or renewed. 18 (8) Each registration and affidavit of exemption must 19 be renewed annually. 20 (9) No annual registration application or fee is 21 required for an individual with no employees and no 22 established place of business. In the case of a mobile motor 23 vehicle repair shop, the established place of business shall 24 be considered the home address of the owner, if different than 25 the business address. 26 (10) The department may deny or refuse to renew the 27 registration of a motor vehicle repair shop based upon a 28 determination that the motor vehicle repair shop, or any of 29 its directors, officers, owners, or general partners: 30 (a) Has failed to meet the requirements for 31 registration as provided in this part; 38 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (b) Has not satisfied a civil fine, administrative 2 fine, or other penalty arising out of any administrative or 3 enforcement action brought by any governmental agency based 4 upon conduct involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or any 5 violation of this part; 6 (c) Has had against him any civil, criminal, or 7 administrative adjudication in any jurisdiction, based upon 8 conduct involving fraud, dishonest dealing, or any violation 9 of this part; or 10 (d) Has had a judgment entered against him in any 11 action brought by the department or the state attorney 12 pursuant to ss. 501.201-501.213 or this part. 13 Section 27. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 14 559.905, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 15 559.905 Written motor vehicle repair estimate and 16 disclosure statement required.-- 17 (1) When any customer requests a motor vehicle repair 18 shop to perform repair work on a motor vehicle, the cost of 19 which repair work will exceed $100 $50 to the customer, the 20 shop shall prepare a written repair estimate, which is a form 21 setting forth the estimated cost of repair work, including 22 diagnostic work, before effecting any diagnostic work or 23 repair. The written repair estimate shall also include the 24 following items: 25 (a) The name, address, and telephone number of the 26 motor vehicle repair shop. 27 (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the 28 customer. 29 (c) The date and time of the written repair estimate. 30 (d) The year, make, model, odometer reading, and 31 license tag number of the motor vehicle. 39 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (e) The proposed work completion date. 2 (f) A general description of the customer's problem or 3 request for repair work or service relating to the motor 4 vehicle. 5 (g) A statement as to whether the customer is being 6 charged according to a flat rate or an hourly rate, or both. 7 (h) The estimated cost of repair. 8 (i) The charge for making a repair price estimate or, 9 if the charge cannot be predetermined, the basis on which the 10 charge will be calculated. 11 (j) The customer's intended method of payment. 12 (k) The name and telephone number of another person 13 who may authorize repair work, if the customer desires to 14 designate such person. 15 (l) A statement indicating what, if anything, is 16 guaranteed in connection with the repair work and the time and 17 mileage period for which the guarantee is effective. 18 (m) A statement allowing the customer to indicate 19 whether replaced parts should be saved for inspection or 20 return. 21 (n) A statement indicating the daily charge for 22 storing the customer's motor vehicle after the customer has 23 been notified that the repair work has been completed. 24 However, no storage charges shall accrue or be due and payable 25 for a period of 3 working days from the date of such 26 notification. 27 (2) If the cost of repair work will exceed $100 $50, 28 the shop shall present to the customer a written notice 29 conspicuously disclosing, in a separate, blocked section, only 30 the following statement, in capital letters of at least 31 12-point type: 40 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 2 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY, CHECK ONE OF THE STATEMENTS BELOW, AND 3 SIGN: 4 I UNDERSTAND THAT, UNDER STATE LAW, I AM ENTITLED TO A 5 WRITTEN ESTIMATE IF MY FINAL BILL WILL EXCEED $100 $50. 6 7 .... I REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. 8 9 .... I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE AS LONG AS THE 10 REPAIR COSTS DO NOT EXCEED $..... THE SHOP MAY NOT EXCEED 11 THIS AMOUNT WITHOUT MY WRITTEN OR ORAL APPROVAL. 12 13 .... I DO NOT REQUEST A WRITTEN ESTIMATE. 14 15 SIGNED ............ DATE .... 16 17 Section 28. Subsection (4) of section 559.921, Florida 18 Statutes, is amended to read: 19 559.921 Remedies.-- 20 (4)(a) The department may enter an order imposing one 21 or more of the penalties set forth in paragraph (b) if the 22 department finds that a motor vehicle repair shop: 23 1. Violated or is operating in violation of any of the 24 provisions of this part or of the rules adopted or orders 25 issued thereunder; 26 2. Made a material false statement in any application, 27 document, or record required to be submitted or retained under 28 this part; 29 3. Refused or failed, or any of its principal officers 30 has refused or failed, after notice, to produce any document 31 41 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 or record or disclose any information required to be produced 2 or disclosed under this part or the rules of the department; 3 4. Made a material false statement in response to any 4 request or investigation by the department, the Department of 5 Legal Affairs, or the state attorney; or 6 5. Has intentionally defrauded the public through 7 dishonest or deceptive means. 8 (b) Upon a finding as set forth in paragraph (a), the 9 department may enter an order doing one or more of the 10 following: 11 1. Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to s. 12 120.695. 13 2. Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 14 $1,000 per violation for each act which constitutes a 15 violation of this part or a rule or order. 16 3. Directing that the motor vehicle repair shop cease 17 and desist specified activities. 18 4. Refusing to register or revoking or suspending a 19 registration. 20 5. Placing the registrant on probation for a period of 21 time, subject to such conditions as the department may 22 specify. 23 (c) The administrative proceedings which could result 24 in the entry of an order imposing any of the penalties 25 specified in paragraph (b) shall be conducted in accordance 26 with chapter 120. The department may enforce the provisions of 27 this part by imposing administrative fines not to exceed 28 $1,000 per violation or by taking action to suspend or revoke 29 the registration of a motor vehicle repair shop when: 30 (a) The business has a pattern of failing to comply 31 with or violating the provisions of this part; 42 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (b) The business has filed an application in which any 2 material fact is omitted or falsely stated; or 3 (c) The business has intentionally defrauded the 4 public through dishonest or deceptive means. 5 6 All hearings under this subsection shall be conducted in 7 accordance with chapter 120. 8 Section 29. Section 559.92201, Florida Statutes, is 9 created to read: 10 559.92201 Rulemaking power.--The department has the 11 authority to adopt rules pursuant to chapter 120 to implement 12 this part. 13 Section 30. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 14 559.9221, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 15 559.9221 Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory Council.--The 16 Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory Council is created to advise and 17 assist the department in carrying out this part. 18 (1) The membership of the council may not exceed 11 19 members appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture. 20 (b) One member of the council must be chosen from 21 persons already engaged solely in minor repair service who are 22 eligible to submit an affidavit of exemption and who submit 23 such affidavit by October 1, 1993. Thereafter, the minor 24 repair shop member of this council must file an annual 25 affidavit of exemption pursuant to this part. 26 Section 31. Subsection (10) of section 559.927, 27 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 28 559.927 Definitions.--For the purposes of this part, 29 the term: 30 (10) "Seller of travel" means any resident or 31 nonresident person, firm, corporation, or business entity who 43 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 offers for sale, directly or indirectly, at wholesale or 2 retail, prearranged travel, tourist-related services, or 3 tour-guide services for individuals or groups, including, but 4 not limited to, through vacation or tour packages, or through 5 vacation certificates in exchange for a fee, commission, or 6 other valuable consideration. The term includes any business 7 entity offering membership in a travel club or travel services 8 for an advance fee or payment, even if no travel contracts or 9 certificates or vacation or tour packages are sold by the 10 business entity. 11 Section 32. Subsection (2) of section 559.928, Florida 12 Statutes, is amended, subsections (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and 13 (8) are renumbered as subsections (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), and 14 (9), respectively, and a new subsection (3) is added to said 15 section, to read: 16 559.928 Registration.-- 17 (2) Registration fees shall be in an amount equal to 18 the costs to the department of implementing and enforcing this 19 part. However, such fee may not be greater than $300 per year 20 per registrant. All amounts collected shall be deposited by 21 the Treasurer to the credit of the General Inspection Trust 22 Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 23 pursuant to s. 570.20, for the sole purpose of administration 24 of this part. 25 Each independent agent shall annually file an affidavit 26 with the department prior to engaging in business in this 27 state. This affidavit must include the independent agent's 28 full name, legal business or trade name, mailing address, 29 business address, telephone number, social security number, 30 and the name or names and addresses of each seller of travel 31 represented by the independent agent. A letter evidencing 44 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 proof of filing must be issued by the department and must be 2 prominently displayed in the independent agent's primary place 3 of business. As used in this subsection, the term 4 "independent agent" means a person who represents a seller of 5 travel by soliciting persons on its behalf; who has a written 6 contract with a seller of travel which is operating in 7 compliance with this part and any rules adopted thereunder; 8 who does not receive a fee, commission, or other valuable 9 consideration directly from the purchaser for the seller of 10 travel; who does not at any time have any unissued ticket 11 stock or travel documents in his or her possession; and who 12 does not have the ability to issue tickets, vacation 13 certificates, or any other travel document. The term 14 "independent agent" does not include an affiliate of the 15 seller of travel, as that term is used in s. 559.935(3), or 16 the employees of the seller of travel or of such affiliates. 17 Section 33. Subsection (1) of section 559.929, Florida 18 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 19 559.929 Security requirements.-- 20 (1) An application must be accompanied by a 21 performance bond in an amount set by the department not to 22 exceed $25,000, or in the an amount of set by the department 23 not to exceed $50,000 if the seller of travel is offering 24 vacation certificates. The surety on such bond shall be a 25 surety company authorized to do business in the state. 26 Section 34. Section 559.9295, Florida Statutes, is 27 amended to read: 28 559.9295 Submission of vacation certificate 29 documents.--Sellers of travel who offer vacation certificates 30 must submit and disclose to the department with the 31 application for registration, and any time such document is 45 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 changed, but prior to the sale of any vacation certificate, 2 the following materials: 3 (1) A copy of the contract by which the rights, 4 obligations, benefits, and privileges resulting from purchase 5 of a vacation certificate are established. 6 (2) A copy of each promotional brochure, pamphlet, 7 form letter, registration form, or any other written material 8 disseminated in connection with the advertising, promotion, or 9 sale of any vacation certificate. 10 (3) A verbatim script of each radio, television, or 11 movie, or other similar advertisement, broadcast to the public 12 in connection with the advertising, promotion, or sale of any 13 vacation certificates. 14 (4) A transcript of any standard verbal sales 15 presentation utilized in connection with the advertising, 16 promotion, or sale of vacation certificates. 17 (5) A copy of all rules, regulations, conditions, or 18 limitations upon the use of, or obtaining reservations for the 19 use of, accommodations or facilities available pursuant to the 20 vacation certificate. 21 (6) A copy of a written authorization for the use of 22 any registered trademark, trade name, or trade logo utilized 23 in promotional brochures, pamphlets, form letters, 24 registration forms, or other written materials disseminated in 25 connection with the advertising, promotion, or sale of 26 vacation certificates from the holder of each trademark, trade 27 name, or trade logo so used. 28 (7) A complete copy of the original of each 29 testimonial letter from previous vacation certificate 30 purchasers utilized in advertisements disseminated in 31 46 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 connection with advertising, promotion, or sale of vacation 2 certificates. 3 (8) Where discount or complimentary coupons or tickets 4 are to be provided to purchasers, a copy of such ticket or 5 coupon which shall include a statement of the names and 6 addresses of businesses where honored, the goods, services, or 7 amenities provided, and any additional charges, limitations, 8 or conditions. 9 (9) Where other goods, services, or amenities are 10 provided to the purchaser in addition to the right to use 11 accommodations or facilities, a description of such goods, 12 services, or amenities, including any charges, limitations, or 13 conditions, and a statement of the names and addresses of 14 business entities which are to provide or honor them. 15 (10) A statement of the number of certificates to be 16 issued and the date of their expiration. 17 (11) A copy of the vacation certificate and its 18 component parts, including, but not limited to, any 19 registration card, form letter, reservation form, confirmation 20 form, and lodging directory. 21 (12) A copy of any agreement between the seller and 22 business entities providing accommodations or facilities to 23 purchasers. 24 (13) A copy of any agreement between the seller and 25 each business entity providing or honoring discount or 26 complimentary coupons or tickets, or providing other goods, 27 services, or amenities to the purchaser. 28 (14) A listing of the full name, address, and 29 telephone number of each person through which the distribution 30 and sale of vacation certificates is to be carried out, 31 including the number of vacation certificates allocated or 47 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 sold to each such person and the name and address of a Florida 2 registered agent for service of process. 3 (15) A financial statement prepared by an independent 4 certified public accountant in accordance with generally 5 accepted accounting principles or the most recently filed 6 federal income tax return. Such statement or return shall be 7 submitted annually at the close of each fiscal year. A seller 8 which has not yet begun operations shall submit a balance 9 sheet prepared by an independent certified public accountant 10 in accordance with generally accepted auditing principles in 11 lieu of an initial financial statement, thereafter annually 12 submitting a financial statement or federal income tax return 13 at the close of the fiscal year. 14 (16) An annual submission fee not to exceed $100. 15 (17) Within 10-working days after receipt of any 16 materials submitted subsequent to filing an initial 17 registration application or any annual renewal thereof, the 18 department shall determine whether such materials are adequate 19 to meet the requirements of this section. The department shall 20 notify the seller of travel that materials submitted are in 21 substantial compliance, or shall notify the seller of travel 22 of any specific deficiencies. If the department fails to 23 notify the seller of travel of its determination within the 24 period specified in this paragraph, the materials shall be 25 deemed in compliance; however, the failure of the department 26 to send notification in either case will not relieve the 27 seller of travel from the duty of complying with this section. 28 Neither the submission of these materials nor the department's 29 response implies approval, recommendation, or endorsement by 30 the department or that the contents of said materials have 31 been verified by the department. 48 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 Section 35. Paragraph (g) is added to subsection (11) 2 of section 559.9335, Florida Statutes, subsections (12), (13), 3 (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), and 4 (23), are renumbered as subsections (14), (15), (16), (17), 5 (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), and (25), 6 respectively, and new subsections (12) and (13) are added to 7 said section, to read: 8 559.9335 Violations.--It is a violation of this part 9 for any person: 10 (11) To misrepresent or deceptively represent: 11 (g) That the recipient of an advertisement or 12 promotional materials is a winner, or has been selected, or is 13 otherwise being involved in a select group for receipt, of a 14 gift, award, or prize, unless this fact is the truth. 15 (12) To fail to inform a purchaser of a nonrefundable 16 cancellation policy prior to the seller of travel accepting 17 any fee, commission, or other valuable consideration. 18 (13) To fail to include, when offering to sell a 19 vacation certificate, in any advertisement or promotional 20 material, the following statement: "This is an offer to sell 21 travel." 22 Section 36. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 23 559.9355, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 24 559.9355 Administrative remedies; penalties.-- 25 (1) The department may enter an order doing one or 26 more of the following if the department finds that a person 27 seller of travel has violated or is operating in violation of 28 any of the provisions of this part or the rules or orders 29 issued thereunder: 30 (a)(e) Issuing a notice of noncompliance pursuant to 31 s. 120.695 of a letter of concern. 49 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. HB 1619, First Engrossed 1 (b)(a) Imposing an administrative fine not to exceed 2 $5,000 for each act or omission. 3 (c)(b) Directing that the person seller of travel 4 cease and desist specified activities. 5 (d)(c) Refusing to register or canceling or suspending 6 a registration. 7 (e)(d) Placing the registrant on probation for a 8 period of time, subject to such conditions as the department 9 may specify. 10 (f) Canceling an exemption granted under s. 559.935. 11 (3) The department has the authority to adopt may 12 adopt any reasonable rules rule pursuant to chapter 120 to 13 implement to carry out the provisions of this section and ss. 14 559.928, 559.929, 559.934, and 559.935. 15 Section 37. Section 559.8015, Florida Statutes, is 16 hereby repealed. 17 Section 38. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 50