CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

Senate Bill 0164

Florida Senate - 1998 SJR 164 By Senator Jenne 29-3-98 1 Senate Joint Resolution No. 2 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to 3 Section 4 of Article IV of the State 4 Constitution to designate the Attorney General 5 as the statewide prosecutor. 6 7 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 8 9 That the following amendment to Section 4 of Article IV 10 of the State Constitution is agreed to and shall be submitted 11 to the electors of this state for approval or rejection at the 12 next general election or at an earlier special election 13 specifically authorized by law for that purpose: 14 ARTICLE IV 15 EXECUTIVE 16 SECTION 4. Cabinet.-- 17 (a) There shall be a cabinet composed of a secretary 18 of state, an attorney general, a comptroller, a treasurer, a 19 commissioner of agriculture and a commissioner of education. 20 In addition to the powers and duties specified herein, they 21 shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be 22 prescribed by law. 23 (b) The secretary of state shall keep the records of 24 the official acts of the legislative and executive 25 departments. 26 (c) The attorney general shall be the chief state 27 legal officer. There is created in the office of The attorney 28 general shall serve as the position of statewide prosecutor. 29 The statewide prosecutor shall have concurrent jurisdiction 30 with the state attorneys to prosecute violations of criminal 31 laws occurring or having occurred, in two or more judicial 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida Senate - 1998 SJR 164 29-3-98 1 circuits as part of a related transaction, or when any such 2 offense is affecting or has affected two or more judicial 3 circuits as provided by general law. The statewide prosecutor 4 shall be appointed by the attorney general from not less than 5 three persons nominated by the judicial nominating commission 6 for the supreme court, or as otherwise provided by general 7 law. 8 (d) The comptroller shall serve as the chief fiscal 9 officer of the state, and shall settle and approve accounts 10 against the state. 11 (e) The treasurer shall keep all state funds and 12 securities. He shall disburse state funds only upon the order 13 of the comptroller. Such order may be in any form and may 14 require the disbursement of state funds by electronic means or 15 by means of a magnetic tape or any other transfer medium. 16 (f) The commissioner of agriculture shall have 17 supervision of matters pertaining to agriculture except as 18 otherwise provided by law. 19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be 20 placed on the ballot: 21 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 22 ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4 23 STATEWIDE PROSECUTOR.--Proposing an amendment to the 24 State Constitution to designate the Attorney General to serve 25 as the statewide prosecutor, rather than appointing a person 26 to serve in that office. 27 28 29 30 31 2