CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 1669

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1669 By Representative Murman 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to postsecondary student fees; 3 amending ss. 239.117, 240.235, and 240.35, 4 F.S.; providing an exemption from the payment 5 of fees for students who are adopted from the 6 Department of Children and Family Services; 7 providing restrictions; providing an effective 8 date. 9 10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 11 12 Section 1. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section 13 239.117, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 14 read: 15 239.117 Postsecondary student fees.-- 16 (2) The following students are exempt from any 17 requirement for the payment of registration, matriculation, 18 and laboratory fees for instruction: 19 (e) A student for whom the state is paying a foster 20 care board payment pursuant to s. 409.145(3) or pursuant to 21 parts III and V of chapter 39, for whom the permanency 22 planning goal pursuant to part V of chapter 39, is long-term 23 foster care or independent living, or who is adopted from the 24 Department of Children and Family Services after December 31, 25 1997. Such exemption includes fees associated with enrollment 26 in college-preparatory instruction and completion of the 27 college-level communication and computation skills testing 28 program. A student adopted from the Department of Children 29 and Family Services must apply for the fee exemption not more 30 than 4 years after the date of high school graduation. 31 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1669 583-114-97 1 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (5) of section 2 240.235, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 3 240.235 Fees.-- 4 (5)(a) Any student for whom the state is paying a 5 foster care board payment pursuant to s. 409.145(3) or parts 6 III and V of chapter 39, for whom the permanency planning goal 7 pursuant to part V of chapter 39 is long-term foster care or 8 independent living, or who is adopted from the Department of 9 Children and Family Services after December 31, 1997, shall be 10 exempt from the payment of all undergraduate fees, including 11 fees associated with enrollment in college-preparatory 12 instruction or completion of college-level communication and 13 computation skills testing programs. A student adopted from 14 the Department of Children and Family Services must apply for 15 the fee exemption not more than 4 years after the date of high 16 school graduation. Before a fee exemption can be given, the 17 student shall have applied for and been denied financial aid, 18 pursuant to s. 240.404, which would have provided, at a 19 minimum, payment of all undergraduate fees. 20 Section 3. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 21 240.35, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 22 240.35 Student fees.--Unless otherwise provided, the 23 provisions of this section apply only to fees charged for 24 college credit instruction. 25 (2)(a) Any student for whom the state is paying a 26 foster care board payment pursuant to s. 409.145(3) or parts 27 III and V of chapter 39, for whom the permanency planning goal 28 pursuant to part V of chapter 39 is long-term foster care or 29 independent living, or who is adopted from the Department of 30 Children and Family Services after December 31, 1997, is 31 exempt from the payment of all undergraduate fees, including 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 1669 583-114-97 1 fees associated with enrollment in college-preparatory 2 instruction or completion of the college-level communication 3 and computation skills testing program. A student adopted 4 from the Department of Children and Family Services must apply 5 for the fee exemption not more than 4 years after the date of 6 high school graduation. Before a fee exemption can be given, 7 the student shall have applied for and been denied financial 8 aid, pursuant to s. 240.404, which would have provided, at a 9 minimum, payment of all student fees. 10 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 11 12 ***************************************** 13 HOUSE SUMMARY 14 Provides an exemption from payment of specified 15 postsecondary education fees for students who are adopted from the Department of Children and Family Services if 16 they apply for such exemption not more than 4 years after high school graduation. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3