CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 3                                 .







11  Senator Holzendorf moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         Delete everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  Section 741.401, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         741.401  Legislative findings; purpose.--The

20  Legislature finds that persons attempting to escape from

21  actual or threatened domestic violence frequently establish

22  new addresses in order to prevent their assailants or probable

23  assailants from finding them.  The purpose of ss.

24  741.401-741.409 is to enable state and local agencies to

25  respond to requests for public records without disclosing the

26  location of a victim of domestic violence, to enable

27  interagency cooperation with the Attorney General in providing

28  address confidentiality for victims of domestic violence, and

29  to enable state and local agencies to accept a program

30  participant's use of an address designated by the Attorney

31  General as a substitute mailing address.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

 1         Section 2.  Section 741.402, Florida Statutes, is

 2  created to read:

 3         741.402  Definitions.--Unless the context clearly

 4  requires otherwise, as used in ss. 741.401-741.409, the term:

 5         (1)  "Address" means a residential street address,

 6  school address, or work address of an individual, as specified

 7  on the individual's application to be a program participant

 8  under ss. 741.401-741.409.

 9         (2)  "Program participant" means a person certified as

10  a program participant under s. 741.403.

11         (3)  "Domestic violence" means an act as defined in s.

12  741.28 and includes a threat of such acts committed against an

13  individual in a domestic situation, regardless of whether

14  these acts or threats have been reported to law enforcement

15  officers.

16         Section 3.  Section 741.403, Florida Statutes, is

17  created to read:

18         741.403  Address confidentiality program; application;

19  certification.--

20         (1)  An adult person, a parent or guardian acting on

21  behalf of a minor, or a guardian acting on behalf of a person

22  adjudicated incapacitated under chapter 744 may apply to the

23  Attorney General to have an address designated by the Attorney

24  General serve as the person's address or the address of the

25  minor or incapacitated person. To the extent possible within

26  funds appropriated for this purpose, the Attorney General

27  shall approve an application if it is filed in the manner and

28  on the form prescribed by the Attorney General and if it

29  contains all of the following:

30         (a)  A sworn statement by the applicant that the

31  applicant has good reason to believe that the applicant, or

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

 1  the minor or incapacitated person on whose behalf the

 2  application is made, is a victim of domestic violence, and

 3  that the applicant fears for his or her safety or his or her

 4  children's safety or the safety of the minor or incapacitated

 5  person on whose behalf the application is made.

 6         (b)  A designation of the Attorney General as agent for

 7  purposes of service of process and for the purpose of receipt

 8  of mail.

 9         (c)  The mailing address where the applicant can be

10  contacted by the Attorney General, and the phone number or

11  numbers where the applicant can be called by the Attorney

12  General.

13         (d)  A statement that the new address or addresses that

14  the applicant requests must not be disclosed for the reason

15  that disclosure will increase the risk of domestic violence.

16         (e)  The signature of the applicant and of any

17  individual or representative of any office designated in

18  writing under s. 741.408 who assisted in the preparation of

19  the application, and the date on which the applicant signed

20  the application.

21         (2)  Applications must be filed with the Office of the

22  Attorney General. An application fee may not be charged.

23         (3)  Upon filing a properly completed application, the

24  Attorney General shall certify the applicant as a program

25  participant.  Applicants shall be certified for 4 years

26  following the date of filing unless the certification is

27  withdrawn or invalidated before that date.  The Attorney

28  General shall by rule establish a renewal procedure.

29         (4)  A person who falsely attests in an application

30  that disclosure of the applicant's address would endanger the

31  applicant's safety or the safety of the applicant's children

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 1  or the minor or incapacitated person on whose behalf the

 2  application is made, or who knowingly provides false or

 3  incorrect information upon making an application, commits a

 4  misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.

 5  775.082 or s. 775.083.

 6         (5)  Any person who attempts to gain access to a

 7  program participant's actual address through fraud commits a

 8  felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.

 9  775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

10         (6)  Any person who knowingly enters the address

11  confidentiality program to evade prosecution of criminal laws

12  or civil liability commits a felony of the third degree,

13  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

14  775.084.

15         Section 4.  Section 741.404, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         741.404  Certification cancellation.--

18         (1)  If the program participant obtains a name change,

19  he or she loses certification as a program participant.

20         (2)  The Attorney General may cancel a program

21  participant's certification if there is a change in the

22  residential address from the one listed on the application,

23  unless the program participant provides the Attorney General

24  with 14 days' prior notice of the change of address.

25         (3)  The Attorney General may cancel certification of a

26  program participant if mail forwarded by the Attorney General

27  to the program participant's address is returned and is

28  undeliverable or if service of process documents are returned

29  to the Attorney General.

30         (4)  The Attorney General shall cancel certification of

31  a program participant who applies using false information.

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    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

 1         Section 5.  Section 741.405, Florida Statutes, is

 2  created to read:

 3         741.405  Agency use of designated address.--

 4         (1)  A program participant may request that state and

 5  local agencies or other governmental entities use the address

 6  designated by the Attorney General as his or her address.

 7  When creating a new public record, state and local agencies or

 8  other governmental entities shall accept the address

 9  designated by the Attorney General as a program participant's

10  substitute address, unless the Attorney General has determined

11  that:

12         (a)  The agency or entity has a bona fide statutory or

13  administrative requirement for the use of the address that

14  would otherwise be confidential under ss. 741.401-741.409;

15         (b)  This address will be used only for those statutory

16  and administrative purposes;

17         (c)  The agency or entity has identified the specific

18  program participant's record for which the waiver is

19  requested;

20         (d)  The agency or entity has identified the

21  individuals who will have access to the record; and

22         (e)  The agency or entity has explained how its

23  acceptance of a substitute address will prevent the agency

24  from meeting its obligations under the law and why it cannot

25  meet its statutory or administrative obligation by a change in

26  its internal procedures.

27         (3)  During the review, evaluation, and appeal of an

28  agency's request, the agency shall accept the use of a program

29  participant's substitute address.

30         (4)  The Attorney General's determination to grant or

31  withhold a requested waiver must be based on, but not limited

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 1  to, an evaluation of information provided under subsection

 2  (1).

 3         (5)  If the Attorney General determines that an agency

 4  or entity has a bona fide statutory or administrative need for

 5  the actual address and that the information will be used only

 6  for that purpose, the Attorney General may issue the actual

 7  address to the agency or entity.  When granting a waiver, the

 8  Attorney General shall notify and require the agency or entity

 9  to:

10         (a)  Maintain the confidentiality of a program

11  participant's address information;

12         (b)  Limit the use of and access to that address;

13         (c)  Designate an address disposition date after which

14  the agency or entity may no longer maintain the record of the

15  address; and

16         (d)  Comply with any other provisions and

17  qualifications determined appropriate by the Attorney General.

18         (6)  The Attorney General's denial of an agency's or

19  entity's waiver request must be made in writing and include a

20  statement of specific reasons for denial. Acceptance or denial

21  of an agency's or entity's waiver request shall constitute

22  final agency action.

23         (7)  Pursuant to chapter 120, an agency or entity may

24  appeal the denial of its request.

25         (8)  A program participant may use the address

26  designated by the Attorney General as his or her work address.

27         (9)  The Office of the Attorney General shall forward

28  all first class mail to the appropriate program participants

29  at no charge.

30         Section 6.  Section 741.406, Florida Statutes, is

31  created to read:

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    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

 1         741.406  Voting by program participant; use of

 2  designated address by supervisor of elections.--

 3         (1)  A program participant who is otherwise qualified

 4  to vote may request an absentee ballot pursuant to s. 101.62.

 5  The program participant shall automatically receive absentee

 6  ballots for all elections in the jurisdictions in which that

 7  individual resides in the same manner as absentee voters. The

 8  supervisor of elections shall transmit the absentee ballot to

 9  the program participant at the address designated by the

10  participant in his or her application as an absentee voter.

11  The name, address, and telephone number of a program

12  participant may not be included in any list of registered

13  voters available to the public.

14         (2)  The supervisor of elections may not make the

15  participant's name, address, or telephone number contained in

16  voter registration records available for public inspection or

17  copying except:

18         (a)  To a law enforcement agency for purposes of

19  assisting in the execution of an arrest warrant.

20         (b)  If directed by a court order, to a person

21  identified in the order.

22         Section 7.  Section 741.407, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         741.407  Disclosure of address prohibited;

25  exceptions.--The Attorney General may not make a program

26  participant's name, address, other than the address designated

27  by the Attorney General, or telephone number available for

28  inspection or copying, except under the following

29  circumstances:

30         (1)  To a law enforcement agency for purposes of

31  assisting in the execution of an arrest warrant.

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    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

 1         (2)  If directed by a court order, to a person

 2  identified in the order.

 3         (3)  If certification has been canceled.


 5  The Attorney General shall provide immediate written

 6  notification of disclosure to a program participant when a

 7  disclosure takes place in one of the instances described in

 8  subsection (2) or subsection (3).

 9         Section 8.  Section 741.408, Florida Statutes, is

10  created to read:

11         741.408  Assistance for program applicants.--The

12  Attorney General shall designate state and local agencies and

13  nonprofit agencies that provide counseling and shelter

14  services to victims of domestic violence to assist persons

15  applying to be program participants.  Assistance and

16  counseling rendered by the Office of the Attorney General or

17  its designees to applicants does not constitute legal advice.

18         Section 9.  Section 741.409, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         741.409  Adoption of rules.--The Attorney General may

21  adopt rules to facilitate the administration of this chapter

22  by state and local agencies and other governmental entities.

23         Section 10.  This program may be implemented only to

24  the extent that it is funded by the Legislature. A general

25  revenue appropriation may not exceed $150,000 for fiscal year

26  1998-1999. For fiscal years 1990-2000 and 2000-2001, any

27  general revenue appropriation for this program may not be

28  greater than the total of the initial funding and an increase

29  of 5 percent of the allocation from the previous year. This

30  provision in no way prohibits the Attorney General from

31  seeking federal funds, grants, or donations to implement or to

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 1  expand this program.

 2         Section 11.  This act shall take effect October 1,

 3  1998.



 6  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 7  And the title is amended as follows:

 8         Delete everything before the enacting clause


10  and insert:

11                      A bill to be entitled

12         An act relating to confidentiality of

13         identifying information regarding domestic

14         violence victims; creating s. 741.401, F.S.;

15         providing legislative findings and purpose;

16         creating s. 741.402, F.S.; providing

17         definitions; creating s. 741.403, F.S.;

18         providing for creation of the Address

19         Confidentiality Program for Victims of Domestic

20         Violence; providing for certification by the

21         Attorney General of applicants to participate

22         in the program; defining the offense of falsely

23         attesting or knowingly providing false or

24         incorrect information in such program

25         application, and providing penalties therefor;

26         defining the offense of attempting to gain

27         access to a program participant's actual

28         address through fraud, and providing penalties

29         therefor; creating s. 741.404, F.S.; providing

30         for certification cancellation; creating s.

31         741.405, F.S.; providing authority of state and

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS/CS/HB 1637

    Amendment No.    

 1         local agencies and other governmental entities

 2         and guidelines relating to use of designated

 3         address; creating s. 741.406, F.S.; providing

 4         for voting by program participants in the same

 5         manner as for absentee voters; prohibiting the

 6         supervisor of elections from disclosing certain

 7         information except under specified

 8         circumstances; providing for appeal by agency

 9         of requested waiver; creating s. 741.407, F.S.;

10         prohibiting disclosure of addresses and certain

11         information, except under specified

12         circumstances; requiring immediate written

13         notification by the Attorney General to a

14         program participant with respect to certain

15         disclosure of information; creating s. 741.408,

16         F.S.; providing for certain assistance for

17         program applicants; creating s. 741.409, F.S.;

18         providing for adoption of rules; providing for

19         limitations on an appropriation to fund the

20         program; specifying the maximum percentage for

21         an increase in the general appropriation for

22         subsequent years; providing for the Attorney

23         General to seek other funds; providing an

24         effective date.








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